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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Preserving Knowledge in Power Line Engineering with Language Models and Design

Götling, Axel January 2024 (has links)
The loss of senior expertise in power line design poses a critical challenge to the sustainable energy transition. Current methods of knowledge transfer fail to prevent the loss of invaluable knowledge necessary for future junior power line designers. Additionally, the rise of informal deployment of generative language models may also threaten to bury hand-written knowledge documents before this knowledge can be extracted, structured, and preserved for future guidance. This thesis proposes a framework where large language models are integrated into knowledge transfer and decision-making guidance for an engineering enterprise. Using this framework, this thesis further explores how data-driven knowledge tools can assist junior design engineers by supporting information retrieval and directing to knowledge sources. The ability of a large language model to retrieve relevant knowledge from an engineering design document was validated by comparing the process of human designers manually completing a similar task. In this evaluation involving six participants and the large language model, responses to questions on mechanical dimensioning of stays for utility poles were ranked by experts. The results showed that the large language model responses were ranked similarly to the junior designers on average. Additionally, a small-scale demonstrative knowledge tool, insights from interviews, literature studies as well as the results from the validation study lead to the conclusion that large language models can assist power line designers via a knowledge tool. Beyond power line design, this thesis contributes to the understanding of how data-driven language models can assist knowledge retrieval and decision-making across other engineering design domains. This work utilizes a professional education document on the mechanical dimensioning of wooden power line poles including an analysis on the wind and weight span’s affect on the dimension of the pole, developed parallel to this work. The original design data from the document supported the tests conducted in this thesis. The professional education document on the mechanical dimensioning of wooden power line poles was developed in parallel to this thesis as a case study supporting the tests with original design data on power line design knowledge. The work also discusses risks and ethical aspects when implementing such a knowledge tool. Risks such as leakage of classified information are emphasized and need comprehensive systems and methods to be avoided. It is therefore highlighted how important it is to carry out the project with care and expertise to avoid damage to companies and society. Local language models or highly trusted AI system providers are recommended to ensure that no sensitive information is leaked to an unwanted third-party. With a high degree of caution and consideration of risks, an effective knowledge tool can contribute to increased efficiency, faster and more sustainable development of power line infrastructure, and thus an faster energy transition. / Förlusten av senior expertis inom kraftledningskonstruktion utgör en kritisk utmaning för den hållbara energiomställningen. Nuvarande metoder för kunskapsöverföring är otillräcklig för att förhindra förlusten av ovärderlig kunskap som är nödvändig för framtida juniora kraftledningsprojektörer. Dessutom kan den ökade informella användingen av generativa språkmodeller hota att begrava mänskligt skrivna kunskapsdokument. Detta arbete presenterar ett ramverk d¨ar storskaliga språkmodeller används för att underlätta kunskapsöverföring och tillhandahålla vägledning vid beslutsfattande inom ingenjörsföretag. Med hjälp av detta ramverk utforskar arbetet ytterligare hur datadrivna kunskapsverktyg kan hjälpa juniora kraftledningskonstrukt¨orer genom att stödja informationsinhämtning med hänvisning till kunskapskällorna. En storskalig språkmodells förmåga att hämta relevant kunskap från ett tekniskt designdokument validerades genom att jämföra processen för mänskliga designers som manuellt slutförde en liknande uppgift. I denna utv¨ardering, som involverade sex deltagare och den storskaliga spr˚akmodellen, rankades svaren på frågor om mekanisk dimensionering av stag för kraftledningsstolpar av experter. Resultaten visade att den storskaliga språkmodellens svar i genomsnitt rankades på liknade nivå som de juniora ingenjörerna. Tillsammans med  ett småskaligt demonstrativt kunskapsverktyg, insikter från intervjuer med kraftledningskonstruktörer, litteraturstudier samt resultat från valideringsstudien dras slutsatsen att storskaliga språkmodeller kan stödja kraftledningskonstruktörer via ett kunskapsverktyg. Utöver kraftledningskonstruktion bidrar detta arbete till förståelsen av hur datadrivna språkmodeller kan hjälpa till med kunskapsinhämtning och beslutsfattande  inom andra tekniska designområden. Arbetet använder ett professionellt utbildningsunderlag om mekanisk dimensionering av kraftledningsstolpar i träkonstruktion, inklusive en analys av vertikala- och horistontella linspannets påverkan på stolpens dimension, utvecklat parallellt med detta arbete. Orginaldesigndata från underlaget stödde de tester som genomfördes. Arbetet belyser även risker och etiska aspekter vid implementering av ett sådant kunskapsverktyg. Risker som läckage av sekretessbelagd information betonas, och omfattande system och metoder behövs för att undvika dem. Därför understryks hur viktigt det är att genomföra liknande projekt med noggrannhet, försiktighet och expertis för att undvika skador på företag och samhälle. Lokala språkmodeller eller API-leverantörer med högt förtroende rekommenderas för att minimera risken att känslig information läcker ut till en oönskad tredje part. Med stor försiktighet och hänsyn till riskerna kan ett effektivt kunskapsverktyg bidra till ökad effektivitet, snabbare och mer hållbar utveckling av kraftledningsinfrastruktur, och därmed en snabbare energiomställning.

