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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

To Work or not to Work : An empirical study that focuses on the effects of the largest employment programme of local unemployed workers in Växjö, Sweden.

Eefting, Sander January 2018 (has links)
Employment programmes, or on-the-job training programmes, are designed to increase the likelihood of unemployed workers receiving work opportunities by providing actual work experience. Whether the unemployed workers lack human resources, obtained a degree in a foreign country or simply need a boost towards obtaining a new job, these programmes give workers the opportunity to execute tasks at organised firms and therefore strengthen their connection to the labour market.  The focus of this paper is towards a unique programme, called Arbetspraktik. This specific programme is designed with the intention to increase the labour market outcomes of unemployed workers. Geographically, Växjö has been selected as the main priority. The local focus is due to two reasons; firstly, the internship at the Swedish Employment Service in Växjö provided local support, insight and experience and therefore estimating local effects matched the purpose of the internship. The result of this thesis may also be used as informative research for the Swedish Employment Service where I performed my internship. Secondly, according to previous work, specific regions within a country are not looked at on a high frequency in Sweden and therefore focusing on regional effects could be beneficial to already existing studies. Previous research shows that the evaluation of these programmes has been done in many countries. Data for this study is obtained through the Swedish Employment Service. With the use of Matching and Propensity Scores, the findings claim that participants in Arbetspraktik have a 28.3% higher probability of receiving better outcomes than the controlled counterpart in Växjö. The interviews, despite having low observations, indicate that positive outcomes for trainees are a possibility and may be connected to the outcomes of the model. For example, trainees are shown to become more independent and productivity across trainees increases over time. Lastly, the interviews claim that trainees perform the same tasks as full-time workers, which is discussed to be a positive thing. Self-critique and tips for future research are presented at the end.

Le marché du travail Rhône-Alpes/Piémont, un marché concret / The Rhône-Alpes/Piémont labour market, a concrete one

Prina, Sophie 04 June 2012 (has links)
La mondialisation et l’européanisation impliquent de plus en plus une gestion à un niveau régional et local des marchés du travail transfrontalier. Dans ce cadre, le projet Interreg « travail sans frontière » Rhône-Alpes/Piémont constitue un laboratoire interrégional de la construction européenne du marché du travail. La coopération des services publics de l’emploi et de leurs acteurs, issue d’un modèle centralisé pour la France et décentralisé pour l’Italie, participe à la construction sociale du marché du travail Rhône-Alpes/Piémont. C’est à travers une sociographie et une modélisation de ce marché du travail que sont mises en exergue les logiques d’actions singulières des institutions et de leurs acteurs. Le marché du travail Rhône-Alpes/Piémont est spécifique, de part l’héritage dynamique qui l’a produit, les structures actuelles qui le portent et les perspectives de développement que lui offre sa position transfrontalière. La spécificité de l’espace frontière créé dans le cadre de ce type de coopérations se nourrit de la complexité des maillages institutionnels et de la non harmonisation des services publics au niveau européen. Le modèle fourni par l’analyse repose sur une quadruple hypothèse : c’est un marché des professions, un marché de service public, un marché transfrontalier et un marché transitionnel. Le modèle ainsi élaboré est spécifique et peut être transposé à d’autres systèmes. / Globalization and Europeanization are involving a more local management for the cross-border labour market. In this framework, the Interreg project between Rhone Alpes and Piemont called “working without borders” is a real interregional laboratory for the european labour market construction. The public employment services cooperation and their actors steming from a centralized model in France and from a decentralized one in Italy are participating in the social construction of the Rhone-Alpes - Piemont labour market. This is through the labour market modeling and sociografy that are pointed up the peculiar processes of the different institutions and of their protagonists. The Rhone Alpes-Piemont labour market is very specific one, due to the dynamic heritage which created it, the current structures bearing it and the expansion prospects that its cross border position enables. The specificity of the border space created in the framework of this type of cooperations is fed by the complexity of institutional meshings and the lack of synchronization of public utilities on the european field. The model provided by the analysis relies on a quadruple assumption: this is a market of professions, a market of public utilities, a transborder market and a transitional market. Consequently, this model is specific and can be transposable to any other system.

