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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enskilda avlopp i Nordmalings kommun : Utvärdering av faktorer vid prioritering av inventeringsområden och krav på enskilda avlopp

Andersson, Therése January 2014 (has links)
Individual Sewers in Nordmalings Municipality – Evaluation of Factors when Prioritizing Inventory Areas and Demands of Individual Sewers The purpose of this study was to examine what to consider when prioritising inventory areas for individual sewers, as well as how an inventory should be initiated in Nordmalings municipality. The information was gathered by studying legislation, documents by government agencies, maps and by conducting a questionnaire survey. The study showed that the demands on individual sewers must be separately determined in every individual case. Sewer system shall have further wastewater treatment than only septic tanks, for example an infiltration plant. The demands should be determined by the protection level of the Environmental Protection Agency's guidelines (NFS 2006:7) for small sewage systems for domestic wastewater. The areas demanding a high level of protection are sensitive to emissions from individual sewers. Such areas can for example be Natura 2000, bathing places and water that is sensitive to eutrophication. The questionnaire was sent to 85 property owners and 64 of them responded. The majority of the ones with permanent housing had septic tanks (90.5 %) and an infiltration plant (60.0 %). The questionnaire indicated that the majority of the individual sewers were acceptable but that a significant part may have serious flaws. Prioritisation of inventory areas can be based on the areas that need high level of protection. Based on these results, coastal areas in Nordmalings municipality should be prioritised for an inventory of individual sewers.

From legislation to implementation? : Understanding the implementation deficiency of the general rules of consideration, the Swedish Environmental Code (2000:61)

Lehtimäki, Linda January 2019 (has links)
The Environmental Code is a central environmental policy instrument, which contributes to achieve Sweden’s national environmental objectives. Therefore, the implementation of the rules and regulations of the Environmental Code are of importance. This thesis focuses on the identified research gap in the implementation of the general rules of consideration in the Environmental Code, adopting a Swedish perspective and seeking to understand the reasons why. This thesis intends to increase the understanding of both external and internal aspects affecting the implementation at a municipal level. The results show that the implementation deficiency in the general rules of consideration consists of several complex, interconnected factors. The findings implicate three fundamental aspects affecting the implementation: prerequisites, work procedures and interpretations of the general rules of consideration. Furthermore, the implementation requires an improved understanding among concerned stakeholders. This thesis argues that there is a shortage of knowledge and understanding of the general rules of consideration among stakeholders, therefore there is much more to learn, in order to reduce the implementation deficiency of the rules. Additionally, the findings indicate a need for exemplified guidance from state authorities and government agencies, to reduce the knowledge gap among municipalities and operators. Furthermore, operators ought to increase the understanding of the general rules of consideration, to contribute to the implementation of the general rules of consideration.

Bergvärme som energikälla

Back, Natalii January 2008 (has links)
<p>2008-05-26</p><p>Bedrock heat as an energy source</p><p>The sun has warmed up the bedrock and this heat can be used for warming up houses. Approximately 100 – 200 meters down in the bedrock the temperature of the heat is stable. This is a source of energy that can be used by installing a heat pump system. The ground source heat pumps are low maintenance and can last for many years. There is also a pollution risk for the groundwater and therefore the wells in the area. Before the ground source heat pump can be installed the municipality need to give permission, according to the environmental code. To install the system without permission is a crime against the environmental code. A requirement when applying for permission to install the heat pump system is to get the neighbours to agree with the place for the bore hole. The neighbour can appeal against the environmental and health authorities’ decision to give permission to install the ground source heat pump system. However there needs to be more research done regarding the environmental effects that may occur in the future, if the ground source heatpump system continues to increase as rapidly as today.</p>

Bergvärme som energikälla

Back, Natalii January 2008 (has links)
2008-05-26 Bedrock heat as an energy source The sun has warmed up the bedrock and this heat can be used for warming up houses. Approximately 100 – 200 meters down in the bedrock the temperature of the heat is stable. This is a source of energy that can be used by installing a heat pump system. The ground source heat pumps are low maintenance and can last for many years. There is also a pollution risk for the groundwater and therefore the wells in the area. Before the ground source heat pump can be installed the municipality need to give permission, according to the environmental code. To install the system without permission is a crime against the environmental code. A requirement when applying for permission to install the heat pump system is to get the neighbours to agree with the place for the bore hole. The neighbour can appeal against the environmental and health authorities’ decision to give permission to install the ground source heat pump system. However there needs to be more research done regarding the environmental effects that may occur in the future, if the ground source heatpump system continues to increase as rapidly as today.

