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Exploring the benefits, limitations and drawbacks of using LoRa with UAVs and AMRs for Warehouse Management : A study on behalf of Proton Finishing ABClaesson, Daniel, Palmqvist, Noah January 2023 (has links)
This study explores the potential benefits, limitations and drawbacks of usingLoRa with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs)together for warehouse management. Three research concerns are looked at in order toprovide a full analysis of the topic. First, the benefits, limitations and drawbacks of utilizingLoRa with UAVs and AMRs are discussed along with suggestions for how to get over thechallenges within warehouse management. Second, potential security risks with the usage ofLoRa in conjunction with UAVs and AMRs for warehouse management are recognized, andmitigation strategies are recommended. The study's last portion considers how warehousemanagement company Proton Finishing AB may utilize LoRa in combination with UAVs andAMRs to promote environmental sustainability.
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The Fast Fashion Business Model vs. Environmental Sustainability: A Case Study of StrongerTesfay, Hermon, Herrlin, Tilde January 2023 (has links)
The fast fashion industry is considered to be the second most polluting industry in the world, facing many challenges regarding environmental sustainability. Due to the rising interest and awareness in environmental sustainability, this study was conducted to discover how fast fashion companies make decisions regarding environmental sustainability and how these decisions are affected by the fast fashion business model. A qualitative case study approach was employed, focusing on the Swedish activewear brand Stronger as the case study company. An in-depth interview was conducted with the company to gain valuable insights into the relationship between the fast fashion business model and firms decisions related to environmental sustainability. The analysis of the data revealed key themes and patterns, highlighting the challenges, opportunities, and potential strategies for firms aiming to incorporate environmental sustainability into their operations within the fast fashion industry. The findings indicated that the fast fashion business model contradicts the principles of environmental sustainability, requiring significant modifications to align with sustainable practices. Based on the findings and analysis, it was also concluded that the firms’ decisions are influenced by the fast fashion business model, however it is possible to make decisions that prioritize environmental sustainability despite the constraints of the business model.
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<p>Sustainably meeting the food demands of a growing population based on
finite resources while protecting the environment is one of the great
challenges of humanity in the coming decades. This dissertation combines three
essays that examine how future patterns of global food consumption will affect
human health, and how the food system changes driven by the ongoing global
nutrition transition will affect the environment. The production of food needed
to meet a growing population combined with changes in food consumption patterns
are placing unprecedented levels of stress on the planet’s scarce natural
resources. In this context, while the existing literature has mainly focused on
increasing production, the magnitude of loss and waste is too large to be
ignored. The first essay contributes to the literature by examining the
linkages between consumers’ food waste at the national level on the one hand,
and global food security and environmental health on the other hand. Absent significant
behavioral changes or successful policy interventions, food waste will nearly
double by 2050. Emerging economies are likely to play a key role in driving
this growth in global food waste. Further findings indicate that the global benefits
of food waste mitigation are greatly enhanced in the context of a more open
international trade regime. Yet even as food loss and waste has been undernutrition
and overweight/obesity levels have also been increasing. Together, these trends
form a triple challenge for food security, global sustainability and human
health. In the second essay I examine the role of the excessive calorie
availability as an historical driver of adult BMI. I find that, in part driven
by excess in calorie availability, individuals in more recent cohorts are
overweight or obese earlier and for larger proportions of their lifespan than
those in earlier cohorts. This highlights the potential for unintended health
consequences of agricultural and trade policies directed at increasing calorie
supplies. In the third essay I introduce a novel framework that extends the
UN-FAO’s methodology for assessing undernutrition to also assess the extent of
overconsumption and obesity. This framework allows for examination of the
dynamics of the double burden of malnutrition between 2015 and 2050. Specifically,
this framework shows how shifting towards healthier and more sustainable food
consumption levels and reducing food waste could synergistically address
multiple health and environmental burdens. </p>
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Integrating sustainability aspects into the business development processes of Hemfrid / Integration av hållbarhet i Hemfrids affärsutvecklingsarbeteEngström, Adam January 2018 (has links)