Dimensionering och optimering av ett solcellssystem för en industribyggnad i Mellansverige : En simuleringsstudie

Östlund, Christine January 2019 (has links)
Vid omställningen till förnybara energisystem är solkraften som energikälla ett möjligt alternativ, för att uppnå klimat och energimålet med 100% förnybar energiproduktion år 2040. Detta är något regeringen eftersträvar genom infört bidrag i form av subventioner och skattereduktion vid installation av solceller. I denna fallstudie undersöks vilken effekt två olika solcellssystem har för en industribyggnad i Mellansverige, där studien tar hänsyn till ekonomisk-, teknisk- och klimatrelaterade aspekter. Systemen dimensioneras i strävan av optimala förhållanden samt av byggnadens begränsningar, med kostnadsförslag från en lokal återförsäljare få en bild av om återbetalningstiden är motiverande i frågan. Den lokala klimatpåverkan analyseras med växthusgasutsläpp i fokus, detta genom resultat av litteraturstudie. Dimensioneringen av solcellssystemen baseras på empiriskt material av studieobjektet och simuleras i programmet Winsun PV. Studien resulterade i två storlekar på system med tillhörande kostnadsförslag som ligger till grund för återbetalningstiden. System fall 1 dimensionerades i syfte att hålla den nominella systemeffektens storlek till 255 kWp, detta för att undgå extra energiskatt. Systemet gav ett årligt utbyte av 228 MWh/år som gav återbetalningstid mellan 18 – 22,5 år. Systemet simulerades med optimal lutningsvinkel av 39° i 15° azimutriktning av modulerna. System fall 2 dimensionerades till 1200 kWp i syfte att täcka effektivt användbar takyta, med årligt utbyte på 886 MWh/år och återbetalningstiden blev mellan 22,5 – 25,1 år. Modulerna simulerades med takets lutning ±4,7° i -15° azimutriktning. För att solceller ska ge ett mer lönsamt utbyte i högre latituder krävs en vidare effektivitetsutveckling för solcellstekniken samt ett förlängt investeringsstöd från Länsstyrelsen för framtida installationer. Om solcellssystemet ger en positiv inverkan på det ekologiska fotavtrycket beror av vart solcellen är tillverkad samt vilken elmix som byts ut mot den producerade solenergin. / When converting to renewable energy systems, solar power as an energy source is a potential option; in order to achieve the climate and energy goal with 100% renewable energy production in year 2040. This is something the government try to achieve by making installation of solar cells more attractive through allowances such as subventions and tax reduction. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of solar cell system on an industrial building in the midst of Sweden, in regard of economical-, technical- and climate related points of view. This was performed by replacing purchased electricity with locally produced electricity, where optimal circumstances for the solar power systems and the limits of the building has been taken into consideration during the dimensioning. With cost suggestions from a local authorized dealer the magnitude of the pay off time as a motivating factor was estimated. The local climate impact will be investigated through a litterature study, focusing on green house gas emissions. The dimensioning of the solar cell systems were based on empirical input from measurements in combination with documented data regarding the industrial building and simulated in the program Winsun PV. The study resulted in two different-sized systems with cost sheets that formed the basis for the calculated pay off time. System case 1 was dimensioned to keep the size of the nominal system effect to 255 kWp, this to avoid extra energy tax. The system gave an annual exchange of 228 MWh / year which gave the repayment period between 18 - 23 years. The system was simulated with an optimum angle of 39 ° in 15 ° azimuth direction of the modules. System case 2 was dimensioned to 1200 kWp in order to cover the effective usable surface of the roof, the system gave an annual exchange of 886 MWh / year and the repayment period was 22.5 - 25.1 years. The modules were simulated with the roof slope ± 4.7 ° in -15 ° azimuth direction. A further efficiency development for solar cell technology is required as well as an extended investment support from the County Administrative Board, to provide a more profitable exchange of solar cell systems in higher latitudes. If the solar cell system has a positive effect on the ecological footprint depends on where the solar cell is made and which electrical mix replaced by the produced solar energy.

