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Fatores influenciadores da participa??o p?blica na tomada de decis?o ambiental :o caso do programa de combate ao caramujo gigante (Achatina fulica) em Parnamirim/RNSena, Claudius Monte de 19 May 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / The aim of this work is to investigate the factors which influence people s participation in the enviromental decision, in Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, from the vision of the residents of that area, approaching the Plan of Control/Eradication of the African s Huge Snail (Achatina Fulica),with the jointly work of IBAMA and Municipal Town Hall of Parnamirim .The applied methodology consists of a research (Survey kind) including 395 interviews by people who live in that county, with minimum age of 18, within an universe of 124.690 residents. The choice of the county was due to a detection (made by IBAMA technicians and reported in a Technical Report) -which showed that the dangerous Snail is already spreading in 14 of 17 districts of the county-, as well as the support given by Parnamirim s Town Hall, with the implementation of the Plan Control/Eradication of the African s Huge Snail, widely known as Day C . The research tools used in that research consists of questionnaires with all sorts of questions. The results show us that most of the residents were feeling threatened by the presence of the animal as well as having had a little participation in the fight against the animal. It also shows us that residents believe that organizations (Town Hall, IBAMA and Local Community) involved are able to solve the problem and believe that the amounts which organization are supposed to take 89,4 %, 87,6% and 80,8%, in that order. As we check the results, we notice in 95%, the variety of threaten and frequency reunion and participation level / O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar os fatores influenciadores da participa??o da popula??o na tomada de decis?o ambiental, no munic?pio de Parnamirim, no Rio Grande do Norte, a partir da vis?o dos seus moradores, tendo como enfoque o Programa de Controle/Erradica??o do Caramujo Gigante Africano (Achatina fulica), implantado de forma conjunta IBAMA x Prefeitura Municipal. A metodologia aplicada constou de uma pesquisa amostral, tipo Survey, com 395 entrevistas de pessoas do munic?pio, com idade m?nima de 18 anos, de um universo de 124.690 habitantes. A escolha do munic?pio deveu-se a detec??o, feita por t?cnicos do IBAMA, atrav?s de um Relat?rio T?cnico, mostrando que o caramujo j? se encontrava disseminado em 14 dos 17 bairros existentes no munic?pio e, tamb?m, pelo apoio dado pela Prefeitura Municipal de Parnamirim, com a instala??o do Programa de controle/erradica??o do caramujo, mais comumente conhecido como o dia C . O instrumento de pesquisa utilizado foi um question?rio com perguntas abertas e fechadas. Em termos de associa??o entre vari?veis foi poss?vel se verificar signific?ncia, em n?vel de 95%, das vari?veis independentes AMEA?A (opini?o do entrevistado quanto ao n?vel de amea?a causada pela presen?a do caramujo) e FRREU (freq??ncia de participa??o dos entrevistados nas reuni?es ocorridas entre o IBAMA x Prefeitura) com a vari?vel dependente NIPAR (opini?o do entrevistado quanto ao seu n?vel de participa??o do programa de combate ao caramujo). Pressup?e-se, portanto, que as a??es de fiscaliza??o e monitoramento (comando-controle) devem ser integradas a um processo consistente de conscientiza??o ambiental da popula??o buscando se estabelecer aspectos atitudinais no cidad?o, de forma que as pessoas, atrav?s de um mecanismo de educa??o ambiental (formal ou informal), bem como, de um constante monitoramento, passem a dar maior import?ncia ao programa de combate ao caramujo, buscando um comportamento ambiental adequado, uma vez que os entrevistados somente aumentaram o seu n?vel de participa??o a partir do momento em que se sentiram amea?ados e participaram das reuni?es desenvolvidas pelo IBAMA e Prefeitura Municipal de Parnamirim
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Gest?o ambiental na ind?stria do petr?leo : fatores associados ao comportamento pr?