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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

運用隱喻計算於特色結盟之企業夥伴推薦研究 - 以區域觀光產業為例 / Metaphor-Based Alliance Partners Recommendation for Unique and Attractive Destination Image Building

葉又誠, Yeh, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
對於結盟的建立而言,如何選擇夥伴是相當重要的議題。許多的學術研究著重於建立一些選擇夥伴的框架或準則,以求達到資源分享、節省成本的效果。在旅遊產業中,許多文獻舉出了意象建立的重要性,也點出了意象的有效建立有賴於企業體彼此緊密的合作,然而,較少研究探討如果要建立獨特且具有吸引力的意象效果,應該選擇那些夥伴才能到到目標。因此,本研究提出一系統化的方法能幫助使用者分析並找出合適的合作夥伴,以建立獨特且具有吸引力的意象。此一方法利用隱喻計算作為工具,嘗試找出創新的解決方案。本研究提出也提出一個系統架構,並輔以相關的演算法與情境來說明方法上的可用性。從理論上的觀點來看,本研究嘗試透過自動化的方式找出隱喻的意涵,並將之整合到一問題解決的方法上。從實務面來看,本研究提供了中小型企業一個有用的方法能幫助他們找到合適的合作夥伴。透過建立更高品質的夥伴關係,我們期盼在旅遊產業的中小型企業能夠進一步增加其競爭優勢、存活與獲利能力。此外,研究也發現,一個區域的意象多樣性直接影響到中小型企業透過合作來建立市場利基的可能性。 / Partner selection is an important issue in alliance formation. A lot of research works have been done in developing the framework or criteria for selecting partners from the views of resource complement, cost reductions and knowledge sharing. However, research to date suggests relatively little is known about how to select partners for attractive and unique image building, which is essential to the developments of tourism especially for SME owners in the tourism sector. In this paper, we propose a systematic approach for service providers in tourism to identify appropriate partners to form alliances and build their attractive and unique images. This approach employs metaphors as a tool to generate innovative and creative solutions. The system architecture is then provided and elaborated with algorithms and the system scenario. From the theoretical perspective, we attempt to excavate the meaning of metaphors from the web in order to propose a new frame of problem-solving. From the practical perspective, we provide SME owners with a useful approach for managing partner selection and attractive and unique image building. By forming better alliances, SMEs in tourism sector can gain competitive advantages and improve their sustainability and profitability. In addition, the image diversity of a tourism destination is an important factor on market niche creation through alliance formation.

uVoyage營運計畫提案:促進台灣地方特色發展之休閒旅遊服務平台 / A business plan proposal for uVoyage: A service platform to promote the development of regional tourism in Taiwan

卓品光, Jwo, Pin Guang Unknown Date (has links)
服務產業已在近代成為了世界各個國家的重要產業,台灣尤其,因此推動服務經濟一直是政府主要的推展政策之一。政大服務科學研究中心(SSRC)及資管所AeSL實驗室將服務科學的知識運用在實務上的服務創新,為本國較弱勢的觀光產業中小型商家提升競爭力,進而發展了一個以旅遊意象為引擎的全新網路服務平台,uVoyage。 此平台的目的為幫助弱勢的中小型觀光商家將自己的產品及服務自行行銷,推廣到全國大眾。本經營計畫的最高宗旨為提供一個互動性平台,讓觀光業中小型商家與旅客一起共創價值,達到永續經營。專案在初始挑選了宜蘭縣枕頭山休閒農業區作為開發平台的實驗標的,並於去年就已經完成POC(Proof of Concept)。在持續開發平台的同時,本研究所著重的方向為研討uVoyage平台的實際經營模式,並將其營運計畫做完善的提案。此研究在進行的過程也定時與枕山村休閒農業區的商家辦說明會蒐集意見回饋,讓平台的功能更能夠符合商家的需求。 此論文延續平台的基礎,持續進行完整性的開發,同時將組織管理、財務、營運及獲利模式做完整個規劃。本研究最終目標為完成最後階段的POS(Proof of Service),並提出實際可行的經營計畫。促進台灣地方特色發展、幫助觀光中小企業為uVoyage的最高使命。

Éthique et démographie dans les documents des Conférences épiscopales des cinq continents (1950-2000)

