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German Generation Y’s PurchaseIntention towards Packaging-Free Products: A TPB ApproachSenger, Pia, Özülkü, Esra January 2018 (has links)
Background: The problem of increasing amounts of food packaging waste especially in Germany leads to the challenge of how to minor waste by using no packaging in order to listen to environmental-conscious generation y consumers. This is why retailers need to understand the factors impacting the purchase intention and thus, need to act in higher extend in terms of a preventive sustainable approach. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the purchase intention of German generation y consumers towards packaging-free products. An extended Theory of Planned Behavior forms the theoretical foundation to investigate which factors are influencing the purchase intention the most. In addition to the original TPB factors attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control, the research model was extended by two new factors, namely environmental concern and barriers. Method: Through an explanatory research method, the data was collected in a quantitative online survey based on a sample of 422 respondents. In order to investigate the relationships among the factors and to further support or reject the study’s hypothesis, the data was analyzedby using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and simple and multiple regression. Finally, to determine differences among groups additional tests have been conducted. Conclusion: The findings of this study revealed new insights about predictors of the purchaseintention: German consumers’ intention is mainly impacted by their attitude, followed by thefactor barriers, and perceived behavioral control, whereas subjective norms do not. Further, the other newly added factor environmental concern indirectly impacts the purchase intention through attitude. Moreover, the importance of including new added factors to the original TPB model is shown as the extended TPB model has improved its power in explaining German generation y’s purchase intention towards packaging free. By that, the respondents of this studyare highly environmental concerned and overall intent to purchase packaging-free products in mainstream grocery stores, oats and milk respectively. This study’s results provide valuable insights for marketers of German mainstream grocery stores who are interested in selectively integrating packaging-free shopping to their stores.
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Gest?o ambiental na educa??o: um estudo sobre fatores que afetam o comportamento ambiental de professores do ensino m?dio, na cidade de Floriano-PI / Environmental management in education: A study on factors which influence the environmental behavior in high school teachers in Floriano, State of PiauiDiniz, Marcos Antonio Ribeiro 19 May 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / The present work sets out environmental issues in educational field. The aim of this research was to investigate the factors capable to influence the environmental behavior of the teachers in High school of the public school in Floriano, state of Piaui. For this, the methodology utilized an explanatory and descriptive search like a survey; questionnaires were applied with open and close questions establishing shifts that made up the following aspects; knowledge, behavior, responsibility, participation and trait of the teachers. The statistic techniques to analyze the data were descriptive analysis and analysis of multiple regression. The results reveal that teachers care about the real surrounding problems and believe that the school must develop ambient activities to stir the consciousness, it is important to the environmental improvement of the city. However, the results point out that are developed little activities related to theme concerned, besides the level of ambient consciousness given to the students are median. It was observed that teachers have little knowledge about theme like Agenda 21 and ISO14000. After identifying some factors of environmental knowledge, it was showed recommendations. The Agenda 21 recognizes in the educational field a mean of popular consciousness; the school should develop an education according to national policy of the environmental education / O presente estudo trata das quest?es ambientais no setor de educa??o. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os fatores capazes de influenciar o comportamento ambiental de professores do Ensino M?dio das escolas p?blicas do munic?pio de Floriano, estado do Piau?. Para tanto, foi utilizada na metodologia uma pesquisa explorat?ria e descritiva do tipo Survey , empregando-se question?rio com perguntas fechadas e abertas, constitu?do de vari?veis que compuseram os grupos denominados, percep??o, atitude, senso comunit?rio, comprometimento, conhecimento, participa??o e perfil dos professores. As t?cnicas estat?sticas utilizada na an?lise dos dados foram ? descritiva e a de regress?o m?ltipla. Os resultados obtidos revelam que os professores t?m a preocupa??o com os problemas ambientais atuais e acreditam ser importante as escolas desenvolverem atividades ambientais como fator de conscientiza??o e relevante para a melhoria ambiental da cidade. Entretanto, os resultados mostram que s?o desenvolvidas poucas atividades ambientais nas escolas e que o grau de conhecimento ambiental oferecido aos alunos ? regular. Observou-se tamb?m pouco conhecimento por parte dos professores sobre temas como Agenda 21 e ISO 14000. Ap?s a identifica??o de alguns fatores de conscientiza??o ambiental, s?o apresentadas recomenda??es para as escolas desenvolverem uma educa??o de acordo com a pol?tica Nacional de Educa??o Ambiental, ressaltando que a Agenda 21 reconhece na educa??o ambiental um instrumento de conscientiza??o popular
