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Emotional Triggers - Experience design as an added valueGran Hornsten, Anders, Holst, Jacob January 2006 (has links)
Arbetet har genomförts med målet att skapa ett mervärde för Sony Ericssons produkter, utan att fokusera på telefoner. Vi har undersökt hur man kan öka användarens band till en teknologisk produkt som man alltid bär med sig. Vi har, genom att anordna en workshop, studerat användare och deras attityd gällande personalisering av mobiltelefoner. Vidare har vi besökt Milano och Berlin, och studerat hur mobiltelefoner kommuniceras hos återförsäljare och hur de används, för att få ett globalt perspektiv. Studierna har resulterat i att vi funnit en brist i hur personliga teknologier svarar mot människors känslor. Vi har baserat på detta skapat ett koncept vi kallar Selectíf som innebär en serie riktlinjer, eller kriterier för att skapa tillbehör till mobiltelefoner. Dessa tillbehör skall ta större hänsyn till emotionella aspekter och fokusera mindre på att vara funktions orienterade. Selectíf-produkter sätter känslorna i främsta rummet och skapar därmed ett mervärde baserat på emotionella band. / We have in this thesis studied the area of emotive design as a way to create a stronger user experience. Functionality and features are still important to break new grounds and develop artifacts that can make our life easier, but the value of the product must beconsidered in a new way and communicated on new level, an emotional level.We have within the thesis, in collaboration with Sony Ericsson,investigated how emotions can be evoked by personal technologies.The human computer interaction is today so advanced that we might not always reflect over the impact the technology has on us. Our personal technology is getting more sophisticated which could allow stronger emotional bonds between the user and a device. What we have created is a concept for designing what we call emotional triggers.To find out what triggers users’ emotions towards technologyin order to create an added value, we have studied the relationshipbetween users and their mobile phones. These studies included a workshop where we aimed to find out how users perceive their mobile phone and also how willing they are to personalize it.Furthermore we conducted trend research in Berlin and Milan to see international differences in mobile usage and also tocompare it to other industries such as the fashion industry.The result is a concept we call Selectíf. The concept is a set of design criteria for designing add-ons that are made to illustratemore emotional values of a technical device. The concept is based on the notion of a series of add-ons and we have also createda first prototype, called Selectíf no1 based on the criteria.The prototype focuses less on technology and more on a user’s emotional needs and illuminates how personal technologies canbe designed to be more emotive and thereby create a stronger user experience.
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Étude théorique et expérimentale d’une unité de micro-cogénération biomasse avec moteur Ericsson / Theoretical and experimental study of a biomass micro-CHP unit with an Ericsson engineCreyx, Marie 14 November 2014 (has links)
La micro-cogénération, production simultanée d’électricité et de chaleur à échelle domestique, se développe actuellement en Europe du fait notamment de son intérêt en termes d’économie d’énergie primaire. L’utilisation d’un combustible biomasse dans un système de micro-cogénération contribue à augmenter la part d’énergie renouvelable dans le mix énergétique. L’objet de ce travail est le développement d’un banc d’essai d’une unité de micro-cogénération biomasse composée d’une chaudière à pellets, d’un moteur à air chaud de type Ericsson (décomposé en une partie compression et une partie détente) et d’un échangeur gaz brûlés-air pressurisé inséré dans la chaudière. Des modèles de chacun de ces composants ont été établis pour caractériser leur fonctionnement sur la plage de réglage des paramètres influents et pour dimensionner l’unité prototype. Deux modèles du moteur Ericsson, en régime permanent et en régime dynamique, ont été mis en place. Ils ont montré l’influence prépondérante sur les performances du moteur des conditions de température et pression de l’air en entrée de détente et des réglages des instants de fermeture des soupapes. L’effet de la prise en compte des pertes dynamiques (pertes de charge, pertes thermiques à la paroi du cylindre, frottements mécaniques) sur l’estimation des performances du moteur a été étudié. Deux modélisations de l’échangeur ont permis de caractériser les transferts thermiques qui le traversent, incluant le rayonnement et l’encrassement par des particules de suie du côté des gaz brûlés. Le banc d’essai de l’unité de micro-cogénération mis en place / Nowadays, the micro combined heat and electrical power (micro-CHP) systems are developing in Europe, in particular because of their interest in terms of primary energy savings. The use of biomass fuel in micro-CHP systems enhances the share of renewable energy in the energy mix. The objective of this work is to develop a test bench for a biomass-fuelled micro-CHP unit composed of a pellet boiler, an Ericsson type hot air engine (decomposed into a compression and an expansion part) and a burned gas-pressurized air heat exchanger inserted in the boiler. Models of every component have been established to characterize their working conditions depending on influent parameter settings and to size the micro-CHP unit. Two models of Ericsson engine, with established and dynamic regimes, were implemented. The preponderant influence of the temperature and pressure conditions at the inlet of the expansion cylinder and of the timing of valve closing on the engine performances are shown. The dynamic model shows the effect of considering the dynamic losses (pressure loss, heat transfer at the cylinder wall, mechanical friction) on the estimation of engine performances. Two models of the heat exchanger allow the characterization of the heat transfers crossing it, taking into account the radiation and the fouling by soot particles on the side of combustion gases. Experimental measurements obtained from the test bench of the micro-CHP unit set up were used in the developed models.
