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Východoužské variety severocentrální romštiny / Eastern Uzh varieties of North Central RomaniBeníšek, Michael January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation provides a grammatical description of a cluster of Romani varieties, called 'Eastern Uzh Romani', which are spoken in Transcarpathian Ukraine in an area adjacent to the Slovak border. These varieties are associated with five traditional locations, two of which are situated in the city of Uzhhorod, representing an eastern margin of a North Central Romani dialect continuum. The focus is not only on describing the common characteristics of the entire Eastern Uzh dialect, but also on highlighting its variation with respect to specific features of the individual varieties. The description is based on first-hand data collected during numerous fieldwork trips of the author between 2007 and 2016. The dissertation is organised into thirteen chapters. Alongside the proper grammatical description, it provides a detailed overview of the speakers' historical, ethnocultural and sociolinguistic background. The main attention is given to describing inflectional, derivational as well as functional patterns of word classes. In addition, it discusses issues of phonology, including historical phonology within the North Central Romani context, and also covers various syntactic structures.
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Practical Morphological Modeling: Insights from Dialectal ArabicErdmann, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Identification et relation aux normes de l'espagnol vénézuélien : perceptions de locutrices et de locuteursGraindorge, Alexis 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire situé en sociolinguistique, et plus particulièrement en dialectologie perceptive, prend un intérêt particulier pour les phénomènes de variation, de norme(s) et des attitudes de la communauté vénézuélienne envers les parlers de son pays. Au travers de l’analyse quantitative et qualitative des réponses de 380 locutrices et locuteurs de l’espagnol vénézuélien à un questionnaire sociolinguistique semi-dirigé en ligne, notre objectif final est de répondre à trois questions de recherche : peut-on observer une norme pour l’espagnol vénézuélien ? Peut-on déterminer si un domaine (phonétique, lexical ou grammatical) se prête significativement mieux à l’analyse dialectologique ? Enfin, où peut-on localiser la norme de l’espagnol vénézuélien, et comment peut-on expliquer nos résultats au regard de la littérature ?
Nous commençons donc par nous demander si l’on peut observer une norme pour l’espagnol vénézuélien. En quantifiant et qualifiant les attitudes et les opinions linguistiques, nous trouvons qu’il existe des différences significatives entre nos variables phonétiques-phonologiques, lexicales et morphologiques-syntaxiques qui permettent de les stratifier et de les regrouper par variables plus ou moins favorisées pour l’appartenance à la norme de l’espagnol vénézuélien oral.
Ayant été en mesure de comparer les résultats des trois domaines phonétique-phonologique, lexical et morphologique-syntaxique, nous avons déterminé pour notre deuxième question de recherche que les questions portant sur le lexique (plutôt que sur la prononciation ou la grammaire) généraient plus de réponses que le volet grammatical, et permettaient de conduire des analyses légèrement plus significatives que celles du volet phonétique-phonologique.
Enfin, dans un volet différent du questionnaire, nous souhaitions localiser la norme de l’espagnol vénézuélien dans le pays et comparer ces résultats à ceux de la littérature. Nous concluons que, dans le sens des observations diverses trouvables dans les travaux antérieurs, le Venezuela semble doté d’une norme bicéphale, quoique nos données ne permettent pas de déterminer s’il s’agit des normes des deux aires dialectales auxquelles appartient le Venezuela (la caraïbe et l’andine) ou s’il existe deux normes concurrentes chez l’ensemble de la population. / This thesis in sociolinguistics, and more specifically perceptual dialectology, takes specific interest in the topic of variation; the definition of norm(s); and the attitudes of the Venezuelan community towards the speech of its country. Through quantitative and qualitative analyses of the answers of 380 Venezuelan Spanish speakers to a semi-structured online sociolinguistics questionnaire, our final goal is to answer three research questions: can we observe a norm for Venezuelan Spanish? Can we determine whether the phonetical, lexical or grammatical level yields more statistically significant results when it comes to dialectological analysis? Finally, where can we localise the norm for Venezuelan Spanish, and how can we explain our findings with regard to previous literature?
We begin with addressing whether we can observe a phonetical, lexical, or grammatical norm for Venezuelan Spanish. After collecting and analysing our sample’s opinions both quantitatively and qualitatively, we find it possible to identify significant differences between our phonetical/ phonological, lexical, and morphological/syntactical variables. This finding allows us to group them into stratified groups, from least to most favoured when it comes to belonging to the norm of spoken Venezuelan Spanish.
