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Arbetsminnet i förhållande till fysisk kapacitet i direkt anslutning till fysisk aktivitet hos unga kvinnor vid Uppsala universitetGranvik, Moa, Bornhammar, Pierre January 2016 (has links)
BAKGRUND: Fysisk aktivitet har påvisats ha en positiv effekt på de områden i hjärnan som är kopplade till inlärning och minne. Dock är det oklart hur stor påverkan en individs fysiska kapacitetsnivå har på dessa områden. SYFTE: Syftet med studien var att undersöka ifall en intervention i form av fysisk aktivitet kan påverka arbetsminnet, och ifall en grupp individer presterar annorlunda på ett arbetsminnestest efter interventionen beroende på deras syreupptagningsförmåga. METOD: Studien hade en kvantitativ och kvasiexperimentell design utan kontrollgrupp. En grupp om 33 kvinnor, åldern 20-30 år utförde testet som bestod utav minnestestet Letter-number sequencing task före och efter 10 minuters intervention i form av submaximal ergometercykling. Samtidigt som interventionen beräknades individernas maximala syreupptagningsförmåga med hjälp av Åstrands cykelergometertest. Beroende av resultatet på cykelergometertestet delades testpersonerna in i två grupper som representerade hög/mycket hög (grupp 1) syreupptagningsförmåga respektive låg/genomsnittlig (grupp 2) syreupptagningsförmåga. RESULTAT: Medianvärdet på LNS innan interventionen var 20,5 för grupp 1 (n=20) respektive 21 för grupp 2 (n=13). Detta medianvärde förbättrades med en enhet för båda grupperna vid LNS efter interventionen. Skillnaden inom gruppresultaten före och efter interventionen var icke-signifikant med ett P-värde på 0,614 för grupp 1 och 0,891 för grupp 2. Skillnaden i förändring mellan grupperna var heller ej signifikant med ett P-värde på 0,854. KONKLUSION: Arbetsminnet påverkades inte av 10 minuters fysisk aktivitet i någon av gruppjämförelserna. En individs syreupptagningsförmåga verkar heller inte påverka arbetsminnet. / BACKGROUND: Physical activity has been shown to have a positive effect on the areas of the brain connected to learning and memory. Even so, it is uncertain how much a person’s level of physical capacity influences these areas. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the study was to examine if an intervention of physical activity could affect working memory, and whether a group of people perform differently during a working memory test after the intervention depending on their oxygen uptake. METHODS: The study had a quantitive and quasiexperimental design without control group. A group of 33 women, 20-30 years of age, conducted the test which consisted of the memory test Letter-number sequencing task before and after 10 minutes of submaximal ergometer cycling. During the intervention the individual’s maximal oxygen uptake was calculated with the Åstrand cycle ergometer test. Depending on the results from the cycle ergometer test, the testsubjects was split into two groups which represented high/very high (group 1) oxygen uptake and low/average (group 2) oxygen uptake. RESULTS: The median of LNS before the intervention was 20,5 for group 1 (n=20) and 21 for group 2 (n=13). This median improved with one unit for both groups at LNS after the intervention. The difference between the results within the groups before and after the intervention proved to be non-significant with a P-value of 0,614 for group 1 and 0,891 for group 2. The difference in change between the groups was neither significant with a P-value of 0,854. CONCLUSION: Working memory was not affected of 10 minutes of physical activity in neither of the comparison between the groups. It also seems that an individual’s oxygen uptake doesn’t affect working memory.