-ambiental de empregados de uma empresa brasileira de ?leo e g?s / Environmental management in the petroleum industry: factors associated to the pro-environmental behavior brazilian oil and gas enterpriseOliveira J?nior, M?rio Marcelino de 19 May 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / This survey develops a study about the pro-environment behavior of a brazilian company of oil and gas sector, emphazing the Petr?leo Brasileiro S/A PETROBRAS in its Unit of Business of Exploration and Production in the State of Rio Grande do Norte and Cear? − UN-RNCE. The work s development adopt the bibliographic research methodology with the descriptive exploratory analisys, with the purpouse of identifying related points with the knowledge and the analysed enterprise s staff conduct, by the aplication of the interview with a instrument of data colecting with closed variable questions from answers that varies from o to 10.The answers allowed us to know the employees knowledge about the related aspects of environmental responsability, knowing also the involvement of the employees with the politics of environmental managment that has been implemented in the operating area of the company. The research led us to an important verification of the pro-environmental behavior of the people interviewed. The results depends of a wise acting, not only inside the company, but also outside, where the results of this acting will be more perceived for the society. Finally, we conclude that the company has a politics of management with a great importance, emphasinzing that the employees are been in constant training about their behavior resulting in satisfaction / Este trabalho desenvolve um estudo sobre o comportamento pr?-ambiental de uma empresa brasileira do setor de ?leo e g?s, enfatizando a Petr?leo Brasileiro S/A PETROBRAS em sua Unidade de Neg?cios de Explora??o e Produ??o do Rio Grande do Norte e Cear? UN-RNCE. O desenvolvimento do trabalho adotou a metodologia da pesquisa bibliogr?fica associada ? pesquisa explorat?ria descritiva, com o prop?sito de identificar aspectos relacionados ao conhecimento e ? conduta dos empregados da empresa analisada, mediante aplica??o da t?cnica de entrevista com instrumento de coleta de dados com perguntas fechadas do tipo vari?vel com respostas graduadas de 0 a 10. Os resultados permitiram conhecer o grau de conhecimento dos empregados da empresa acerca de aspectos relacionados com a gest?o ambiental, al?m de levar ? identifica??o do grau de envolvimento dos empregados na pol?tica de gest?o ambiental que a empresa j? implementou no setor operacional. Os resultados ainda levaram ? constata??o do comportamento pr?-ambiental dos entrevistados depende de uma atua??o mais consistente, n?o s? no interior da empresa, como tamb?m no ambiente externo, onde os resultados dessa atua??o s?o mais bem percebidos pela sociedade. Conclui-se que a empresa tem uma pol?tica de gest?o ambiental de relev?ncia, apenas real?ando que os empregados est?o recebendo treinamento sobre a sua conduta e assimilando os efeitos de forma satisfat?ria
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Gest?o ambiental e competitividade: um estudo sobre os fatores que afetam a decis?o de compra de produtos org?nicos na cidade de Teresina-PI / Environmental management and competitiveness: a study on the factors affecting pruchase decision of organic products in Teresina-PITeixeira, Marcos Antonio de Castro Marques 19 May 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / The organic products represent one of the main trends of alimentary consumption in the new century. In Brazil, the answer is already well representative which it becomes the country, as a great consuming and exporting market of products of LVF type. The objective of this research was to investigate the factors capable to influence the food consumer in its purchase decision of organic products in the supermarkets of Teresina, capital of Piau? State. The methodology was exploratory and descriptive, using survey, with closed and opened questions in 542 interviewed. The questionnaire was based on projected scales to evaluate the factors that can influence the purchase decision of organic products, whose variable had been grouped in the following groups: behavior, knowledge, interest, competitiveness, importance, barrier and profile. The used statistical techniques were descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results demonstrate interest of the population in paying more for the organic product, due to better quality of life, however it lacks to one better spreading and greater sensitization to attract these consumers. Some recommendations and proposals are presented after the results, as suggestions for future research / Os produtos org?nicos representam uma das principais tend?ncias de consumo alimentar no novo s?culo. No Brasil, esta resposta j? ? bem representativa o que torna o pa?s, um grande mercado consumidor e exportador de produtos do tipo LVF. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi investigar os fatores capazes de influenciar o consumidor de alimentos em sua decis?o de compra de produtos org?nicos nos supermercados de Teresina, capital do Piau?. A metodologia foi explorat?ria e descritiva do tipo Survey, com perguntas fechadas e abertas aplicadas a 542 entrevistados. O question?rio foi baseado em escalas projetadas para avaliar os fatores que podem influenciar a decis?o de compra de produtos org?nicos, na capital do Piau?. As vari?veis foram agrupadas nos seguintes grupos: comportamento, conhecimento, interesse, competitividade, import?ncia, barreira e perfil. As t?cnicas estat?sticas utilizadas foram a an?lise descritiva e a an?lise de regress?o m?ltipla. Os resultados demonstram interesse da popula??o de Teresina em pagar mais pelo produto org?nico para ter uma melhor qualidade de vida, entretanto falta uma melhor divulga??o e maior sensibiliza??o para atrair esse consumidores