Vad händer med arbetsförmedlarna? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om arbetsförmedlares yrkesroll i en kvasi-marknadisering / What is happening to the employees at the Swedish public employment service? : An interview study about the professionalism of the employees at the Swedish public employment service in a quasi-marketization

Hellström, Jennie January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish public employment service is an agency controlled by the government which under a long time has been criticized. Therefore the government decided to implement market solutions with the aim to reach a better agency for unemployed and employers. Furthermore, this has included a change for the employees at the agency when some of the tasks will be handled by independent companies as well as other organizations. The phenomenon where independent companies and other organization will be included is called a quasi-marketization. With this background I do wonder what will happen to the employees profession at the agency when a big part of the tasks will be handled by independent companies and other organizations. How will the quasi-marketization manifest itself in the profession?  To examine this 7 interviews with employees at the Swedish public employment service have been accomplished. To be able to investigate the above question, Freidson and his theory about professionalism as a thrid logic have been used. The study then shows that the profession has been through a big change which includes more legal repsonsibility, less work with unemployed people, some competencies and skills that are not necessary, limited autonomy and less sense of participation.  Moreover what does this entail for the professionalism of the employees? The study shows that a profession which does not match the expectations has been formed. The employees mainly want to work with interpersonal contact, which is increasingly abolished.

Employment forecasting using data from the Swedish Public Employment Service / Förutspå antalet personer som hamnar i sysselsättning med data från Arbetsförmedlingen

Wikström, Johan January 2018 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to forecast the number of people registered at the Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) that will manage to get employment each month and examine how accurate the forecasts are. The Swedish Public Employment Service is a government-funded agency in Sweden working to keep the unemployment rate low. When someone is unemployed or looking for a new job, he or she can register at the Swedish Public Employment Service. Being able to forecast well how many are expected to get employment could be useful when planning and making decisions. It could also be used as an indicator of how well the Swedish Public Employment Service manages to perform and thus how well the tax money is used. The models employed for forecasting were the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) and the long short-term memory (LSTM). A persistence model is also used as a baseline. The persistence model is a very simple model and the other models are therefore expected to outperform it. For the LSTM model, the use of both univariate and multivariate approaches will be explored in order to examine if the model can be improved with more data. Results from the experiments performed showed that a multivariate LSTM performed the lowest root mean squared error (RMSE) and is therefore considered the best model. However, the robustness of the model over time needs further research. / Syftet med detta arbete är att göra prognoser på hur många av de registrerade på Arbetsförmedlingen som kommer att få arbete en viss månad och undersöka hur noggranna dessa prognoser blir. Arbetsförmedlingen är en skattefinansierad myndighet i Sverige som arbetar med att hålla arbetslösheten låg. När någon är arbetslös eller letar efter ett arbete kan man registrera sig hos Arbetsförmedlingen. Att kunna göra bra prognoser på hur många som kommer att få arbete skulle kunna vara användbart vid planering och beslutfattande. Det skulle också kunna användas som en indikator på hur väl Arbetsförmedlingen använder skattepengarna. De modeller som har använts är seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) och long short-term memory (LSTM). En persistensmodell används också som baslinje. Persistensmodellen är en enkel modell och därför förväntas de andra modellerna prestera bättre. För LSTM-modellen kommer användningen av både envariabla och flervariabla tillvägagångssätt att undersökas för att testa om mer data kan förbättra modellen. Resultat från experimenten visar att det var en LSTM-modell med flera variabler som presterade lägst root mean squared error (RMSE) och anses därför vara den bästa modellen. Det behövs dock ytterligare studier för att undersöka modellens stabilitet över tid.

Oenighet, paradoxer och dilemman : -En jämförande studie av arbetsförmedlares, jobbcoachers och rekryterares förslag på stöd till arbetssökande

