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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regulation, control and prevention of marine pollution in South Africa : a comparative analysis between national and international legal frameworks

Bapela, Mpho Paulos January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (LLD.) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / This thesis, “Regulation, control and prevention of marine pollution in South Africa: A Comparative analysis between national and international legal framework” focuses on the existing laws, conventions, treaties and policies on the control and prevention of marine pollution. Various laws have been enacted in South Africa to prevent and control marine pollution. However, marine pollution continues to increase at a rapid rate. This study aims to establish a basic approach that is aimed at combating marine pollution through examining the regulation, prevention and control of marine pollution in South Africa, with a specific focus on the comparative analysis of national and international framework. To this end, a comparison is made between South Africa and other jurisdictions in Africa, Europe, Asia and Latin America. The reason for employing a comparative approach is to learn best practices and finding solutions to the problem of marine pollution. Thus, the international legal framework, regional framework and operations of intergovernmental bodies and non-governmental bodies on the effort of combatting marine pollution were analysed. The objectives of this study were to examine how marine pollution is prevented through the existing legal framework; to identify the reason for the increasing rate of marine pollution despite the existing legal framework promulgated to curb marine pollution; to determine the effectiveness of the newly created IMOrg, juxtaposing it with similar organisations in other jurisdictions and to propose amendments to legislation that prevent and control marine pollution to ensure effective protection of the marine environment. This study was guided by questions such as the following: Do the existing legal frameworks adequately protect and control marine pollution? What is the reason for the increase in marine pollution despite the existing legal framework regulating marine pollution? How effective is the IMOrg in ensuring that South Africa address marine pollution? Is there a need to promulgate more effective legislation preventing and controlling marine pollution? x The study adopted a non-empirical qualitative research design that does not include data collection, questionnaire, systematic data analysis, observations and/or interviews. The study relied on the library materials that include but are not limited to textbooks, reports, legislations, regulations, charters, policies, amendments to the legislation, journals or academic journals, government gazette, constitution, national and international journals. From the materials consulted, the study revealed the existence of a relationship between the national and international legal framework. However, such an existing relationship is not good enough to effectively prevent the marine environment from harm. This is because a plethora of national legislations that regulate the marine environment comprise less stringent measures to deter future contravention. The study recommends amendments to legislations that regulate marine pollution to impose penalties that have a deterrent value on parties. The study advises against the repealing of these legislations.

What is the Problem of Sustainability? : A Review of the municipality of Malmö’s Environmental Programme 2019-2020

Hyltén-Cavallius, Gorm January 2020 (has links)
In 2015 every member of the United Nations accepted Agenda 2030, a guideline for sustainable development with the aim of keeping the temperature from rising above two degrees Celsius. However, it’s still not clear what it seeks to sustain, and the logic behind the concept remains elusive. This thesis aims to examine the meaning behind environmental sustainability by investigating how Agenda 2030 is interpreted by urban planners in Malmö, through analysing the problematisations made in the environmental programme for environmental sustainability in Malmö. The analysis relies on the idea that a policy is created in order to solve a problem. By examining what is seen as a problem the underlying logic of the policies will be discerned. By examining the problematisations of the environmental programme of the municipality of Malmö between 2019-2020 the research will elucidate what environmental sustainability means in the context of Malmö, Sweden. The research showed that the municipality wishes to make optimal use of environmental sustainability as a tool for social, economic and environmental development through changed behaviour of businesses, staff at Malmö Stad, and its citizens. The municipality’s environmental programme implies that unsustainability stems from lack of knowledge, which causes people to make unsustainable choices. Environmental sustainability, as presented, by the municipality of Malmö’s policy document to be about optimising and increasing the environment’s beneficial effects for humans.

