Spelling suggestions: "subject:"energy saving""
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Use of Bio-Product/Phase Change Material Composite in the Building Envelope for Building Thermal Control and Energy SavingsBoozula, Aravind Reddy 08 1900 (has links)
This research investigates the bio-products/phase change material (PCM) composites for the building envelope application. Bio-products, such as wood and herb, are porous medium, which can be applied in the building envelope for thermal insulation purpose. PCM is infiltrated into the bio-product (porous medium) to form a composite material. The PCM can absorb/release large amount of latent heat of fusion from/to the building environment during the melting/solidification process. Hence, the PCM-based composite material in the building envelope can efficiently adjust the building interior temperature by utilizing the phase change process, which improves the thermal insulation, and therefore, reduces the load on the HVAC system. Paraffin wax was considered as the PCM in the current studies. The building energy savings were investigated by comparing the composite building envelope material with the conventional material in a unique Zero-Energy (ZØE) Research Lab building at University of North Texas (UNT) through building energy simulation programs (i.e., eQUEST and EnergyPlus). The exact climatic conditions of the local area (Denton, Texas) were used as the input values in the simulations. It was found that the EnergyPlus building simulation program was more suitable for the PCM based building envelope using the latent heat property. Therefore, based on the EnergyPlus simulations, when the conventional structure insulated panel (SIP) in the roof and wall structures were replaced by the herb panel or herb/PCM composite, it was found that around 16.0% of energy savings in heating load and 11.0% in cooling load were obtained by using PCM in the bio-product porous medium.
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Energisparåtgärder i samband med påbyggnad av nya bostäder : En fallstudie av Röda längan i IDA ICE / Energy savings in connection with the extension of new housing : A case study of Röda längan in IDA ICEAndersson, Sara January 2016 (has links)
I takt med att äldre byggnader i vårt bostadsbestånd blir i allt större behov av omfattande renoveringar, skärps även våra samhällskrav ytterligare. Då gäller det i samband med renovering att finna hela åtgärdspaket som både ger energibesparing men samtidigt är ekonomiskt lönsam. I den här rapporten undersöks möjlig energibesparing men också lönsamheten av energisparåtgärder i samband med påbyggnad av nya bostäder i ett redan befintligt flerbostadshus. Byggnadens befintliga värmesystem byts ut mot bergvärme, som också verkar genom ventilationssystemet, och därefter förlängs byggnaden med tre nya våningsplan. Rapporten utvärderar även om påbyggnad av nya bostäder i det enskilda fallet ska betraktas som tillbyggnad eller ombyggnad, samt vilka krav som därefter ställs vid ändring av byggnad enligt PBL och BBR. Med hjälp av energiberäkningsprogrammet IDA ICE, kunde effekten från de olika energisparåtgärderna studeras. Värdet för den årliga energibesparingen jämfördes därefter med åtgärdernas investeringskostnad. Åtgärder ansågs lönsamma om värdet av den årliga besparingen var tillräckligt stor i förhållande till investeringskostnaden. För det enskilda fallet ger energibesparande åtgärder i samband med påbyggnad en avsevärd förbättring både ur energisynpunkt men också ekonomiskt perspektiv. Påbyggnaden beräknas initialt återbetalda i och med försäljning av bostadsrätter samtidigt som återbetalningstiden för ingreppen i den befintliga byggnaden troligen betalar sig inom 10-15 år. För det enskilda fallet var möjlig energibesparing efter genomförda åtgärder 74 procent, vilket motsvarar är en minskning med närmare 130 kWh/m2 och år jämfört med referensfallet. Rapporten fastslår att påbyggnaden ska betraktas som tillbyggnad och att fyra bergvärmepumpar är fullt tillräckliga för att både uppnå energibesparing samt uppfylla ekonomisk lönsamhet. / As older buildings in our housing stock are in increasing need of extensive renovations, it further enhances our social requirements. It is then needed alongside with renovations to find whole measures that yields energy savings which also is financially profitable. In this report, we examine the possible energy savings alongside with the profitability of the energy measures connected with extensions of new housing on top of an existing housing. The current heating system of the building is replaced with geothermal heating, which is also working through to the ventilation system. Thereafter the building is extended with three new floors. The report also evaluates if an extension of new housing in the individual case is to be seen as an extension or a reconstruction, together with the demands of which are put on an altered building in accordance to PBL and BBR. With the help of the computational energy software IDA ICE, the affect from the different energy measures could be studied. The yearly economical savings was then compared to the cost of the different measures. The measures were deemed profitable if the value of the yearly savings exceeded the initial cost. For the specific case, the measures of energy savings gave an considerable improvement for the extension, both in energy but also in the economical sense. The investment of the extensions is to be seen payed via sales of apartments, and the payback on the actions taken on the existing building is estimated to within 10 to 15 years. for the individual case the possible yearly energy savings, after completed measures, is upwards of 74 percent, which translates to 130 kWh/m2 per year. This report also states that, in specific case, extensions of new housing is to be seen as an extensions and that four geothermal heating pumps are enough to reach sufficient energy savings together with economical profitability.
