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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atlas semântico-lexical da região do Grande ABC / Semantic-Lexical Atlas of the Great ABC region

Adriana Cristina Cristianini 27 September 2007 (has links)
A região do Grande ABC paulista, formada por sete municípios - Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo, São Caetano do Sul, Diadema, Mauá, Ribeirão Pires e Rio Grande da Serra -, tem uma importância considerável no contexto sócio-políticoeconômico- cultural do Brasil. Dentre outras características, percebe-se a grande mobilidade da população, fazendo crer que, atualmente, na região do Grande ABC, há poucos usuários que falam a norma da região. Por isso, faz-se necessário resgatar, o mais rápido possível, a variação semântico-lexical da língua falada no Grande ABC, como forma de se registrar a memória lingüística da comunidade dessa região. A presente tese busca registrar parte desse cabedal lingüístico e tem por objetivo geral descrever a norma semântico-lexical da região do Grande ABC paulista, com vistas ao Atlas Semântico-Lexical da Região do Grande ABC. Com base nos postulados da Geolingüística contemporânea, aplicou-se o Questionário Semântico-Lexical do Projeto ALiB, versão 2001, em nove pontos da região a 36 sujeitos subdivididos em duas faixas etárias - 18 a 30 e 50 a 65 anos de idade - e nos dois gêneros - feminino e masculino. Com as respostas obtidas nas entrevistas, elaborou-se um banco de dados semântico-lexical, disponível em CD-ROM, e, posteriormente, foram os dados tratados e documentados cartograficamente, a fim de que se pudesse elaborar o quadro da diversidade semântico-lexical do falar da região do Grande ABC. Além do referencial teórico-metodológico da Geolingüística e da Lexicologia, a partir de obras de Pottier e Barbosa, utilizou-se a abordagem de Norma efetuada por Coseriu, e complementou-se com noções de Estatística Lexical, propostas por Muller, sobretudo as referentes a freqüência. Ao final, chegou-se a um conjunto de 202 cartogramas lingüísticos, que não apenas revelam a norma semântico-lexical do Grande ABC, como também constituem um retrato, ainda que parcial, do falar paulista. / Located in the state of São Paulo, the region known as the Great ABC paulista is comprised of seven cities: Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo, São Caetano do Sul, Diadema, Mauá, Ribeirão Pires and Rio Grande da Serra. This region has considerable importance in the sociopolitical and economic-cultural contexts in Brazil. Among a number of characteristics, is possible to think that the great populational mobility in this region make possible to believe that, nowadays, there are few users of the linguistic norm of the region. That is the reason why it is necessary to rescue the semantic-lexical variation of the language spoken in the Great ABC area, as a way of registering this community\'s linguistic memory. This work attempts to register part of this linguistic ensemble and its general objective is the description of the semantic-lexical norm of the Great ABC paulista region, in order to build the Semantic- Lexical Atlas of the Great ABC region. Based on the postulates of contemporary Geolinguistics, we have applied the Semantic-Lexical Questionnaire of the AliB Project, version 2001, in nine points of the region, on 36 subjects belonging to both genders - female and male - and subdivided in two age groups - people aged between 18 and 30, and between 50 and 65. The answers obtained during the interviews were the basis for the elaboration of a semantic-lexical database, available on CD-ROM. Afterwards, these data were cartographically treated and documented, so that it would be possible to have a panorama of the semantic-lexical diversity of the Great ABC region\'s speech. Besides the Geolinguistics and Lexicology theoretical and methodological references, such as works by Pottier and Barbosa, we have used the normative approach elaborated by Coseriu, and the notions of Lexical Statistics, proposed by Muller, mainly those concerning with frequency. At last, we have made 202 linguistic cartograms, which not only reveal the semantic-lexical norm of the Great ABC region, but also constitute a portrait, although partial, of the oral speech of the state of São Paulo.