Att formge för minskad nedskräpning i stadsmiljö / Designing for reduced littering in urban environment

Nicic, Marina January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to reduce littering in urban environments. This is done by using product design and sustainable development as main directions and thus being able to create a sustainable behavior change that can be used and further developed in the future. During the course of the study, it is found out how product design can contribute to reducing littering. With user-centered design and sustainable development as starting points, littering in urban environments, design for behavior change, nudging and emotional design are examined. This is in order to gain a deeper understanding of where this eind of environmental problem came from and why. Furthermore, a number of observations and interviews are performed that create a stable and clear basis for the final design's needs and requirements. These are tested and developed during the brainstorming process and concept development with the help of sketches and prototypes, which in turn leads to a final design concept. Based on all the research and method implementations, it is concluded that people repeat each other's behaviors (Håll Sverige Rent, etc.) while there is a great lack of communication and guidance to trashcan´s in urban environments. Simplicity, prompts, guidance, colors, entertainment and different concepts are the most important factors that can contribute to a positive behavior change and hopefully a solution to the environmental problem. The final design proposal was therefore developed into a design concept that represents a connection between existing trashcan´s in urban environments and individually designed accessories that can be attached to them, regardless of the shape or size. The purpose of the concept is therefore to guide and inform about the trashcan´s important function regarding the handling of all kinds of rubbish and where these are located in an urban environment.

Generation Z och trovärdighet : En undersökning av generation Z’s uppfattning av trovärdig grön modemarknadsföring / Generation Z and credibility : A study of generation Z’s perception of crediblegreen fashion marketing

Gullstrand, Paulina, Moberg, Jonathan, Eriksson, Adam January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka generation Z:s uppfattning om trovärdig grön marknadsföring från kläd- och modeföretag, vilka faktorer som påverkar den samt hur marknadsföringen kan utformas för att öka trovärdigheten. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Populationen för studien är generation Z, vilket innefattar individer födda mellan år 1995 och år 2010. Vi såg potentiella svårigheter att kunna samla in meningsfull kvalitativ data från alla årskullar inom generationen. Utifrån detta resulterade en avgränsning av urvalet till den grupp inom generation Z med individer födda mellan år 1995 och år 2000. Vidare utfördes sju intervjuer som gav oss nödvändig data för analys. Genom tematisk kodning fann vi gemensamma teman och underkategorier i uttalanden från respondenterna Resultaten från studien visar att respondenterna anser att de finns en brist på kunskap kring hållbart mode, men också en avsaknad av grön marknadsföring kring det. Modeföretag borde kommunicera information som ökar kunskapen om miljömässig hållbarhet hos konsumenterna för att således skapa trovärdighet, där transparens visade sig vara ett viktigt verktyg. Att inkludera fakta, statistik, tredjepartscertifiering i form av miljömärkning och förklara tillverkningsprocesser påverkar den uppfattade trovärdigheten av modemarknadsföringen. Då transparens är frånvarande misstänker generation Z, likt våra respondenter, gröntvättning. Den gröna marknadsföringen borde innehålla förklarande koncisa texter i kombination med video eller bilder. Produkten borde även ha en central roll i marknadsföringen för att visa konsumenten vad hen betalar för. Att förklara varför produkten är miljövänligt istället för att endast påstå det ökar trovärdigheten. / The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate generation Z’s perception of crediblegreen marketing from the fashion industry, as well as understand which factors affect thecredibility of what is communicated. Furthermore, we look at how the green marketing couldbe designed in order to be perceived as credible as possible by generation Z.The data was collected through semi-structured interviews. Our population was generation Z,which constitutes an age span from 1995 to 2010 according to the literature, but to obtainmeaningful data we chose to make a delimitation to individuals born between 1995 and 2000.This resulted in seven interviews that gave us the necessary data which was then transcribedand analyzed. Through thematic coding, common themes and patterns were identified fromthe respondents.The result of the study shows that our respondents consider that there is a lack of bothknowledge about sustainable fashion and exposure to green marketing. Fashion companiesshould communicate information that leads to increased consumer knowledge ofenvironmental sustainability in order to create credibility. Another important factor toincrease their credibility is for fashion companies to be transparent in their green marketing.To include facts, numbers, third party certification (environmental labeling) and theexplanation of processes positively affects the perceived credibility. In the absence oftransparency generation Z, including our respondents, suspect greenwashing. The greenmarketing should contain short texts with explanatory and easily understandable concepts incombination with films or pictures. The product should have a central role in marketing inorder for the consumer to see what they pay for. Explaining why the products areenvironmentally sustainable, rather than simply stating that they are, increases the credibilityof the green fashion marketing.