Sustainability is becoming more of a strategic tool in many companies today and will become even more important in the future. Hemfrid is today looking at many new business areas and has realized the importance of including sustainability in its new businesses. However, the link between sustainability and business development has not been researched in a larger extent and therefore there are no good methods to use. Therefore, the aim of this report is to provide a method and tool for Hemfrid to integrate sustainability aspects into their business development processes. To fulfil this aim, an analysis of current scientific literature and models within the areas of sustainability and business development was done. Based on those models, with a foundation in the Sustainable Development Goals, a model was created. To be able to weigh different impact area against each other, an MCA was conducted. Finally, the model was assessed through external feedback and through a SWOT analysis. The model is based on 14 of the 17 SDGs with specific impact categories for all of them. A tool was created in Excel to easily assess the impact of the new business development projects. Lastly a seminar was held with Hemfrid’s management team facilitating the model. / Hållbarhet håller idag på att utvecklas från ett område som de senaste åren varit en operationellt fokuserad verksamhet till något som mer och mer närmar sig strategiarbete. Som en del av den här utvecklingen börjar många företag konstatera att integrationen av hållbarhet i deras affärsutvecklingsarbete blir en fråga som blir allt viktigare. Hemfrid har de senaste 20 åren växt fram till ett marknadsledande företag inom hushållsnära tjänster där hemstädning för privatpersoner är den dominerande tjänsten. Hemfrid har valt att fokusera på att ge sina anställda kollektivavtal och trygg anställning och fokusera på sina anställda och kunder och i dagsläget tittar man på många nya affärsutvecklingsmöjligheter för att fortsätta erbjuda sina kunder hjälp i sina hem. I och med Hemfrids fokus på hållbarhet med schyssta arbetsvillkor och miljövänliga produkter har de även insett vikten av att även på ett tidigt stadium få in hållbarhetstänk i sitt affärsutvecklingsarbete. Denna rapport syftar därför till att skapa en modell och verktyg för Hemfrid för att integrera hållbarhetsaspekter i deras affärsutvecklingsarbete. Hemfrid-modellen är framtagen med de globala hållbarhetsmålen som utgångspunkt där olika kriterier identifierades inom varje mål som Hemfrid sedan kan utvärdera sina affärsutvecklingsprojekt utifrån. En litteraturstudie är även gjord där det identifierats nio ytterligare modeller inom hållbarhet respektive affärsutveckling som på olika sätt varit användbara för att skapa kriterier och övergripande användning av Hemfrid-modellen. Varje mål är viktat utifrån Hemfrids nuvarande verksamhet och strategi för att spegla företagets hållbarhetsprioriteringar. Verktyget är framtaget i Excel, baseras på en Multikriterieanalys och ger Hemfrid ett enkelt sätt att på en 5-gradig skala, för varje mål, utvärdera om kriterierna förändras från en skala mycket sämre till mycket bättre jämfört med dagens produkter eller tjänster. Verktyget visualiserar sedan om projektet som helhet är bra eller dåligt hållbarhetsmässigt samt vilka mål man har väldigt positiv påverkan på och bör kommunicera mot sina kunder samt vilka man bör se över och förbättra. Vidare har verktyget testats på två olika affärsutvecklingsprojekt där representanter från hållbarhetsavdelningen och affärsutvecklingsenheten fått ge feedback på användning och modellen har även presenterats och diskuterats tillsammans med Hemfrids ledning för att förankra modellens användande inom bolaget. Slutligen gjordes även en SWOT-analys där modellen visade vara över lag positiv. De negativa delarna med modellen ligger i att den är en förenkling av verkligheten och inte kommer kunna ta upp alla hållbarhetsaspekter som finns samt att det i användandet av modellen finns risk att man gör subjektiva bedömningar och ger sig själv bättre poäng än vad man egentligen borde. Modellen kommer dock kraftigt förenkla integrationen av hållbarhet i affärsutvecklingsprocesserna på Hemfrid och kommer användas för att försäkra att Hemfrid fortsätter vara starka inom hållbarhet och att erbjuda sina kunder smarta lösningar.
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Assessing The Scope And Challenges Of Environmental Sustainability Reporting In Developing Countries. : A Study Of Telecommunications Companies In Kenya And Uganda.Akware, Elda Mary January 2023 (has links)
There is a general agreement that human activities have a significant impact on environmentalsustainability, which leads to global warming and climate change. However, not much researchhas been done on how telecommunications firms in developing countries deal with environmentalrisks. This study aims to explore the specific strategies that these companies use to integratesustainable practices into their daily operations, as well as the challenges and opportunities theyencounter. Through interviews and a review of existing literature on environmental sustainability,this research shows that companies use various methods, such as intangible measures, formalsystems, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), industry benchmarks, and environment-centric tools,to promote sustainability. However, these companies also encounter obstacles like ensuring dataaccuracy and integrity, coordinating across departments, streamlining data collection, andinvolving stakeholders. Overall, adopting sustainable practices benefits both the companies andthe environment. This study is relevant to those interested in environmentally friendly operations,telecommunications management, prospective researchers, and society as a whole. Moreinvestigation is needed to understand environmental sustainability better.
