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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformerade koordinater i referenssystemet SWEREF 99 / Transformed coordinates in the reference system SWEREF 99

Håkansson, Linn, Herrström, Elenore January 2015 (has links)
Sverige är uppbyggt av fastigheter och en fastighet avgränsas med hjälp av punkter, exempelvis dubb i berg eller rör i mark. Fastighetsgränsers fysiska läge stämmer inte alltid överens med koordinaterna i referenssystemet, vilket resulterar i avvikelser. Genom åren har flera referenssystem använts och vid varje byte genomförs en transformation mellan till- och frånsystemet. Idag är SWEREF 99 det mest tillämpade referenssystemet i Sverige vid mätning i plan. Syftet med studien var att utreda gränspunkter och stompunkter i del av området Ammenäs, Uddevalla kommun. Frågor som besvaras är: Hur väl stämmer de angivna, transformerade, koordinaterna i referenssystemet SWEREF 99 med gränspunkters och stompunkters fysiska läge? Vad kan vara orsaken till eventuella avvikelser? Påverkar eventuella avvikelser detpraktiska arbetet och vad kan de ge för effekter samt går det att komma till rätta med dem? Genom studien har både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod tillämpats. Den kvalitativa metoden har används för faktainsamling, både via litteratur och genom intervjuer samt mailkontakt med personal på Uddevalla kommun. Den kvantitativa metoden användes för inmätning av fastighetsgränser och stompunkter. Insamlad mätdata jämfördes med de angivna koordinaterna i referenssystemet SWEREF 99. Resultatet har visat att avvikelser finns mellan de fysiska gränspunkterna och de angivnakoordinaterna i referenssystemet SWEREF 99. Stompunkterna i området stämmer dock väl överens med referenssystemet och därför kan det uteslutas att stompunkterna i systemet gett upphov till gränsernas avvikelser. Under studien har det framkommit att spänningar existerade redan under 1940-talet och de har sedan följt med i de olika referenssystemsbyten som gjorts genom åren. Spänningar kan uppkomma vid sammankoppling av olika stomnät och ge upphov till avvikelser vid mätning. Stomnätet i området är etablerat efter att de första fastigheterna bildades. Inför transformationen till SWEREF 99 utfördes stödmätning endast på stompunkterna, sålunda har alla gränspunkter transformerats tillsammans med punkterna. För att komma tillrätta med gränsernas avvikelser krävs en ny transformation där stödmätning görs även på gränspunkter. Då avvikelserna inte påverkar det praktiska arbetet i Ammenäs finns dock inga planer på att en sådan process ska genomföras för området. / Sweden is made up of properties and a property is bounded by means of markings, such as stud in rock or pipes in the ground. The physical location of a property's bounds does not always correspond with the coordinates in the reference system, resulting in discrepancies. Through the years, several reference systems has been used, and with each change implemented, a transformation between the old and the new system is done. Today SWEREF 99 is the most applied reference system in Sweden when measuring in the plane.The purpose of this study was to investigate the boundary markers and reference points in part of the area of Ammenäs in Uddevalla municipality. Questions to be answered is: How well does the physical boundary markers and the reference points correspond with the transformed coordinates in the reference system SWEREF 99? What can be the cause ofdifferences? How do deviations affect the practical work with ordinances in the area and how can these be overcome? Through the study, both qualitative and quantitative methodology were applied. The qualitative method has been used for fact collection, both through literature and through interviews and e-mail contact with staff at Uddevalla municipality. The quantitative method was used for the measurement of property boundaries and reference points. Collected data were compared with the coordinates in the reference system SWEREF 99. The results have shown discrepancies between the physical boundary markers and the transformed coordinates in the reference system SWEREF 99. Reference points in the area are consistent with the reference system. The gist of the result is that reference points in part of the area has not given rise to the boundary deviations. The study has revealed that discrepancies existed already in the 1940s, the deviations have since followed in the different reference system changes made over the years. Discrepancies can occur at the interconnection of different core networks and can cause differences in the measurement. The reference network was established in the area after the first properties were formed. Before the SWEREF transition only support measurement on the reference points was performed. To deal with the discrepancies, a new transformation which also supports measurements at boundary markings are needed. Since the deviations do not affect the practical work in Ammenäs, such a process will not take place.

