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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dimensionering av dvärgbrytare för kraft- och spänningsmatningar på Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB : Beräkningsmetodik och anvisning för dimensionering av dvärgbrytare. / Dimensioning of miniature circuit breakers for power and voltage feeds on Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB : Calculation methodology and instruction for dimensioning of miniature circuit breakers.

Mossberg, Ivar January 2018 (has links)
Examensuppgiften är utförd på uppdrag av avdelning Systemkonstruktion El på Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB.Denna rapport behandlar uppgiften att göra en inventering för dimensionering av dvärgbrytare. Målet med examensarbetet är att utforma en lathund så att val av kabel och i vissa fall även dvärgbrytrare kan utföras av konstruktören i samband med elkonstruktion. Detta innebär att redovisa en beräkningsmetodik för dimens-ionering av dvärgbrytare i olika användningsområden. Dvärgbrytare i både växel-spännings- och likspänningssystem berörs.Referens för Forsmark, rapporten behandlar delsystem 519.Problematiken ligger bl.a. i att avgränsa arbetet då varje reaktor på Forsmark be-står av ca 4000 dvärgbrytare av olika karakteristik och användningsområde. Stor vikt ligger också vid parametrar som specificeras i gällande SS-EN standarder med avseende på belastningsförmåga.Examensarbetet började med en förstudie om vilka för- och nackdelar dvärgbrytare i olika applikationer har, vilka regler som styr dimensionering och hur dimension-eringen utförs idag etc. Därefter utfördes en analys utifrån formler och beräkningar som finns presenterad i svensk standard så som SS 424 14 03, vilket resulterade i en lathund. / This thesis is performed on behalf of the department of Systemkonstruktion El at Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB.This report deals with the task of making an inventory for miniature circuit break-ers (MCB). The aim of the graduation work is to design a quick reference so that the choice of cable and in some cases even MCB’s can be performed by the designer in connection with electrical design. This involves reporting a calculation method for selecting MCB’s in different applications. MCB’s in both AC voltage and DC voltage systems are affected.As reference for Forsmark, this report deals with the system 519.The problem lies in in delimiting the work since every reactor at Forsmark consists of approximately 4000 MCB’s of different characteristics and applications. A very huge importance is also given to parameters specified in SS-EN standards for load capacity.The thesis began with a pilot study of the pros and cons of MBC’s in different appli-cations, which rules control the dimensioning and how the design is carried out today, etc. An analysis was performed based on formulas and calculations present-ed in Swedish Standard such as SS 424 14 03, resulted in a quick reference.

Strukturell Design för Bostadshus

Kherfan, Rashid January 2023 (has links)
Fördröjningar till följd av icke optimerade samarbeten mellan olika teknikområden kan föranleda stora ekonomiska förluster och även stor påverkan på produktionsresultat, detta är ett problem som lyfts fram i denna studie och därför anses mitt studie vara viktigt. SyfteSyftet är att presentera en referensvara som lyfter upp ett arbetssätt för optimering av samspelet mellan arkitektur och konstruktion. MetodStudien involverade informella intervjuer med erfarna konstruktörer och arkitekter för att få insikter om samarbete i projekteringsprocessen. En litteraturgenomgång genomfördes för att få en bredare förståelse baserat på forskningsartiklar och böcker inom arkitektur och byggteknik. Designprocessen i ett byggprojekt beskrevs, där samverkan och kommunikation mellan olika yrkesgrupper är avgörande för att uppnå målen. Dimensioneringskontroll och extern granskning användes för att säkerställa att säkerhets- och hållfasthetskraven uppfylls. ResultatArkitekts- och konstruktionsresultat representeras samtidigt som ritningar och dimensioneringar av de bärande delar redovisas i detaljer med utförliga beräkningar, planlösningar och diagram. SlutsatsGenom en effektiv och välorganiserad samverkan mellan arkitekten och konstruktören kan konflikter minimeras och potentiella problemlösas tidigt i projekteringsprocessen. / Delays caused by non-optimized collaboration between different technical areas can lead to significant economic losses and have a major impact on production results, which is a problem highlighted in this study and therefore our study is considered important. The purpose is to present a reference document that highlights an approach for optimizing the interaction between architecture and construction. The study involved informal interviews with experienced designers and architects to gain insights into collaboration in the design process. Aliterature review was conducted to provide a broader understanding based on research articles and books in the fields of architecture and construction engineering. The design process in a construction project was described, highlighting the crucial role of collaboration and communication among different professional groups in achieving project goals. Dimension control and external review were utilized to ensure compliance with safety and structural integrity requirements. Architectural and structural outcomes are represented simultaneously, while drawings and dimensioning of the load-bearing components are presented in detail with comprehensive calculations, floor plans, and diagrams. Through effective and well-organized collaboration between the architect and the structural engineer, conflicts can be minimized, and potential issues can be resolved early in the design process. / <p>2023-06-29</p>