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Vägen till Beirut : Svenska handelsfrämjande åtgärder i Libanon 1920-1975 / The road to Beirut : Swedish trade promotion initiatives in Lebanon, 1920-1975Hussein, Ahmad January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates Swedish trade promotion in Lebanon from 1920 to 1975. The aim is to increase knowledge about how actors in a small open western economy tried to develop their economic interests in an emerging market characterized by great uncertainty. Here, the promising economic outlook coincided with a high degree of political instability. The study analyzes the interactions between Swedish trade related authorities, organizations and companies in their efforts to develop Swedish business interests in Lebanon: a developing country in a conflict-affected area with potentially large and emerging markets, where the cultural distance to Sweden was significant. In this study a model, which is known as the Uppsala model, forms an analytical interpretative framework for studying the actions and strategies of the trade related authorities and organizations despite the model's specific perspective on the establishment process of firms abroad. Based on the taxonomy, which is the basis of this interpretative model, this interpretative framwork has been possible to apply because of the assumed interactions between trade related authorities/organizations and companies when establishing commercial presence in new markets. The assumption is that the trade related authorities and organizations enhance for companies in various ways, while there is an economic-political interest that the state strives to reach by encouraging companies to set up business in new markets. By using this model, the events have been systematized through a historical generalization and periodization of Swedish trade promotion and organization. Added with the type of knowledge development that has taken place. In this way, the role of authorities and organizations in trade promotion and organizational build-up abroad has been highlighted. The results show that Swedish trade promotion attempts and organization in Lebanon took place in close cooperation with Swedish trade related authorities and organizations through their information inflows. In practice the companies' needs for information and assistance were reflected in the work that has been exercised by the authorities and organizations. By playing an important role in information building, escalating network positions and at the same time providing the companies with specific information, the trade related authorities and organizations became key actors in the development of Swedish trade relations with Lebanon. The study concludes that new perspectives can be obtained by including trade related authorities and organizations when using the Uppsala model in future studies. / Denna avhandling studerar svenska handelsfrämjande åtgärder i Libanon 1920-1975. Syftet är att öka kunskapen om hur aktörer i en liten öppen västekonomi försökte utveckla sina ekonomiska intressen på en ny framväxande marknad präglad av stor osäkerhet, där lovande ekonomiska utsikter sammanföll med en hög grad av politisk instabilitet. I studien analyseras samspelet mellan svenska handelsrelaterade myndigheter, organisationer och företag i deras strävan att utveckla svenska handels- och affärsintressen i Libanon: ett land som betraktas här som ett utvecklingsland i ett konfliktdrabbat område med potentiellt stora och nya marknader med ett betydande kulturellt avstånd till Sverige. I studien utgör den så kallade Uppsalamodellen den analytiska tolkningsramen för att studera myndigheternas och intresseorganisationernas agerande och strategier, trots att modellens perspektiv bygger på företagens utlandsetablering. Med utgångspunkt i den taxonomi som är grunden i modellen har denna tolkningsram varit möjlig på grund av det samspel som antas finnas mellan företag och myndigheter, särskilt när det gäller etablerandet av en affärsmässig närvaro på en ny och osäker marknad. Antaganden är att myndigheterna på olika sätt underlättar för företagen, samtidigt som det finns ett statligt ekonomisk-politiskt intresse att få företag att etablera sig på nya marknader. Med hjälp av modellen har händelseförloppen systematiserats genom en historisk generalisering och periodisering av svenska handelsfrämjande åtgärder med avseende på organisation och den typ av kunskapsuppbyggnad som skett. Därmed belyses också myndigheternas och organisationernas roll vid företagsetableringar i utlandet. Resultaten visar att företagsetableringsförsöken och organisationen av svensk handel i Libanon skedde i nära samarbete mellan svenska myndigheter och organisationer genom utbyte av information. I praktiken avspeglades företagens behov av information och hjälp i myndigheternas och organisationernas arbete. I och med att myndigheterna/organisationerna deltog i informationsuppbyggnaden, skapandet av nätverkspositioner och samtidigt förmedlade information mellan företagen var dessa betingade som centrala aktörer vid etableringen av svenska handelsförbindelser med Libanon. Studiens slutsats är att nya perspektiv gällande företagsetableringar på utländska marknader kan erhållas genom att inkludera myndigheters och organisationers agerande vid tillämpningen av Uppsala modellen i framtida studier.
