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Mesmo céu, mesmo CEP: produção literária na periferia de São Paulo / Same sky, same postal code:literary production in the suburb of São PauloAntonio Eleilson Leite 25 August 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação se propõe a fazer um balanço da produção editorial de literatura existente na periferia paulistana a partir de um estudo crítico de 39 obras, entre romances, contos, crônicas e poesias, publicadas no período de 1988 a 2012. Agrupadas em duas vertentes, 19 obras pertencem ao segmento denominado Literatura Hip Hop, todos em prosa escritos por seis autores com destaque para Ferréz, Alessandro Buzo e Sacolinha. Já os 20 títulos vinculados à corrente da Literatura Periférica são todos de poesia e os autores e autoras são, ou foram vinculados aos dois saraus literários mais antigos Da periferia de São Paulo: Cooperifa e Binho, ambos da da zona sul da capital. A obra de Sergio Vaz mereceu destaque neste segmento. Procurei, dessa forma, refletir sobre uma ampla produção e não sobre uma obra especificamente, ou um determinado autor, ou, ainda, um pequeno grupo de obras ou autores, como até então as pesquisas acadêmicas sobre o tema têm feito. Orientado pelos conceitos de estrutura de sentimento e cultura emergente, de Raymond Williams, analisei as obras a partir de seus aspectos internos, ressaltando suas características mais gerais em função das quais se estabeleceram as segmentações acima mencionadas. Levantei aspectos relacionados às temáticas, aos gêneros e subgêneros, às experimentações estéticas e ao padrão editorial. O resultado é um trabalho híbrido entre a historiografia e os estudos literários, orientado pela perspectiva dos Estudos Culturais e que oferece uma apreciação estética da literatura produzida na periferia da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. / This essay proposes a balance of the editorial production of literature on the suburb of São Paulo based on a critical analysis of 39 works among novels, tales, chronicles and poesy, published on the period between 1988 and 2012. Gathered in two groups, 19 of the works belong to the section named Hip Hop Literature, all of them written in prose by six writers with emphasis to Ferréz Alessandro Buzo and Sacolinha. The other 20 titles are entailed to the section of Peripheral Literature are poetry and the writers are or were connected to two most ancient literary soirees of São Paulo: Cooperifa and Binho, spotted around the suburb of the southern part of the capital. The work of Sergio Vaz is noteworthy on this section. I sought this way to ponder about a wide production, not only about a specific work or a certain writer, or also about a narrow group of works or writers, as the academic researches have done about the subject till then. Guided by the concepts of structure of feeling and emergent culture of Raymond Williams, I analyzed the works based on their internal aspects, emphasizing their general characteristics according to which were settled the sections previously mentioned. I collected aspects related to the themes, genders and subgenres, to the esthetic trials and to the editorial sample. The result is a hybrid work between the historiography and the literary studies, guided by the Cultural Studies perspective and that offers an esthetic appreciation of the literature produced on the suburb of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo.
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Morphogénèse du héros dans les séries policières américaines ( 1968 - 2008 ) / The numerous faces of the hero in American television series ( 1968 - 2008 )Siejka, Monika 23 November 2015 (has links)
A l’instar de Shéhérazade qui devait tenir le Sultan en haleine afin de survivre, les séries télévisées policières se doivent de capter l’attention du téléspectateur afin de connaître plusieurs saisons. Nous questionnons les multiples morphogénèse des héros des séries policières américaines qui ont rencontré un grand renouvellement stylistique et un succès mondial entre 1968 et 2008 autour de la promesse de justice du héros policier. Nous interrogeons les transformations des modes de construction et de réception interactives du héros provoquées par la montée en puissance des réseaux sociaux. A la différence du Sultan qui était assujetti à sa conteuse, le téléspectateur ne participerait-il pas dorénavant à la construction de la représentation du héros non sans projeter sa propre intimité ? / Just like Scheherazade, from The Arabian Nights, who had to hold the Sultan spellbound in order to survive, police television series must capture the attention of the viewer for several seasons. We question the multiple morphogenesis of heroes in American police series produced with great stylistic renewal and worldwide success between 1968 and 2008. The ongoing theme is the promise of justice by the policeman hero. We investigate the transformations of reception and construction modes of the hero provoked by the rise of social networks. Unlike the Sultan, who had to follow the storyteller, is the viewer now participating in the construction of the representation of the hero, projecting into it his own intimacy?
