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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur kvalitetsstyrning kan förebygga avvikelser i en terminalprocess. / How quality control could prevent the deviations in a terminal process.

Johansson, Elin, Humble, Elin January 2012 (has links)
In todays competitive business climate the concept of “quality management” is a significant part of daily work for many companies, as they want to achieve high performance quality and delivery success. Within the services sector third-party logistics companies play an increasingly central role when it comes to the goods that are being transported. These companies are presented with continuous challenges to ensure that goods are loaded on trucks efficiently and delivered on time, at the right place and in the right condition. The present case study was conducted in collaboration with Schenker AB and Schenker Åkeri in Jönköping, to help these two company branches serving under the same major corporation to solve a common problem they both encounter, namely the fact that it regularly occurs handling abnormalities in the terminal process that affects overall quality for customers. The study aims to find out how the daily quality control concerning the handling of goods in the terminal process can be improved hopefully resulting in a higher quality in cargo shipments. The aim of the study was approached by trying to answer the following two questions: What are the causes of management deviations in the terminal process and how can these be grouped into different classes? How can quality control be changed to prevent these handling deviations? The approach has consisted of a parallel collection of data and theory in order to continuously relate data and theory to find a coherent context for the problems that these branches are facing. Primary data has been obtained through observations and interviews from both branches. Secondary data was collected through a survey conducted by Schenker Åkeri regarding information flow in the present situation and the desired position of drivers. The results of the inquiry have shown that most of the deviations in the terminal process occur when the operator performs a task incorrectly, also known as handling errors. Furthermore, the study has shown that the information given regarding certain operations has been inadequate and not sufficiently clear, thus this has shown to be one of the reasons that handling errors occur. As a result, the framework for all proposed meetings was prepared with guidelines regarding what the meeting should include for the respective departments, as well as important advice to remember while performing a lean meeting. To correct and avoid handling errors that occur on an operational level, it is recommended the information architecture be improved. Thus, this was elaborated in the form of regular meetings based on the Lean philosophy between labor management level and operational level. Deviations are prevented also by a standardized approach, and visualized and distinct markup for what may be placed at any location. A significant aspect of a company is to create commitment and motivation of all employees at all levels. Collaboration between the two company branches is important when working in close proximity, meaning that the actions of one branch of the company will affect the others, and vice verse. In conclusion, we recommend that the branches work together to create a common vision applied within both Schenker AB and Schenker Åkeri. "Community and collaboration creates quality and customer value!" / I dagsläget är kvalitetsstyrning en betydelsefull del av det dagliga arbetet för många företag då de vill uppnå hög kvalitet och leveranssäkerhet. Inom tjänstesektorn spelar tredjepartslogistikföretag en allt centralare roll vid transport av gods. Dessa företag står för ständiga utmaningar att säkerställa så att godsl astas på transportbilarna och levereras i rätt tid, till rätt plats och i rätt form. Denna fallstudie har genomförts på Schenker AB och Schenker Åkeri i Jönköping. De står inför ett gemensamt problem då det löpande uppstår hanteringsavvikelser i terminalprocessen som påverkar totalkvaliteten för kunderna. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur den dagliga kvalitetsstyrningen beträffande godshantering i terminalprocessen kan utvecklas för att leda till en högre kvalitet i styckegodsleveranserna. Syftet har brutits ner till två frågeställningar: Vilka är orsakerna till hanteringsavvikelserna i terminalprocessen och kan dessaindelas i kategorier? Hur kan kvalitetsstyrningen förändras för att förebygga dessa hanteringsavvikelser? Tillvägagångssättet har varit att parallellt samla in data och granska teorier för att kontinuerligt referera dessa med varandra och finna sammanhang. Primärdata har införskaffats via observationer och intervjuer på båda verksamheterna. Sekundärdata har samlats in i form av en enkätundersökning utförd av Schenker Åkeri angående informationsflödet i nuläge och önskat läge bland chaufförerna. Resultatet från undersökningarna har visat att de flesta avvikelserna i terminalprocessen uppstår då operatören utfört arbetsuppgiften på ett felaktigt sätt, även kallat handhavandefel. Vidare har studien visat att informationen inom verksamheterna har varit bristfällig och inte tillräckligt tydlig i vissa fall, vilket därmed konstaterats är en av orsakerna till att handhavandefel uppstår. Ramverk för samtliga föreslagna möten har upprättats med riktlinjer för vad mötet ska innehålla på respektive avdelning samt betydelsefulla råd att tänka på vid ett lean-möte. För att åtgärda handhavandefel som uppstår på en operativ nivå rekommenderas en förbättrad informationsstruktur. Informationsstrukturen har utvecklats med regelbundna möten baserat på Lean-filosofin mellan arbetsledarnivå och operativ nivå. Avvikelser förebyggs också genom ett standardiserat arbetssätt samt visualiserad och distinkt uppmärkning för vad som får placeras på vilken plats. Betydelsefullt för ett företag är att skapa engagemang och motivation hos samtliga medarbetare på alla nivåer. Ett samarbete mellan de båda verksamheterna är också viktigt då de arbetar nära varandra och den enas handling kommer att påverka den andras. I och med detta rekommenderar vi en gemensam vision och motto som bör tillämpas inom Schenker AB och Schenker Åkeri. Det är viktigt att visionen implementeras i hela organisationen och att den efterföljs. ”Gemenskap och samarbete skapar kvalitet och kundvärde!”