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Arbetsminnet i förhållande till fysisk kapacitet i direkt anslutning till fysisk aktivitet hos unga kvinnor vid Uppsala universitetGranvik, Moa, Bornhammar, Pierre January 2016 (has links)
BAKGRUND: Fysisk aktivitet har påvisats ha en positiv effekt på de områden i hjärnan som är kopplade till inlärning och minne. Dock är det oklart hur stor påverkan en individs fysiska kapacitetsnivå har på dessa områden. SYFTE: Syftet med studien var att undersöka ifall en intervention i form av fysisk aktivitet kan påverka arbetsminnet, och ifall en grupp individer presterar annorlunda på ett arbetsminnestest efter interventionen beroende på deras syreupptagningsförmåga. METOD: Studien hade en kvantitativ och kvasiexperimentell design utan kontrollgrupp. En grupp om 33 kvinnor, åldern 20-30 år utförde testet som bestod utav minnestestet Letter-number sequencing task före och efter 10 minuters intervention i form av submaximal ergometercykling. Samtidigt som interventionen beräknades individernas maximala syreupptagningsförmåga med hjälp av Åstrands cykelergometertest. Beroende av resultatet på cykelergometertestet delades testpersonerna in i två grupper som representerade hög/mycket hög (grupp 1) syreupptagningsförmåga respektive låg/genomsnittlig (grupp 2) syreupptagningsförmåga. RESULTAT: Medianvärdet på LNS innan interventionen var 20,5 för grupp 1 (n=20) respektive 21 för grupp 2 (n=13). Detta medianvärde förbättrades med en enhet för båda grupperna vid LNS efter interventionen. Skillnaden inom gruppresultaten före och efter interventionen var icke-signifikant med ett P-värde på 0,614 för grupp 1 och 0,891 för grupp 2. Skillnaden i förändring mellan grupperna var heller ej signifikant med ett P-värde på 0,854. KONKLUSION: Arbetsminnet påverkades inte av 10 minuters fysisk aktivitet i någon av gruppjämförelserna. En individs syreupptagningsförmåga verkar heller inte påverka arbetsminnet. / BACKGROUND: Physical activity has been shown to have a positive effect on the areas of the brain connected to learning and memory. Even so, it is uncertain how much a person’s level of physical capacity influences these areas. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the study was to examine if an intervention of physical activity could affect working memory, and whether a group of people perform differently during a working memory test after the intervention depending on their oxygen uptake. METHODS: The study had a quantitive and quasiexperimental design without control group. A group of 33 women, 20-30 years of age, conducted the test which consisted of the memory test Letter-number sequencing task before and after 10 minutes of submaximal ergometer cycling. During the intervention the individual’s maximal oxygen uptake was calculated with the Åstrand cycle ergometer test. Depending on the results from the cycle ergometer test, the testsubjects was split into two groups which represented high/very high (group 1) oxygen uptake and low/average (group 2) oxygen uptake. RESULTS: The median of LNS before the intervention was 20,5 for group 1 (n=20) and 21 for group 2 (n=13). This median improved with one unit for both groups at LNS after the intervention. The difference between the results within the groups before and after the intervention proved to be non-significant with a P-value of 0,614 for group 1 and 0,891 for group 2. The difference in change between the groups was neither significant with a P-value of 0,854. CONCLUSION: Working memory was not affected of 10 minutes of physical activity in neither of the comparison between the groups. It also seems that an individual’s oxygen uptake doesn’t affect working memory.
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Porovnání hodnot laktátu při shodné zátěži v plaveckém trenažéru a na bicyklovém ergometru / Comparison of lactate level at the same load in a swimming treadmill and on a bicycle ergometerSuchomelová, Helena January 2012 (has links)
3 ABSTRACT Title: Comparison of lactate level at the same load in a swimming treadmill and on a bicycle ergometer Subject: 6 students (3 girls and 3 boys) from the first year of Bachelor's study at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of the Charles University at the age of 20,5 years ± 3 years took part in this research. Goal of the research: To compare demands of the load in the swimming flume with the same load on the bicycle ergometer, mainly at the level of the anaerobic threshold. Methods: We tested students by the method Critical Swimming Speed (CSS) for finding out their anaerobic threshold. Then students swam physical tests in the swimming treadmill - flume. The test consists of three 6 min parts. The first part of the swimming test was under the level of the CSS, the second part was at the level of the CSS and the third part was above the level of the CSS. We used the device for measuring the beat frequency (sport-testers) for obtaining information about changes of the heart rate (HR) during tests. Afterwards we accomplished tests on the bicycle ergometer, where we maintained HR at the same levels as in the load in the flume. We measured level of blood lactate (LA) after every 6 min part in the flume and on the ergometer. We statistically processed resulted values of LA by the Wilcoxon...
