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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Det var min början till knarket kriminaliteten och festerna’’ : En tematisk analys av hur kapital och habitus manifesteras i ungdomars berättelser om problematiska uppväxtförhållanden / “It was my beginning to drugs criminality and parties” : A thematic analysis of how capital and habitus manifests in adolescents’ stories about dysfunctional conditions in child- and early adulthood

Fredriksson, Greta, Karlsson, Anneli January 2022 (has links)
Ungdomar som har ett avvikande beteende har uppmärksammats alltmer på senare tid. Det finns ett stort omfång av forskning att tillgå som har identifierat olika riskfaktorer under uppväxten som påverkar att ungdomar utvecklas ogynnsam. Denna studie grundar sig i Bourdieus teori om socialt-, kulturellt -, ekonomiskt-, och symboliskt kapital och habitus. Studien har som syfte att undersöka ungdomars berättelser om problematiska uppväxtförhållanden och hur kapital formar ungdomars habitusoch påverkar deras livsstilsval. Resultatet bygger på en tematisk analys av 56 berättelser skrivna av ungdomar och har identifierat tre teman. Det första temat Problematiska uppväxtförhållanden behandlar hemförhållanden och vänners betydelse. Det andra temat En annan syn på världen består av attityder och normer som ungdomarna tar till sig i olika sammanhang. Slutligen är det tredje temat Vi gör allt för pengar och behandlar socioekonomisk utsatthet i hemmet samt införskaffandet av materiella tillgångar. Resultatet indikerar att kapital hos ungdomar har påverkan på deras utformande av habitus och att ungdomarnas habitus följer med och reproduceras oavsett vilket socialt sammanhang de befinner sig i. Familj och vänner har i studiens påvisats vara av särskild betydelse för huruvida ungdomarna utvecklar ett avvikande beteende. Genom att förstå ungdomars berättelser utifrån kapital och habitus bidrar denna studie med ett alternativt sätt att förhålla sig till riskfaktorer under uppväxten. Till följd av att tillämpa Bourdieus teori identifierade studien även att det fortfarande finns strukturerade ojämlikheter i samhället som reproduceras genom ungdomars handlingar. / In the last few years, a lot of attention has been paid to adolescents with deviant behaviour. Various risk factors during child- and early adulthood is one of the most widely studied constructs for identifying reasons of what might affect adolescents to develop a deviant behaviour. The foundation of this thesis is based on Bourdieu's theory of capitaland habitus and the purpose is to examine adolescents’ stories about dysfunctional conditions in child- and early adulthood to understand how capital creates habitus. In addition, this thesis aims to explore if adolescents’ habitus influences their lifestyle opportunities. The data obtained was conducted by 56 stories written by adolescents and the result is based on a thematic analysis and has identified three themes. The first theme, Dysfunctional conditions in child- and early adulthood, dealswith family situation and the importance of friends. The second theme, A different perspective of the world, consists of attitudes and norms adolescents embraces in different social contexts. Finally, the third theme, We do everything for money, deals with socioeconomic vulnerability in the home as well as the acquisition of material assets. This thesis indicates that the capital of adolescents influences their development of habitus and enlighten the fact that it seems like habitus follows and reproduces regardless of the social context in which the adolescents find themselves. Apart from this result, it was further noted that family and friends has shown to be of considerable importance for whether adolescents develop deviant behaviour or not. These findings suggest an alternative way of relating to risk factors during adolescence by applying Bourdieu’s theory of capitaland habitus.  Aside from this, the result also demonstrates that there are still structured inequalities in society which reproduces through the actions of adolescents.

"Jag ser ljuset Jonatan, jag ser ljuset." - En kvalitativ studie om barnbokens betydelse för barn i deras bearbetning av svåra upplevelser

