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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chemins et animaux : applications de la théorie des empilements de pièces

Bacher, Axel 28 October 2011 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est d'établir des résultats énumératifs sur certaines classes de chemins et d'animaux. Ces résultats sont obtenus en appliquant la théorie des empilements de pièces développée par Viennot. Nous étudions les excursions discrètes (ou chemins de Dyck généralisés) de hauteur bornée; nous obtenons des résultats énumératifs qui interprètent combinatoirement et étendent des résultats de Banderier, Flajolet et Bousquet-Mélou. Nous décrivons et énumérons plusieurs classes de chemins auto-évitants, dits chemins faiblement dirigés. Ces chemins sont plus nombreux que les chemins prudents qui forment la classe naturelle la plus grande jusqu'alors. Nous calculons le périmètre de site moyen des animaux dirigés, prouvant des conjectures de Conway et Le Borgne. Enfin, nous obtenons des résultats nouveaux sur l'énumération des animaux de Klarner et les animaux multi-dirigés de Bousquet-Mélou et Rechnitzer. / The goal of this thesis is to prove enumerative results on some classes of lattice walks and animals. These results are applications of the theory of heaps of pieces developed by Viennot. We study discrete excursions (or generalized Dyck paths) with bounded height; we obtain enumerative results that give a combinatorial interpretation and extend results by Banderier, Flajolet and Bousquet-Mélou. We describe and enumerate several classes of self-avoiding walks called weakly directed walks. These classes are larger than the class of prudent walks, the largest natural class enumerated so far. We compute the average site perimeter of directed animals, proving conjectures by Conway and Le Borgne. Finally, we obtain new results on the enumeration of Klarner animals and multi-directed animals defined by Bousquet-Mélou and Rechnitzer.

Pattern posets: enumerative, algebraic and algorithmic issues

Cervetti, Matteo 22 March 2021 (has links)
The study of patterns in combinatorial structures has grown up in the past few decades to one of the most active trends of research in combinatorics. Historically, the study of permutations which are constrained by not containing subsequences ordered in various prescribed ways has been motivated by the problem of sorting permutations with certain devices. However, the richness of this notion became especially evident from its plentiful appearances in several very different disciplines, such as pure mathematics, mathematical physics, computer science,biology, and many others. In the last decades, similar notions of patterns have been considered on discrete structures other than permutations, such as integer sequences, lattice paths, graphs, matchings and set partitions. In the first part of this talk I will introduce the general framework of pattern posets and some classical problems about patterns. In the second part of this talk I will present some enumerative results obtained in my PhD thesis about patterns in permutations, lattice paths and matchings. In particular I will describe a generating tree with a single label for permutations avoiding the vincular pattern 1 - 32 - 4, a finite automata approach to enumerate lattice excursions avoiding a single pattern and some results about matchings avoiding juxtapositions and liftings of patterns.

Toroidal algebra representations and equivariant elliptic surfaces

DeHority, Samuel Patrick January 2024 (has links)
We study the equivariant cohomology of moduli spaces of objects in the derived category of elliptic surfaces in order to find new examples of infinite dimensional quantum integrable systems and their geometric representation theoretic interpretation in enumerative geometry. This problem is related to a program to understand the cohomological and K-theoretic Hall algebras of holomorphic symplectic surfaces and to understand how it related to the Donaldson-Thomas theory of threefolds fibered in those surfaces. We use the theory of noncommutative deformations of Poisson surfaces and especially van den Berg’s noncommutative P1 bundles as well as Rains’s analysis of moduli theory for quasi-ruled noncommutative surfaces as well as the theory of Bridgeland stability conditions and their relative versions to understand equivariant deformations and birational transformations of Hilbert schemes of points on equivariant elliptic surfaces. The moduli spaces are closely related to elliptic versions of classical integrable systems. We also use these moduli spaces to construct vertex algebra representations of extensions of toroidal extended affine algebras on their equivariant cohomology, building on work of Eswara-Rao–Moody–Yokonuma, of Billig, and of Chen–Li–Tan on vertex representations of toroidal algebras, full toroidal algebras, and toroidal extended affine algebras. Using Fourier-Mukai transforms and their relative action on families of dg-categories we study the relationship between automorphisms of toroidal extended affine algebras and families of derived equivalences on dg categories, in particular finding a relativistic (difference) generalization of the Laumon-Rothstein deformation of the Fourier-Mukai duality. Finally, using the above analysis we extend the construction of Maulik–Okounkov’s stable envelopes to moduli of framed torsionfree sheaves on noncommutative surfaces in some cases and use this to study coproducts on associated algebras assigned to elliptic surfaces with applications to understanding new representation theoretic structures in the Donaldson-Thomas theory of local curves.