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An Evaluation of the Esthetic Judgment of Students in Austin CollegeMiller, Helen 08 1900 (has links)
For the average person many opportunities for esthetic enjoyment of useful objects exist if the relationship between beauty and utility is understood. Furniture and other articles of daily use have acquired new and radical changes of design, based on function, which are altering esthetic concepts. This new approach to design is gradually being accepted by manufacturers and producers. Do purchasers appreciate and accept these structural and functional bases of contemporary design? If they do not, wherein does their deficiency lie, and how may it be corrected? This is the problem that the writer has attempted to investigate through this study.
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Conjoncture et historicité de l'accession de la norme à sa juridicité : les droits linguistiques au CanadaGervais, Marie-Claude 04 1900 (has links)
"Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en droit" / La présente thèse a d'abord pour sujet la fonction participative reconnue à
l'interprète de la nonne, déniée par la doctrine classique au profit de la fiction qui
fonde l'absolutisation de l'intention de l'auteur de la nonne.
Faisant état des phases de l'avènement du sens de la loi dans le déploiement
du cercle hennéneutique, nous analysons la doctrine classique et, abordant
l'interprétation selon l'approche hennéneutique, nous dégageons et explicitons les
conditions propres à l'avènement de la juridicité tant au niveau de l'autonomie du
texte que de sa réception.
La présente thèse a également pour fin d'évaluer le poids des contraintes sur
l'interprétation et l'application à l'oeuvre en droit. Comment, dans le processus de
l'avènement du sens de la nonne, l'interprétation juridique s'édifie-t-elle et s'enrichitelle
des valeurs et des règles qui régissent la production du droit?
Pour analyser et caractériser le rôle du juge dans l'avènement du sens de la
nonne juridique selon une démarche dont la spécificité relève de la phénoménologie
et de 1'hennéneutique philosophique, nous choisissons le domaine des droits
linguistiques. L'analyse des données empiriques recueillies pennet de voir sur
quelles voies, au-delà de la prédétennination et de la co-détennination du sens de la
nonne, s'engage la «surdétennination» (concept propre à la théorie de «l'analyse
systémale» et selon lequel le sens de la nonne émerge aussi en référence au champ
de valeurs qui traverse la représentation de la réalité de la nonne) et dès lors d'en
illustrer concrètement les manifestations propres.
D'abord envisagée sous le règne de l'histoire, des principes fondateurs et des
enjeux liés à la dualité linguistique, l'étude du contentieux linguistique est
spécifiquement traitée sous l'angle des droits des minorités linguistiques et de la
représentation des valeurs privilégiées. L'analyse des mémoires déposés par les
parties et les intervenants dans les causes entendues en matière de droits linguistiques
révèle que les valeurs identitaires dominent les interventions analysées. L'analyse de
la réceptivité de la Cour et l'interprétation des juges confirme ensuite que la
surdétennination est à l' oeuvre.
Ce parcours théorique pennet que nous disposions d'une représentation
raisonnée du rôle du juge dans la construction du sens en droit selon laquelle les trois
moments du cercle hennéneutique - compréhension, interprétation, application s'unissent
dans l'avènement du sens de la loi en une dynamique circulaire et
anticipatoire propre à révéler les constituants du texte juridique.
L'analyse empmque confirme quant à elle la participation du récepteur et
interprète de la nonne sur le sens qui préside à son accession à la juridicité. / This thesis deals primarily with the participative function of the interpreter
of the law as it is acknowledged except by the c1assical doctrine that is more inc1ined
to see the intention of the lawmaker as the absolute detenninant.
Referring to the various stages in the meaning-making process through the
creation of the henneneutical circ1e, we analyze the c1assical doctrine and, while
dealing with interpretation of the law under the henneneutical approach, we put
forward and explain the very conditions where the legal phenomenon appears at the
level of the autonomy of the text and of its reception.
This thesis also intends to assess the impact of the construction and
enforcement constraints regarding the law. How, in the course of the meaningmaking
process, is legal interpretation built and enriched by the values and rules
which govem law-making?
