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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Religion och Qualia : I gränslandet mellan medvetandestudier och religionsvetenskap

Nielsen, Varg January 2015 (has links)
Up to this date there are several scientific disciplines that deal with religion´s underlying mechanisms and certain functions of our consciousness, but there isn´t anyone who takes into account the entire aspect of consciousness. The aim of the present work is to bring the entire aspect of our consciousness into the scientific discussion of religion. To help in doing this, the philosophical concept of qualia is used. First the concept is problematized, then an examination whether the concept has explanatory value in the science of religion and in the understanding of religious experience is done.  The concept of qualia has in this manner been applied to several scientific theories of religion and place-related entity continuity has been used as an example of religious experience. The present work is developed as a literature study and uses literature and theories from de scientific disciplines of philosophy of mind, cognitive neuroscience, neurotheology, cognitive science of religion and psychology of religion. As an underlying method the epistemological theory of holistic coherentism is used because it enables such an interdisciplinary study as this work is.   What this work shows is that qualia have a high explanatory value in the science of religion and in the understanding of religious experience and how we form religious concepts. However, the concept of qualia is problematic and great care must be exercised when inferences are made.


溫蘊雯, YAO, YUN-WEN Unknown Date (has links)
判別分析是考慮到如何對於一個個體,根據一些特徵值,而將之歸類到二個或多個母 體中去的問題。我們在判別分析中最常用的二種模型是:(一)母體間共變異矩陣相 等的常態模型;(二)母體間共變異矩陣不等的常態模型。在一般情況下,母體的母 數為未知,因此要由樣本統計量代入判別函數中。然而在共變異矩陣不等的情況下, 特徵變數太多,而樣本之取得又受到限制時,則會影響判別函數的穩定性。因此,本 文是研究如何做變數的選擇工作,使得變數個數能儘量小,以增進二次判別之效率。 本文共一冊,約八千字,共分六章,茲分述如下:第一章為緒論;第二章為判別分析 的基本理論;第三章是討論概度比檢定統計量的分解及組合方式;第四章是判別模型 變數的逐步選擇;第五章是做變數選擇的電腦模擬實驗;第六章是結論。本文討論到 一個變數的引入,Step-down概度比檢定統計量是如何地可以被分解成三個統計量, 分別用來衡量此變數在(一)殘差的變異數不等(二)條件分配的平行(三)homo- sceuastic 位置的散布對於判別的貢獻。此分割不僅在共變異矩陣不等時變數的選擇 有用,也可以用在當我們執行一個共變異矩陣相等的判別分析時,來防止那些會導至 任何形式的極端變異數不等的變數之選入。

Economic scheduling in Grid computing using Tender models

Bsoul, Mohammad January 2007 (has links)
Economic scheduling needs to be considered for Grid computing environment, because it gives an incentive for resource providers to supply their resources. Moreover, it enforces efficient use of resources, because the users have to pay for their use. Tendering is a suitable model for Grid scheduling because users start the negotiations for finding suitable resources for executing their jobs. Furthermore, the users specify their job requirements with their requests and therefore the resources reply with bids that are based on the cost of taking on the job and the availability of their processors. In this thesis, a framework for economic Grid scheduling using tendering is proposed. The framework entities such as users, brokers and resources employ tender/contract-net model to negotiate the prices and deadlines. The brokers' role is acting on behalf of users. During the negotiations, the entities aim to maximise their performance which is measured by a number of metrics. In order to evaluate the entities' performance under different scenarios, a Java- based simulator, called MICOSim, supporting event-driven simulation of economic Grid scheduling is presented. MICOSim can perform a simulation of more than one hundred entities faster than real time. It is concluded from the evaluation that users who are interested in increasing the job success rate and paying less for executing their jobs have to consider received prices to select the most appropriate bids, while users who are interested in improving the job average satisfaction rate have to consider either received completion time or both price and completion time to select the most suitable bids when the submission of jobs is static. The best broker strategy is the one that doesn't take into account meeting the job deadlines in the bids it sends to job owners. Finally, the resource strategy that considers the price to determine if to reply to a request or not is superior to other resource strategies. The only exception is employing this strategy with price that is too low. However, there is a tiny difference between the performances of different user strategies in dynamic submission. It is also concluded from the evaluation that broker strategies have the best performance when the revenue they target from the users is reasonable. Thus, the broker's aim has to be receiving reasonable revenue (neither too low nor too high) from acting on behalf of users. It is observed from the results that the strategy performance is influenced by the behaviour of other entities such as the submission time of user jobs. Finally, it is observed that the characteristics of entities have an effect on the performance of strategies. For example, the two user strategies that consider the received completion time and both price and completion time to determine if to accept a broker bid have similar performance, because of the existence of resources with various prices from cheap to expensive and existence of resources which don't care about the price paid for the execution. So, the price threshold doesn't have a large effect on the performance.