Estrategias para la adecuada gestión de residuos sólidos en los hoteles / Management Strategies of solid waste in hotels

Zloczover Villarreal, Danna Samantha, Saavedra Castillo, Sheyla Liseth 09 December 2021 (has links)
Actualmente el sector hotelero genera grandes cantidades de residuos sólidos, que son sometidos a tratamientos de gestión. Sin embargo, algunos hoteles no desarrollan un correcto tratamiento de estos residuos, lo que contribuye directamente a la degradación y contaminación del medio ambiente. En la actualidad, existe información y conocimiento disperso acerca de la adecuada gestión de los residuos sólidos generados por los hoteles, la cual no ha sido sistematizada ni analizada en un único documento. La metodología empleada para la presente investigación fue la revisión de literatura con enfoque integrador utilizando fuentes tales como, libros, tesis, artículos de revistas científicas tanto nacionales como internacionales acerca de la gestión adecuada de los residuos sólidos en los hoteles. La presente investigación tiene como principal aporte poner a disposición un único documento, en base a la revisión y sistematización de documentos académicos diversos, los adecuados procesos de gestión de residuos sólidos generados por la hotelería que permitan reducir los efectos medioambientales generados por la hotelería. Este permitirá el acceso de los interesados tales como, empresarios, inversionistas, científicos, expertos, personas relacionadas al rubro, estudiantes y egresados de las carreras de hotelería y turismo. Además de ello, se brindará información precisa sobre los efectos negativos que se generan a partir de la inadecuada gestión de residuos sólidos por los hoteles, lo que permitirá identificar estrategias eficientes para su gestión que logren minimizar los efectos en el medio ambiente. / Currently the hotel industry generates large amounts of solid waste, which are subjected to management treatments. However, some hotels do not develop a correct treatment of this waste, which contributes directly to the degradation and contamination of the environment. At present, there is scattered information and knowledge about the proper management of solid waste generated by hotels, which has not been systematized or analyzed in a single document. The methodology used for this research was the literature review with an integrative approach using sources such as books, theses, articles from both national and international scientific journals about the proper management of solid waste in hotels. The main contribution of this research is to make available a single document, based on the review and systematization of various academic documents, the appropriate solid waste management processes generated by the hotel industry that allow reducing the environmental effects generated by the hotel industry. This will allow access to interested parties such as entrepreneurs, investors, scientists, experts, people related to the field, students and graduates of hospitality and tourism careers. In addition, precise information will be provided on the negative effects that are generated from the inadequate management of solid waste by hotels, which will allow the identification of efficient strategies for its management that minimize the effects on the environment. / Trabajo de investigación


Pavlasová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to design complex of natural swimming pool. The aim is to create a space where people feel comfortable and safe. There are four buildings designed, entrance building with a ticket office, cloakrooms, refreshments and wellness. The area has several playgrounds and sandbox. The terrain is contoured and planted with vegetation.

Location decisions regarding forest plantations in Brazil : Which aspects are important to actors in the Brazilian tree industry? / Lokaliseringsbeslut avseende skogsplanteringar i Brasilien : Vilka aspekter är viktiga för aktörer i den brasilianska trädindustrin?

