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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den sjuka arbetslösheten : Svensk arbetsmarknadspolitik och dess praxis 1978-2004 / Medicalized Unemployment? : Swedish Labour Market Policy and its Practice 1978-2004

Peralta Prieto, Julia January 2006 (has links)
<p>The 1990s were a period of economic crisis and mass unemployment. The dissertation shows that in the labour market policy guidelines in the period 1978–2004, a dichotomy was constructed between, on the one hand, a group of unemployed described in positive terms as potentially able to gain new employment, and, on the other hand, a group – referred to in the dissertation as the Others – whose exclusion and marginalisation were seen as permanent. </p><p>Unemployment has not always been defined as a social problem. The nature of the problem of unemployment has been understood and conceptu­alised differently over time. Frames of interpretation contribute to the construction and/or reproduction of categories of unemployed within the context of active Swedish labour market policies. The point of departure for the study is that the definition of social problems is a complex process of social construction. It is an active process of re(construction), in which certain problems become perceived as social problems while others are not. </p><p>The flexibilisation of the labour market, and of labour market policy, is an institutional and discursive process that leads to new categorisations and otherings on the labour market.<i> </i></p><p>In the wake of the 1990s crisis, and of the more structural transformation of the Swedish labour market, a group of long-term unemployed has emerged. In the official guidelines of the labour market policy, the recommendations are to treat this group within the framework of the measures and activities that earlier applied to groups with disabilities. In this process, the structural labour market problem becomes defined politically in terms of individual disabilities. This is not only a process of individualisation, but also a process of medicalization. In this manner, unemployment, and particularly long-term unemployment, becomes analogous to disability.</p>

Den sjuka arbetslösheten : Svensk arbetsmarknadspolitik och dess praxis 1978-2004 / Medicalized Unemployment? : Swedish Labour Market Policy and its Practice 1978-2004

Peralta Prieto, Julia January 2006 (has links)
The 1990s were a period of economic crisis and mass unemployment. The dissertation shows that in the labour market policy guidelines in the period 1978–2004, a dichotomy was constructed between, on the one hand, a group of unemployed described in positive terms as potentially able to gain new employment, and, on the other hand, a group – referred to in the dissertation as the Others – whose exclusion and marginalisation were seen as permanent. Unemployment has not always been defined as a social problem. The nature of the problem of unemployment has been understood and conceptu­alised differently over time. Frames of interpretation contribute to the construction and/or reproduction of categories of unemployed within the context of active Swedish labour market policies. The point of departure for the study is that the definition of social problems is a complex process of social construction. It is an active process of re(construction), in which certain problems become perceived as social problems while others are not. The flexibilisation of the labour market, and of labour market policy, is an institutional and discursive process that leads to new categorisations and otherings on the labour market. In the wake of the 1990s crisis, and of the more structural transformation of the Swedish labour market, a group of long-term unemployed has emerged. In the official guidelines of the labour market policy, the recommendations are to treat this group within the framework of the measures and activities that earlier applied to groups with disabilities. In this process, the structural labour market problem becomes defined politically in terms of individual disabilities. This is not only a process of individualisation, but also a process of medicalization. In this manner, unemployment, and particularly long-term unemployment, becomes analogous to disability.

Rekryteringsprocess av maskinbefäl : en kvantitativ studie om hur tjänsterna ombord tillsätts / Recruitment process of engineers

Göransson, Malin, Olsson, Madeleine January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med det här arbetet var att kartlägga rekryteringsprocessen i svenska rederier och bemanningsbolag av maskinbefäl. För att ta reda på detta skickades det ut ett antal enkäter till personalrekryterarna i respektive rederi/bemanningsbolag. Studien är en kvantitativ undersökning för att få in ett så stort underlag som möjligt och därefter kunna få fram ett trovärdigt resultat. Resultatet blev att rekryteringsprocessen har påverkats av utflaggningen av fartygen och då framför allt för juniorbefälen. Det som personalrekryterarna ansåg som mest betydelsefullt vid nyrekrytering av maskinbefäl är rekommendationer från redan anställda i rederiet/bemanningsbolaget och fullständig sjöingenjörsexamen. Arbetsförmedlingens tjänster användes i mindre grad på grund av det dåliga urvalet och inte heller available position-sidan på rederiernas/bemanningsbolagens hemsida vid rekrytering av nya maskinbefäl.