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Smartphones, Användare och Estetik : En Användbarhetsstudie / Smartphones, Novices and Aesthetics : A Usability StudyHeimler, Torgny January 2003 (has links)
<p>The Ericsson R380 is a so-called smartphone, combining an advanced mobile phone with a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). To evaluate the usability of the Ericsson R380 and benchmark it against the Nokia 9110 Communicator and the Motorola A6188 Accompli, a repeated measurements experiment was performed. 18 subjects (10 men and 8 women) with no previous experience of any of the interfaces participated. Half of the subjects had extensive experience from using Ericsson mobile phones and half of the subjects had extensive experience from using Nokia mobile phones. A set of 9 tasks to be solved on each interface was presented to the subjects. The order in which the subjects used the interfaces was balanced with a Latin square design while the tasks were presented in consecutive order and were identical for all interfaces. Level of completeness, completion time and number of actions were assessed for each task and interface. Subjects also rated the perceived usability and aesthetics of the interfaces. Overall, subjects were most successful using the Motorola A6188 Accompli, using fewer keystrokes and less time as well as needing fewer hints compared to the Ericsson R380 and Nokia 9110 Communicator. However, the Ericsson R380 was rated significantly higher than the other interfaces on perceived usability. Previous experience with Ericsson or Nokia mobile phones did not have a major impact on how well subjects succeeded with using the interfaces in the test. Certain mistakes made by each group of subjects could be explained in terms of mental models, Einstellung effects and the use of so- called Function-Object interaction style where Object-Function interaction was appropriate. Contrary to earlier findings, aesthetics and perceived usability did not correspond to a great extent. Finally, the results are discussed and some suggestions for improvements are put forward.</p>
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Framtidsstudier i stora organisationers långsiktiga planering : analysmodell och fallstudierEhliasson, Kent January 2005 (has links)
People use a variety of means to orient themselves towards the future. A more organised approach to handling the future known as "futures studies" is often used in a variety of contexts including long-term planning within large organisations. In the effort to enhance the quality of such studies, there have been arguments for better methods (which makes sense), but methods may not be the most important aspect in the production of futures studies. Greater theoretical awareness in the substantive questions upon which the study is based is more important. To that end, the intent of this dissertation is to infuse a keener awareness of fundamental assumptions in futures studies and contribute to increasing their quality. One objective of the dissertation is to formulate a method or procedure to analyse the futures studies of large organisations, apply it to two empirical cases and thereafter analyse its strengths and weaknesses. The method I discuss and develop extensively in this work consists of an analytical framework that focuses on three aspects of each future study: its architecture, its relationship to a few of the key future issues of our time and its assumptions regarding our views on society, humanity and technology. A second objective is to systematically study future documents from two large organisations and attempt to clarify motives, orientation, methodology and distinguishing characteristics in their future processes. The cases I have chosen are the Swedish Armed Forces and the telecommunications company Ericsson, which were both in a period of transition around the mid 1990s. The dissertation shows how the method has been used to bring to the fore and clarify central ideas in futures studies, identify ambiguities and fuzzy thinking and to show and expose more covert assumptions. The analysis also illustrates that certain aspects of the model have been observed in the empirical material, other ideas are found to a lesser extent and certain perspectives are entirely absent. The paper stresses that the model developed has both strengths and weaknesses, but the overall assessment is that it was well-balanced and maintains appropriate depth in relation to desired efficiency. The study shows that the analytical method is relevant and adequate to understand and describe the direction and content of futures studies and in so doing enhance their quality.
