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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autism och skrivsvårigheter : En intervjustudie med lärare som undervisar elever med autism

Romson, Åsa, Wallström, Josephina January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning   Tidigare forskning påvisar att elever med autismspektrumtillstånd (AST) ofta möter svårigheter i skrivandet och att de behöver få specifik skrivundervisning för att utvecklas i sitt skrivande. Studiens syfte var att undersöka och synliggöra lärares uppfattningar och erfarenheter beträffande skrivundervisning för elever med autism. Vår studie vilar på didaktisk teori som beskriver undervisning som en intentionell handling och betonar vikten av att undersöka verksamma lärares tankar och erfarenheter om undervisningens viktiga frågor. Utifrån en kvalitativ ansats undersöktes dels hur lärare ser på skrivsvårigheter hos elever med AST, dels vilka metoder och strategier de använde i sin undervisning samt dels deras tankar kring bedömning av elevernas skrivförmåga. Vi genomförde semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju grundskollärare, tre specialpedagoger och två speciallärare som alla bedriver skrivundervisning för elever med autism. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades. Studiens resultat visade att samtliga lärare uppfattade att elever med AST ofta möter flera svårigheter i sitt skrivande. Svårigheter som lärarna belyste var exempelvis att komma på en idé till en text, utveckla skrividén, skriva för en mottagare samt att komma igång, genomföra och att avsluta skrivuppgifter. Lärarna beskrev att de använder en mängd olika metoder och strategier för att ge eleverna stöd kring struktur i skrivandet. Lärarna lyfte även vikten av att skapa en god relation till eleverna och att kontinuerligt återkoppla på skrivuppgifter. En annan viktig aspekt som framkom var betydelsen av att stödja elevernas motivation för att skriva. Något lärarna lyfte som en svårighet i undervisningen var att bedöma skrivutvecklingen hos elever med AST. I relation till tidigare forskning, belyser vår studie betydelsen av explicit och strukturerad undervisning för att stödja elever med autism i deras skrivande. / Summary   Earlier research proves that students with autism spectrum (ASD) often encounter difficulties in writing and that they need to receive specific writing instruction to develop in their writing. The aim of the study was to investigate and visualize teachers' perceptions and experiences regarding teaching for writing development for pupils with autism. Our study relies on didactic theory which describes the teaching as an intentional act and emphasizes the importance of examining the active teachers' thoughts and experiences about the important issues of teaching. Based on a qualitative approach, it was examined how teachers look at writing difficulties among pupils with ASD, and what methods and strategies they used in their teaching and partly their thoughts on assessing the students' writing ability.   We conducted semi-structured interviews with seven elementary school teachers, three special educators and two special teachers, all of whom conduct writing lessons for pupils with autism. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed. The study's results showed that all teachers perceived that students with ASD often encounter several difficulties in their writing. Difficulties that the teachers highlighted were, for example, coming up with an idea for a text, developing the script, writing for a recipient and getting started, completing and completing writing tasks. The teachers described that they use a variety of methods and strategies to provide students with support for the structure of the writing. The teachers also emphasized the importance of creating a good relationship with the students and continuously feedback on writing tasks. Another important aspect that emerged was the importance of supporting the students' motivation for writing. Something the teachers raised as a difficulty in teaching was to assess the writing development of students with ASD. In relation to previous research our study highlights the importance of explicit and structured teaching to support pupils with autism in their writing.

Beskouings oor onderrig : implikasies vir die didaktiese skoling van wiskundeonderwyser / Hercules David Nieuwoudt