Behovsbedömning av detaljplaner i Östergötlands kommuner.

Jahic, Alma January 2010 (has links)
In Sweden, detailed development plans (DDPs) go through a screening process to decide whether their implementation could cause significant environmental impact or not. The criteria in the legislation were studied to see if an environmental impact assessment was needed. This study also investigated 26 DDPs from 12 out of 13 of the municipalities in Östergötland and how they meet up to the demands in relevant legislation, for example the rules for Environmental Impact Assessments. Plans that concerned suburban communities and new housing were selected. The environmental issues highlighted in the plan documents were compared to selected topics from the GIS data base 'Östgötakartan' to see if the assessments made by the municipalities were reasonable judged. The results showed that in 54% of the municipalities, the screening processes corresponded with the Environmental Impact Assessment criteria. The most common flaws were that neither the national environmental goals nor the motivation of the decision was given any significant attention. The results of the questions that were sent to the municipalities showed that the working procedures vary among the municipalities. 73% of the municipalities used checklists as a basis for their assessments, whereas the rest worked in workgroups. Further the results indicated that there was a correlation between screening processes which had large flaws, according to the legislation criteria, and the lack of a county ecologist. In Sweden there is no real monitoring of how the legislation is implanted in the screening processes in different municipalities, which means that the processes can have flaws.

Enskilda avlopp : Östersunds kommun

Mattsson Jonsson, Sarah January 2021 (has links)
Global forskning visar på att 60 procent av världens ekosystemtjänster i dagslget försämras, 2,6miljarder människor i världen saknar förbättrad sanitet, 2 miljarder människor är undernärda och 800miljoner människor saknar säkert dricksvatten. Allt detta är direkt har en direkt koppling tillvattensäkerhet.Sverige är ett av de länder med en av de mest långtgående standarderna för avloppsvatten i världen.Avloppsreningsverk infördes så tidigt som på 1930-talet. Det finns omkring 700 000 enskilda avlopp iSverige som är anslutna till en vattentoalett, men inte till något kommunalt reningsverk. Ungefär 26 %av dessa avloppsanläggningar använder endast någon slags slamavskiljning som behandlingsmetod,något som inte uppfyller lagkraven.Syftet med denna studie är få en grundlig bild av begreppet enskilt avlopp, och målet är att undersökavilka tekniker och vilken lagstiftning som finns gällande ämnet, för att likställa den informationen medtillståndsärenden från Östersunds kommun.Enskilda avlopp anses vara miljöfarliga verksamheter, av den orsaken att avloppsvatten kan bestå avsmittämnen, som virus och bakterier, och skadliga kemikalier. Därför måste man ansöka om tillstånd,eller anmäla enskilda avlopp till miljö- och samhällsnämnden på kommunen.I Sverige saknas bestämda lagar som reglerar enskilda avlopp. Däremot finns det flera regler somberör området. Lagen fastställer alltså inte några specifika krav gällande vilken teknik som skaanvändas för att rena avloppsvatten, eller hur bra reningen ska vara, utan snarare att det ska behandlaspå ett sådant sätt att det ger skydd till miljön och människors hälsa, och därtill även hushåller mednaturresurser. Hur hårda kraven är beror bland annat på hur känslig närmiljön är, samt antaletnärliggande avloppsanläggningar.Rapporten visar att den teknik som tycks vara den vanligast förekommande i Östersunds kommun ärinfiltration, utifrån det faktum att majoriteten av de valda tillståndsansökningarna i kommunen gällerden tekniken. / Global research shows that 60 percent of the world's ecosystem services are currently deteriorating,2.6 billion people in the world lack improved sanitation, 2 billion people are malnourished and 800million people lack safe drinking water. All of this is directly related to water safety.Sweden is one of the countries with one of the most far-reaching standards for wastewater in theworld. Sewage treatment plants were introduced as early as the 1930s. There are about 700,000individual sewers in Sweden that are connected to a water toilet, but not to a municipal treatmentplant. Approximately 26% of these sewage treatment plants use only some kind of sludge separationas a treatment method, something that does not meet the legal requirements.The purpose of this study is to get a thorough picture of the concept of individual sewers, and the goalis to investigate what techniques and what legislation exists regarding the subject, to equate thatinformation with permit applications from Östersund municipality.Individual sewages are considered to be an environmentally hazardous activity, for the reason thatwastewater can consist of infectious substances, such as viruses and bacteria, and harmful chemicals.Therefore, you must apply for a permit, or report individual sewers to the environment and communitycommittee at the municipality.In Sweden, there are no specific laws that regulate individual sewers. However, there are several rulesthat affect the area. The law thus does not lay down any specific requirements regarding whattechnology should be used to purify wastewater, or how good the treatment should be, but rather that itshould be treated in such a way that it provides protection for the environment and human health, andin addition also housekeepers natural resources. How strict the requirements are depends, among otherthings, on how sensitive the local environment is, as well as the number of nearby sewage plants.The report shows that the technology that seems to be the most common in Östersund municipality isinfiltration, based on the fact that all of the majority of the applications in the municipality apply tothat technology. / <p>2021-06-04</p>

