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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à l'étude des dérogations en procédure pénale : pour une approche cohérente et encadrée des procédures pénales dérogatoires / Contribution to the study of criminal derogatory procedures

Thomas-Taillandier, Delphine 03 October 2012 (has links)
La conceptualisation des procédures pénales dérogatoires n'est pas chose aisée, si bien que c'est sous un angle à la fois constitutionnel et conventionnel qu'il semble intéressant d'appréhender les critères délimitant naturellement ces procédures particulièrement attentatoires aux droits fondamentaux. Partant de ces approches constitutionnelle, conventionnelle et législative, on parvient ainsi à mieux percevoir les difficultés rencontrées par les autorités policières et judiciaires lorsqu'il s'agit de mettre en oeuvre ces techniques spéciales d'investigation. En effet, si la diversité de ces procédures complexifie leur utilisation, elle risque par conséquent d'encourager une utilisation abusive de celles-ci pour favoriser la recherche de la vérité au détriment des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales de tout un chacun. C'est pourquoi il est nécessaire de repenser la place et l'encadrement des procédures pénales dérogatoires dans les textes fondamentaux pour parvenir à la mise en oeuvre d'une pratique efficace mais avant tout respectueuse des droits de l'homme et des libertés individuelles. Dans la présente étude, les procédures pénales dérogatoires font donc l'objet d'une pensée volontairement modératrice en quête d'un juste milieu entre la liberté et la sécurité, éternelle problématique qui anime depuis son origine la procédure pénale et que le législateur a parfois du mal à résoudre / Conceptualizing derogatory criminal procedures is no easy task, so it is under an angle both constitutional and conventional that it seems interesting to apprehend criteria defining these procedures that particularly violate fundamental rights. From these approaches constitutional, legislative and conventional, it succeeds in better perceive difficulties encountered by police and judicial authorities when it comes to implement these special investigation techniques. While the diversity of these procedures complex their use, it may therefore encourage a misuse of these to foster pursuit of truth at the expense of human rights and fundamental freedoms of everyone. Therefore there is a need reconsider the place and the framing of criminal procedures in the fundamental derogatory texts to achieve the implementation of effective practice and above all respectful of human rights and individual freedoms. In this study, derogatory criminal procedures are therefore subject to a voluntarily restraining thought seeking a balance between freedom and security, eternal question that has raised criminal procedure from its origin and that the legislature may difficult to solve

The power of insults : A study of condescending linguistic strategies in four English online discussion forums

Holmberg, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to investigate how language is used, online, in a condescending way in order to make the recipient feel belittled. The research questions sought to find out what kind of linguistic strategies are used online in order to make language function in a derogatory way as well as the linguistic reactions these strategies evoke in the recipients. How this derogatory usage can be met by using specific linguistic strategies was also explored.</p><p>The study was conducted by performing qualitative discourse analysis based on the theoretical framework of Culpeper’s (1996) impoliteness theory. The data consisted of excerpts from four different threads in online discussion forums. The results indicate that there are several ways to insult someone, and that sarcasm, in particular, is heavily utilized in order to make language function in a derogatory manner.</p><p>The conclusion of the study is that phenomena such as the flouting of maxims, face-threatening acts, impoliteness strategies and flaming are all utilized when trying to belittle someone. All these linguistic strategies performed with the intention to insult people have proved to have a negative affect on people who are exposed to them. This affect can be detected through the linguistic reactions they rendered, for example: counter-attacks with insults of their own and refuting the insults.</p><p>The present study contributes to enlightening linguistic strategies which are being used in a derogatory way and as such might function to raise awareness of the power invested in language.</p>

Fatores que influenciam a depreciaÃÃo de veÃculos / Factors that influence the depreciation of vehicles

Ana Paula Lucena Campos 19 February 2013 (has links)
nÃo hà / O trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o comportamento dos principais fatores que influenciam na depreciaÃÃo de veÃculos atravÃs da avaliaÃÃo do perfil dos automÃveis no cenÃrio atual, estimando o seu percentual de perda financeira e relacionando com as variÃveis existentes a fim de determinar as caracterÃsticas do comportamento depreciativo. A pesquisa utilizada à quantitativa e atravÃs dela busca-se aprofundar o tema abordado tornando-o mais claro e construindo questÃes importantes para a conduÃÃo da pesquisa. Deste modo, atravÃs do mÃtodo economÃtrico, foram levantados valores de veÃculos no intervalo de trÃs anos, identificadas as relaÃÃes entre as variÃveis existentes, ou seja, as caracterÃsticas dos automÃveis e identificadas os principais fatores que influenciam a depreciaÃÃo para definir o tipo veÃculo que possui maior perda. Por fim, apÃs anÃlise dos dados serÃo apresentadas as consideraÃÃes finais sobre as caracterÃsticas de comportamento depreciativo e se este obteve resultados satisfatÃrios. / The study aims to analyze the behavior of the main factors that influence the depreciation of vehicles by assessing the profile of the car in the current scenario, estimating their percentage of financial loss and linking with existing variables in order to determine the characteristics of derogatory behavior. The research used a quantitative approach and through it seeks to deepen the topic addressed making it clearer and building issues important to the conduct of research. Thus, through the econometric method, values rose vehicles within three years, we identified the relationships between variables exist, ie, the characteristics of the car and identified the main factors that influence the depreciation to define type vehicle that has a higher loss. Finally, after analyzing the data will be presented findings on the characteristics of derogatory behavior and if it achieved satisfactory results.