Avaliação do instrumento Nursing Activities Score (NAS) em neonatologia / Evaluation of index Nursing Activities Score (NAS) in neonatology area

Bochembuzio, Luciana 18 December 2007 (has links)
Estudo de abordagem metodológica para avaliação de um instrumento de medida de carga de trabalho foi realizado na Unidade Neonatal e na UTIN (Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal) do Hospital Universitário da USP (HU-USP), no período de 06 de novembro de 2006 a 06 de dezembro de 2006. Teve como objetivo avaliar o resultado da aplicação do NAS, como instrumento de medida da carga de trabalho de enfermagem em neonatologia. Reviu-se a literatura sobre os instrumentos de medida de gravidade e carga de trabalho em UTI Pediátrica e Neonatal para que se iniciasse o processo de diferenciação dos processos assistenciais básicos nas unidades infantis. A amostra foi composta por 48 RN avaliados na Unidade Neonatal e 11 na UTIN e que permaneceram internados por um período mínimo de 24 horas. O NAS foi aplicado 301 vezes na Unidade Neonatal e 106 vezes na UTIN. Foi elaborado um tutorial para a melhor interpretação das atividades do NAS que facilitou a compreensão do instrumento, na área neonatal. Comparando as amostras segundo variáveis demográficas e clínicas, entre as unidades estudadas, observou-se que as únicas estatisticamente significativas foram peso ao nascer e tempo de permanência na unidade. A pontuação do NAS médio para a Unidade Neonatal foi de 66,9 pontos. Em média, 67% do tempo de um profissional de enfermagem é dedicado ao cuidado dos RN enquanto permanecem na Unidade. Ainda em relação ao tempo de cuidado, considerando que cada ponto NAS equivale a 14,4 min, foi identificada no estudo uma média de 16h 04 min de assistência por RN/24h. O valor médio para a equipe de enfermagem calculada pela pontuação do NAS obtido da amostra do estudo foi de 26,7 profissionais. Em média, a equipe disponível em serviço foi de 20,7 profissionais. O número médio de profissionais requerido, segundo o NAS foi 29% mais elevado do que no quadro de profissionais de enfermagem disponível para a Unidade Neonatal. Isso indica que nessa unidade deve haver sobrecarga de trabalho. A pontuação do NAS médio para a UTIN foi de 91,1 pontos. Em média, 90% do tempo de um profissional de enfermagem é dedicado ao cuidado dos RN enquanto permanecem na UTIN. Quanto ao tempo de cuidado, foi identificada uma média de 21h 54 min de assistência por RN/24h. O valor médio para a equipe de enfermagem calculada pela pontuação do NAS obtido da amostra do estudo foi de 12,8 profissionais. Em média, a equipe disponível em serviço foi de 12 profissionais. Essa diferença é menor que 1,7% e faz com que os valores sejam significativamente semelhantes e indiquem que não havia sobrecarga de serviço na UTIN. Os resultados da aplicação do NAS permitem identificar o perfil de cuidados de enfermagem na assistência semi-intensiva e intensiva aos recém nascidos. / Study of methodological approach of an instrument of workload measuring evaluation was done in the Neonatal Unit and the NICU (Neonatal Unit of Intensive Care) of the University Hospital of USP (HU-USP), in the period of 06 of November of 2006 to 06 of December of 2006. It had as objective to evaluate the application of the NAS (Nursing Activity Score) result as an instrument to measure the nursing workload in neonatology area. It was reviewed the available literature related to the gravity and to the workload measuring instruments in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and NICU, so then it was initiated the basic process differentiation of the assistant processes in the infantile units. The sample was composed by 48 neonates and evaluated in the Neonate Unit and 11 in NICU’s that had remained interned for a minimum period of 24-hour. The NAS instrument was applied 301 times in the Neonate Unit and 106 times in the NICU. A tutorial route was elaborated for better NAS activities interpretation and that has facilitated the instrument understanding, in the neonate area. Comparing the samples in according to demographic and clinical variables among the studied units, it was observed that only the statistical significant ones had been the weight at birth and length of stay in the unit. The punctuation of the medium NAS for the Neonatal Unit was of 66,9 points. On average, 67% of the time of a nursing professional is dedicated to the newborn (NB) care while they remain in the Unit. Even though in relation to the care time, considering that each NAS point is equivalent to 14,4 min, it was identified in the study the a average of 16h 04 min of assistance for NB/24h. The average value for the team of nursing calculated for the NAS punctuation gotten from the study sample of 26,7 professionals. On average, the available team in service was of 20,7 professionals. The average number of professionals required, in according to NAS was raised 29% more than what was available in the professionals total of available nursing in the Neonatal Unit. This indicates that in this unit it must have overload work. The punctuation of the average NAS for the NICU was 91,1 points. On average, 90% of a nursing professional time is dedicated to the NB care while they remain in the NICU. Related to the time of care, it was identified that the assistance average time as 21h 54 min by NB/24h. The average value for nursing team calculated by the NAS punctuation gotten from the study sample was of 12,8 professionals. On average, the available team in service was of 12 professionals. This difference is less than 1.7% and makes the values significantly similar and indicates that did not have overload of service in the NICU. The results of the application of the NAS allow identifying the care profile of nursing in the semi-intensive and intensive assistance to the newborn.

