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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les nouvelles écritures de violence en littérature africaine francophone : les enjeux d'une mutation depuis 1980 / The new writing of violence : the stakes of mutation in francophone africain literature since 1980

Kabuya Ngoie, Salomon Ramcy 28 June 2014 (has links)
« Nouveauté » et « violence » ! Ces deux notions sont bien récurrentes dans les commentaires sur les littératures africaines francophones. Elles sont au cœur de toute son historiographie depuis quelques décennies maintenant. On ne peut guère parler d’Amadou Kourouma, de Sony Labou Tansi, de Sami Tchak ou de Jean-Luc Raharimana sans que ne se pose la question de la nouveauté et dans le même temps, celle de la violence dans ou de l’écriture. Mais cette évidence, cette vérité brute mérite d’être interrogée afin de savoir exactement à quoi nouveauté et violence renvoient. Si elles peuvent être abordées de façon indépendante, c’est de leur confrontation, avec l’écriture comme pivot, qu’apparaissent des éléments concrets pour une histoire littéraire. En effet, en les étudiant conjointement, la présente thèse tente de voir dans quelle mesure elles s’impliquent l’une et l’autre. Voilà pourquoi, après avoir évalué les notions de nouveauté, de rupture dans le domaine des littératures africaines francophones, nous nous sommes appuyés sur quatre auteurs dont les esthétiques ainsi que les trajectoires sont représentatives des grandes tendances en matière des écritures de violence. Elles semblent indiquer des changements d’orientation au fil des années. De l’écriture globale de Sony Labou Tansi, à l’écriture jeu d’Edem Awumey, en passant par le ressassement de Kossi Efoui et le minimalisme de Théo Ananissoh, il est possible de suivre l’introduction de nouvelles modalités d’écritures et de saisir le point de passage vers de nouveaux modèles de représentation. / "Novelty" and "violence»! These two notions are recurrent in the comments about Francophone African literatures. They are at the heart of all its historiography since some decades now. One can hardly speak of Amadou Kourouma , Sony Labou Tansi, Sami Tchak or Jean-Luc Raharimana without arises the question of novelty and, at the same time , that of violence in or of scripture. But this evidence, this raw truth deserves to be examined in order to know exactly what novelty and violence return. If they can be addressed independently, it is their confrontation, with writing as a meeting point, which appears concrete elements for literary history. Indeed, studying them together, this thesis tries to see to what extent they imply one and the other. Therefore, after evaluating the concepts of novelty, out in the field of Francophone African literature, we relied on four authors whose aesthetic and trajectories are representative of major trends in the writings of violence. They suggest policy all changes over the years. From the overall Sony Labou Tansi’s writing, to writing game Edem Awumey, through the rehashing of Kossi Efoui and Theo Ananissoh’s minimalism, it is possible to monitor the introduction of new forms of writing and to find the gateway to new models of representation.

Modéliser l’émergence de l’expertise et sa gouvernance dans les entreprises innovantes : des communautés aux sociétés proto-épistémiques d’experts / Modeling the emergence of expertise and its governance in innovative organizations : from communities to proto-epistemic societies of experts