The power of insults : A study of condescending linguistic strategies in four English online discussion forums

Holmberg, Anna January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how language is used, online, in a condescending way in order to make the recipient feel belittled. The research questions sought to find out what kind of linguistic strategies are used online in order to make language function in a derogatory way as well as the linguistic reactions these strategies evoke in the recipients. How this derogatory usage can be met by using specific linguistic strategies was also explored. The study was conducted by performing qualitative discourse analysis based on the theoretical framework of Culpeper’s (1996) impoliteness theory. The data consisted of excerpts from four different threads in online discussion forums. The results indicate that there are several ways to insult someone, and that sarcasm, in particular, is heavily utilized in order to make language function in a derogatory manner. The conclusion of the study is that phenomena such as the flouting of maxims, face-threatening acts, impoliteness strategies and flaming are all utilized when trying to belittle someone. All these linguistic strategies performed with the intention to insult people have proved to have a negative affect on people who are exposed to them. This affect can be detected through the linguistic reactions they rendered, for example: counter-attacks with insults of their own and refuting the insults. The present study contributes to enlightening linguistic strategies which are being used in a derogatory way and as such might function to raise awareness of the power invested in language.

Les listes d'infractions : étude en droit pénal français italien et international / The listing of crimes : study in french, italian and international criminal law

Rouidi, Hajer 20 June 2014 (has links)
La thèse analyse le recours, en droit pénal, à la technique énumérative, particulièrement aux listes d'infractions. Cette figure légistique, jadis utilisée dans les conventions bilatérales d'extradition, est aujourd'hui fortement répandue pour délimiter le champ d'application de règles exceptionnelles. Le droit pénal international, le droit pénal français et le droit pénal italien sont simultanément interrogés sur leurs recours à la technique énumérative. L'intérêt de ce rapprochement est de fournir un corpus d'étude riche et varié mettant en jeu différents systèmes et ordres juridiques. La liste n'est pas considérée sous le seul aspect légistique ; sa fonction politique est également analysée. Opérant une sélection d'infractions soumises à un régime différencié, elle est au service d'une répression aggravée ou innovante.L'utilisation de cette technique législative est évaluée à l'aune des résultats escomptés d'une part et avérés d'autre part. On découvre que l'extension, qui est naturelle à toute énumération, appelle une appréciation tantôt critique, tantôt positive. On regrette la dénaturation des listes d'infractions par des rédacteurs qui en détournent la vocation première. L'évaluation se fonde sur les grands principes du droit pénal, à savoir les principes de légalité et de proportionnalité, dont le respect effectif constitue in fine le remède proposé à la dénaturation des listes d'infractions. / The thesis analyses the utilization of enumeration through the "listing of crimes" as a legislative technique in criminal law. Such a method of legislative drafting was used historically in bilateral conventions, specifically in the area of extradition, but nowadays it is heavily employed in criminal law to delimit the scope of application of exceptional rules. Aiming at providing a rich and solid base of knowledge in a domain that is rarely studied, this work reviews various systems and legal orders. As such, the resort to "listing of crimes" will be examined in international criminal law as well as in French and Italian criminal law. Being a tool to select a group of crimes in order to treat them differently than the common crimes, the listing technique serves the needs of aggravated or innovative repression. In that regard, the "listing" technique is not only considered as a means of legislative drafting, but its political function is also analyzed. The utilization of this technique is assessed in the light of the expected as well as the verified results. The extension of an existing "list of crimes", a normal consequence of resorting to enumeration, is found to be positive in some cases but more or less criticized in other cases where legislatures deviate from the original reason for which this drafting technique has been elaborated. Examined from the perspective of the fundamental principles of criminal law, namely the principle of legality and the principle of proportionality, the usage of this technique is appraised. The respect of these two primordial principles constitutes the ultimate solution proposed for any deviated resort to "listing of crimes" as a legislative tool.