Analys av bärförmåga och lastöverförande förband i prefabricerade bostads-volymelement av KL-trä : Analysis of bearing capacity and load transferring connections in prefabricated residential volumetric elements of CLT

Skarp, Jerry, Sarvit, Jake January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie analyseras en byggnad producerad med volymmoduler med lastbärande stomme av KL-trä. Resultat från analysen av hur laster påverkar byggnaden jämförs med resultat från motsvarande analys av en stomme producerad med reglar och balkar. I studien redovisas de krafter byggnaden utsätts för och förband mellan vägg och bjälklag. Ett förslag på förband mellan vägg och bjälklag presenteras och en jämförelse av bärförmågan i en volymmodul med KL-trästomme kontra träregelstomme genomförs. / In this study, a building produced with volume modules with a load bearing CLT-system is analyzed. Results from the analysis of how loads affect the building are compared with results from the corresponding analysis of a conventionally produced volumetric element and how vertical loads as well as wind loads affect its design. In the study, the forces that the building is exposed to are examined and the connection between wall and floor joints is designed. The forces and torque a construction built up of volume modules is exposed to are also presented. In the study the connection between the floor joints and the supporting wall is designed according to Eurocode. A comparison is presented with respect to the load carrying capacity of a volume module with CLT and a conventional load bearing frame.

Approximation de systèmes à paramètres répartis : Analyse, simulation et commande / Approximation of distributed parameter systems : Analysis, simulation and control