Cabanes, Benjamin 20 June 2017 (has links)
Dans les industries de hautes technologies, le rythme contemporain de l’innovation se caractérise aujourd’hui par un renouvellement accéléré des produits et par une déstabilisation des dominant designs. Dans ce contexte d’innovation intensive, les organisations industrielles se doivent de se doter de nouvelles capacités d’innovation de rupture pour organiser l’émergence de nouvelles expertises technologiques afin de permettre la conception innovante de nouveaux produits et technologies.Paradoxalement, les enjeux d’expertise et de conception innovante peuvent parfois sembler en opposition ou du moins en tension. L’expertise semble préserver les dominant designs, mais c’est aussi elle qui permet la génération d’expansion conceptuelle. Derrière cette aporie, se posent des questions cruciales sur le management contemporain de l’émergence de l’expertise dans les organisations industrielles en situation d’innovation intensive.A partir d’une démarche exploratoire basée sur une étude de cas longitudinale chez STMicroelectronics, cette thèse s’intéresse aux modèles de gouvernance de l’émergence de l’expertise dans les organisations industrielles. A partir d’une analyse empirique chez STMicroelectronics, ces travaux mettent en évidence que l’émergence de nouvelles expertises s’effectue par une réorganisation et une restructuration profonde des structures d’expertise. Autrement dit, les nouveaux domaines d’expertise émergent à partir de la recomposition des relations d’interdépendance entre les domaines d’expertises existants.Par ailleurs, ces travaux de recherche proposent un modèle formel de l’émergence de l’expertise dans les organisations industrielles. Ce modèle permet d’identifier de nouveaux enjeux managériaux et de mettre en évidence des modèles organisationnels permettant de supporter ces formes d’émergence d’expertise. De nouvelles solutions managériales sont ensuite expérimentées et analysées chez STMicroelectronics. Enfin, la thèse propose une analyse des rôles et missions des experts scientifiques dans les stratégies d’exploration et d’innovation au sein des organisations industrielles. / In science-based industries, the pace of innovation is characterized by accelerated renewal of products and the destabilization of dominant designs. In this context of intensive innovation, industrial organizations have to develop new breakthrough innovation capabilities to organize the emergence of new technological expertise allowing the innovative design of new products and technologies.Paradoxically, expertise and innovation issues can sometimes seem to be in opposition or at least in tension. Expertise seems to preserve the dominant designs, but it also allows the generation of conceptual expansion. Behind this aporia, there are crucial questions about the contemporary management of the emergence of expertise in science-based organizations in a situation of intensive innovation.From on an exploratory approach based on a longitudinal case study at STMicroelectronics, this thesis focuses on governance models for the emergence of expertise in science-based organizations. Based on an empirical analysis carried out by STMicroelectronics, this work shows that the emergence of new expertise is effected by a reorganization and a profound restructuring of the expertise structures. In other words, new areas of expertise emerge from the reconfiguration of interdependent relationships between existing areas of expertise.Moreover, this research suggests a formal model for the emergence of expertise in science-based organizations. This model allows to identify new managerial challenges and to highlight organizational models to support these expertise emergence forms. Then, new management solutions are tested and analyzed at STMicroelectronics. Finally, the thesis analyses scientific experts’ roles and missions in the innovation strategies within science- based organizations.

Processing Dutch : A study on the acquisition of Dutch as a second language using Processability Theory as a framework

Gijswijt, Katrijn January 2014 (has links)
An ongoing debate within the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) discusses the possibility of universal developmental stages in the interlanguage of second language learners. Processability Theory (PT) is one of the theories that enhances this way of thinking about second language acquisition. The belief is that learners go through the same stages of development when learning a new language. An ongoing process in PT is the construction of these developmental stages for individual languages, but today there is still much work needed in this area. The purpose of this thesis is to construct the developmental stages for Dutch, based on an error analysis of second language learners’ interlanguage. The data was collected from Swedish students learning Dutch on a university level. The students were interviewed once per month, and three times in total, so that no developments in their interlanguage could be missed. The data is processed according to the emergence criterion, resulting in developmental tables of the learners’ progress. The result of these interviews provides for the outline on how one acquires Dutch, and together with a grammatical analysis of Dutch word order procedures and morphology, a developmental hierarchy for the acquisition of Dutch according to PT is constructed. / I den här studien undersökas den nederländska språkinlärningsprocessen inom ramen av Processbarhetsteorin (PT). PT antar att inlärningsprocessen sker genom universella stadier. Dessa har skapats och forskats för flera olika sprak, men inte för nederländska. I den här uppsatsen kommer den nederländska morfologin och ordföljden att analyseras enligt PT’s stadier, och skapas en hierarki för nederländska. Samtidigt blir hierarkin testad genom en longitudenell studie av inlärningsprocessen av svenska studenter som lär sig nederländska. Dessutom diskuteras frågan om möjlig transfer från både det första och andra språket. Sen debatteras frågan om emergence criterion och procentsatser, och därmed skillnaden mellan språkinlärning och språkbehärskning. Resultatet är en granskning av den egna skapade hierarkin, och möjliga förklarningar för deras inlärningsprocess.