Prissättningsmetoder vid börsintroduktioner : En studie om volatilitet och avkastning / Pricing methods at an IPO : A study about volatility and return

Johansson Rydell, Marta, Vendela Rosenblad, Lisa January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund/Motiv: Historiskt sett tillämpades vanligen fast prissättning vid börsintroduktioner vilket innebar att aktierna ofta blev underprissatta och det var lätt för investerare att generera hög avkastning första handelsdagen. Numera används i större utsträckning anbudsförfarande och intervallprissättning där investerare lämnar anbud om pris och antal vilket har minskat underprissättningen. Studien utgår från att en del av marknadens förväntningar inkluderas i priset vid intervallprissättning vilket i sin tur skulle minska aktiens volatilitet efter introduktion. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om aktiens volatilitet skiljer sig efter att den introducerats beroende på vilken av de två metoderna som använts för att prissätta aktien samt hur val av prissättningsmetod påverkar en aktiens underprissättning och avkastning efter introduktionen. Genomförande: Studien består av kvantitativa historiska data i form av aktiekurser och övrig information från de prospekt som upprättats i samband med bolagens introduktion på börsen. Utöver bearbetning av data och analyser i Excel har ett flertal ekonometriska tester genomförts med hjälp av ickelinjära regressionsanalyser där prissättningsmetod, betavärde, underprissättning och varians testats som beroende variabel mot ett flertal kombinationer av förklarande variabler. Slutsats: Studien visar att bolag som tillämpat fast prissättning uppvisar högre volatilitet efter börsintroduktion och att valet av prissättningsmetod därmed har en viss påverkan på volatiliteten. Vidare kan det konstateras att dessa bolag generellt varit mer underprissatta och genererat högre avkastning det första handelsåret. / Background: In the past, most companies performing an Initial Public Offering, IPO, applied the fixed pricing method, which often lead to an extensive underpricing of the shares. By doing so, it was easy for investors to gain high return on the first trading day. Nowadays, companies use auction pricing to a greater extent where investors bid for a certain amount of shares to a certain price. This procedure has resulted in a decrease of the underpricing. With the assumption that some of the market’s expectations are included in the price, whilst using an auction pricing method, these stocks would possibly appear less volatile after the IPO. Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate whether the volatility of the shares is different after the introduction on the market, based on which method that has been applied when pricing the shares. The thesis also investigates to what extent the choice of pricing method influences the underpricing and returns of a share after its introduction. Method: The study comprises quantitative historical data, such as share prices as well as additional information gathered from the prospectus of each IPO. In addition to arranging the data and the analyses, made in Excel, numerous econometric analyses have been made by using non-linear regressions, where variables such as pricing method, beta, underpricing on the first trading day, and variance have been examined as a dependent variable in relation to several different combinations of explanatory variables. Findings: The study finds that companies that have practiced a fixed pricing method show a higher volatility after the introduction on the market. Thus, the choice of either pricing method has some influence on the volatility. Furthermore, it was proved that companies using a fixed pricing method were more underpriced and gained higher returns during the first year of trading compared to companies using an auction pricing method.