L'enquête judiciaire en matière économique et financière : une réforme nécessaire / Judicial inquiry in economic and financial matters : a necessary reform

Parisien, Bruno 14 December 2018 (has links)
Environ vingt milliards d’euros, tel est le coût de la délinquance économique et financière en France. Phénomène proche de la criminalité organisée et pourtant toujours mal défini, délinquance atypique aux caractères spécifiques, elle demeure un espace où seuls quelques initiés parviennent à déjouer les malversations commises par des criminels précurseurs quant à leur modes opératoires. Gangrène du système socio-économique, elle tend à être appréhendée aujourd’hui dans l’hexagone, mais les réformes successives et novatrices ne sont pas synonymes d’une répression adaptée. Si le système judiciaire s’est doté de dispositifs de lutte fondés sur la spécialisation de plusieurs juridictions pénales, l’enquête judiciaire, berceau de toute répression, demeure majoritairement soumise aux règles de procédures du droit commun. Comme l’attestent les retours d’expériences, à une criminalité d’exception s’opposent des pouvoirs d’investigations basiques pourtant susceptibles d’être améliorés par l’adaptation de dispositifs éprouvés. / Twenty billions : that is the cost of financial and economic crime in France. This is close to organised crime, but it still remains an ill-defined phenomenon, an atypical delinquency with specific features, an area where only few initiate persons succeed in twarthing misbehaviours committed by pioneer criminals in regard to the modus operandi they use. Financial and economic crime plagues the social and economic system, and although this tends to be contained in France, successive and innovative reforms haven’t ensured a more appropriate criminal justice response. Judicial system has been provided with specialized penal courts, but judicial inquiry, the cradle of fight against crime, still remains subject to ordinary criminal procedural rules. As feedbacks show, basic investigation powers contrast with exceptional delinquency, whereas they could be improved by the adaptation of the tested investigation devices.

L'Etat culturel et le droit : approche juridique des interventions culturelles de l'Etat en France / Cultural state and law : legal approach of cultural actions of the state in France

Voizard, Karl-Henri 21 October 2011 (has links)
La présente thèse fait l’hypothèse que l’analyse juridique doit permettre de dégager le sens des interventions culturelles de l’État. Par-delà l’extrême diversité des objets dont elles se saisissent, les règles qui composent le droit de l’action culturelle des pouvoirs publics présentent en effet des caractéristiques communes. Leur examen montre que les principes auxquels elles obéissent dessinent les contours d’une figure:celle de l’État culturel. La démonstration s’articule en deux temps. Il est d’abord montré par quels moyens juridiques les dispositifs classiques des interventions culturelles de l’État sont orientés pour renforcer la cohésion nationale : l’État produit des institutions dans le but de mettre les individus en contact avec la culture et de fédérer autour de celle-ci ; il protège dans le même temps les biens et agents indispensables à l’inscription de ces institutions dans la durée. Il est ensuite montré que les réformes de l’État et les modifications du droit applicable dans le secteur culturel n’ont pas vraiment fait plier la logique initiale : les formes juridiques de l’action sont certes plus nuancées, mais elles transforment l’État culturel plus qu’elles ne le remettent en cause. / This thesis assumes that legal analysis should enlighten the global meaning of cultural actions of the State. Beyond the wide variety of objects concerned, rules composing law oncultural activities of public authorities show common features. Their review shows that principles they follow draw the outlines of a figure: the one of the cultural State. The demonstration is organized in two phases. It is first shown what legal mechanisms are concerned when conventional means of cultural interventions of the State are focused tostrengthen national cohesion: the State produces institutions in order to link people withculture and unite around it. In the same time, it protects the property and agents necessaryto assure these institutions in the long term. It is then shown that the State reforms and cultural law changes did not really bend the initial logic: the legal forms of action are certainly more nuanced, but they change the State culture more than they challenge it.

文字背後的意含-資訊的量化測量公司基本面與股價(以中鋼為例) / Behind the words - quantifying information to measure firms' fundamentals and stock return (taking the China steel corporation as example)

傅奇珅, Fu, Chi Shen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究蒐集經濟日報、聯合報、與聯合晚報的新聞文章,以中研院的中文斷詞性統進 行結構性的處理,參考並延伸Tetlock、Saar-Tsechansky和Macskassy(2008)的研究方法,檢驗 使用一個簡單的語言量化方式是否能夠用來解釋與預測個別公司的會計營收與股票報酬。有 以下發現: 1. 正面詞彙(褒義詞)在新聞報導中的比例能夠預測高的公司營收。 2. 公司的股價對負面詞彙(貶義詞)有過度反應的現象,對正面詞彙(褒義詞)則有效率地充分 反應。 綜合以上發現,本論文得到,新聞媒體的文字內容能夠捕捉到一些關於公司基本面難 以量化的部份,而投資者迅速地將這些資訊併入股價。 / This research collects all of the news stories about China Steel Corporation from Economic Daily News, United Daily News, and United Evening News. These articles I collect are segmented by a Chinese Word Segmentation System of Academia Sinica and used by the methodology of Tetlock, Saar-Tsechansky, and Macskassy(2008). I examine whether a simple quantitative measure fo language can be used to predict individual firms’ accounting sales and stock returns. My two main findings are: 1. the fraction of positive words (commendatory term) in firm-specific news stories forecasts high firm sales; 2. firm’s stock prices briefly overreaction to the information embedded in negative words (Derogatory term); on the other hand, firm’s stock prices efficiently incorporate the information embedded in positive words (commendatory term). All of the above, we conclude this linguistic media content captures otherwise hard-toquantify aspects of firms’ fundamentals, which investors quickly incorporate into stock prices.

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