Entre idées et projets d'innovation : approche sociocognitive et perspective stratégique / From ideas to innovations : a sociocognitive approach for a strategic perspective

Cournede Tran, Hai Chau 22 February 2008 (has links)
Cette recherche est consacrée à l’étude des dynamiques permettant de transformer des idées abstraites en innovations concrètes. Notre perspective stratégique vise à comprendre les mécanismes qui sont à l’œuvre lorsqu’il s’agit d’évaluer le potentiel des idées, d’organiser les ressources et de conduire le processus de passage de l’idée au projet d’innovation. Une idée abstraite devient une innovation concrète à travers un mouvement collectif de réalisation. Ce mouvement n’est possible que quand les acteurs parviennent à donner du sens à leur engagement. Ce postulat nous conduit à adopter une approche sociocognitive qui met le processus de construction de sens au cœur de l’analyse. Pour étudier un processus concret d’émergence de l’innovation, notre cadre conceptuel et méthodologique mobilise essentiellement la construction collective de sens de Weick, la sociologie de la traduction de Callon et Latour, et l’analyse processuelle de Pettigrew. Cette grille combine d’autres travaux moins répandus jusqu’à maintenant dans le management de l’innovation : la noologie de Morin, la philosophie de la technique de Simondon et l’ethnotechnologie de Gaudin. L’investigation empirique consiste en l’étude de cas d’une innovation majeure au sein de l’entreprise Air Liquide: dix ans de développement des garnissages pour la distillation cryogénique des gaz. L’étude de cas conforte la pertinence de notre approche sociocognitive. Tout particulièrement, elle permet de mettre en évidence deux dynamiques fondamentales et complémentaires dans la construction de sens : traduction et reconnaissance. Ce résultat conduit à tout à la fois remettre en cause et compléter la sociologie de la traduction en la reliant à la théorie de l’état naissant d’Alberoni à travers la « re-co-naissance » comme dynamique collective : plutôt que de se rallier par intérêt bien compris (l’intéressement / la traduction), les acteurs qui constituent le premier noyau actif, comme ceux qui se convertissent plus tard, « se reconnaissent » autour d’une idée dont ils « reconnaissent » ensemble le potentiel innovant et la capacité de transformation et de refondation de l’organisation (re-naissance / reconnaissance). Cette re-conceptualisation ouvre des perspectives théoriques et pratiques nouvelles pour la gestion des processus d’innovation. / This work is devoted to the study of sensemaking in the early stages of the development of innovative ideas. Our strategic perspective aims at understanding the dynamic mechanisms permitting to identify opportunities, to organize resources and to drive processes leading to the launch of innovation projects. We adopt a socio-cognitive view: ideas become innovations as players invest in a collective move, giving sense both to their commitment in the innovative process and to the resulting innovation. Our conceptual framework is based on Weick’s model of Organizational Sensemaking combined with Callon and Latour’s Actor-Network theory, and on Pettigrew’s Processual Analysis methodology. In addition, this conceptual construct articulates some others theories wich are less often seen in innovation management research: Morin’s works on “noology”, Simondon’s technical philosophy and Gaudin’s works on “ethno-technology”. The empirical work is a case study presenting a longitudinal analysis of a major process innovation in Air Liquide, an industrial and medical gaz producer. The main result stemming from the analysis combines two fundamental dynamics for sensemaking in innovation processes: translation and re-co-gnition. Our model thus challenges and extends the Actor-Network theory with Alberoni’s theory of Nascent state. Re-co-gnition is seen as the key mechanism operating in the ignition phase of collective movement: in contrast to transactional coalition building via a negotiated buy-in (translation), the initial players both recognize each other around the idea and recognize the innovative potential of the idea (re-cognition). These results offer a new promising approach for innovation management research and practice.