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Environmental sustainability programs in higher education: Policies, practices and curriculum strategiesBrodie, Carol Ann 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to describe and analyze the policies and practices at selected universities in response to the environmental sustainability movement, as defined by the Talloires Declaration. A survey was conducted of sustainability coordinators at 26 institutions of higher education. Interviews were then conducted at three selected schools in the Western United States. From the data many themes emerged, including the region where the schools reside, culture, people that help or hinder, factors about the sustainability movement, regulations and mandates, financial considerations, physical characteristics of the schools, school atmosphere and politics, tactics used to implement environmental sustainability, and personality characteristics. The importance of leadership was a key finding in this study, as was the commitment of resources, regional culture, and communications.
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Unga vuxnas miljömässigt hållbara konsumtionsmönster : En studie i hur unga fattar hållbara köpbeslut vid köp av livsmedel & inredning / The environmentally sustainable purchase habits of young adults : A study of how young adults make sustainable purchase decisions when buying groceries & interior designCarlsson Ruiter, Elina, Hilldén, Felizia January 2018 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen behandlar unga vuxnas miljömässigt hållbara konsumtion i relation till livsmedel och inredning. Miljömässig hållbarhet innebär att hänsyn tas till vilka effekter en vara eller tjänst har på ekologin och naturens framtida förmåga att frodas. samtidigt som efterfrågan på miljömässigt hållbara produkter växer och utbudet ökar förekommer en viss skepsis gentemot de certifieringar hållbara produkter får. Fler hinder för en hållbar konsumtion är bland annat att många köpbeslut sker på vana, att priset mellan ekologiska och icke-ekologiska livsmedel skiljer sig åt samt att det saknas information om vad som faktiskt är det mest miljömässigt hållbara alternativet. För att ta reda på uppsatsens syfte intervjuades sex unga vuxna i Västra Götalandsregionen och deras konsumtionsmönster. Resultatet visade att hållbara köpbeslut som tas i många fall har andra grundläggande anledningar som ekonomiska eller är helt omedvetna. Det visade sig även att konsumenter i stor utsträckning använder sig av ett kompensatoriskt konsumtionsmönster. Slutsatser som dragits är att miljöengagemanget mellan deltagarna i intervjuerna var varierande och att ett större miljöengagemang leder till fler hållbara beslut hos konsumenter. Pris är också en bidragande faktor till ett hållbart konsumtionsmönster tillsammans med en bred kunskapsbas hos konsumenten. För att hållbarhetscertifieringar ska få önskvärd effekt krävs tydligare information riktad till konsumenterna, både från företagen och organisationerna samt i butikerna. / The essay will examine how young consumers make environmentally sustainable decisions when they buy groceries and home decor. Enviromental sustainability means taking into account the effects that a product or service has on the ecology and the future's ability to flourish. At the same time as demand for environmentally sustainable products is growing and supply increases, some skepticism rises over the certifications of sustainable products. Other barriers for sustainable purchasing decisions include, among other things, the fact that many purchase decisions are made out of habit, that the price between organic and non-organic foods is different paired with the fact that there in no information about what actually is the most environmentally sustainable alternative. To answer the purpose of the paper, six young adults in Västra Götaland, Sweden were interviewed about the pattern of their purchase decisions. The results showed that sustainable purchasing decisions in many cases have other basic reasons, such as economic, or that the consumer is completely unaware. It was also found that consumers use a compensatory consumption pattern to a large extent. Conclusions are that the environmental engagement of the participants in the interviews varied and that a greater environmental commitment leads to more sustainable decisions by consumers. For sustainability certifications to have the desired effect, clearer information is required for consumers, both from companies and organizations, as well as in the stores.
