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Determinants of public support for European Enlargement : a comparative analysis of public attitudes toward the accession of Turkey and PolandIlter, Ilker January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Toward the European Army: Theory, Practice and Development of a European Defence Identity, 1945-2004Garrett, Jeremy P. 05 November 2013 (has links)
This dissertation traces military integration in Europe from the 1940s to the early 2000s in order to reveal the growth of a common European defence identity. Four factors characterize its approach. First, European defence identity is analyzed in relation to the broader path of European integration and its historical context, showing connections with key turning points in European integration, with the evolution of Franco-German relations and European-American relations, with the Cold War and subsequent Collapse of Communism, etc. Second, the dissertation applies theories of identity formation to guide the historical analysis. This approach draws attention, for example, to the important roles that borders and symbols played in European defence identity formation. Third, the thesis adopts a hybrid “top-down” and “bottom-up” approach; one side considers formal programs, policies, and institutions that promoted a European defence identity, while the other takes stock of public perceptions, actions by “rank and file” soldiers, etc. This dual approach helps to reveal more fully the complex, negotiated character of European defence identity formation. Finally, this thesis traces the growth of a European defence identity as a path of ideological and emotional change, growing commitment, and trust-building that spanned decades.
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俄羅斯與歐盟政經關係研究 A Study of the Political and Economic Relations between Russia and the EU張德輝 Unknown Date (has links)
1990 年代俄羅斯與歐盟的關係並不是很熱絡,雙方皆因專注於內部的改革而對彼此興趣缺缺。葉爾欽政府對於歐盟充滿了無知與誤解,而布魯塞爾對於中、東歐國家的關注也遠超過俄羅斯。不過,90年代末期之後,隨著歐盟東擴的進行與雙方經貿互賴程度越來越深,莫斯科再也無法承擔誤解歐盟的後果。同時,歐盟亦為了穩定東擴後的東部邊境,不得不與俄羅斯進一步的加強合作。然而,俄羅斯與歐盟的政經關係日益密切,彼此間隱含的問題也一一浮現。
俄羅斯與歐盟無論是在安全、反恐、車臣、民主、人權、內政與司法事務、加里寧格勒、經貿與能源、世貿組織、京都議定書以及環境保護等議題上都存在著巨大的認知差異與分歧,使得雙方很難有真誠的合作。不過,若要因此強調俄羅斯與歐盟的衝突面似乎太過於悲觀。因為,與歐洲整合並非不符合俄羅斯的國家利益,而歐盟遇到困難便會再協商或擱置爭議的特殊運作模式也讓它在與俄羅斯的交往過程中不至於陷入危機。俄羅斯與歐盟還是能夠透過不斷的對話、談判與妥協來解決紛爭,雙方的夥伴關係仍然有相當大的發展潛力。 / In the 1990s, the relationship between Russia and the EU was not very enthusiastic. Both parties concentrated mainly on their own internal reforms, and therefore they had no interest in each other. Yeltsin’s regime was full of ignorance and misunderstanding about the EU, and Brussels also paid much more attention on the Central and Eastern European states than on Russia. However, since the late 1990s, the EU’s enlargement has been underway, and the level of interdependence between the EU and Russia has become higher and higher, Moscow can no longer afford the consequences of misunderstanding about the EU. Meanwhile, in order to stabilize the EU’s eastern border after enlargement, the EU has no choice but to enhance cooperation with Russia. Nevertheless, the closer political and economic relationship between Russia and the EU becomes, the more underlying problems emerge.
There is a wide cognitive gap and many disputes between Russia and the EU over various issues, such as security, anti-terrorism, Chechnya, democracy, human rights, justice and home affairs, Kaliningrad, economic and trade, energy, WTO, Kyoto Protocol and environmental protection, etc. Therefore, it is unlikely for them to engage in any serious cooperation. However, it would be too pessimistic to highlight the aspects of conflicts for the above reason, because integration with Europe is also corresponding to Russia’s national interests. Besides, the EU’s particular working model of consulting with each other again and again or leaving aside the disagreements when encountering problems prevents the disputes between the EU and Russia from escalating to crisis. Russia and the EU can solve problems through talks, negotiations and compromises. It still has great potential for the further development of partnership between Russia and the EU.