Coordination des tours de parole par le couplage sensorimoteur continu entre utilisateurs et agents / Emergent coordination of speaking turns by the continuous sensory-motor coupling between users and agents

Jégou, Mathieu 05 October 2016 (has links)
Nous présentons dans cette thèse un modèle pour la coordination de la parole dans des interactions dyadiques utilisateur-agent. Selon une approche courante, coordonner la parole reviendrait à éviter les recouvrements de parole et à minimiser les moments de silence entre deux tours, ceci pour rendre plus fluide l’interaction avec l’agent et améliorer l’expérience de l’utilisateur en interaction dialogique avec l’agent. Les interactions humaines montrent néanmoins une coordination plus complexe avec des recouvrements de parole compétitifs ou non compétitifs et des moments de silences longs. Selon notre approche, c’est en permettant cette diversité des situations que nous verrons émerger, entre l’utilisateur et l’agent, une interaction plus fluide et plus crédible, améliorant l’expérience de l’utilisateur avec l’agent. Les échanges de paroles sont néanmoins, par nature, complexes, la coordination se faisant par l’interaction entre locuteur et auditeur plus que par un participant en particulier. Pour capturer cette complexité, nous avons élaboré un modèle mettant l’accent sur une coordination de la parole basée sur un couplage sensorimoteur continu. Sur la base de ce couplage sensorimoteur, le comportement de l’agent n’est pas entièrement contrôlé par ce dernier, mais est émergent de l’interaction entre les participants. Nous montrons la capacité de notre modèle à faire émerger les différentes situations liées à la coordination de la parole humaine à la fois dans une interaction entre deux agents et dans une interaction utilisateur-agent. / In this thesis, we present a model for the coordination of speaking turns in dyadic interactions between users and agents. According to a common view, to coordinate turns means avoiding overlaps and reduces silences between turns. By optimizing turn transitions between users and agents, the user’s experience is expected to be improved. However, observations of human conversations show a more complex coordination of speaking turns between users and agents: awkward silences and overlaps, competitive or not, are common. In order to improve the credibility and the naturalness of the interaction, we must observe the same variability of situations in a user-agent interaction. Nevertheless, coordination of speaking turns is, by nature, complex, the coordination is managed by the interaction between participants more than controlled by one participant alone. To capture this complexity, we elaborated a model emphasizing the continuous sensory-motor coupling existing between the user and the agent. As a result of this sensory-motor coupling, the behavior of the agent is not entirely controlled by the agent but is an emergent property of the interaction between the user and the agent. We show the capacity of our model to make emerge the different situations linked to the coordination of speaking turns in interactions between two agents and between one user and one agent.

Un modèle narratif pour les jeux vidéo émergents / A narrative model for emergent videogames

Chauvin, Simon 27 November 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de créer et évaluer un modèle narratif pour les jeux vidéo émergents dont une part importante du contenu est générée de façon procédurale. Elle propose pour cela une application dans le jeu vidéo Minecraft. L'approche classique de la narration dans les jeux vidéo s'adaptant difficilement à des expériences de jeu plus libres nous proposons de donner au joueur les moyens de transformer le récit en temps réel et de manière explicite grâce à une forme narrative modulaire et adaptative au contexte de jeu courant. Dans un premier temps, la thèse explore les liens entre narration et interaction par le biais de l'étude des rôles de la narration dans les jeux vidéo. Puis, dans un deuxième temps, nous identifions les propriétés qui caractérisent les jeux vidéo émergents afin d'exposer les enjeux narratifs de ce type d'expérience de jeu. Dans un troisième temps, nous détaillons notre proposition d'un modèle narratif adapté aux jeux vidéo émergents ainsi que l'architecture logiciel permettant au joueur de transformer le récit en temps réel. Finalement, nous présentons deux expérimentations visant à vérifier nos hypothèses et à évaluer notre modèle narratif. / This thesis aims to create and evaluate a narrative model for emergent videogames that make extensive use of procedurally generated content. As such, an application of this model is presented within the videogame Minecraft. The usual approach to narratives in videogames can hardly be applied to experiences of play that involve more freedom from the player's perspective, such as what offer emergents videogames. Thus, we aim to provide players with the means to explicitly alter the story in real time, thanks to a context sensitive and modular narrative form. First, we explore the relationship betweenstorytelling and interactivity by studying the various roles held by narratives in videogames. Then, we identify the properties that define emergent videogames to better expose the narrative challenges they represent. Next, we detail our proposal of a narrative model suitable for emergent games as well as the architecture allowing players to transform the story in real time. Finally, we present an experiment in which we evaluate the validity of our narrative model in the context of emergent videogames.