參與過渡性就業之精神障礙者的工作適應與權能感受 / A Study on the Work Adjustment and Empowerment of Persons with Psychiatric Disability Participating in the Transitional Employment Service

黃佳琦, Huang, Chia-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於瞭解(一)精神障礙者成功適應工作的情形、(二)適應工作期間的權能感受,以及(三)就業服務人員協助其適應工作與增強其權能之策略運用。藉由受訪者回顧參與過渡性就業期間的經驗以瞭解工作適應狀況和權能感受間的關係和影響。研究中以質化之深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,研究參與者的選取主要是來自中華民國康復之友聯盟「台北交誼中心」和「高雄交誼中心」,涵蓋十位精神障礙會員與兩位就業服務人員,並以半結構式的訪談方式進行資料蒐集。本研究結果歸納為以下重點: 一、影響精神障礙者工作適應的因素,主要分為三大層面:個人(就業動機、個人特質與能力、面臨的工作困難、採取的因應方法)、人際(家庭系統與職場系統)、社會環境(會所模式與醫療院所),而三者間具有循環且交互影響的作用。 二、精神障礙者的工作適應情況,則可區分為以下三個指標:外在滿意度(出席狀況、準時、工作主動性、工作專注力、工作配合度、工作效率及雇主評價)、內在滿足(正向感受與負向感受)、以及工作任期,其中他們的外在工作表現多能達到雇主要求,內在滿足則是正向感受遠多於負向感受,而工作任期是綜合外在滿意度與內在滿足的工作適應表現,他們皆能穩定就業,達到工作期滿。 三、精神障礙者的權能感受與工作適應狀況息息相關,而多半展現在個人(能夠接納自己與肯定自我、覺察自我效能、建立正向自我形象、激發正向內在動力、自我增權、能夠自我選擇與決定、覺得與所處的環境有良好的適配度)與人際層面(具備與人溝通的知識和技巧、與他人互動時能肯定自我、能夠與他人形成夥伴關係、得到他人的尊重)。 四、就業服務員是精神障礙者的適應工作職場的支持主力,主要是扮演「先鋒」、「支持」與「後盾」等重要角色;亦是運用多元的增強權能策略提升其權能感受之關鍵人物。 五、依據精神障礙者的工作適應與權能感受型態區分為四大取向,分別為「內外權能展現取向」、「內在權能增強取向」、「外在支持調適取向」、「懷才不遇取向」。依循四取向之脈絡,筆者延伸發展出最為理想之核心類屬,即「內外權能實現取向」。 依據研究發現,筆者針對工作適應之關鍵角色--就業服務員提出下列幾點建議(一)對精神障礙者之個人處遇策略:增加精神障礙會員的社交能力、運用更多元的增強權能策略來激發復元因子;(二)催化雇主對精神障礙會員之認識與接納;(三)強化會所過渡性就業與就業職場間的連結;(四)建立友善且接納的社會環境。本研究結果分析與研究限制皆於文中提出說明,提供未來相關研究與實務之參考。 / The study explored the states of persons with psychiatric disability succeeding in work adjustment and empowerment during the Transitional Employment service, and the strategy that employment service staffs adopted to help psychiatric disabilities to adapt their jobs and empower them. Through the survey participants’experiences during the period of participating in the transitional employment service, the study attempted to find out the relationship between work adjustment and empowerment. Qualitative method of the profound experiences was utilized to collect data. The survey participants included 10 persons with psychiatric disability and 2 employment service staffs. All of them were selected from TAMI (The Alliance for the Mentally Ill of R.O.C.,Taiwan) and interviewed by using semi-structured interviewing method. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.The factors that affected the work adjustment of persons with psychiatric disability were divided into three perspectives:individual (employment motivations, personal characteristic and capability, difficulties encountered at work, and the coping strategies), interpersonal (family and workplaces system) and social environment (the clubhouse and hospitals). Moreover, the three levels of factors had interactive impact on the subjects. 2.The state of psychiatric disability’s work adjustment was divided into three aspects:satisfactoriness (attendance, punctuality, positiveness, concentration, cooperation, working efficiency, and evaluation from the employers), satisfaction (positive and negative feelings),and tenure. For the most part, their performance at work could fulfill the employer’s requests, they have much more positive feelings than negative ones, and as the tenure, which was an integrated performance of both satisfactoriness and satisfaction, they were able to work steadily until the tenure expired. 3.To extend the psychiatric disability’s work adjustment and performance above, the empowerment of persons with psychiatric disability almost revealed itself at both individual (their capabilities to accept and approve of themselves, to perceive self-efficacy, to establish positive image, to stir positive internal motivation, to empower themselves, to make choices and decisions, and to fit the environment) and interpersonal (to possess the knowledge and techniques to communicate with others , to approve themselves while interacting with others, to build up partnership, and to obtain others’ respect) aspect. 4.Employment service staffs played an important role in supporting the psychiatric disability’s work adjustment at workspaces. For the most part, they served as pioneers, supporters, and backing; meanwhile, they were the key persons that adopted multiple strategies to empower the subjects. 5.Based on the states of work adjustment and empowerment, the subjects were categorized into four major types of orientation. Overall, the core category of the subjects extracted was “demonstration of internal and external power”. According to the findings, the investigator brought up some suggestions: 1.The treatment of psychiatric disability’s individual situation:improve psychiatric disability members’ ability to establish interpersonal relationship and adopt multiple empowerment strategies to stimulate resilience. 2.Encourage employers to understand and accept the psychiatric disability members. 3.Strengthen the connection between the Transitional Employment service of the clubhouse and workspaces. 4.Establish a friendly and acceptable social environment. The analysis and restriction of the study was brought up in the article, providing references to future related study and practice.