Extraction en langue chinoise d'actions spatiotemporalisées réalisées par des personnes ou des organismes / Extraction of spatiotemporally located actions performed by individuals or organizations from Chinese texts

Wang, Zhen 09 June 2016 (has links)
La thèse a deux objectifs : le premier est de développer un analyseur qui permet d'analyser automatiquement des sources textuelles en chinois simplifié afin de segmenter les textes en mots et de les étiqueter par catégories grammaticales, ainsi que de construire les relations syntaxiques entre les mots. Le deuxième est d'extraire des informations autour des entités et des actions qui nous intéressent à partir des textes analysés. Afin d'atteindre ces deux objectifs, nous avons traité principalement les problématiques suivantes : les ambiguïtés de segmentation, la catégorisation ; le traitement des mots inconnus dans les textes chinois ; l'ambiguïté de l'analyse syntaxique ; la reconnaissance et le typage des entités nommées. Le texte d'entrée est traité phrase par phrase. L'analyseur commence par un traitement typographique au sein des phrases afin d'identifier les écritures latines et les chiffres. Ensuite, nous segmentons la phrase en mots à l'aide de dictionnaires. Grâce aux règles linguistiques, nous créons des hypothèses de noms propres, changeons les poids des catégories ou des mots selon leur contextes gauches ou/et droits. Un modèle de langue n-gramme élaboré à partir d'un corpus d'apprentissage permet de sélectionner le meilleur résultat de segmentation et de catégorisation. Une analyse en dépendance est utilisée pour marquer les relations entre les mots. Nous effectuons une première identification d'entités nommées à la fin de l'analyse syntaxique. Ceci permet d'identifier les entités nommées en unité ou en groupe nominal et également de leur attribuer un type. Ces entités nommées sont ensuite utilisées dans l'extraction. Les règles d'extraction permettent de valider ou de changer les types des entités nommées. L'extraction des connaissances est composée des deux étapes : extraire et annoter automatiquement des contenus à partir des textes analysés ; vérifier les contenus extraits et résoudre la cohérence à travers une ontologie. / We have developed an automatic analyser and an extraction module for Chinese langage processing. The analyser performs automatic Chinese word segmentation based on linguistic rules and dictionaries, part-of-speech tagging based on n-gram statistics and dependency grammar parsing. The module allows to extract information around named entities and activities. In order to achieve these goals, we have tackled the following main issues: segmentation and part-of-speech ambiguity; unknown word identification in Chinese text; attachment ambiguity in parsing. Chinese texts are analysed sentence by sentence. Given a sentence, the analyzer begins with typographic processing to identify sequences of Latin characters and numbers. Then, dictionaries are used for preliminary segmentation into words. Linguistic-based rules are used to create proper noun hypotheses and change the weight of some word categories. These rules take into account word context. An n-gram language model is created from a training corpus and selects the best word segmentation and parts-of-speech. Dependency grammar parsing is used to annotate relations between words. A first step of named entity recognition is performed after parsing. Its goal is to identify single-word named entities and noun-phrase-based named entities and to determine their semantic type. These named entities are then used in knowledge extraction. Knowledge extraction rules are used to validate named entities or to change their types. Knowledge extraction consists of two steps: automatic content extraction and tagging from analysed text; extracted contents control and ontology-based co-reference resolution.

