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Návrh optimálního fungování ekoduktů v krajiněLibosvár, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Faunapassager : How animals cross roadsLundberg, Adina, Gunnarsson, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>A fauna passage is a way for animals to cross roads separated from the traffic. In Sweden, there are an unknown number of passages with different functions and appearances. These passages would, with the question “Which fauna passages can be found in Sweden, and how well do they work?” as a base, be compiled in a comparable way. This would be done with a number of questions asked to the different regions of Vägverket. The essay was delimited to only include ecoducts, animal bridges, landscape bridges, animal gates, tunnels for small animals, shore passages and fence openings.</p><p>Most of Vägverkets regions had poor documentation of their passages and lacked the time to improve it. Most questions could only be answered for the region in general, and not for every passage, which forced us to change our way of account. In the end, most of the questions were answered by every region, even though it had not seemed possible earlier. Almost all regions also accounted for all their pas-sages in tables and with selected pictures to illustrate the passages.</p><p>The compiled result showed that there were no ecoducts in the country and the passages directed to otter was clearly dominating. There were only a few passages constructed for larger animals, such as deer and elk, but those existing were better documented and followed up, than the smaller passages. It is likely that a lot of animals use regular road bridges and tunnels, but there is no documentation of this.</p><p>The smaller passages are often planned in a simplified way, sometimes only through discussion in field. This often gave a fully sufficient and functional result, but there are examples of passages which did not function alright due to simplify-ing and inadequate planning.</p><p>The passages varied in shape in the different regions, which all seemed to prefer certain kinds. It was not clear from the basic data if this depended on climate dif-ferences between the regions, or if it simply was a question of taste.</p>
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Faunapassager : How animals cross roadsLundberg, Adina, Gunnarsson, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
A fauna passage is a way for animals to cross roads separated from the traffic. In Sweden, there are an unknown number of passages with different functions and appearances. These passages would, with the question “Which fauna passages can be found in Sweden, and how well do they work?” as a base, be compiled in a comparable way. This would be done with a number of questions asked to the different regions of Vägverket. The essay was delimited to only include ecoducts, animal bridges, landscape bridges, animal gates, tunnels for small animals, shore passages and fence openings. Most of Vägverkets regions had poor documentation of their passages and lacked the time to improve it. Most questions could only be answered for the region in general, and not for every passage, which forced us to change our way of account. In the end, most of the questions were answered by every region, even though it had not seemed possible earlier. Almost all regions also accounted for all their pas-sages in tables and with selected pictures to illustrate the passages. The compiled result showed that there were no ecoducts in the country and the passages directed to otter was clearly dominating. There were only a few passages constructed for larger animals, such as deer and elk, but those existing were better documented and followed up, than the smaller passages. It is likely that a lot of animals use regular road bridges and tunnels, but there is no documentation of this. The smaller passages are often planned in a simplified way, sometimes only through discussion in field. This often gave a fully sufficient and functional result, but there are examples of passages which did not function alright due to simplify-ing and inadequate planning. The passages varied in shape in the different regions, which all seemed to prefer certain kinds. It was not clear from the basic data if this depended on climate dif-ferences between the regions, or if it simply was a question of taste.
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Planeringen av de svenska ekodukterna : En utredande fallstudieNyman, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
Ekodukter ses som en lösning på vägarnas barriäreffekter för faunan. Genom att minska viltolyckor och fragmenteringen av djurens habitat, blir vägarna säkrare och naturen mer sammankopplad. Dock är planeringen av ekodukterna viktig för att optimera djurens användning av dessa. I denna fallstudie undersöks planeringen av tre ekodukter i Sverige, med fokus på vilka åtgärder som tas för att göra ekodukterna så effektiva som möjligt. Studien har ett perspektiv på ekodukternas ursprungliga planering i vägplan, samt på uppföljningen av denna översiktsplan. Ett teoretiskt ramverk har utarbetats för att tolka planåtgärderna, och bistå metoden i studien, kvalitativ innehållsanalys, med att identifiera belägg i vägplanerna. Resultatet visar på att fokus i vägplanerna till stor del ligger på dess lokalisering i landskapet och hur angränsande vegetation kan bevaras, men även på hur människor påverkas av ekodukten. Uppföljningen i översiktsplanerna finns, men kan förbättras.