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Ολιστική ενεργειακή θεώρηση κτιρίωνΣακκά, Αγγελική 06 November 2014 (has links)
Στις χώρες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης ο κτιριακός τομέας απορροφά περίπου το 40% της συνολικής ενεργειακής κατανάλωσης, γεγονός που καθιστά απαραίτητο το λειτουργικό και φιλικό προς το περιβάλλον σχεδιασμό των κτιρίων, παράλληλα με τον περιορισμό των συνολικών ενεργειακών αναγκών τους για την εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας. Όσον αφορά τα ήδη υπάρχοντα κτίρια, μπορούν να γίνουν διάφορες παρεμβάσεις ώστε να επιτευχθεί η μέγιστη δυνατή εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας. Από την άλλη, η Ε.Ε.,στα πλαίσια της βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης και της προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος, έχει θέσει ως στόχο για το 2020 τα καινούρια κτίρια να είναι μηδενικών εκπομπών διοξειδίου του άνθρακα. Για την υλοποίηση του στόχου αυτού, είναι αναγκαίος ο σχεδιασμός των κτιρίων σύμφωνα με τις αρχές της βιοκλιματικής αρχιτεκτονικής, για την ελαχιστοποίηση των ενεργειακών τους αναγκών αλλά και η εφαρμογή συστημάτων Ανανεώσιμων Πηγών Ενέργειας για την παραγωγή θερμικής και ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας και την ελαχιστοποίηση έτσι των εκπομπών CO2 στην ατμόσφαιρα από τα ορυκτά καύσιμα.
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία, αναπτύσσονται στρατηγικές που αποσκοπούν στην αρμονική ένταξη των κτιρίων στο φυσικό περιβάλλον, παρουσιάζονται τα θέματα εξοικονόμησης ενέργειας στα κτίρια, διατυπώνονται οι βασικές παράμετροι για την επίτευξη ολιστικής ενεργειακής κάλυψης των κτιρίων και την προετοιμασία του επόμενου βήματος σχετικά με την ενέργεια στα κτίρια για το έτος 2020 και δίνονται νέες τεχνολογικές λύσεις που αναπτύχθηκαν στο εργαστήριο ηλιακής ενέργειας, με σκοπό την βέλτιστη αξιοποίηση της ηλιακής ενέργειας και των άλλων ΑΠΕ στα κτίρια.