OPTIMIZATION OF INVENTORY LEVELS FOR LOGISTICS CENTER DIMENSIONING: A simulation-based approach for the determination of safety stock levels and storage dimensions / OPTIMERING AV LAGERNIVÅER VID DIMENSIONERING AV LOGISTIKCENTER: En simuleringsbaserad metod för bestämning av säkerhetslagernivåer och lagerdimensionering

Holmner Härgestam, Olivia, Wallström, Julia January 2024 (has links)
Volvo GTO in Umeå is the largest production unit for cabs of Volvo’s heavy trucks. Currently, the company has three external storage facilities around the Umeå region used for storage of steel coils, pressing tools, and production material. A project regarding the construction of a new logistics center has been initiated, with the aim of combining the current storage facilities into one. This in order to make the logistics flows more efficient, while decreasing costs and emissions. The creation of a new logistics center served as a starting point for this thesis. Emphasis has been placed on determination of optimal inventory levels of steel coils, which is the main component in their production of cabs. The primary aim was to minimize costs while ensuring a sufficient stock available for all coils. To accomplish this, both an optimization model and a simulation model have been developed in order to ascertain optimal order quantities and appropriate safety stock levels based on required service levels. These quantities and safety stocks have later been used to determine the size of the storage area in the logistics center. A significant aspect of this project involved the generation of input data corresponding to demand. Leveraging the resampling technique multivariate moving block bootstrapping on historical demand data from last year has enabled the creation of realistic demand scenarios. The conclusions drawn from the study is that the optimal inventory levels are strongly dependent on anticipated future demand, as evidenced by the different scenarios. Important to state is that the calculations made are based solely on demand variability and not on other crucial factors, such as lead time variability. Future investigations of optimal inventory levels should incorporate additional parameters to obtain a more comprehensive understanding for the management of the inventory system. / Volvo GTO i Umeå är den största produktionsenheten för Volvos hyttproduktion till tunga lastbilar. I dagsläget har Volvo GTO tre externa lagerlokaler i Umeåområdet, som används till lagring av stålcoils, pressverktyg och produktionsmaterial. Ett projekt gällande ett nytt logistikcenter har initierats, som syftar till att slå samman nuvarande lagerlokaler till en. Detta för att skapa mer effektiva logistikflöden, samtidigt som kostnader och utsläpp minskar. Skapandet av ett nytt logistikcenter utgör utgångspunkten för detta projekt. Tyngdpunktenhar legat på att fastställa optimala lagernivåer för stålcoils, vilka utgör huvudkomponenten i Volvos hyttproduktion. Den primära målsättningen var att minimera kostnader och samtidigt säkerställa att tillräckligt med lager finns tillgängligt för samtliga stålcoils. För att uppnå detta skapades både en optimeringsmodell och en simuleringsmodell för att fastställa optimala orderkvantiteter och lämpliga säkerhetslagernivåer, baserat på nödvändiga servicenivåer. Dessa orderkvantiteter och säkerhetslagernivåer användes senare vid bestämning av storleken på lagerytan i logistikcentret. En betydande del av detta arbete utgjordes av generering av indata motsvarande efterfrågan. Nyttjande av återsamplingsmetoden multivariate moving block bootstrapping gjord på historisk data över efterfrågan år 2023 har möjliggjort skapandet av realistiska efterfrågescenarier. Slutsatser som dras från studien är att de optimala lagernivåerna är strikt beroende av den förväntade framtida efterfrågan, vilket visas i de olika scenarierna. Viktigt att poängtera är att beräkningarna gjorda enbart är baserade på variation i efterfrågan och inte på andra avgörande faktorer, såsom variationer i ledtider. Framtida utredningar av optimala lagernivåer bör inkludera ytterligare parametrar för att erhålla en mer övergripande och rättvis förståelse för hanteringen av lagersystemet.