Nilsson Lannerstedt, Katarina January 2020 (has links)
Brazilian productive forest plantations and sustainability is a continuous subject of debate, since such forest plantations constitute an increasing proportion of the Brazilian forest cover, and because of documented instances where some establishments have resulted in negative impacts on local ecosystems and communities. Meanwhile, balancing economic, environmental and social sustainability is becoming an important concern in industrial decision-making given the increasing importance of the global sustainability goals. The aim of this study is to investigate the contemporary decision context in which companies in the Brazilian tree industry select locations for forest plantations in Brazil. Special focus is devoted to how sustainability aspects are included in such decisions, as well as the roles assigned to possible mechanisms for sustainable development, such as Brazilian policy, legislation and independent forest certification. A qualitative research strategy is employed, which encompasses a literature review and semi-structured interviews with industry practitioners in two segments of the industry, whose perceptions are triangulated with perspectives of relevant non-industry actors. Grounded theory is used to analyse the qualitative data. The findings from the literature and the qualitative data are synthesised, and several hypotheses are consequently developed regarding forest plantation location decisions and sustainability in Brazil. The hypotheses evolve around the finding that strategic, economic, environmental and social perspectives are perceived as present in contemporary decision-making, in certified pulp and paper companies. Moreover, a hypothesis of general character is developed based on the synthesised findings, which is that forest plantations can be the subject of integrated location and sustainability analyses, where the problem can be formulated as finding an optimal location for a forest plantation from a three-dimensional sustainability perspective. Finally, some prospects for further integrated research about forest plantation location and sustainability are presented. / Denna studie handlar om brasilianska skogsplanteringar och expansionen av planteringar som ägs av företag i landets, så kallade ”trädindustri”. Studien fokuserar på produktiva skogsplanteringar av introducerade arter, för vilka intresset har vuxit parallellt med att de har expanderat till yta under de senaste decennierna. Intresset har även vuxit eftersom federala beslutsfattare har lyft fram skogsplanteringar som ett verktyg för att minska landets koldioxidutsläpp och stimulera ekonomisk utveckling. Produktiva brasilianska skogsplanteringar och hållbarhet är ett kontinuerligt föremål för debatt. Den befintliga litteraturen om expansionen av sådana planteringar indikerar att företag i landets trädindustri inte alltid har balanserat de ekonomiska, miljömässiga och sociala hållbarhetsdimensionerna i sina beslut gällande var planteringar ska anläggas. I vissa fall har besluten resulterat i negativa följder för lokala ekosystem och samhällen. Vidare finns det, såvitt författaren vet, inga studier som behandlar lokaliseringsbeslut gällande sådana brasilianska skogsplanteringar och alla de tre hållbarhetsdimensionerna. Därför syftar denna studie till att förbättra förståelsen för det samtida beslutssammanhang i vilket företag i den brasilianska trädindustrin väljer platser för sina skogsplanteringar, samt hur hållbarhetsaspekter omfattas i sådana beslut. Som ett led i denna strävan undersöks möjliga platsfaktorer, rumsliga begränsningar och andra beslutsaspekter, liksom vilken roll företag tilldelar specifika mekanismer för hållbar utveckling, såsom brasiliansk policy, lagstiftning och oberoende skogscertifiering. En kvalitativ forskningsstrategi antas för att genomföra undersökningen. En litteraturöversikt kombineras med semistrukturerade intervjuer med branschutövare i två segment av den brasilianska trädindustrin. Deras uppfattningar trianguleras med perspektiv från relevanta aktörer utanför branschen. Urvalet av deltagarna för studien genomfördes på plats i Brasilien 2015 till 2016 och resulterade i 13 brasilianska intervjudeltagare. Intervjuerna genomfördes sedan på olika platser i Brasilien under 2016. Grundad teori används som forskningsmetod för att analysera insamlad kvalitativ data. Två huvudteman, flera sekundära teman och ett koncept härleds från de kvalitativa data som samlades in, vilka främst grundar sig i uppfattningar gällande brasilianska massa- och pappersföretag. Flera beslutsfaktorer och begränsningar som kan påverka placeringen av brasilianska skogsplanteringar identifieras också. Det kan konstateras att aktörerna i urvalet i studien uppfattar det som att strategiska, ekonomiska, miljömässiga och sociala perspektiv är närvarande i dagens lokaliseringsbeslut, utförda av certifierade, brasilianska massa- och pappersföretag. En viktig begränsning i studien är att