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Péče o duši jako základ sebevýchovy / Care about soul as basis of selfeducationStříbrská, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the interpretation of the 'soul care' theme supplemented by the considerations falling within the educational philosophy. The author of the thesis puts forvard three crucial questions as set in the introduction: What is the 'soul care' and what does it include? What would be the possibilities of getting back to this concept in the current times and would this be possible indeed? What role performs the school within the concept of 'soulcare' and what is the teacher's role? The thesis is divided in three parts denoting the comprehension of the concept of the soul in the Ancient times, in the New Age, within Patočka's concept of history and life movements and questioning, dialogue and discovering the sole origin as properties which are vitally important for the soul movement. The 'soul care' is also closely connected with the phenomenon of freedom as the freedom towards something which helps to found us and to form us. The necessity of the 'soul care' update has been gradually occuring and the primary role in such course of education belongs to school as the main contributory.
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Fuzzy model rozhodování investora do fotovoltaických technologií v předprojekční fázi / Fuzzy Model of Investor´s Decision into Photovoltaic Technologies During Pre-Design PhasePavlíček, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Dissertation deals with fuzzy knowledge base supporting investor’s investment decision into the photovoltaic technologies during pre-design phase, when the engineering solution is not known yet. Probably, majority of investors have particular image about the cost and risk coming from investment into the photovoltaic technologies. However, this image is limited to the restricted knowledge areas of each investor. During the period, when the investor is planning investment into the costly photovoltaic technologies at complex, vague and heavily qualified information about the conditions and risks of investment in the specific region, where the environment is constantly inconsistent and multidimensional, it is possible to solve this complex situation with fuzzy logic. This dissertation is focusing on creation of fuzzy knowledge base with selected installed projects in Europe since 2008 and its use with expert system. Furthermore, is covering the definition and description of the variables, which are included in the investor decision making process. The complete designed architecture of the fuzzy knowledge base is tuned and five projects with different size are tested. The fuzzy knowledge base consists of overall 24 variables and 187 statements. The fuzzy knowledge base is tested with 5 projects.
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Stadsplaneringens förändring och påverkan : En studie om möjligheter till medborgardialog / The Change and Impact of Urban Planning : A Study on Opportunities for Public DialogHazell, Emma January 2016 (has links)
År 2021 fyller Göteborg 400 år och det lockar många byggare att bli klara jubileumsåret till ära, inte minst väntas ca 30 000 nya bostäder. Frågan är var medborgarna kommer in i denna planeringsprocess och vad det finns för strukturella möjligheter för dialog där medborgare får säga sitt. Det uppsatsen syftar på är att belysa hur planeringsprocessen ser ut inom byggnation, och vilka möjligheter som ges till medborgardialog. Uppsatsen går igenom planeringsprocessens olika delar, från idé till spadtag, och vilka aktörer som kan tänkas vara med i denna process. När det kommer till medborgardialog står principer och policys i fokus, men går också igenom vilka resurser och utbildningsbehov som finns för dialogarbeten. Med utgångspunkt i en offentlighetsteori av Jürgen Habermas granskas litterärt material från flertalet kommunala källor, bl.a. Göteborgs Stad, Boverket och Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting. Komplement till detta är 3 intervjuer, dessa om medborgardialog, samarbete mellan olika kompetenser och förhållningsregler inom arbetet. / During the year of 2021 the city of Gothenburg turns 400 years and it attracts many contractors to finish then in honor of the anniversary, not at least to be expected is 30,000 new homes. The question is where the citizens come into the planning procedure. This bachelor’s thesis aim is to explore what the planning process looks like during construction and what the structural possibilities are for public dialog. The thesis goes through the different parts of the planning procedure, from concept to groundbreaking, and who that might be a part of this process. When it comes to public dialog the focus is on principals and policies, but also goes through what the needs are for education and current resources around working with dialog. Based on Jürgen Habermas theory on the Public sphere literary materials are examined, mostly from municipal sources, including City of Gothenburg, National Board of Housing and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. Complementing this are three interviews, these with focus on public dialog, cooperation between various competencies and conduct of the working process. / Stadsplanering, Inflytande och Medborgardialog
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Utmaningar, problem och möjligheter : En studie om renoveringar i miljonprogram med fokus på social hållbarhet och dialogHylén, Henrik January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to shed a light over the challenges, possibilities and problems regarding renovation and rehabilitation of the million program housing. Many million program housing is in acute need of restoration and the monetary cost is high since the housings represent one fourth of the Swedish housing. This will be from a social sustainability perspective and investigate how different parts of the property owners incorporate social sustainability during their changes and modifications in their projects. While visiting these strategies and looking into the social sustainability a issue is also due to see if there is any overall dialog between companies in order to share information and experiences. Qualitative methods were used to conduct this study, even more specific interviews with following thematic analysis. The results found that the strategies for public utility and private housing differs when it comes to renovation million program housings. They operate in different practical methods and has difference in the ambitions of social sustainability. Three actors from different branches in the million program housing is interview to contain different perspectives to widen the reach and deepen the analysis on how the problems and strategies should be perceived and what they struggle with and find promising for the future.