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Vytrvalostní schopnosti ve veslování / Endurace abilities in rowingChovaňáková, Petra January 2018 (has links)
This bachelor thesis deals with the basic criminal activities of the police department by examining the crime scene in the conditions of the basic unit of the Police of the Czech Republic. The first part of the thesis deals with the examination in general, its types and principles. The second part concerns the division of the crime scene investigation by subject matter between the basic police unit and the Criminal Police and Investigation Service. The third part deals with the actual investigation of the crime scene, namely its concept, purpose, procedures and stage of investigation. The fourth part describes the crime scene documentation. The fifth part focuses on the conditions and problems in examining the crime scene performed by the basic body. Key words rowing, rowing ergometer, endurance, methods of endurance testing, Cooper test, Multi stage shuttle run
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車椅子エルゴメータの開発池上, 康男, 櫻井, 伸二, 矢部, 京之助 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B)(2) 課題番号:09558003 研究代表者:池上 康男 研究期間:1997-1998年度
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Determinaçâo da força de resistência passiva na natação: nado peito / Determination of passive resistance force in swimming: breaststrokeSouza, Rhaíra Helena Caetano e 30 September 2016 (has links)
CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A natação é uma atividade esportiva, praticada na água, capaz de melhorar a saúde e auxiliar em processos de reabilitação física de pessoas com e sem deficiência. As modalidades crawl, borboleta, peito e costas são diferenciadas através de gestos motores específicos de pernas e braços. Em todos estes estilos, para diminuir a resistência ao deslocamento, é importante um posicionamento estendido do tronco, um quadril encaixado, um bom alinhamento e membros inferiores unidos. A força propulsiva deve ser aplicada de modo a romper o estado de inércia promovendo o avanço do corpo na água. Para isso, a força propulsiva promovida deve ser, no mínimo, superior à força de arrasto hidrodinâmico imposta pela água, contrária ao sentido de deslocamento do nadador. Portanto, a redução destas forças de resistência é de fundamental importância para o aumento da performance que também depende da melhoria do sistema cardiorrespiratório. Associado a estes aspectos, na natação não existem muitos equipamentos dedicados para avaliação do condicionamento físico que respeitem o gesto motor do nadador na piscina. O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias na natação estudando e avaliando o arrasto passivo do nadador. Neste trabalho será desenvolvido um equipamento de potência para o arrasto passivo associado a uma instrumentação para aquisição dos níveis de força e metodologia para a estimativa da área da seção transversal no nado de peito. Foram selecionadas quatro posições do nado peito sendo avaliadas em um trecho de 12 m sob 5 níveis de velocidades. O comportamento biomecânico foi avaliado através da determinação da força de resistência passiva na água e dos coeficientes de arrasto de forma e de contato. Com os resultados encontrados foi possível observar uma diferença nas forças de resistência passiva entre as posições adotadas, especialmente para a posição 1 (Corpo totalmente esticado) que foi a mais hidrodinâmica. Equações polinomiais foram propostas a fim de estimar valores de resistência passiva em diferentes velocidades visando uma avaliação rápida nas diferentes posições no nado peito. A metodologia adotada para a obtenção das áreas das seções transversais do tronco do nadador via software ImageJ se mostrou efetiva e compatível com valores reais. A avaliação de forças na natação foi um primeiro passo para o desenvolvimento futuro do protótipo de um ergômetro para a natação. / Swimming is a sport practiced in water, able to improve health and assist in physical rehabilitation processes of people with and without disabilities. The modalities crawl, butterfly, breaststroke and backstroke are differentiated through specific motor gestures of legs and arms. In all these styles, to reduce resistance in order to improve human displacement, it is important to adapt an extended position of the trunk, an embedded hip, good alignment of the body and keep lower members tight. The propulsive force must be applied to break the state of inertia promoting body advancement in water. For this purpose, the propulsive force is to be promoted, at a minimum, greater than the hydrodynamic drag force imposed by the water, against the swimmer's moving direction. Therefore, the reduction of these resistance forces is crucial for increasing performance, it also depends on the improvement of the cardiorespiratory system. Associated with these aspects, there are not many swimming equipment dedicated for evaluation of fitness which respects the swimmer's motor gesture in the pool. The objective of this study is to contribute