To analyze and characterize the role of the judge in the making of the
meaning of the law with a specifie approach inspired by phenomenology and
philosophical henneneutics, we have chosen the area of language rights. The analysis
of the empirical data that was gathered enables us to see, beyond the predetermination
and the co-determination of the meaning of the law, where overdetermination
is headed (a specifie concept of the "systemal analysis" theory under
which the meaning of the law also emerges by reference to the value system
permeating the representation of the reality of the law) and therefore to concretely
illustrate its very expressions.
First approached from the perspectives of history, of the founding principles
and of the issues related to the linguistic duality, the linguistic case law is specifically
reviewed in the context of linguistic minority rights and of the representation of
preferred values. An analysis of submissions filed by the parties and the interveners
in linguistic rights cases shows the major role played by identity-related values in the
reviewed interventions. The analysis of the Court's responsiveness and the
interpretation of judges then confirm the existence of an over-determination.
This theoretical exploration allows us to have a reasoned representation of
the judge's role in the making of meaning in law through the three stages of the
hermeneutical circle - understanding, interpretation, application - that are combined
in a circular and anticipatory process aiming at revealing the constitutive elements of
the legal text.
The empirical analysis confirms the influence of the recipient and interpreter
of the law on the meaning which leads it to become a legal phenomenon.
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The Prevalence of the Need for Esthetic Crown Lengthening in Post Orthodontically Treated SubjectsKonikoff, Bryan Marc 01 January 2006 (has links)
Prevalence information on excessive gingival display in post-orthodontic patients is limited. By studying one aspect, namely the size relationship of the clinical crowns of teeth, in an orthodontic population, we can begin to quantify their need for periodontal plastic surgery. In this two part study, 200 plaster models were used as subjects, followed by a clinical exam of 31 of those subjects. These models represented patients before and directly after orthodontic therapy, and the Part 2 clinical exams were performed at least five years later. The lengths and widths of the six anterior teeth were measured and these values were compared to known ideals. This study revealed a significant increase in the length of the maxillary anterior teeth over the three examinations, yet these values were still approximately 1.5mm shorter than ideal. The mean tooth width-to-length ratio was 87-88% for maxillary central incisors, clearly below the accepted "ideal." As well, 61-71% of maxillary central incisors exceeded allowable tooth width-to-length ratios, and 61% of subjects displayed asymmetry in gingival architecture. Although this study only examined one aspect of excessive gingival display, it is the first study to show that in a predominantly young, post-orthodontic population, the prevalence of non-ideal width-to-length ratios is greater than 65%, and that the presence of asymmetry is greater than 60%. Therefore, close interaction between the periodontist and the orthodontist is necessary to diagnose these conditions in order to provide patients with all options for improving their smile.
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The Prevalence of the Need for Esthetic Crown Lengthening in Post Orthodontically Treated SubjectsJohnson, David Clark 01 January 2004 (has links)
The problem of excess gingival display is difficult to diagnose and treat. By studying one aspect of excess gingival display, namely the size relationships of the clinical crowns of teeth, we can begin to quantify reasonable goals of therapy. In this study, two hundred plaster models were used as subjects. These represented two hundred patients before and after orthodontic therapy. The six anterior teeth were measured for length and width and compared to known ideals. Teeth that did not meet ideal standards may require treatment. It was found that the mean tooth length after orthodontic therapy was approximately two millimeters shorter than ideal. The length of maxillary central incisors did not increase over the course of therapy. Eighty-five to ninety percent of maxillary central incisors exceeded allowable tooth width-to-length ratios. Twenty-nine to thirty percent of central incisors exceeded one hundred percent in their width-to-length ratio. Sixty-eight percent of patients displayed asymmetry in gingival architecture.