Damak, Sérine 31 March 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse, centrée en Automatique, porte sur l’approximation de systèmes linéaires de dimension infinie en une dimension d’espace d’un point de vue entrée-sortie par une classe de systèmes à retards, et sur l’analyse de stabilité de cette classe d’approximation. Afin de conserver des propriétés du système de dimension infinie par interconnexion (stabilité, performance entrée-sortie), l’approximation est définie sur la topologie du graphe. Classiquement, les méthodes proposées par l’approximation conduisent à des modèles de dimension finie. Cependant, sur cette topologie du graphe, une telle approximation régie par des équations à paramètres localisés peut ne pas exister. On propose donc d’étendre cette classe d’approximation en y incluant l’opérateur retard. Nous obtenons alors un modèle d’équations différentielles couplées à des équations aux différences. L’existence et la mise en œuvre numérique de cette classe d’approximation et ses propriétés de réalisation d’état sont étudiées. Le deuxième enjeu de nos recherches s’est focalisé sur l’analyse de stabilité de cette classe d’approximation, par le biais de l’approche de Lyapunov-Krasovskii. Cette approche consiste à exploiter des conditions de stabilité sous forme d’un problème l’optimisation convexe. Cette analyse de stabilité est étendue au cas des systèmes avec paramètres incertains et des retards variants dans le temps pour la sous classe des équations aux différences. Nous développons également une estimation de la décroissance de la solution en vue de l’analyse de performance. L’analyse du conservatisme de la méthodologie proposée a été étudié. / This thesis addresses the approximation of infinite-dimensional linear systems for one-dimension in space, with the input-output approach, by a class of delay systems, and the stability analysis of this class of approximation. In order to preserve the properties of the original properties by interconnection, such as stability and/or input-output performance, the approximation is defined within the graph topology framework. In general, the methods proposed in the literature lead, by approximation, to finite-dimensional models. However, in this topology, such an approximation by lumped plants may not exist. It seems natural to generalize this approximation class by including a delay operator. We then obtain an approximation in the graph topology governed by a model of coupled differential-difference equations. The existence of this class of approximation and the properties of state-realization are studied. A constructive numerical method is proposed for this approximation. After the description of this class of approximation, we investigate stability of this class of operators, by the Lyapunov-Krasovskii approach. This approach consists to involve stability conditions of the form of a convex optimization problem. This stability analysis is extended to the case of systems with uncertain parameters and time-varying delays. We also propose estimates of the decay rate of the solution for the performance analysis. The analysis of the conservatism of the proposed methodology has been studied.

Design optimization of CSO CWS Key processes and development of a modelling toolkit / Optimisation du dimensionnement des filtres plantes pour le traitement des surverses de déversoir d’orage - Mécanismes clefs et développement d’un outils d’aide au dimensionnement