Виноградарска терминологија Војводине / Vinogradarska terminologija Vojvodine / Vinicultural terminology in Vojvodina

Marković Brankica 28 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Војводина је део Србије северно од Саве и Дунава и административна<br />јединица са статусом аутономне покрајине, која заузима територију од 22.572 км2.<br />Као пространа и плодна равница погодна је за разноврсну пољопривредну<br />производњу: ратарство, повртарство, воћарство и виноградарство. На падинама<br />планина и пешчарама земљиште је изузетно погодно за воћарску и виноградарску<br />производњу. У Војводини постоје три виноградарска региона: Фрушкогорски,<br />Вршачки и Регион суботичко-хоргошке пешчаре.<br />Виноградарска терминологија је до сада врло мало обрађена у нашој<br />лингвистичкој литератури, стога је циљ овог рада био да се представи целокупна<br />виноградарска терминологија у три поменута виноградарска региона у Војводини.<br />Грађа је прикупљена на терену (у 39 пунктова) помоћу Упитника за бележење<br />виноградарске лексике Института за српски језик САНУ и снимањем спонтаног<br />говора информатора. Пажња је била посвећена лексичко-семантичкој и творбеној<br />анализи, изради речника и представљању једног дела грађе помоћу лингвистичких<br />карата.<br />Лексичко-семантичка анализа рађена је према основним поставкама теорије<br />семантичких микропоља Н. И. Толстоја, која је (унеколико модификована)<br />заступљена у основи и свих осталих досад описиваних терминологија у оквиру<br />новосадске лингвистичке школе. Прикупљена грађа разврстана је у оквиру 15<br />семантичких поља, која су даље представљена и анализирана.<br />Творбеном анализом обухваћене су именице, придеви и глаголи. Анализа је<br />вршена на префиксалном, суфиксалном и префиксално-суфиксалном творбеном<br />плану. Исто тако, обрађене су и сложенице и сложене (вишечлане) лексеме.<br />У раду је примењен и лингвогеографски метод, па је део грађе представљен<br />кроз 20 лингвистичких карата (са пратећим коментарима), помоћу којих је добијена<br />јаснија слика о територијалној распрострањености појединих лексема.<br />С обзиром на то да детаљно и системско проучавање виноградарске<br />терминологије до сада није урађено, ово истраживање ће попунити тај видни<br />недостатак.</p> / <p>Vojvodina je deo Srbije severno od Save i Dunava i administrativna<br />jedinica sa statusom autonomne pokrajine, koja zauzima teritoriju od 22.572 km2.<br />Kao prostrana i plodna ravnica pogodna je za raznovrsnu poljoprivrednu<br />proizvodnju: ratarstvo, povrtarstvo, voćarstvo i vinogradarstvo. Na padinama<br />planina i peščarama zemljište je izuzetno pogodno za voćarsku i vinogradarsku<br />proizvodnju. U Vojvodini postoje tri vinogradarska regiona: Fruškogorski,<br />Vršački i Region subotičko-horgoške peščare.<br />Vinogradarska terminologija je do sada vrlo malo obrađena u našoj<br />lingvističkoj literaturi, stoga je cilj ovog rada bio da se predstavi celokupna<br />vinogradarska terminologija u tri pomenuta vinogradarska regiona u Vojvodini.<br />Građa je prikupljena na terenu (u 39 punktova) pomoću Upitnika za beleženje<br />vinogradarske leksike Instituta za srpski jezik SANU i snimanjem spontanog<br />govora informatora. Pažnja je bila posvećena leksičko-semantičkoj i tvorbenoj<br />analizi, izradi rečnika i predstavljanju jednog dela građe pomoću lingvističkih<br />karata.