dess utforskande karaktär hindrar författaren från att presentera några ”sanningar” om ämnet som undersöks, eller att dra slutsatser om företagens verkliga handlingar. Därför presenteras istället ett antal hypoteser som gäller Brasilien, men även en hypotes av generell karaktär. Den generella hypotesen är att skogsplanteringar kan vara föremål för integrerad lokaliserings- och hållbarhetsanalys, där problemet kan formuleras som att hitta optimala platser för skogsplanteringar ur ett tredimensionellt hållbarhetsperspektiv. Med tanke på begränsningarna i studien, samt associerade osäkerheter som hypoteserna gällande det brasilianska fallet är befästa med, är rekommendationen att fortsatta studier först koncentrerar sig på att testa den allmänna hypotesen. Om fortsatta studier på nationell nivå visar sig vara fördelaktiga efter sådana tester, uppmuntras forskare att återvända till sammanfattningen av branschperspektiv, återstående frågor och hypoteser som tillgängliggörs för fortsatt forskning om Brasilien genom denna studie. / Este estudo trata das florestas plantadas brasileiras, e da expansão de plantios pertencentes a empresas da indústria brasileira de árvores plantadas. O estudo tem foco nas florestas plantadas produtivas de espécies introduzidas, pelas quais se teve um aumento no interesse paralelamente à sua expansão geográfica nas últimas décadas. O interesse também aumentou ao destaque dado aos plantios florestais pelo governo federal como uma ferramenta para reduzir as emissões de dióxido de carbono do país, e estimular o desenvolvimento econômico. As florestas plantadas produtivas brasileiras e a sustentabilidade são constantemente temas de debate. A literatura existente sobre essa expansão indica que as empresas da indústria brasileira de árvores plantadas nem sempre equilibram as três dimensões de sustentabilidade ao decidir onde plantar suas florestas. Em alguns casos as decisões resultam em impactos negativos nos ecossistemas e comunidades locais. Além disso, com base no conhecimento da autora, não existem estudos que tratem das decisões de localização das florestas plantadas brasileiras e de todas essas três dimensões da sustentabilidade. Por tanto, este estudo tem como objetivo melhorar a compreensão do contexto atual de tomada de decisões em que as empresas na indústria brasileira de árvores plantadas escolhem os locais para suas florestas plantadas, e como os aspectos de sustentabilidade são incluídos em tais decisões. Como parte desse empenho, são examinadas possíveis limitações e outros aspectos de tomada de decisão, bem como o papel que as empresas atribuem à certos mecanismos para o desenvolvimento sustentável, como a política brasileira, a legislação e a certificação florestal. Uma estratégia de pesquisa qualitativa é adotada para conduzir a pesquisa. Uma revisão de literatura é combinada com entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais em dois segmentos da indústria brasileira de árvores plantadas. Suas percepções são trianguladas com perspectivas de atores relevantes de fora da indústria. A amostra de participantes do estudo foi realizada no Brasil entre 2015 e 2016 e resultou em 13 participantes. As entrevistas foram então realizadas em diversos locais no Brasil em 2016. É utilizada a teoria fundamentada nos dados como método de pesquisa para analisar os dados qualitativos coletados. São extraídos dois temas principais, diversos temas secundários e um conceito a partir dos dados qualitativos coletados, baseados principalmente nas percepções das empresas brasileiras de papel e celulose. Vários fatores de decisão que podem influenciar a localização das plantações florestais também são identificados. Observa-se que os participantes da amostra do estudo percebem que perspectivas estratégicas, econômicas, ambientais e sociais estão presentes nas decisões atuais de localização, realizadas por empresas certificadas de celulose e papel. Uma importante limitação do estudo é que sua característica exploratória impede que a pesquisadora apresente “verdades” sobre o assunto investigado, ou tire conclusões sobre os atos das empresas. Portanto, são apresentadas várias hipóteses aplicáveis ao Brasil, mas também uma hipótese de caráter geral. A hipótese geral é que as plantações florestais podem estar sujeitas a análises integradas de localização e sustentabilidade, onde o problema pode ser formulado como encontrar um local ideal para uma plantação florestal a partir de uma perspectiva tridimensional de sustentabilidade. Dadas as limitações do estudo, bem como as incertezas associadas às quais as hipóteses do Brasil estão relacionadas, a recomendação é que novos estudos se concentrem primeiro em testar a hipótese geral. Caso novos estudos em nível nacional forem benéficos após esses testes, os pesquisadores são incentivados a retornar ao resumo das perspectivas da indústria, das questões remanescentes e das hipóteses disponibilizadas para futuras pesquisas sobre o Brasil por meio deste estudo.