L’institutionnalisation du recours aux opérateurs privés de placement au cœur des conflits de régulation du service public de l’emploi (2003-2011) / Institutionalisation of outsourcing to private providers at the heart of regulation conflicts of public employment service (2003-2011)

Vives, Claire 25 November 2013 (has links)
Les partenaires sociaux gestionnaires de l’assurance chômage en faisant appel à des opérateurs privés de placement ont une double ambition : accélérer le reclassement des chômeurs et étendre leurs prérogatives en matière d’aide au retour à l’emploi. L’introduction expérimentale de l’externalisation cristallise alors les conflits de régulation du service public de l’emploi entre régime paritaire, opérateur public et services du ministère. Les enjeux du service public de l’emploi se concentrent sur les évaluations dans la mesure où les acteurs ont la conviction que les résultats pourraient influer sur l’avenir de l’externalisation. L’absence de démonstration de l’efficacité supérieure des opérateurs privés n’entrave toutefois pas leur institutionnalisation. La nouvelle configuration institutionnelle issue de la fusion de l’ANPE et des Assédic en 2008 est marquée par une reprise en main par l’Etat. Toutefois, l’externalisation du placement et son institutionnalisation se poursuivent avec de nouveaux objectifs. L’opérateur public se réapproprie l’externalisation pour la mobiliser comme variable d’ajustement, signe de sa position de domination qui confine à un nouveau monopole. Cette recherche se situe au croisement de la sociologie de l’action publique, de la sociologie des relations professionnelles et de la sociologie économique. Elle montre l’introduction de formes de concurrence au cœur du service public de l’emploi. La régulation concurrentielle pour réaliser la mission de placement, loin de constituer un projet politique en soi correspond à un outil pour mettre en œuvre des conceptions différentes du service public de l’emploi. / Social partners in charge of unemployment benefits follow two ambitions when outsourcing to private providers: to shorten the unemployment period for unemployed persons and to expand their prerogatives on return to employment activities. Introducing outsourcing experiments crystallises conflicts of public employment service regulation between the institution jointly managed by employee and employer representatives, the public operator and the State services.The main stakes of public employment service regulations revolve around evaluations as the stakeholders are convinced that evaluation results could have a decisive impact on the future of outsourcing.However, institutionalisation is not hampered despite the fact the claimed greater effectiveness of private providers is not demonstrated.The merge of ANPE and Unédic give birth to a new institution where the State has more power than before. Despite these changes, institutionalisation of outsourcing carries on with new objectives. The public operator reclaims outsourcing to mobilise private providers as an adjustment variable reflecting its dominant position verging on a new monopoly. This research leans on public policy analysis, industrial relations theory and economic sociology. It demonstrates the introduction of competition within public employment service. Far from being a political plan in itself, competitive regulation to achieve placement is a tool to implement different visions of public employment service.