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Pro-environmental behavior: the post-consuming of food packaging used by restaurants / Comportamento pró-ambiental: o pós-consumo de embalagens de alimentos utilizadas em restaurantesFlávia La Villa 06 February 2007 (has links)
This study approaches pro-environmental behavior aspects and the variables that can influence it, regarding generation and destiny of solid residues originated on restaurant activities in the city of Campos do Jordão, SP, as seen by restaurant owners and employees. The adopted methodology was the Stern proposal to classify the pro-environmental behavior with focus in two proposed types: environmental activism and environmentalism in the private sphere. Results do not evidence environmental activism; there were indications of proenvironmental activism in the private sphere. The most mentioned pro-environmental behavior was the residue sorting and separation in different types, for selective collection. The purchase decision by restaurants did not highlight the consideration of environmental questions. Immediate costs product price indicates what will be purchased. Personal competences to perform residue separation are present. The environmental concern, noticed in interviewees opinions and even their decision do participate in this study, allows to suppose a pro-environmental attitude. Contextual factors seem decisive. The organization of public systems facilitate selective collection of solid residues is probably responsible for this pro-environmental behavior being mentioned more frequently. As a result, among the group studied, the increase in public policies for selective collection has the major probability of adherence; the group can approve other policies, if contextual conditions are established enhancing their advantages making the behavior possible. / Este trabalho abordou aspectos de comportamentos pró-ambientais e de variáveis que podem influenciá-los, no tocante à geração e destinação de resíduos sólidos derivados da atividade do restaurante na transformação de alimentos, na visão de proprietários e funcionários de restaurantes em Campos do Jordão, SP. Adotou-se a proposta de Stern para classificação de Comportamentos Pró-ambientais, com foco em dois tipos propostos, Ativismo Ambiental e Ambientalismo na Esfera Privada. Os resultados não evidenciam Ativismo Ambiental. Houve indicações de Ambientalismo na Esfera Privada. O comportamento próambiental mais mencionado neste estudo foi a separação dos resíduos por tipos, para participação na coleta seletiva. O processo de decisão de compras do restaurante não evidencia considerar questões ambientais entre seus parâmetros. Os custos mais imediatos os preços do produto controlam o que será comprado. Capacidades pessoais para executar a separação dos resíduos estão presentes. A preocupação com o meio ambiente, que permeia as falas dos entrevistados e mesmo a sua decisão de participar desta pesquisa permite supor uma atitude próambiental. Dos fatores investigados, os contextuais parecem
decisivos. A organização pelo poder público de sistemas que favorecem a coleta seletiva é provavelmente responsável pela maior menção desse comportamento próambiental. Concluise que, dentre o grupo estudado, a ampliação da coleta seletiva é das estratégias de política pública a que tem maior probabilidade de adesão e que o grupo pode aderir a outras, se estabelecidas condições contextuais que evidenciem suas vantagens e que tornem possível o comportamento.
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The influence of values, beliefs, norms on thepro-environmental behavior of Generation Z : The case of the aviation industryMadeira, Gabriel, Rello, Salomé January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to deepen the knowledge of the field of sustainability,more specifically, the current understanding of how values, beliefs, and norms influencepro-environmental behavior towards the aviation industry, within Generation Z. Background: Sustainability is now a topic of focus from governments and companies. Theaviation industry is one of the most polluting industries within the transportation sector, however,with promises to change this phenomena. Furthermore, Generation Z is now the most digitallyknowledgeable, environmentally friendly generation, which could support this change. Methodology: The Value Belief Norm model was applied in order to study the influence ofvalues, beliefs and norms on pro-environmental behavior and the impact of eco-guilt. Aself-completion questionnaire was responded by 174 French members of Generation Z, for aquantitative and deductive approach, using a PLS-SEM analysis. Findings: The research held in this thesis found that biospheric values were the only values tohave a strong positive impact on awareness of consequences, that in turn, had a strong influenceon ascription of relationship. Following this causal chain, ascription of responsibility stronglyinfluenced personal norms and the same for the latter with pro-environmental behavior. Eco-guiltwas found to have no moderator effect between personal norms and pro-environmental behavior. Value: This thesis demonstrates how physiological characteristics can influencepro-environmental behavior, creating scientific and practical knowledge on a field of increasedimportance (sustainability), within a generation which has not yet been studied in detail(Generation Z) and in a context of substantial environmental damage (aviation industry).