Andersson, Jenny, Thalin, Louise January 2012 (has links)
Sammanfattning: Nationella folkhälsokommittén menar att kultur är hälsofrämjande, och då i synnerhet för utsatta grupper. Folkhälsokommittén menar att kulturella aktiviteter så som läsning av böcker betyder mycket för den känslomässiga och den intellektuella utvecklingen. Barn som lever i dysfunktionella miljöer av olika slag behöver hjälp i sin bearbetning av svåra situationer på olika sätt. Kanske kan kultur och då främst litteratur här vara till hjälp för barnen. Syftet med studien är att studera vad barnböcker har för betydelse i socialt arbete med utsatta barn och hur olika verksamheter arbetar med barnboken som verktyg. De tre frågor som studien ämnar besvara är: Hur arbetar olika verksamheter med barnböcker i behandling av barn som har upplevt svåra situationer? Vad har läsning av barnböcker av olika slag för betydelse för barnet och dess utveckling? Vad är viktigt i innehållet i en barnbok? För att svara på dessa frågor har vi gjort en litteraturstudie av böcker och vetenskapliga artiklar som vi har bedömt som relevanta för syftet liksom intervjuer med personal inom verksamheter som arbetar med barn och som använder böcker som en del av arbetet. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att barnböcker är en del i arbetet med utsatta barn. I studien framkommer begreppet biblioterapi som relevant då det innebär läsning av böcker i behandlingsarbete. Det finns emellertid inga tydliga riktlinjer kring hur detta arbete ska vara utformat och begreppet biblioterapi är inget vedertaget begrepp i Sverige. Läsning av barnböcker kan göra vardagssituationer begripliga för barnet, hjälpa dem att bearbeta svåra upplevelser och hitta lösningar på problem. Åsikterna går isär vad gäller innehållet i böckerna, men gemensamt är vikten av att berättelsen förmedlar hopp. / Abstract: The National Public Health Committee of Sweden argues that culture is good for the health, and especially for vulnerable groups. The committee argues that cultural activities, such as reading books, play a significant role in the emotional and intellectual development of a child. Children living in dysfunctional environments need help in processing the difficult situations in different ways. Perhaps culture, and mainly literature, can be helpful in this process. The aim of this study is to see what children’s books can mean in social work with exposed children and how different organisations can use children’s books as a tool. The questions which the study is aiming to answer are: How are different organisations working with children’s books in treatment of children who have experienced difficult situations? What importance does the reading of different children’s books play for the children’s development? What is important in the contents of the books? To answer these questions, we have made a literature study of books and scientific articles that we have evaluated as relevant for the aim of the study. We have also conducted interviews with people active in the field who are working with children’s literature as part of their work. In the study, the concept bibliotherapy - the use of books for treatment purposes - has emerged as significant. Bibliotherapy is not well-recognized in a Swedish context and there are no clear guidelines about how the integration of books in social work should be designed. Reading of children’s books can make everyday situations comprehensible for the child, as well as help children process difficult situations and find solutions to their problems. The perspectives differ regarding the story told in the books, but what they have in common is that the story should convey hope.

You Scratch My Back And I'll Scratch Yours: Mentor-perceived Costs And Benefits And The Functions They Provide Their Proteges

Fullick, Julia 01 January 2008 (has links)
Mentoring relationships can have both costs and benefits for mentors and their proteges. The present research examined the degree to which mentors' perceived costs and benefits affect the functional and dysfunctional mentoring they provide to their proteges. Additionally, I investigated whether mentor-perceived costs and benefits were associated with the mentors' own goal orientation and the goal orientation of their proteges. Data were collected from 86 proteges and their current supervisory mentors. Consistent with expectations, when mentors reported greater costs of embarrassment associated with their relationship, the proteges reported receiving greater dysfunctional mentoring. Proteges who reported receiving greater functional mentoring tended to have mentors who perceived greater benefits of mentoring them. Both proteges and mentor goal orientations demonstrated significant correlations with mentor-perceived costs and benefits of their relationships. Implications for training and reinforcing functional mentoring will be discussed.

Mold, Mycotoxins and a Dysregulated Immune System: A Combination of Concern?

Kraft, Stephanie, Buchenauer, Lisa, Polte, Tobias 17 January 2024 (has links)
Fungi represent one of the most diverse and abundant eukaryotes on earth. The interplay between mold exposure and the host immune system is still not fully elucidated. Literature research focusing on up-to-date publications is providing a heterogenous picture of evidence and opinions regarding the role of mold and mycotoxins in the development of immune diseases. While the induction of allergic immune responses by molds is generally acknowledged, other direct health effects like the toxic mold syndrome are controversially discussed. However, recent observations indicate a particular importance of mold/mycotoxin exposure in individuals with pre-existing dysregulation of the immune system, due to exacerbation of underlying pathophysiology including allergic and non-allergic chronic inflammatory diseases, autoimmune disorders, and even human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease progression. In this review, we focus on the impact of mycotoxins regarding their impact on disease progression in pre-existing immune dysregulation. This is complemented by experimental in vivo and in vitro findings to present cellular and molecular modes of action. Furthermore, we discuss hypothetical mechanisms of action, where evidence is missing since much remains to be discovered.