As for our second research question, once we compared results from all three domains (phonetics/phonology, lexicon, and morphology/syntax), we determined that the questions we asked about vocabulary returned more spontaneous comments than those about grammatical features, and yielded more significant statistical analyses than those about phonetic features.
Finally, with a different section of the questionnaire, we aimed at locating the norm of Venezuelan Spanish within the country and comparing our results with literature. We conclude that, in line with previous studies, Venezuela seems to deal with a bicephalic norm, although our data do not allow us to determine whether we are in the presence of two norms for the two dialectal areas Venezuela is a part of (the Caribbean and the Andean ones), or if there are two competing norms for the whole of the population. / Esta tesina se ubica en sociolingüística, particularmente en dialectología perceptual. Se interesa por los fenómenos de variación, por la(s) norma(s) y por las actitudes de la comunidad venezolana acerca de las hablas de su país. Se basa en el análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de las respuestas que 380 hablantes del español venezolano nos entregaron a través de un cuestionario sociolingüístico semiestructurado en línea. Proponemos responder a las siguientes tres preguntas: ¿puede observarse una norma para el español venezolano? ¿Puede determinarse si un campo (fonético, lexical o gramatical) produce resultados más significativos para el estudio dialectológico? Y, por último, ¿dónde se puede ubicar la norma del español venezolano, y cómo se pueden explicar nuestros resultados con respecto a la literatura previa?
Empezamos por preguntarnos si se puede observar una norma para el español venezolano. Tras cuantificar y cualificar las actitudes y opiniones lingüísticas, encontramos que sí existen diferencias significativas entre nuestras variables fonético-fonológicas, lexicales y morfológico- sintácticas que permiten estratificarlas y agruparlas según si se ven más o menos favorecidas en cuanto a su pertenencia a la norma del español venezolano oral.
Dado que fuimos capaces de comparar los resultados de los tres campos fonético-fonológico, lexical y morfológico-sintáctico, en el marco de nuestra segunda pregunta de investigación, determinamos que las preguntas acerca del léxico generaban más comentarios espontáneos que las de la sección gramatical, y permitían realizar un análisis levemente más significativo que las de la sección fonética-fonológica.
Finalmente, en una sección diferente del cuestionario, quisimos ubicar la norma del español venezolano en el país y comparar nuestros resultados con la literatura previa. Concluimos que, de acuerdo con las varias observaciones que se encuentran en trabajos anteriores, Venezuela parece contar con una norma bicéfala, aunque nuestros datos no permitieron determinar si se trata de las normas de cada una de las áreas dialectales a las que Venezuela pertenece (la caribe y la andina), o si existen dos normas concurrentes para el conjunto de la población.
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Religious Networks as a Sociolinguistic Factor: The Case of CardstonChatterton, Benjamin Joseph 14 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Religious affiliation and its inherent membership in an associated social network as a sociolinguistic factor is examined in the community of Latter-day Saints (LDS) in Cardston, Alberta. Building on Meechan's 1998 findings that the LDS community in the area used Canadian Raising in a different set of phonotactic environments than the surrounding non-LDS English speakers, the study aims to determine if the LDS community uses other Canadian speech features differently or less frequently and if any Utah features (defined as Utah English in the literature, being the language of LDS English speakers in Utah) have continued from the settling of the area by Utahns in the 1880s. The study analyzes the effect of religious affiliation on dialect leveling and general sociolinguistic change. To perform the study, interviews were conducted with 51 informants eliciting items characterized by Canadian and Utahn features. Statistical and inferential analysis shows that one Utah feature, the cord-card merger, survived in a very attenuated form in the speech of older respondents, and Canadian features were generally less prevalent among the LDS. It is concluded that religious affiliation is a factor in the phonology of the region.
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Русская диалектная лексика, обозначающая нарушения сознания: семантико-мотивационная реконструкция : магистерская диссертация / Russian dialect words denoting disorders of consciousness: semantic and motivational reconstructionМакшакова, Т. А., Makshakova, T. A. January 2023 (has links)
Данная работа посвящена анализу русских диалектных слов и выражений, называющих различные нарушения сознания. Так, нами рассматривались номинации кликушества, эпилепсии, помутнения и потери сознания, головокружения, оцепенения, аффекта, состояния, которое в литературном языке описательно называется «вертится на языке». Также интерпретировались языковые факты семантически зеркальной зоны «обретение сознания». / This work analyzes Russian dialect words and expressions naming various disorders of consciousness. There are considered the nominations of clamor, epilepsy, turbidity and loss of consciousness, dizziness, stupor, affect, a condition that in literary language is descriptively called “being on the tip of the tongue”. The linguistic facts of the semantically mirrored zone “gaining consciousness” were also interpreted.