Mass balance analysis of phosphorous in Motala Ström River Basin : A focus on lake Roxen and Glan

Stärner, Nathalie January 2012 (has links)
Phosphorous (P) has been found to be the limiting nutrient in freshwater systems, directly affecting rates of planktonic growth. The P circulation is very complex, and its pathways through lake systems are difficult to determine. Motala Ström is the biggest watercourse in the south-east of Sweden and an important source of P to the Baltic Sea. The aim of this study is to conduct a P mass balance analysis of the lakes Roxen and Glan over a period of time. The analysis will also include a quality control of the concentrations data. The P concentration data used in this investigation were collected from the Motala Ström River Association, consisting of seasonal or monthly concentration data of Tot-P during the period 1960-2010. Daily water flow data used in this study were modelled by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) using the S-HYPE model. P concentration deviations from monthly averages at each sampling station were calculated, followed by a seasonal Mann Kendall trend analysis. At five out of eight sampling stations, negative trends were detected, indicating decreasing concentrations. The exception was the outflow from lake Glan, Stångån and Finspångsån. Linear interpolation of P concentration data was performed to create daily data for the period 1980-2010. Following interpolation, daily transport values were calculated and summed up to annual values. Lake Roxen has acted as a source of P during the whole period 1980-2010, except for one year. Lake Glan has acted as a source during 22 of the 31 years. There is a tendency of Glan to become more of a source over the years, which is in line with the deviation observations, but variation between years makes it necessary to analyse also future data in order to establish any possible trend in P transports. Before construction of wastewater treatment plants, the lakes were certainly sinks of phosphorus. But at least for Roxen, the switch from sink to source was completed before 1980.

”Något fel är det med honom, han kommer säkerligen aldrig att bliva en god medborgare” : En studie om barnavårdsnämnden, skolan och de avvikande barnen i 1930-talets Malmö stad / "Something is wrong with him, he will certainly never become a good citizen" : A study of childwelfare, school and the deviant children in the 1930s Malmö

Andersson, Hanna January 2012 (has links)
This study, a document analysis with a qualitative approach, explores children, under 18years, who have been subject to measures of child welfare in the city of Malmö during theyears 1935-1937. It also explores the school's role in this context. The questions that the studyis guided by is: How was children described in the Child Welfare documents in Malmö duringthe years 1935-1937? And what role did the school have in Child Welfare work and whatmotivated this? The theoretical approaches are Foucaults theories of power, control anddisciplining.It appears from the study that the school and child welfare authorities had a close cooperationwith the purpose to control the upbringing and disciplining of the children. It was through theupbringing that the deviant child would become a "normal", docile and good, industriouscitizen. The school, as well as the board, had to shoulder a part of the upbringing when theparents skills in their upbringing of the children was questioned by society.This study can hopefully provide knowledge and understanding of our social history, it mayhelp us to understand the great changes that have occurred and what is still unchanged.

Självbild och relationer vid missbruk : En kvalitativ studie om självbildens utveckling hos före detta missbrukare / Self- image and relationships while in an addiction : A qualitative study on self-image development among former addicts

Furmanski, Joanna, Malmström, Josefin January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med den här kvalitativa studien är att studera självbilden hos före detta missbrukare. För att undersöka syftet delas det in i tre frågeställningar: Vad har påverkat före detta missbrukare i utveckling av självbilden? Vilken betydelse har uppväxt och relationer haft för utveckling av självbilden? Hur har missbruket påverkat hur individerna definierar sig själva? För att besvara dessa frågor utfördes en intervjustudie av sex vuxna i Stockholm med en bakgrund i missbruk. Materialet bearbetas genom tematisering för att undersöka specifika kategorier som i analysen delas in i övergripande teman. Intervjumaterialet analyseras genom teorier om självbild, identitetsutveckling, socialt arv och individens påverkan av utanförskap och erkännande. Studien visar på att missbruket varit betydande men inte i den grad som de sociala faktorerna. En slutsats är att händelser och relationer har varit av stor betydelse för individernas självbild. Resultatet överensstämmer med tidigare forskning som visar på att uppväxt, relationer och avgörande händelser påverkar självbilden. / The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine the self-image of former addicts. The purpose is divided into three research questions: What has influenced former drug addicts in the development of the self-image? What significance has the childhood and relationships had for developing the self-image? What impact has the addiction had on the way these individuals define themselves? To answer these questions the authors conducted six semi-structured interviews, with individuals who have had a former addiction. The empirical material was thematically structured and examined out of specific categories and divided into themes in the analysis.The material is analyzed by theories about self-image, identity development, social inheritance and the impact of alienation and recognition. The study shows that the abuse itself had significant meaning for the self-image of these individuals, but not to the extent of the social factors. One conclusion is that critical events and relationships have been of great importance for developing the self-image. The results are consistent with previous research showing that childhood, relationships and essential events in life may affect the development of the self-image.

