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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Digitalisation of Peacebuilding and its Impact on Conflict-Sensitive Communication for Development

Seemann, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
For more or less two decades, the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in the realm of peacebuilding has successfully contributed to the transformation of armed conflicts and, thus, made social change and development in conflictive environments possible where traditional mechanisms reached their limits. However, they can also have the opposite effect as they simultaneously bear the potential to undermine participatory processes, re-enforce exclusion, and disempower those affected by conflict.  Hence, using ICT during peace processes both offers opportunities and poses challenges to peacebuilders. Here, traditional peacebuilding mechanisms featuring offline participation in peace processes remain a viable option. In my thesis, I argue that the digitalisation of peacebuilding can only contribute to development if also traditional means are considered to achieve the overarching goal to build peace in the realm of conflict-sensitive communication. Thus, the digital and traditional spheres of peacebuilding have to be both intertwined complementarily - creating a "hybrid" form of peacebuilding.

The changing face of the auditor : A study of auditors’ perception of their role, the last ten years

Eka, Emilia, Horn Olsson, Carl January 2023 (has links)
Regulations, digitalisation, and other megatrends influence many parts of society, not least the audit profession, and it is essential for the profession as well as the role of the auditor, to adapt to the changes and new requirements. It is inevitable for audit firms not to be exposed to digitalisation, and the Big Four (audit firms) are changing their identities. They are investing large amounts in data analytics and artificial intelligence. This study aims to analyse the auditor's perception of their role. This study builds on previous knowledge regarding e.g., digitalisation and auditing; however, previous research tends to have earlier periods in focus, and research on digitalisation and auditing is still limited and does not usually have the auditor's perception in focus. Therefore, this study contributes to the prevailing research by studying the effects of social changes on the auditor's perception of their role. A qualitative approach was used, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with auditors from PwC with at least ten years of experience in the profession. The results indicate, among other things, that social changes such as regulations, digitalisation and market expectations drive change within the profession. It further points to the fact that social changes affect the auditor's work, leading to a shift in the auditor's perception of their role towards it becoming standardised.

Det nya arbetslivet : En kvalitativ studie om hybridarbetets effekter enligt medarbetare

Dulak, Donjeta, Ekdahl, Emy, Olsson, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att kartlägga de effekter som medarbetare upplever vid hybridarbete. Metod: En kvalitativ studie som behandlar fenomenet hybridarbete. Fenomenet behandlas med en induktiv ansats i en fallstudie, där datainsamlingen skett genom ostrukturerade intervjuer.  Slutsats: Hybridarbete, kan vara en effektiv lösning för att spara tid och öka flexibiliteten för medarbetare. Arbetsformen har dock inte varit effektlös bland medarbetarna utan har inneburit flera utmaningar men även möjligheter. Vi har kartlagt olika effekter som hybridarbete har på medarbetare. Effekterna är; work life balance, ledarskap, gemenskap, digitala kunskaper och tidssparande. Resultatet som presenteras baseras på tidigare forskning, empiriska studier och teoretiska ramverk som appliceras på den insamlade datan.

Use of Digital Detailed Development Plans and GIS in New Development Projects / Användning av digitala detaljplaner och GIS i samhällsbyggnadsprocessen