Sveriges strandskydd : En studie om strandskyddets historiska, nutida och framtida ställning / The Shore Protection of Sweden : A study of the historical, present and future status of the shore protection

Salmelin, Jessica, Nyander Söderhielm, Tova January 2022 (has links)
Strandskyddets historiska syfte har sedan införandet av strandskyddslagstiftningen 1950 främst varit att stärka allemansrätten och säkerställa allmänhetens tillgång till friluftsliv och rekreation. Sedan 1975 råder ett generellt strandskydd i Sverige. Det innebär att alla kuster och strandlinjer är belagda med strandskydd. 1994 utvidgades strandskyddets syfte till att även omfatta skydd för djur- och växtliv. Andra lagreformer som genomförts är exempelvis införandet av LIS-systemet, landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen, 2010 som syftade till att göra stradskyddsregleringen mer anpassningsbar och främja Sveriges landsbygdsutveckling. 2014 infördes vissa lättnader i strandskyddet vid små sjöar och vattendrag som skulle bidra till en mer långsiktigt hållbar utveckling av strandskyddet och landsbygderna. I mars 2022 överlämnades den senaste propositionen (2021/22:168) om förslag till nya strandskyddsregler som ska göra strandskyddet mer flexibelt, öka möjligheterna att anpassa regleringen efter behovet av strandskyddslättnader respektive utveckling i hela landet. Det lokala inflytandet föreslås öka och det ska även bli betydligt enklare att bygga i lands- och glesbygd samt i mindre tätorter. Propositionen har fått utstå stark kritik och många riksdagspartier ställer sig negativa till förslaget. Den här uppsatsen behandlar Sveriges strandskyddslagar ur ett historiskt, nuvarande respektive framtida perspektiv. Den analyserar även några utvalda förslag från regeringens senaste proposition. Genom analysen av förarbeten och tillhörande följdmotioner försöker vi utläsa vilka konsekvenserna lagförslaget skulle kunna få vid eventuellt ikraftträdande. Uppsatsen syftar till att svara på frågeställningarna “Hur har strandskyddet utvecklats över tid och varför har utvecklingen sett ut så som den har gjort?” samt “Vilka lagändringar vill regeringen nu genomföra och varför? Vilka konsekvenser skulle ändringarna innebära i förhållande till de nuvarande bestämmelserna?” I dagens lagstiftning finns många gränsdragningsproblem och benämningar som öppnar upp för stora tolkningsskillnader. Det finns grund för att tro att regeringens proposition inte kommer röstas igenom eftersom det uttryckliga stödet från flera riksdagspartier är svagt. Det återstår att se när regeringsförslaget kommer röstas om i kammaren. Det är svårt att dra några konkreta slutsatser, då detta är en fråga om politik och i sin förlängning valstrategi. Uppsatsens slutsats är att ett strandskydd är nödvändigt men att det bör regleras mer efter lokala förutsättningar och exploateringsgrader. / This essay interprets the Swedish shore protection laws from a historical, current and future perspective. Since the introduction of the shore protection legislation in 1950 the historical purpose of shore protection has mainly been to fortify the right of public access and ensure the public's access to outdoor life and recreation. In 1994, the purpose of shore protection was extended to include the protection of animal and plant life. Since 1975, there has been shore protection in place in Sweden which means that all coasts and shorelines are protected from exploitation. Other law reforms that have been implemented are, for example, the introduction of the LIS system (rural development in coastal locations) in 2010. In 2014, certain reliefs to the shore protection legislation was introduced regarding small lakes and watercourses that would contribute to a more long-term sustainable development of shore protection alongside the countryside. In March 2022 the latest bill (2021/22:168) was submitted. The proposals for new shore protection legislation included rules that will ensure a more flexible shore protection law which takes rural development into account. The new proposal also aims to increase the possibility of adapting the regulations based on the local need for shore protection. The new legislation will increase the municipal authority and influence and should also make it easier to exploit in rural and smaller urban areas. The bill has received strong criticism and many parliamentary parties are negative to the proposal. By analyzing preparatory work and associated follow-up motions, we try to forecast what the consequences of the bill could be in the event of its entry into force. The purpose of the essay is to answer the issues “How has shore protection legislation developed over time and why has the development looked the way it has?" and “What legislative changes does the government now want to implement and why? What consequences would the changes have in relation to the current regulations?” In today's legislation, there are many demarcation problems as well as legal concepts which can create large differences in the interpretation. There is reason to believe that the government's bill will not be voted through because the explicit support from several parliamentary parties is weak. It remains to be seen when the government proposal will be voted on. It is difficult to draw any concrete conclusions as this is a matter of politics and, by extension, an election strategy. The essays' conclusion is that shore protection plays a necessary role in today's urban planning but that it should be regulated more according to local conditions and degrees of exploitation