Approche idéographique et relationnelle des prépositions russes /v/ [dans, en…] et /na/ [sur, à…] / Ideographic and relational approach of the Russian prepositions « в » [in, to…] and « нa » [on, by…]

Vavula, Tatiana 03 July 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous abordons la question de l’identité sémantique respective des prépositions russes в (/v/) et на (/na/) en établissant pour chacune d’elles un schéma relationnel de base, en construisant leur configuration idéographique, en regroupant leurs relations sémantiques dans le but d’expliquer les emplois polysémiques de ces prépositions. Nous considérons la signification de la préposition comme un réseau complexe, où le sens abstrait de la préposition est précisé par un nombre d’éléments sémantiques (traits idéographiques et relationnels) qui font partie du contexte dans lequel se fixent les différents champs d’application de la préposition. Les systèmes prépositionnels du russe et du français ne sont pas identiques car les champs sémantico-relationnels des prépositions dans les deux langues sont différents : le caractère de la relation (l’activation des traits idéographiques) et le nombre d’entités mises en rapport, régies par telle ou telle préposition, diffèrent d’une langue à l’autre. / The thesis tackles the question of the semantic identity of the Russian prepositions « в » and « нa » establishing for each of them a relational basic scheme, by building their ideographic configuration, by grouping together their semantic relations in order to explain the polysemous use of them. It is argued that the meaning of the preposition is a complex system, where the abstract meaning of the preposition is specified by a number of semantic elements (ideographic and relational features) which are part of the context in which settle the various fields of application of the preposition. The Russian and French prepositional systems diverge because the semantico-relational fields of the prepositions are different in both languages : the character of the relation (activation of the ideographic features) and the number of entities in contact, governed by such or such preposition, differ from one language to another.

Les personnes publiques spéciales / Special public entities

Granero, Aurore 01 June 2012 (has links)
La classification des personnes publiques s’est bâtie sur une distinction dualiste avec d’un côté, la catégorie des collectivités territoriales et de l’autre, celle des établissements publics. A cause des réticences du juge et de la doctrine, la question de l’existence de nouvelles personnes publiques est restée scellée jusqu’à la troisième voie ouverte par le législateur et l’apparition des groupements d’intérêt public (GIP). Les GIP ont été les premières structures qualifiées de personnes publiques innomées. Ensuite, la jurisprudence a consacré l’institution juridique de personnes publiques sui generis à l’image de la Banque de France. Dans les années 2000, le législateur a étendu la liste des personnes publiques innomées en créant une nouvelle forme d’autorité administrative indépendante, les autorités publiques indépendantes dotées de la personnalité morale. Ces personnes publiques ont été créées en vue de moderniser l’action administrative. Elles sont parfois présentées comme des nouvelles formules juridiques venant concurrencer l’établissement public devenu, semble-t-il, une formule désuète au regard des impératifs de la modernisation de la gestion publique. Toutefois, les nouvelles personnes publiques se différencient difficilement de l’établissement public. En effet, ces nouvelles structures sont dotées de la personnalité publique et elles sont soumises au principe de spécialité. Par conséquent, il est possible de rapprocher les nouvelles personnes publiques de la catégorie classique de l’établissement public. En définitive, la grande souplesse et la diversité du statut des établissements publics permettent de dégager l’existence de plusieurs catégories d’établissements publics parmi lesquelles il convient de ranger les nouvelles personnes publiques spéciales. / Classification of public entities is built on a dualistic distinction with one hand, the category of local authorities and the other, that of public establishments. Because of the reluctance of judge and doctrine, the question of the existence of new public entities remained sealed until the third path opened by the legislature and the emergence of public interest groups (GIP). The GIP were the first structures of qualified persons unnamed public. Next, the jurisprudence has dedicated legal institution sui generis public persons in the image of the Bank of France. In the 2000s, the legislature has expanded the list of unnamed public by creating a new form of independent administrative authority, public authorities with independent legal personality. These public entities were created to modernize administrative action. They are sometimes presented as new legal formulas from competing public establishment became, it seems, an outdated formula under the imperatives of modernization of public administration. However, the new public figures hardly differ from the public establishment. Indeed, these new structures have the public persona and are subject to the principle of specialty. Therefore, it is possible to bring new entities public the classical category of public establishment. Ultimately, the flexibility and diversity of the status of public establishments can identify the existence of several categories including public institutions should store the new special public entities.