Gärds, Joacim January 2021 (has links)
Digitalisering av samhällsbyggnadsprocessen är något som myndigheter i Sverige arbetar mycket med. Den långsiktiga målbilden är att skapa ett öppet, obrutet digitalt informationsutbyte genom hela samhällsbyggnadsprocessen för att göra den mer effektiv. Det finns även en vision om att möjliggöra automatisering av beslutsprocesser som upplåtelser av mark och rättigheter, samt prövning av bygglov med hjälp av digitala detaljplaner. Digitalisering av planeringsprocessen sker både på nationell, regional och kommunal nivå, där Boverket utvecklar regler om nya digitala detaljplaner och vägledning om digitalisering av befintliga detaljplaner. Denna studie syftar till använda digitala detaljplaner i tidigt skede och i planprocessen av nybebyggelseprojekt för effektivisering av processer i projekten. Utöver det, identifiera möjligheten att införa automatiserade processer i beslutsstöd genom digitala detaljplaner och belysa svagheter och begränsningar med digitala detaljplane-data i dagsläget.En fallstudie har utförts där digitala detaljplaner har använts och bearbetats i QGIS, ett geografiskt informationssystem (GIS), för att effektivisera processer genom digitalisering och belysa svagheter och begränsningar med digitala detaljplane-data. Intervjuer har utförts för att identifiera vilka egenskaper hos digitalisering och automatisering som kan vara till fördel för kommuner och fastighetsutvecklare, samt diskutera begränsningar.Utvärdering av resultat från fallstudier har visat att digitala detaljplaner kan utföra grundläggande uppgifter kopplade till planprocessen och ersätta nuvarande manuella uppgifter i olika faser av projektprocessen, som att hitta byggrätter och effektiv tolkning. Slutsatsen är att processer i idé-fasen och i planprocessen kan effektiviseras med hjälp utav digitala detaljplaner. Med automatiserade processer kan tid och resurser sparas på kommunal nivå. Fördelen är framförallt att flera planområden, egenskaps- och områdesbestämmelser kan analyseras samtidigt om detaljplanerna görs tillgängliga digitalt, vilket möjliggör kvantifiering av areor, exploateringsgrad och effektiv identifiering av obebyggda byggrätter på regional nivå istället för att manuellt analysera en plan i taget. Problemet med att införa automatiserade beslutsstöd i processer är att det uppstår tolkningsfel vid digitalisering av äldre detaljplaner och de begränsningar som finns beträffande bestämmelser som inte kan representeras av geografiska objekt i nuvarande detaljplaner. Många av dessa felkällor som uppstår kan potentiellt lösas med en uppdatering av standarder och införda rutiner vid tolkning och digitalisering. / Great work has been done to achieve Swedish authorities’ long-term goal of an open, continuous digital exchange of information throughout the entire urban development process to make it more efficient. The use of digital information in physical planning is proceeded on a national, regional and municipal level, where the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning develop regulations for new digital detailed development plans and guidelines in the digitising of old detailed development plans. Further, the vision is to enable automated decisions to support administration, such as assessment of building permit applications. This study aims to find tasks in initiation and physical planning phases of new development projects that can be carried out digitally, to make them more efficient, identify possibilities of implementing supporting automated tasks using digital plan data and address limitations of translating regulations of current detailed development plans into geospatial data in digital plans.A case study is performed where data of digital detailed development plans is processed in QGIS, a geographic information system (GIS), to try carry out tasks digitally to make them more efficient, further finding limitations with the current data of digital detailed development plans. Interviews are conducted to identify benefits of digital information and automated processes and discuss data limitations.Evaluation of the results of the case study has shown that digital detailed development plans are able to perform simple tasks related to the physical planning process and replace manual tasks in new development projects, such as finding development rights.It is found that some tasks in initiation and physical planning phases of new development projects can be facilitated using digital detailed development plans. The strength is that time and resources can be saved and used for other work on a municipal level since zoned regulations of several plans can be analysed simultaneously if the data is stored in a common database, enabling quantification of areas, development rates and effective identification of unused development rights on a larger scale instead of one plan at a time. However, because of interpretational issues when plans are digitised and limitations of regulations that cannot be represented by geometric objects, automated decision support may not be proceeded with the current digital plans. It can potentially be solved with updated standards and introduced routines for interpretation and digitisation.

Dissipating the Digital Fog Around Leadership Styles : A qualitative study of how the characteristics of leadership styles have changed due to digitalisation.

Spille, Peer, Moise, Octavian January 2023 (has links)
Research question: How has digitalisation impacted the characteristics of leadership styles? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to obtain a deeper understanding of how digitalisation impacts leadership style characteristics. The theoretical goals are to better define digital leadership and investigate how the characteristics of the autocratic, democratic, transformational, laissez-faire leadership styles have changed due to digitalisation. The practical goals are to further understand how digitalisation has made the managers lead their employees and give recommendations on what should be considered in the digital environment. Both the theoretical contributions and practical implications are meant to dissipate the digital fog around leadership styles as much as possible. Method: This study has a deductive approach as articles and previous theories are presented and discussed which are later used in the analysis of the results. The authors use a qualitative data collection method, hence, conducting 12 semi-structured interviews with managers from various industries. The interviews occurred in either German or Swedish and were later translated into English, also, 4 interviews were face-to-face while 8 were through internet-mediated channels. The interviews were then coded and analysed through the lens of the four themes that have been established throughout the paper. Conclusion: The research found that the four leadership style characteristics have changed due to digitalisation but also contributed to the development of the digital leadership style. Avoiding digital social events in companies and the managers keeping a balance between too much control and exaggerated freedom of the employees are some practical implications. Hence, the digital fog was lighted and clearness for digital leadership was given.