En väg in i arbetslivet : En studie av nyanländas arbetsintegrering ur arbetsförmedlingens perspektiv / From refugee to employee : A study in work intergration from the perspective of arbetsförmedlingen

Berisa, Saha, Cras, Evelina, Rexhepi, Arlinda January 2018 (has links)
Arbetsförmedlingen har i uppdrag att matcha personer ut på arbetsmarknaden. 2015 skedde flyktingkrisen från Syrien och med det kom många flyktingar till Sverige. Arbetsförmedlingen fick i uppdrag att etablera de nyanlända på arbetsmarknaden. De skulle stödja de nyanlända genom att underlätta etableringsprocessen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att fördjupa förståelsen för hur arbetsförmedlare ser arbetet med etableringsuppdraget. Empirin för studien är hämtad via en kvalitativ studie i form av intervjuer. Det är sex olika handläggare på tre olika kontor som har intervjuats. Empirin har analyserats utifrån new public management, det strukturella perspektivet och humankapitalteorin. Med teorierna som underlag har vi kunnat dra slut slutsatsen att arbetsförmedlarna ser seriöst på uppdraget och försöker hjälpa de nyanlända ut på arbetsmarknaden med alla resurs de har. / The Employment Service main mission is to match people into the labor market. In 2015, the refugee crisis took place from Syria and many refugees came to Sweden. The Employment Service was commissioned to establish new arrivals in the labor market. The main mission would be to support the new arrivals by facilitating the establishment process. The purpose of this study is to deepen the understanding of how the workforce sees the work on the establishment assignment. The empires for this study are obtained through a qualitative study in the form of interviews. There are six different administrators at three different offices that have been interviewed. To analyze the empirics from a theoretical point of view we have chosen three different theories based on new public management, structural perspective and human capital theory. With the theories as a basis, we have come to the conclusion that the mediators look seriously at the mission and they try to help the newly arrived in the labor market, with all the resources they have. This study is written in Swedish.

Att förmedla kön : En retorisk studie av könskonstruktioner i Arbetsförmedlingens rekryteringsmaterial rörande mans- och kvinnodominerade yrken / To transmit gender : A rhetorical study of gender constructions in the Swedish Employment Service's recruitment material regarding male- and female dominated professions

Logge, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
This rhetorical study aims to investigate how gender constructions are produced and reproduced through linguistic and symbolic expressions. Thus, there has been interest in analyzing recruitment films from the state authority – The Swedish Employment Service – primarily regarding male- and female dominated professions to gain knowledge of how they work to maintain or challenge perceptions of gender and gender equality in the labor market. In order to examine this, I have used Kenneth Burke's theory of identification, Judith Butler's theory of gender and performativity together with Mats Landqvist's terms, social categorizations and intersectional perspective. I found that gender is constructed differently depending on whether it is male- or female constructed. In addition, the analysis shows that women are associated with values ​​such as health, care and looks while men are represented with attributes as tough, muscular and elderly. The comparison between the artifacts showed that all recruitment films create identification bases that appeal to young people and usually to both genders regardless of occupation. The overall purpose of the essay and what I hope to convey is knowledge of how gender-dominated professions differ and work to change the view of gender.