Upphävande av ledningsrätt i vattenområde : Hur hanteras eventuell miljöskada inom Stockholms län

Juric, Marija January 2016 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är vi beroende av elkraft, vatten- och avloppsförsörjning, bredband och andra ledningar som är till stor nytta för människor och infrastruktur. För att säkra rätten att dra fram ledningar för olika ändamål bildas det ofta ledningsrätter. Samhällen förändras över tiden och själva tekniken moderniseras. Befintliga ledningar räcker inte till vilket gör att behov av fler ledningar och ledningsrätter uppstår. Ledningar och anläggningar som tjänat ut sitt ändamål ändras eller upphävs. Frågan uppstår då vad som händer med ledningar och dess anordningar efter det att de tjänat ut sitt ändamål. Hur hanteras eventuell miljöskada?   När det skrivs om bildande, ändring och/eller upphävande av ledningsrätter går tankarna oftast till själva processen samt kring nytta av ändamål och syfte som ledningsrätten uppfyller. Själva miljöaspekten är något som det inte pratas lika mycket om. När ledningar befinner sig på sjöbotten eller blir kvarlämnade efter att de tjänat ut sitt ändamål pågår nedbrytning av materialet som sprids ut i vattnet.   De metoder som har använts i arbetet är: (1) en juridisk studie där rättslägget undersöks och beskrivs; (2) en intervjustudie för att analysera hur Lantmäteriet och Länsstyrelsen ser på problematiken kring ledningar som lämnas kvar i vatten efter att ledningsrätt har upphävts samt en intervjustudie för att analysera i vilket mån är fastighetsägarna och ledningsrättshavarna informerade om själva problematiken kring ledningar som finns kvar i vattnet efter att ledningsrätt har upphävts och vem de anser har ansvar att ta bort ledningar för att återställa miljö i vattenområde; (3) en granskning av förrättningsakter för att analysera om tillräcklig information ges ut till fastighetsägarna och ledningsrättshavarna om vad som kommer att hända med ledningar efter att dessa tjänat ut sitt syfte och att analysera om någon miljöbedömning gjorts avseende miljöpåverkan av ledningar i vattenområde.   Resultatet och slutsatsen av examensarbetet ger svar på frågan om den gällande lagstiftningen tar hänsyn till miljö under iordningsställande av ledningsrätten, vilka brister som råder kring hantering av miljöfrågor och hur dessa brister skulle kunna åtgärdas. / In today's society we are dependent on electricity, water and sewage treatment, broadband and other lines, which are of great benefit to people and infrastructure. In order to secure the right to draw up cables for different purposes are formed often rights. Communities change over time, and the technology itself modernized. Existing utility easements are not sufficient, which means that the need for more cables and rights occurs. Existing pipelines and facilities that served their purpose, amended or repealed. The question arises what happens with the lines and the devices after they served their purpose. How is environmental damage managed?   When written about the establishment, amendment and / or termination of utility easements there is usually suggest of the process itself as well as about the advantage of object and purpose of the utility easement which it meet. The environmental aspect is something that is not talked about as much. When the cables are on the bottom of the lake, or gets left behind after they served their purpose, it starts ongoing degradation of the material out in the water. What happened is – impact on environmental and thereby also people's life quality.   The methods used in the work are: (1) a legal study of legal position examined and described; (2) an interview to analyze how the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority and the County Board looks at the problem of wiring left in the water after a utility easement has been repealed and an interview study to analyze to what extent are the property owners and proprietor of the utility easement informed about the problem of cables left in the water after the utility easement right has been revoked and who they think has the responsibility to remove the cables to restore the environment in the water area; (3) a review of the ordinance acts to analyze whether sufficient information is given out to the property owners and proprietor of the utility easement about what will happen to the cables after they served their purpose and to analyze whether an environmental assessment has been made regarding the environmental impact of the cables in the water area.   The results and the conclusion of the thesis answers the question whether current legislation including the environment during the preparation of utility easement, identifying gaps about the management of environmental issues and how these gaps could be fixed.