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Návrh, posouzení a optimalizace obloukové konstrukce / Design and optimization of the arch structureHerka, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with a design of concrete arch structure. There was made a preliminary design of concrete structure of a buried arch bridge. Subsequently was the shape of arch structure optimized to oblige the requirements of real buried arch bridge structure. There is included static calculation of the ecoduct construction. It is developed detailed drawings
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Ekodukt na dálnici D1 / Ecoduct on Motorway D1Matouš, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The master’s thesis focuses on suitable design of an ecoduct on the highway D1 near Jihlava. It includes a structural analysis of reinforced concrete strip footings and wooden beams in all phases of construction. The material of the main bearing system is glued laminated timber GL24h. An important part of three-jointed ecoduct wooden arched beams is well-chosen isolation.
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Groddjur i Solna - Inventering, spridningsvägar och förbättringsförslagSalomonsson, Johan January 2016 (has links)
The number of amphibians has decreased worldwide. Causes include landscape fragmentation and habitat loss. In Sweden all amphibian species are protected and according to the EU Habitats Directive, both the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) and its habitat are protected. Inventory of amphibians is important because it shows if the environment has a good ecological status since other groups of organisms thrive in the same conditions as the amphibians. Amphibians themselves are also important in the ecosystem. In Solna, Stockholm County, an inventory of amphibians was made in seven ponds and migrating routes between them were investigated. Smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris) was found in five of the ponds which indicates good conditions in breeding ponds, and great crested newts were found in two ponds. The common frog (Rana temporaria) and the common toad (Bufo bufo) were found in one of the ponds. Several major barriers exist in the study area, such as the railway, the motorway E4 and Bergshamravägen, which effectively cut off the natural areas and make it difficult for fauna to migrate. There need to be more and better migrating routes. Therefore measures are proposed for Solna municipality to get a functioning network of breeding ponds. Minor measures, such as clearing an overgrown pond where the great crested newt is present, can be helpful. Another suggestion is to create fauna lanes in tunnels for cars and pedestrians, which allows amphibians and other fauna to get past a barrier like roads. According to the ”Program för Nya Ulriksdal” a pond will be removed when a green area is to be exploited. A suggestion is that the pond should be preserved or compensatory measures shoud be performed by constructing a new pond. More costly measures, such as broad ecoducts or tunnels for passing the railway and the motorway, are also proposed. More migrating corridors should be created and fauna passages projected in urban planning. Preserving existent migrating corridors is also of importance. / Groddjuren har minskat i antal i hela världen. Orsaker till det är bland annat fragmentering av landskapet och habitatförlust. I Sverige är alla groddjursarter fridlysta och enligt EU:s Art- och habitatdirektiv ska både arten större vattensalamander (Triturus cristatus) och dess livsmiljö skyddas. Inventering av groddjur är viktig för att det visar om landskapet över lag har en bra ekologisk status, i och med att även andra organismgrupper trivs med samma förutsättningar som groddjuren. Inventering visar också vilka åtgärder som behövs för att få en god status. Groddjuren i sig har också en viktig funktion i ekosystemet. I Solna, i Stockholms län, har sju vattensamlingar inventerats med avseende på groddjur och spridningsvägarna mellan dem har undersökts. Mindre vattensalamander (Lissotriton vulgaris) förekom i fem av dammarna, vilket tyder på bra förhållanden i lekvattnen, större vattensalamander hittades i två dammar. Även vanlig groda (Rana temporaria) och vanlig padda (Bufo bufo) sågs i en damm. I undersökningsområdet finns flera kraftiga barriärer i form av till exempel järnvägen, E4:an och Bergshamravägen, som effektivt skär av naturområden och gör det svårt för groddjur och annan fauna att sprida sig. Spridningsvägarna behöver bli fler och bättre. Därför föreslås åtgärder för Solna stad för att få ett fungerande nätverk av leklokaler. Åtgärder kan vara av mindre omfattning, som att röja en övervuxen damm där större vattensalamander förekommer. Ett annat förslag är att skapa viltfiler i bil-, gång- och cykeltunnlar, som ger möjlighet för groddjur och annat vilt att ta sig förbi en barriär i form av en väg. Enligt Program för Nya Ulriksdal kommer en damm att tas bort när ett grönområde ska bebyggas. Här föreslås att dammen ska bevaras eller att en kompensationsåtgärd utförs genom att anlägga en ny damm. Mer kostsamma åtgärder som breda ekodukter eller tunnlar för att kunna passera järnvägen och motorvägen föreslås också. Över lag bör fler spridningskorridorer skapas och faunapassager planeras in vid stadsplanering. Det är också viktigt att bevara befintliga spridningskorridorer.
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