Στα πλαίσια της πλήρους κάλυψης των κτιριακών ενεργειακών αναγκών από ΑΠΕ και της προώθησης των κτιρίων σχεδόν μηδενικής κατανάλωσης από συμβατικές ενεργειακές πηγές, μελετάται πειραματικά η συμβολή των φωτοβολταϊκών σε δυσμενή κλίση και προσανατολισμό. Εξετάζεται η συνεισφορά διάχυτων ανακλαστήρων στην ενεργειακή τους απόδοση, η επίδραση του υλικού της θερμομόνωσης και του περιορισμού των θερμικών απωλειών. Τέλος, εξετάζεται η αξιοποίηση κάθε τμήματος του κτιρίου που μπορεί να έχει θετική συμβολή στο ενεργειακό θέμα. Έτσι προτείνονται τρόποι τοποθέτησης φωτοβολταϊκών σε οριζόντιες και επικλινείς στέγες και στις προσόψεις των κτιρίων, με προσθήκη ανακλαστήρα όπου είναι δυνατό, που μπορούν να συνεισφέρουν στην επίτευξη μηδενικού ενεργειακού ισοζυγίου στα κτίρια. / In the countries of the European Union the building sector accounts for about 40% of the total energy consumption, so it is necessary that the buildings should be designed in a functional and environmentally-friendly way, in addition to the minimization of of the total energy needs to achieve energy savings. As for the existing buildings, they should be renovated so that maximum energy savings is achieved. On the other hand, the EU’s target for 2020 is that new buildings must be of zero carbon dioxide emissions. For the implementation of this goal, buildings should be designed according to the principles of bioclimatic architecture to minimize energy needs, but also systems of Renewable Energy Sources should be applied to produce thermal energy and electricity, in order to minimize carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels.
In the present thesis, strategies aiming to harmonic integration of buildings in the natural environment are developed, holistic energy saving aspects for buildings are presented, aspects regarding the next step to the target for 2020 are given, and some new designs of building integrated RES, investigated at the Solar Energy Laboratory, are suggested.
Approaching the holistic contribution of the renewable energy sources (RES) to buildings for total cover of their energy demand, and the achievement of nearly zero energy buildings, the contribution of photovoltaics in disadvantageous inclination and azimuth angle is experimentally studied. The contribution of diffuse reflectors to pV’s energy efficiency, the impact of thermal insulation materials and the impact of limitating the thermal losses to PV’s operation, are studied as well. Furthermore, the use of every single part of the building in order to contribute to its energy supply, is considered. Designs for photovoltaic integration on horizontal and inclined roofs and facades are suggested, combined with booster reflector if possible, aiming to achieve zero energy balance of buildings.
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Vzduchotechnika pro budovy s téměř nulovou spotřebou energie / Ventilation of nearly Zero Energy BuildingFrčka, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on nearly zero energy buildings, which are a mandatory part of construction of the buildings in Czech republic after 2020. It also deals with HVAC and its design as part of these buildings. The theoretical part deals with legal and technical regulations and possible savings in HVAC systems. The computational part is focused on two solution of HVAC systems in given object. The project part is about the given object, which is otevřená zahrada Brno. This building was founded by Nadace Partnerství s.r.o.. This third part of diploma thesis deals with the quality of indoor microclimate and evaluation of the heat recovery system effiency, which is applied in local HVAC unit.
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Energetický audit polyfunkčního objektu / Energy Audit of Multipurpose BuildingČajčíková, Jolana January 2016 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis are the issue of energy evaluation of buildings and the reduction of energy consumption in the Czech legal system in the theoretical part, an analysis of energy consumption of the judged building in an old and new state in the calculation part and an energy audit of the main building of SRC Lihovar in Třemošnice according to Decree no. 480/2012 Coll. The three-storey main building of sports and rehabilitation center is located on the southern edge of city Třemošnice and it used to be a distillery until it has been renovated in 2013. There is a restaurant with a bowling room, hotel with two conference lounges, wellness, fitness and a swimming pool. The heat source for this building are two gas boilers, three heat pumps and solar collector array. There is partly forced and partly natural ventilation installed in the building.
