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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zabezpečení v nezaměstnanosti / Welfare during unemployment

Brokešová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis entitled "Welfare during unemployment" analyses the current legislation of the unemployment benefits in the Czech Republic and its individual aspects. The thesis focuses on a wide range of applicative and practical problems associated with it. Considering the systematic perspective, the thesis is divided into six chapters. The first part of the thesis provides a theoretical introduction, which is the basis for the understanding of the problem of unemployment in general. A reader gets familiar with its types, importance for individuals and also the consequences of loss of employment. Also, this chapter explains the reason why the different percentages have been reported in the unemployment statistics. On one hand, it is caused by the double calculation performed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and by the Czech Statistical Office on the other. The key concept of legal relations in employment is the right to work as a fundamental social right enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, which is further discussed in the second chapter. Furthermore, the right to employment regulated by the Employment Act has been defined and the differences between them have been explained. The third chapter deals with the state employment policy, which is divided into...

Trends, Composition, and Demographic Structure of Haitian Employment: Census and Policy Analysis from 1971 to 2003

Isma, Frednel 13 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.


熊忠勇, Hsiung, Chung Yung Unknown Date (has links)
文官制度所涉及的政策層面相當廣泛,其中雇用政策的設計,連帶影響後續俸給、考績、訓練、退休等政策的規劃,再加上雇用政策涉及職位的分配、組織人力結構的設計與調整等,可說居於文官制度的關鍵地位,因此雇用政策的變革,反應出組織需求的改變,也是政策價值競逐的主要領域,對於雇用政策的價值進行深入分析,有助於了解文官制度中的利益衝突,並藉此尋找可能調和的方法。本文基於這樣的思考,嘗試透過政策價值的觀點,對於美國及英國雇用政策之變革進行分析,希望提供我國未來雇用政策變革之參考,本論文主要探討的問題有三個: 問題一:文官制度雇用政策有那些價值?意涵為何?這些價值在人事管理及雇用政策上的具體應用情形如何?有那些指標適合說明雇用政策的價值變遷呢? 問題二:透過雇用政策變革的指標,探討美英二國在文官制度雇用政策的歷史演進,並說明近年政府再造風潮下,美英二國現階段雇用政策的價值偏好。 問題三:雇用政策的各種價值之間,存在何種衝突與矛盾?應透過何種方式理解,衝突的價值之間是否有調和的可能?又應如何解決? 本論文共計六章,除第一章緒論及第六章結論外,上述三個研究問題,分別在第二章至第五章鋪陳。第二章首先歸納文官制度雇用政策的四大價值理論,分別是效率、政治回應、社會公平及個人權利,然後進一步闡釋這四項價值在公共行政、人事管理及雇用政策上的意涵與應用情形,最後將這些價值在雇用政策上的應用情形加以歸納成四項指標,分別是服務型態與任用型態、文官數量的變化、弱勢族群的雇用政策、雇用的方法與模式。第三章及第四章便是利用這四項指標,來探討美英二國雇用政策的演進及1980年代政府再造風潮下,二個國家雇用政策的價值偏好。本論文研究後發現,這二個國家在新公共管理的理念趨使下,目前雇用政策最重視的價值為效率,其次為政治回應與社會公平,至於個人權利價值則受到弱化。 第五章則是透過辯證的方法,來說明政策價值間的衝突關係,並尋求可能的調和方法,由於文官體制內的充斥著許多價值間的緊張關係,如果將任何一項價值推至極端,相對壓縮其他價值的空間時,便可能發生人力資源管理的扭曲,亦即本論文所謂的病態現象,必須透過其他價值加以抗衡,即本論文所稱抗衡性價值。舉例而言,效率至上的雇用政策,可能產生的病態有目標錯置、菁英主義、濫用管理權,這些病態應分別輔之以政治回應價值、社會公平價值及個人權利價值來化解。事實上,每一種價值在特定環境系絡上,也許是對的,但就另一種價值觀點而言,卻可能是不平衡、不負責任的,我們不能期待某種價值立場能夠提供永久的答案,而應視系絡的需求給予不同的思考。 第六章結論,在研究發現上,有關政策價值層面提出三點發現,分別是政策價值的演進與循環、政策價值的衝突、政策價值的平衡思考。在美英二國的研究中,從服務型態與任用型態而言,美英兩國均透過職位的重新設計或建置新的職位制度,以滿足執政者的需求,例如美國的SES及英國的SCS。其次,二國均強調彈性用人趨勢,尤其英國多數文官已改採契約用人制,但此一趨勢只是推動績效管理的手段,並非以打破文官的永業特性為目的。在文官數量上,二國均試圖精簡員額,以減少人力成本,雖然中央政府文官數量已明顯下降,但就全國雇用數而言,未必達成真正的成效,反而有成為政治操作的情形,近年文官數量的變化,已有回升的現象。在弱勢族裔的雇用政策,主要為優惠女性、身心障礙者與少數族裔,由於它在政治上的熱度下降,近年有轉向多元化管理的趨勢,但目前仍為二國所重視。在雇用方法與模式上,二國均強調分權化、彈性化的運作模式。最後,根據美英二國的經驗,對於我國未來文官制度雇用政策提出若干建議。

