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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vers des assemblages de complexes métalliques oligonucléaires, servant d’antenne solaire au niveau moléculaire

Chartrand, Daniel 12 1900 (has links)
Les fichiers additionnels sont les données cristallographiques en format CIF. Voir le site de la Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre pour un visualiseur: http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk / Ce projet de recherche vise l’élaboration de systèmes métallosupramoléculaires artificiels imitant le processus naturel de la photosynthèse. Idéalement, ces systèmes seraient capables de fournir l’énergie et la séparation de charge nécessaire pour catalyser des réactions à transfert multiélectroniques, tel que l’hydrolyse de l’eau ou la réduction du gaz carbonique. La réalisation d’un tel système catalytique créerait une source d’énergie renouvelable, sous forme d’énergie chimique, crée directement à partir de l’énergie solaire. Le système envisagé, schématisé sous la forme d’une antenne, possède trois parties distinctes. Tout d’abord, des chromophores forment un état excité en captant l’énergie de la lumière visible du soleil. Vient ensuite un centre de liaison qui lie tous les chromophores et qui collecte l’énergie de cet état excité à travers un transfert d’électron. Cet électron est de nouveau transféré vers la dernière partie, un centre réactionnel catalytique. Cet assemblage permet de créer une séparation de charge entre le chromophore et le centre réactionnel qui sont séparés par le centre de liaison, évitant ainsi la recombinaison de charge. Le projet se focalise sur la synthèse, la caractérisation et l’application en photocatalyse d’assemblages chromophore–centre de liaison–catalyseur. Tout d’abord, une étude de chromophores à base de fluorène et de rhénium a été effectuée dans le but d’évaluer le transfert électronique entre ces deux composants. Ensuite, des centres de liaisons à base de dimère de rhodium tétraamidinate ont été créés et étudiés afin d’établir leurs caractéristiques photophysiques et électrochimiques. Puis un d’entre eux a été assemblé avec des chromophores de rhénium, créant ainsi des espèces moléculaires discrètes contenant d’un à quatre chromophores. Et pour finir, ces assemblages ont été combinés avec un catalyseur à base de cobalt, puis ont été testés dans des expériences de photoproduction d’hydrogène. Cette dernière partie a requis l’élaboration d’un photoréacteur qui est aussi décrite en détail dans cet ouvrage. / This research project involves synthetic metallosupramolecular systems developed to mimic the natural process of photosynthesis. Ideally, these systems would be able to provide the energy and the charge separation needed to catalyze multielectron-transfer reactions, such as water-splitting or carbon dioxide reduction. The realization of such a catalytic system would create a renewable energy source, in the form of chemical energy, created directly from solar energy. The system envisioned has three distinct parts in the form of an antenna. First of all, chromophores go into an excited state, while capturing the visible light energy of the Sun. Then comes a hub which binds all the chromophores and collects this excited state energy through an electron transfer. This electron is then transferred again to the last part, a catalytic reaction center. This assembly creates a charge separation between the chromophore and the reaction center which are separated by the hub, thus avoiding the recombination of charge. The project focuses on the synthesis, characterization and application in photocatalysis of chromophore-hub-catalyst assemblies. First of all, a study of fluorene and rhenium based chromophores was made to assess the electronic transfer between these two components. Then, tetraamidinate rhodium dimer based hubs have been created and studied in order to establish their photophysical and electrochemical characteristics. Then one of these assemblies was formed with chromophores of rhenium, thus creating discrete molecular species containing one to four chromophores. And finally, these assemblies were combined with a cobalt-based catalyst and were tested for hydrogen photoproduction. The latter required the development of a photoreactor which is also described in detail in this thesis.

Méthode de calcul à N-corps basée sur la G0W0 : étude du couplage électron-phonon dans le C60 et développement d’une approche accélérée pour matériaux organiques