Pris- och koldioxidutsläppsskillnader för kall- och varmformade konstruktionsrör : En undersökning av skillnaden i pris och utsläpp vid valet av pelare till en idrottshall

Zukancic, Sabina January 2024 (has links)
Koldioxidutsläppen i världen orsakar stora miljöförstöringar och byggbranschen står för en stor del av utsläppen. Samtidigt som utsläppen behöver minska finns ett behov av att bygga fler idrottshallar i Sverige. Utöver det behöver även kostnaderna hållas så låga som möjligt. Därför syftar denna studie till att klargöra hur stor skillnaden i pris och koldioxidutsläpp är beroende på val av pelare i ett verkligt fall. De pelare som undersökts och jämförts är varmformade konstruktionsrör (VKR), kallformade konstruktionsrör (KKR) och energisnåla kallformade konstruktionsrör (Zero KKR). För att genomföra studien dimensionerades pelare till en idrottshall enligt europeiska standarder, så kallade Eurokoder. Dimensioneringen utgick från stålleverantören Tibnors sortiment. Information om pris och koldioxidutsläpp för de dimensioner som togs fram samlades in från Tibnor och dess återförsäljare. En sammanställning av informationen gjordes i tabeller och diagram för jämförelse. Resultatet visar att det totala priset för pelare till idrottshallen är 20,7% lägre vid val av KKR istället för VKR. Jämförelsen visar även att det går att göra en utsläppsbesparing på 8,7% genom att, genomgående, välja KKR istället för VKR till pelare för den idrottshall som undersökts. Med Zero KKR skulle det vara möjligt att minska koldioxidutsläppen pelarna till idrottshallen orsakar med ytterligare 66,8% och slutsatsen kan dras att användning av Zero KKR alltid skulle bidra till en markant minskning av koldioxidutsläppet. / Carbon dioxide emissions worldwide cause significant environmental damage and the construction industry is responsible for many of these emissions. At the same time that emissions need to be reduced, there is a need to build more sports halls in Sweden. In addition, costs also need to be kept down. Therefore, this study aims to clarify how big the difference in price and carbon dioxide emissions is depending on the choice of columns in a real case. The colums that has been investigated and compared is Hot-Formed Hollow Sections, Cold-Formed Hollow Sections and the energy efficient Zero Cold-Formed Hollow Sections. To do the investigation, columns for a sports hall were dimensioned according to European standards, so-called Eurocodes. Dimensioning was based on the steel supplier Tibnor's range. Data regarding price and carbon dioxide emissions for the dimensions produced were collected from Tibnor and its dealers. A compilation was made in tables and charts for comparison. The result shows that the total price for the columns to the sportshall is 20,7% lower for Cold-Formed Hollow Sections than Hot-Formed Hollow Sections. The comparison also shows that it is possible to save 8.7% on emissons by consistently choosing Cold-Formed Hollow Section instead of Hot-Formed Hollow Sections as pillars for the investigated sports hall. With Zero Cold-Formed Hollow Sections, it would be possible to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions for the columns of the sports hall by a further 66.8% and the conclusion can be drawn that using Zero Cold-Formed Hollow Sections would always contribute to a significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.

Elnätsplanering i framtida bostadsområden : Med påverkan från solceller och elbilsladdare