Mika Mfitzsche, Rufin 04 April 2003 (has links)
La thèse évalue la pertinence doctrinale et scientifique de l'enseignement des Conférences épiscopales en matière démographique depuis 50 ans (1950-2000). Elle met en lumière leur approche méthodologique dans l'analyse de la problématique, la clarification des enjeux et la définition des repères éthiques qui devraient assurer le bien de la personne humaine et l'avenir de l'humanité. La re-lecture des interventions des évêques et des commissions épiscopales ad hoc a, notamment, permis de dégager trois points essentiels : la scientificité de leur approche méthodologique, les référents théologiques et magistériels de leur argumentation et les critères de discernement faisant du questionnement éthique le lieu géométrique du sens à donner à la question démographique. L'approche méthodologique est pertinente : les évêques et les Commissions épiscopales font preuve d'une grande maîtrise de la problématique démographique. L'appréciation des divers enjeux prend en considération la complexité des phénomènes démographiques en tant que tels et souligne l'importance de compter avec les multiples facteurs en cause. Elle récuse par ailleurs le simplisme de certaines analyses relevant de l'approche causale des phénomènes démographiques et montre, à la suite des papes Pie XII, Jean XXIII, Paul VI et Jean-Paul II, que la croissance démographique comme élément d'un système d'interactions multiples et complexes n'est pas la cause principale du sous-développement et de la dégradation de l'environnement. Les évêques et les Commissions épiscopales ad hoc reconnaissent cependant qu'un fort accroissement démographique peut exercer une pression importante sur les ressources et le processus de développement des pays déjà pauvres. Mais ils rejettent une solution exclusivement démographique axée sur la réduction du nombre des pauvres. Ils pensent que les politiques démographiques à mettre en œuvre devraient être intégrées dans une politique globale de développement socio-économique basée sur l'amélioration des conditions de vie. Cette unanimité de vue se fissure à propos de la planification familiale, une des variables les plus positivement corrélées avec les niveaux et les tendances de la fécondité. Le problème n'est pas au niveau de la définition du concept de " planification familiale " comme expression concrète de la parenté responsable telle qu'elle a été définie par le Concile Vatican II (Gaudium et spes, n° 50, § 2), mais au niveau du choix des moyens. Sont à exclure tous les moyens de régulation des naissances qui, d'une façon ou d'une autre, portent atteinte au droit à la vie de l'enfant à naître, à l'intégrité corporelle de la personne, à la responsabilité individuelle et à la dignité incessible de la personne comme " fin en soi ". Est-ce privilégier l'éthique sexuelle individuelle au détriment de l'éthique sociale que de le souligner ? La réponse est non, d'autant plus que l'on ne peut pas adopter n'importe quel moyen. A ce propos, le principe de responsabilité qui découle de la théologie de la création de l'homme créé " à l'image et à la ressemblance " de Dieu (Gn 1,26-27) et de la théologie de l'incarnation révèle non seulement les exigences éthiques qui définissent et encadrent l'impératif biblique " croissez et multipliez-vous " (Gn 1,28), mais aussi l'ensemble des valeurs qui oeuvrent en faveur d'une humanisation authentique de l'humanité. Ainsi, l'éthique démographique doit-elle tenir compte du bien de la personne humaine et de l'avenir de l'humanité. Elle doit se définir en rapport avec un certain nombre d'exigences : exigence de solidarité, de respect du droit à la vie et à la dignité de tout être humain. Sur ce point, s'il est vrai que la théo-logique des analyses trouve un certain écho dans la ratio-logique de l'éthique philosophique de responsabilité promue par E. Lévinas et H. Jonas, ces instances ecclésiales doivent trouver une expression audible et compréhensible de leur point de vue.

Investigation and prosecution of transnational women trafficking: the case of Ethiopia

Beyene, Selam Gebretsion January 2011 (has links)
<p>Human trafficking is a widespread and growing crime in the world. Trafficking by its nature involves movement from one place to another and in most cases, it comprises crossing international borders. Although the estimation of victims of trafficking stretches to 2 450 000, the number of prosecutions is less than 5 000. This indicates the challenges faced by many countries in the investigation and prosecution of trafficking cases. Transnational human trafficking is committed in different places, making investigation and prosecution very complex. This paper examines how investigation and prosecution can be carried out when the criminal acts are committed in different countries. It also examines how the issue of jurisdiction is entertained. Furthermore, it addresses who can be termed as &ldquo / traffickers&rdquo / in dealing with human trafficking issues. Ethiopia is facing a big problem in fighting human trafficking. Like most countries, the issue of human trafficking is closely related to women. Ethiopia uses the criminal justice system as a tool to eradicate women trafficking. The investigation and prosecution of trafficking cases face many problems which have a direct impact on the country‟s efforts to overcome human trafficking. Thus, this research will contribute significantly by highlighting deficits in the criminal justice system as it deals with the investigation and prosecution of women trafficking issues and by making recommendations with regards to them.</p>