Laflamme Janssen, Jonathan 08 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse porte sur les limites de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité et les moyens de surmonter celles-ci. Ces limites sont explorées dans le contexte d'une implémentation traditionnelle utilisant une base d'ondes planes. Dans un premier temps, les limites dans la taille des systèmes pouvant être simulés sont observées. Des méthodes de pointe pour surmonter ces dernières sont ensuite utilisées pour simuler des systèmes de taille nanométrique. En particulier, le greffage de molécules de bromophényle sur les nanotubes de carbone est étudié avec ces méthodes, étant donné l'impact substantiel que pourrait avoir une meilleure compréhension de ce procédé sur l'industrie de l'électronique. Dans un deuxième temps, les limites de précision de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité sont explorées. Tout d'abord, une étude quantitative de l'incertitude de cette méthode pour le couplage électron-phonon est effectuée et révèle que celle-ci est substantiellement plus élevée que celle présumée dans la littérature. L'incertitude sur le couplage électron-phonon est ensuite explorée dans le cadre de la méthode G0W0 et cette dernière se révèle être une alternative substantiellement plus précise. Cette méthode présentant toutefois de sévères limitations dans la taille des systèmes traitables, différents moyens théoriques pour surmonter ces dernières sont développés et présentés dans cette thèse. La performance et la précision accrues de l'implémentation résultante laissent présager de nouvelles possibilités dans l'étude et la conception de certaines catégories de matériaux, dont les supraconducteurs, les polymères utiles en photovoltaïque organique, les semi-conducteurs, etc. / This thesis studies the limitations of density functional theory. These limits are explored in the context of a traditional implementation using a plane waves basis set. First, we investigate the limit of the size of the systems that can be treated. Cutting edge methods that assess these limitations are then used to simulate nanoscale systems. More specifically, the grafting of bromophenyl molecules on the sidewall of carbon nanotubes is studied with these methods, as a better understanding of this procedure could have substantial impact on the electronic industry. Second, the limitations of the precision of density functional theory are explored. We begin with a quantitative study of the uncertainty of this method for the case of electron-phonon coupling calculations and find it to be substantially higher than what is widely presumed in the literature. The uncertainty on electron-phonon coupling calculations is then explored within the G0W0 method, which is found to be a substantially more precise alternative. However, this method has the drawback of being severely limitated in the size of systems that can be computed. In the following, theoretical solutions to overcome these limitations are developed and presented. The increased performance and precision of the resulting implementation opens new possibilities for the study and design of materials, such as superconductors, polymers for organic photovoltaics and semiconductors.

Synthesis and properties of d6 metal complexes of bidentate and tridentate ‘super donor’ ligands

Pal, Amlan Kumar 03 1900 (has links)
La polyvalence de la réaction de couplage-croisé C-N a été explorée pour la synthèse de deux nouvelles classes de ligands: (i) des ligands bidentates neutres de type N^N et (ii) des ligands tridentates neutres de type N^N^N. Ces classes de ligands contiennent des N-hétérocycles aromatiques saturés qui sont couplés avec hexahydropyrimidopyrimidine (hpp). Les ligands forment de cycles à six chaînons sur la coordination du centre Ru(II). Ce fait est avantageux pour améliorer les propriétés photophysiques des complexes de polypyridyl de Ru(II). Les complexes de Ru(II) avec des ligands bidentés ont des émissions qui dépendent de la basicité relative des N-hétérocycles. Bien que ces complexes sont électrochimiquement et photophysiquement attrayant, le problème de la stereopurité ne peut être évité. Une conception soigneuse du type de ligand nous permet de synthétiser un ligand bis-bidentate qui est utile pour surmonter le problème de stereopurité. En raison de la spécialité du ligand bis-bidentate, son complexe diruthénium(II,II) présente une grande diastéréosélectivité sans séparation chirale. Alors que l'unité de hpp agit comme un nucléophile dans le mécanisme de C-N réaction de couplage croisé, il peut également agir en tant que groupe partant, lorsqu'il est activé avec un complexe de monoruthenium. Les complexes achiraux de Ru(II) avec les ligands tridentés présentent des meilleures propriétés photophysiques en comparason avec les prototypes [Ru(tpy)2]2+ (tpy = 2,2′: 6′, 2′′-terpyridine). L’introduction de deux unités de hpp dans les ligands tridentates rend le complexe de Ru(II) en tant que ‘absorbeur noir’ et comme ‘NIR émetteur’ (NIR = de l’anglais, Near Infra-Red). Cet effet est une conséquence d'une meilleure géométrie de coordination octaédrique autour de l'ion Ru(II) et de la forte donation sigma des unités hpp. Les complexes du Re(I) avec des ligands tridentates présentent un comportement redox intéressant et ils émettent dans le bleu. L'oxydation quasi-réversible du métal est contrôlée par la donation sigma des fragments hpp, tandis que la réduction du ligand est régie par la nature électronique du motif N-hétérocycle central du ligand lui-même. Cette thèse presente également l'auto-assemblage des métal-chromophores comme ‘métallo-ligands’ pour former des espèces supramoléculaires discretes utilisant des complexes neutres. Les synthèses et propriétés des métaux-chromophores précités et les supramolécules sont discutées. / The versatility of C-N cross coupling reactions has been explored for the synthesis of two novel classes of ligands : (i) neutral bidentate N^N ligands and (ii) neutral tridentate N^N^N ligands. Both classes of ligands contain saturated aromatic N-heterocycles coupled with the unsaturated hexahydropyrimidopyrimidine (hpp) unit. The ligands form six-membered chelate rings upon coordination to a Ru(II) center. This fact is advantageous to improve the photophysical properties of Ru(II)-polypyridyl complexes. Ru(II) complexes of bidentate ligands can act as red-emitters. The red-emission is dependent on the relative basicity of the N-heterocycles. While these complexes are electrochemically and photophysically appealing, the problem of stereopurity can not be avoided. Careful ligand design affords bis-bidentate ligand that is useful to overcome the problem of stereopurity. Due to the speciality of this bis-bidentate ligand, its diruthenium(II,II) complex exhibits high diastereoselectivity without any chiral separation. While the hpp unit acts as a nucleophile in the mechanism of C-N cross coupling reaction, it can also act as a leaving group when activated as a monoruthenium complex. Achiral Ru(II) complexes of the tridentate ligands display improved photophysical properties over the prototype complex [Ru(tpy)2]2+ (tpy = 2,2’:6’,2’’-terpyridine). Introduction of two hpp units in the tridentate ligands renders the Ru(II) complex into a ‘black absorber’ and a ‘NIR emitter’ (NIR = Near Infra-Red). This fact is a consequence of better octahedral geometry around the Ru(II) ion and strong sigma-donation from the hpp units. The blue-emitting Re(I) complexes of the tridentate ligands also exhibit interesting redox behavior. The metal-based quasi-reversible oxidation is controlled by the sigma-donation from the hpp moieties, while the ligand-based reduction is governed by the electronic nature of the central N-heterocycle of the same ligand moiety. This thesis also incorporates self-assembly of metal-chromophores as ‘metallo-ligands’ to form discrete supramolecular species using neutral metal-complexes. The syntheses and properties of the aforesaid metal-chromophores and the supramolecules are discussed.