Ṕálfy, Tamás Gábor 20 December 2016 (has links)
En France les filtres plantés à écoulement vertical sont utilisés pour le traitement des surverses de déversoir d’orage (CSO en anglais). Ils sont efficaces pour le traitement des polluants ainsi que pour assurer un rôle de tampon hydraulique permettant de protéger les milieux hydriques superficiels. Ils ont la particularité de recevoir des effluents bruts dont la fréquence, l’intensité, la durée et les concentrations sont stochastiques. En conséquence de quoi l’optimisation du dimensionnement est particulièrement délicate. Dans ce travail, le dimensionnement est abordé suivant deux approches. D’une part en définissant les processus clefs pour une optimisation du dimensionnement et, d’autre part, en construisant un modèle dynamique simplifié (Orage)permettant de prendre en compte, sur le long terme, le caractère stochastique des évènements et les contraintes locales. Le cœur du modèle a été calibré et validé sur une large gamme d’évènements mesurées sur un site en taille réelle (site de Marcy l’Etoile). La qualité de la calibration a été validé aussi bien visuellement que statistiquement et la robustesse du modèle étudiée par une analyse de sensibilité (méthode de Morris). L’optimisation automatique du dimensionnement a nécessité la réalisation d’une boucle itérative également paramétrée et testée dans le cadre du site de Marcy l’Etoile et pour des cas théoriques. Les dimensionnements proposés ont été estimés réalistes. La définition des processus clefs du système de traitement, et le développement du modèle simplifié, a également été possible grâce à la simulation d’expérimentations sur colonnes par un modèle mécaniste (HYDRUS / CW2D). La paramétrisation des processus du modèle simplifié a été réalisée sur la base d’expérimentations détaillées sur le site de Marcy l’Etoile. Le site a été suivi pendant trois ans aussi bien par des prélèvements automatiques, des traçages, que des mesures en lignes (hydraulique, azote, teneur en eau). Parmi les processus calibrés, nous retiendrons i) l’importance du niveau de saturation de la base du filtre au début d’un évènement vis-à-vis des court circuits hydrauliques, ii) la définition des capacités d’adsorption de l’azote ammoniacale de différents matériaux (pouzzolane, mélange de sable et de zéolite) et iii), la définition des cinétiques de nitrification suivant la température et quantité d’azote ammoniacal adsorbé. Si les performances de l’ouvrage sont hautes pour les paramètres majeurs (MES, DCO, N-NH4), l’impact du dimensionnement, de la gestion et des facteurs environnementaux sur les performances et l’accumulation de boue a été étudié. De plus, quelques suivis ont été réalisés sur les métaux et les HAP. Ces mesures ont permis non seulement de calibrer le logiciel Orage mais aussi de proposer des modifications pour l’amélioration du dimensionnement. / Constructed wetlands for combined sewer overflow treatment (CSO CWs) are vertical flow filters in France. They effectively remove pollutants and mitigate hydraulic peaks, which protects natural waters. They receive unsettled flows with stochastic return periods, volumes and concentrations, making design optimization difficult. In the presented work, design is targeted from two sides. First, the scientific basis is laid down for the design-support software Orage. The tool is model-based and as such, it considers the stochasticity of CSOs site-specifically. Its core model has been calibrated and then verified by a range of tests. Simulations fit to measured data from a full-scale CSO site (Marcy l’Etoile). The goodness of fit is evaluated visually and statistically. Model robustness has been confirmed by a sensitivity analysis (Morris method). After this, the iterative shell has been parameterized and tested (the software element doing automatic optimization). The design proposals of the tool have been found realistic. The other approach to target optimization has been a detailed field research at Marcy l’Etoile. The site at Marcy l’Etoile has been monitored for three years, using automatic samplers and online probes. The filling of the porous media at event start proves and explains shortcutting behaviour. Adsorption capacities have been quantified for pozzolana and a sand and zeolite mixture. A temperature-dependent equation is calibrated to calculate nitrification rate. System efficiency is high for target pollutants (TSS, COD, NH4-N). Design, operational and environmental factors have been analysed to seek potential effects on removal performances and sludge accumulation. Additionally, PAHs and metals are indicated for a few selected events. The field results were essential to calibrate Orage and to see options for design improvements. The understanding of CSO CWs and the development of Orage was promoted also by simulating lab-scale columns using the process-based model package HYDRUS / CW2D.

Absenteísmo por doença na equipe de enfermagem: taxa, diagnóstico médico e perfil dos profissionais / Sickness absenteeism among hospital nursing staff: rate, medical diagnosis and professional profile