Den sociala normens betydelse i förskolan : Förskollärares agerande mot barn som bryter mot det som anses vara normalt beteende / The significance of social norms in preschool : Preschool teachers' actions against children who violate what is seen as a normal behavior.

Johansson, Sarah January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka vad förskollärare anser om social norm, beteendet hos barn i olika situationer, i förskolan och även om det stämmer överens med hur förskollärarna agerar i praktiken. För att ta reda på detta används både observationer och intervjuer. Tre olika förskolor besöks och tre olika förskollärare blir intervjuade i studien. Resultatet visar på att det finns en social norm över hur barn förväntas bete sig i förskolorna, exempelvis att de inte får springa inomhus. Men även att det kan vara miljön och personalen själva som är främsta orsaken till att ett barn avviker från mängden. Om miljön inomhus har stora och öppna ytor kan barn ta det som en inbjudan till att springa, vilket strider mot normen ”inget spring inomhus”. För att bidra till en lugn och trygg miljö för barnen finns det fasta rutiner och oskrivna regler som förväntas att följas av både barn och vuxna. Sociala normer i förskolan är att rutinerna görs till barnens rutiner. Barn tar efter både vuxna och kamrater, de formas efter hur andra ser på dem, det är därför viktigt att deras positiva sidor stärks istället för deras negativa sidor. Det är när de negativa sidorna stärks som det kan leda till en stämpling av barnet, att det exempelvis är bråkigt. Stämplingen i sin tur gör att det barnet blir själva problemet i stället för att det finns ett problem som kan lösas. Om ett barn ofta är med i olika sorters konflikter kan det av andra personer ses som bråkigt, barnet får en etikett, en osynlig stämpel som bråkigt. Man skulle kunna säga att stämplingen är synsättet man har på en specifik person.

Läkemedelshanteringsprocessen : Inom äldreomsorgen hos Socialförvaltningen / The Process of Drug Management : within the Social Service of the Elderly Care

Cosic, Matea, Uka, Albulena January 2016 (has links)
Purpose The purpose of this study is to conduct a survey of the Process of Drug Management in elderly care from when a drug is prescribed to when it is discarded. The purpose also includes to investigate how the various activities are linked to each other and to identify errors for the patient safety. In order to fulfil the purpose, two issues have been formulated: 1. What activities are currently in the Process of Drug Management in elderly care? 2. What deviations can occur in the Process of Drug Management and can be errors for the patient safety? Method In order to fulfil the purpose, a case study was made on the Social Service of the elderly care. Empirical data has been collected through interviews, observations and questionnaires. Further on the empirical data has been analysed and compared with the theoretical framework in order to achieve the purpose of the study. Findings The five main activities which have been identified in the Process of Drug Management are Prescription, Requisition and Check, Storage, Readying and Administration and finally Follow-up. In order to identify errors for the patient safety in the different activities, a value stream map has been designed where the risk has been placed and later on discussed. Errors for the patient safety exist among other factors such as due to lack in communication and information, human factors such as stress, lack of sleep, cultural shocks and lack of motivation for work. The study also shows that there is lack of responsibility among the various operators in the process. Implications The process of drug management in elderly care is a problem area because of its complexity where deviations often occur which results in errors for the patient safety. The guidelines within elderly care are about the same throughout Sweden, which leads to the fact that development in order to prevent errors of the patient safety can take place within other organizations. Deviations are unfortunately making an impact in the first activity, “Prescription”, which contributes to additional deviations in the following activities. In order to improve the patient safety, developing the quality within the organization and within the Process of Drug Management should be a priority. Limitations The aim of the study was to gain a deeper insight into the process of Drug Management and identify errors for the patient safety. Wishful thinking is to investigate several more units in order to get a clearer picture of the problem area from different angles. / Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att göra en kartläggning av läkemedelshanteringsprocessen inom äldreomsorgen från det att ett läkemedel skrivs ut till att det sedan kasseras. Syftet omfattar även att undersöka hur olika aktiviteter är kopplade till varandra och att identifiera patientsäkerhetsriskerna. För att uppfylla detta syfte har två frågeställningar formulerats: 1. Vilka aktiviteter ingår idag i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen inom äldreomsorgen? 2. Vilka avvikelser kan förekomma i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen och som kan vara patientsäkerhetsrisker? Metod För att uppnå ett resultat gjordes en fallstudie på socialförvaltningens äldreomsorg. Empirisk data har samlats in med hjälp av intervjuer, observationer och enkäter. Empirin har sedan analyserats och jämförts med det teoretiska ramverket för att uppnå studiens syfte. Resultat De fem olika huvudaktiviteter som har identifierats i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen är ordination, rekvisition och kontroll, förvaring, iordningsställande och administrering och till sist uppföljning. För att kunna identifiera patientsäkerhetsriskerna i de olika aktiviteterna har en kartläggning av flödet utförts. De identifierade riskerna placerades sedan ut i processflödet och diskuterades. Patientsäkerhetsriskerna förekommer bland annat på grund av kommunikations- och informationsbrister, mänskliga faktorer så som stress, sömnbrist, kulturkrockar samt motivationsbrist i arbetet. Studien visar även att det förekommer brister i ansvarsfördelningen hos de olika aktörerna i flödet. Implikationer Det uppstår många problem i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen inom äldreomsorgen på grund av dess komplexitet. När avvikelser förekommer i processen uppstår patientsäkerhetsrisk. Socialstyrelsen och landstingen reglerar äldreomsorgen med liknade riktlinjer i hela landet vilket kan leda till att ett förbättringsarbete i en organisation kan appliceras inom andra organisationer för att undvika patientsäkerhetsrisker. Att implementera en kvalitetsutveckling i form av ett förbättringsarbete i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen kan bidra till en ökad patientsäkerhet. Begränsningar Målet med studien var att få en djupare inblick i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen samt att identifiera patientsäkerhetsrisker. Önskvärt hade varit att undersöka flera enheter inom samma organisation för att få en tydligare bild av problemområdet från olika delar i organisationen och därmed flera olika perspektiv på vilka problem som kan uppstå i processen.