Jansson, Karin January 2023 (has links)
Long-term unemployment is a social problem that is expected to increase in the coming years because of the on-going recession. Unemployment creates dilemmas both for the individual and society in form of an increased pressure on the individual to be reflexive in their identity and self-development and for society which wants to regulate unemployment and keep it under control. In the regulation letter for the Public employment Service for the year 2023, it was clearly formulated that the authority must work to prevent people from falling into long-term unemployment. The purpose with this study is thru qualitative interviews with —Public employment officers, job coaches and recruitment staff— investigate if the first two´s tips to the unemployed people matches what the recruitment staff really want to see in the applications for example.. The empiric of this study will be analyzed with help of Anthony Giddens theory about the modernity and self-identity with terms like, Ontological security, disembedding and expert systems. The result of this study shows that there are divided meaning both within and between the professions, in what are expected from a unemployed person and how they should put themselves at the market in form of how to use the application documents. What also brings to the light it that it often is bad quality on the application documents. These disagreements and dilemmas that the job seeker encounters challenge its ontological security and can negatively affect them. / Långtidsarbetslöshet är ett samhällsproblem som befaras öka under de närmsta åren till följd av den pågående lågkonjunkturen. Arbetslöshet skapar dilemman både för individ och samhälle i form av en ökad press på individ till reflexivitet i sin identitet och personlig utveckling, och för samhället som vill reglera arbetslösheten och hålla den kontrollerad. I regleringsbrevet för Arbetsförmedlingen inför år 2023 var det tydligt formulerat att myndigheten ska verka för att förhindra att människor hamnar i långtidsarbetslöshet. Syftet med den här studien är att genom kvalitativa intervjuer med 3 olika grupper —arbetsförmedlare, jobbcoacher och rekryterare— undersöka om de två förstnämndas råd matchar det rekryterarna säger att de verkligen vill ha.. Empirin analyseras med hjälp av Anthony Giddens teoretiska ramverk kring det senmoderna samhället och självidentitet, med begrepp så som urbäddning, expertsystem och ontologisk trygghet. Resultatet på denna studie visar på att det råder stor oenighet både inom och mellan professionerna i vad som förväntas av en arbetssökande och hur den ska marknadsföra sig själv i form av ansökningshandlingar, men där det också framkommer att det ofta råder dålig kvalité på de ansökningshandlingar man tar emot. Dessa oenigheter och dilemman de arbetssökande stöter på utmanar dess ontologiska trygghet, och kan påverka den arbetssökande negativt.

A concurrent validation study of the United States Employment Service's validity generalization job family four scores

Hoover, David J. January 1987 (has links)
The United States Employment Service has implemented a recently developed testing program. The Validity Generalization (VG) Testing Program, adopted its name from the meta-analytic technique which cumulates the findings of test validation studies. For this testing program, predictors were developed for five job families based on a validity generalization study of 515 validation studies. The Employment Service claims that these predictors are valid and virtually all jobs are covered in the five job families. This study is a direct test of the validity of one of the five predictors, Job Family IV Validity Generalization percentile scores. (The Employment Service estimates its true validity is .53.) Secondly, two potential moderators of that predictor's validity were investigated: jobs and locations. Three "computing and account recording" clerical jobs and two locations were examined. Finally, evidence of whether general abilities were better predictors of performance than specific abilities was examined, since the testing program's predictors are comprised of composite, general ability scores. A concurrent validation study was conducted with 219 clerical bank employees. Two predictors, the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) and the American Bankers Association's test battery, were administered. Two criteria measures were obtained, supervisory ratings on the Descriptive Rating Scale for all subjects, and, objective measures - strokes per hour - for proof operators. The observed validity for Job Family IV's predictor with the global DRS criterion was .16, Observed validity with a composite of DRS dimensions was .19. Corrected for attenuation, those coefficients were .18 and .20 respectively. However, general cognitive ability measures appeared to be slightly better than the percentile scores at predicting performance. While there was no statistical evidence of moderators, the relatively small effect size resulted in low power for the tests and may account for the results. Nevertheless, the evidence raised questions about the possible existence of situational moderators. Finally, measures of general ability did not appear to predict performance better than measures of specific abilities. / Ph. D.

Funktionsnedsättningskod hos Arbetsförmedlingen – en analys av en arbetsmarknadspolitisk konstruktion

Kängström, Ulrica January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Mot arbetslivet -  en studie om samverkan mellan Arbetsförmedlingen och gymnasiesärskolornas studie- och yrkesvägledare

Bengtsson, Mari January 2014 (has links)
The number of students who finished special upper secondary school for pupils with intellectual disabilities without an employment has drastically decreased over the last decades. The purpose of this paper is to increase the knowledge of how career counselors at special upper secondary schools collaborate with the Employment Service, and how the special upper secondary school prepares their pupils for working life. The collection of data started with a national questionnaire survey which was directed to career counselors at schools. The result shows that the collaboration appears foremost in the pupils last year in special upper secondary school, and that the special upper secondary schools do not use the Employment Service's assistance to any great extent. In addition, the collaborative process consists of both inhibiting and promoting factors. The results also indicates that the collaboration between the special upper secondary schools and the local labor market can be developed more for the pupils to gain experience from working life.