Reformeringen av Arbetsförmedlingen : En kvalitativ studie om marknadisering av offentlig verksamhet / The reform of the Swedish Public Employment Service : A qualitative study about marketisation of a government controlled business

Tomasson, Hannes January 2020 (has links)
Marketisation reforms has for a long time been a recurring and debated phenomena, which has recently blossomed by the reform proposal of the Swedish Public Employment Service presented in the so-called “January-agreement”. The aim of this qualitative study is therefor to examine the reform proposal of the Swedish Public Employment Service presented in the “January-agreement” and relate this to marketisation. This will in this study be done by theory consuming of first George Sörensen theory about the impact of globalization on the welfare state, to give a broad view of the cause of marketisation. Then Patrik Halls definition of marketisation within NPM, to explain the meaning and effects of marketisation. And finally, Bo Rothsteins description of the market-equal model, to examine how the creation of legitimacy can be seen as a motive for the reform. The conclusions show that marketisation can describe the reform proposal presented in the January-agreement, which can be seen as a creation of public constructed market with a distinct client focus. Further, the market-equal model shows how the low public confidence for the Swedish Public Employment Service can be seen as a strong motive for some type of marketisation in other to create an increased legitimacy. / Marknadisering har länge varit ett återkommande debatterat ämne, som nyligen blommat upp genom reformförslaget av Arbetsförmedlingen i det så kallade Januariavtalet. Målet med denna kvalitativa studie är därför att förklara och analysera reformförslaget i Januariavtalet och relatera det till marknadisering. Det görs i uppsatsen genom en teorikonsumering av först George Sörensens teori om globaliseringens påverkan på välfärdsstaten, som används för att ge en bredare syn av orsaken till marknadisering. Sedan kommer Patrik Halls definition av marknadisering inom NPM användas för att förklara innebörden och effekterna av marknadisering. Till sist används Bo Rothsteins förklaring av den marknadslika modellen, för att förkalkar hur reformförslaget kan motiveras utifrån en legitimitetsaspekt. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga slutsatser är att marknadisering kan förklara reformförslaget i Januariavtalet, som kan ses som ett skapande av en offentlig marknad med tydligt kundfokus. Utifrån den marknadslika modellen kan Arbetsförmedlingens låga förtroende ses som ett strakt motiv för någon form av marknadisering för att skapa legitimitet.

Intermédiation entre employeurs et demandeurs d’emploi : le problème de légitimité du service public de l’emploi : Les contraintes structurelles et organisationnelles conduisant à une « trappe à légitimité » : Le cas de Pôle emploi et les conditions au changement du service public de l’emploi français / Mediation between employers and jobseekers : the problem of legitimacy of the public employment service : The structural and organizational constraints leading to a "hatch of legitimacy" : the case of « Pôle emploi » and the conditions to change the french public employment service

Andrieux, Stéphanie 05 December 2016 (has links)
Dans un contexte de chômage fort dans toute l’Europe depuis de nombreuses années (taux moyenautour de 10%), la capacité à faire le lien entre l’offre et la demande d’emploi est cruciale etessentielle pour limiter le chômage.Les pouvoirs publics français ont consacré une attention particulière au service public de l’emploiqui a fait l’objet d’une transformation importante incarnée par la création de Pôle emploi en 2008.Force est de constater que cette réforme n’a pas permis d’atteindre les objectifs escomptés et queles critiques pleuvent sur l’inefficacité de cette nouvelle structure. La crise de légitimité de Pôleemploi s’illustre notamment par l’existence d’un écosystème « parallèle » de l’intermédiationoffre/demande qui s’est développé en marge du service public de l’emploi en regroupant unensemble d’acteurs spécialisés (cabinets de recrutement, sociétés d’intérim, etc.) et de servicesnumériques dédiés (job board - Monster, JobiJoba, Cadremploi, Le Bon Coin - ; réseaux sociaux –Linkedin, Viadéo - ; etc.) sur lesquels s’appuient les entreprises et les candidats pour répondre àleurs besoins. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’identifier les contraintes structurelles etorganisationnelles qui expliquent la crise de légitimité du service public de l’emploi français. Nostravaux ont également pour objectif d’illustrer, au travers du cas de Pôle emploi, le concept de« trappe à légitimité » qui s’applique, sous certaines conditions, aux organisations évoluant dansun contexte non concurrentiel. Nous proposons enfin d’en tirer des conclusions théoriques et desimplications managériales applicables à l’élaboration d’une stratégie de réforme pour lesorganismes du service public notamment. / In a context of high unemployment across Europe for many years (average around 10%), theability to link job supply and demand is crucial and essential to limit unemployment.The French authorities have devoted particular attention to reform the public employment servicewhich resulted in a major transformation embodied by the creation of « Pôle emploi » in 2008. Itis clear that this reform has not achieved the desired objectives and many critics are on theineffectiveness of this new structure.The crisis of legitimacy of « Pôle emploi » is especially illustrated by the existence of anecosystem of intermediation between supply and demand that has been developed in the marginsof public employment service. It includes a set of specialist players (recruitment agencies,temporary employment agencies, etc.) and dedicated digital services (job board - Monster,JobiJoba, Cadremploi Le Bon Coin -; social networks - LinkedIn, Viadeo -; etc.) in which firmsand candidates rely on to meet their needs.The aim of this research is to identify structural and organizational constraints that explain thecrisis of legitimacy of the french public employment service. Our work also aims to illustrate,through the case of « Pôle emploi », the concept of "hatch of legitimacy" that applies, undercertain conditions, on organizations operating in a non-competitive environment. We finallypropose to draw theoretical conclusions and managerial implications applicable to thedevelopment of a reform strategy for public organizations.