Planering och zonering av friluftsliv och ekoturism: Kristianstad Vattenrike

Mogren, Thomas January 2013 (has links)
I denna studie beskriver jag problemet hur planering och zonering av destinationer för friluftsliv och ekoturism kan göras. Genom att utveckla och analysera teori och resultat abduktivt har analys och slutsats utvecklats med Kristianstad Vattenrike som utvalt studerat område. Kristianstad Vattenrike är ett av Sveriges fem biosfärområden och sträcker sig nästan över hela Kristianstad kommun med en mångfald av olika naturtyper. Som utnämnt biosfärområde ska man bidra till hållbar utveckling och utveckla området utefter ledorden bevara, utveckla och stödja och planera området i kärnområden, buffertzoner och utvecklingsområden. För att uppnå studiens syfte att abduktivt visa i teoretisk och analytisk växelverkan hur man kan planera och zonera en destination för friluftsliv och ekoturism så har jag valt att beskriva hur planering av friluftsliv kan göras, om zonering, om planering för ekoturism och rural turismutveckling. Dessa har utvecklats abduktivt med utvald kvalitativ metod för analys av en destination, Kristianstad Vattenrike, och hur det planeras i praktiken för eventuell zonering av friluftsliv och ekoturism enligt tre intervjuer och skriftliga källor om Kristianstad Vattenrike. I studiens resultat och analys analyseras tre frågeställningar för syftet: 1) Vilka förutsättningar för friluftsupplevelser och ekoturism erbjuder natur, landskap samt infrastruktur i Kristianstad Vattenrike?, 2) Hur planeras det för friluftsliv och ekoturism i Kristianstad Vattenrike? och 3) Varför ska zonering användas som medel för att planera hållbara destinationer för friluftsliv och ekoturism? Här beskrivs vilket brett utbud av naturtyper som erbjuds i ett friluftsliv som hela tiden utvecklas med behov och efterfrågan på området, men också med produktutveckling. Det beskrivs att de använt bl a plan för att utveckla badplatser inom Kristianstad Vattenrike som kan utvecklas generellt för friluftslivet. För ekoturism görs vissa näringslivssatsningar men inget som direkt lyckas inspirera till ett hållbart ansvarstagande för företag, men ett par uthålliga entreprenörer har lyckats med utveckling av säsonger för upplevelse av Vattenriket över året. Zonering som medel för planering av friluftsliv och ekoturism beskrivs och klargörs att det är en eftersatt modell i Sverige för planering av friluftsliv och ekoturism och även så i Kristianstad Vattenrike. Efter granskade resultat och analyser så dras slutsatser med studien att zonering behöver en svensk uttalad definition för att lättare kommuniceras och förstås för implementering som destinationer som Kristianstad Vattenrike skulle dra fördel av vid planering och zonering för friluftsliv och ekoturism.

Innovació i desestacionalització de la demanda hotelera en un districte turístic: el paper de les xarxes relacionals

Comas Trayter, Jordi 21 October 2005 (has links)
La tesi es planteja en quina mesura l'estructura de la xarxa social existent en un districte turístic entre els diferents actors que la conformen, i la posició que aquests ocupen en la mateixa, afecta a la estacionalitat de la demanda hotelera del districte. S'assumeix que els fluxos d'informació i coneixement entre els actors del districte, i també entre aquests i d'altres actors externs determinaran la seva capacitat d'innovació, i per tant, la seva capacitat de creació de nous productes i ofertes turístiques capaces d'atraure turistes fora de la temporada alta. Així, es pretén analitzar si els hotels millor posicionats dins de l'estructura de relacions d'un districte turístic d'àmbit comarcal es corresponen amb els que presenten una millor estacionalitat en termes d'allargament de la temporada, de mesos d'obertura i de millora de l'ocupació en els dos darrers períodes. Addicionalment, s'analitza en quina mesura els segments de mercat turístic als que els hotels dirigeixen els seus esforços expliquen les diferencies d'estacionalitat entre ells. / The thesis analyses how the structure of a social network and the position held by actors within it affect the seasonality and hotel demand within a specific tourist district.It assumes that the information and knowledge shared between the actors in the area, and also between these and other external actors, determines their capacity for innovation, and therefore their capacity for creating new products and tourist offers capable of attracting tourists outside the high season. Thus, I have analysed if the hotels which are better connected within a specific tourist district correspond to those which have less seasonality in terms of the following: a longer tourist season (i.e. open more months of the year); a higher occupancy rate in the shoulder seasons; and an improvement in seasonality over time. In addition, the thesis analyses the degree to which the segments of the tourist market targeted by the hotel industry explain the differences in seasonality between them.