to the development of new technologies in swimming, studying and evaluating the swimmer passive drag. This study aims to develop a swimming power equipment for passive drag associated with an instrumentation for acquisition of force levels and methodology for the estimation of the cross-sectional area in the breaststroke. Four positions were selected from the breaststroke, being evaluated in a stretch of 12 m in 5-different speed levels. The biomechanical behavior was evaluated by measuring the passive resistance force in water and drag coefficients according to shape and contact. With the results, we observed a difference in passive resistance forces among the positions adopted, especially for 1st position (fully extended body) which was the most hydrodynamics. Polynomial equations have been proposed in order to estimate passive resistance values at different speeds in order to rapidly assess different positions on the breaststroke. The methodology used to obtain the cross sections areas of the swimmer's trunk via ImageJ software was effective and compatible with real values. Evaluation of forces in swimming was a first step for the future development of the prototype of an ergometer for swimming. / Dissertação (Mestrado)
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Veränderung der kognitiven Funktionen durch körperliches Training bei Schizophrenie - Eine kontrollierte Studie / Change in cognitive functions through physical training in schizophrenia - A controlled studyDörfler, Sebastian 17 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Caractérisation de la fatigue et de la fatigabilité chez les patients atteints de sclérose en plaques : spécificités et adaptations à la rééducation / Characterization of fatigue and fatigability in patients with multiple sclerosis : specificity and adaptations to rehabilitationHameau, Sophie 19 October 2017 (has links)
Les patients atteints de sclérose en plaques présentent une majoration de la fatigue perçue et de la fatigabilité. Mais à l’heure actuelle, la fatigabilité chez les patients atteints de sclérose en plaques a été peu étudiée ; son rôle comme facteur limitant des capacités fonctionnelles, ses spécificités par rapport aux sujets sains ou encore sa réponse à des programmes de rééducation restent des questions en suspens. De plus, la fatigabilité a été principalement étudiée lors de contractions isométriques maintenues qui sont peu représentatives des activités de la vie quotidienne des patients, au cours desquelles une part importante des contractions des extenseurs du genou est réalisée en dynamique, en particulier, durant la locomotion.L’objectif de ce travail était de caractériser la fatigue et la fatigabilité des patients atteints de SEP au cours de contractions maximales volontaires isocinétiques concentriques, de connaitre les liens avec les performances locomotrices et d’explorer leurs adaptations à un programme de rééducation combiné. Pour répondre à cet objectif, une évaluation isocinétique associée à une analyse électromyographique lors d’une tâche fatigante de 50 contractions isocinétiques concentriques a été menée.L’originalité de ce travail repose sur l’analyse de la fatigabilité lors d’une tâche concentrique mettant ainsi en évidence le phénomène de tâche dépendance des mécanismes impliqués dans la fatigabilité puisque les résultats vont à l’encontre des précédentes études, réalisées au cours de contractions isométriques, chez les patients atteints de SEP. En effet, nous avons mis en évidence une moindre fatigabilité des patients atteints de SEP par rapport aux sujets sains. La baisse de la performance est expliquée dans les deux populations par une baisse de l’efficacité neuromusculaire sans modification des coactivations. Les résultats ont également souligné l’absence de lien entre la fatigue, la fatigabilité et les performances locomotrices. Par ailleurs, la fatigue est significativement diminuée suite à un programme de rééducation combiné alors que la fatigabilité est augmentée, résultat d’un gain de force à l’état de base sans modification de la force en situation de fatigue. Ce travail est une étape qui met en évidence la nécessité de standardiser les évaluations de la fatigabilité et d’élaborer des protocoles de rééducation visant à diminuer la fatigabilité chez les patients atteints de SEP. / Patients with multiple sclerosis manifest a higher level of perceived fatigue and fatigability. But so far, fatigability in patients with multiple sclerosis has been little studied, its role as a limiting factor of functional abilities, its specificities in comparison with healthy people and also its adaptations to rehabilitation remain unresolved issues. Furthermore, fatigability has been mainly studied during sustained isometric contractions that are unrepresentative of patients’ daily life activities during which a large part of the knee extensor muscles contractions are performed during dynamic contractions, particularly during locomotion. The aim of this study was to characterize fatigue and fatigability of patients with