Reconnaissance automatique des entités nommées arabes et leur traduction vers le français / Automatic recognition of Arabic named entities and their translation into French

Fehri, Héla 17 December 2012 (has links)
La traduction des Entités Nommées (EN) est un axe de recherche d'actualité vu la multitude des documents électroniques échangés à travers Internet. Ainsi, le besoin de traiter ces documents par des outils de TALN est devenu nécessaire et intéressant. La modélisation formelle ou semi formelle de ces EN peut intervenir dans les processus de reconnaissance et de traduction. En effet, elle permet de rendre plus fiable la constitution des ressources linquistiques, de limiter l'impact des spécificités linguistiques ct de faciliter les transformations d'une représentation à une autre. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons un outil de reconnaissance ct de traduction vers le français des EN arabes basé essentiellement sur une représentation formelle et sur un ensemble de transducteurs. L'outil prend en compte l'intégration d'un module de translittération. L'implémentation de cet outil a été effectuée en utilisant la plateforme NooJ. Les résultats obtenus sont satisfaisants / The translation of named entities (NEs) is a current research topic with regard to the proliferation of electronic documents exchanged through the Internet. So, the need to process these documents with NLP tools becomes necessary and interesting. Formal or semi-formal modeling of these NEs may intervene in both processes of recognition and translation. Indeed, it makes the accumulation of linguistic resources more reliable, limits the impact of linguistic specificities and facilitates the transformation from one representation to another. In this context, we propose a tool for the recognition and translation of Arabic NEs into French, based primarily on formal .representation and a set of transducers. This tool takes into account the integration of a module of transliteration. Its implementation was performed using the NooJ platform and the results obtained proved to be satisfactory

Analýza potenciálního dopadu deregulace účetnictví v EU na administrativní náklady mikropodniků v ČR / Analysis of a Potential Impact of EU Accounting Deregulation on Administrative Costs of Micro-entities in the Czech Republic

Hanušková, Karolína January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the Proposal of a Directive of the European Parliament amending Council Directive 78/660/EEC on the annual accounts of certain types of companies (the Fourth Directive), as regards micro-entities, which proposes to exempt micro-entities on a voluntary basis from the scope of the Fourth Directive and thus to relieve them of the obligation to draw up annual accounts. The aim of the proposal is to reduce the administrative burden of European micro-entities. The proposal is examined in particular in terms of its potential impact on administrative costs of micro-entities in the Czech Republic, taking into account a specific implementation into the Czech legislation that would offer to the micro-entities the possibility to voluntarily choose among double entry bookkeeping and two alternatives: keeping tax records and keeping records of revenues with lump expenditures. The thesis then first examines the reasons for the creation of the proposal in the EU and on their basis finds its creation well-founded. Subsequently it analyzes whether the general reasons for the creation of the proposal in the EU can be applied to the specific case of the Czech Republic and also identifies several specific reasons for or against the adoption of considered legislative changes. The greatest emphasis...

Extraction en langue chinoise d'actions spatiotemporalisées réalisées par des personnes ou des organismes / Extraction of spatiotemporally located actions performed by individuals or organizations from Chinese texts