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Ganzheitliche Ansätze und Methoden zur nachhaltigen Neuplanung einer energieeffizienten Fabrik mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf die Automobilmontage: Ganzheitliche Ansätze und Methoden zur nachhaltigen Neuplanung einer energieeffizienten Fabrik mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf die AutomobilmontageImgrund, Christian 04 November 2014 (has links)
Die bisherigen Untersuchungen zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit und Energieeffizienz konzentrierten sich nicht auf die speziellen Anforderungen einer Fahrzeugmontage. Bei der Neuplanung einer Fahrzeugmontage spielte bisher die Energieeffizienz ei-ne untergeordnete Rolle. Mit der zunehmenden Bedeutung von Nachhaltigkeit und der Energieeffizienz in Politik und Öffentlichkeit wachsen auch diesbezüglich die Erwartungen an die Automobilindustrie. Aus diesem Grund wurden ganzheitliche Ansätze und Methoden entwickelt, um einen Neubau eines Fahrzeugwerkes, im Speziellen die Fahrzeugmontage, energieeffizient und nachhaltig zu gestalten. Die Nutzung von natürlichen Ressourcen stand hierbei im Vordergrund. Der Einsatz von fossilen Energien sollte hierbei weitestgehend vermieden werden. Beginnend mit der Standortauswahl über die Festlegung der Werksstruktur sowie der Fahr-zeugmontage- und Logistikstruktur wurden hier die wichtigsten Bereiche der Fab-rikplanung abgedeckt. Zusätzlich wurde noch die Gebäudekonstruktion unter den Prämissen der Energieeffizienz untersucht.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
Inhaltsverzeichnis I
Abbildungsverzeichnis III
Tabellenverzeichnis VII
Abkürzungsverzeichnis VIII
Definitionen XI
Vorwort XIII
1 Einleitung 1
1.1 Endliche Ressourcen und Energieeffizienz 4
1.2 Aufbau der Arbeit 7
1.3 Politischer und gesellschaftlicher Stellenwert der Energieeffizienz 10
1.4 Stand der Wissenschaft 15
1.5 Abgrenzung des Betrachtungsrahmens 18
2 Grundlagen 22
2.1 9+1 Verschwendungsarten im industriellen Sektor 22
2.2 Energieverbrauchsstruktur der Fahrzeugmontage 26
2.3 Fabrikplanung 30
2.3.1 Aufgaben und Ziele der Fabrikplanung 31
2.3.2 Der Fabriklebenszyklus 32
2.3.3 Planungsphasen 34
2.4 Allgemeine Struktur eines Automobilwerkes 36
2.4.1 Technologie Presswerk 37
2.4.2 Technologie Karosseriebau 38
2.4.3 Technologie Lackiererei 39
2.4.4 Technologie Montage 40
2.4.5 Montage-Logistik 42
2.5 Gesetze und Normen 46
2.5.1 Das Energieeinsparungsgesetz (EnEG) 47
2.5.2 EU-Richtlinie und Energieeinsparverordnung (EnEV) 48
2.5.3 Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz (EEG) 50
2.5.4 Stromsteuergesetz (StromStG) 53
2.5.5 DIN ISO 50001 - Energiemanagementsysteme 55
2.6 EMAS – Eco-Management and Audit Scheme 57
2.7 Gebäudestandards zur Nachhaltigkeit 58
3 Planungsprämissen Werksneubau 62
3.1 Standortauswahl 62
3.1.1 Drei-Phasen-Auswahlprozess 63
3.1.2 Die Standortfaktoren 66
3.1.3 Die Trinkwasserverfügbarkeit 67
3.1.4 Die Umweltrahmenbedingungen 70
3.1.5 Der Klimaeinfluss 75
3.2 Werksstruktur / Gebäudestruktur 85
3.2.1 Werksstrukturlayout 85
3.2.2 Montagestrukturlayout 98
3.2.3 Logistikstrukturlayout (Montage) 108
3.3 Gebäudekonstruktion 115
3.3.1 Materialien 117
3.3.2 Dachformen und Belichtung 121
4 Energiemanagement und Verbrauchsmonitoring 130
4.1 Versorgungskonzepte 130
4.2 Energiebeschaffung und Preiszusammensetzung 131
4.3 Effiziente und nachhaltige Energienutzung 138
5 Wichtigste Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen 143
5.1 Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse 143
5.2 Empfehlungen 145
6 Quellenverzeichnis 148
6.1 Literaturverzeichnis 148
6.2 Verzeichnis der Internetquellen 151
6.3 Verzeichnis der Gesetze und Normen 156
6.4 Verzeichnis der Diplom- und Masterarbeiten 158
6.5 Gesprächsverzeichnis 159
Eidesstattliche Erklärung 174
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Utilizing energy-saving techniques to reduce energy and memory consumption when training machine learning models : Sustainable Machine Learning / Implementation av energibesparande tekniker för att minska energi- och minnesförbrukningen vid träning av modeller för maskininlärning : Hållbar maskininlärningEl Yaacoub, Khalid January 2024 (has links)
Emerging machine learning (ML) techniques are showing great potential in prediction performance. However, research and development is often conducted in an environment with extensive computational resources and blinded by prediction performance. In reality, computational resources might be contained on constrained hardware where energy and memory consumption must be restrained. Furthermore, shortages of sufficiently large datasets for ML is a frequent problem, combined with the cost of data retention. This generates a significant demand for sustainable ML. With sustainable ML, practitioners can train ML models on less data, which reduces memory and energy consumption during the training process. To explore solutions to these problems, this thesis dives into several techniques that have been