Robust mixture regression model fitting by Laplace distribution

Xing, Yanru January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Statistics / Weixing Song / A robust estimation procedure for mixture linear regression models is proposed in this report by assuming the error terms follow a Laplace distribution. EM algorithm is imple- mented to conduct the estimation procedure of missing information based on the fact that the Laplace distribution is a scale mixture of normal and a latent distribution. Finite sample performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by some extensive simulation studies, together with the comparisons made with other existing procedures in this literature. A sensitivity study is also conducted based on a real data example to illustrate the application of the proposed method.

Estudo da divergência folicular e da capacidade ovulatória em bubalinos (Bubalus bubalis) e zebuínos (Bos indicus) / Study of follicle deviation and ovulatory capacity in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and zebu cattle (Bos indicus)

Gimenes, Lindsay Unno 28 July 2006 (has links)
O presente estudo está apresentado em Capítulo 1 (Divergência folicular; DF) e 2 (Capacidade ovulatória), e em cada estão incluídos dois experimentos [1 - em bubalinos (Bubalus bubalis); 2 - em zebuínos (Bos indicus)]. Os objetivos do Capítulo 1 foram determinar o momento e diâmetro na DF e avaliar o perfil das concentrações plasmáticas de FSH e LH próximo à seleção folicular. No Experimento 1, a ovulação foi considerada o dia zero (D0), a partir do qual 10 novilhas Murrah foram examinadas por ultra-sonografia (US) a cada oito horas (h) até o D4 e, posteriormente, a cada 24h até o D6. A avaliação da DF foi realizada por análise visual do gráfico de cada novilha (Ginther et al., 1996) e regressão linear segmentada (Bergfelt et al. 2003). As amostras de sangue, para dosagem de FSH e LH, foram colhidas com intervalos de 8h nas primeiras 24h pós-ovulação. A partir deste momento foram feitas colheitas a cada 4h até o D4 e após, a cada 12h até o D6. No método visual, o intervalo ovulação-DF, e o diâmetro dos folículos dominante (FD) e subordinado (FS) foram de, respectivamente, 63,2±5,7h; 7,2±0,3mm e 6,4±0,3mm (média±EPM). No método matemático estes mesmos parâmetros foram de, respectivamente, 61,9±4,9h; 7,3±0,3mm e 6,3±0,3mm. Não houve diferença entre os dois métodos de avaliação da DF (P>0,05). As concentrações plasmáticas de FSH e LH não variaram ao longo do tempo (P>0,05). No Experimento 2, 12 novilhas Nelore foram submetidas à US a cada 12h até o D5 e estes mesmos intervalos foram adotados para as colheitas de sangue (dosagem de FSH e LH). No método visual, o intervalo ovulação-DF, e os diâmetros do FD e FS foram de, respectivamente, 61,0±5,8h; 6,2±0,2mm e 5,8±0,2mm. No método matemático estes mesmos parâmetros foram de, respectivamente, 57,2±6,0h; 6,2±0,3mm e 5,9±0,3mm. Não houve diferença entre os métodos (P>0,05). As concentrações plasmáticas de FSH e LH não variaram ao longo do tempo (P>0,05). No Capítulo 2, o objetivo foi avaliar o diâmetro no qual o FD adquire capacidade ovulatória após administração de 25mg de LH. Os grupos foram formados de acordo com o diâmetro do FD no momento do tratamento com LH (7,0-8,4mm; 8,5-10,0mm e >10,0mm, em ambos os experimentos). No Experimento 1, foram utilizadas 29 novilhas bubalinas Murrah x Mediterrâneo. A partir do D3 (pós-ovulação), os exames