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Speech in space and time : contact, change and diffusion in medieval NorwayBlaxter, Tam Tristram January 2017 (has links)
This project uses corpus linguistics and geostatistics to test the sociolinguistic typological theory put forward by Peter Trudgill on the history of Norwegian. The theory includes several effects of societal factors on language change. Most discussed is the proposal that ‘intensive’ language contact causes simplification of language grammar. In the Norwegian case, the claim is that simplificatory changes which affected all of the Continental North Germanic languages (Danish, Swedish, Norwegian) but not the Insular North Germanic Languages were the result of contact with Middle Low German through the Hanseatic League. This suggests that those simplificatory changes arose in the centres of contact with the Hanseatic League: cities with Hansa trading posts and kontors. The size of the dataset required would have made it impossible for previous scholars to test this prediction, but digital approaches render the problem tractable. I have designed a 3.5m word corpus containing nearly all extant Middle Norwegian, and developed statistical methods for examining the spread of language phenomena in time and space. The project is made up of a series of case studies of changes. Three examine simplifying phonological changes: the rise of svarabhakti (epenthetic) vowels, the change of /hv/ > /kv/ and the loss of the voiceless dental fricative. A further three look at simplifying morphological changes: the loss of 1.sg. verbal agreement, the loss of lexical genitives and the loss of 1.pl. verbal agreement. In each case study a large dataset from many documents is collected and used to map the progression of the change in space and time. The social background of document signatories is also used to map the progression of the change through different social groups. A variety of different patterns emerge for the different changes examined. Some changes spread by contagious diffusion, but many spread by hierarchical diffusion, jumping first between cities before spreading to the country at large. One common theme which runs through much of the findings is that dialect contact within the North Germanic language area seems to have played a major role: many of the different simplificatory changes may first have spread into Norwegian from Swedish or Danish. Although these findings do not exactly match the simple predictions originally proposed from the sociolinguistic typological theory, they are potentially consistent with a more nuanced account in which the major centres of contact and so simplifying change were in Sweden and Denmark rather than Norway.
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Channelling change : evolution in Guernsey Norman French phonologySimmonds, Helen Margaret January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines evolution in the phonology of Guernesiais, the endangered variety of Norman French indigenous to the Channel Island of Guernsey. It identifies ways in which modern Guernesiais phonology differs from previous descriptions of the variety written between 1870 and 2008, and identifies new patterns of phonological variation which correlate with speaker place of origin within the island. This is accomplished through a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses of a new corpus of speech data. The relationship between the data and other extralinguistic variables such as age and gender is also explored. The Guernsey 2010 corpus was gathered during linguistic interviews held with forty-nine adult native speakers of Guernesiais between July and September 2010. The interviews featured a word list translation task (English > Guernesiais), a series of socio-biographical questions, and a self-assessment questionnaire which sought to elicit information about the participants’ use of Guernesiais as well as their responses to questions relating to language revitalisation issues. The interviews resulted in over 40 hours of recorded material in addition to a bank of written socio-biographical, behavioural and attitudinal data. Analysis of the phonetically transcribed data revealed that a number of phonological features of Guernesiais have evolved, perhaps owing to greater contact with English or through other processes of language change such as levelling. Shifting patterns of diatopic variation indicate that south-western Guernesiais forms are spreading northwards, and this is echoed in the findings of the socio-biographical data. New evidence of diatopic variation in final consonant devoicing and word-final post-obstruent liquid deletion was also found. This thesis concludes that there is still considerable variation in the pronunciation of modern native speakers of Guernesiais, and that this correlates with place of origin within the island. While northern Guernesiais forms have not disappeared entirely, south-western Guernesiais appears set to become the de facto standard for the variety, especially as the political impetus for revitalisation is generated from this area of the island.
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Joan Hambidge se idiolek oor die grense van genres : 'n korpuslinguistiese ondersoek / Mariska NelNel, Mariska January 2014 (has links)
Idiolect refers to an individual’s unique use of language. Therefore, the author of a text can be identified by his/her use of language. This study is focused on Joan Hambidge’s recognisable idiolect across the boundaries of genres. It is expected that Hambidge will have a unique and recognisable idiolect, regardless of the genre she writes in. By making use of forensic linguistic principles, methods and applications, it has been shown that it is possible to determine an individual’s idiolect. Even though forensic principles are specifically focused on identifying an author, the methodology used in the research field can be applied to a corpus linguistic study to determine how clearly an individual’s idiolect features across the boundaries of genres.