Hårvårdsverksamheter ur ett miljö- och hälsoskyddsperspektiv : Kartläggning av frisörer i Danderyd och Vaxholm och utarbetande av checklista för inspektioner

Welander, Mattias January 2009 (has links)
<p>Hair care is a hygienic treatment and is supervised by the Local Environment and Public Health Committee in the municipality. According to the Swedish Environmental Code, hairdressers as all practitioners are required to take measurements to protect the environment and public health. In hygienic treatments hazards may arise from inadequate hygiene practice which spread infection. Hazards may also arise from the use of hair care products such as permanent wave solutions, bleaches and hair dyes. Some hair dye components are known to cause contact allergy, mostly in hair dressers who are exposed professionally but also in some cases in consumers. Bleaches increase the risk of occupational asthma in hairdressers. Some studies have shown an increased risk of cancer in hairdressers and possibly also in consumers. The use of cosmetic and hygienic products also affects the environment. Some components, e.g. surfactants, are hazardous to aquatic organisms, even though the contribution from hair care products is relatively small. Some hairdressers perform ear piercing. All activities that penetrate the skin involve a risk of infection. There is also a risk of developing a nickel allergy if the earrings are not nickel free. In Sweden, due to recently changed legislation, hairdressers no longer need to notify the Local Environment and Public Health Committee before starting a practice. The changes also mean that the rules about documentation of the measurements practitioners need to take to protect public health are less clear. The changes have made the supervision of hairdressers harder for the Local Environment and Public Health Committee.</p>

Use of waste ash : effects of the law / Lagens inverkan på användandet av avfallsförbränningsaska

Håkansson, Jenny January 2004 (has links)
<p>This study is a comparison of Swedish and Danish legislation on recycling of MSWI (Municipal Solid Waste Incineration) residues for construction purposes. The aim has been to look for differences and figure out whether these could be a reason for the minor use of MSWI ashes in Sweden compared to Denmark. To do this, text analysis has been performed on Swedish and Danish environmental legislation with focus on recycling of incineration ashes for constructions. </p><p>In Denmark, use of incineration ashes was very common and large amounts were recycled during the 1980’s and 1990’s. The new legislation, more similar to the Swedish in terms of an increased need for assessments along with tightened limits for hazardous substances, has diminished the use. </p><p>This shows that changes in Danish legislation towards the Swedish complicate the use of incineration ashes. Thereby the minor use of ashes from MSWI in Sweden could, at least partially, be explained by differences in Danish and Swedish legislation.</p>

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