US foram realizados a cada 12h até 48h do tratamento com LH. Nos grupos 7,0-8,4; 8,5-10,0 e >10,0mm, os diâmetros foliculares no momento da aplicação do LH foram de 7,8c±0,1; 9,3b±0,2 e 11,0a±0,3mm e as taxas de ovulação de 0,0%b (0/10); 50,0%a (5/10) e 55,6%a (5/9), respectivamente. No Experimento 2, 29 novilhas Bos indicus foram monitoradas por US a cada 24h a partir da ovulação até o tratamento com LH, e então a cada 12h durante 48h. Nos grupos 7,0-8,4; 8,5-10,0 e >10,0mm, os diâmetros foliculares no momento da aplicação do LH foram de 7,6c±0,1; 9,6b±0,1 e 10,9a±0,2mm e as taxas de ovulação de 33,3%b (3/9); 80,0%a (8/10) e 90,0%a (9/10), respectivamente. / Present study is presented in Chapter 1 (Follicle deviation; FD) and 2 (Ovulatory capacity). Each chapter includes two experiments [1 - in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis); 2 - in zebu cattle (Bos indicus)]. In Chapter 1, aims were to determine moment and diameter deviation and to evaluate FSH and LH plasmatic profiles encompassing follicle selection. In Experiment 1, ovulation was considered day 0 (D0). From D0, 10 Murrah heifers were examined by ultrasound (US) each eight hours (h) until D4 and then, every 24h until D6. FD evaluation was performed by visual analysis (Ginther et al., 1996) and by segmented linear regression (Bergfelt et al., 2003). Blood samples were harvested each 8h in the first 24h post ovulation. From this moment blood collections were performed every 4h until D4 and after that, each 12h until D6. Interval ovulation-FD, dominant (DF) and subordinate follicle (SF) diameters, by visual method, were, respectively, 63.2±5.7h; 7.2±0.3mm and 6.4±0.3mm (mean±SEM). These same end points, by mathematical method, were, respectively, 61.9±4.9h; 7.3±0.3mm and 6.3±0.3mm. No differences between both methods of FD evaluation (P>0.05) were found. No changes in plasmatic FSH and LH levels along the time (P>0.05) were found. In Experiment 2, 12 Nelore heifers were submmited to US each 12h until D5, and these same intervals were used to blood harvests (FSH and LH profiles). Interval ovulation-FD, dominant (DF) and subordinate follicle (SF) diameters, by visual method, were, respectively, 61.0±5.8h; 6.2±0.2mm and 5.8±0.2mm. These same end points, by mathematical method, were, respectively, 57.2±6.0h; 6.2±0.3mm and 5.9±0.3mm. No differences between both methods of FD evaluation (P>0.05) were found. No changes in plasmatic FSH and LH levels along the time (P>0.05) were found. In Chapter 2, aim was to evaluate diameter in which DF acquires ovulatory capacity after administration of 25mg of LH. The animals were assigned in groups according to DF diameter at LH treatment (7.0-8.4mm; 8.5-10.0mm and >10.0mm, in both experiments). In Experiment 1, 29 Murrah x Mediterrâneo heifers were used. From D3 (post ovulation), US examinations were performed each 12h until 48h after LH treatment. Follicle diameters at LH chalenge in groups 7.0-8.4mm, 8.5-10.0mm and >10.0mm, were 7.8c±0.1, 9.3b±0.2 and 11.0a±0.3mm, and ovulation rates were 0.0%b (0/10), 50.0%SUP>a (5/10) and 55.6%a (5/9), respectively. In Experiment 2, 29 Bos indicus heifers were monitored by US every 24h from ovulation until LH chalenge, and then each 12h during 48h. Follicle diameters at LH treatment in groups 7.0-8.4mm, 8.5-10.0mm and >10.0mm, were 7.6c±0.1, 9.6b±0.1 and 10.9a±0.2mm, and ovulation rates were 33.3%b (3/9), 80.0%a (8/10) and 90.0%a (9/10), respectively