Calculs ab initio de structures électroniques et de leur dépendance en température avec la méthode GW

Antonius, Gabriel 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le calcul de structures électroniques dans les solides. À l'aide de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de densité, puis de la théorie des perturbations à N-corps, on cherche à calculer la structure de bandes des matériaux de façon aussi précise et efficace que possible. Dans un premier temps, les développements théoriques ayant mené à la théorie de la fonctionnelle de densité (DFT), puis aux équations de Hedin sont présentés. On montre que l'approximation GW constitue une méthode pratique pour calculer la self-énergie, dont les résultats améliorent l'accord de la structure de bandes avec l'expérience par rapport aux calculs DFT. On analyse ensuite la performance des calculs GW dans différents oxydes transparents, soit le ZnO, le SnO2 et le SiO2. Une attention particulière est portée aux modèles de pôle de plasmon, qui permettent d'accélérer grandement les calculs GW en modélisant la matrice diélectrique inverse. Parmi les différents modèles de pôle de plasmon existants, celui de Godby et Needs s'avère être celui qui reproduit le plus fidèlement le calcul complet de la matrice diélectrique inverse dans les matériaux étudiés. La seconde partie de la thèse se concentre sur l'interaction entre les vibrations des atomes du réseau cristallin et les états électroniques. Il est d'abord montré comment le couplage électron-phonon affecte la structure de bandes à température finie et à température nulle, ce qu'on nomme la renormalisation du point zéro (ZPR). On applique ensuite la méthode GW au calcul du couplage électron-phonon dans le diamant. Le ZPR s'avère être fortement amplifié par rapport aux calculs DFT lorsque les corrections GW sont appliquées, améliorant l'accord avec les observations expérimentales. / This thesis deals with electronic structure calculations in solids. Using density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory, we seek to compute the band structure of materials in the most precise and efficient way. First, the theoretical developments leading to density functional theory (DFT) and to Hedin's equations are presented. It is shown how the GW approximation allows for a practical scheme to compute the self-energy, whose results enhance the agreement of the band structure with experiments, compared to DFT. We then analyse the performance of GW calculations in various transparent oxides, namely ZnO, SnO2 and SiO2. A special attention is devoted to the plasmon-pole model, which allows to accelerate significantly the calculations by modelling the inverse dielectric matrix. Among the different plasmon-pole models, the one of Godby and Needs turns out to be the most accurate in the studied materials. The second part of the thesis concentrates on the interaction between vibrations of the crystal lattice with electronic states. It is first shown how the electron-phonon coupling affects the band structure at finite temperature and at zero temperature, which is called the zero-point renormalization (ZPR). Then, we use the GW method to compute the electron-phonon coupling in diamond. The ZPR turns out to be strongly amplified with respect to DFT upon the application of GW corrections, enhancing the agreement with experimental observations.

Mechanistic insights into enzymatic and homogeneous transition metal catalysis from quantum-chemical calculations