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Allas rätt att bli sedd : En studie om pedagogers kunskaper om och erfarenheter av likabehandling i förskolanGrankvist, Maja January 2019 (has links)
The focus of the study is equal treatment and equality work in preschool where the aim of the study was to increase knowledge about what experiences and knowledge there are among the preschool´s educators based on two different preschool manager´s areas. It is a qualitative study where the method has been to interview six individual educators, from five different preschools in two different principal areas in a municipality in central Sweden. The result shows that equality work is carried out at all the participating preschools, by existing equal treatment plans. The results also show how the knowledge about the equal treatment work of the interviewees is varied. All the interviewed teachers are aware of that the work has to be done by law, but the deeper understanding of its meaning in the practical work was variable. The results of the study also show how equal treatment work is a continuous work in which all of the profession should be included. It also appears that it is important with locally adapted plans, for them to be used and be seen as a supportive tool for the educators in the practical work. An important point to lift from the study's conclusion is how the educators' knowledge of equal treatment is important for reporting abusive treatment by violation reports, as otherwise this can be avoided due to uncertainty and thereby creating a problem for the equal treatment work.
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Högläsning : som metod för språk och kommunikation / Reading Aloud : as a method for stimulating language and communicationBerglund, Cecilia January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka olika metoder förskollärare använder sig av vid högläsning och vilken betydelse dessa har för barns språkutveckling. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är det poststrukturalistiska perspektivet. I studien genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med sju förskollärare som dokumenterades med ljudinspelning, samt sju observationer som dokumenterades med anteckningar. Intervjuerna transkriberades i en kontinuerlig arbetsprocess efter varje intervjutillfälle, ljudinspelningarna lyssnades igenom och förskollärarnas svar skrevs ner ord för ord i separata dokument. Både intervjuerna och observationerna analyserades därefter med hjälp av en egenkonstruerad tabell där centrala och återkommande begrepp plockades ut under varje fråga. Resultatet visade att förskollärarna använder sig av olika metoder vid högläsning, men att dessa varierar beroende på vilket syfte lästillfället ska ha och vilket typ av möte som ska ske. Den mest dominerande metoden var dialogiskt läsande, utifrån resultatet av observationerna visades det att denna metod till stor del kombinerades med de andra metoderna. Gemensamt för alla förskollärare i studien var att högläsningen uttrycktes ha en betydande roll i barnens språkutveckling och stimulerar olika aspekter av språket beroende på vilken metod som används. Förskollärarna lyfte att de är vitalt att ha inlevelse och arbeta på ett interaktivt arbetssätt med högläsningen. För att förskollärarna ska skapa en god läsmiljö och vara läsande förebilder ska deras roll i läsundervisningen vara stöttande, aktiv och inspirerande. Slutsatsen utifrån resultatet visar att förskollärarna genomför högläsningen på ett aktivt och utmanande sätt. Läsundervisning bidrar till att barnen får utforska, utvärdera, reflektera, erfara och analysera som omvärld samt olika typer av dilemman tillsammans med sin omgivning och själva. Resultatet pekar även på att det finns ett mönster i vilken metod som är mest förekommande och dominant i nuläget.