introduced in the literature to achieve energy-savings when training machine learning models. These techniques include Quantization-Aware Training, Model Distillation, Quantized Distillation, Continual Learning and a deeper dive into Siamese Neural Networks (SNNs), one of the most promising techniques for sustainability. Empirical evaluations are conducted using several datasets to illustrate the potential of these techniques and their contribution to sustainable ML. The findings of this thesis show that the energy-saving techniques could be leveraged in some cases to make machine learning models more manageable and sustainable whilst not compromising significant model prediction performance. In addition, the deeper dive into SNNs shows that SNNs can outperform standard classification networks, under both the standard multi-class classification case and the Continual Learning case, whilst being trained on significantly less data. / Maskininlärning har i den senaste tidens forskning visat stor potential och hög precision inom klassificering. Forskning, som ofta bedrivs i en miljö med omfattande beräkningsresurser, kan lätt bli förblindad av precision. I verkligheten är ofta beräkningsresurser lokaliserade på hårdvara där energi- och minneskapacitet är begränsad. Ytterligare ett vanligt problem är att uppnå en tillräckligt stor datamängd för att uppnå önskvärd precision vid träning av maskininlärningsmodeller. Dessa problem skapar en betydande efterfrågan av hållbar maskininlärning. Hållbar maskininlärning har kapaciteten att träna modeller på en mindre datamängd, vilket minskar minne- och energiförbrukning under träningsprocessen. För att utforska hållbar maskininlärning analyserar denna avhandling Quantization-Aware Training, Model Distillation, Quantized Distillation, Continual Learning och en djupare evaluering av Siamesiska Neurala Nätverk (SNN), en av de mest lovande teknikerna inom hållbar maskininlärning. Empiriska utvärderingar utfördes med hjälp av flera olika datamängder för att illustrera potentialen hos dessa tekniker. Resultaten visar att energibesparingsteknikerna kan utnyttjas för att göra maskininlärningsmodeller mer hållbara utan att kompromissa för precision. Dessutom visar undersökningen av SNNs att de kan överträffa vanliga neurala nätverk, med och utan Continual Learning, även om de tränas på betydligt mindre data.
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Energy Savings Using a Direct Current Distribution Network in a PV and Battery Equipped Residential BuildingOllas, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
Energy from solar photovoltaic (PV) are generated as direct current (DC) and almost all of today’s electrical loads in residential buildings, household appliances and HVAC system (Heating Ventilation and Air-conditioning) are operated on DC. For a conventional alternating current (AC) distribution system this requires the need for multiple conversion steps before the final user-stage. By switching the distribution system to DC, conversion steps between AC to DC can be avoided and, in that way, losses are reduced. Including a battery storage–the system’s losses can be reduced further and the generated PV energy is even better utilised. This thesis investigates and quantifies the energy savings when using a direct current distribution topology in a residential building together with distributed energy generation from solar photovoltaic and a battery storage. Measured load and PV generation data for a single-family house situated in Borås, Sweden is used as a case study for the analysis. Detailed and dynamic models–based on laboratory measurements of the power electronic converters and the battery–are also used to more accurately reflect the system’s dynamic performance. In this study a dynamic representation of the battery’s losses is presented which is based on laboratory measurements of the resistance and current dependency for a single lithium-ion cell based on Lithium iron phosphate (LFP). A comparative study is made with two others, commonly used, loss representations and evaluated with regards to the complete system’s performance, using the PV and load data from the single-family house. Results show that a detailed battery representation is important for a correct loss prediction when modelling the interaction between loads, PV and the battery. Four DC system topologies are also modelled and compared to an equivalent AC topology using the experimental findings from the power electronic converters and the battery measurements. Results from the quasi-dynamic modelling show that the annual energy savings potential from the suggested DC topologies ranges between 1.9–5.6%. The DC topologies also increase the PV utilisation by up to 10 percentage points, by reducing the associated losses from the inverter and the battery conversion. Results also show that the grid-tied converter is the main loss contributor and when a constant grid-tied efficiency is used, the energy savings are overestimated.