Supporting social workers transition to remote work : A design concept for tackling communication challanges on social workers digital practices

Oyegun, Caleb January 2021 (has links)
The main theme of this thesis is the impact of the sudden transition on service delivery caused by the COVID 19 pandemic on social workers and career practitioners in related fields. Like most professional careers that the sudden takeover of the virus has obstructed, the field of social work has been one ofthe professions that the global pandemic has negatively impacted because of its heavy reliance on face-to-face interactions. By employing research methods, challenges faced while working remotely by the social workers were identified, and a main design concepts was proposed in supporting the work of the social workers.

Dynamic Capabilities and Business Model Innovation : A multiple case study in SMEs / Building dynamic capabilities for the digital transformation of Business Model

Vetrivel, Sangavi, Tie, Xiaoxia January 2022 (has links)
Background: With the emerging and disruption of new technologies, digital transformationhas heavily impacted on businesses of all kinds, especially SMEs. Consequently, organizations must innovate their business model to adapt the changeable environment in many ways such as providing new products & services, developing new markets, more collaborations with partnership, and investing digital tools to deliver more value to the customers. It is therefore necessary for organizations and academicians to understand the dynamic capabilities framework for the business model innovation. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out the role of dynamic capabilities in the digital transformation of business model innovation (BMI) in SMEs. During this process, we also explore digital transformation and make future explanations of the key elements of BMI in our case companies. Method: In order to understand how SMEs build up capabilities for digital transformation inthe business model innovation, we carry out this study by using semi-structured interviews with open answered questions. The interviews consisted of 6 participants in various senior management positions at 5 case companies. The participants are either the company owners or the department managers. Findings: From the interviews, we studied that all the case companies had been in process of digital transformation for a certain extent. In terms of their business model, the digitaltransformation reflects in 3 domains: new digital products & services, new markets & segments,and key partnerships. In addition, companies build dynamic capabilities for their digital business model via a total of 8 activities, including digital scouting, digital learning & planning, digital mind-set, agile working, investment in digital assets, collaboration with partners, creating digital culture, and redesigning organizational structure. Relevant management skills are the enablers throughout the whole innovation process. Finally, our study studies theenabling role of management in building dynamic capabilities and reacting to change.

Becoming Cyborg Composer : The Ecology of Digital Music Composition Didaktik

Asplund, Jonas January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this licentiate thesis is to explore the sociomaterial relationality of music composition education with digital hardware/software and its outcomes. Two studies were conducted interleaved as original articles in the thesis. Article 1 explores learning in creational processes involving digital actants and two composers of contemporary art music. The posthumanist concept of the cyborg is enacted as a signifier for learning and becoming in relation with material actants. An interview with a composer and music application creator is analysed through a constructed posthumanist narrative entangled with the researcher’s narrative of a music creation process involving the app. Also, the app’s meaning-making capacities are entangled in the narrative. Results show that alignments between human and nonhuman actants constitute a part of learning in music composing practices. Artefacts move from being evident and present to becoming transparent and in a background relation during a learning process. In article 2 a composing assignment conducted in four year 9 classes in a Swedish compulsory school is explored. Employing the posthumanist concept compositionism as a research approach, educational activities are composed into assemblages of actants performing the outcomes of the activities. Results bring the human/nonhuman actants as hybrid originators of outcomes to the fore. Learning with digital actants also showed to be hardware/software specific when past experiences of music composing were limited, with the risk of reducing pupils to intermediaries of information between functions in the digital software. In the summarising parts of this compilation thesis, a background of the research field of didaktik and subject didaktik is delineated. Also, the distinction between didactics and didaktik is discussed and the reason for employing the Swedish/German spelling is explicated. Furthermore, a background of composing and music creation as subject matter in the Swedish school system is drawn. Theoretical and methodological approaches are further developed in the summarising parts. Posthumanism as theoretical onset has a profound impact on understandings of relationality within educational activities and on how materiality is affecting learning. Methodological approaches are actuated in relation to the research material to find new meanings of sociomaterial relationality in music education. As one outcome of reading the results from the studies through posthumanism, the tentative term postdidaktik is proposed and discussed. Following the ontological turn of posthumanism that re-entangles human with nature and matter, postdidaktik becomes an implication for understanding learning in sociomaterial relationality. This also affects an understanding of didaktik as lesson planning, enactment, and analysis. The practical employment of postdidaktik is thus further delineated and proposed for further research.