By researching the research subject, explaining her oeuvre, creating a literary background, as well as discussing the literary approaches that Hambidge uses in her respective genres, and what she writes about, the necessary literary background was created, which contributes to the complete image of Hambidge and her influences. By creating this background, it is possible to determine which external factors have an influence on Hambidge's idiolect.
Linguistic research was done to determine the origin and background of sociolinguistics; as well as factors that can influence an individual’s idiolect. The background of forensic linguistics was provided, as well as the various corpus linguistic methods that can be used in a study such as this one.
After the background was provided, the empirical analysis was executed, in which both stylistic and stylometric analyses were performed by making use of inter- and intra-corpus linguistic research, according to which Hambidge’s idiolect was identified.
To identify Hambidge’s idiolect, the Taalkommissie corpus was used as a reference corpus to determine whether the idiosyncratic characteristics that were found in the Hambidge corpus truly are a unique feature or whether they can also be found in the Taalkommissie corpus.
The application and execution of the methods made it possible to determine to which extent, if at all, Hambidge has a unique idiolect, and how this idiolect features across the boundaries of genres. The research has determined that Joan Hambidge has a unique idiolect and that the idiolect is especially clear when research is done about her corpus in its entirety. When Hambidge’s separate genres were compared to each other, it was clear that genre influences idiolect, but also that Hambidge did not follow the prescribed genre conventions. Even though the two novels that were compared, did not match as was expected, the other, various genres did agree. Various categories were identified, from which it is clear that distinguishing characteristics can be found in Hambidge’s corpus. It can therefore be said without a doubt that Hambidge has a unique idiolect across the boundaries of genres. / MA (Afrikaans and Dutch), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Moderní variety židovské arabštiny / Modern Varieties of Judaeo-ArabicMorávková, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Modern Varieties of Judaeo-Arabic Author: Anna Morávková Abstract The thesis deals with modern variants of Judeo-Arabic. The theoretical part puts the Judeo-Arabic into a broader historical, social and linguistic context and emphasizes its significance with respect to the Arabic dialectology. The practical part compares the phonological and morphological features of the individual variants of Judeo-Arabic that occur in two dialectal areas (Mesopotamian and North Africa). It is aimed at pointing out the differences between these variants and also their divergence from the major Muslim dialects and, concerning Mesopotamia, also other communal dialects.
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Atlas linguístico pluridimensional do português paulista: níveis semântico-lexical e fonético-fonológico do vernáculo da região do Médio Tietê / Pluridimensional linguistic atlas of the Portuguese spoken in the Brazilian state of São Paulo: semantic-lexical and phonetic-phonological levels of the vernacular in Médio Tietê regionFigueiredo Junior, Selmo Ribeiro 30 November 2018 (has links)
Com base teórico-metodológica da Dialetologia Pluridimensional (RADTKE e THUN, 1996; THUN, 2000, 2005 etc.), esta tese de doutorado apresenta sobretudo um atlas linguístico pluridimensional do português paulista (conhecido como \"dialeto caipira\") nos níveis semântico-lexical e fonético-fonológico e faz contribuições metodológicas de diferentes naturezas. Trata-se de contribuições à metodologia de coleta de dados empíricos, à metodologia de organização de corpora, e à metodologia de elaboração de atlas linguísticos pluridimensionais. No campo analítico, uma das contribuições deste estudo refere-se às contrapartes (a)fonéticas do arquifonema /R/ em quatro situações de coda silábica: (i) externa de desinência infinitiva (DI) seguida por pausa; (ii) externa em sílaba tônica (que não de DI) seguida por pausa; (iii) interna em sílaba tônica; e (iv) interna em sílaba átona. Quanto à situação (i), a seguinte hipótese em específico foi testada: os jovens entre 18 e 36 anos de idade do Médio Tietê (esp. aqueles com alta escolaridade, AE) estão produzindo a variante [ ɻ ] (a aproximante retroflexa, conhecida como \"erre caipira\") para o /R/ na situação (i) sob uma frequência relativa inferior àquela a ser observada entre os mais velhos a partir de 55 anos de idade (esp. aqueles com baixa escolaridade, BE). Como resultado, a fala dos jovens revelou-se na