multiple sclerosis during maximal isokinetic concentric voluntary contractions: to explore the relationship with locomotor performance and their adaptations to a rehabilitation combined program. To that aim, an isokinetic assessment associated with an electromyographic analysis was carried out during a fatiguing task of 50 concentric contractions. The originality of this research is based on the analysis of fatigability during concentric contractions that highlights the task dependency of the mechanisms involved in fatigability since the results refute previous studies performed with sustained contractions. Indeed, we showed a lower fatigability in patients with multiple sclerosis compared to healthy subjects. The decrease in performance was explained in the two populations by a decrease of neuromuscular efficiency without change in coactivations. The results highlighted a lack of relationship between fatigue, fatigability and locomotor performance. Furthermore, after a combined rehabilitation program, fatigue was significantly reduced while fatigability was increased, resulting both from a gain of strength in baseline state and a lack of change of strength in fatigued state. This research is a step that highlights the need to standardize fatigability assessments and develop rehabilitation program to reduce fatigability in patients with multiple sclerosis.
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Upper versus Lower Body Contribution to the Rowing StrokeJones, Davon I. 16 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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An investigation into the effectiveness of core muscle strengthening on cycling performance in asymptomatic cyclistsWiseman, Kate 08 April 2014 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Masters’ Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2013. / Background : Core strengthening may improve athletic ability by providing stability to the trunk, and as a result, stabilising the pelvis. The leverage from which cyclists generate power may be enhanced as a result of a stable pelvis, thereby improving the cyclist’s performance. In the popular, highly competitive sport of cycling, performance enhancement is much sought after. Despite its widespread use, research involving core strengthening in sporting situations is lacking, with studies investigating the effect of a core strengthening programme on cycling performance yet to be investigated.
Objectives : To determine the participants’ cycling speed, power, cadence and completion time, and core strength in terms of objective findings, pre- and post- core strengthening intervention, in the whole sample and within the two age strata. To determine the participants’ heart rate in terms of objective findings, and the rate of perceived exertion in terms of subjective findings, pre- and post- core strengthening intervention, in the whole sample and within the two age strata. To determine the participants’ perception of change in speed, power and cadence post- intervention, in the whole sample and within the two age strata.
Method : Forty-two asymptomatic cyclists performed two 1.5 km time trials, pre- and post- core strengthening intervention. Core strength assessments were performed pre- and post- intervention, using the Pressure Biofeedback Unit, and the maximum and average speed (km/hr), power (w) and cadence (rpm), and completion time (s) were recorded pre- and post- intervention, using the Computerised Electromagnetic Roller resistance Ergometer (Tacx Trainer). Heart rate and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded pre- and post- intervention, as well as the participant’s perception of change in speed, power, and cadence post- intervention. SPSS version 20 (SPSS Inc) was used to analyse the data, in the whole sample and stratified into two age strata.
Results : ll cycling performance indicators, speed, power, cadence and completion time showed a significant improvement post- intervention, in the whole sample, and within the two age strata. Core strength indicators showed a significant improvement post- intervention, in the whole sample and within the two age strata. A significant decrease in rate of perceived exertion and corresponding heart rate measurements post- intervention was observed in the whole sample. Similarly, the younger age strata reflected a significant decrease in rate of perceived exertion, however heart rate measurements were not significant. In contrast, the older age strata showed significant changes in heart rate measurements, with no significance in rate of perceived exertion measurements. The majority of participants experienced an increased perception in all outcomes post- intervention.
Conclusions: The results of this study found that core strengthening had a statistically significant effect (p < 0.001) on cycling performance, both in terms of objective and subjective findings. Future studies could address the effect of core strengthening in an endurance setting.
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