Man bygger lösningar efter de barn man har : En studie om några pedagogers arbetssätt kring inkluderande undervisningssituationer.

Ahlström, Linda January 2010 (has links)
Det huvudsakliga syftet med min studie har varit att undersöka hur några pedagoger tolkar begreppet inkludering samt hur detta begrepp kan komma till uttryck i deras arbete. Data har samlats in genom fokusintervjuer med sex pedagoger från två arbetslag på en F-5 skola i Stockholm. Frågeställningen har handlat om pedagogernas syn på inkludering, vilka tankar de hade kring inkluderande undervisning samt vilka eventuella svårigheter de såg med att arbeta inkluderande. Det framkom genom studien att det rådde delade meningar mellan informanterna om vad ett inkluderande arbetssätt var. Det ena arbetslaget hävdade att det innebar att alla elever skulle befinna sig i klassrummet för att känna sig inkluderade medans det andra arbetslaget menade att det handlade om att eleven skulle känna att den var en del av sammanhanget, oavsett var den befann sig någonstans. Att arbeta inkluderande i undervisningen betydde för många av pedagogerna att eleverna skulle känna att de hade lyckats. Läxor och genomgångar av lektioner anpassades efter elevernas olika nivåer och till sin hjälp tog pedagogerna sig större friheter i sina egna arbetssätt. Pedagogerna använde sig av olika metoder för att arbeta inkluderande i undervisningen och svårigheter de såg med detta arbetssätt handlade om att lyckas hålla alla elever i arbete hela tiden och utmana dem så långt som möjligt. De fann även svårigheter med att finna balansen mellan de elever som behövde mycket hjälp och de elever som var mer självgående. / The aim with my study was to examine how some tachers interpret the term inclusion and how they implement it in their work. Information has been collected through focus interviews with sex teachers from two pedagogical teams at an elementary school in Stockholm. The mail questions regarded the teachers view and thoughts on inclusion and also eventual difficulties they saw by working with inclusion within the classroom. The study showed that there was a difference of opinion between the interviewed teachers on what including workway was. One of the pedagogical teams said that all the students should be in the classroom in order to feel included. The other team said that it was not the classroom but that students should feel included in the learning process. Many of the teachers felt that working with inclusion through learning and teaching meant that the students should feel they succeeded. Homework and lessons were adapted to the student’s individual needs. Teachers used different methods in working with inclusion in their lessons. The difficulties they seen in their work were to succeed in keeping all the students working and challenge them as far as possible. There were also difficulties finding balance between those students who needed help and those that were independent.

The Impact of Stock Price Deviation on Corporate Investment Decision

Liu, Wen-Kwai 07 July 2011 (has links)
This study focuses on whether the mispricing of investor has relevance for firm¡¦s investment decision. In other words, it tries to test the relation between mispricing of investor and managers¡¦ catering behavior. In addition, this study divides Taiwan¡¦s companies into three cases: Listed and following listed companies, OTC companies and companies under the counter. The period of this study from 1986 to 2009, it excludes firms with negative book value of assets, and only uses the positive capital expenditure data. This paper divides the sample into various subsamples discussed separately. For example, it uses the R&D ratio as the proxy for information transparency and explores that information transparency may affect manager¡¦s catering behavior in the different subsamples. Besides, this study also separates the companies from different stock turnover rate to discuss whether the impact of mispricing to the rate of investment will be different. The results showed that indeed mispricing change the rate of investment of companies. After that, this paper controls the independent variables which may affect the company¡¦s profitability to figure out the abnormal rate of investment. Finally, this study finds that abnormal rate of investment result in a poor return of companies. That is to say, when a manager caters the mispricing of investor in stock market, afterwards, may lead to a poor return of companies. In the view of investors, when the market¡¦s sentiment that is too warm, many companies begin to invest in plant. At this time, investors shall examine whether the investment of companies is efficient.