<br />Leksičko-semantička analiza rađena je prema osnovnim postavkama teorije<br />semantičkih mikropolja N. I. Tolstoja, koja je (unekoliko modifikovana)<br />zastupljena u osnovi i svih ostalih dosad opisivanih terminologija u okviru<br />novosadske lingvističke škole. Prikupljena građa razvrstana je u okviru 15<br />semantičkih polja, koja su dalje predstavljena i analizirana.<br />Tvorbenom analizom obuhvaćene su imenice, pridevi i glagoli. Analiza je<br />vršena na prefiksalnom, sufiksalnom i prefiksalno-sufiksalnom tvorbenom<br />planu. Isto tako, obrađene su i složenice i složene (višečlane) lekseme.<br />U radu je primenjen i lingvogeografski metod, pa je deo građe predstavljen<br />kroz 20 lingvističkih karata (sa pratećim komentarima), pomoću kojih je dobijena<br />jasnija slika o teritorijalnoj rasprostranjenosti pojedinih leksema.<br />S obzirom na to da detaljno i sistemsko proučavanje vinogradarske<br />terminologije do sada nije urađeno, ovo istraživanje će popuniti taj vidni<br />nedostatak.</p> / <p>Vojvodina is a part of Serbia, north from the rivers Sava and Danube and is an<br />administrative unit with the status of autonomous province. Vojvodina covers an area of<br />22,572 km2. The vast fertile plain is suitable for a wide range of agricultural production:<br />truck farming, olericulture, pomology and viniculture. The soil on slopes of mountains<br />and in sandy areas is extremely suitable for pomology and viniculture. There are three<br />vinicultural regions in Vojvodina: the Fruska Gora region, Vrsac region and the region of<br />Subotica &ndash; Horgos sandy area.<br />The vinicultural terminology has not been researched to any greater extent in our<br />linguistic literature, therefore, it is the aim of this paper to present the entire vinicultural<br />terminology in the aforementioned three vinicultural regions in Vojvodna. The material<br />has been gathered in the field (on 39 sites) with the use of Upitnik za beleženje<br />vinogradarske leksike (Questionnaire for registering vinicultural lexis) of the SANU<br />Institute for the Serbian Language and by recording respondents&rsquo; spontaneous speech.<br />The focus of the research was the lexical-semantical and word formational analysis for<br />the purpose of compiling a dictionary as well as presentation of part of the material in<br />linguistic cards.<br />The lexical-semantical analysis was conducted in accordance with the basic<br />postulates of N. I. Tolstoy&rsquo;s theory of semantic micro fields, which is (modified on<br />occasion) present in all other terminologies described by the linguistic school of Novi<br />Sad up to now. The material compiled is organized in 15 semantic fields, which are<br />further presented and analyzed.<br />The word formational analysis included nouns, adjectives and verbs. The analysis<br />has been conducted on the prefix, suffix, and prefix-suffix word formational aspects.<br />Also, compound nouns and compound (multi-part) lexemes have been analyzed.<br />The linguo-geographic method was applied for the paper, therefore, part of the<br />material is presented in 20 linguistic cards (with respective comments), which help create<br />a clearer picture of territorial distribution of certain lexemes.<br />Since no detailed and systematic study of vinicultural terminology has been<br />conducted so far, this research will fill this obvious void.</p>