Staatshandeln zwischen betrieblicher Beschäftigungssicherung und Tarifautonomie

Fehmel, Thilo 26 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In demokratischen politischen Systemen haben staatliche Akteure darauf zu achten, die legitimatorische und die ökonomische Basis ihres Handelns stabil und miteinander vereinbar zu halten. Dieses Interesse des politischen Systems an sich selbst wird damit zur Grundlage all seiner Steuerungsbemühungen. Aufgrund der strukturellen Abhängigkeit des Staates von einer funktionsfähigen Ökonomie ist staatlichen Akteuren auch an der Steuerung der industriellen Beziehungen gelegen – zumindest dann, wenn sie in Rezessionsphasen das Handeln der Tarifverbände als dysfunktional bewerten. Unmittelbarer staatlicher Intervention und Steuerung steht aber das grundgesetzlich verankerte Konstrukt der Tarifautonomie entgegen. Das bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass dem Staat alle Steuerungsmöglichkeiten genommen sind. Am Beispiel der staatlichen Forcierung betrieblicher Bündnisse für Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass der Staat über den Umweg der indirekten, diskursiven Steuerung in der Lage ist, gesellschaftliche Akteure zur Selbststeuerung anzuregen. Im Ergebnis lässt sich eine Transformation der Strukturen der industriellen Beziehungen beobachten, die zu einem wesentlichen Teil nicht von den Tarifverbänden, sondern vom Staat ausgeht. / In political systems that are liberal and democratic state actors must keep the legitimating and economic basis of their actions stable and compatible with each other. This interest of political systems in themselves becomes the basis of all their intervention policies. Due to the structural dependency of the state from a functioning economy state actors also attempt to regulate industrial relations; at least during periods of recession in which free collective bargaining is regarded as dysfunctional. Direct state intervention and regulation are restricted by the right of free collective bargaining, which is guaranteed by the German constitutional law. Notwithstanding this does not mean that the state has lost all its possibilities of regulation and control. The example of the state’s demand, and to a certain extent enforcement, of internal alliances for jobs shows that the state is very well in the position to stimulate collective actors to self-regulation. This stimulation takes place through a discursive, indirect intervention. As a result of these shifts and changes a structural transformation of industrial relations takes place, which, to a great extent, is not initiated by employers’ and employee’s associations, but by the state.

Pedagogické možnosti řešení životní situace dlouhodobě nezaměstnaných / Education posibilities of solutions unemployed life situations

Rainová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
(in English): This thesis is focused on solving life situation of long-term unemployed people through further education. It's based on the current state of active employment policy and on the survey of particular adult education possibilities in the region of Hradec Králové. The actual survey will be made through questionnaires given to job seekers in the Hradec Králové region. The main objective is to answer the question: Which education forms are available to the unemployed dealing with their life situations. The thesis also aims to find out whether they are informed about these forms and whether they are interested in them. The theoretical part deals with general topics of unempoyment and adult education. The research part compiles the results of questionaires which are used to prove or disprove preset hypothesis and to make a conclusion described in the final part.


Novák, Radek January 2010 (has links)
Unemployment has begun to be considered as a European problem since the early nineties, when a coordination of activities in the social field at the EU-level has also gradually started. Since that time, spending on the social policy from the EU budget has been constantly rising, but, as shown in this thesis, the situation on the European labour market has not been significantly improved. This is illustrated also by the fact that any from the EU employment targets from the Lisbon strategy has not been until now met. The most important instrument of the EU-Employment policy is the European Social Fund (ESF). Because its expenditures on the Czech Employment policy are constantly increasing, it is necessary to ask whether it improves a condition of a labour market. Moreover, if nowadays contributions from the ESF represent the majority of expenditure on the Czech active labour market policy (ALMP) carried out by particular labour offices. Analytic part of this thesis focuses on the evaluation of the ALMP, which is financed from the Czech state budget as well as from the ESF and which is implemented by the particular labour office - in the region of Nachod. According to a similar analyses, programmes of a subsidised employment shows the highest effectiveness also in the district of Nachod, while direct job creation schemes and retraining courses contribute to reducing unemployment only to a limited extent.