Factors affecting the emergence, development and uptake of aviation biofuels

Gegg, Per K. January 2014 (has links)
Aviation biofuel is technically viable and nearing the commercial stage. In the last 5 years aviation biofuel has moved from relative obscurity to become fully certified for commercial use in up to 50% blends with standard jet fuel. There have since been 15 successful commercial flight tests using aviation biofuels including Lufthansa s six month trial operating on a passenger revenue generating route in 2011. Airlines and biofuel companies such as British Airways and Solena are furthermore beginning to form partnerships to finance specialised aviation biofuel production facilities. However, aviation biofuels have yet to become widely commercialised. In fact, there are a series of issues preventing the emergence, development and uptake of aviation biofuels. The main issues are perceived as high costs of manufacture, limited availability of feedstocks, controversy surrounding the effect on food prices and the emissions output from land use change. Furthermore, there is a significant lack of academic peer reviewed literature which investigates these issues or offers solutions to support the development of the technology. This thesis aims to investigate the factors that affect the emergence, development and uptake of aviation biofuels by drawing upon in-depth stakeholder interviews and survey data. Strategic niche management (SNM) theory is used and extended to analyse the contemporary issues and develop recommendations to support the continued emergence, development and uptake of aviation biofuels. It is concluded that the emergence, development and uptake is being driven mainly by rising jet fuel prices, growing concern regarding aviation emissions legislation and fuel (in)security. Airlines, biofuel producers and specialised supply chain companies are driving emergence, development and uptake due to commercial opportunities. Despite these drivers, the emergence, development and uptake is being constrained by a combination of ineffective policy provision, high costs of production, limited feedstocks and uncertainty surrounding sustainability. Ineffective and unsuitable policy is exacerbating the issues of high production costs, limited feedstocks and sustainability. In particular, competition between aviation and road biofuels is limiting aviation biofuel expansion. Recommendations are to develop nurtured niche markets for aviation biofuels using principles from SNM. Within these markets, aviation biofuels are afforded commercial viability in order to learn about supply chain development, longer term infrastructural requirements and technological development. Information should be shared between the niche markets in order to maximise learning by doing and speed up efficiency gains. Once niche markets are established, the incentives and protection should be gradually reduced to allow a competitive aviation biofuel industry to develop.