Atlas semântico-lexical da região do Grande ABC / Semantic-Lexical Atlas of the Great ABC region

Cristianini, Adriana Cristina 27 September 2007 (has links)
A região do Grande ABC paulista, formada por sete municípios - Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo, São Caetano do Sul, Diadema, Mauá, Ribeirão Pires e Rio Grande da Serra -, tem uma importância considerável no contexto sócio-políticoeconômico- cultural do Brasil. Dentre outras características, percebe-se a grande mobilidade da população, fazendo crer que, atualmente, na região do Grande ABC, há poucos usuários que falam a norma da região. Por isso, faz-se necessário resgatar, o mais rápido possível, a variação semântico-lexical da língua falada no Grande ABC, como forma de se registrar a memória lingüística da comunidade dessa região. A presente tese busca registrar parte desse cabedal lingüístico e tem por objetivo geral descrever a norma semântico-lexical da região do Grande ABC paulista, com vistas ao Atlas Semântico-Lexical da Região do Grande ABC. Com base nos postulados da Geolingüística contemporânea, aplicou-se o Questionário Semântico-Lexical do Projeto ALiB, versão 2001, em nove pontos da região a 36 sujeitos subdivididos em duas faixas etárias - 18 a 30 e 50 a 65 anos de idade - e nos dois gêneros - feminino e masculino. Com as respostas obtidas nas entrevistas, elaborou-se um banco de dados semântico-lexical, disponível em CD-ROM, e, posteriormente, foram os dados tratados e documentados cartograficamente, a fim de que se pudesse elaborar o quadro da diversidade semântico-lexical do falar da região do Grande ABC. Além do referencial teórico-metodológico da Geolingüística e da Lexicologia, a partir de obras de Pottier e Barbosa, utilizou-se a abordagem de Norma efetuada por Coseriu, e complementou-se com noções de Estatística Lexical, propostas por Muller, sobretudo as referentes a freqüência. Ao final, chegou-se a um conjunto de 202 cartogramas lingüísticos, que não apenas revelam a norma semântico-lexical do Grande ABC, como também constituem um retrato, ainda que parcial, do falar paulista. / Located in the state of São Paulo, the region known as the Great ABC paulista is comprised of seven cities: Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo, São Caetano do Sul, Diadema, Mauá, Ribeirão Pires and Rio Grande da Serra. This region has considerable importance in the sociopolitical and economic-cultural contexts in Brazil. Among a number of characteristics, is possible to think that the great populational mobility in this region make possible to believe that, nowadays, there are few users of the linguistic norm of the region. That is the reason why it is necessary to rescue the semantic-lexical variation of the language spoken in the Great ABC area, as a way of registering this community\'s linguistic memory. This work attempts to register part of this linguistic ensemble and its general objective is the description of the semantic-lexical norm of the Great ABC paulista region, in order to build the Semantic- Lexical Atlas of the Great ABC region. Based on the postulates of contemporary Geolinguistics, we have applied the Semantic-Lexical Questionnaire of the AliB Project, version 2001, in nine points of the region, on 36 subjects belonging to both genders - female and male - and subdivided in two age groups - people aged between 18 and 30, and between 50 and 65. The answers obtained during the interviews were the basis for the elaboration of a semantic-lexical database, available on CD-ROM. Afterwards, these data were cartographically treated and documented, so that it would be possible to have a panorama of the semantic-lexical diversity of the Great ABC region\'s speech. Besides the Geolinguistics and Lexicology theoretical and methodological references, such as works by Pottier and Barbosa, we have used the normative approach elaborated by Coseriu, and the notions of Lexical Statistics, proposed by Muller, mainly those concerning with frequency. At last, we have made 202 linguistic cartograms, which not only reveal the semantic-lexical norm of the Great ABC region, but also constitute a portrait, although partial, of the oral speech of the state of São Paulo.

Stereotypes of English in Hollywood Movies : A Case Study of the Use of Different Varieties of English in <em>Star Wars</em>, <em>The Lord of the Rings</em> and <em>Transformers</em>.

Andersson, Niklas January 2010 (has links)
<p>This essay deals with the use of linguistic stereotypes in Hollywood movies. It investigates whether attitudes towards English dialects found in studies on perceptual dialectology are reflected in the selected movies and discusses the notion of linguistic identity and how standard and nonstandard speech, respectively, are used symbolically to emphasize features of characters in eleven movies from three different movie series, namely <em>The Lord of the Rings</em>, <em>Star Wars</em> and <em>Transformers</em>, with a main focus on syntactic and phonological dimensions. The essay finds a correlation between standard speech and features of competence and wisdom, and nonstandard speech and features of solidarity, sociability and traits of stupidity and humor. Moreover, very specific perceptions of certain varieties of English are probably utilized as amplifiers of equally specific characteristics of some characters. The use of dialects and accents in these movies is probably intentional and not coincidental.</p>

Of butterflies and birds, of dialects and genres : Essays in honour of Philip Shaw