The alcoholic family : pastoral conversations with adult children unravelling the web of identity

Botha, Dawn Eileen 30 November 2005 (has links)
This participatory research journey looked at the lives of adult children of alcoholics, with particular reference to how identity is affected by growing up in a home where one or both parents are struggling with alcohol abuse, and how this struggle with identity carries through into adulthood. A study was made of the particular discourses which impacted negatively upon the child from this home and the manner in which the discourses had a negative impact later on as an adult. Through narrative pastoral conversations the possibilities for healing, as well as the barriers for healing were explored. Through this exploration alternative stories were created. A vital part of the study was focused upon the witnessing of the stories of the participants` lives and the acknowledgement of some of the events from their childhood that formed their identity and contributed to who they are today. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

Konflikter, ogräs eller frön? : Arbetsplatskonflikter utifrån ett ledarskapsperspektiv

Aarvaag, Evalinda, Lindroth, Linda January 2016 (has links)
Det gemensamma intresset för konflikter grundade idén att studera väl ansedda ledares perspektiv på arbetsplatskonflikter och hur dessa ledare löser konflikter konstruktivt. I grunden finns en undran om väl ansedda ledare har förmågor som gör att de löser konflikter mer konstruktivt. Konflikter utgör en stor del av en ledares arbetstid. Konflikter kan förmodligen inte undvikas men hur konflikter hanteras är avgörande för att en organisation och dess anställda skall mogna och utvecklas. Det har utövats forskning inom konflikthantering utifrån ett ledarskapsperspektiv men de studierna har haft en kvantitativ ansats. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur väl ansedda chefer ser på arbetsplatskonflikter och hur dessa chefer hanterar konflikter. Ett delsyfte är att erhålla kunskap om vilka metoder ansedda ledare använder i konflikthantering. För att besvara syftet har följande frågeställningar använts: Vilka typer av arbetsplatskonflikter uppstår i en organisation? Vad är avgörande om konflikter blir konstruktiva eller destruktiva? Vad har ledarskapet för inverkan på konflikthantering och hur ska ledaren ta sig an konflikter? Vilka förmågor och egenskaper har ledare som hanterar konflikter effektivt? Studien grundar sig på en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer som insamlingsmetod. Det införskaffade materialet kodades och tematiserades. Resultaten analyserades med hjälp av teoriramen. Slutligen användes Rahims (2002) teori om conflict management i diskussion då det i resultatet framkom stöd för modellen, dock med en utveckling vilket presenteras i slutsatsen. I studiens analys framkom att ledare som hanterar konflikter konstruktivt behärskar tre huvudområden. Dessa förmågor är människoorienterad, uppgiftsorienterad och lärande- och kulturorienterad. Väl ansedda ledare manövrerar emellan dessa förmågor beroende på situation. I studiens resultat framkom också att undvikande och dominant ledarskapsbeteende skapar barriärer i konflikthantering. / The authors' joint commitment conflicts produced the idea to study highly-regarded leaders' perspective on workplace conflicts and their constructive resolution. Basically there was a curiosity about how such leaders resolve conflicts so effectively. Workplace conflicts are a major part of a leader´s time at work. While probably unavoidable, how conflicts are handled is crucial for the growth and development of an organization and its employees. There has been practical conflict management research from a leadership perspective, but the studies have had a quantitative focus. This study aims to examine the various ways respected managers address and resolve workplace conflicts. The study seeks to answer the following questions: What kinds of workplace conflict exist in an organization? What are the critical factors in conflicts? How are conflicts viewed constructive/destructive? What is a leader's role when managing/resolving workplace conflict? What abilities and qualities have leaders who manage conflict effectively? The study is based on a qualitative approach using semi-structured interviews. The material was thematic and coded. Results were analysed using the theoretical framework. The empirical data was analysed using Rahims (2002) theory of conflict management. Building on the results, the model which has been developed will be presented at the study’s conclusion. The study's analysis reveals that leaders who deal with conflicts constructively mastered the three main areas of concern, depending on the situation. These are people-oriented, task-oriented, and learning- and culture-oriented. The study's results also revealed that evasive and/or dominant leadership in particular creates barrier store solving conflict.