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Anestesisjuksköterskans metoder för att påverka barns oro perioperativt : En systematisk litteraturöversiktZeleskov, Lilia, Méstamandy, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kommunikation är en essentiell del av hälso- och sjukvården, särskilt i mötet mellan anestesisjuksköterskan och barnet i den perioperativa miljön. Sjukhusmiljön, vårdpersonalen och själva sjukdomen kan upplevas som en krissituation av barn och dess anhöriga. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka vad anestesisjuksköterskan på en operationsklinik kan använda för metoder perioperativt för att påverka oro hos barn. Metod: En deskriptiv systematisk litteraturöversikt baserad på 15 vetenskapliga originalartiklar valdes som design för att få en större översikt över problemområdet som studerades. Databaser som användes i studien var PubMed och Cinahl. Resultat: Information och kommunikation – både direkt och indirekt – var en bidragande del av den preoperativa dialogen. Direkt kommunikation handlade om Den perioperativa dialogen, där anestesisjuksköterskan och barnet sågs ansikte mot ansikte och talade direkt med och till varandra, medan de inte gjorde det i den Indirekta kommunikationen. Oron hos de barn och föräldrar som fick grundlig information reducerades signifikant. Tretton av femton studier visade att distraktioner och olika strategier via direkt och indirekt kommunikation hade en positiv effekt på den perioperativa oron hos barn. Resultaten av dessa artiklar visade också att minskad oro kan bidra till minskad smärta postoperativt. Slutsats: Både direkt och indirekt kommunikation kan ha en positiv effekt på barns perioperativa oro, vilket därmed indirekt kan förebygga eller reducera deras oro. För att kunna påverka barnens oro måste man dessutom vända sig direkt till barnen och inte bara till föräldrarna. / Background: Communication is an essential part of health care, especially in the meeting between the nurse anaesthetist and the child in the perioperative environment. The hospital environment, healthcare staff and the disease itself can be perceived as a crisis situation by children and their relatives. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to investigate the methods that the nurse anaesthetist at a surgical department can use perioperatively to affect the anxiety in children. Method: A descriptive systematic literature review based on 15 original scientific articles was chosen as design in order to get a larger view of the studied field. Databases used in the study were PubMed and Cinahl. Results: Information and communication - both direct and indirect - was a contributing part of the preoperative dialogue. Direct communication was about the perioperative dialogue, where the nurse anaesthetist and the child saw each other face to face and spoke directly to and with each other, while they did not do so during the indirect communication. Children and parents with preoperative anxiety who received thorough information had significantly reduced levels of anxiety. Thirteen of fifteen studies showed that distractions and different strategies via direct and indirect communication had a positive effect on the perioperative anxiety of children. The results of the articles also showed that reduced anxiety can contribute to reduced postoperative pain. Conclusion: Both direct and indirect communication can have a positive effect on children's perioperative anxiety, thereby indirectly preventing or reducing their anxiety. In order to be able to influence the children's anxiety, the nurse anaesthetist must also turn directly to the children and not just to the parents.