January 2013 (has links)
This volume is a tribute to our friend and colleague Philip Shaw, Professor of English linguistics at the Department of English, Stockholm University, on the occasion of his 65th birthday. The 22 contributions to this volume by friends and colleagues worldwide bear witness to Philip’s academic versatility as well as his interests beyond academia. The first paper, ‘Narratives of Nature in English and Swedish: Butterfly books and the case of Argynnis paphia’, a genre study by Annelie Ädel and John Swales, is illustrated by Philip devoting himself to one of his favourite activities. It is followed by four other genre analyses, based on very different texts: Trine Dahl, ‘Telling it Like it Is or Strategic Writing? A portrait of the economist writer’, Paul Gillaerts, ‘Move Analysis of Abstracts from a Diachronic Perspective: A case study’, Maurizio Gotti, ‘Investigating the Generic Structure of Mediation Processes’, and Nils-Lennart Johannesson, ‘Orrmulum: Genre membership and text organisation’. The following five papers all relate to Philip’s work in the fields of English as a Second Language (ESL), English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), and English for Academic Purposes (EAP). The ESL study by Britt Erman and Margareta Lewis is titled ‘Vocabulary in Advanced L2 English Speech’, and ELF is represented by Beyza Björkman’s ‘Peer Assessment of Spoken Lingua Franca English in Tertiary Education in Sweden: Criterion-referenced versus norm-referenced assessment’. The three following papers relate to Philip’s work on academic writing: Magnus Gustafsson &amp; Hans Malmström, ‘Master Level Writing in Engineering and Productive Vocabulary: What does measuring academic vocabulary levels tell us?’, Akiko Okamura, ‘Philip Shaw’s Writing Expertise in Academic Discourse’, and Diane Pecorari, ‘Additional Reasons for the Correlation of Voice, Tense and Sentence Function’. The three papers to follow address issues within the fields of dialectology and sociolinguistics, representing different speech communities in the English-speaking world: Joan C. Beal, ‘Tourism and the Commodification of Language’, Peter Sundkvist, ‘“Ridiculously Country”: The representation of Appalachian English in the Deliverance screenplay’, and Sandra Jansen, ‘“I don’t sound like a Geordie!”: Phonological and morphosyntactic aspects of Carlisle English’. This naturally leads on to studies on World Englishes, represented by papers by Kingsley Bolton, ‘World Englishes, Globalisation, and Language Worlds’, Gunnel Melchers, ‘The North Wind and the Sun: A classic text as data for World Englishes’, Christiane Meierkord &amp; Bridget Fonkeu, ‘Of Birds and the Human Species – Communication in Migration Contexts: English in the Cameroonian migrant community in the Ruhr area’, and Augustin Simo Bobda, ‘The Emergence of a Standardizing Cameroon Francophone English Pronunciation in Cameroon’. The five final papers deal with a variety of linguistic topics all close to Philip’s heart but not so easily accommodated into the above sections. They are: Maria Kuteeva, ‘Tolkien and Lewis on Language in their Scholarly Work’, Karin Aijmer and Anna Elgemark, ‘The Pragmatic Markers Look and Listen in a Cross-linguistic Perspective’, Magnus Ljung, ‘Goddamn: From curse to byname’, Christina Alm-Arvius, ‘Opposites Attract’, and Erik Smitterberg, ‘Non-correlative Commas between Subjects and Verbs in Nineteenth-century Newspaper English’.