Åkerlind, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
Målet med detta arbete var att undersöka hur mikroproduktion med solceller och laddning av elbilar i våra hushåll kommer att se ut i framtiden och om elkvalitén, kapaciteten i distributionsnätet, utlösningsvillkoren och elnätsdimensioneringen i nya bostadsområden påverkas av detta. Två olika scenarier har tagits fram, där det som skiljer dem åt är hur många procent av hushållen som har elbilsladdare och solcellsproduktion. De två scenarierna jämförs sedan med hur det ser ut i dagsläget för att få en uppfattning om vad som krävs vid fram-tidens elnätsdimensioneringar. Två extremfall används där maximal produktion och minimal konsumtion sommartid jämförs med maximal konsumtion och ingen produktion vintertid. Arbetet visar att den totala effektförbrukningen ökar med procentökningen av elbilsladdare och solcellsanläggningar vilket leder till att nya bostadsområden måste dimensionernas för högre belastningsström-mar. Detta resulterar i att större transformatorer och att kablar med grövre ledarareor måste användas för att klara av den ökade belastningsströmmen. Spänningsvariationerna ökar vilket gör att acceptans-gränserna i vissa fall inte kan hållas. Vid simulering och beräkningar visade det sig att utlösningsvillkoren för alla sammankopplingspunkter och anslutningspunkter mot bostäder låg inom gränsvärdet fem sekunder samt att selektiviteten var god i de delsträckor som testades. / The goal with this work was to study how micro-production with solar cells and charging of electric cars in our households will look like in the future and whether the electricity quality, the capacity of the distribution network, the release conditions and the electricity grid dimensioning in new residential areas are affected by this. Two different scenarios have been developed, where what distinguishes them is how many percent of households have electric car chargers and solar cell production. The two scenarios are then compared with how it currently looks to get an idea of what is needed in future electricity grid dimensioning. Two extreme cases are used where maximum production and minimal consumption in summer are compared with maximum consumption and no production in winter. The work shows that the total power consumption increases with the percentage increase of electric car chargers and solar cell installations, which means that new residential areas must be dimensioned for higher load currents. This results in larger transformers and that cables with larger conductor areas must be used to cope with the increased power. The voltage variations increase, which means that the acceptance limits in some cases cannot be kept. During simulation and calculations, it was found that the triggering conditions for all inter-connection points and connection points against housing were within the limit value of five seconds and that the selectivity was good in the sub-sections that were tested.

Dimensionamento do pessoal de enfermagem em assistência domiciliária: percepção de gerentes e enfermeiras. / Dimensioning of nursing staff in home care: managers and nurses\' perception.

Dal Ben, Luiza Watanabe 23 August 2005 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivos: reconhecer nos discursos de gerentes e enfermeiras que atuam em assistência domiciliária (AD), na cidade de São Paulo, a identificação dos critérios utilizados para dimensionar o pessoal de enfermagem nesse tipo de assistência e propor um modelo que norteie o dimensionamento desse profissional. O estudo apoiou-se no método qualitativo, os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e analisados pelo processo de análise de conteúdo, segundo Bardin (1977). As questões norteadoras foram a descrição da indicação de um paciente para AD e como planejam o pessoal de enfermagem. Participaram do estudo 48 profissionais de 24 instituições, sendo 24 gerentes e 24 enfermeiras responsáveis pela enfermagem. Destes, oito eram do setor público e 40 do privado. A média do tempo de experiência em AD dos gerentes foi de 11,83 e das enfermeiras, 6,94 anos. Todos os discursos foram submetidos à análise interpretativa, evidenciando a construção de três categorias: a elegibilidade do paciente, o tempo despendido na assistência e o perfil profissional. A primeira categoria constituiu-se dos critérios de indicação do paciente que, na maioria, são de competência do médico do hospital, posteriormente, avaliados pelo médico da AD. A enfermeira e a assistente social verificam a viabilidade da prestação de serviço. A estabilidade clínica e a presença do cuidador familiar são um dos principais pré-requisitos de elegibilidade do paciente, para todos os serviços independente de recurso financeiro. As condições adequadas de moradia, sua localização e redução dos custos hospitalares são componentes para eleição do paciente. O grau de dependência dos cuidados de enfermagem foi apontado pelos entrevistados como determinante para a classificação do paciente ao tipo de modalidade de AD, monitoramento, atendimento e internação domiciliária e consistiu na segunda categoria. A terceira categoria foi o perfil profissional, fator essencial no dimensionamento do pessoal de enfermagem em AD. As enfermeiras, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem que atuam via cooperativa, precisam agir com postura adequada no ambiente do paciente e seus familiares, e a qualidade de prestação de serviços está intimamente relacionada à presença de supervisão, orientação e direção da enfermeira. A identificação dessas categorias possibilitou vislumbrar um caminho para proposição de um modelo, para dimensionar o pessoal de enfermagem domiciliária e transformar dados intuitivos em cientificamente embasados. / The present research aimed to: recognize on discourses from managers and nurses who work with home care (HC) at the city of Sao Paulo, the identification of frameworks used for dimensioning the nursing staff in this kind of care and propose a model to guide the dimensioning of this professional. The study was based on the qualitative method; data was collected by semi-structured interviews and analyzed by the process of content analysis, according to Bardin (1977). The guiding questions were the description of indication of a patient to HC and how they plan nursing staff. Forty-eight professionals from 24 facilities attended the study, in which 24 were managers and 24 were nurses responsible for nursing. From these, 8 were from public setting and 40 from private. The average time of experience in HC for managers was 11.83 years and nurses 6.94. All discourses were submitted to interpretation analysis, becoming evident the creation of 3 categories: the patient eligibility, time spent in care and the professional profile. The first category was constituted of criteria for patient indication in which, most of the time, are the responsibility of the physician in the hospital, and subsequently, (s)he will be evaluated by the physician from HC. The nurse and social worker verify the feasibility of service delivery. The clinical stability and the presence of the family caretaker are one of the main requirements of patient eligibility for all services regardless of financial resources. The adequate housing conditions, its location and hospital cost reduction are components for patient election. The dependence degree of nursing care was pointed out by the respondents as determining for patient classification to the type of modality of HC, monitoring, attendance and home commitment and it consisted of the second category. The third category was the professional profile, essential factor on dimensioning the nursing home care staff and changing intuitive data into scientific-based ones.