Efficient service discovery in wide area networks

Brown, Alan January 2008 (has links)
Living in an increasingly networked world, with an abundant number of services available to consumers, the consumer electronics market is enjoying a boom. The average consumer in the developed world may own several networked devices such as games consoles, mobile phones, PDAs, laptops and desktops, wireless picture frames and printers to name but a few. With this growing number of networked devices comes a growing demand for services, defined here as functions requested by a client and provided by a networked node. For example, a client may wish to download and share music or pictures, find and use printer services, or lookup information (e.g. train times, cinema bookings). It is notable that a significant proportion of networked devices are now mobile. Mobile devices introduce a new dynamic to the service discovery problem, such as lower battery and processing power and more expensive bandwidth. Device owners expect to access services not only in their immediate proximity, but further afield (e.g. in their homes and offices). Solving these problems is the focus of this research. This Thesis offers two alternative approaches to service discovery in Wide Area Networks (WANs). Firstly, a unique combination of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the OSGi middleware technology is presented to provide both mobility and service discovery capability in WANs. Through experimentation, this technique is shown to be successful where the number of operating domains is small, but it does not scale well. To address the issue of scalability, this Thesis proposes the use of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) service overlays as a medium for service discovery in WANs. To confirm that P2P overlays can in fact support service discovery, a technique to utilise the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) functionality of distributed systems is used to store and retrieve service advertisements. Through simulation, this is shown to be both a scalable and a flexible service discovery technique. However, the problems associated with P2P networks with respect to efficiency are well documented. In a novel approach to reduce messaging costs in P2P networks, multi-destination multicast is used. Two well known P2P overlays are extended using the Explicit Multi-Unicast (XCAST) protocol. The resulting analysis of this extension provides a strong argument for multiple P2P maintenance algorithms co-existing in a single P2P overlay to provide adaptable performance. A novel multi-tier P2P overlay system is presented, which is tailored for service rich mobile devices and which provides an efficient platform for service discovery.

Cultural and attitudinal influences on destination choice / Einflüsse von Kultur und Einstellung auf die Wahl des Urlaubsziels

Yan, Jiong 21 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Investigation and prosecution of transnational women trafficking: the case of Ethiopia

Beyene, Selam Gebretsion January 2011 (has links)
<p>Human trafficking is a widespread and growing crime in the world. Trafficking by its nature involves movement from one place to another and in most cases, it comprises crossing international borders. Although the estimation of victims of trafficking stretches to 2 450 000, the number of prosecutions is less than 5 000. This indicates the challenges faced by many countries in the investigation and prosecution of trafficking cases. Transnational human trafficking is committed in different places, making investigation and prosecution very complex. This paper examines how investigation and prosecution can be carried out when the criminal acts are committed in different countries. It also examines how the issue of jurisdiction is entertained. Furthermore, it addresses who can be termed as &ldquo / traffickers&rdquo / in dealing with human trafficking issues. Ethiopia is facing a big problem in fighting human trafficking. Like most countries, the issue of human trafficking is closely related to women. Ethiopia uses the criminal justice system as a tool to eradicate women trafficking. The investigation and prosecution of trafficking cases face many problems which have a direct impact on the country‟s efforts to overcome human trafficking. Thus, this research will contribute significantly by highlighting deficits in the criminal justice system as it deals with the investigation and prosecution of women trafficking issues and by making recommendations with regards to them.</p>

The critical success factors for managing the visitor experience at a major musical event / Bianca Manners