Erros de percurso em carretas de transbordo de cana-de-açúcar / Path error in sugarcane transshipment trailers

Passalaqua, Bruna Pessoa 16 February 2018 (has links)
O sistema de produção canavieiro e dependente da sequência de cortes e rebrota das plantas de cana-de-açúcar. O trafego sobre a soqueira deve ser evitado para garantir a integridade fisiológica da rebrota e possibilitar a obtenção de elevada produtividade. Essa necessidade de exatidão no trafego de maquinas canavieiras impulsionou a adoção de sistemas de direcionamento automático para a otimização do trafego dos conjuntos mecanizados nas lavouras, especialmente em colhedoras. No entanto, os conjuntos de tratores e carretas de transbordo apresentam o risco de desvios do trafego ideal e trafegam sobre o terreno em igual intensidade ao das colhedoras, porem comumente sem sistemas de direcionamento automático ou com sistemas simplificados. Além disso, as carretas sofrem desvios em percursos curvos e em terrenos inclinados, o que frequentemente ocorre nas áreas produtoras. O desempenho dos sistemas de direcionamento automático está frequentemente associado aos erros transversais a trajetória, os quais devem estar abaixo de 0,1 m para evitar danos as soqueiras. Deste modo, este trabalho objetivou quantificar os desvios a que os tratores e carretas de transbordo estão submetidos sob diferentes tipos de percursos em terrenos planos e inclinados. Utilizou-se do sistema de transporte interno composto por um trator e duas carretas de transbordo com três eixos, sendo todos equipados com receptores GNSS e sistema de correção tipo RTK para a obtenção de suas respectivas posições. Os erros entre as passadas foram avaliados pela diferença da distância ortogonal entre os pontos de posição das antenas, no centro do trator e no centro do último eixo de cada carreta, em relação a linha referencia. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, quando analisado o impacto do relevo no direcionamento manual em função dos tipos de percurso, os maiores desvios ocorreram em terreno inclinado e, nesse caso, os erros são maiores em percursos curvos, pois as carretas de transbordo tem a tendência de diminuir o raio de curvatura. Observando os valores de desalinhamento em áreas de pequena inclinação, com ambos os direcionamentos, constatou-se que o sistema de direcionamento automático auxilia para minimizar os erros de desalinhamento no ultimo transbordo. No entanto, quando o direcionamento passa a ser manual, esses erros aumentam em ate cinco vezes acima do aceito. A medida que os desalinhamentos são relacionados as inclinações laterais, seus valores crescem sensivelmente, mesmo utilizando sistema de direcionamento automático. Sugere-se a adaptação e avaliação do desempenho de sistemas com atuadores nos rodados ou no cabeçalho dos transbordos e a utilização de transbordos montados em chassi de caminhão. Conclui-se que a metodologia desenvolvida foi eficiente para quantificar os erros de percursos do conjunto trator-transbordo de cana-de-açúcar e que a inclinação do terreno, mesmo com variações sutis, exerce forte influência para o desalinhamento do conjunto. / Sugarcane production system is dependent on the sequence of cuts and regrowth of sugarcane plants. The traffic on the ratoon should be avoided to ensure physiological integrity of the regrowth and enable high productivity. This need for accuracy in traffic of sugarcane machines boosted the adoption of automatic guidance systems for mechanized sets in crops, especially harvesters. However, tractors with transshipment trailers usually present the risk of deviation from the ideal path, since they rarely employ automatic steering systems, or use simplified ones, and travel on the ground at the same intensity as that of the harvesters. In addition, trailers are subject to deviations in curved paths and sloping terrain, which often occurs in producing areas. The performance of automatic steering systems is often associated with traverse errors, which should be less than 0.1m in order to avoid damage to the ratoon. Thus, this study aims to quantify deviations to which tractors and transshipment trailers are submitted under different paths on flat and inclined terrain. The transport system used in this study is composed of a tractor and two transshipment trailers with three axes, all of which are equipped with GNSS receivers and a RTK type correction system to obtain their respective positions. The errors between the passes were evaluated by the difference in the orthogonal distance between the antenna position points at the center of the tractor and at the center of the last axis of each truck, relative to the reference line. The obtained results showed that, when analyzing the impact of the relief on the manual steering according to the types of route, the greater deviations occurred in inclined terrain and, in this case, the errors are larger in curved routes, since the transshipment trailers tend to decrease the radius of curvature. Observing the values of misalignment in areas of small inclination, in both directions, it was verified that the automatic steering system helps to minimize misalignment errors of the last transshipment in the correct route. However, when steering becomes manual, these errors increase by up to five times what is accepted. As the misalignments are related to the lateral slopes, the values of misalignments increase significantly, even using an automatic steering system. Adaptations and evaluation of performance of systems with actuators in the wheels or in the heading of the transshipment and the use of transshipment mounted in truck are suggested. It is concluded that the developed methodology was efficient to quantify the errors of trajectories of the tractor-transshipment set of sugarcane and the inclination of the terrain, even with subtle variations, exerts a strong influence for the misalignment of the set.