Rapportering och kontroll i fokus : En studie av Arbetsförmedlingens utvärderingsverksamhet

Zovko, Davor January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore evaluation in the Swedish Public Employment Service, with particular focus on how the use of evaluations looks like. The study consists of two studies. The first one is an analysis of the Employment Service’s all policy documents that describe or mention evaluation as well as an interview-study with all the management staff in one of the Employment Service’s local labor market units. The second study is a comparative study with analysis of the Employment Service’s entire evaluation production for the years 2010 and 2015. The results show that the Swedish Public Employment Service is a hierarchically controlled governmental organization with routines for effective communication of management's messages to all levels in the organization. Employment Service's evaluation is governed and implemented centrally and communicated from the top, down through the organization. Evaluations are mainly used as a routine for checking and reporting, as well as accounting to the government. Managers on a middle and local level find that much of the evaluation is about control, and that control is not adapted to needs of the everyday business on the local level. Evaluation activities are extensive. Evaluations seems to have become an end in itself, used in legitimizing purposes rather than as a tool for developing of the service to the clients. Half of the evaluations that the Employment Service carried out by their own, is regular evaluations. Almost all evaluations carried out by the European Social Fund Council in Sweden and “Samordningsförbund” (associations for coordination of social projects) are single occasion-evaluations. Legitimizing dominates the use of evaluation, both 2010 and 2015 in evaluating production. Evaluation for improving of the service to the clients is mentioned only in a small number of policy documents. Evaluations that includes the client’s perspective as well as proposals for change occurs to a limited extent in both 2010 and 2015. The Organization of the Employment Service's evaluation activities are heavily influenced by New Public Management's management philosophy.

Ledarskap på distans och medarbetares psykosociala arbetsmiljö : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med medarbetare som jobbar på Arbetsförmedlingen

Spielberger, Bernt January 2019 (has links)
Background and Aim: Development and digitalization of contemporary work life means that leadership at a distance becomes commonplace practice in an increasing number of organizations. Which affects leader prerequisites to handle their followers psychosocial work environment. This study´s aim was to explore office workers perceptions of how leadership at a distance affects their psychosocial work environment. Methods: Ten informants (coworkers) from the Swedish Public Employment Service were interviewed using semi-structured questions and their narratives were analyzed using inductive content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in three salient sub-themes which were Equality, Contraposition, and Losses. These sub-themes resulted in a main theme that expresses how leadership at a distance holds potential for improved psychosocial work conditions. If leaders acknowledge the increased autonomy employees expect from a remote leadership. And cooperate with their employees to compensate for the losses that accompany physical distance. Leadership at a distance also contains risks when the contact between leadership and employee doesn´t compensate for the losses that comes with physical absence. Which can lead to a psychosocial work environment where employees experience alienation, feelings of disregard and a lack of support.  Conclusions: Leadership at a distance seems to create opportunities for employees to experience an improved psychosocial work environment, through a more autonomous everyday work environment. Including an opportunity for peer relation with their manager. With physical distance follows a loss of inter-human contact and fewer possibilities for a manager to perceive their co-workers everyday work environment. Meaning conditions where managers become dependent on their employees in a new way, not only for task performance, but for being able to handle psychosocial work conditions. Even if remote leadership seems compatible with a satisfying psychosocial work environment. The work place needs to make an effort for leaders to be present in new ways that facilitates psychological and functional closeness. In a way that allows managers to provide the freedom employees expect from a distance leadership along with the attention they need. Without letting their own control needs lead to detailed control and increased monitoring which may lead to a negative psychosocial work environment. Examples where leaders, and organizations as a whole, needs to reconsider new ways are: How to achieve availability, managers insight into the everyday work environment, building relationships that facilitate trust, and communicate clear expectations.   Key Words: Leadership at a distance, remote leadership, psychosocial work environment, Swedish Public Employment Service, qualitative content analysis

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