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The United Nations global compact : estudo de caso na Ericsson do BrasilBonatto, Heitor January 2010 (has links)
Em 2000, a Organização das Nações Unidas lançou a iniciativa denominada “Pacto Global”, com o objetivo de dar uma face mais humana ao processo da globalização. Esta iniciativa estabeleceu dez princípios que as empresas, entre outros participantes, devem seguir para implementá-los no dia a dia de suas operações. A Ericsson foi uma das empresas fundadoras da iniciativa e, até hoje, faz parte do grupo. A presente dissertação, portanto, busca analisar como a Ericsson do Brasil está implementando os princípios do Pacto Global das Nações Unidas em sua esfera de influência. Para compreender a forma como está ocorrendo, neste estudo foi realizado um estudo de caso da subsidiária brasileira, baseando-se na análise de documentos institucionais, na observação e entrevista realizada com o Gerente da empresa. Conclui-se que a Ericsson do Brasil ainda está em processo de implementação dos princípios, destacando-se no que concerne ao gerenciamento da cadeia de fornecedores estar em avançado estágio de implementação. / In 2000 the United Nations launched the Global Compact initiative for the purpose of giving a more human face to globalization. This initiative sets out ten principles that companies and other participants should proceed to implement in the day to day operations. Ericsson was one of the founders of the initiative and today is part of the group. This dissertation aims to analyze how the Ericsson in Brazil is implementing the principles of the UN Global Compact in its sphere of influence. To understand how, the dissertation was based on case study of the Brazilian subsidiary and the analysis was made by institutional documents, observation and interviews with the manager of the company. The conclusion demonstrates that Ericsson in Brazil is still in the process of implementing the principles emphasizing that when it comes to managing the supply chain is in the advanced stage of implementation.
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The United Nations global compact : estudo de caso na Ericsson do BrasilBonatto, Heitor January 2010 (has links)
Em 2000, a Organização das Nações Unidas lançou a iniciativa denominada “Pacto Global”, com o objetivo de dar uma face mais humana ao processo da globalização. Esta iniciativa estabeleceu dez princípios que as empresas, entre outros participantes, devem seguir para implementá-los no dia a dia de suas operações. A Ericsson foi uma das empresas fundadoras da iniciativa e, até hoje, faz parte do grupo. A presente dissertação, portanto, busca analisar como a Ericsson do Brasil está implementando os princípios do Pacto Global das Nações Unidas em sua esfera de influência. Para compreender a forma como está ocorrendo, neste estudo foi realizado um estudo de caso da subsidiária brasileira, baseando-se na análise de documentos institucionais, na observação e entrevista realizada com o Gerente da empresa. Conclui-se que a Ericsson do Brasil ainda está em processo de implementação dos princípios, destacando-se no que concerne ao gerenciamento da cadeia de fornecedores estar em avançado estágio de implementação. / In 2000 the United Nations launched the Global Compact initiative for the purpose of giving a more human face to globalization. This initiative sets out ten principles that companies and other participants should proceed to implement in the day to day operations. Ericsson was one of the founders of the initiative and today is part of the group. This dissertation aims to analyze how the Ericsson in Brazil is implementing the principles of the UN Global Compact in its sphere of influence. To understand how, the dissertation was based on case study of the Brazilian subsidiary and the analysis was made by institutional documents, observation and interviews with the manager of the company. The conclusion demonstrates that Ericsson in Brazil is still in the process of implementing the principles emphasizing that when it comes to managing the supply chain is in the advanced stage of implementation.