Wang, Zhen 09 June 2016 (has links)
La thèse a deux objectifs : le premier est de développer un analyseur qui permet d'analyser automatiquement des sources textuelles en chinois simplifié afin de segmenter les textes en mots et de les étiqueter par catégories grammaticales, ainsi que de construire les relations syntaxiques entre les mots. Le deuxième est d'extraire des informations autour des entités et des actions qui nous intéressent à partir des textes analysés. Afin d'atteindre ces deux objectifs, nous avons traité principalement les problématiques suivantes : les ambiguïtés de segmentation, la catégorisation ; le traitement des mots inconnus dans les textes chinois ; l'ambiguïté de l'analyse syntaxique ; la reconnaissance et le typage des entités nommées. Le texte d'entrée est traité phrase par phrase. L'analyseur commence par un traitement typographique au sein des phrases afin d'identifier les écritures latines et les chiffres. Ensuite, nous segmentons la phrase en mots à l'aide de dictionnaires. Grâce aux règles linguistiques, nous créons des hypothèses de noms propres, changeons les poids des catégories ou des mots selon leur contextes gauches ou/et droits. Un modèle de langue n-gramme élaboré à partir d'un corpus d'apprentissage permet de sélectionner le meilleur résultat de segmentation et de catégorisation. Une analyse en dépendance est utilisée pour marquer les relations entre les mots. Nous effectuons une première identification d'entités nommées à la fin de l'analyse syntaxique. Ceci permet d'identifier les entités nommées en unité ou en groupe nominal et également de leur attribuer un type. Ces entités nommées sont ensuite utilisées dans l'extraction. Les règles d'extraction permettent de valider ou de changer les types des entités nommées. L'extraction des connaissances est composée des deux étapes : extraire et annoter automatiquement des contenus à partir des textes analysés ; vérifier les contenus extraits et résoudre la cohérence à travers une ontologie. / We have developed an automatic analyser and an extraction module for Chinese langage processing. The analyser performs automatic Chinese word segmentation based on linguistic rules and dictionaries, part-of-speech tagging based on n-gram statistics and dependency grammar parsing. The module allows to extract information around named entities and activities. In order to achieve these goals, we have tackled the following main issues: segmentation and part-of-speech ambiguity; unknown word identification in Chinese text; attachment ambiguity in parsing. Chinese texts are analysed sentence by sentence. Given a sentence, the analyzer begins with typographic processing to identify sequences of Latin characters and numbers. Then, dictionaries are used for preliminary segmentation into words. Linguistic-based rules are used to create proper noun hypotheses and change the weight of some word categories. These rules take into account word context. An n-gram language model is created from a training corpus and selects the best word segmentation and parts-of-speech. Dependency grammar parsing is used to annotate relations between words. A first step of named entity recognition is performed after parsing. Its goal is to identify single-word named entities and noun-phrase-based named entities and to determine their semantic type. These named entities are then used in knowledge extraction. Knowledge extraction rules are used to validate named entities or to change their types. Knowledge extraction consists of two steps: automatic content extraction and tagging from analysed text; extracted contents control and ontology-based co-reference resolution.

Businesses as Cultural Icons: Their Application towards Understanding Urban Morphology

Lawrence, Stephanie 16 May 2008 (has links)
Icons surround us but are so ubiquitous they are difficult to observe. Specifically urban cultural icons are a scientific sub-topic under urban morphology's heading and as well are closely related to economic development issues. This study premises that businesses are urban cultural icons which can be computed into four rankings: local cultural icons, focal, zonal, and global cultural icons. And through using dimensional measurement an index is measured. This index can then be used to assess urban morphology. The data set ranges from businesses opening in 1865 to the present. Some are globally-distributed "big boxes"; others are unique one-store shops. The varied data set includes grocery stores, drug stores, prepared food vendors, confectioneries, coffee houses, electronic stores, and an adult entertainment store. Business rankings are premised upon Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Tönnies, and Oldenburg's places to socialize, and node intensity of social connection. Time is measured linearly and ordinally. Two formats of geographical ranking are assessed against each other, with the expanded version providing greater insights. Transactions are determined by who initiates them and location where employee enters exchange. Business' internal consistency is based upon product-line inclusion and theme-ing. Scaled measurements are summed with a comparison of Weighted-Place Index Scores against non-weighted Index Scores. As well, economic development impact of businesses is analyzed with three principal components loadings: two business survival and one growth mode. Study results support the use of Weighted-Place Index Scores as compared to nonweighted Index scores when formatting cultural icon index. Index score using four-level geographical ranking ranged from zero to 25. Morning Call Coffee House had lowest ranking (Index score of 3) and Best Buy had the highest score of 22. Weighted-Place Index Scores ranged from zero to 32, with Morning Call Coffee House continuing as lowest score and Starbucks, Bad Ass Coffee, as well ApplianceWorld and Best Buy continuing with four highest scores. This study supports a research method which can be used to measure urban change. By applying Index score within same cities at 20-year increments, sprawl process of globalization within cities can be analyzed.

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