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The Interpersonal Determinants of Green Purchasing: An assessment of the empirical recordJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: This study investigates how well prominent behavioral theories from social psychology explain green purchasing behavior (GPB). I assess three prominent theories in terms of their suitability for GPB research, their attractiveness to GPB empiricists, and the strength of their empirical evidence when applied to GPB. First, a qualitative assessment of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Norm Activation Theory (NAT), and Value-Belief-Norm Theory (VBN) is conducted to evaluate a) how well the phenomenon and concepts in each theory match the characteristics of pro-environmental behavior and b) how well the assumptions made in each theory match common assumptions made in purchasing theory. Second, a quantitative assessment of these three theories is conducted in which r2 values and methodological parameters (e.g., sample size) are collected from a sample of 21 empirical studies on GPB to evaluate the accuracy and generalize-ability of empirical evidence. In the qualitative assessment, the results show each theory has its advantages and disadvantages. The results also provide a theoretically-grounded roadmap for modifying each theory to be more suitable for GPB research. In the quantitative assessment, the TPB outperforms the other two theories in every aspect taken into consideration. It proves to 1) create the most accurate models 2) be supported by the most generalize-able empirical evidence and 3) be the most attractive theory to empiricists. Although the TPB establishes itself as the best foundational theory for an empiricist to start from, it's clear that a more comprehensive model is needed to achieve consistent results and improve our understanding of GPB. NAT and the Theory of Interpersonal Behavior (TIB) offer pathways to extend the TPB. The TIB seems particularly apt for this endeavor, while VBN does not appear to have much to offer. Overall, the TPB has already proven to hold a relatively high predictive value. But with the state of ecosystem services continuing to decline on a global scale, it's important for models of GPB to become more accurate and reliable. Better models have the capacity to help marketing professionals, product developers, and policy makers develop strategies for encouraging consumers to buy green products. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Sustainability 2012
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Att flyga eller inte flyga : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om klimatengagerade personers syn på flyget / To fly or not to fly : A qualitative study on environmental activists' view on aviation and climate changeStröm, Elin, Lund, Josefine January 2013 (has links)
Antalet flygresor har ökat markant i världen de senaste decennierna. Detta har medfört en ökning av flygets koldioxidutsläpp som därmed har gett en ökad påverkan på klimatet. Forskning angående människors syn på och uppfattning om flyget är relativt ny och forskning rörande ämnet är mer förekommande idag än för ett decennium sedan. Tidigare undersökningar är dock i stort sett eniga om att människor, både miljömedvetna och icke-miljömedvetna personer, inte tänker ändra på sina flygvanor och flyga mindre på grund av flygets klimatpåverkan. Denna studie undersöker klimatengagerade personers flygvanor och vad de har för syn på flyget och flygets påverkan på klimatet. Resultatet i studien skiljer sig från tidigare forskning genom att de klimatengagerade personerna i undersökningen antingen försöker begränsa sina flygresor eller inte längre flyger alls på grund av den klimatpåverkan en flygresa innebär. The low-cost hypothesis har använts som ett teoretiskt ramverk för att undersöka om det finns ett attitude-behavior gap. Det framkom att the low-cost hypothesis endast delvis kan appliceras och att det finns ett litet attitude-behavior gap hos de respondenter som flyger. Det finns inget attitude-behavior gap hos respondenterna som inte flyger. Det framkom även att sociala normer till viss del påverkar valet att flyga eller inte flyga.