Sancinetti, Tania Regina 17 March 2009 (has links)
Estudo de natureza quantitativa, descritiva, transversal, elaborado com o objetivo de identificar e analisar o absenteísmo por doença, dos profissionais de enfermagem do Hospital Universitário da USP, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2007. A metodologia foi desenvolvida em duas etapas: caracterização demográfica dos profissionais e análise e caracterização das ausências quanto aos tipos de afastamento, aos diagnósticos médicos, à taxa de absenteísmo por doença, à relação com a taxa de ocupação do Hospital e ao custo médio estimado. O quadro de profissionais foi constituído, em média, de 647 profissionais, destes 362 apresentaram absenteísmo por doença: 69 (19,1%) enfermeiros, 212 (58,6%) técnicos de enfermagem, 78 (21,5%) auxiliares de enfermagem e três (0,8%) atendentes. Os afastamentos por doença foram classificados em: licença por falta abonada (FA); licença por falta compensada por folga (FO), licença-médica com até 15 dias (LM), licença- médica acima de 15 dias (INS) e licença-médica acima de 15 dias, porém iniciadas antes de 2007 (IN). A idade média dos profissionais ausentes por doença, o sexo e o tempo de experiência não condicionaram o absenteísmo por doença. Possuem em média 1,5 filhos, 83% reportaram trabalhar em um emprego e despenderem cerca de 50min no trajeto para o trabalho. O salário bruto, dos enfermeiros foi de R$ 4.958,32, dos técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem R$ 2.650.07 e de R$ 1.360,94 para os atendentes de enfermagem. A quantidade de licenças concedidas, em 2007, aos 362 profissionais foram 762 licenças que representaram 6.245 dias de absenteísmo por doença ao trabalho, correspondendo a LM 67,6%, FA 10,8%, FO 12,1%, INS 5,0% e IN 4,5%. Os técnicos de enfermagem apresentaram a maior quantidade de licenças por doença, e os auxiliares de enfermagem a maior de dias de ausências. Quanto à unidade de origem, os maiores percentuais de licenças ocorreram na Clínica Cirúrgica, no Pronto-Socorro Adulto e na Clínica Médica. Na unidade de Pronto-Socorro Adulto, proporcionalmente ao quadro da unidade, ocorreu a maior quantidade de profissionais ausentes por doença. Na Clinica Médica, 73 licenças geraram a quantidade mais elevada de dias de ausências (1.216). O total do tempo em dias de ausência por doença foi de 11.948 dias, no ano, sendo: 5.757 dias (48,2%) IN; 3.552 dias (29,7%) INS e 2.470 dias (20,75%) LM; 101 dias (0,8%) FO; 68 dias (0,6%) FA. A menor ocorrência de licenças por doença foi no turno da noite e a maior no turno da manhã. As doenças sistema osteomuscular e do tecido conjuntivo representaram 4.957 dias (41,5%) de ausências e os transtornos mentais e comportamentais 3.393 dias (28,4%). As LM representaram 83,5% do custo estimado. O percentual mensal de licenças por doença foi inversamente proporcional à taxa de ocupação. A taxa de absenteísmo por doença da equipe de enfermagem, em 2007, foi 5,3%, as licenças INSS representaram 4,2% e as LM 1,1%. A política de cobertura, por contratação temporária, do absenteísmo por doença poderá contribuir para diminuir a sobrecarga de trabalho, possibilitando condições mais seguras de trabalho aos profissionais de enfermagem / The aim of this quantitative, descriptive and transversal study was to identify and analyze sickness absenteeism in the nursing staff of the University Hospital-USP, from January to December 2007. Methodology was carried-out in two phases: professionals demographic characterization and analyze and characterization of absences regarding type of leave, medical diagnosis, rate of sickness absenteeism, relationship with rate of Hospital occupation and with the mean estimated cost. The professional chart consisted of, on average, 647 professionals, of which 362 presented sickness absenteeism: 69 (19.1%) nurses, 212 (58.6%) nursing technicians, 78 (21.5%) nursing assistants and three (0.8%) hospital attendants. Sick leaves were classified into: leave due to excused absence (EA); leave of absence, performing overtime work in non-work days (NW), medical leave up to 15 days (ML), and medical leave for more than 15 days (EML) and medical leave more than 15 days but started before 2007 (BML). The professionals mean age for sickness absenteeism, sex and expertise time did not correlated absenteeism to disease. The professionals had an average of 1.5 children, 83% reported to have a job and they expended about 50 minutes in the way to the workplace. The gross income of the nurses was R$ 4,958.32 and R$ 2,650.07 for technicians/nursing assistants and R$ 1,360.94 for nursing attendants. The total of leaves granted in 2007, for the 362 professionals was 762 leaves representing 6.245 days related to sickness absenteeism, corresponding to ML 67.6%, EA10.8%, NW 12.1%, EML 5.0% and BML 4.5%. The nursing technicians presented the greater rates of sick leaves and nursing assistants presented the greatest rate of absences. Regarding unit of origin of the greatest leave rates occurred in Surgical Clinic, Adult First-Aid Clinic and Medical Clinic. In the Adult First-Aid, proportionally in relation to the unit size, occurred the greatest number of sick leaves. In the Medical Clinic 73 leaves triggered a greater rate of absent days (1,216). The total amount of days on sick leave was 11,948 days, per year, of which: 5,757 days (48.2%) BML; 3,552 days (29.7%) EML and 2,470 days (20.765%) ML; 101 days (0.8%) NW; 68 days (0.6%) EA. The lower occurrence due to disease was observed at the night shifts and the greater in the morning shifts. Diseases of the osteomuscular system and connective tissue represented 4.957 days (41.5%) of absences and psychological and behavioral disorders 3,393 days (28.4%). The ML represented 83.5% of the estimated cost. Monthly percentage of leaves per disease was inversely proportional to the occupation rate. Sick absenteeism rate in the nursing staff, in 2007, was 5.3%, INSS* leaves represented 4.2% and MD 1.1%. Coverage Policies for temporary contract, sickness absenteeism may contribute to decrease work overload, allowing more safe conditions of working for the nursing professionals