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A Paixão Segundo G.H. e o leitor implícito / A Paixão Segundo G.H. and the implicit readerSintani, Denise Mitiko 17 January 2012 (has links)
A Paixão segundo G.H., intensamente analisada como obra importante da denominada Terceira Geração Modernista, sob diversos prismas filosófico, formal, psicanalítico e histórico condiz com um momento contemporâneo contundente que expressa alto grau de individualismo, alienação e fragmentação em todos os campos. Desenvolve-se aqui uma investigação sobre a estruturação dessa obra, tendo em vista as estratégias de interlocução criadas pela autora, e o receptor implícito nessa estruturação, em consonância com a teoria do efeito estético elaborada por Wolfgang Iser, que também dialoga com outras teorias envolvendo a configuração do texto ficcional e seus respectivos interlocutores que se encontram embutidos na estrutura das obras. Para tanto, apresenta-se a fortuna crítica relacionada principalmente a interpretações da experiência de fusão sujeito/o outro/linguagem articulada à forma como essas interpretações preenchem as indeterminações produzidas na obra, bem como à tentativa de configurar o efeito da experiência da personagem no leitor contemporâneo. Daí decorre a investigação sobre o projeto literário do Modernismo Brasileiro no contexto da literatura ocidental, expresso na obra em questão, tendo em vista seu aspecto humanizador. / A Paixão segundo G.H., extremely studied as an important work of Third Modernist Generation, under several point of view philosophical, formal, psychoanalytical and historical was wrote in a historical context which expresses high bourgeois subject individualism and alienation over every instances. It is developed in this work an investigation about the structure of this Clarice Lispector literature, according to the interlocution strategies which are created by the author and to its implicit reader. Therefore this work aims to present the Brazilian critical baggage about the subject/other/language fusion experience articulated to the way how that interpretations fit the indeterminations which are produced in the text, according to Wolfgang Iser theories with others critics authors who purpose the esthetic effect theories, also considering the effects of the character experience over the contemporary reader. Besides, this work intend to discuss the Brazilian Modernism literary project presented in A Paixão segundo G.H. inserted in the modern context also in the general occidental literature evolution.
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Adaptações literárias para a TV: novas interpretações a partir do conceito de cultura híbrida na teledramaturgia / Literary adaptations to TV: new interpretations from the concept of hybrid culture on teledramaturgyPinto, Felipe Bottini 01 October 2018 (has links)
Adaptações literárias para a TV: novas interpretações a partir do conceito de cultura híbrida na teledramaturgia discorre sobre o conceito de cultura híbrida proposto por Néstor García Canclini, estabelecendo um recorte pragmático deste conceito dentro da realidade brasileira e do particular processo modernizador, dando ênfase às novas formas de adaptação do texto dramático para a televisão. Para tal análise, estuda-se a minissérie Capitu, de Luiz Fernando Carvalho, adaptação do romance Dom Casmurro, de Machado de Assis. A aproximação entre o diretor de TV e o autor revela inovações estéticas tanto na literatura, quanto no audiovisual. E é justamente esse novo procedimento estético inaugurado na televisão, que será protagonista neste estudo em que é analisado a possibilidade de utilizá-lo para gerar novas interpretações sobre um mesmo texto. Esta minissérie foi escolhida, a priori, por apresentar elementos próprios da linguagem híbrida que despertaram a atenção da crítica e do público durante sua exibição, em 2008, e abriu novas possibilidades de trabalhos para o Luiz Fernando e, consequentemente, para a televisão como um todo. / Literary adaptations to TV: new interpretations from the concept of hybrid culture on teledramaturgy descants over the hybrid culture concept proposed by Néstor García Canclini, putting into place a pragmatic piece of this concept among Brazilian reality and its particular process to modernize, emphasizing the new ways to adjustment drama script for television. In order to have such analysis, the miniseries Capitu, from Luiz Fernando Carvalho is studied, an adaptation from the romance Dom Casmurro, from Machado de Assis. The proximity between the TV director and author reveals esthetic innovations such in literature, as in audiovisual. Its exactly this new esthetic procedure created on television, that will be the leading role in this study, being analyzed the possibility of using it to generate new interpretations about the same text. This miniseries was chosen, a priori, for presenting own elements of hybrid language that catches the attention of critics and audiences while exhibited, in 2008, opening new work possibilities for Luiz Fernando and, consequently, to the television as a whole.