Uso de redes neurais e baropodômetro para classificação de escoliose e desvio lateral /

Zanella, Edelvan Hellmann January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Aparecido Augusto de Carvalho / Resumo: O desvio lateral da coluna e a escoliose alteram o equilíbrio corporal de uma pessoa e a distribuição de seu peso nos pés. Atualmente com o auxílio do baropodômetro é possível medir a distribuição do peso corporal nos pés, trazendo inovação no que concerne sobre os impactos da escoliose nos mesmos. As alterações da coluna vertebral não são visíveis pelo baropodômetro, logo apenas mensurando a pressão dos pés não é possível determinar uma escoliose e seus possíveis ângulos. Dessa forma, adota-se o objetivo de realizar três redes neurais para classificação de escolioses com dados obtidos pelo baropodômetro do Laboratório de Instrumentação e Engenharia Biomédica (LIEB). No desenvolvimento das redes foram observadas vinte e cinco mil redes neurais feitas para cada proposta, sendo a rede neural A dividida em dois grupos que classificam o desvio lateral A1 (0º a 9º) e a escoliose A2 (10º a 20º) , a rede B foi dividida em dois grupos, B1 (10º a 13º) e B2 (14º a 20º) e a rede C1 que abrange o grupos A1, B1 e B2. A rede A (1,2) obteve uma acurácia média de 70,06%, a rede B (1,2) teve uma a acurácia média em 73,6% e a rede C (1,2,3) classificou em média 56,5% dos dados corretamente. Com os resultados obtidos conclui-se que uma classificação entre três grupos é inviável e a rede A e B podem ser utilizadas como métodos para acompanhamento de evolução ao longo do tempo. / Abstract: The lateral deviation of the spine and scoliosis alter a person's body balance and the distribution of his weight in the feet. Nowadays, with the help of the baropodometer, it is possible to measure the distribution of body weight in the feet, bringing innovation in what concerns the impact of scoliosis on them. The changes in the spine are not visible by the baropodometer, so just by measuring the pressure of the feet it is not possible to determine a scoliosis and its possible angles. Thus, we adopted the objective of performing three neural networks to classify scoliosis with data obtained by the Baropodometer of the Laboratory of Instrumentation and Biomedical Engineering (LIEB). In the development of the networks twenty-five thousand neural networks were made for each proposal, the neural network A being divided into two groups that classified the lateral deviation A1 (0º to 9º) and the scoliosis A2 (10º to 20º), the network B was divided into two groups, B1 (10º to 13º) and B2 (14º to 20º), and the C1 network encompassing groups A1, B1 and B2. The network A (1,2) obtained an average accuracy of 70,06%, the network B (1,2) had an average accuracy of 73.6% and the network C (1,2,3) classified on average 56, 5% of the data correctly. With the results obtained it is concluded that a classification between three groups is not feasible and the network A and B can be used as methods to monitor evolution over time. / Mestre