Antitruste e Política de Emprego / Antitrust and Employment Policy

Barbosa Junior, Alberto Lucio 28 March 2016 (has links)
Tratamos neste trabalho de um tema quase esquecido no direito brasileiro: a inconsistente interação entre antitruste e política de emprego na ação administrativa do CADE. Nesse contexto, o problema que se enfrenta é a falta de transparência do Conselho quanto às razões jurídicas para o abandono de antigas preocupações com nível de emprego no controle de concentrações. A questão que propomos responder é a seguinte: como o CADE deveria justificar seu definitivo distanciamento da regulação do mercado de trabalho? Em resposta, defendemos a tese normativa de que a utilização da análise econômica para justificar o rompimento da interação entre antitruste e política de emprego produziria uma forma de argumentação inaceitável do ponto de vista lógico. Diante da questão posta acima, este trabalho busca oferecer um juízo de valor acerca da plausibilidade de argumentos baseados em teoria econômica eventualmente adotados pelo CADE como justificativa para o abandono de suas preocupações com nível de emprego. Para tanto, tomamos o direito concorrencial como uma forma de discurso produzido por raciocínios práticos, dentro do qual a análise econômica do direito torna-se uma técnica de argumentação consequencialista. / This masters thesis deals with an almost forgotten topic in Brazilian competition law: the inconsistency in CADE decision-making as to the interactions between antitrust and employment policy. In this context, we face the problem of lack of transparency regarding the legal reasons for the Council to abandon its concerns with employment level in merger control. The research question to be answered is the following one: how should CADE justify its decision to definitively withdraw from the regulation of labor markets? In response, our claim is that the use of economic analysis to justify the broken interaction between antitrust and employment policy could lead to a form of argumentation logically unacceptable. In view of the question above, this thesis offers a plausibility evaluation of arguments derived from economic theory that CADE may further in support of its decision to give up concerns with employment level. To do so, we take competition law as a discourse produced by practical reasoning, in which the economic analysis of law becomes a technique for consequentialist argumentation.

Postavení mladé generace na trhu práce po roce 2007 v České republice a Španělsku / The position of the young generation on the labour market in the Czech Republic and Spain after 2007

PRAVDÍKOVÁ, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the unemployment of young people in two selected EU countries, namely the Czech Republic and Spain. The main aim of the thesis is to analyze the position of the young generation in the labor market in the selected EU countries and their comparison. The partial objective is to evaluate the currently used tools of active employment policy, identify barriers to implementation and propose possible solutions to unemployment of this target group in selected countries. The analysis focuses not only on the overall unemployment rate of the monitored age category, but also on the development of the number of unemployed by type of education and sex. Last but not least, information is also provided in relation to the unemployment rate in individual NUTS 2 cohesion regions in the above countries. The reference period is between 2007 and 2017.

Politika zaměstnanosti EU v kontextu použití nástrojů ESF v ČR / EU Employment Policy in the Context of the ESF Activities in the Czech Republic

Golová, Denisa January 2011 (has links)
The ambition of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive view on the creation and implementation of goals and priorities of employment policy in the European Union. The author analyzes the policy from three perspectives- the EU, national and local. The first chapter discusses the historical and current development of EU employment policy guidelines through analysis of key documents and strategies for the employment policies. The following chapter focuses on the implementation of defined priorities and targets at national level, focusing on the activities of the European Social Fund in the Czech Republic. The final chapter shows concrete measures for promoting employment and improving employability of selected target group through key project activities, using an elaborated project plan. The aim of this thesis is to answer the questions of how the EU employment policy objectives has been transformed over time and how successful implementations of these priorities into everyday practice policies of the Member States has been. And last but not least, what is the current state of implementation of the ESF priorities set in the Czech Republic, in the context of the grant projects realization for the period 2007-2013.

Uplatňování nástrojů APZ na trhu práce ve vybraném regionu / Implementation of an active employment policy in the labor market in the selected region

NOVÁKOVÁ, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of my graduation paper was to assess the scope, structure, targeting implemented active employment policy instruments used to reduce unemployment and developing human resources in the labor market in the selected region.I outlined the possibilities how to solve the impact of the economic crisis on the regional labor market. The content of this graduation paper is a characteristic of the region, assessing the development in the labour market. A substantial part is applied to employment policy, especially the analysis and evaluation of the tools, which implemented active employment policy and ESF projects in the region to mitigate the impact of the economic crisis.An important and necessary application of the active employment policy for unemployed persons opens the possibility to re-integrate these persons into the labor market, to get a job

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