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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Lian, Huan-jen 12 August 2008 (has links)

Analysis on the Investment Value of China Construction Bank.

Lin, Yu-Kung 20 July 2012 (has links)
The study use preparing the 2011¡¦s pro forma financial statements of China Construction Bank (CCB) at first, and use market stock price as given result, conjecture the Non-Performance Loan ratio of the market investors. And then, using implied Non-Performance Loan ratio, adjust the original financial statements, prepare the 2012¡¦s pro forma financial statements of CCB. In the end, using Copeland, Koller, and Murrin¡]2000¡^¡¦s equity DCF method and Preinreivh¡BEdwards and Bell¡BOhlson¡¦s EBO method to estimate the intrinsic value of the common stock for the China Construction Bank. Based on my analysis, it is suggested that, after preparing the pro forma financial statements by carefully considering economic environment¡Blaws and regulations¡Bindustrial structure and lending proportion¡Bmarket position, and future strategies of the specific bank, use two valuation model by considering implied Non-Performance Loan ratio. The intrinsic value of the common stock is higher than its market price, that is, the market price of the China Construction Bank is undervalued. Therefore, I hope the result of this business evaluation research, will help the investors making more rational decisions.

The Performance of Stock Selection Indicator of Taiwan Stock Market

Hwang, Hong-Der 25 July 2000 (has links)

Offentliga tjänstemäns hantering av EBO : en kvalitativ studie av parterna i processen

Kowalski, Roman, Söderlund, André January 2015 (has links)
Migration has accompanied human beings almost from the start. The reasons to migrate are of various character but two things have always been in common – people migrate because of political and/or economic disparities. Sweden has begun to receive immigrants only after WWII. The immigrants belonged to various groups – they belonged to war victims, they belonged to labour market and last but not least they came to Sweden because they were forced to do so. Refugees (as one calls them) have been arriving in Sweden since 1970s and this tendency continues up till today. In our research we wish to analyse the policy of own accommodation (eget boende or EBO) which is a Swedish way to receive and assimilate refugees. We would like to research how EBO is being managed at a level of different public organisations (both municipal and state ones), how it is felt and experienced. We would also get to know if there are any ways to improve EBO (assuming that it is the case). To do our research we have decided to interview a number of public officers in a medium large city in the south of Sweden.

Valfrihet eller solidariskt ansvar? : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Socialdemokraternas ståndpunkt i ebo-frågan mellan 1994-2009

Ruthström, Nadja January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this undergraduate thesis is to study the Swedish Social Democatic Party’s standpoint of the law allowing asylum seekers to choose where to live (ebo) between 1994-2009. The study’s empirical material is being based on official documents from the Swedish Parliament, which is being analyzed by a method called ”process-tracing”.   A research question has been formulated to supplement the objective: What arguments has the Swedish Social Democratic Party expressed pro and con the law of ”ebo”?   The study’s theoretical framwork is based on two theories which explain incentives behind parties’ decision-making, strategic or ideological, on three arenas. As the law was ratified the party took a positive standpoint, but later shifted to become stricly against it. The main result was that through the theoretical perspecitve one can argue that the party members used a more ideological argumentation, but later on, based their evaluation of ebo on a strategic matter.

Att hitta hem : Socialarbetares upplevelser av nyanlända personers möjligheter och begränsningar att bosätta sig i Sverige / Finding your way home : Social workers’ experiences of newly arrived immigrants’ possibilities and limitations resettling in Sweden

Nilsson, Kajsa, Baldesten, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
Municipalities in Sweden have had severe difficulties with providing housing for newly arrived immigrants that have been granted permanent or temporary residency in Sweden. There is a shortage of affordable apartments and houses in Sweden, due to multiple reasons. The purpose of this essay was to study social workers’ experiences and perceptions of the housing situation for newly arrived immigrants and the tools and strategies they possess to affect the housing situation.  The empirical data has been gathered through semi-structured interviews with seven social workers in three municipalities in Sweden. Our result shows that social workers in this sector have to deal with a wide range of emotions, such as stress, frustration, anger and joy. Furthermore, the result proved that current housing policies are not working in favour of newly arrived immigrants. The social workers interviewed in the study experienced that newly arrived immigrants had very limited possibilities to retain a place to reside in Sweden. We have analyzed our findings through the theoretical concepts of social capital and empowerment, and found that a person’s social capital has a large impact on his or hers housing situation. As a conclusion, we feel that further research about newly arrived immigrants and housing is needed so that unacceptable living conditions for newly arrived immigrants as well as stress and frustration for the people in this line of work can be avoided.