Nieuwoudt, Hercules David January 1998 (has links)
Views of teaching: implications for the didactic training of mathematics teachers. School mathematics teaching is an essential learning area in South African schools. Owing to persistent traditional positivist-based views and approaches, it still suffers from a variety of teaching-learning problems. Various national attempts have already been made to develop an effective teaching-learning program for school mathematics. Prominent researchers reveal that the failure of teaching-learning programmes often have to be attributed to the lack of an underlying grounded didactic theory. Therefore this study focused on the development of a grounded teaching-theoretical framework for school mathematics teaching. A further problem regarding school mathematics is that its teaching and learning traditionally are viewed from a narrow school subject disciplinary perspective. Therefore this study departed from a general didactic-theoretical perspective, creating the opportunity to approach and solve problems from a wider angle. A constructivist-based post-positivist view of effective teaching was developed, before entering the field of school mathematics. In this way an integrated ontologicalcontextual view of teaching was developed in terms of six identified ontological essential features, and their contextual coherence, namely: intention, teacher, leamer, interaction, content and context. Contrary to traditional positivist views, no causal relationship between teaching and learning was imposed, and teaching was not qualified in terms of learning products. Instead, teaching was characterised and qualified on ontological grounds, departing from the phenomenon itself. In this way the limitations of positivist process-product views of teaching could be identified, explained and overcome. Alternatively, a dynamic integrated view of teaching as a human act, directed at the facilitation of relevant and meaningful learning, was grounded and developed. Based on this general ontological-contextually based view, a specific ontologicalcontextual view of effective school mathematics teaching was grounded and developed. To this end a variety of prominent contemporary views of and approaches to school mathematics, and its teaching and learning, needed to be analysed in a critical way. According to this analysis school mathematics, and its teaching and learning should be viewed and approached from a constructivist-based dynamic change-and-grow perspective as human acts. In addition, it could have been proved that the perspective concerned can facilitate the treatment and solving of the currently experienced teaching-learning problems. This requires the reconsideration, from a similar perspective, of the current school mathematics curriculum, as well as the preservice didactic training of mathematics teachers. Specific implications of the developed ontological-contextual view of effective school mathematics teaching were identified, and practically tested in the corresponding preservice didactic training situation in the North West Province. Based on this an integrated model for the training concerned was formulated. It was found that the current training largely contributed to the continuation of traditional views of and approaches to school mathematics teaching, and its essential features. From the developed integrated ontological-contextual perspective definitive proposals regarding the transformation of school mathematics teaching and the corresponding didactic training were made and motivated. Further areas for investigation and development, resulting from this study, were identified, as well. This study aimed at investigating, and revealing for further exploration, the specific and broadening interaction between the general teaching and subject didactical fields and research, particularly in the two contexts of effective school mathematics teaching and the corresponding preservice didactical training. A particular attempt was made to accomplish this in a grounded and integrated way, to the benefit of both fields. / Thesis (PhD)--PU for CHE, 1998.

Beskouings oor onderrig : implikasies vir die didaktiese skoling van wiskundeonderwyser / Hercules David Nieuwoudt

Nieuwoudt, Hercules David January 1998 (has links)
Views of teaching: implications for the didactic training of mathematics teachers. School mathematics teaching is an essential learning area in South African schools. Owing to persistent traditional positivist-based views and approaches, it still suffers from a variety of teaching-learning problems. Various national attempts have already been made to develop an effective teaching-learning program for school mathematics. Prominent researchers reveal that the failure of teaching-learning programmes often have to be attributed to the lack of an underlying grounded didactic theory. Therefore this study focused on the development of a grounded teaching-theoretical framework for school mathematics teaching. A further problem regarding school mathematics is that its teaching and learning traditionally are viewed from a narrow school subject disciplinary perspective. Therefore this study departed from a general didactic-theoretical perspective, creating the opportunity to approach and solve problems from a wider angle. A constructivist-based post-positivist view of effective teaching was developed, before entering the field of school mathematics. In this way an integrated ontologicalcontextual view of teaching was developed in terms of six identified ontological essential features, and their contextual coherence, namely: intention, teacher, leamer, interaction, content and context. Contrary to traditional positivist views, no causal relationship between teaching and learning was imposed, and teaching was not qualified in terms of learning products. Instead, teaching was characterised and qualified on ontological grounds, departing from the phenomenon itself. In this way the limitations of positivist process-product views of teaching could be identified, explained and overcome. Alternatively, a dynamic integrated view of teaching as a human act, directed at the facilitation of relevant and meaningful learning, was grounded and developed. Based on this general ontological-contextually based view, a specific ontologicalcontextual view of effective school mathematics teaching was grounded and developed. To this end a variety of prominent contemporary views of and approaches to school mathematics, and its teaching and learning, needed to be analysed in a critical way. According to this analysis school mathematics, and its teaching and learning should be viewed and approached from a constructivist-based dynamic change-and-grow perspective as human acts. In addition, it could have been proved that the perspective concerned can facilitate the treatment and solving of the currently experienced teaching-learning problems. This requires the reconsideration, from a similar perspective, of the current school mathematics curriculum, as well as the preservice didactic training of mathematics teachers. Specific implications of the developed ontological-contextual view of effective school mathematics teaching were identified, and practically tested in the corresponding preservice didactic training situation in the North West Province. Based on this an integrated model for the training concerned was formulated. It was found that the current training largely contributed to the continuation of traditional views of and approaches to school mathematics teaching, and its essential features. From the developed integrated ontological-contextual perspective definitive proposals regarding the transformation of school mathematics teaching and the corresponding didactic training were made and motivated. Further areas for investigation and development, resulting from this study, were identified, as well. This study aimed at investigating, and revealing for further exploration, the specific and broadening interaction between the general teaching and subject didactical fields and research, particularly in the two contexts of effective school mathematics teaching and the corresponding preservice didactical training. A particular attempt was made to accomplish this in a grounded and integrated way, to the benefit of both fields. / Thesis (PhD)--PU for CHE, 1998.