Det digitaliserade boendet : Möjligheter och utmaningar för byggherrar och bostadsutvecklare / The Digitalised Home

Chahrstan, Tony, Kristola Truc, Axel January 2018 (has links)
Digitaliseringens framfart har med eftertryck lämnat tydliga spår vilken bransch den än har dragit fram över. Den effektiviserar befintliga processer som har sett likadana ut sedan mannaminne, lika väl som den har öppnat upp möjligheterna för helt nya företag som med innovativa affärsmodeller lyckas konkurrera med branschdominerande aktörer över en natt. I fastighetsbranschen är e-handelns påverkan på handelsaktörer och coworkingföretagens fotfäste på kontorsmarknaden de mest märkbara effekterna.  På bostadssidan har det hitintills inte hänt lika mycket, och inte heller har det fått samma uppmärksamhet i akademiska- likväl som icke-akademiska skrifter. Uppsatsens syfte är följaktligen att belysa de möjligheter och utmaningar som de berörda aktörerna står inför. Vidare undersöks huruvida bostadsutvecklare och byggherrar har olika förutsättningar och målbilder när de arbetar med att utveckla morgondagens boende.  Arbetet bygger på en kvalitativ studie inbegripandes tio aktörer verksamma på bostadsmarknaden. Bland de intervjuade återfinns fyra kommunala byggherrar, fyra privata byggherrar och två bostadsutvecklare. Den erhållna empirin vittnar om tydliga skillnader när det kommer till hur de kommunala och de privata aktörerna förhåller sig till möjligheten att skapa nya affärer genom att erbjuda sina kunder en tjänstearsenal som komplement till bostaden. De kommunala bolagen väljer där att hålla sig till sin kärnverksamhet medan de privata har tydliga satsningar på att erbjuda totallösningar kopplade till boendet.  Vidare framgår det av intervjuerna att bostadsutvecklarna fokuserar mer på att utveckla produkt- och tjänstelösningar som är attraktiva för kunden medan byggherrarna, utöver liknande satsningar, även har en stark vilja att utveckla lösningar som kan effektivisera fastigheternas drift och förvaltningen.  Avslutningsvis kan det konstateras att den största utmaningen som samtliga aktörer står inför är att få samtliga komponenter i fastigheten att synkronisera med varandra på en gemensam och öppen plattform. Det framgår dessvärre tydligt att den konceptuella smarta fastigheten som så ofta beskrivs i diverse rapporter fortfarande är en hägrande utopi. / The rapid progress of digitalisation has left clear traces on whichever industry it has encountered. It can streamline already existing processes within a company, as well as it has the ability to open up opportunities for new companies with innovative business models to rapidly compete with well-established firms. In the real estate industry the impact of e-commerce on firms within the trade sector and coworking companies’ impressive foothold in the office market are among the most perceptible effects.    However, fewer changes have been noted so far in the residential sector, and nor has the sector received as much attention in academic- as well as non-academic literature. The purpose of this essay is thus to highlight the opportunities and the challenges that affected actors are facing. Furthermore, this paper will investigate whether developers and owners of residential real estate assets are facing different conditions and/or have altered targets when working on developing the housing of tomorrow.  The study is based on qualitative interviews involving ten actors active in the residential market. Among the interviewees are four municipal residential owners, four private residential owners and two developers. The result of this study clearly shows differences when it comes to how the municipal and the private actors consider the opportunity to create new businesses by offering their customers services as complements to the home. The municipal companies choose to stick to their core business while the private ones are clearly determined to offer service solutions that are linked to the home.   Furthermore, the interviews show that developers focus more on developing digitalised service solutions that are attractive to the customers, while the owners, in addition to these solutions, also have a strong desire to develop solutions that can streamline the operations and the management of the properties.   In conclusion, it can be seen that the biggest challenge that all actors within the industry will face is to be able to properly synchronize all components in the property with each other on a common and open platform. Unfortunately, it appears as quite clear that the conceptual smart real estate, which is described in idealistic terms in various reports, is still just a looming utopia.

Hvorvidt HR har lykkes med å iverksette nødvendige strategier i en digital verden ”Mennesker er vår viktigste ressurs” : Whether HR has succeeded in implementing necessary strategies in a digital world “People are our most important asset”

Gundersen, Tone January 2023 (has links)
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