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Contribuições da psicologia ambiental para atividades e programas de educação ambiental / Contributions of environmental psychology for activities and programs of environmental educationJuraci Lima Sabatino 16 April 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação identifica contribuições da Psicologia Ambiental para Programas de Educação Ambiental descritos em dissertações do Mestrado em Ciências Ambientais da Universidade de Taubaté, defendidas no período 2001-2006. Das 125 dissertações foram identificadas 15 que apresentaram programas de Educação Ambiental. As categorias de análise foram: palavras-chave, objetivos propostos, sujeitos da pesquisa, e procedimentos utilizados. A análise evidenciou que: a Psicologia Ambiental implicitamente esteve presente em todos os trabalhos analisados; que Comportamentos Pró-ambientais foram explicitamente identificados nos procedimentos executados. Os Programas não relataram propostas de manutenção que possibilitassem a manutenção desses comportamentos. Programas de Educação Ambiental foram conduzidos em trabalhos de todas as áreas temáticas do mestrado e com populações diversificadas; confirmando o caráter multidisciplinar das Ciências Ambientais possibilitando a diferentes profissionais atuarem no campo da Educação Ambiental. Se visam principalmente a mudança de hábitos, atitudes e valores, e, em última instância, fazer que o sujeito se comporte de maneira pró-ambiental, Programas de Educação Ambiental visam portanto influenciar variáveis psicológicas. Discutiu-se assim a contribuição possível da Psicologia Ambiental para os Programas de Educação Ambiental. Esta disciplina pode instrumentalizar futuros pesquisadores na construção de metodologias adequadas ao fortalecimento e manutenção de comportamentos de cuidado com o ambiente e da promoção da identificação e interpretação de indicadores individuais e sociais como reforçadores desses comportamentos, e ainda criar condições para quantificar e qualificar Comportamentos Pró-ambientais. Conclui-se que a utilização dos conhecimentos produzidos pela Psicologia Ambiental poderá contribuir para a melhoria de Programas de Educação Ambiental, norteando seu planejamento e suas práticas. / This dissertation the contribution of Environmental Psychology to Environmental Education Activities and Programs described in dissertations of the Graduation Course in Environmental Sciences of the University of TaubatÃ, presented in the period from 2001 to 2006. Of 125 dissertations, 15 were identified as presenting Environmental Education Programs. The analysis categories were: keywords, proposed objectives, research subjects, and procedures utilized. The analysis evidenced that Environmental Psychology was implicitly present in all the works analyzed and that Pro-Environmental Behaviors were explicitly identified in the procedures executed. The Programs did not report any maintenance proposals for these behaviors to be kept. Environmental Education Programs were conducted in works of all thematic areas of the masters degree program and with diverse populations, confirming the multidisciplinary character of the Environmental Sciences that has made it possible for many professionals to act in the field of Environmental Education. The goal is mainly the change of habits, attitudes, and values, and, ultimately, to make the subject behave in a pro-environmental manner, therefore Environmental Education Programs seek to influence the psychological variables. Thus the possible contribution of Environmental Psychology for the Environmental Education Programs was discussed. This discipline can give some tools for the future researchers in the construction of methodologies that are appropriate for the strengthening and maintenance of caring behaviors towards the environment, and for the promotion of the identification and interpretation of individual and social indicators which reinforce these behaviors and create conditions to quantify and qualify Proenvironmental Behaviors. The conclusion is that the utilization of knowledge produced by Environmental Psychology can contribute to the betterment of Environmental Education Programs, guiding their planning and practices.
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Případová studie zahrádkářské osady Chvalka / Case Study of the Garden Allotment ChvalkaŠpetlíková, Denisa January 2015 (has links)
This thesis Case Study of the Garden Allotment Chvalka is in its first part focused on the history and current status of allotment in selected European countries and especially in the Czech Republic. The study also deals with the important theories for this topic - Theories of garden allotment as a positive model of society according to Jan Keller, Theories of post-materialistic values of Ronald Inglehart and Theories of voluntary and deliberate modesty by Hana Librova. The entire study also permeates the Theory of sustainable development with its four pillars. Further in the thesis we can find a methodological part, which explains the procedures that were used to obtain information in the theoretical part and the methods that were used in the research. In the research part, the thesis focuses on the settlers and examining their motivation for gardening, what features has garden for them, which values they profess in the settlement, etc. The thesis also examines whether and how is influenced the gardeners thinking about nature by the gardening. This thesis gives a comprehensive picture of life in the settlement Chvalka with detailed presentation of gardeners and their relationships. This thesis in its result outlines the benefits that garden settlements brings to society and the consequences that...