Potentiell miljöpåverkan från kontorsstol 6110 : En livscykelanalys samt rekommendationer för Kinnarps AB

Elmertoft, Emelie, Johansson, Victoria January 2014 (has links)
Livscykelanalys (LCA) är ett verktyg för att analysera potentiell miljöpåverkan från en produkts livscykel. I studien undersöks vilka som är de mest betydande processerna och de mest utmär- kande potentiella miljöpåverkanskategorierna i livscykeln för Kinnarps kontorsstol 6110, samt vilka potentiella förbättringsåtgärder som kan utföras för förbättrad miljöprestanda. Analysen syftar även till att ge rekommendationer hur verktyget LCA kan implementeras i Kinnarps håll- barhetsarbete. Programvaran SimaPro från PRé, data från Ecoinvent och företagsspecifika uppgifter används i analysen. De huvudsakliga resultaten visar att störst miljöpåverkan åter- finns inom kategorierna ekotoxicitet, övergödning och naturlig landtransformation. Stolsmekanismen är den komponent på kontorsstolen som får störst genomslag i analysen till följd av sin stora massa och sitt höga stålinnehåll. Även ullklädseln får stort genomslag, vilket beror på produktionen av råull. I verkligheten bör denna påverkan vara större eftersom pro- duktionen av tyg från råull inte varit möjlig att inkludera. Vilket material som väljs för olika komponenter visar sig ha stor betydelse för livscykeln och LCA kan användas redan i konstrukt- ionsfasen för att rådgöra vilka val som ger lägst påverkan. En fördel med att bygga upp kompetens internt inom Kinnarps är att ökad kunskap om såväl metodiken LCA som produkt- sortimentet erhålls. Om Kinnarps väljer att implementera verktyget inom företaget har det även fördelar ur ett marknadsföringsperspektiv eftersom de då kan uppvisa detaljkännedom om sina produkters miljöprestanda. / Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool to analyze potential environmental impacts of a product's lifecycle. The aim of the study is to determine the most important processes and the most signif- icant potential environmental impact categories in the lifecycle of Kinnarps’ office chair 6110, and what potential improvements that can be made. The analysis also gives advice whether the tool LCA can be implemented in Kinnarps’ work with sustainability issues. The software SimaPro from PRé, data from Ecoinvent and company-specific data were used in the analysis. The main results show that the greatest impact can be found in the categories of ecotoxicity, eutrophica- tion and natural land transformation. As a result of its large mass and its high steel content the chair mechanism is the component in the office chair with the greatest impact. The wool uphol- stery fabric also has a major impact, which solely depends on the production of greasy wool. The impact is most likely larger in reality, since there is a lack of data regarding wool fabrics. What type of material that is chosen for different components turns out to be of great importance. LCA can be used as early as in the design phase to consult what material that gives the lowest impact. One advantage of establishing expertise in LCA within the company is that competence about LCA, as well as the product system, remains within Kinnarps. If Kinnarps choose to implement the tool within the company, there are also marketing benefits since they may present detailed knowledge of the environmental performance of their products.