Crawford, Luke January 2015 (has links)
Catalysis is a key area of chemistry. Through catalysis it is possible to achieve better synthetic routes, exploit molecules normally considered to be inactive and also attain novel chemical transformations. The development of new catalysts is crucial to furthering chemistry as a field. Computational chemistry, arising from applying the equations of quantum and classical mechanics to solving chemical problems, offers an essential route to investigating the underlying atomistic detail of catalysis. In this thesis calculations have been applied towards studying a number of different catalytic processes. The processing of renewable chemical sources via homogeneous reactions, specifically cardanol from cashew nuts, is discussed. All routes examined for monoreduction of a diene model by [Ru(H)(iPrOH)(Cl)(C₆H₆)] and [Ru(H)(iPrOH)(C₆H₆)]⁺ are energetically costly and would allow for total reduction of the diene if they were operating. While this accounts for the need of high temperatures, further work is required to elucidate the true mechanism of this small but surprisingly complex system. Gold-mediated protodecarboxylation was examined in tandem with experiment to find the subtle steric and electronic effects that dictate CO₂ extrusion from gold N-heterocyclic carbene activated benzene-derived carboxylic acids. The origin of a switch in the rate limiting step from decarboxylation to protodeauration with less activated substrates was also clearly demonstrated. Studies of gold systems are closed with examinations of 1,2-difluorobenzene C–H activation and CO₂ insertion by [Au(IPr)(OH)]. Calculations highlight that the proposed mechanism for oxazole-derived substrates cannot be extended to 1,2-difluorobenzene and instead a digold complex offers more congruent predicted kinetics. The lens of quantum chemistry was turned upon palladium-mediated methoxycarbonylation reactions. An extensive study was undertaken to attempt to understand the bidentate diphosphine ligand dependency on forming either methylpropanoate (MePro) or copolymers. Mechanisms currently suggested in literature are shown to be incongruous with the formation of MePro by Pd(OAc)₂ and bulky diphosphines. A possible alternative route is proposed in this thesis. Four mechanisms for methoxycarbonylation with Pd(2-PyPPh₂)ₙ are detailed. The most accessible route is found to be congruent with experimental reports of selectivity, acid dependency and slight steric modifications. A modification of 2-PyPPh₂ to 2-(4-NMe₂-6-Me)PyPPh₂ is shown to improve both selectivity and turnover, the latter by four orders of magnitude (highest transition state from 22.9 kcal/mol to 16.7 kcal/mol ∆G), and this new second generation in silico designed ligand is studied for its applicability to wider substrate scope and different solvents. The final chapter of this thesis is a mixed quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics (QM/MM) examination of an enzymatic reaction, discussing the need for certain conditions and the role of particular amino acid residues in an S[sub]N2 hydrolysis reaction.

Développements et applications de méthodes pour la description de l’énergie de corrélation dans les molécules et les solides / Developments and applications of methods for the description of correlation energy in molecules and solids

Claudot, Julien 05 July 2018 (has links)
Les fonctionnelles de la densité couramment utilisées ont rencontrées un succès spectaculaire dans la modélisation des systèmes physiques, chimiques, et biologiques. Toutefois, elles se sont avérées inadaptées pour décrire certaines situations, comme par exemple les forces de dispersion de London ou les phénomènes de corrélation forte. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à des développements récents de la formulation de l’énergie de corrélation exprimée à partir du théorème de fluctuation-dissipation et connexion adiabatique, visant à pallier ces problèmes. En particulier, différentes implémentations des méthodes au-delà de l’approximation de la phase aléatoire, qui permettent la prise en compte de la contribution d’échange dans le calcul de l’énergie de corrélation, ont été comparées. Ensuite, afin de réduire drastiquement la complexité numérique, une procédure d’orthogonalisation des vecteurs utilisées pour représenter la matrice diélectrique a été développée. Ces méthodes ont ensuite été appliquées au calcul de l’énergie de liaison de petits complexes moléculaires. La formulation de l’énergie de corrélation de la théorie de perturbation de Møller-Plesset dans le contexte matrice diélectrique est aussi présentée et testée. En parallèle, des calculs utilisant les méthodes semi-empiriques numériquement efficaces ont été conduits sur trois ensembles de molécules afin d’en tester les performances concernant les énergies de liaisons en les comparant aux valeurs de références disponibles dans la littérature / Commonly used density functionals have encountered a spectacular success in the modelling of physical, chemical or biological systems. However, they have proven to be unsuitable to describe some situations, such as London’s dispersion forces or strong correlation behaviour. In this thesis, we have been interested in recent developments in the formulation of the correlation energy from the adiabatic connection fluctuation dissipation theorem, to overcome these problems. In particular, different implementations of methods beyond the random phase approximation, which allow to take into account the exchange contribution in the computation of the correlation energy, have been compared. Then, in order to drastically decrease the numerical complexity, an orthogonalization procedure of the vectors used to represent the dielectric matrix has been developed. Then these approaches were applied to the calculation of the binding energy of small molecular complexes. The formulation of the correlation energy of the Møller-Plesset perturbation theory within the dielectric matrix context is also presented and tested. In parallel, calculations using numerically efficient semi-empirical methods were conducted over three molecular sets in order to test their performances regarding the binding energies by comparing them to reference values available in the literature