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A Paixão Segundo G.H. e o leitor implícito / A Paixão Segundo G.H. and the implicit readerDenise Mitiko Sintani 17 January 2012 (has links)
A Paixão segundo G.H., intensamente analisada como obra importante da denominada Terceira Geração Modernista, sob diversos prismas filosófico, formal, psicanalítico e histórico condiz com um momento contemporâneo contundente que expressa alto grau de individualismo, alienação e fragmentação em todos os campos. Desenvolve-se aqui uma investigação sobre a estruturação dessa obra, tendo em vista as estratégias de interlocução criadas pela autora, e o receptor implícito nessa estruturação, em consonância com a teoria do efeito estético elaborada por Wolfgang Iser, que também dialoga com outras teorias envolvendo a configuração do texto ficcional e seus respectivos interlocutores que se encontram embutidos na estrutura das obras. Para tanto, apresenta-se a fortuna crítica relacionada principalmente a interpretações da experiência de fusão sujeito/o outro/linguagem articulada à forma como essas interpretações preenchem as indeterminações produzidas na obra, bem como à tentativa de configurar o efeito da experiência da personagem no leitor contemporâneo. Daí decorre a investigação sobre o projeto literário do Modernismo Brasileiro no contexto da literatura ocidental, expresso na obra em questão, tendo em vista seu aspecto humanizador. / A Paixão segundo G.H., extremely studied as an important work of Third Modernist Generation, under several point of view philosophical, formal, psychoanalytical and historical was wrote in a historical context which expresses high bourgeois subject individualism and alienation over every instances. It is developed in this work an investigation about the structure of this Clarice Lispector literature, according to the interlocution strategies which are created by the author and to its implicit reader. Therefore this work aims to present the Brazilian critical baggage about the subject/other/language fusion experience articulated to the way how that interpretations fit the indeterminations which are produced in the text, according to Wolfgang Iser theories with others critics authors who purpose the esthetic effect theories, also considering the effects of the character experience over the contemporary reader. Besides, this work intend to discuss the Brazilian Modernism literary project presented in A Paixão segundo G.H. inserted in the modern context also in the general occidental literature evolution.
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Adaptações literárias para a TV: novas interpretações a partir do conceito de cultura híbrida na teledramaturgia / Literary adaptations to TV: new interpretations from the concept of hybrid culture on teledramaturgyFelipe Bottini Pinto 01 October 2018 (has links)
Adaptações literárias para a TV: novas interpretações a partir do conceito de cultura híbrida na teledramaturgia discorre sobre o conceito de cultura híbrida proposto por Néstor García Canclini, estabelecendo um recorte pragmático deste conceito dentro da realidade brasileira e do particular processo modernizador, dando ênfase às novas formas de adaptação do texto dramático para a televisão. Para tal análise, estuda-se a minissérie Capitu, de Luiz Fernando Carvalho, adaptação do romance Dom Casmurro, de Machado de Assis. A aproximação entre o diretor de TV e o autor revela inovações estéticas tanto na literatura, quanto no audiovisual. E é justamente esse novo procedimento estético inaugurado na televisão, que será protagonista neste estudo em que é analisado a possibilidade de utilizá-lo para gerar novas interpretações sobre um mesmo texto. Esta minissérie foi escolhida, a priori, por apresentar elementos próprios da linguagem híbrida que despertaram a atenção da crítica e do público durante sua exibição, em 2008, e abriu novas possibilidades de trabalhos para o Luiz Fernando e, consequentemente, para a televisão como um todo. / Literary adaptations to TV: new interpretations from the concept of hybrid culture on teledramaturgy descants over the hybrid culture concept proposed by Néstor García Canclini, putting into place a pragmatic piece of this concept among Brazilian reality and its particular process to modernize, emphasizing the new ways to adjustment drama script for television. In order to have such analysis, the miniseries Capitu, from Luiz Fernando Carvalho is studied, an adaptation from the romance Dom Casmurro, from Machado de Assis. The proximity between the TV director and author reveals esthetic innovations such in literature, as in audiovisual. Its exactly this new esthetic procedure created on television, that will be the leading role in this study, being analyzed the possibility of using it to generate new interpretations about the same text. This miniseries was chosen, a priori, for presenting own elements of hybrid language that catches the attention of critics and audiences while exhibited, in 2008, opening new work possibilities for Luiz Fernando and, consequently, to the television as a whole.
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