CORPORATE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE STAINLESS STEEL INDUSTRY : A case study on the environmental efforts of Corporation X

Hellgren, Anton, Lindström, Albin January 2022 (has links)
How to integrate sustainability into business activities is discussed within corporations more than ever today. With increasing sustainability requirements set by governments and non-governmental organizations, corporations in all industries are facing challenges to readjust their businesses. The emission intense stainless steel industry is no exception. Through a case study of Corporation X, this thesis aims to investigate how Facility Y works with sustainability aspects and what could be done to enhance the level of environmental sustainability. It is done by first exploring what sustainability is. When a common understanding of sustainability hasbeen established, it is explored how a corporation can be identified in terms of their sustainability commitment and ongoing projects. Lastly, an investigation of how a corporation could enhance the level of substantiality is conducted through four pillars to fulfill the bottom line. We found that Corporation X is somewhat proactive and have a minimization approach towardenvironmental sustainability. In other words, they are considered to aim at ‘being less bad’ rather than being ‘more good’ in their sustainability work. Corporation X thus face challenges with increasing requirements and should enhance their level of sustainability to remain competitive. With an analysis of the four pillars, we concluded that Facility Y should prioritize improvements within the pillar of measurement and disclosure since they lack in terms of reliable carbon dioxide emission metrics on a product level. We further argue that the four pillars are intertwined but should be prioritized differently based on the prerequisites of thecorporation at hand. The recommended prioritization at Facility Y on measurement will thuschange when there are reliable carbon dioxide emission measurements. A reassessment of what is most important must be done.

Criterios que garantizan la sostenibilidad ambiental de los alojamientos tipo Bed & Breakfast (B&B)

Abadia Balarin, Danka, Vásquez Medina, Diana Luz 27 June 2021 (has links)
Ante los drásticos impactos medioambientales, que han sido visibles durante los últimos años, muchas personas han optado por incorporar en sus vidas ciertos productos y servicios que permiten que la contaminación sonora y ambiental no siga en aumento. Debido a ello, se hace evidente que existe una tendencia por hacer uso de productos y servicios que vayan de la mano con la sostenibilidad ambiental. Hoy en día, el consumo de plástico ha disminuido en un 30% en comparación al año 2019. Muchas personas utilizan sorbetes biodegradables, bolsas hechas con productos reciclados, entre otros productos. Así como se han incorporado productos ecoamigables, el sector hotelero, se ha sumado también brindando ciertos productos y servicios sostenibles a sus clientes. Sin embargo, los tipos de hoteles más reconocidos por ser alojamientos sostenibles son los ecolodges, ya que cumplen con la mayoría de criterios de sostenibilidad. Por este motivo, la presente investigación analiza de forma académica, los elementos que se deben considerar para garantizar la sostenibilidad ambiental de los alojamientos tipo Bed & Breakfast. Se utilizó como metodología la revisión bibliográfica de fuentes académicas de sostenibilidad sobre los elementos que deben ser incorporados en los hoteles para que se consideren sostenibles ambientalmente y poder dar a conocer si es beneficioso o no la aplicación de los elementos sostenibles medioambientalmente en el caso de los alojamientos tipo Bed & Breakfast. / Faced with the drastic environmental impacts, which have been visible in recent years, many people have chosen to incorporate certain products and services into their lives that allow noise and environmental pollution to not continue to increase. Due to this, it is evident that there is a tendency to make use of products and services that go hand in hand with environmental sustainability. Today, plastic consumption has decreased by 30% compared to 2019. Many people use biodegradable straws, bags made with recycled products, among other products. Just as eco-friendly products have been incorporated, the hotel sector has also joined by providing certain sustainable products and services to its customers. However, the types of hotels most recognized for being sustainable accommodations are ecolodges, since they meet most sustainability criteria. For this reason, this research analyzes in an academic way, the elements that must be considered to guarantee the environmental sustainability of Bed & Breakfast type accommodations. The methodology used was a bibliographic review of academic sustainability sources on the elements that must be incorporated in hotels to be considered environmentally sustainable and to be able to make known whether or not the application of environmentally sustainable elements is beneficial in the case of hotels Bed & Breakfast type accommodations. / Trabajo de investigación

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