Lacerda, Luis Henrique da Silveira 09 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-24T19:37:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luis Lacerda.pdf: 6157407 bytes, checksum: 67f47ee9ce5d908521ba3d0455add580 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Semiconductors materials are largely employed on development of innumerous optical and electronic due to their electronic, optical, ferroelectric and structural properties. Among the semiconductors materials stand out the zinc oxide (ZnO) and the barium titanate (BaTiO3) once shows excellent properties allied to low cost to obtaining. The ZnO is a simple oxide used in technology and largely investigated as an alternative to replace high cost material on development of electronic devices. Similarly, the BaTiO3 has perovskite crystalline structure whose properties present great technological interest. This work evaluated the effect of Ba presence on wurtzite structure and the influence of Zn atoms on tetragonal BaTiO3 properties. The obtained results indicates that the Ba atoms changes drastically the band structure of ZnO, resulting in the decrease of band gap for low quantities and the semiconductor type modification for doping above 25 %. The insertion of such atoms in wurtzite also causes the improvement of ferroelectric properties and the increase of unit cell lattice parameters. In case of Zn-doped BaTiO3, the doping process reduces radically de band gap and the ferroelectric properties regarding to pure material. Likewise, the semiconductor type is also modified by the Zn atoms presence. Based on obtained results for both crystalline systems, was proposed their employed in formation of p-n heterojunction. The heterostructure was evaluated through of four models. The obtained results for each one of these models were used to describe the interface region of ZnO/BaTiO3 heterojunction, proving that the atoms intercalation occurs and is responsible for heterostructure properties. Such properties present this heterostructure as a potential alternative for development of electronic devices, mainly the development of memory devices. The obtained heterostructure requires a low amount energy to electronic conduction process and shows high compatibility between the structure of heterojunction and the SiO2 substrate which is used in development of such devices. / Materiais semicondutores são amplamente empregados no desenvolvimento de vários dispositivos ópticos e eletrônicos variados devido às suas propriedades eletrônicas, ópticas, ferroelétricas e estruturais. Dentre os materiais semicondutores, destacam-se o óxido de zinco (ZnO) e o Titanato de Bário (BaTiO3) uma vez que apresentam excelentes propriedades aliadas ao baixo custo de síntese. O ZnO é um óxido simples amplamente empregado na tecnologia e largamente investigado como uma alternativa para substituição de materiais de custo elevado no desenvolvimento de dispositivos eletrônicos. Por sua vez, o BaTiO3 é um material de estrutura cristalina perovskita cujas propriedades são de grande interesse tecnológico. No presente trabalho avaliou-se o efeito da presença de átomos de Ba na estrutura wurtzita do ZnO e a influência dos átomos de Zn sobre as propriedades do BaTiO3 tetragonal. Os resultados indicaram que os átomos de bário alteram drasticamente a estrutura de bandas do ZnO, resultando na diminuição do band gap para pequenas quantidades e a modificação do tipo de semicondutor para dopagens superiores a 25%. A inserção de tais átomos na estrutura wurtzita também é responsável pelo aprimoramento das propriedades ferroelétricas do material, bem como pelo aumento dos parâmetros de rede da célula unitária. No caso da estrutura do BaTiO3 dopada com Zn observou-se a redução drástica do band gap para o material e a modificação do caráter semicondutor do material; entretanto, ocorreu a redução das propriedades ferroelétricas em relação ao BaTiO3 puro. Com base nos resultados obtidos para ambos os sistemas cristalinos, propôs-se a sua utilização para formação de uma heterojunção do tipo p-n. A heteroestrutura foi avaliada por meio de quatro modelos diferentes. Os resultados obtidos para cada um destes modelos foram utilizados para descrição da estrutura eletrônica da região de interface da heterojunção, comprovando que a intercalação de átomos na interface é observada e mostra-se responsável pelas propriedades observadas para a heteroestrutura. Tais propriedades apontam a heterojunção ZnO/BaTiO3 como uma alternativa em potencial para aplicação no desenvolvimento de dispositivos eletrônicos e, principalmente, no desenvolvimento de dispositivos de armazenamento de dados, devido a diminuição de energia necessária para condução eletrônica.


