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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kompetens före kön : En kvalitativ studie av kvinnliga specialidrottslärares upplevelser i ett mansdominerat yrke / Qualification above gender : A qualitative study of female school sports teachers experiences in a male-dominated profession

Höglund, Rebecca, Wiiand, Tilda January 2018 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet är att undersöka kvinnliga lärares erfarenheter och upplevelser av att arbeta inom det mansdominerade yrket specialidrottslärare. Studien kommer svara på dessa frågeställningar: <ul type="disc">Varför har dessa lärare valt att arbeta som specialidrottslärare? Hur påverkas lärarna av att det är få kvinnliga kollegor inom ämnet specialidrott? Hur påverkas lärarna av att arbeta i en miljö där det är en överrepresentation av män? Metod Åtta kvinnliga specialidrottslärare handplockades utifrån vissa kriterier. Studien använder en kvalitativ metod och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Historikern Yvonne Hirdmans genussystem och stereotypmodell användes för att analysera empirin. Resultat Resultatet visar att de kvinnliga respondenternas intresse för idrott har gjort att de arbetar som lärare i specialidrott. Kvinnorna påverkas inte av att det är få kvinnor inom ämnet specialidrott. De upplever att de är en minoritet i samband med föreningsidrotten. De tror att tjejer väljer att kliva av tränaryrket på grund av den jargong som finns samt att de endast kan utföra sitt arbete som en hobby. De trivs med sin nuvarande arbetssituation men påverkas av att arbeta i en mansdominerad miljö då de måste hävda sig för att bli accepterade. Om de hade varit män med sin nuvarande kompetens och erfarenhet, hade de på ett eller annat sätt arbetat inom sin idrott. Däremot var de inte lika övertygade om att de skulle arbeta inom skolan med specialidrott utan hade troligen kunnat erhålla en högre position inom föreningsidrotten, t ex förbundskapten eller sportchef.  Slutsats De åtta kvinnorna har valt att arbeta inom specialidrott då de har ett stort intresse för idrott. De påverkas inte av att de är få kvinnor inom yrket utan upplever att det är när de är verksamma inom föreningsidrotten som de det befintliga genussystemet inom idrotten blir märkbart. Rådande normsystem framträder inom både föreningsidrott och tränar- och ledarutbildningar. / Abstract The study aims to clarify female teachers knowledge and experience of working in a male dominated profession as a school sports teacher. The study will answer the following questions. Why have the teachers chosen to work as a school sports teacher? How do the teachers get affected by the fact that there are few female colleagues in the subject of school sports? How do the teachers get affected by working in an environment with an overrepresentation of men? Method Eight female school sports teachers were hand-picked with certain criterias. With a qualitative focus, this study used semi-structured interviews in order to reach a deeper understanding of the knowledge and experience of working in the subject of school sports. Historian Yvonne Hirdmans gender system and stereotypes model was used to investigate what happens when women enter the male dominated profession as school sports teacher. Results The results of the study showed that the teachers work with school sports because of their interest in sports. The women are not affected by the fact that there are fewer female than male teachers in the subject of school sports. They feel like a minority in club sports. The women highlight, the lack of interest in the profession among girls and correlates it to the existing jargon in club sports. The females are satisfied with their current working situation, but they get affected by working in a male dominated environment because they have to assert themselves. Also, some of the women believe that if they would have opposite sex, according to their knowledge and experience, they would work with sports, but they were not convinced that it would be in school sports and few of them believe that they probably would get offered other jobs in club sports, for example national head coach or club director. Conclusion The eight women chose to work in school sports because of their interest in sports. The women are not affected by the fact that there are few female teachers in the subject of school sports, but they feel like a minority during club sports.

Det (o)manliga sociala arbetet : En litteraturöversikt kring män, maskulinitet och deras positioner inom socialt arbete / The (un)manly social work : A literature review about men, masculinity and their positions within social work

Eldelid, Edvin, Lindqvist, Ian January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka vad forskningen säger om mäns positioner i socialt arbete samt hur genus påverkar yrkesutövningen. Studiens metod är en allmän litteraturöversikt och dess empiriska material består av elva vetenskapliga artiklar. Empirin analyseras genom en tematisk analys som följs av ett fördjupat teoretiskt resonemang kring resultaten. Den teoretiska grunden för studien är Connells teori om hegemonisk maskulinitet. I den tematiska analysen identifieras två huvudteman samt flera underteman. Det första huvudtemat är utövande av maskulinitet, där undertemana reproducering eller utmanande av hegemonisk maskulinitet samt vertikala eller horisontella karriärvägar identifierades. Det andra huvudtemat är särbehandling med undertemana positiv eller negativ särbehandling. Studien redogör för vad forskningen säger om de positioner män tar inom socialt arbete, hur de orienterar sig och förhandlar mellan traditionellt maskulina normer och yrkesrollen, samt hur de blir bemötta av andra inom yrket. Studiens resultat diskuteras sedan kritiskt i förhållande till teorin om hegemonisk maskulinitet. Studien bidrar till forskningen om män inom det sociala arbetet och män i kvinnodominerade yrken. / The purpose of this study is to examine what the research says about men’s positions in the social work profession, as well as how gender affects the professional practice. The method used is a general literature review and the study´s empirical material consists of eleven scientific articles. A thematic analysis is used to analyze the empirical material which is then followed by a deepened theoretical reasoning. The theoretical foundation of the study is Connell's theory of hegemonic masculinity. In the thematic analysis, two main themes are identified as well as several sub-themes. The first main theme is practicing masculinity, including the sub-themes reproducing or challenging hegemonic masculinity as well as vertical or horizontal career paths. The second main theme is special treatment which includes the sub-themes positive or negative special treatment. The study accounts for what the research says about the positions men take within the social work profession, how they orient themselves and negotiate between traditional masculine norms and their profession, as well as how they are treated by others within the profession. The results are then critically discussed in relation to the theory of hegemonic masculinity. This study contributes to the research on men in social work and men within female-dominated professions.