Solar flux emergence : a three-dimensional numerical study

Murray, Michelle J. January 2008 (has links)
Flux is continually emerging on the Sun, making its way from the solar interior up into the atmosphere. Emergence occurs on small-scales in the quiet Sun where magnetic fragments emerge, interact and cancel and on large-scales in active regions where magnetic fields emerge and concentrate to form sunspots. This thesis has been concerned with the large-scale emergence process and in particular the results from previous solar flux emergence modelling endeavours. Modelling uses numerical methods to evolve a domain representing simplified layers of the Sun’s atmosphere, within which the subsurface layer contains magnetic flux. The flux is initialised such that it will rises towards the surface at the start of the simulation. Once the flux reaches the solar surface, it can only emerge into the atmosphere if a magnetic buoyancy instability occurs, after which it expands rapidly both vertically and horizontally. The aim of this thesis is to test the robustness of these general findings from simulations to date upon the seed magnetic field. More explicitly, we have used three-dimensional numerical simulations to investigate how variations in the subsurface magnetic field modify the emergence process and the resulting atmospheric field. We initially consider a simple constant twist flux tube for the seed field and vary the tube’s magnetic field strength and degree of twist. Additionally, we have examined the effects of using non-constant twist flux tubes as the seed field by choosing two different profiles for the twist that are functions of the tube’s radius. Finally, we have investigated the effects of increasing the complexity of the seed field by positioning two flux tubes below the solar surface and testing two different configurations for the tubes. In both cases, the magnetic fields of the two tubes are such that, once the tubes come into contact with each other, reconnection occurs and a combined flux system is formed. From our investigations, we conclude that the general emergence results given by previous simulations are robust. However, for constant twist tubes with low field strength and twist, the buoyancy instability fails to be launched when the tubes reach the photosphere and they remain trapped in the low atmosphere. Similarly, when the non-constant twist profile results in a low tension force throughout the tube, we find that the buoyancy instability is not initialised.

"We are the maths people, aren't we?" : young children's talk in learning mathematics

Murphy, Carol Marjorie January 2013 (has links)
The research for this doctoral study focused on children’s learning in mathematics and its relationship with independent pupil-pupil talk. In particular the interest was in how younger lower attaining children (aged 6-7) exchanged meaning as they talked together within a mathematical task. The data for the doctoral study had been gathered as part of the Talking Counts Project which I directed with colleagues at the University of Exeter. The project developed an intervention to encourage exploratory talk in mathematics with younger lower attaining children. Video material and transcripts of the mathematics lessons from nine classrooms that were part of the TC Project were used as the data set for the doctoral study. The focus of the analysis was on the independent pupil-pupil talk from one pre intervention session and one post intervention session from these nine classrooms. In using an existing data base, analysis was carried out in more depth and from a new perspective. A Vygotskyan sociocultural approach was maintained but analysis of the learning in the doctoral study was refocused in line with theories of situated meaning in discourse and with theories of the emergence of mathematical objects. Hence my examination of the children’s learning for the doctoral study went beyond the original research carried out in the TC Project. Within an interpretivist paradigm the methods of analysis related to the functional use of the children’s language. Interpretations were made of the children’s speech acts and their use of functional grammar. This enabled a study of both social and emotional aspects of shared intentionality as well as personal, social and cultural constructs of mathematical objects. The findings suggested that, where the talk was productive, the children were using deixis in sharing intentions and that this use could be related to the exchange of meaning and objectifying deixis.

Molecules, cells and minds : aspects of bioscientific explanation

Powell, Alexander January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis I examine a number of topics that bear on explanation and understanding in molecular and cell biology, in order to shed new light on explanatory practice in those areas and to find novel angles from which to approach relevant philosophical debates. The topics I look at include mechanism, emergence, cellular complexity, and the informational role of the genome. I develop a perspective that stresses the intimacy of the relations between ontology and epistemology. Whether a phenomenon looks mechanistic, or complex, or indeed emergent, is largely an epistemic matter, yet has an objective basis in features of the world. After reviewing several concepts of mechanism I consider the influential recent account of Machamer, Darden and Craver (MDC). That account makes interesting proposals concerning the relationship between mechanistic explanation and intelligibility, which are consistent with the results of the investigation I undertake into the science surrounding protein folding. In relation to a number of other issues pertaining to biological systems I conclude that the MDC account is insufficiently nuanced, however, leading me to outline an alternative approach to mechanism. This emphasizes the importance of structure—function relations and addresses issues raised by reflection on the nature of cellular complexity. These include the distinction between structure and process and the different possible bases on which system organization may be maintained. The account I give of emergence construes the phenomenon in terms of psychological deficit: phenomena are emergent when we lack the capacity to trace through and model their causal structures using our cognitive schemas. I conclude by developing these ideas into a preliminary and partial account of explanation and understanding. This aspires to cover the significant fraction of work in molecular and cell biology that correlates biological structures, processes and functions by visualizing phenomena and making them imaginable.

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