Hur barn med språksvårigheter inkluderas i förskolans utbildning : En intervjustudie med förskollärare / How Children with language disabilities get included in preschool education : An interview study with preschool teachers

Murseli Musliu, Ardita, Wesström, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur förskollärare utformar och anpassar sin undervisning och sina lärmiljöer så att barn med språksvårigheter inkluderas i gemensam undervisning. För att undersöka detta genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med sjuförskollärare via en digital plattform. Ett e-mail skickades ut till ett flertalförskolechefer från olika kommuner som sedan hänvisade oss till intresserade förskollärare. Studien utgår ifrån den didaktiska teorin och förväntas att besvara de didaktiska frågorna: vad, hur och varför som även ligger till grund för analysarbetet av det insamlade materialet. Det insamlade data transkriberades samt analyserades ochutifrån analysen utformades fyra teman: förskollärarens förhållningssätt, anpassade barngrupper, samsyn i arbetslaget och pedagogiska hjälpmedel. Resultatet indikerar att förskollärarna inkluderar barn med språksvårigheter i sin undervisning genom att utforma lärmiljön med hjälp av pedagogiska hjälpmedel som exempelvis bildstöd, samt att dela in barnen i mindre och anpassade barngrupper. Fortsättningsvis påvisarresultatet att förskollärarna planerar sin undervisning utifrån barnens intressen. Att det finns en samsyn mellan kollegor är en betydelsefull faktor för att skapa inkluderande undervisning. För att uppnå ett inkluderande arbetssätt är det avgörande att tillgodose barns behov och förutsättningar i undervisningen. Utifrån resultatet kan slutsatsen dras att förskollärarna använder sig av olika strategier för att uppnå inkluderande undervisning för barn med språksvårigheter.

Speciallärarens syn på matematikundervisning för yngre elever med språkstörning svårigheter och anpassningar / The special education teacher´s view on teaching mathematics to younger children with DLD obstacles and adjustments

Carlsson, Anita, Mathiasson, Petra January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrunden till studien är att forskning kring elever med språkstörning i matematikundervisningen ärbegränsad. Den lilla forskning som finns är mest internationell. Syftet är att vi vill bidra med en inblick ivilka svårigheter som kan uppstå och hur matematikundervisningen kan utformas för elever medspråkstörning, på lågstadiet och mellanstadiet. Det är en kvalitativ studie, som gjordes medsemistrukturerade intervjuer. Urvalet är begränsat, endast nio speciallärare med inriktning motmatematikutveckling deltog. Det teoretiska ramverket utgår från den sociokulturella teorin medmedierande verktyg och den didaktiska teorin med hur undervisning kan ske. Vi analyserar resultatetmed utgångspunkt i de specialpedagogiska perspektiven, kategoriskt och relationellt perspektiv. Studiens resultat visar att samtliga speciallärare upplever att det är språket som ställer till det för elevermed språkstörning i matematik. Det är främst matematiska begrepp och kommunikation påmatematiklektioner som framkommer i intervjuerna. Kartläggningen utgör grunden när speciallärarnagör individuella anpassningar. Många speciallärare har enskild undervisning med eleverna medspråkstörning då de arbetar med begreppsbildning och använder det medierande verktyget konkretmaterial. Detta ska leda fram till att eleven med språkstörning ska kunna delta i klassundervisningen.Slutsatsen av studien visar att det finns behov av att kunskaperna kring elever med språkstörning imatematik ökar. Vid speciallärarutbildningen behöver språkutveckling och sambandet mellan språk ochmatematik ingå. Vi anser att kommunerna bör ha personal med kompetens om språkstörning ditspeciallärarna kan vända sig vid behov. / The basis of our study is that research on mathematics education for pupils with DLD, DevelopmentalLanguage Disorder is limited. The research which does exist is predominantly international. Thepurpose of our study is to offer insight in difficulties which may arise and how mathematical educationmay be designed for pupils in grades 1-6 with DLD. This is a qualitative study based on semi-structuredinterviews. The selection has been limited, only nine special education teachers, specializing inmathematical development, took part. Our results are analyzed from a special educational viewpoint,categorical and relational. The results of our study show that every one of the special education teachers feel that language is anissue for pupils with DLD in mathematics. The main issues, which come up in the interviews, are to dowith concept and communication within mathematics. Mapping makes up the basis for the adaptationsspecial education teachers do. Many special education teachers utilize individual teaching for pupils withDLD, when they work on conceptualization, using the mediating tool physical material. This is meant tolead to the pupil with DLD being able to take part in class teaching.Our conclusion is that there exists a need to increase knowledge on mathematical education for pupilswith DLD. Language development and the link between language and mathematics, needs to beincluded in the training of special education teachers. It is our opinion that municipalities require skilledstaff with knowledge of DLD, to whom special education teachers may turn when needed.

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