Étude des intrusions cognitives et des croyances dysfonctionnelles reliées au trouble obsessionnel-compulsif

Julien, Dominic January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

The perpetual motion machine

Unknown Date (has links)
The Perpetual Motion Machine is a collection of creative nonfiction essays about the author and her brother as they have experienced growing up both together and then apart throughout the years of their lives. The essays deal with the pair’s childhood, adolescence and adulthood as well as the issues of depression, anxiety and drug addiction. Some pieces are flash-style and others are longer works of lyric essay or general narrative. The pieces can both stand alone and work to create a larger, substantial narrative on how drug addiction affects an entire family, one’s whole world, thus telling a story about how the author must find herself through investigating her brother’s trials and tribulations with addiction. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.F.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Ablação endometrial com ácido tricloroacético em ratas: estudo histomorfométrico e histológico / Endometrial ablation using trichloroacetic acid in rat model: histomorphometric and histologic evaluation

Cocuzza, Mariana Amora 15 March 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O Sangramento Uterino Disfuncional (SUD) é uma das causas mais prevalentes de sangramento uterino, estando relacionado a variações hormonais, independente de causas orgânicas. A ablação endometrial é uma das opções terapêuticas, porém está associada à necessidade de treinamento específico e apresenta alto custo. Este estudo tem como objetivo desenvolver modelo de ablação endometrial em ratas adultas. Além disso, avaliar os efeitos histológicos e histomorfométricos causados pelo ácido tricloroacético no útero desses animais, bem como a regeneração endometrial e o retorno do ciclo estral. MÉTODOS: 30 ratas fêmeas adultas foram divididas em dois grupos. Todos os animais foram submetidos à injeção intra-uterina de SF 0,9% em um corno uterino e de ácido tricloroacético (ATA) no corno contralateral. O primeiro grupo, constituído de 15 ratas, foi sacrificado após 1 dia da injeção e tiveram os úteros removidos (Grupo 1). O segundo grupo, constituído de 15 ratas, foi sacrificado após voltar a apresentar um ciclo estral normal, quando foram submetidos à coleta de esfregaços vaginais e eutanasiados em fase de diestro, o que ocorreu cerca de 20 a 30 dias após o procedimento (Grupo 2). As espessuras do epitélio superficial e do estroma endometrial, o número de glândulas endometriais por campo e a espessura miometrial foram comparadas entre os cornos uterinos de cada animal do Grupo 1. As mesmas comparações foram realizadas entre os cornos dos animais do Grupo 2. Por fim, foi avaliada a regeneração endometrial nos Grupos 1 e 2. RESULTADOS: Todos os animais apresentaram recuperação satisfatória do procedimento, não havendo sinais de toxicidade aguda associada ao uso de ATA. No grupo 1, as medianas da espessura do epitélio superficial do endométrio (ATA 0mm vs. Controle 0,05mm,p=0,0001), da espessura do estroma endometrial (ATA 0,325mm vs. Controle 0,525mm, p=0,0006), do número de glândulas (ATA 4,5 vs. Controle 6,5, p=0,0012) e da espessura miometrial (ATA 0,25mm vs. Controle 0,35mm, p=0,009) foram significativamente inferior no corno que recebeu a injeção de ATA. No Grupo 2, quatro animais (27%) morreram na segunda semana após o procedimento e, em seis animais (40%), o material obtido não pode ser avaliado devido à intensa destruição tecidual. Nos cinco animais restantes (33%) a mediana da espessura do epitélio superficial do endométrio (ATA 0,0mm vs. Controle 0,05mm, p<0,004), da espessura do estroma endometrial (ATA 0,325mm vs. Controle 0,725mm, p=0,011), do número de glândulas (ATA 3 vs. Controle 6,5, p=0,011) e da espessura miometrial (ATA 0,35mm vs. Controle 0,5mm, p=0,024), foram significativamente inferior no corno submetido à injeção de ATA. Quanto à mediana da espessura do epitélio superficial do endométrio (Grupo 1 0mm vs. Grupo 2 0mm, p=1) e à mediana da espessura do estroma endometrial (Grupo 1 0,325mm vs. Grupo 2 0,325mm, p=0,857), não houve diferenças significantes entre os cornos uterinos submetidos à injeção de ATA. A mediana do número de glândulas após a injeção de ATA foi superior no Grupo 1 em comparação ao Grupo 2 (p=0,003). CONCLUSÃO: O estudo permitiu o desenvolvimento de um modelo experimental viável de ablação de endométrio em ratas adultas. As alterações histológicas e histomorfométricas