On Optimization in Design of Telecommunications Networks with Multicast and Unicast Traffic

Prytz, Mikael January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Dimensioning Tools of MEA Actuator Systems, Including Modeling, Analysis and Technology Comparison

Torabzadeh-Tari, Mohsen January 2008 (has links)
Aircraft design is an example of complex engineering where dimensioning tools can be valuable for the designers and decision makers in the early stage of the development process. These tools can be in form of a database over key numbers for different components or technologies. One of the critical parts of an aircraft is the actuator system. Conventional hydraulic actuators are demanding regarding maintenance which implies high operation costs. Therefore in recent years the focus has been set on electro-hydrostatic and electro-mechanical actuators. The aim of this work is to build a platform which can make it easier for designers and decision makers to analyze, compare and optimize different technologies regarding the actuator system. For this reason a simplified quasi-static actuator model, including reactive power consumption has been developed. This model makes it possible to reduce the complexity of the actuator models to such extent that the resulting computional tool can be used for studies of the system performance during entire flight missions and/or for optimization. Power density, cost and weight of the actuator systems are some of the important key numbers for comparing purpose and as a platform for the dimensioning of the aircraft. The ambition is then to build up a database of different actuator solutions with the key technical parameters mentioned above, that can be used in modeling and dimensioning of an aircraft. In order to avoid time consuming finite element calculations when analyzing an electrical machine a reluctance network model can be used. The basic idea of the proposed network model is to divide the rotor and the stator into a grid of small reluctance elements and provide those that correspond to the permanent magnet and the air gap between the magnets with time varying reluctances. The suggested computationally approach constitute a fast way to evaluate permanent magnet electrical machines with the respect to their performance. A preferred electrical machine provided with balance teeth and concentrated windings showed good electromechanical and thermal behavior. A balance tooth is a tooth without winding between each adjacent phases that has a cooling effect on the nearest windings, resulting in less copper losses. The balance teeth increases the voltage-time area, leading to higher induced voltage and higher torque production. Another advantage of the chosen design is its redundancy and fault tolerance capabilities. The machine comprises two independent half machines that also offers a high level of redundancy with two separate power channels. / QC 20100914

Network Dimensioning In Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks

Sevgi, Cuneyt 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, we considered a heterogeneous, clustered WSN, which consists of two types of nodes (clusterheads and sensor nodes) deployed randomly over a sensing field. We investigated two cases based on how clusterheads can reach the sink: direct and multi-hop communication cases. Network dimensioning problems in randomly deployed WSNs are among the most challenging ones as the attributes of these networks are mostly non-deterministic. We focused on a number of network dimensioning problems based on the connected coverage concept, which is the degree of coverage achieved by only the connected devices. To evaluate connected coverage, we introduced the term cluster size, which is the expected value of the area covered by a clusterhead together with sensor nodes connected to it. We derived formulas for the cluster size and validated them by computer simulations. By using the cluster size formulas, we proposed a method to dimension a WSN for given targeted connected coverage. Furthermore, we formulated cost optimization problems for direct and multi-hop communication cases. These formulations utilize not only cluster size formulas but also the well-connectivity concept. We suggested some search heuristics to solve these optimization problems. Additionally, we justified that, in practical cases, node heterogeneity can provide lower cost solutions. We also investigated the lifetime of WSNs and for mulated a cost optimization problem with connected coverage and lifetime constraints. By solving this optimization problem, one can determine the number of nodes of each type and the initial energies of each type of node that leads to lowest cost solution while satisfying the minimum connected coverage and minimum lifetime requirements.

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