Dinâmica folicular e luteal em éguas de diferentes portes

David, Fabíola Freire Albrecht de January 2018 (has links)
Comparações da dinâmica ovariana entre mais de duas raças equinas, sob condições padronizadas, não são encontradas na literatura. Objetivando comparar a dinâmica folicular e luteal, foram realizados exames diários de ultrassonografia durante um intervalo interovulatório contemporâneo, em éguas de pequeno porte (grupo Mini Pony – MP; n=10), médio porte (grupo Large Pony – LP; n=9) e grande porte (grupo Brasileiro de Hipismo – BH; n=12). Concluiu-se que os três grupos diferiram quanto ao máximo diâmetro do folículo pré-ovulatório (FPO) (mm) (MP=36,15; LP=40,95; BH=46,66), diâmetro do FPO um dia antes da ovulação (mm) (MP=35,8; LP=40,55; BH=46,48) e crescimento diário médio do FPO (mm/dia) (MP=2,6; LP=3,05; BH=3,51). O grupo MP diferiu dos demais quanto ao número de folículos por onda ovulatória (MP=4,8; LP=10,11; BH=9,75), número de folículos por dia (MP=4,19; LP=10,27; BH=10,63), número de folículos maiores ou iguais a 10mm (MP=2,98; LP=5,88; BH=5,98), diâmetro do FPO à divergência (mm) (MP=22,62; LP=24,81; BH=25,58), diâmetro do segundo maior folículo à divergência (SMF) (mm) (MP=15,56; LP=21,25; BH=21,83), diferença de diâmetro entre FPO e SMF à divergência (mm) (MP=7,25; LP=3,56; BH=3,75) e área do corpo lúteo (CL) (mm2) (MP=436,1; LP=674,4; BH=720,4). Não houve diferença entre os grupos quanto à duração do ciclo (dias) (MP=21,9; LP=20,22; BH=20,58), ocorrência de divergência (MP=80%; LP=88,89%; BH=100%), dias decorridos entre a emergência do FPO e SMF (MP=0,8; LP=0,89; BH=0,92) e diferença de diâmetro entre estes na emergência (mm) (MP=0,4; LP=0,44; BH=0,5) e na divergência (mm) (MP=7,25; LP=3,56; BH=3,75); dias entre emergência e divergência (MP=5,12; LP=5,5; BH=5,5) e divergência e ovulação (MP=7,12; LP=6,62; BH=6,8), número de ondas menores (MP=0,3; LP=0,33; BH=0,42) e duração do CL (dias) (MP=12,4; LP=14,67; BH=13,92). / Comparisons of ovarian dynamics between more than two equine breeds, under standardized conditions, are not found in the literature. The objective of this study was to compare follicular and luteal dynamics during one contemporary intervulatory interval by daily ultrasonography examinations in small size mares (Mini Pony group - MP; n=10), medium size (Large Pony group - LP; n=9) and large size (Brazilian Warmblood group - BH; n=12). It was concluded that all three groups differed regarding maximum diameter of the preovulatory follicle (POF) (mm) (MP=36.15; LP=40.95; BH=46.66), maximum diameter of POF one day before ovulation (mm) (MP=35.8; LP=40.55; BH=46.48) and the mean daily growth of POF (mm / day) (MP=2.6; LP=3.05; BH=3.51). The MP group differed from LP and BH groups regarding number of follicles per ovulatory wave (MP=4.8; LP=10.11; BH=9.75), number of follicles per day (MP=4.19; LP=10, 27; BH=10.63), number of follicles equal or greater than 10mm (MP=2.98; LP=5.88; BH=5.98), diameter of POF at deviation (mm) (MP=22.62; LP=24.81; BH=25.58), diameter of second largest follicle (SLF) at deviation (MP=15.56; LP=21.25; BH=21.83), diameter difference between FPO and SLF at deviation (mm) (MP=7.25; LP=3.56; BH=3.75), corpus luteum (CL) area (mm2) (MP=436.1; LP=674.4; BH=720.4). There was no difference between groups regarding cycle length (MP=21.9; LP=20.22; BH=20.58), occurrence of deviation (MP=80%; LP=88.89%; BH=100%), days between emergence of POF and SLF (MP=0.8, LP = 0.89, BH = 0.92), and diameter difference between POF and SLF at emergence (mm) (MP=0.4; LP=0.44; BH=0.5) and at deviation (mm) (MP=7.25; LP=3.56; BH=3.75); days between emergence and deviation (MP=5.12; LP=5.5; BH=5.5), deviation and ovulation (MP=5.12; LP=6.62; BH=6.8), number of minor waves (MP = 0.3; LP = 0.33; BH = 0.42) and CL lifespan (days) (MP=12.4; LP=14.67; BH=13.92).

Consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e conflitos sociais: a contribuição dos “bêbados” criminalizados para o estudo da formação social da colônia Ijuí (1890 a 1920)

Droppa, Alisson 08 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T19:30:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 8 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este estudo analisa a relação do consumo de bebidas alcoólicas com a violência em Ijuí no período de 1890 a 1920. Foram pesquisados documentos da intendência municipal e processos crimes do período do estudo. Ao pesquisar nesses documentos foi possível perceber uma diversidade de situações conflituosas, em que o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas constava como um dos principais elementos. Tal constatação levou-me ao estudo de casos específicos sobre o tema, em que identifiquei que o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas possuía diversos significados. Esses significados estavam associados a um desvio moral do indivíduo consumidor de bebidas alcoólicas, ou a momentos festivos ligados ao lazer, ou ainda representavam uma forma de fugir de punições. Em suma, o trabalho analisa como indivíduos que permaneciam fora das páginas dos livros de história - e que muitas vezes eram apontados como bêbados, delinqüentes ou mesmo criminosos - também são importantes na construção social de uma comunidade. / This study examines the relationship between alcohol consumption and violence in Ijuí city, in the period from 1890 to 1920. For the research, we collected documents in the intendance, and crime-processes for the period of the study. When studying these documents, we noticed a diversity of conflict situations, in witch the consumption of alcohol was considered as one of the major reasons for the conflict. This finding led me to study specific cases on the subject, in witch it was possible to identify that alcohol consumption had several meanings. These meanings were associated to a moral deviation of the alcohol consumers, or to festive occasions related to leisure, or they represented a way to escape from punishment. Thus, the study analyses how people that remained out of the pages of history books – that often were described as drunk, delinquent, immoral or criminal – are also important in the process of social community building.

Probabilidades de spin quântico em temperatura positiva

Brasil, Jader Eckert January 2018 (has links)
Nesta dissertação estudamos uma probabilidade obtida a partir de conceitos da Mecânica Estatística Quântica do ponto de vista da Teoria Ergódica. A probabilidade é obtida a partir de um estado KMS sobre um lattice unidimensional de spins quânticos. Mostramos que esta probabilidade é mixing para o shift. Além disso, mostramos que vale um princípio dos grandes desvios para uma certa classe de funções e exploramos algumas propriedades do Jacobiano. Iremos considerar o estado KMS associado a um certo Hamiltoniano específico agindo sobre o lattice de spins quânticos. Nas seções iniciais vamos apresentar alguns conceitos e prerequisitos básicos (como operadores densidade, produto tensorial, C*-algebras e estados KMS) para o entendimento do resultado principal / In this dissertation we study a probability derived from Quantum Statistical Mechanics through the viewpoint of Ergodic Theory. The probability is obtained from a KMS state acting on a one dimensional lattice of quantum spins. We show that this probability is mixing for the shift map. Moreover, we show that a large deviation principle is true for a certain class of functions and we explore some properties of the Jacobian. We will consider the KMS state associated to a certain specific Hamiltonian acting on the quantum spin lattice. In the initial sections we will present some concepts and prerequisites (such as density operators, tensor product, C*-algebras and KMS states) for the understanding of our main results.

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