Η σύνθεση στην Κυπριακή : ζητήματα εξωκεντρικότητας

Ανδρέου, Μάριος 11 January 2011 (has links)
Στη μεταπτυχιακή αυτή διατριβή αμφισβητώ την ευρέως διαδεδομένη άποψη ότι η διάκριση ανάμεσα σε ενδοκεντρικά και εξωκεντρικά σύνθετα είναι κατ’ εξοχήν σημασιολογική (βλ. μεταξύ άλλων Bauer 2009: 350). Αντιθέτως, ακολουθώντας τους Ralli & Andreou (2010), προτείνω ότι η συγκεκριμένη διάκριση είναι δομική. Για να υποστηρίξω τους ισχυρισμούς και τις προτάσεις μου, παραθέτω δεδομένα από την Κυπριακή και την Κοινή Νέα Ελληνική. Καταρχάς, υποστηρίζω ότι η εξωκεντρικότητα δεν είναι ένα περιθωριακό φαινόμενο στη σύνθεση, δεδομένου ότι διάφορες γλωσσικές ποικιλίες, μεταξύ των οποίων και η Κυπριακή, επιδεικνύουν υψηλό βαθμό παραγωγικότητας εξωκεντρικών συνθέτων. Ακολούθως, υποστηρίζω ότι η σημασιολογία δεν μπορεί να μας οδηγήσει σε ασφαλή συμπεράσματα ούτε για την κατηγοριοποίηση των εξωκεντρικών, αλλά ούτε και για τη διάκριση ανάμεσα σε ενδοκεντρικότητα και εξωκεντρικότητα. Επιπρόσθετα, σε αντίθεση με τους Scalise et al. (2009), δείχνω ότι τα μορφολογικά χαρακτηριστικά, όπως για παράδειγμα το γένος και η κλιτική τάξη, δεν μπορούν να ορίσουν την εξωκεντρικότητα. Καταληκτικά, προτείνω ότι η ενδοκεντρικότητα και η εξωκεντρικότητα είναι επιφαινόμενα της σειράς εφαρμογής των διαδικασιών σχηματισμού λέξεων, σύνθεσης και παραγωγής. Με βάση την πρόταση αυτή, ένα σύνθετο είναι εξωκεντρικό όταν η σύνθεση και η παραγωγή οι οποίες συνεμφανίζονται (co-occur) σε ένα μορφολογικά πολύπλοκο πρωτογενή σχηματισμό, αλληλεπιδρούν με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε η παραγωγή να έπεται της σύνθεσης. Αντίθετα, ένα σύνθετο είναι ενδοκεντρικό όταν περιλαμβάνει μόνο σύνθεση ή όταν συμπεριλαμβάνει παραγωγή και σύνθεση με αυτή τη σειρά. / In this MA thesis, I challenge the widely accepted view that the distinction between endocentric and exocentric compounds is fundamentally semantic (see, among others, Bauer 2009: 350). Following Ralli & Andreou (2010), I propose, instead, that this is a structural distinction. I illustrate my claims and proposals by using data from Greek and Cypriot Greek. First, I challenge the widespread view that exocentric compounds do not belong to the productive word-formation mechanism given that exocentricity in a number of linguistic varieties, Cypriot included, is very productive. In addition, I show that semantics cannot be a safe criterion for either classifying exocentric compounds into various categories or distinguishing between endocentric and exocentric compounds. Moreover, I argue that morphological features, e.g. gender and inflection class, cannot define exocentricity, in the way Scalise et al. (2009) have proposed. Finally, I suggest that exocentricity might be an epiphenomenon of the order of application of the two word-formation processes, according to which, when compounding and derivation co-occur within the same morphologically-complex item, compounding precedes derivation. In contrast, a structure is endocentric, if it contains only compounding, or involves derivation and compounding, in this particular order.

L’Informatique au service des sciences du langage : la conception d’un programme étudiant le parler arabe libanais blanc / Computer science at the service of language sciences : the design of a program studying Arabic Lebanese white speech