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A contribuição das relações públicas no processo de humanização nas organizações: estudo de caso do Grupo BIOFAST / The public relations can contribute in the organizations humanization processMoura, Solange Aparecida de 31 August 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar como as relações públicas podem contribuir no processo da humanização das organizações. A humanização é uma dimensão que propõe a construção coletiva de valores que resgatem a dignidade humana e o exercício da ética. As relações públicas têm como função social harmonizar os relacionamentos, e, portanto, têm papel importante na humanização para que a organização exerça na prática seu discurso organizacional. Foi realizado um estudo de caso no Grupo BIOFAST por meio de pesquisa por observação participante, documental, de campo com 133 funcionários e 25 entrevistas com os executivos da empresa. A análise dos resultados revelou que a organização tem ainda um longo caminho a percorrer, uma vez que as relações públicas são desconhecidas como função estratégica de relacionamento entre os públicos. Subsiste o conceito de comunicação como sendo uma ferramenta para a elaboração de instrumentos comunicacionais. Observamos que a dimensão da humanização necessita do apoio do processo de comunicação para que as interações sociais sejam verdadeiras trocas de significado. / The present work had as a goal to identify as the public relations can contribute in the organizations humanization process. The humanization is a dimension that proposes a collective construction of value that rescue the human dignity and ethics exercise. The public relations have as a social function to harmonize the relationships and therefore have important role in the humanization so that the organization perform in the practice its organizational speech. It was accomplished a study of a case in the BIOFAST Group by means of research by participating observation, documental of field with 113 employees and 25 interviews with the company executives. The results analysis revealed that the organization still has a long way running through once the public relations are unknown as strategic function of relationship among publics. It subsists the ability of the communication instruments concept. Noted that the humanization dimension needs the support from the communication process so that the social interactions be meaning true changes.
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Blog de personagem: discurso e dialogia na produção de sentidos entre internautas e personagem da minissérie Afinal, o que querem as mulheres? / Character weblog: discourse and dialogism in the meaning production between viewers and character of the miniseries Afinal, o que querem as mulheres?Karhawi, Issaaf Santos 03 October 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo teve o objetivo de compreender como são produzidos sentidos entre os polos da produção e da recepção da minissérie Afinal o que querem as mulheres? (TV Globo, 2010). Para isso,analisa os discursos doblog de André Newmann, protagonista da trama. O gênero blog de personagem faz parte das experimentações empreendidas pela TV Globo, desde 2006, com produtos ficcionais com o objetivo de inseri-los em um universo marcado pela transmidiação. A introdução de novas plataformas no cotidiano da audiência televisiva tem levado as emissoras de televisão a buscar diferentes possibilidades de interação com o público e especialmente com os telespectadores. Um produto que antes era simplesmente definido como \"para televisão\", hoje caminha por múltiplas plataformas, caracterizando a transmidiação (JENKINS, 2009). Dessa maneira, o blog analisado caracteriza-se como um produto transmidiático. Nesse espaço virtual,foram analisados os discursos das instâncias da produção e da recepção a fim decompreender como o blog de André Newmann se constrói como um locuspara interação e produção de sentidos. Tal análise torna-se particularmente interessante uma vez que, no blog de André, havia espaço disponível para comentários dos internautas -inexistente na maioria dos blogs de personagens da emissora, além de ter sido mantido por Michel Melamed -protagonista da minissérie e autor de todos os posts. Assim, objetiva-se também entender a relação dialógica estabelecida entre ator-personagem e telespectadores-internautas. Busca-se, ainda, desvelar o ethos discursivo desses interlocutores a fim de observar como personagem e internautas se constituem e se enunciam nesse processo de diálogo. Como eixo paradigmático do trabalho estão os estudos de Linguagem, especialmente os empreendidos por Bakhtin(2010a, 2010b) ao lado do aporte teórico-metodológico fornecido pela Análise do Discurso de linha francesa. Para compor o corpusda pesquisa foram analisadas as postagens do personagem (51) e os comentários no blog (1.236); para a amostra final que compõeo trabalho foram selecionados postse comentários intencionalmente. Ao fim da pesquisa observou-se, na instância da produção, a busca pela posição ativo-responsiva do internauta que foi determinante para considerarmos que o blog em questão não foi um produto transmidiático feito apenas para \"constar\", mas para possibilitar a produção de sentidos para além da narrativa televisiva. Na instância da recepção, observou-se que os telespectadores-internautas,ao ingressarem no processo dialógico estabelecido nesse espaço,passaram a participar e construir mutuamente acorreia discursiva