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Smartphones, Användare och Estetik : En Användbarhetsstudie / Smartphones, Novices and Aesthetics : A Usability StudyHeimler, Torgny January 2003 (has links)
The Ericsson R380 is a so-called smartphone, combining an advanced mobile phone with a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). To evaluate the usability of the Ericsson R380 and benchmark it against the Nokia 9110 Communicator and the Motorola A6188 Accompli, a repeated measurements experiment was performed. 18 subjects (10 men and 8 women) with no previous experience of any of the interfaces participated. Half of the subjects had extensive experience from using Ericsson mobile phones and half of the subjects had extensive experience from using Nokia mobile phones. A set of 9 tasks to be solved on each interface was presented to the subjects. The order in which the subjects used the interfaces was balanced with a Latin square design while the tasks were presented in consecutive order and were identical for all interfaces. Level of completeness, completion time and number of actions were assessed for each task and interface. Subjects also rated the perceived usability and aesthetics of the interfaces. Overall, subjects were most successful using the Motorola A6188 Accompli, using fewer keystrokes and less time as well as needing fewer hints compared to the Ericsson R380 and Nokia 9110 Communicator. However, the Ericsson R380 was rated significantly higher than the other interfaces on perceived usability. Previous experience with Ericsson or Nokia mobile phones did not have a major impact on how well subjects succeeded with using the interfaces in the test. Certain mistakes made by each group of subjects could be explained in terms of mental models, Einstellung effects and the use of so- called Function-Object interaction style where Object-Function interaction was appropriate. Contrary to earlier findings, aesthetics and perceived usability did not correspond to a great extent. Finally, the results are discussed and some suggestions for improvements are put forward.
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The United Nations global compact : estudo de caso na Ericsson do BrasilBonatto, Heitor January 2010 (has links)
Em 2000, a Organização das Nações Unidas lançou a iniciativa denominada “Pacto Global”, com o objetivo de dar uma face mais humana ao processo da globalização. Esta iniciativa estabeleceu dez princípios que as empresas, entre outros participantes, devem seguir para implementá-los no dia a dia de suas operações. A Ericsson foi uma das empresas fundadoras da iniciativa e, até hoje, faz parte do grupo. A presente dissertação, portanto, busca analisar como a Ericsson do Brasil está implementando os princípios do Pacto Global das Nações Unidas em sua esfera de influência. Para compreender a forma como está ocorrendo, neste estudo foi realizado um estudo de caso da subsidiária brasileira, baseando-se na análise de documentos institucionais, na observação e entrevista realizada com o Gerente da empresa. Conclui-se que a Ericsson do Brasil ainda está em processo de implementação dos princípios, destacando-se no que concerne ao gerenciamento da cadeia de fornecedores estar em avançado estágio de implementação. / In 2000 the United Nations launched the Global Compact initiative for the purpose of giving a more human face to globalization. This initiative sets out ten principles that companies and other participants should proceed to implement in the day to day operations. Ericsson was one of the founders of the initiative and today is part of the group. This dissertation aims to analyze how the Ericsson in Brazil is implementing the principles of the UN Global Compact in its sphere of influence. To understand how, the dissertation was based on case study of the Brazilian subsidiary and the analysis was made by institutional documents, observation and interviews with the manager of the company. The conclusion demonstrates that Ericsson in Brazil is still in the process of implementing the principles emphasizing that when it comes to managing the supply chain is in the advanced stage of implementation.
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Exekveringsmiljö för Plex-C på JVM / Run-time environment for Plex-C on JVMMöller, Johan January 2002 (has links)
The Ericsson AXE-based systems are programmed using an internally developed language called Plex-C. Plex-C is normally compiled to execute on an Ericsson internal processor architecture. A transition to standard processors is currently in progress. This makes it interesting to examine if Plex-C can be compiled to execute on the JVM, which would make it processor independent. The purpose of the thesis is to examine if parts of the run-time environment of Plex-C can be translated to Java and if this can be done so that sufficient performance is obtained. It includes how language constructions in Plex-C can be translated to Java. The thesis describes how a limited part of the Plex-C run-time environment is implemented in Java. Optimizations are an important part of the implementation. It is also described how the JVM system was tested with a benchmark test. The test results indicate that the implemented system is a few times faster than the Ericsson internal processor architecture. But this performance is still not sufficient for the JVM system to be an interesting replacement for the currently used processor architecture. It might still be useful as a processor independent test platform.
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