verdade mais albergadora da variante [ ɻ ] do que a fala dos mais velhos. A frequência relativa do fone referido em perspectiva com suas covariantes foi de 57% entre os jovens com AE e 62% entre os jovens com BE (contra 45% entre os mais velhos com AE e 30% entre os mais velhos com BE). Os dados são de 80 voluntários moradores em alguns dos municípios mais antigos do interior paulista: Santana de Parnaíba, Pirapora do Bom Jesus, Araçariguama, São Roque, Sorocaba, Itu, Porto Feliz, Tietê, Capivari e Piracicaba. A coleta dos dados realizou-se com a aplicação dos instrumentos metodológicos do Atlas Linguístico do Brasil (ALiB, 2014) com modificações, gerando um conjunto de corpora, constituído por corpora semântico-lexicais, corpora fonético-fonológicos, um corpus metalinguístico-etnográfico e corpora extralinguísticos. Como base de dados, esse conjunto de corpora permitiu a elaboração do atlas linguístico de maneira a contemplar, além da dimensão diatópica inerente a esse empreendimento cartográfico e geolinguístico, ainda as dimensões diastrática, diagenérica e diageracional. No campo teórico-metodológico, uma das contribuições mais importantes deste trabalho reside no desenvolvimento de uma série de procedimentos ao inquérito semântico-lexical a qual denominamos \'técnica de entrevista orientada à contundência responsiva/anuente\', diretamente baseada na \'técnica de entrevista de três tempos\', por sua vez concebida pelo Dr. Thun (ADDU, 2000). Esta pesquisa só foi possível graças ao apoio da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo FAPESP (procs. 2015/14038-5 e 2011/51787-5), do Serviço Alemão de Intercâmbio Acadêmico DAAD (prog. 57214225) e da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior CAPES (proc. 0128-16-3 / 99999.000128/2016-03). / Following the theoretical and methodological background of the Pluridimensional Dialectology (RADTKE & THUN, 1996; THUN, 2000, 2005, among others), this doctoral thesis presents mainly a pluridimensional linguistic atlas of the Portuguese spoken in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, also known as \"Caipira\" dialect. The linguistic levels approached are both semantic-lexical and phonetic-phonological. This study also makes methodological contributions to data collection process, to corpora structuring, and to development of pluridimensional atlases. Regarding the analyses, the archiphoneme /R/\'s phonetic counterparts were investigated in four different syllable codas: (i) final of infinitive ending (IE) followed by a break; (ii) final in stressed syllable (but not of IE) followed by a break; (iii) medial in stressed syllable; and (iv) medial in unstressed syllable. Concerning case (i), a specific hypothesis was tested out, namely: young individuals aged 18 to 36 from the Médio Tietê region (esp. those with high education, HE) articulate the variant [ ɻ ] (voiced retroflex approximant, also known as \"Caipira-R\") for the /R/ in case (i) under a relative frequency that is lower than the one to be observed among elders from 55 years of age (esp. those with low education, LE). Surprisingly, it turned out that younger ones speak [ ɻ ] more than older ones do. The relative frequency of [ ɻ ] put in perspective with its covariants was 57% among HE young individuals and 62% among LE ones (against 45% among HE elders and 30% among LE ones). Data from 80 local speakers were collected in some of the São Paulo State\'s oldest inland cities: Santana de Parnaíba, Pirapora do Bom Jesus, Araçariguama, São Roque, Sorocaba, Itu, Porto Feliz, Tietê, Capivari, and Piracicaba. For the data collection, methodological instruments made by \"Atlas Linguístico do Brasil\" (ALiB, 2014) were applied after modifications. Thus, a set of corpora was produced: semanticlexical ones, phonetic-phonological ones, a metalinguistic-ethnographic one, and extralinguistic ones. They constitute the database for the elaboration of the atlas, which encompasses in addition to the diatopic dimension inherent in this cartographic and geolinguistic undertaking diastratic, diagender-specific, and diagenerational dimensions. From a both theoretical and methodological perspective, another contribution of this work lies in the development of a series of procedures whose main goal is to obtain the informants\' certitude about answers in the semantic-lexical interview that is derived from the three-step technique created by Dr. Thun (ADDU, 2000). This research was only possible thanks to \"Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo\" FAPESP (process numbers 2015/14038-5 and 2011/51787-5), German Academic Exchange Service DAAD (funding program number 57214225), and \"Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior\" CAPES (process number 0128-16-3 / 99999.000128/2016- 03).
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