do blog. Dessa forma, fica evidente que um dos aspectos mais importantes em um blog de personagem não é apenas levar ao mundo virtual um caractere antes de exclusividade da televisão, mas dar forma e voz ao telespectador-internauta. / The present study aimed to understand how is the process of meaning construction between production and reception of the miniseries Afinal, o que querem as mulheres? (Globo, 2010). With this purpose, it analyzes the discourses from André Newmann weblog who was the protagonist of the plot. The weblog as a genre is part of experiments undertaken by Globo since 2006 with fictional products in order to insert them into a universe marked by transmedia. The introduction of new platforms within people daily life has led television broadcasters to seek different possibilities of interaction with their audience, their viewers. Now a product which used to be created \"just for TV\" travels through multiple platforms defining a moment of transmedia storytelling (Jenkins, 2009). Thus, the weblog of the character André Newmann is considered a transmedia product and it has been investigated to understand how it is constructed as a locus of discursive interaction and meaning construction between the instances of production and reception. This analysis is particularly interesting since Andre Newmann\'s weblog had space for comments rarely present in other characters weblogs and in addition it has been maintained by Michel Melamed -protagonist of the miniseries, and author of all posts. Therefore, another objective of this research is to comprehend the dialogical relation between the actor-character and these viewers who are now reading his weblog. Furthermore, it aims to unveil the discursive ethos of these interlocutors with the intention of observing how character and viewers are constituted and constitute each other in the dialogical process. It was chosen to form a paradigmatic axis of the work Bakhtin theory Language (2010a, 2010b), along with theoretical and methodological French Discourse Analysis. The corpus of the research consists of André Newmann\'s texts (51) and viewer\'s comments (1236) all intentionally selected to incorporate thefinal work. Some of the main considerations at the end of the study show that the production instance (represented by the character) is constantly looking for an active responsive position from the viewers. This fact leads to the conclusion that the weblog was an active and important element on the process of creating a transmedia storytelling. In the reception instance, it was observed that viewers once they are on a dialogical environment they begin to participate and build mutually a live speech. In consequence, it is evident that one of the most important aspects of this character weblog is not only take a television character to the Internet but mainly gives to its viewers a voice.
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Aplicações da tecnologia adaptativa no gerenciamento de diálogo falado em sistemas computacionais. / Applications of adaptive technology in dialog management in spoken dialog systems.Alfenas, Daniel Assis 10 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre como a tecnologia adaptativa pode ser utilizada para aprimorar métodos existentes de gerenciamento de diálogo. O gerenciamento de diálogo é a atividade central em um sistema computacional de diálogo falado, sendo a responsável por decidir as ações comunicativas que devem ser enviadas ao usuário. Para evidenciar pontos que pudessem ser melhorados através do uso da tecnologia adaptativa, faz-se uma revisão literária ampla do gerenciamento do diálogo. Esta revisão também permite elencar critérios existentes e criar outros novos para avaliar gerenciadores de diálogos. Um modelo de gerenciamento adaptativo baseado em máquinas de estados, denominado Adaptalker, é então proposto e utilizado para criar um framework de desenvolvimento de gerenciadores de diálogo, o qual foi exercitado pelo desenvolvimento ilustrativo de uma aplicação simples de venda de pizzas. A análise desse exemplo permite observar como a adaptatividade é utilizada para aperfeiçoar o modelo, tornando-o capaz, por exemplo, de lidar de forma mais eficiente tanto com o reparo do diálogo quanto com a iniciativa do usuário. As regras de gerenciamento do Adaptalker são organizadas em submáquinas, que trabalham de forma concorrente para decidir qual a próxima ação comunicativa. / This work presents a study on how to apply adaptive technologies to improve existing dialog management methodologies. Dialog management is the central activity of a spoken dialog system, being responsible for choosing the communicative actions sent to the system user. In order to evidence parts that can be improved with adaptive technology, a large review on dialog management is presented. This review allows us to point existing criteria and create new ones to evaluate dialog managers. An adaptive management model based on finite state-based spoken dialog systems, Adaptalker, is proposed and used to build a development framework of dialog managers, which is illustrated by creating a pizza selling application. Analysis of this example allows us to observe how to use adaptivity to improve the model, allowing it to handle both dialog repair and user initiative more efficiently. Adaptalker groups its management rules in submachines that work concurrently to choose the next communication action.
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