Classification and enumeration of finite semigroups

Distler, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
The classification of finite semigroups is difficult even for small orders because of their large number. Most finite semigroups are nilpotent of nilpotency rank 3. Formulae for their number up to isomorphism, and up to isomorphism and anti-isomorphism of any order are the main results in the theoretical part of this thesis. Further studies concern the classification of nilpotent semigroups by rank, leading to a full classification for large ranks. In the computational part, a method to find and enumerate multiplication tables of semigroups and subclasses is presented. The approach combines the advantages of computer algebra and constraint satisfaction, to allow for an efficient and fast search. The problem of avoiding isomorphic and anti-isomorphic semigroups is dealt with by supporting standard methods from constraint satisfaction with structural knowledge about the semigroups under consideration. The approach is adapted to various problems, and realised using the computer algebra system GAP and the constraint solver Minion. New results include the numbers of semigroups of order 9, and of monoids and bands of order 10. Up to isomorphism and anti-isomorphism there are 52,989,400,714,478 semigroups with 9 elements, 52,991,253,973,742 monoids with 10 elements, and 7,033,090 bands with 10 elements. That constraint satisfaction can also be utilised for the analysis of algebraic objects is demonstrated by determining the automorphism groups of all semigroups with 9 elements. A classification of the semigroups of orders 1 to 8 is made available as a data library in form of the GAP package Smallsemi. Beyond the semigroups themselves a large amount of precomputed properties is contained in the library. The package as well as the code used to obtain the enumeration results are available on the attached DVD.

Enumerative formulas of de Jonquières type on algebraic curves

Ungureanu, Mara 14 January 2019 (has links)
Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Untersuchung von zwei Problemen der abzählenden Geometrie im Zusammenhang mit linearen Systemen auf algebraischen Kurven. Das erste Problem besteht darin, die Frage der Gültigkeit der Jonquières-Formeln zu klären. Diese Formeln berechnen die Anzahl von Divisoren mit vorgeschriebener Multiplizität, genannt de Jonquières-Divisoren, die in einem linearen System auf einer glatten projektiven Kurve enthalten sind. Um dies zu tun, konstruieren wir den Raum der de Jonquières-Divisoren als einen Determinantenzyklus des symmetrischen Produkts der Kurve und beweisen, dass er für eine allgemeine Kurve die erwartete Dimension hat. Dabei beschreiben wir die Degenerationen der Jonquières-Divisoren zu den Knotenkurven sowohl mit linearen Systemen als auch mit kompaktifizierten Picard-Schemata. Das zweite Problem behandelt Zyklen von Untergeordneten-, oder allgemeiner, Sekanten-Divisoren zu einem gegebenen linearen System auf einer Kurve. Wir betrachten den Durchschnitt zweier solcher Zyklen, die Sekanten-Divisoren von zwei verschiedenen linearen Systemen auf der gleichen Kurve entsprechen, und untersuchen die Gültigkeit der enumerativen Formeln, die die Anzahl der Teiler im Durchschnitt zählen. Wir untersuchen einige interessante Fälle mit unerwarteten Transversalitätseigenschaften und etablieren eine allgemeine Methode, um zu überprüfen, wann dieser Durchschnitt leer ist. / This thesis is dedicated to the study of two enumerative geometry problems in the context of linear series on algebraic curves. The first problem is that of settling the issue of the validity of the de Jonquières formulas. These formulas compute the number of divisors with prescribed multiplicity, or de Jonquières divisors, contained in a linear series on a smooth projective curve. To do so, we construct the space of de Jonquières divisors as a determinantal cycle of the symmetric product of the curve and prove that, for a general curve with a general linear series, it is of expected dimension. In doing so, we describe the degenerations of de Jonquières divisors to nodal curves using both limit linear series and compactified Picard schemes. The second problem deals with cycles of subordinate or, more generally, secant divisors to a given linear series on a curve. We consider the intersection of two such cycles corresponding to secant divisors of two different linear series on the same curve and investigate the validity of the enumerative formulas counting the number of divisors in the intersection. We study some interesting cases, with unexpected transversality properties, and establish a general method to verify when this intersection is empty.