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Development of heat recovery solution for heavy duty truck cabs to improve energy efficiency. / Utveckling av värmeåtervinningslösning för tunga lastbilshytter för att förbättra energieffektiviteten.Aurelio, Exekiel, Acharya Rathnakar, Rahul January 2022 (has links)
The recent climate actions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have set the stage for decarbonizing the transportation sector through electrification, which has led to a surge in the deployment of battery electric vehicles (BEV). Trucks are no exception, which has led automakers to shift their focus toward producing Battery Electric Trucks (BET). While tail-pipe emissions are reduced drastically, certain aspects of BET prevent its widespread deployment, prominent of which is the range anxiety. The range of a BET is heavily impacted in cold weather as energy from traction batteries is also used to warm the battery pack and cabin, where 70% of cabin airflow at minimum is continually expelled through exhaust vents for proper ventilation. In this study, three heat recovery techniques were investigated with the objective of harnessing the waste heat from evacuating cabin air to reduce the heating energy consumption in a BET. One proposed technique employs the use of an air-to-air heat recovery system (AAHRS). Baseline experiments were conducted on a SCANIA test truck for benchmarking and to gather data on the performance of the installed HVAC system, which aided the prototyping stage of basic engineering design to ensure it is operable and safe. The prototype was modelled in CATIA, then fabricated and fitted to the test-truck. Validation experiments were done to evaluate the energy savings from the prototype in a climate chamber at various ambient temperature and fan speed settings. The study found a 20-53% reduction in the heat dissipated by the coolant with the implementation of AAHRS, which is beneficial in reducing the energy that need to be replenished by electric batteries for a BET. In contrast, the electrical power consumption increased 1.7-3.3 times higher than the baseline due to the additional power-consuming components, such as the exhaust blower and heat wheel motor. Moreover, the preheating effect from the heat wheel operation enabled the increase of HVAC air intake temperature by 7-28°C from ambient levels. Overall, the energy savings from integrating the AAHRS prototype was about 19-47% considering the coolant heat was produced from an electric heater as was simulated in the tests, whereas the range was estimated to reduce by17-39% if an automotive heat pump would instead deliver the heat into the cab heater core. Two other presented techniques operate on air-to-liquid heat recovery system (ALHRS), whereby each is envisioned to be coupled separately to a heat pump assisted integrated thermal management system (ITMS). One scheme recovers heat from the evacuating cabin air to raise the chiller coolant inlet temperature, whereas the other scheme proposes to adopt a multi-evaporation process in the concept liquid-cooled heat pump, wherein the evacuating cabin air serves as the direct heat source for the higher temperature-chiller. The two schemes were initially evaluated via vapor compression system performance analysis to have the potential to increase the condensation heat and condenser coolant outlet temperature with simultaneous increase in the coefficient of performance, which is beneficial in terms of available heat that can be dissipated into the downstream battery cold plates and cab heater core. As initial step towards assessment of the energy-saving potential of proposed ALHRS solutions, a simulation model of an adopted baseline ITMS concept was developed in this study using Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software, which then was validated against internal bench test results for a mock-up ITMS model. Results of initial validation test indicated an absolute error between