El Hage, Antoine 25 January 2017 (has links)
A une époque où l’informatique a envahi tous les aspects de notre vie quotidienne, il est tout à fait normal de voir le domaine informatique participer aux travaux en sciences humaines et sociales, et notamment en linguistique où le besoin de développer des logiciels informatiques se fait de plus en plus pressant avec le volume grandissant des corpus traités. D’où notre travail de thèse qui consiste en l’élaboration d’un programme EPL qui étudie le parler arabe libanais blanc. En partant d’un corpus élaboré à partir de deux émissions télévisées enregistrées puis transcrites en lettres arabes, ce programme, élaboré avec le logiciel Access, nous a permis d’extraire les mots et les collocations et de procéder à une analyse linguistique aux niveaux lexical, phonétique, syntaxique et collocationnel. Le fonctionnement de l’EPL ainsi que le code de son développement sont décrits en détails dans une partie informatique à part. Des annexes de taille closent la thèse et rassemblent le produit des travaux de toute une équipe de chercheures venant de maintes spécialités. / At a time when computer science has invaded all aspects of our daily life, it is natural to see the computer field participating in human and social sciences work, and more particularly in linguistics where the need to develop computer software is becoming more and more pressing with the growing volume of analyzed corpora. Hence our thesis which consists in elaborating a program EPL that studies the white Lebanese Arabic speech. Starting from a corpus elaborated from two TV programs recorded then transcribed in Arabic letters, the program EPL, developed with Access software, allowed us to extract words and collocations, and to carry out a linguistic analysis on the lexical, phonetic, syntactic and collocational levels. The EPL’s functioning as well as its development code are described in the computer part. Important annexes conclude the thesis and gather the result of the work of a team of researchers coming from different specialties.

O léxico dos trabalhadores na produção artesanal de fogos em Muniz Ferreira - Ba

Barreto, Evanice Ramos Lima January 2006 (has links)
192f. / Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-05-14T17:20:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Evanice Lima.pdf: 3922080 bytes, checksum: c7a14dddbd114ecc6a62155e51912b15 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Alda Lima da Silva(sivalda@ufba.br) on 2013-06-04T16:41:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Evanice Lima.pdf: 3922080 bytes, checksum: c7a14dddbd114ecc6a62155e51912b15 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-04T16:41:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Evanice Lima.pdf: 3922080 bytes, checksum: c7a14dddbd114ecc6a62155e51912b15 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Este estudo de caráter descritivo tem por objetivo registrar e analisar o léxico empregado pelos trabalhadores na produção artesanal de fogos, em Muniz Ferreira-BA, baseando-se nos pressupostos que norteiam a Dialetologia, a Sociolingüística, a Etnolingüística e a Lexicologia. Para tanto, buscou-se a seleção de doze informantes, de ambos os sexos, naturais de Muniz Ferreira ou residentes nela há, pelo menos, um terço de sua vida, distribuídos nas seguintes faixas etárias: 20 a 35, 36 a 50 e mais de 50 anos. Aplicou-se um questionário contendo perguntas que contemplam as diferentes etapas do processo de fabricação, de acordo com os tipos de fogos, através do qual foram registradas e identificadas as lexias peculiares a esta atividade econômica. A análise léxico-semântica dos itens reunidos em seus respectivos campos léxicos e a observação dos fatores extralingüísticos permitiram verificar de que forma as variáveis sociolingüísticas, os fatores culturais e a estrutura social da comunidade influenciam no léxico em estudo, no que tange à sua constituição e uso. A pesquisa demonstrou que o léxico empregado pelos trabalhadores compõe-se de: formas já consagradas no uso geral da língua; elementos já existentes na língua, cujos significados foram ampliados no processo de reelaboração lexical; e construções neológicas. / Salvador

O léxico dos trabalhadores na produção artesanal de fogos em Muniz Ferreira - Ba / Programa de pós-graduação em letras e linguística