Does Consumption-Wealth ratio signal stock returns?Results for Taiwan

Chou, Hsin-Chieh 21 June 2012 (has links)
This paper studies the role of fluctuation of the aggregate consumption-wealth ratio(cay) for predicting Taiwan stock return. The effect of cay on U.S. stock return has been recently confirmed by Lettau and Ludvigson (2001) with a two stage method. In the first step, estimate the ratio used a dynamic least square(DLS) technique. Second, to investigate the performance of cay, they use in-sample and out-of-sample test. In this paper, we follow the method which Lettau and Ludvigson(2001) use to examine the predictability of cay. Using quarterly market data from 1998 to 2010, we find cay is strong predictors of excess return in out-of sample test. We also find that this ratio is a better forecaster of future returns at intermediate horizons compared to short time.

Effect of Position Ambiguity of Horizontal Array on Underwater Source Localization

Hu, Wen-zheng 12 October 2006 (has links)
The study is based on the acoustic data collected by horizontal line array (HLA) of Asian Seas International Acoustic Experiment (ASIAEX) in South China Sea of 2001. Beamforming was used to localize the sound sources during the experiment, such as explosive, to understand its correlation with position deviation from the array. According to previous studies, the horizontal line array has ambiguity in bearing identification, which was often resolved by maneuvering array¡¦s position, therefore it can also be concluded that the well understanding of array¡¦s position is the key to the accurate source localization. Due to the limitation of element spacing of array used in the experiment, 50 Hz is the highest frequency can be analyzed in the study, so the recorded explosive sounds were chosen for analysis. The numerical test of array has shown the width of main lobe in beamforming is reduced by the increasing total length of the array, and the energy in the side lobes would affect the accuracy of source bearing. During the experiment, the horizontal array was found, and proved indirectly by current measurement of acoustic Dopper current profiler, to be moved by tidal currents, so the deviation from the designed deploy position can be computed. The deviation was used to quantify the resolution effect on localization by the movement of array, and when there is a 10 m deviation, the width of main lobe would increase from 8¢X to 16¢X in the studied case. The experimental results match the simulations well, so it can provide a guideline in predicting the accuracy of underwater source localization when the movement of horizontal line array is possible. Key word: underwater source localization, horizontal line array, beamforming, position deviation, array resolution

Ambient Noise Analysis in Shallow Water Ambient Noise Analysis in Shallow Water at Southwestern Sea of Taiwan

Tsai, Chung-Ting 31 December 2007 (has links)
Sound wave has much better transmission in ocean environment than electromagnetic waves, therefore sonar systems are widely applied in underwater investigations. However, not only the target signal is received by the sonar but also the noise from different directions. The noise will affect the performance of the sonar, so the understanding of ocean ambient is an important issue both in academic study and military applications. The ambient noise data of this research was collected by a passive acoustic recording system deployed in the southwest sea of Taiwan, along with the information of wind velocity in the experimented area. The influence on noise level fluctuations by the variation of the wind velocity was first discussed in light of correlation analysis. The fluctuations were expressed in terms of statistic distribution, mean value, standard deviation in different time series. As results, 500 Hz and 1.5k Hz were saturated by high levels signal from unknown sources in spring and summer, so the average sound levels were higher than in fall and winter, about 10 dB and 5 dB higher for 500 Hz and 1.5k Hz respectively. In seasonal analysis, 2.4k and 3.6k Hz have quite stable the mean levels and their standard deviations were around 3 dB. Especially, the noise level of 3.6 Hz has the least fluctuation throughout the year than any other frequencies analyzed. It was also observed that the noise level was decreased with the increase of frequency. Calculated by linear regression, this research worked out the estimation equation for the ambient noise level at high wind speed. However, the estimated values are higher than the measured data, it is due to the distribution of wind velocity. The wind data in this study was skewed towards the lower velocity, consequently the predicted values were overestimated.

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