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The process towards environmental sustainability and the influence of perceptions : A comparative qualitative case study on perceptions of pro-environmental consumption among students at Linnaeus University / Hur individens uppfattning av miljövänlig konsumtion påverkar vägen mot hållbarhet i SverigePetersson, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Consumption is a major contributor to environmental harm, and also one area where the Swedish performance is in urgent need of improvement. While it is well known that changes are needed on all societal levels for sustainability to be realized, it is unclear whether the population is aware of which changes that refers to, since the impacts from individual consumption remain high. Previous research has identified psychological, cultural, social, and economic determinants as barriers to change, however, removing those barriers will not be sufficient if it results in changes entailing only marginal environmental benefits. The question that initiated this research is whether common people in Sweden can identify which changes are efficient enough to provide visible results, or if the current environmental discourse generates misperceptions, hindering concrete change. Meeting the objective to contribute to the identification of obstacles to sustainability by studying the perception of pro-environmental consumption among potential adopters, a qualitative interview-based case study was conducted on students at Linnaeus University in Växjö, Sweden. The research followed an abductive approach, whereby primarily the Diffusion of Innovations theory was used for structure and interpretation. The findings reveal several barriers to sustainability associated with individual perceptions, including perceptions of the concept of pro-environmental consumption as complex, a perceived lack of trustworthy information from authorities, a perceived abundance of misleading information from profit-driven actors, as well as some controversy on where to place responsibility. Alongside this, misperceptions of environmental impacts from consumption were revealed, whereby accurate perceptions and environmental education were somewhat correlated. While highlighting an unrecognized but concrete issue, this research involves a small sample, suggesting that further research is required.
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Kvinnor som driver och män som hakar på : En ekofeministisk analys av det hållbara familjelivetBrolin, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
With the climate crisis, there is a necessity for people to live more sustainably. One way to do this is to change our lifestyle and the choices we make in our homes. The aim of this master thesis is to investigate the gender aspect of the “sustainable lifestyle” by looking at families with an ambition to live more environmentally conscious. If the environmentally friendly lifestyle for people in general is basically about taking advantage of what we have, making better decisions about food and other things that are linked to housework, something that women to a large extent take greater responsibility for, how can we look at environmentally friendly living from a gender perspective? I have collected my data through qualitative, semi-structured interviews with six heterosexual women in Swedish families. The study shows that the female informants take a greater responsibility than their male partners for the family to live environmentally friendly. This research also shows that the sustainable lifestyle is time consuming and that this mostly affects women due to their greater responsibility for housework. This has implications for the gender equality of the household. All the interviewed women thought gender equality was important, but the study show that they sometimes must choose between being equal with their partners and being sustainable.
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Vad influerar ungdomar till att agera klimatvänligt? / What influences adolescents to act pro-environmental?Hansson, Emma, Kvick, Filippa January 2020 (has links)
Klimatförändringarnas stora problematik är ett av de mest diskuteradeämnena idag och är högst avgörande för framtiden och kommandegenerationer. Dagens ungdomar anser att klimatet är den viktigastesamhällsfrågan och ungdomar en viktig grupp att lägga fokus på vidforskning. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur unga motiveras att ageramer klimatvänligt utifrån tillit till klimatforskare, känslan av att kunnapåverka samt oro för klimatförändringarna. Tidigare forskning på vuxna harhittat signifikanta samband mellan alla dessa aspekter vilket denna studieockså gjorde. I studien fann vi även att oro för klimatförändringarna var denunikt viktigaste faktorn för att förklara det klimatvänliga handlandet när mankontrollerade för de andra variablerna. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av enwebb-enkät som distribuerades till gymnasieelever i Göteborg och Rönninge(N=106). Aktuell studie utfördes med en tvärsnittsdesign där måtten vartillförlitliga och väl validerade. Resultaten har bidragit till både praktiskaimplikationer såväl som intressanta teoretiska frågor för framtida forskning. / Climate change and the major problems it brings is the most discussed topictoday and are crucial for the future and future generations. Today'sadolescents consider the climate changes to be the most important societalissue and young people are an essential group to focus on when it comes toresearch. The aim with this study was to examine how young people getmotivated to act more pro-environmental based on trust in climate scientists,efficacy and climate change concern. Previous research with adults has foundsignificant correlations between all these aspects, so did this study. The studyalso found that climate change concern was the sole most important factor inexplaining pro-environmental behavior when controlling for the othervariables. The study was executed with a web survey that was distributed tohigh school students in Göteborg and Rönninge (N=106). The study wasconducted with a cross-sectional design where the measurements werereliable and well validated. The results have both practical implications aswell as it has aroused interesting theoretical questions for future research.
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