the simulation outputs and bench test results of 8-14% for condensation heat, while it was below 7% for all the other relevant performance parameters. / De senaste klimatåtgärderna för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser (GHG) har satt scenen för att minska koldioxidutsläppen inom transportsektorn genom elektrifiering, vilket har lett till en kraftig ökning av utbyggnaden av batterielektriska fordon (BEV). Lastbilar är inget undantag, vilket har fått biltillverkare att flytta fokus mot att producera batterielektriska lastbilar (BET). Medan utsläppen från avgasröret minskar drastiskt, förhindrar vissa aspekter av BET dess utbredda distribution, varav framträdande är räckviddsångesten. Räckvidden för en BET påverkas kraftigt i kallt väder eftersom energi från dragbatterier också används för att värma batteripaketet och kabinen, där minst 70% av kabinluftflödet kontinuerligt släpps ut genom avgasventiler för korrekt ventilation. I denna studie undersöktes tre värmeåtervinningstekniker med målet att utnyttja spillvärmen från evakuering av kabinluft för att minska värmeenergiförbrukning i en BET. En föreslagen teknik använder användning av ett luft-till-luft-värmeåtervinningssystem (AAHRS). Baslinjeexperiment utfördes på en SCANIA-testbil för benchmarking och för att samla in data om prestandan hos det installerade HVAC-systemet, vilket hjälpte prototypstadiet för grundläggande teknisk design för att säkerställa att det är funktionsdugligt och säkert. Prototypen modellerades i CATIA, tillverkades sedan och monterades på testbilen. Valideringsexperiment utfördes för att utvärdera energibesparingarna från prototypen i en klimatkammare under olika inställningar för omgivningstemperatur och fläkthastighet. Studien fann en 20-53% minskning av värmebelastningen med implementeringen av AAHRS, vilket är fördelaktigt för att minska energin som behöver fyllas på av elektriska batterier för en BET. Däremot ökade den elektriska strömförbrukningen 1.7-3.3 gånger högre än baslinjen på grund av ytterligare strömförbrukande komponenter, såsom avgasfläkten och värmehjulsmotorn. Dessutom möjliggjorde förvärmningseffekten från värmehjulsdrift ökningen av HVAC-luftintagstemperaturen med 7-28°C från omgivande nivåer. Sammantaget var energibesparingarna från att integrera AAHRS-prototypen cirka 19-47% med tanke på att kylvätskevärmen producerades från elektrisk värmare som simulerades i experimenten, medan detta intervall uppskattades minska ner till 17-39% om en bilvärmepump istället skulle leverera värmen till hyttvärmarkärnan. Två andra presenterade tekniker fungerar på luft-till-vätska värmeåtervinningssystem (ALHRS), där var och en är tänkt att kopplas separat till ett värmepumpassisterat integrerat värmehanteringssystem (ITMS). Det ena schemat återvinner värme från den evakuerande kabinluften för att höja kylvätskeinloppstemperaturen, medan det andra schemat föreslår att man antar en multiindunstningsprocess i konceptet vätskekyld värmepump, där den evakuerande kabinluften fungerar som den direkta värmekällan för kylaggregatet med högre temperatur. De två scheman utvärderades initialt via ångkompressionssystemets prestandaanalys för att ha potential att öka kondensationsvärmen och kondensorns kylvätskeutloppstemperatur med samtidig ökning av prestandakoefficienten, vilket är fördelaktigt när det gäller tillgänglig värme som kan avledas i nedströms batteriets kylplattor och hyttvärmarens kärna. Som ett första steg mot en bedömning av energibesparingspotentialen hos föreslagna ALHRS-lösningar utvecklades en simuleringsmodell av ett antaget baslinje-ITMS-koncept i denna studie med hjälp av Engineering Equation Solver (EES) -programvara, som sedan validerades mot interna bänktestresultat för en mock-up ITMS-modell. Resultaten av det inledande valideringstestet indikerade ett absolut fel mellan simuleringsutgångarna och provbänksresultaten på 8–14% för kondensationsvärme, medan det var under 7 % för alla andra relevanta prestandaparametrar.