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Communi(ty)cating Climate Change-A qualitative analysis of the zero waste movement in CologneKurzner, Jo Anna January 2018 (has links)
This research analyzes the zero waste movement in Cologne, Germany, aiming to findout how media and communication influence pro-environmental (consumer) behavior ofan already environmentally aware target audience. A special focus lies on what dominantchannels and mediums are used as well as what role social media influencers play.Therefore, 15 interviews were conducted in two of the three existing zero waste stores inCologne. The material was subsequently analyzed with a qualitative text analysisaccording to Mayring (2014). The findings revealed that pro-environmental contentresearch online and offline through media and communication can indirectly influencepro-environmental (consumer) behavior of the zero waste movement in Cologne in termsof motivation, inspiration, for information research, or a lively exchange. This dominantlyhappened through the offline community and through face-to-face conversations, but alsowith the use of new and social media. To some extent, social media influencers affecteda younger audience, possibly leading to a consolidation of the individuals’ awareness andattitude as well as an encouragement to take action. However, media and communicationare not the only factors influencing the zero waste consumption behavior. Furtherinfluencers are environmental awareness and consciousness, education, and personalityfactors. Latter can also be an interior barrier, along with family, lack of knowledge, time,and experience. Meanwhile, exterior factors are the economic and organizationalinfrastructure, contradicting lifestyles of the community, and economic constraints thatcould possibly hinder the process towards pro-environmental consumption and behavior.Overall, this research aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the zero waste lifestyleand its drivers as an ideal for pro-environmental behavior, enabling the fight againstclimate change on a local and communal level in Cologne, Germany.
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Pride, Guilt, and Pro-Environmental Behavior: The Role of Experienced Self-Conscious Emotions in an Individual’s Response to Carbon Footprint FeedbackAdams, Ian J. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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The Roles of Affective Forecasting, Environmental Identity, and Behavioral Familiarity in Decisions Related to Pro-Environmental BehaviorsHobbs, Logan P. 28 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The Man-Environment Nexus in Morocco : A Qualitative Study of Hegemonic Masculinity Norms and Attitudes Towards Pro-Environmental Behavior amongst Male University Students in Rabat, MoroccoJilg, Mathilda January 2023 (has links)
Whilst several studies acknowledge the role of gender norms and structures in environmental research, little attention is paid to the explicit influence of men and masculinities in pro-environmental behavior. Additionally, research concerning this man-environment nexus is almost nonexistent in the context of the Global South. This thesis aims to address this research gap by analyzing the influence of hegemonic masculinity norms on the attitudes of male university students in Rabat, Morocco to engage in pro-environmental behavior. The research is conducted by qualitative semi-structured focus group interviews with 15 male university students in Rabat during May and June 2023, with a theoretical framework drawing upon Martin Hultman and Paul M. Pulé’s theoretical efforts of Ecological Masculinities. The findings suggest that the contextual hegemonic masculinity norms socialize the respondents into internalizing a myopic approach to engaging in pro-environmental behavior; materializing into either anti-environmental attitudes or, more prominently, techno-scientific solutionist attitudes. Relatedly, the respondents dismiss engaging in the individual pro-environmental behaviors considered feminine in order to avoid judgements, social exclusion and demasculinization. The thesis concludes by delineating the importance of including men and multiple masculinities in environmental research, especially as men can be considered the gatekeepers to transformative climate change adaptation and mitigation.