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Drivers and barriers in environmental analysis – the case study of transportation processes in SMEAlwazeer, Sufyan, Carlsson, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to explore the drivers and barriers to conducting an environmental analysis of transport processes in an SME. Method– The research method used in this study is a single-case study. The research approach for this study is an abductive approach. One data collection method was used for data collection, which was interviews. Findings – This study identified internal and external drivers and barriers to conducting an environmental analysis of transportation processes. Some findings of this study confirm the findings from the previous studies. Also, some findings of this study extend the findings from the previous studies. Implications– The answers to the research questions of this study will increase awareness and help SMEs to increase their understanding of the drivers and barriers when it comes to adopting sustainability and conducting an environmental analysis of transportation processes. Limitations– The limitation of this study are large logistics companies are not considered and will not be included in this study, this study does not delve into environmental analyses relating to warehouse operations or energy consumption, it does not investigate how SMEs gather and analyze the data necessary for conducting an environmental analysis. Also, this study is not focused on how to conduct an environmental analysis and the actual tools itself. Moreover, the study is limited to Swedish SMEs which may have some branches inside of Europe. Keywords – Barriers, Driving factors, Environmental Sustainability, Green Logistics, SMEs, Transportation
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What do you think? Board games help newcomers integrate into local life in a socially and environmentally sustainable way. / What do you think? Board games help newcomers integrate into local life in a socially and environmentally sustainable way.Xu, Wanying January 2023 (has links)
This report mainly introduces how I, as a designer, use the meta-design theoretical framework and design methods to explore my board game design. Introduction “The most important challenge today and in the future concerns sustainability – to create a world that is good for both people and the environment, locally and globally”. -Linnaeus University I am a design student from China studying in Sweden. It is a challenge for me to go abroad and come to a new country and city to study and live, but also an interesting change. This thesis was inspired by some of my experiences in Sweden. As a newcomer to another country. I have no particular knowledge of Swedish. Although I did some research before coming to Sweden, all I know is that Sweden is a neutral country. It is a country that likes to maintain social distance. It is a country that pays great attention to environmental protection and sustainable development. It is a country with a very lovely language. But just knowing these things cannot help me to study and live in Sweden well. I realized I needed some help from the locals. So here came my first question. How can I get in touch with the locals? For me as a student, the best connection resources are already in front of me. That is my classmates. But as a new student who just arrived in the class, I did not have enough courage to take the initiative to ask the local students about how to live in Sweden. However, I was lucky. Most of my classmates are very enthusiastic. From the conversations with them, I can feel their curiosity about me. Maybe it was because we are about to spend three years studying together, or maybe it was out of kindness to others. Compared with my luck, other friends around me who also came to Sweden to study felt a little bit lost. They found it difficult to integrate with local students. They did not know how to open the topic, and they did not know how to find a common language. They found that local students were more likely to hang out with friends from their own country. During the two years I spent in Sweden, I felt the warmth of the local people. Of course, there are also many cultural differences. I also heard from many friends around me that they think it is difficult to really integrate into Sweden. They could feel a sense of social powerlessness. So, I started thinking, as a design student, what design changes can I make for this? Is it possible to use design to make an experimental intervention game? For example, integrating the simple board games we used to play as children, and redesigning and integrating them into an activity that can be made and played together in a social place. Of course at the same time, I also discovered some small games that Swedish students like to play at parties. Like an icebreaker, everyone is happily participating. But the materials these games require are not particularly environmentally friendly. For example, disposable plastic cups, plastic ping pong balls. Especially during the epidemic, every time a party was held, some students were infected with the virus. So, I was thinking, what kind of games do not require close physical proximity, are interactive and are environmentally friendly and can be used sustainably? With this question, I started my game design journey.
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An Analysis of Environmental Sustainability Practices of Swedish Start-ups : From an Ecological Orientation PerspectiveRahman, Mohammad Arafat, Suchy, Nusrat Jahan January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The paper aims to identify the ecological orientations of the Swedish start-ups and explore the opportunities and challenges to determine their environmental sustainability actions. Methods: The study used a qualitative method for conducting this exploratory type of research. This paper focused mainly on primary data; semi-structured interviews were conducted on ten Swedish start-ups to explore their sustainable environmental practices. Finally, the collected data were analyzed through cross-case analyses. Findings: Firstly, the findings of the paper posit that the ten Swedish start-ups belong to eco-dedicated, eco-open and eco-reluctant orientations according to their business practices. Secondly, the study explores that saving cost for long run, reusability of components, and the best use of available resources are major opportunities whereas the prime challenges are the additional cost of eco-friendly solutions, customers' price sensitiveness and market competition. And thirdly, the study determines sustainability actions of three categories of start-ups that are self-motivated, hybrid and government support driven. Contribution: This study contributes to the knowledge of environmental sustainability practices of Swedish start-ups through the lens of ecological orientation. The sole focus on environmental sustainability dimension enhances the theoretical understanding of the start-ups’ actions according to their ecological orientations. Further, this paper equips academic researchers with valuable information of Swedish start-ups’ environmental sustainability actions and help to determine the contribution of the start-ups in environmental sustainability continuum. Moreover, the findings inform about the benefits of environmentally sustainable practices for new businesses. The paper also provides multifaceted information to the business managers about the sustainability actions of start-ups as per their ecological orientations. Conclusions: The result of the study shows that eco-dedicated start-ups are proactive in case of pursuing the environmental sustainability actions while eco-open businesses incorporate both self-driven and regulatory actions. And the sustainability actions of eco-reluctant startups are dependent on the government supports and regulations.
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