Geografiska begränsningar – för ditt eget bästa? : Förväntade effekter av ändringen i lagen om asylsökandes eget boende / Geographical restrictions – for your own good? : Expected effects of the changes in the law for asylum seekers own accommodation

Törneke, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
I studien granskas ändringen i lagen om mottagande av asylsökande, som möjliggör för 32 kommuner att tillämpa geografiska restriktioner för asylsökandes eget boende i områden med sociala och ekonomiska utmaningar. Studiens frågeställningar rör hur asylsökandes eget boende framställs bland kommunala tjänstepersoner och politiska handlingar, vad för problem som lagändringen ämnar lösa och vad för effekter som förväntas av lagändringen. Datamaterialet består av en policyanalys av politiska handlingar, en enkätundersökning riktad till kommunala tjänstepersoner och fyra intervjuer med tjänstepersoner som besvarat enkäten. Forskningen förankras teoretiskt inom områdena segregation, integration och migration, samt samhällsplaneringsperspektiven av socialt rättvis planering och fronetisk planering. Studiens resultat visar att lagändringen motiveras genom att asylsökandes eget boende framställs som orsaken bakom en rad problem på nationell, kommunal, områdes- och individnivå i politiska handlingar, exempelvis segregation och bristande integration. Resultatet från enkäten visar att tjänstepersonerna över lag inte förväntar sig att lagändringen kommer att ge önskvärda effekter. Intervjuerna visar att detta kan förklaras av att incitamenten anses vara för svaga samt att just asylsökandes eget boende inte anses vara orsaken bakom segregation. Studiens slutsats är att det krävs en förändrad politisk förståelse av segregation, för att fokus ska flyttas från asylsökandes val till det som faktiskt påverkar segregationen.

The view on integration in Sweden : A critical discourse analysis of the debate on exempting the whole of Malmö from the EBO law

Ebba, Carlson January 2021 (has links)
This study examines the view on integration in Sweden. The material consists of debate articles from 2020 regarding exempting Malmö from EBO, the law on the right for asylum seekers to arrange their own housing. The findings reveal two dominating positions representing different views on successful integration: the municipalities’ right to self-government and the individual’s right to self-determination. The municipal position and politicians who represent the municipalities interests are mainly represented, while no interest groups or asylum seekers are active in the debate. The municipal position reproduces a negative view on integration and reproduces the discourse of failed integration. The individual position tries to change the negative discourses. Lastly, the dominating position moves towards an assimilatory approach, implying a shift in the view on integration in Sweden. This study contributes with an updated analysis of the perception of EBO and increases the knowledge about views on integration in Sweden.

Shifting Responsibilities: Constructing Threats and Restricting Autonomy : A Discourse Analysis on the Housing and Settlement of People Seeking Asylum in Sweden

Harmgardt, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Sweden, like Europe, has had an increased influx of people seeking asylum in recent years, instigating restrictive measures within the Swedish asylum regime. Simultaneously as the sustainability of settlement and housing policies for people seeking asylum has been the subject of large political debate, restrictive methods such as a minimum rights approach has been adopted, putting the Swedish asylum regime at the edge of the European Convention. In 2019, 25 years after its implementation, Sweden’s refugee reception system was amended. As of then, people seeking asylum who choose their own housing (EBO) in certain municipalities over assigned housing in accommodation facilities (ABO) are no longer entitled to state subsidies. Drawing on Michel Foucault’s discourse theory and Carol Bacchi’s policy analysis, What’s the Problem Represented to be, this thesis examines how the political discourse on refugee reception and EBO settlement has changed from the implementation of the LMA Act in 1994 to its amendment in 2019 by observing how the motifs of the implementation and amendment have been expressed, what underlying presumptions or assumptions such expressions hold, and what effects such discourse has. The study shows a discursive shift represented in the political discourse, portraying EBO settlement as contributing to societal degradation and in need of restrictions through reprisals. The main findings show that the discourse constructs an imagery of people seeking asylum as responsible for, and a threat to, Swedish welfare and societal structure. Moreover, the analysis displays a conceptualization of social sustainability as a matter of meeting the interest of the state, rather than the needs of the individual. In sum the study contributes in part to a deeper understanding of how political discourses shape the knowledge and conceptualization of people seeking asylum, the restrictive trajectory of Swedish asylum policy, and highlights the consequences of restrictive state bureaucracies for people seeking protection within Swedish borders.

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