Hade hon blivit en mäktig influencer? En fallstudie av Arbetsförmedlingens kampanj Gör plats / Would She Have Become a Powerful Influencer? - A Case Study of the Swedish Public Employment Service's Campaign Gör plats

Sjöstedt, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
I september 2019 valde Arbetsförmedlingen att samarbeta med framgångsrika personer i reklamkampanjen Gör plats. Kampanjen bestod av fem bilder där frågan ställdes om de framgångsrika personerna hade nått lika stor framgång om de haft en funktionsnedsättning. En av bilderna föreställde Therese Lindgren och Natalie Eriksson vilken var en bild som fick stor kritik. Studien syftar till att göra en medieanalys av kampanjen för att undersöka hur kritiken kring kampanjen såg ut samt hanterades av Arbetsförmedlingen. Därtill undersöker även studien hur de båda medverkande beskrev sin uppfattning av kampanjen i sociala medier. Studien visar att de teman som kritiken främst handlar om kan delas in i fyra kategorier: att tillräcklig information inte getts, fotograferingen, modellerna på bilderna samt kampanjbildens text. Arbetsförmedlingen hanterade kritiken på flera sätt däribland genom att svara på frågor som ställdes. Det värsta med bilden är enligt Natalie Eriksson texten som hon inte var medveten om skulle vara med. Therese Lindgren ansåg till en början att kampanjen lyfte en viktig fråga och försvarar den men väljer efter ytterligare kritik att be om ursäkt. / In September 2019, the Swedish Public Employment Service chose to cooperate with successful people in the advertising campaign Gör plats (eng. Make room). The campaign consisted of five pictures questioning if these successful people would have become equally successful if they had had a disability. One of the pictures presented Therese Lindgren and Natalie Eriksson, which was a picture that received the largest criticism. The study aims to conduct a media analysis of the campaign to examine what the criticism of the campaign looked like and how the Swedish Public Employment Service handled the criticism. In addition to this, the study also examines how the participants described their perception of the campaign in social media. Case study is used as a method in the study where material has been collected via triangulation and has been analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. The collected material has been analyzed in relation to the theories: media and convergence, influencer, influencer marketing, social responsibility, and context. The study shows that the themes which the criticism is mainly about can be divided into four categories: that sufficient information has not been given, the photography session, the models of the pictures, and the text of the campaign picture. The Swedish Public Employment Service handled the criticism in several ways, amongst this by answering the questions that were asked. Another way in which the criticism was handled was by apologizing to the participants. Natalie Eriksson’s perception of the campaign describes that models with CP are vulnerable, and she felt that the photographer did everything to aggravate her CP during the photography session. According to Natalie Eriksson, the worst part of the picture is the text, which she was not aware would be included. At first, Therese Lindgren thought that the campaign raised an important issue, and she defended the campaign. After further criticism, she chose to educate herself in multiple questions and she is sorry that the pictures have caused harm. The intentions where good but the result was the opposite and according to Therese Lindgren, the campaign should never have been made.

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