Lima, Evanice Ramos January 2006 (has links)
p. 1-193 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-06-06T18:23:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Evanice Lima.pdf: 3922080 bytes, checksum: c7a14dddbd114ecc6a62155e51912b15 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-06-06T18:52:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Evanice Lima.pdf: 3922080 bytes, checksum: c7a14dddbd114ecc6a62155e51912b15 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-06T18:52:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Evanice Lima.pdf: 3922080 bytes, checksum: c7a14dddbd114ecc6a62155e51912b15 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Este estudo de caráter descritivo tem por objetivo registrar e analisar o léxico empregado pelos trabalhadores na produção artesanal de fogos, em Muniz Ferreira-Ba, baseando-se nos pressupostos que norteiam a Dialetologia, a Sociolinguística, a Etnolinguística e a Lexicologia. Para tanto, buscou-se a seleção de doze informantes , de ambos os sexos , naturais de Muniz Ferreira ou residentes nela há pelo menos , um terço de sua vida, distribuídos nas seguintes faixas etárias: 20 a 35, 36 a 50 e mais de 50 anos.Aplicou-se um questionário contendo perguntas que contemplam as diferentes etapas do processo de fabricação, de acordo com os tipos de fogos, através do qual foram registradas e identificadas as lexias peculiares a esta atividade econômica. A análise léxico-semântica dos itens reunidos em seus respectivos campos léxicos e a observação dos fatores extralinguístico permitiram verificar de que forma as variáveis sociolinguísticas, os fatores culturais e a estrutura social da comunidade influenciam no léxico em estudo, no que tange à sua constituição e uso. A pesquisa demonstrou que o léxico empregado pelos trabalhadores compõe-se de: formas já consagradas no uso geral da língua; elementos já existentes na língua, cujos significados foram ampliados no processo de reelaboração lexical; e construções neológicas. / Salvador

Antônio Nóbrega : a expressão linguístico-poético-musical de um brincante pernambucano / Antonio Nobrega: the musical-poetical-linguistic expression of a popular artist from Pernambuco, Brazil

Jorge Luís Moutinho Lima 03 April 2006 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo abordar o universo lingüístico-poético-musical em que se expressa o cantor, compositor, ator, dançarino, violinista e rabequeiro pernambucano Antonio Nóbrega, tomando como base três campos da língua portuguesa: estilística, semântica e dialetologia. O estudo tem como ponto de partida o repertório dos cinco CDs gravados por ele no período de 1996 a 2002 (Na pancada do ganzá, Madeira que cupim não rói, Pernambuco falando para o mundo, O marco do meio-dia e Lunário perpétuo), discos que resultam de espetáculos homônimos. Com base no corpus aqui analisado, serão feitas aproximações entre os pressupostos teóricos referentes aos campos de estudo indicados e o que se verifica nas letras que fazem parte desse universo lingüístico, realçando-se a presença dos parceiros Bráulio Tavares e Wilson Freire e levando-se em conta aspectos relativos à importância da cultura popular brasileira na formação desse brincante nordestino que tem como referenciais preponderantes em seu trabalho o escritor Ariano Suassuna e o Movimento Armorial. As reflexões sobre o trabalho de Antonio Nóbrega são contribuições desta tese no sentido de mostrar como se pode analisar uma obra literário-musical utilizando elementos teóricos da língua portuguesa, estabelecendo diálogos entre mais de um campo de estudo. / This doctorate dissertation has as its aim to deal with the musical-poetic- linguistic universe in which Antonio Nóbrega, an artist from the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, expresses himself as singer, composer, actor, dancer, violinist, and rebec player, taking as its basis three fields of the Portuguese language: stylistics, semantics and dialectology. The study has as its starting point the repertoire of the five CDs recorded by him in the period from 1996 to 2002 (Na pancada do ganzá, Madeira que cupim não rói, Pernambuco falando para o mundo, O marco do meio-dia e Lunário perpétuo), records which result from the homonymous spectacles. Having as basis the corpus which was analyzed here, approximations will be accomplished among the theoretical presuppositions related to the fields of study mentioned before, and the one which is verified in the lyrics which are part of this linguistic universe, giving prominence to the presence of his partners Bráulio Tavares and Wilson Freire, and taking into consideration aspects concerning the importance of Brazilian popular culture in the formation of this northeastern artist who has the writer Ariano Suassuna and the cultural movement known as Movimento Armorial as prominent referentials in his work. The reflections on the work of Antonio Nóbrega are the contributions of this doctorate dissertation in the sense of showing how it is possible to analyze a musical-literary work by using theoretical elements of the Portuguese language, establishing dialogues among more than one field of study.

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