encontradas nos cornos uterinos mostraram que o ácido tricloroacético é um potente agente na destruição química endometrial. Não houve regeneração endometrial após retorno ao ciclo estral. / INTRODUCTION: Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is one of the most prevalent causes of uterine bleeding and it is related to hormonal variations without organic causes. Endometrial ablation is a therapeutic option but the methods are frequently expensive and dependent of high cost technologies. The objective of the present study is to develop an animal model of endometrial ablation in adults female rats. In addition, to evaluated the histological and histomorphometric effects after trichloroacetic acid (TCA) exposure into uterine cavity. METHODS: A total of thirty female adult rats were divided in two groups of 15 rats each. All animals were submitted to injection of 0,3 ml of TCA 90% in one uterine horn and the same amount of saline solution 0,9% (control) in the other. Group 1 was sacrificed in the following day of the procedure, whereas group 2 was sacrificed in phase of diestrous after recovery of normal estral cycle identified by vaginal smears, approximately 20 to 30 days after the procedure. Superficial epithelia of the endometrium, estromal thickness, number of endometrial glands as well as of myometrium thickness were assessed and compared between the uterine horns of the same rats of group 1. The same evaluation was performed in group 2. Also, endometrial regeneration was evaluated comparing histological alterations in the uterine horn that was injected with TCA in group 1 and 2. RESULTS: All animals recovered satisfactorily from the procedure. In group 1, superficial epithelia of the endometrium (TCA 0,0mm vs 0,05 mm control, p=0,0001), estromal thickness (TCA 0,325mm vs 0,525 mm Control, p=0,009), number of endometrial glands (TCA 4,5mm vs 6,5 mm control, p=0,001) and mean myometrial thickness (TCA 0,25mm vs 0,35 mm Control, p=0,0006) presented a significant difference between the horns showing endometrial destruction on TCA uterine horn. In group 2, four rats (27%) died in the second week after the initial procedure and six rats (40%) had no viable material to be analyzed due to extent tissue destruction. The rest of the group (33%) showed a mean superficial epithelia of the endometrium (TCA 0,0mm vs 0.05 mm control, p<0,004), mean estromal thickness (TCA 0,325mm vs 0,725 mm Control, p=0,011), mean number of endometrial glands (TCA 3 vs 6,5 control, p=0,011) and mean myometrial thickness (TCA 0,35mm vs 0.5 mm Control, p=0,024) significant different between horns showing endometrial destruction on TCA uterine horn. There was no significant difference in the mean superficial epithelia of the endometrium (group 1 0mm vs. group 2 0mm, p=1) and mean estromal thickness (group 1 0,325mm vs. group 2 0,325mm, p=0,857) between TCA uterine horn from both groups. However, number of endometrial glands (4,5mm in group 1 vs 3 mm in group 2, p=0,003) was higher in group 1. CONCLUSION: The study developed a valid model for endometrial ablation in adult females rats. The histological and histomorphometric effects observed in the uterine horns showed that the trichloroacetic acid is a potent agent for endometrial ablation in rat model. In the current model no endometrial regeneration was observed after recovery of normal estral cycle.

Family dysfunction, antisocial behavior, and poor self-concept as predictors of depressed mood in adolescents.

January 1994 (has links)
by So Yuk Chi, Cheryl. / Includes questionaire in Chinese. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 53-67). / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Depression in Children and Adolescents --- p.3 / Family Characteristics and Adolescent Depressive Symptomatology --- p.5 / Self-concept and Adolescent Depressive Symptomatology --- p.7 / Relationship between Antisocial Behavior and Depressive Symptoms during Childhood and Adolescence --- p.9 / Purpose of the Study --- p.16 / Chapter II. --- METHODS --- p.19 / Participants --- p.19 / Measures --- p.19 / Procedure --- p.25 / Data Analyses --- p.26 / Chapter III. --- RESULTS --- p.28 / Preliminary Analyses --- p.28 / Primary Research Analyses --- p.34 / Chapter IV. --- DISCUSSION --- p.43 / Alternatives Explanations for the Relationship between Antisocial Behavior and Depressive Symptoms --- p.43 / Self-Concept and Antisocial Behavior --- p.47 / Study Limitation --- p.49 / Conclusion --- p.51 / REFERENCES --- p.53 / APPENDIX --- p.68

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