Combinatoire du polynôme de Tutte et des cartes planaires / Combinatorics of the Tutte polynomial and planar maps

Courtiel, Julien 03 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le polynôme de Tutte, étudié selon différents points de vue. Dans une première partie, nous nous intéressons à l’énumération des cartes planaires munies d’une forêt couvrante, ici appelées cartes forestières, avec un poids z par face et un poids u par composante non racine de la forêt. De manière équivalente, nous comptons selon le nombre de faces les cartes planaires C pondérées par TC(u + 1; 1), où TC désigne le polynôme de Tutte de C. Nous commençons par une caractérisation purement combinatoire de la série génératrice correspondante, notée F(z; u). Nous en déduisons que F(z; u) est différentiellement algébrique en z, c’est-à-dire que F satisfait une équation différentielle polynomiale selon z. Enfin, pour u ≥ -1, nous étudions le comportement asymptotique du n-ième coefficient de F(z; u). Nous observons une transition de phase en 0, avec notamment un régime très atypique en n-3 ln-2(n) pour u ϵ [-1; 0[, témoignant d’une nouvelle classe d’universalité pour les cartes planaires. Dans une seconde partie, nous proposons un cadre unificateur pour les différentes notions d’activités utilisées dans la littérature pour décrire le polynôme de Tutte.La nouvelle notion d’activité ainsi définie est appelée Δ-activité. Elle regroupe toutes les notions d’activité déjà connues et présente de belles propriétés, comme celle de Crapo qui définit une partition (adaptée à l’activité) du treillis des sous-graphes couvrants en intervalles. Nous conjecturons en dernier lieu que toute activité qui décrit le polynôme de Tutte et qui satisfait la propriété susmentionnée de Crapo peut être définie en termes de Δ-activités. / This thesis deals with the Tutte polynomial, studied from different points of view. In the first part, we address the enumeration of planar maps equipped with a spanning forest, here called forested maps, with a weight z per face and a weight u per non-root component of the forest. Equivalently, we count (with respect to the number of faces) the planar maps C weighted by TC(u + 1; 1), where TC is the Tutte polynomial of C.We begin by a purely combinatorial characterization of the corresponding generating function, denoted by F(z; u). We deduce from this that F(z; u) is differentially algebraic in z, that is, satisfies a polynomial differential equation in z. Finally, for u ≥ -1, we study the asymptotic behaviour of the nth coefficient of F(z; u).We observe a phase transition at 0, with a very unusual regime in n-3 ln-2(n) for u ϵ [-1; 0[, which testifiesa new universality class for planar maps. In the second part, we propose a framework unifying the notions of activity used in the literature to describe the Tutte polynomial. The new notion of activity thereby defined is called Δ-activity. It gathers all the notions of activities that were already known and has nice properties, as Crapo’s property that defines a partition of the lattice of the spanning subgraphs into intervals with respect to the activity. Lastly we conjecture that every activity that describes the Tutte polynomial and that satisfies Crapo’s property can be defined in terms of Δ-activity.

Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables : Effective Asymptotics and Lattice Path Enumeration / Combinatoire analytique en plusieurs variables : asymptotique efficace et énumération de chemin de treillis

Melczer, Stephen 13 June 2017 (has links)
La combinatoire analytique étudie le comportement asymptotique des suites à travers les propriétés analytiques de leurs fonctions génératrices. Ce domaine a conduit au développement d’outils profonds et puissants avec de nombreuses applications. Au delà de la théorie univariée désormais classique, des travaux récents en combinatoire analytique en plusieurs variables (ACSV) ont montré comment calculer le comportement asymptotique d’une grande classe de fonctions différentiellement finies:les diagonales de fractions rationnelles. Cette thèse examine les méthodes de l’ACSV du point de vue du calcul formel, développe des algorithmes rigoureux et donne les premiers résultats de complexité dans ce domaine sous des hypothèses très faibles. En outre, cette thèse donne plusieurs nouvelles applications de l’ACSV à l’énumération des marches sur des réseaux restreintes à certaines régions: elle apporte la preuve de plusieurs conjectures ouvertes sur les comportements asymptotiques de telles marches,et une étude détaillée de modèles de marche sur des réseaux avec des étapes pondérées. / The field of analytic combinatorics, which studies the asymptotic behaviour ofsequences through analytic properties of their generating functions, has led to thedevelopment of deep and powerful tools with applications across mathematics and thenatural sciences. In addition to the now classical univariate theory, recent work in thestudy of analytic combinatorics in several variables (ACSV) has shown how to deriveasymptotics for the coefficients of certain D-finite functions represented by diagonals ofmultivariate rational functions. This thesis examines the methods of ACSV from acomputer algebra viewpoint, developing rigorous algorithms and giving the firstcomplexity results in this area under conditions which are broadly satisfied.Furthermore, this thesis gives several new applications of ACSV to the enumeration oflattice walks restricted to certain regions. In addition to proving several openconjectures on the asymptotics of such walks, a detailed study of lattice walk modelswith weighted steps is undertaken.