Contribución al desarrollo de herramientas estratégicas para el diseño, dimensionado y evaluación de redes de telecomunicación de banda ancha

García Gutiérrez, Alberto Eloy 25 September 2009 (has links)
Internet ha supuesto el despegue de las redes de conmutación de paquetes, las ha convertido en un medio al que todo el mundo quiere acceder, y ha obligado a replantear todas las previsiones que manejaban los operadores sobre el tráfico que iban a soportar sus redes en cada una de sus partes: el acceso, la agregación y la dorsal. Precisamente, la evaluación de estas y otras situaciones deben estar incluidas en el proceso de diseño y planificación de cualquier red, en lo que se ha denominado planificación estratégica. La estimación de la demanda de tráfico resulta especialmente importante porque permite al operador anticiparse a situaciones de congestión y bloqueo de la red. Utiliza herramientas de modelado del tráfico, bien para su cálculo analítico o para su estudio mediante simulación, y al ser una herramienta fundamental, existe un extenso catálogo de modelos de tráfico: genéricos y particularizados, de fuentes individuales y de redes completas, de elementos de interconexión y de enlaces. En esta Tesis, se han analizado los diferentes modelos existentes y se ha desarrollado un nuevo modelo que tiene en cuenta el comportamiento del tráfico desde su preparación por parte de la capa de aplicación, hasta su inserción en la capa física. El modelo propuesto parte de la solución ON-OFF tradicional, aunque aplicado a tres niveles diferentes (conexión, sesión y ráfaga), de forma que cada estado ON se encuentra modulado por el modelo correspondiente a la capa inferior. Como alternativa más simple, surgen los modelos multifuente, que intentan introducir el efecto de la interacción entre las diferentes fuentes, también conocido como agregación. Para considerar este caso, se ha realizado un estudio de modelos específicos para su aplicación a puntos de agregación, especialmente los situados en la red de acceso, al ser ésta la parte de la red que más alto coste presenta en su implementación. Partiendo del modelo ON-OFF para una sola fuente, se ha propuesto una variante multifuente, que aprovecha las propiedades de la función de distribución binomial para realizar el cálculo del tráfico agregado por un número determinado de fuentes. El resultado ha sido comparado mediante la observación de flujos reales, tal como propone la teoría del Network Calculus, y que ha sido evaluada y aplicada en este trabajo con ejemplos prácticos que se han incluido en el documento. El estudio realizado en esta Tesis concluye que el tráfico de fuente está condicionado a tres premisas fundamentales: el usuario, el servicio y la tecnología de acceso, de donde surge un nuevo concepto que especifica de forma sistemática y ordenada todas las variaciones, denominada CASUAL (Cubo de Acceso/Servicios/Usuarios de Asignación Libre) y ha sido aplicada en una herramienta realizada a su efecto, junto con los modelos de tráfico de fuente propuestos. / Internet has been the catalyst of the development of packet switched networks, which have become the resource which everyone wants to access. As a consequence, the operators need to recalculate all their forecasts about the traffic to be transported by their networks. In fact, the evaluation of these and other situations should be included within the design and planning phases of any network, in the so called strategic planning overall process.Traffic demand estimation is particularly interesting, since it allows the operator to anticipate bottlenecks and blocking situations of the network. It uses traffic modelling tools, either for their analytical or simulation-based study. Since they have become an essential tool, there is a wide range of traffic models: generic and particularized, for individual sources and complete networks, for interconnection elements and links.In this thesis, we have analyzed the different models and have developed a new model that takes into account traffic patterns from preparation by the application layer to its insertion into the physical layer. The proposed model is based on the traditional on-off solution, but applied to three different levels (connection, session and burst), so that each ON state is modulated by the model corresponding to the bottom layer. As a simpler alternative, multisource models emerge, seeking to introduce the effect of the interaction between different sources, also known as aggregation. To consider this case, it has made a study of specific models for application to aggregation points, especially those located in the access network, as this is the part of the network that has higher cost in implementation. Based on the ON-OFF model for a single source, is a proposed multi-source variant, which exploits the properties of the binomial distribution function for the calculation of the aggregate traffic for a specified number of sources. The result has been compared by observation of actual flows, as proposed by the theory of Network Calculus, and has been evaluated and implemented in this work with practical examples that are included in the document.The study in this thesis concludes that the traffic source is conditioned on three fundamental premises: the user, service and technology access, where there was a new concept that specifies a systematic and orderly all the variations, called CASUAL (Cube of Access / Services / Users with Free Allocation) and has been implemented in a tool made of its effect, along with the traffic source models proposed.