Inglês, Daniella 08 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-24T19:38:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DaniellaIngles.pdf: 4512280 bytes, checksum: c8619d3eba91fdbec4d26eeb30e24eb9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Titanates have perovskite crystalline structure very known for electrical and optical properties used in the electronic devices such as sensors, capacitors, nonvolatile and dynamic random access memories. In particular, titanates structures are characterized for the ABO3 formula being A crystallographic site formed by 12 atoms neighbors and B crystallographic site formed by 6 atoms neighbors. However, researches about strontium titanate-stannate system are found minimally in the literature. Articles discussing synthesis, characterization and compositions are insufficiently presented. This project shows a theoretical study of the structure and optical properties of the strontium titanate-stannate system for different substitutions [Sr(Ti1-xSnx)O3 x = 0; 0,25; 0,50; 0,75; 1]. It was used theoretical-computational methodology based on, Density Functional Theory (DFT) with B3LYP functional to calculate the structure of the models SrTiO3 (STO), Sr(Ti1-xSnx)O3 (STS) and SrSnO3 (SSO). Theoretical data of parameter lattice, cell unit angles, volume, band gap, overlap population, charges and free energy are presented as well as analysis and discussion of the results for band structure (EB), density of states (DOS), electron density maps. Thus, one may present the data obtained and investigate the properties of the materials. / Titanatos possuem estrutura cristalina perovskita muito conhecida pelas propriedades elétricas e ópticas utilizadas em dispositivos eletrônicos como sensores, capacitores, memória de acesso randômico dinâmica e não volátil. Em particular, as estruturas de titanatos são caracterizadas pela fórmula ABO3 sendo A sítio cristalográfico formado por 12 átomos vizinhos e B o sítio cristalográfico formado por 6 átomos vizinhos. No entanto, pesquisas sobre o sistema titanato-estanato de estrôncio são encontradas minimamente na literatura. Artigos que discutem a síntese, caracterização e composições são insuficientemente apresentados. Este trabalho apresenta o estudo teórico da estrutura e propriedades ópticas do sistema titanato-estanato de estrôncio para diferentes substituições [Sr(Ti1-xSnx)O3 x = 0; 0,25; 0,50; 0,75; 1]. Utilizou-se metodologia teórico-computacional baseada em, Teoria do Funcional de Densidade (DFT) com funcional B3LYP, para cálculo da estrutura dos modelos SrTiO3 (STO), Sr(Ti1-xSnx)O3 (STS) e SrSnO3 (SSO). Dados teóricos de parâmetro de rede, ângulos da célula unitária, band gap, recobrimento populacional, cargas e energia livre são apresentados como também a análise e discussão dos resultados por meio de estrutura de bandas (EB), densidade de estados (DOS), mapas de densidade eletrônica. Desta forma, podem-se apresentar os dados obtidos e investigar as propriedades dos materiais.