"Är det inte svårt för dig att vara brandman, du med alla dina känslor?" : En kvalitativ undersökning om kvinnliga brandmäns upplevelser av ett mansdominerat yrke / "Isn ́t hard for you to be a firefighter, you with all your emotions?" : A qualitative study about female firefighters experience of a male dominated profession

Lagerstedt, Maja, Richter Malm, Märta January 2023 (has links)
Brandmansyrket har under lång tid varit mansdominerat, trots att antalet kvinnor inom yrket har ökat går det än idag att se en tydlig skillnad mellan antalet kvinnliga respektive manliga brandmän. Med grund i denna problematik har denna studie syftat till att undersöka kvinnliga brandmäns upplevelser av kulturen i ett mansdominerat yrke. Studien har utgått ifrån frågeställningarna “Påverkas kulturen på arbetsplatsen av att det är ett mansdominerat yrke?” samt “Hur upplever kvinnliga brandmän att arbeta i ett mansdominerat yrke?”. För att undersöka detta har empiri samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med nio kvinnliga brandmän. Med hjälp av Raewyn Connells teori om genusrelationer och hegemonisk maskulinitet samt Erving Goffmans begrepp taktfullhet, har det insamlade materialet analyserats. Intervjuerna har bidragit med förståelse för de kvinnliga brandmännens upplevelser av att arbeta i ett mansdominerat yrke. Resultatet har visat att de kvinnliga brandmännen har en positiv inställning till att arbeta i ett mansdominerat yrke samt att det har skett förändring i kulturen, men belyser vikten av en fortsatt utveckling av jämställdhetsarbetet. / For a long time firefighter has been a male dominated profession. Even though the number of female firefighters has increased there is still a distinct difference between the amount of female- and male firefighters. Based on this problem this study aimed to examine female firefighters experience of the culture in a male dominated profession. The framing questions of the study was ”Does the fact that it is a male dominated profession affect the culture in the workplace?” and ”How does female firefighters experience working in a male dominated profession?”. The study is of qualitative character and the empirical material has been collected through nine qualitative interviews with female firefighters. The empirical material has been analysed using Raewyn Connells Theory of gender realisations and hegemonic masculinity, as well as Erving Goffmans concept Tact. The interviews has contributed with understanding of the female firefighters experience of working in a male dominated profession. The results has shown that female firefighters has a positive attitude towards working in a male dominated profession and their experience is that there has been a change in the culture. Despite that they also highlight the importance of continued development of gender equality work.

Att göra skillnad är att vara skillnaden : En studie om det sociala nätverkets betydelse för några unga vuxna mäns könsbrytande val av högskoleutbildning / Make a difference by being the difference : A study of the importance of the social networks for some young males´ gender-breaking higher education choices

Cao, Joakim Thien-Thanh January 2021 (has links)
Several studies shows that the dominant norms of masculinity are a hinder for boys to perform in school and a hinder for men to choose female-dominated occupations. Moreover, selecting a career can be a complex decision for young adult men´s to choose a female-dominated higher education - and this dilemma has been a topic of much reports and research. However, there is still a lack of understanding regarding the influence of social capital on young people as they transition to higher education. Not many studies have been made on the male student´s experience of the impact of social capital on their gender-breaking higher education choices.Therefore the aim of this study is to understand which social capital and social network relations are of importance to young male students´ gender-breaking higher education choices. Furthermore, this study aims to examine the conditions that have broadened the informants' motive to choose a higher education.A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews was used to answer the purpose of this essay and the method of choice for analysis were social networks analysis of ego-net, which is a method on studying social relations. The result is being analyzed by using a conceptional model based on Lent el. al (1994) Social Cognitive Careers Theory, Pierre Bourdieu’s (1986) Theory of social capital and Ego-net (Crossley et. al 2015).The results of this study show that social background and gender have a limited significance in relation to the informants' gender-breaking choice of higher education and career path. There are various motives that have encouraged and motivated the informants' gender-breaking choices. Three different motives appears that has affected their gender-breaking educational and professional choices; (I) Making a difference (II) Security in working-life and (III) Skills and knowledge seeking. These motives challenge notions of gender as well as other aspects of an “ideal” job and career for men.The study concludes that the informants' gender-breaking higher education choices have been preceded by a process of different types of events in the transition to working life, as well as connections and networking with other individuals in the adult life who have influenced their career and decision-making. It is found that social capital and heterogeneous network has a significant role for the informant’ gender-breaking education and careers choices - e.g. male role models, inspirers such as professionals in primay and secondary education and colleagues in the world of work, who have contributed to changing their stereotypical notions of female-dominated professions, new preferences and altruistic goals such as helping others, themselves and their future.

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