Um estudo algor?tmico de problemas log?sticos na ind?stria de petr?leo e g?s natural / An algorithmic study of logistic problems on petroleum and natural gas industry

Duarte, Herbert de Melo 16 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:48:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HerbertMD.pdf: 1096047 bytes, checksum: 6cf0c7d90914e2c3fd03f494b71cfa3a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-16 / This work consists on the study of two important problems arising from the operations of petroleum and natural gas industries. The first problem the pipe dimensioning problem on constrained gas distribution networks consists in finding the least cost combination of diameters from a discrete set of commercially available ones for the pipes of a given gas network, such that it respects minimum pressure requirements at each demand node and upstream pipe conditions. On its turn, the second problem the piston pump unit routing problem comes from the need of defining the piston pump unit routes for visiting a number of non-emergent wells in on-shore fields, i.e., wells which don t have enough pressure to make the oil emerge to surface. The periodic version of this problem takes into account the wells re-filling equation to provide a more accurate planning in the long term. Besides the mathematical formulation of both problems, an exact algorithm and a taboo search were developed for the solution of the first problem and a theoretical limit and a ProtoGene transgenetic algorithm were developed for the solution of the second problem. The main concepts of the metaheuristics are presented along with the details of their application to the cited problems. The obtained results for both applications are promising when compared to theoretical limits and alternate solutions, either relative to the quality of the solutions or to associated running time / Este trabalho consiste do estudo de dois importantes problemas oriundos das opera??es das ind?strias de petr?leo e g?s natural. O primeiro problema do dimensionamento de dutos em uma rede urbana de distribui??o de g?s natural consiste em encontrar a combina??o de di?metros de menor custo, a partir de um conjunto de op??es comercialmente dispon?veis, para os dutos de uma dada rede de distribui??o de g?s, de forma a respeitar requisitos de press?o m?nima em cada n? de demanda e condi??es de upstream. Por sua vez, o segundo problema do roteamento da unidade m?vel do pistoneio decorre da necessidade de se definir as rotas de visita??o da dita unidade m?vel do pistoneio aos diversos po?os n?o surgentes do campo de explora??o, ou seja, po?os que n?o possuem press?o suficiente para fazer o ?leo emergir ? superf?cie. A vers?o peri?dica do problema leva em considera??o a equa??o de re-enchimento dos po?os, de forma a possibilitar um planejamento mais acurado num horizonte de tempo maior. Al?m da formula??o matem?tica dos dois problemas, para a solu??o do primeiro foram desenvolvidos um algoritmo exato e uma busca tabu e para o segundo, um limite superior e um algoritmo transgen?tico ProtoGene. Os principais conceitos das metaheur?sticas s?o apresentados, juntamente com os detalhes da aplica??o destas aos problemas citados. Os resultados obtidos para ambas as aplica??es s?o promissores quando comparados com limites te?ricos e solu??es alternativas, tanto relativamente ? qualidade das solu??es como ao tempo computacional envolvido

Numerical analysis of the interaction between rockbolts and rock mass for coal mine drifts in Vietnam

Le Van, Cong 05 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis describes the application of anchors in mining and tunneling and gives an up-to-date overview about anchor types, design principles and the interaction mechanisms between anchors and rockmass. A constitutive model was developed, implemented and tested for the 2- and 3-dimensional numerical codes FLAC and FLAC3D to simulate non-linear anchor behaviour including unloading and reloading. The interaction between rockbolts and rockmass was studied in detail via numerical simulations for 5 Vietnamese coal mines. An extended version of the so-called c-Φ reduction method and a new introduced reinforcement factor were applied to quantify the effect of bolting. Mine specific and generalised relations were deduced to quantify the influence of anchor length and distance between anchors on the effect of bolting.