Investigação teórica de materiais multiferróicos

Ribeiro, Renan Augusto Pontes 26 February 2019 (has links)
Submitted by Angela Maria de Oliveira (amolivei@uepg.br) on 2019-03-14T19:25:14Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Renan Augusto Pontes Ribeiro.pdf: 9570923 bytes, checksum: a291ba63c045a11cb0a642a480367e27 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-03-14T19:25:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Renan Augusto Pontes Ribeiro.pdf: 9570923 bytes, checksum: a291ba63c045a11cb0a642a480367e27 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O desenvolvimento da spintrônica tem motivado a busca por novos materiais multiferróicos devido à multifuncionalidade desses compostos associada ao acoplamento entre diferentes ordens ferróicas em uma estrutura cristalina. No presente estudo, propomos a investigação teórica, baseada na Teoria do Funcional de Densidade, dos materiais ATiO3 (A = Mn, Fe, Ni) na estrutura R3c com objetivo de esclarecer o efeito da substituição do cátion A sobre as propriedades estruturais, magnéticas e eletrônicas, bem como descrever diferentes mecanismos de controle das propriedades multiferróicas baseados em arquiteturas de filmes-finos, morfologia e controle de defeitos intrínsecos. Para uma maior compreensão dos efeitos envolvidos nos materiais ATiO3, diferentes funcionais de troca e correlação foram investigados e o funcional PBE0 apresentou os menores desvios, consequentemente, a melhor representação comparado aos resultados experimentais. Com objetivo de investigar as propriedades conectadas a filmes-finos dos materiais ATiO3, propomos uma metodologia inovadora que permite descrever as deformações uni- e biaxial que se originam na região de interface entre o filme e o substrato. Nesse caso, os resultados obtidos indicam que as distorções estruturais induzem uma transição magnética para o NiTiO3, originando ordenamento ferromagnético a partir de um critério magneto-estrutural associado a deformação dos clusters [MO6] que reproduz satisfatoriamente os resultados experimentais reportados na literatura. De modo análogo, para elucidar a relação entre o magnetismo e a morfologia dos materiais ATiO3, combinamos cálculos de Energia de Superfície, Construção de Wulff e um formalismo avançado para descrever o magnetismo superficial considerando a existência de spins não compensados ao longo dos planos polares (100), (001), (101), (012), (111) e apolares (110). Os resultados indicam que a redução do número de coordenação dos metais A e Ti para os planos (001) e (111) resulta na transferência de carga entre os cátions A2+ e Ti4+, originando espécies Ti3+ magnéticas que aumentam o magnetismo superficial ao longo desses planos. Além disso, esse efeito é capaz de induzir uma alteração do caráter eletrônico para esses materiais, permitindo indicar que a clivagem das superfícies contribui para o controle das propriedades eletrônicas, reduzindo o valor de band-gap ou gerando comportamento meio-metálico. Os mapas morfológicos obtidos indicam que o controle da exposição majoritária do plano (001) para obtenção de discos hexagonais induz um aumento do magnetismo superficial para os materiais ATiO3 em acordo com resultados experimentais, além de predizer diferentes morfologias acessíveis com interessantes propriedades magnéticas. Ademais, o efeito de defeitos intrínsecos como vacâncias de oxigênio no bulk e superfície apolar (110) dos materiais ATiO3 foi investigado indicando que a redução do número de coordenação na região do defeito induz que os elétrons remanescentes sejam localizados, principalmente, nos orbitais 3d vazios dos cátions Ti vizinhos, gerando espécies [TiO5]ꞌ e [TiO4]ꞌ (3d1 ) que possibilitam uma interação ferromagnética nos materiais MnTiO3 e FeTiO3. A combinação entre os diferentes mecanismos investigados permitiu estabelecer um guia científico para o estudo teórico de materiais multiferróicos, contribuindo para descrever as potencialidades dos diferentes materiais bem como predizer novos candidatos. / The development of spintronic has motivated the search for new multiferroic materials due to the multifunctionality of these materials that are associated with the coupling of different ferroic orders into a single crystalline structure. In the present study, we propose a theoretical investigation, based on Density Functional Theory, of ATiO3 (A = Mn, Fe, Ni) materials in the R3c structure in order to clarify the effect of A-site cation replacement on the structural, magnetic and electronic properties, as well as to describe a different mechanism to control the multiferroic properties based on thin-film architectures, morphology and point defects. For a more comprehensive overview of the main effects involved on the ATiO3 materials several exchange-correlation functionals were investigated, being the PBE0 the functional with smallest deviations and, consequently, the best representation in comparison to the experimental results. Aiming to describe the main fingerprints related with the creation of ATiO3 thin-films, we propose an innovative methodology that allows to describe the uniaxial and biaxial deformations originated in the interface region between the film and the substrate. In this case, the results indicate that structural distortions induce a magnetic transition for the NiTiO3, originating ferromagnetic ordering from magneto-structural criteria, which is associated to the deformation of the [MO6] clusters that reproduces satisfactorily the experimental results reported in the literature. Similarly, in order to elucidate the relationship between the magnetism and the morphology of the ATiO3 materials, we combined Surface Energy, Wulff Construction, and an advanced formalism to describe surface magnetism by considering the existence of uncompensated spins along the polar planes (100), (001), (101), (012), (111) and non-polar (110). The results indicate that the reduction of the coordination for both A and Ti metals along the (001) and (111) planes induces a charge transfer between the A 2+ and Ti4+ cations, resulting in magnetic Ti3+ species that increase the superficial magnetism along such planes. Moreover, this effect allowed a change in the electronic structure for these materials, allowing to point out that the cleavage of the surfaces contribute to the control of the electronic properties reducing the band-gap value or generating half-metallic behavior. The morphological maps indicated that the control of the major exposure for the (001) surface to obtain hexagonal discsinduces an increase of the superficial magnetism for the ATiO3 materials according to experimental results, besides predicting different accessible morphologies with interesting magnetic properties. In addition, the effect of intrinsic defects such as oxygen vacancies on the bulk and non-polar (110) surface of the ATiO3 materials were investigated, indicating that the reduction of coordination in the defect region induces the localization of the remaining electrons in the empty 3d orbitals of neighboring Ti cations, generating [TiO5]'and [TiO4]' (3d1 ) species that allow a ferromagnetic interaction for MnTiO3 and FeTiO3 materials. The combination of the different mechanisms investigated has allowed to stablish a scientific guide for the theoretical study of multiferroic materials, contributing to describe the potentialities of the different materials as well as to predict new candidates.

Synthesis and Characterization of Copper-Exchanged Zeolite Catalysts and Kinetic Studies on NOx Selective Catalytic Reduction with Ammonia