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Estrategia de comunicación para fomentar el reciclaje en estudiantes del segundo año de secundaria del Colegio Trilce de ChiclayoNoriega Quesnay, Claudia Elizabeth January 2023 (has links)
La falta de conocimiento sobre como reciclar es un problema que inquieta a la sociedad global trayendo consigo el aumento de la contaminación ambiental. Por esta razón, se decidió efectuar la presente investigación que tuvo como propósito general plantear una estrategia de comunicación para impulsar el reciclaje en los alumnos del segundo año de secundaria del Colegio Trilce de Chiclayo. La metodología fue cuantitativa, por cuanto, se enfocó en la realidad del Colegio Trilce para delimitar el grado de discernimiento, prácticas y actitudes de los estudiantes respecto al reciclaje. La técnica que se usó en la pesquisa fue la encuesta y el cuestionario como instrumento, el cual ayudó a determinar la estrategia de comunicación utilizada para la presentación del tema de reciclaje. Los resultados indicaron que a pesar de que los estudiantes tienen un conocimiento básico sobre el reciclaje, les gustaría aprender más, puesto que el colegio no les brinda la información necesaria sobre el reciclaje. Por consiguiente, se concluyó que a los estudiantes si les gustaría conocer más sobre el tema y que este, sea presentado a través de charlas. / The lack of knowledge about how to recycle is a problem that worries global society, bringing with it an increase in environmental pollution. For this reason, it was decided to carry out this research, whose general purpose was to propose a communication strategy to promote recycling in the second year of secondary school students of the Trilce de Chiclayo School. The methodology was quantitative, in that it focused on the reality of the Trilce School to delimit the degree of discernment, practices and attitudes of the students regarding recycling. The technique used in the research was the survey and the questionnaire as an instrument, which helped determine the communication strategy used for the presentation of the recycling topic. The results indicated that although the students have a basic knowledge about recycling, they would like to learn more, since the school does not provide them with the necessary information about recycling. Therefore, it was concluded that the students would like to know more about the subject and that it be presented through talks.
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[pt] O objetivo do trabalho foi desenvolver práticas e mecanismos que auxiliem
no processo de inserção da responsabilidade socioambiental e da sustentabilidade
em atividades ligadas à produção de refeições em cozinhas industriais, as UANs
(Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição). Para tal, foi selecionada uma unidade
hospitalar e uma unidade institucional, pertencentes ao CBMERJ (Corpo de
Bombeiros Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro). Ambas de forma independente
desenvolvem ações sustentáveis e medidas socioambientais. O trabalho foi dividido
em três etapas. A primeira etapa, constou de observação participativa em campo e
foram selecionadas metas dos ODS que possuem conexão mais direta com as
atividades que transcorrem nas UANs. A segunda etapa, constou daelaboração e
aplicação de um questionário adaptado da escala de comportamento ambiental de
Karp (1996), para três grupos, os funcionários e usuários das duas UANs. A terceira
etapa consistiu na elaboração das recomendações de práticas sustentáveis para
UANs. Os resultados apontaram que muitos comportamentos importantes para o
contexto da sustentabilidade não fazem parte da rotina dos indivíduos e há carência
de ações efetivas, mas possuem alto grau de interesse em participar de atividades
voluntárias em prol do meio ambiente, algo positivo para a transição acontecer. O
produto final deste estudo é o Manual de Práticas Sustentáveis, adaptável a
diferentes contextos e locais. Ele propõe um conjunto de estratégias para dar início
ao processo de transição do estado atual para um mais sustentável, contribuindo
para os atuais debates de sustentabilidade alimentar. / [en] The objective of this work was to develop practices and mechanisms thathelp in the process of inserting socio-environmental responsibility and sustainability in activities related to the production of meals in industrial kitchens, the UANs (Food and Nutrition Units). For this, 01 hospital unit and 01 institutional unit were selected, belonging to the CBMERJ (Military Fire Department of the StateofRio de Janeiro,Brazil).Both independently develop sustainable actions and socio-environmental measures. The work was divided into3 stages. The first stage consisted of participatory observation in the field and selection of goals of the SDGs that have a more direct connection with theactivities that take place in the UANs. The second stage consisted of the elaboration and application of a questionnaire adapted from Karp s environmental behavior scale (1996), for 3 groups, employees and users of the 2 UANs. The third stage consisted of preparing recommendations for sustainable practices for UANs. The results showed that many important behaviors, for the context of sustainability, are not part of the individuals routine and there is a lack of effective actions, but they have a high degree of interest in participating in voluntary activities in favor of the environment, something positive for the transition to occur. The final product of this study is the Sustainable Best PracticesManual, adaptable to different contexts and locations. It proposes a set of strategies to start the process of transition from the current state to a more sustainable one, contributing to the current debates on food sustainability.
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