Dimensionamento do pessoal de enfermagem em assistência domiciliária: percepção de gerentes e enfermeiras. / Dimensioning of nursing staff in home care: managers and nurses\' perception.

Luiza Watanabe Dal Ben 23 August 2005 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivos: reconhecer nos discursos de gerentes e enfermeiras que atuam em assistência domiciliária (AD), na cidade de São Paulo, a identificação dos critérios utilizados para dimensionar o pessoal de enfermagem nesse tipo de assistência e propor um modelo que norteie o dimensionamento desse profissional. O estudo apoiou-se no método qualitativo, os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e analisados pelo processo de análise de conteúdo, segundo Bardin (1977). As questões norteadoras foram a descrição da indicação de um paciente para AD e como planejam o pessoal de enfermagem. Participaram do estudo 48 profissionais de 24 instituições, sendo 24 gerentes e 24 enfermeiras responsáveis pela enfermagem. Destes, oito eram do setor público e 40 do privado. A média do tempo de experiência em AD dos gerentes foi de 11,83 e das enfermeiras, 6,94 anos. Todos os discursos foram submetidos à análise interpretativa, evidenciando a construção de três categorias: a elegibilidade do paciente, o tempo despendido na assistência e o perfil profissional. A primeira categoria constituiu-se dos critérios de indicação do paciente que, na maioria, são de competência do médico do hospital, posteriormente, avaliados pelo médico da AD. A enfermeira e a assistente social verificam a viabilidade da prestação de serviço. A estabilidade clínica e a presença do cuidador familiar são um dos principais pré-requisitos de elegibilidade do paciente, para todos os serviços independente de recurso financeiro. As condições adequadas de moradia, sua localização e redução dos custos hospitalares são componentes para eleição do paciente. O grau de dependência dos cuidados de enfermagem foi apontado pelos entrevistados como determinante para a classificação do paciente ao tipo de modalidade de AD, monitoramento, atendimento e internação domiciliária e consistiu na segunda categoria. A terceira categoria foi o perfil profissional, fator essencial no dimensionamento do pessoal de enfermagem em AD. As enfermeiras, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem que atuam via cooperativa, precisam agir com postura adequada no ambiente do paciente e seus familiares, e a qualidade de prestação de serviços está intimamente relacionada à presença de supervisão, orientação e direção da enfermeira. A identificação dessas categorias possibilitou vislumbrar um caminho para proposição de um modelo, para dimensionar o pessoal de enfermagem domiciliária e transformar dados intuitivos em cientificamente embasados. / The present research aimed to: recognize on discourses from managers and nurses who work with home care (HC) at the city of Sao Paulo, the identification of frameworks used for dimensioning the nursing staff in this kind of care and propose a model to guide the dimensioning of this professional. The study was based on the qualitative method; data was collected by semi-structured interviews and analyzed by the process of content analysis, according to Bardin (1977). The guiding questions were the description of indication of a patient to HC and how they plan nursing staff. Forty-eight professionals from 24 facilities attended the study, in which 24 were managers and 24 were nurses responsible for nursing. From these, 8 were from public setting and 40 from private. The average time of experience in HC for managers was 11.83 years and nurses 6.94. All discourses were submitted to interpretation analysis, becoming evident the creation of 3 categories: the patient eligibility, time spent in care and the professional profile. The first category was constituted of criteria for patient indication in which, most of the time, are the responsibility of the physician in the hospital, and subsequently, (s)he will be evaluated by the physician from HC. The nurse and social worker verify the feasibility of service delivery. The clinical stability and the presence of the family caretaker are one of the main requirements of patient eligibility for all services regardless of financial resources. The adequate housing conditions, its location and hospital cost reduction are components for patient election. The dependence degree of nursing care was pointed out by the respondents as determining for patient classification to the type of modality of HC, monitoring, attendance and home commitment and it consisted of the second category. The third category was the professional profile, essential factor on dimensioning the nursing home care staff and changing intuitive data into scientific-based ones.

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