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Low-Power Policies Based on DVFS for the MUSEIC v2 System-on-ChipMallangi, Siva Sai Reddy January 2017 (has links)
Multi functional health monitoring wearable devices are quite prominent these days. Usually these devices are battery-operated and consequently are limited by their battery life (from few hours to a few weeks depending on the application). Of late, it was realized that these devices, which are currently being operated at fixed voltage and frequency, are capable of operating at multiple voltages and frequencies. By switching these voltages and frequencies to lower values based upon power requirements, these devices can achieve tremendous benefits in the form of energy savings. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) techniques have proven to be handy in this situation for an efficient trade-off between energy and timely behavior. Within imec, wearable devices make use of the indigenously developed MUSEIC v2 (Multi Sensor Integrated circuit version 2.0). This system is optimized for efficient and accurate collection, processing, and transfer of data from multiple (health) sensors. MUSEIC v2 has limited means in controlling the voltage and frequency dynamically. In this thesis we explore how traditional DVFS techniques can be applied to the MUSEIC v2. Experiments were conducted to find out the optimum power modes to efficiently operate and also to scale up-down the supply voltage and frequency. Considering the overhead caused when switching voltage and frequency, transition analysis was also done. Real-time and non real-time benchmarks were implemented based on these techniques and their performance results were obtained and analyzed. In this process, several state of the art scheduling algorithms and scaling techniques were reviewed in identifying a suitable technique. Using our proposed scaling technique implementation, we have achieved 86.95% power reduction in average, in contrast to the conventional way of the MUSEIC v2 chip’s processor operating at a fixed voltage and frequency. Techniques that include light sleep and deep sleep mode were also studied and implemented, which tested the system’s capability in accommodating Dynamic Power Management (DPM) techniques that can achieve greater benefits. A novel approach for implementing the deep sleep mechanism was also proposed and found that it can obtain up to 71.54% power savings, when compared to a traditional way of executing deep sleep mode. / Nuförtiden så har multifunktionella bärbara hälsoenheter fått en betydande roll. Dessa enheter drivs vanligtvis av batterier och är därför begränsade av batteritiden (från ett par timmar till ett par veckor beroende på tillämpningen). På senaste tiden har det framkommit att dessa enheter som används vid en fast spänning och frekvens kan användas vid flera spänningar och frekvenser. Genom att byta till lägre spänning och frekvens på grund av effektbehov så kan enheterna få enorma fördelar när det kommer till energibesparing. Dynamisk skalning av spänning och frekvens-tekniker (såkallad Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling, DVFS) har visat sig vara användbara i detta sammanhang för en effektiv avvägning mellan energi och beteende. Hos Imec så använder sig bärbara enheter av den internt utvecklade MUSEIC v2 (Multi Sensor Integrated circuit version 2.0). Systemet är optimerat för effektiv och korrekt insamling, bearbetning och överföring av data från flera (hälso) sensorer. MUSEIC v2 har begränsad möjlighet att styra spänningen och frekvensen dynamiskt. I detta examensarbete undersöker vi hur traditionella DVFS-tekniker kan appliceras på MUSEIC v2. Experiment utfördes för att ta reda på de optimala effektlägena och för att effektivt kunna styra och även skala upp matningsspänningen och frekvensen. Eftersom att ”overhead” skapades vid växling av spänning och frekvens gjordes också en övergångsanalys. Realtidsoch icke-realtidskalkyler genomfördes baserat på dessa tekniker och resultaten sammanställdes och analyserades. I denna process granskades flera toppmoderna schemaläggningsalgoritmer och skalningstekniker för att hitta en lämplig teknik. Genom att använda vår föreslagna skalningsteknikimplementering har vi uppnått 86,95% effektreduktion i jämförelse med det konventionella sättet att MUSEIC v2-chipets processor arbetar med en fast spänning och frekvens. Tekniker som inkluderar lätt sömn och djupt sömnläge studerades och implementerades, vilket testade systemets förmåga att tillgodose DPM-tekniker (Dynamic Power Management) som kan uppnå ännu större fördelar. En ny metod för att genomföra den djupa sömnmekanismen föreslogs också och enligt erhållna resultat så kan den ge upp till 71,54% lägre energiförbrukning jämfört med det traditionella sättet att implementera djupt sömnläge.
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