Arthur J. Shih (5930264) 16 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Although Cu-SSZ-13 zeolites are used commercially in diesel engine exhaust after-treatment for abatement of toxic NO<sub>x</sub> pollutants via selective catalytic reduction (SCR) with NH<sub>3</sub>, molecular details of its active centers and mechanistic details of the redox reactions they catalyze, specifically of the Cu(I) to Cu(II) oxidation half-reaction, are not well understood. A detailed understanding of the SCR reaction mechanism and nature of the Cu active site would provide insight into their catalytic performance and guidance on synthesizing materials with improved low temperature (< 473 K) reactivity and stability against deactivation (e.g. hydrothermal, sulfur oxides). We use computational, titration, spectroscopic, and kinetic techniques to elucidate (1) the presence of two types of Cu<sup>2+</sup> ions in Cu-SSZ-13 materials, (2) molecular details on how these Cu cations, facilitated by NH<sub>3</sub> solvation, undergo a reduction-oxidation catalytic cycle, and (3) that sulfur oxides poison the two different types of Cu<sup>2+</sup> ions to different extents at via different mechanisms. </p><p><br></p> <p> </p> <p>Copper was exchanged onto H-SSZ-13 samples with different Si:Al ratios (4.5, 15, and 25) via liquid-phase ion exchange using Cu(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> as the precursor. The speciation of copper started from the most stable Cu<sup>2+</sup> coordinated to two anionic sites on the zeolite framework to [CuOH]<sup>+</sup> coordinated to only one anionic site on the zeolite framework with increasing Cu:Al ratios. The number of Cu<sup>2+</sup> and [CuOH]<sup>+</sup> sites was quantified by selective NH<sub>3</sub> titration of the number of residual Brønsted acid sites after Cu exchange, and by quantification of Brønsted acidic Si(OH)Al and CuOH stretching vibrations from IR spectra. Cu-SSZ-13 with similar Cu densities and anionic framework site densities exhibit similar standard SCR rates, apparent activation energies, and orders regardless of the fraction of Z<sub>2</sub>Cu and ZCuOH sites, indicating that both sites are equally active within measurable error for SCR. </p><p><br></p> <p> </p> <p>The standard SCR reaction uses O<sub>2</sub> as the oxidant (4NH<sub>3</sub> + 4NO + O<sub>2</sub> -> 6H<sub>2</sub>O + 4N<sub>2</sub>) and involves a Cu(I)/Cu(II) redox cycle, with Cu(II) reduction mediated by NO and NH<sub>3</sub>, and Cu(I) oxidation mediated by NO and O<sub>2</sub>. In contrast, the fast SCR reaction (4NH<sub>3</sub> + 2NO + 2NO<sub>2</sub> -> 6H<sub>2</sub>O + 4N<sub>2</sub>) uses NO<sub>2</sub> as the oxidant. Low temperature (437 K) standard SCR reaction kinetics over Cu-SSZ-13 zeolites depend on the spatial density and distribution of Cu ions, varied by changing the Cu:Al and Si:Al ratio. Facilitated by NH<sub>3</sub> solvation, mobile Cu(I) complexes can dimerize with other Cu(I) complexes within diffusion distances to activate O<sub>2</sub>, as demonstrated through X-ray absorption spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations. Monte Carlo simulations are used to define average Cu-Cu distances. In contrast with O<sub>2</sub>-assisted oxidation reactions, NO<sub>2</sub> oxidizes single Cu(I) complexes with similar kinetics among samples of varying Cu spatial density. These findings demonstrate that low temperature standard SCR is dependent on Cu spatial density and requires NH<sub>3</sub> solvation to mobilize Cu(I) sites to activate O<sub>2</sub>, while in contrast fast SCR uses NO<sub>2</sub> to oxidize single Cu(I) sites. </p><p><br></p> <p> </p> <p>We also studied the effect of sulfur oxides, a common poison in diesel exhaust, on Cu-SSZ-13 zeolites. Model Cu-SSZ-13 samples exposed to dry SO<sub>2</sub> and O<sub>2</sub> streams at 473 and 673 K. These Cu-SSZ-13 zeolites were synthesized and characterized to contain distinct Cu active site types, predominantly either divalent Cu<sup>2+</sup> ions exchanged at proximal framework Al sites (Z<sub>2</sub>Cu), or monovalent CuOH+ complexes exchanged at isolated framework Al sites (ZCuOH). On the model Z<sub>2</sub>Cu sample, SCR turnover rates (473 K, per Cu) catalyst decreased linearly with increasing S content to undetectable values at equimolar S:Cu molar ratios, while apparent activation energies remained constant at ~65 kJ mol<sup>-1</sup>, consistent with poisoning of each Z<sub>2</sub>Cu site with one SO<sub>2</sub>-derived intermediate. On the model ZCuOH sample, SCR turnover rates also decreased linearly with increasing S content, yet apparent activation energies decreased monotonically from ~50 to ~10 kJ mol<sup>-1</sup>, suggesting that multiple phenomena are responsible for the observed poisoning behavior and consistent with findings that SO<sub>2</sub> exposure led to additional storage of SO<sub>2</sub>-derived intermediates on non-Cu surface sites. Changes to Cu<sup>2+</sup> charge transfer features in UV-Visible spectra were more pronounced for SO<sub>2</sub>-poisoned ZCuOH than Z<sub>2</sub>Cu sites, while X-ray diffraction and micropore volume measurements show evidence of partial occlusion of microporous voids by SO<sub>2</sub>-derived deposits, suggesting that deactivation may not only reflect Cu site poisoning. Density functional theory calculations are used to identify the structures and binding energies of different SO<sub>2</sub>-derived intermediates at Z<sub>2</sub>Cu and ZCuOH sites. It is found that bisulfates are particularly low in energy, and residual Brønsted protons are liberated as these bisulfates are formed. These findings indicate that Z<sub>2</sub>Cu sites are more resistant to SO<sub>2</sub> poisoning than ZCuOH sites, and are easier to regenerate once poisoned. </p>

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