Confluence of quantum K-theory to quantum cohomology for projective spaces / Confluence de la K-théorique quantique vers la cohomologie quantique pour les espaces projectifs

Roquefeuil, Alexis 20 September 2019 (has links)
En géométrie algébrique, les invariants de Gromov—Witten sont des invariants énumératifs qui comptent le nombre de courbes complexes dans une variété projective lisse qui vérifient des conditions d’incidence. En 2001, A. Givental et Y.P. Lee ont défini de nouveaux invariants, dits de Gromov—Witten K-théoriques, en remplaçant les définitions cohomologiques dans la construction des invariants de Gromov—Witten par leurs analogues K-théoriques. Une question essentielle est de comprendre comment sont reliées ces deux théories. En 2013, Iritani- Givental-Milanov-Tonita démontrent que les invariants K-théoriques peuvent être encodés dans une fonction qui vérifie des équations aux q-différences. En général, ces équations fonctionnelles vérifient une propriété appelée “confluence”, selon laquelle on peut dégénérer ces équations pour obtenir une équationdifférentielle. Dans cette thèse, on propose de comparer les deux théories de Gromov— Witten à l’aide de la confluence des équations aux q-différences. On montre que, dans le cas des espaces projectifs complexes, que ce principe s’adapte et que les invariants Kthéoriques peuvent être dégénérés pour obtenir leurs analogues cohomologiques. Plus précisément, on montre que la confluence de la petite fonction J de Givental K-théorique permet de retrouver son analogue cohomologique après une transformation par le caractère de Chern. / In algebraic geometry, Gromov— Witten invariants are enumerative invariants that count the number of complex curves in a smooth projective variety satisfying some incidence conditions. In 2001, A. Givental and Y.P. Lee defined new invariants, called Ktheoretical Gromov—Witten invariants. These invariants are obtained by replacing cohomological objects used in the definition of the usual Gromov—Witten invariants by their Ktheoretical analogues. Then, an essential question is to understand how these two theories are related. In 2013, Iritani-Givental- Milanov-Tonita show that K-theoretical Gromov—Witten invariants can be embedded in a function which satisfies a q-difference equation. In general, these functional equations verify a property called “confluence”, which guarantees that we can degenerate these equations to obtain a differential equation. In this thesis, we propose to compare our two Gromov—Witten theories through the confluence of q-difference equations. We show that, in the case of complex projective spaces, this property can be adapted to degenerate Ktheoretical invariants into their cohomological analogues. More precisely, we show that theconfluence of Givental’s small K-theoretical Jfunction produces its cohomological analogue after applying the Chern character.

Rate-Adaptive Runlength Limited Encoding for High-Speed Infrared Communication

Funk, James Cyril 29 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
My thesis will demonstrate that Rate Adaptive Runlength Limited encoding (RA-RLL) achieves high data rates with acceptable error rate over a wide range of signal distortion/attenuation, and background noise. RA-RLL has performance superior to other infrared modulation schemes in terms of bandwidth efficiency, duty cycle control, and synchronization frequency. Rate adaptive techniques allow for quick convergence of RA-RLL parameters to acceptable values. RA-RLL may be feasibly implemented on systems with non-ideal timing and digital synchronization.

The distribution and interpretation of the qualificative in seSotho

Thetso, 'Madira Leoniah 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study explores the syntax of the substantive phrase, more especially substantive phrase composed of more than one qualificative, in Sesotho. Adopting interviews, questionnaires and documents, the study seeks to investigate the syntactic sequence of qualificatives, their relation to the modified head word and influence of such ordering pattern in the phrase. Structurally, qualificatives comprise two components, namely the qualificative concord and stem. The qualificative serves to give varied information about the implicit or explicit substantive resulting in seven types of qualificatives in Sesotho, be they the Adjective, Demonstrative, Enumerative, Interrogative, Possessive, Quantifier and Relative. From the Minimalist perspective, the qualificative is recursive. The study established a maximum of five qualificatives in a single phrase. The number is generally achieved by recurrence of the Adjective, the Possessive and the Relative up to a maximum of four of the same qualificative in a single phrase. It is observed that the recurrence of the Demonstrative, Interrogative, Enumerative and Quantifier is proscribed in Sesotho. Regarding the ordering of qualificatives, it is also observed that the Demonstrative, Interrogative, Quantifier and Possessive mostly occupy the position closer to the substantive while the Adjective, Enumerative, Possessive and Quantifier mostly occur in the medial position. The Possessive and Relative occur in the outer-border position of the phrase. Such a sequence is influenced by several factors including focus, emphasis, the nature of the relationship between the head word and the dependent element, the syntactic complexity of the qualificative and the knowledge shared by both the speaker and the hearer about the qualified substantive. It can, therefore, be concluded that there are no strict rules of occurrence of the qualificatives in Sesotho. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

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