Manners, Bianca January 2011 (has links)
With numerous artists coming to South Africa, the event industry is becoming congested with competition. This makes the production of a memorable visitor experience to events particularly challenging for the management of the event. Various aspects are required to occur when managing an event, and these contribute to the success and memorable experience of visitors. These aspects can either be controlled or uncontrolled by management. To ensure a successful event and memorable experience for visitors, event managers have to consider all of the various aspects that can be controlled within the event organisation when hosting a major music event. It is therefore important for management to ensure that the controllable key management aspects, also referred to as Critical Success Factors (CSFs), are implemented effectively and efficiently to ensure a memorable visitor experience. However, even though these management aspects (CSFs) may be familiar to event managers, the significance of what visitors regard as important concerning those aspects that would ensure a memorable visitor experience is, as yet, undefined. In addition, according to available literature, CSFs differ between the different events and different tourism organisations. Thus, CSFs identified at one event to ensure the successful management of a memorable visitor experience cannot be used at other events. Hosting major music events at various locations can be even more challenging as visitors attending major music events at different locations are a non-homogeneous market and so regard different aspects in different lights. Therefore, it is evident that the CSFs identified with regard to what visitors at one venue will consider as important will differ from those regarded as important at another venue, even when it is the same performer at each venue. Thus, it became critical to seek answers to the questions of what visitors to a major music event regarded as important CSFs and how did the importance of these CSFs differ between location and location? Therefore, the purpose of this study became the determination of the CSFs for managing the visitor experience at major music events in South Africa. The year 2011 was the first time that world-famous Neil Diamond had performed in South Africa. Neil Diamond performed four concerts at different locations (Johannesburg’s FNB stadium, Durban’s Moses Mabhida Stadium, Cape Town’s Greenpoint Stadium and at Port Elizabeth’s Nelson Mandela Stadium). This was the first time major music events had been held at these venues where one performing artist performed at all four different locations (cities). Thus, this event was the ideal opportunity to investigate. In order to realise the goal of the research, surveys were conducted at the four Neil Diamond concerts held, respectively, in Johannesburg (1 April, 2011), Durban (5 April, 2011), Port Elizabeth (8 April, 2011) and Cape Town (11 April, 2011) where, altogether, 1820 questionnaires were administered. The purpose of the first article was to determine what visitors at a major musical event regarded as critical management aspects, or as critical success factors (CSFs), for a memorable and satisfactory visitor experience. This was to aid major music event managers with information they could use to improve and ensure memorable visitor experiences in the future. A factor analysis was performed to determine the CSFs. Six factors were revealed, being General Management; Souvenirs; Marketing; Venue and Technical aspects; Accessibility and Parking; and Amenities and Catering. General Management, Venue and Technical aspects and Marketing were regarded as the most important CSFs for visitors to a major music event. It was subsequently confirmed that CSFs differed from one event to another. Thus it became clear that one set of CSFs cannot be used across each venue for events. By determining the CSFs, and through successfully managing these factors, major music events will ensure the retention of long term visitor goodwill, and so will remain competitive and sustainable. Neil Diamond presented four concerts at four different locations, The purpose of the second article was to determine the impact that location makes to the visitor experience at a major music event. Two-way frequency tables and Chi-square tests as well as ANOVAS and Turkey’s multiple comparisons were used to determine the differences between the four locations. Statistically significant differences were found, based on demographic, behavioural variables and motivational factors. Determining the effects these differences have provided major music event managers with superior knowledge in order to develop and manage future concerts at the differing destinations and locations. This research also help management to create a memorable visitor experience and so foster the promotion of future events more effectively to the target audiences, as well as potential sponsors. This specificity can also enhance bid documents for organisations and locations aiming at hosting major music events. This research revealed six critical success factors at a major music event. These CSFs can be used to enhance the visitor experience. However, it was also found that one set of CSFs cannot be used for every event as different locations regard different CSFs as being more important than others. Since major music events are often held at more than one location, it becomes critical to differentiate each location as the visitors to the various locations cannot be seen as homogeneous and so will have different needs and expectations. Thorough and informed knowledge of what is required for visitor satisfaction will not only ensure an improved event, but will enhance the visitor experience at such an event. This was the first time research was performed at major music events in South Africa that revealed the profile, motives, CSFs and spending behaviour of visitors to these events. Research not only provided information concerning the CSFs needed to manage the visitor experience at a major music event, but also provided an overall perspective of what visitors regard as important for a memorable visitor experience at four different geographic destinations hosting the same artist. This research contributes to the literature concerning the management of major music events and concerning the creation of memorable visitor experiences at these events. / Thesis (MA (Tourism Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

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