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Théorie réaliste de l’intégration européenne : les conditions de la transformation d'un système international en système interne / A realist theory of European integration : conditions for transforming an international system into a domestic oneHaroche, Pierre 30 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse propose un modèle théorique capable de rendre compte du passage d'un système international à un système interne. Elle s'appuie sur des études empiriques empruntées à l'histoire de l'intégration européenne. Son modèle est fondé sur deux facteurs principaux : la balance entre offensive et défensive et le degré d'interdépendance entre acteurs. Lorsque l'offensive a l'avantage, les acteurs sont incités à résoudre leurs problèmes d'interdépendance via l'usage de la violence, qui s'avère efficace. Ce n'es que lorsque la défense a l'avantage que l'interdépendance peut conduire à l'intégration. Cependant, cette condition n'est pas suffisante. Lorsque l'interdépendance est faible, les acteurs cherchent à la limiter en vue de préserver leur indépendance. Ce n'est que lorsque la défense a l'avantage et que l'interdépendance est prépondérante et incontournable que l'intégration peut être une solution viable. Ce modèle est utilisé pour expliquer le passage d'une stratégie traditionnelle d'indépendance à une politique de délégation à des institutions supranationales, à travers trois catégories d'acteurs: les gouvernements, les parlementaires et le juges. L'intégration gouvernementale est étudiée à travers les origines de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier (1951) et l'échec de la Communauté européenne de défense (1954). L'intégration parlementaire est étudiée à travers les premiers renforcements du Parlement européen en matière budgétaire (1970) et législative (1986). Enfin, l'intégration juridique est étudiée à travers l'évolution des juridictions allemandes et françaises quant à la reconnaissance de la primauté du droit communautaire. / This thesis proposes a theoretical framework able to account for the transition from an international system to a domestic one. It relies on empirical studies from the history of European integration. Its model is based on two principal factors: the offense-defense balance and the degree of interdependence among actor When offense has the advantage, incentives drive the actors to solve their interdependence problems by usin violence because it is quite effective. It is only when defense has the advantage that interdependence can lead to integration. However, that latter condition is not sufficient. When interdependence is weak, actors see to limit it, to preserve their independence. It is only when defense has the advantage and interdependence is overwhelming and unavoidable, that integration becomes a viable solution. This model was applied to explain the transition from a traditional independence-preserving strategy to a delegation-of-powers policy in favor of supranational institutions, by examining three categories of actors: governments, members of parliaments an judges. The origins of the European Coal and Steel Community (1951) and the failure of the European Defense Corn munit y (1954) were used to investigate governmental integration. The first reinforcements of the European Parliament conceming budgetary (1970) and legislative matters (1986) served to study parliamentary integration. lastly, the analysis of judicial integration was explored through the evolution of German and French national courts towards the aeee tance of the su remac of Communit law.
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Le financement de l'Union européenne : moteur d'une intégration politique ? / The European Union financing : an engine of political integration ?Boissenin, Angélique 20 December 2017 (has links)
Le financement de l'Union européenne est ambivalent. Il a assurément contribué au renforcement de l'intégration européenne mais pas nécessairement au renforcement de l'intégration politique. Le remplacement des contributions financières des États membres par des ressources propres, par la décision du Conseil du 21 avril 1970, a constitué une étape fondatrice dans la construction du système budgétaire et financier de l'Union. Cependant, ce mode de financement n'a pas rempli son rôle. Le système des ressources propres, censé garantir une autonomie financière, a connu une dégradation progressive et profonde si bien que l'Union est à nouveau très largement tributaire des finances publiques nationales mais aussi des décisions nationales dont elle était censée s'émanciper. Nonobstant son adoption par le Parlement européen, représentant direct des citoyens européens, le budget européen est soumis à une étroite surveillance étatique, les décisions relatives aux recettes et aux dépenses européennes étant prises dans un cadre relativement respectueux de la souveraineté des États membres. Le système financier de l'Union n'a pas suivi les évolutions de cette dernière et apparaît désormais comme l'un de ses talons d'Achille. Son manque de pertinence et de performance invite à considérer l'opportunité de doter l'Union d'un pouvoir fiscal et son budget d'impôts européens. Ainsi en irait-il du soutien à l'achèvement de l'Union économique et monétaire et de l'intégration politique européenne. / The European Union financing is ambivalent. It definitely contributed to strengthen the European integration but not necessarily the political integration. The replacement of financial contributions from the Member States by own resources, by the Council decision of 21 April 1970, constituted a founding stage in the European budgetary and financial system building. However, this method of financing did not fulfill its obligation. The own resources system, intended to guarantee financial autonomy, has undergone a significant and gradual deterioration so that Union is again widely dependent on national public finances but also on national decisions, from which it was supposed to be fully emancipated. In spite of its adoption by the European Parliament, direct representative of the European citizens, the European budget is subjected to a close state supervision, as decisions on revenues and expenditures are taken within a respectful frame of Member States' sovereignty. The European financial system has not kept abreast of the Union developments and appears as one of its Achilles heel. Its Jack of performance and relevance invite us to consider the opportunity of empowering the Union with European fiscal power and its budget with European taxes. Such would be the case for the support of economic and monetary Union achievement and European political integration.
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Teorie optimálních měnových oblastí a její ekonomické důsledky v praxi / Theory of optimal currency areas and its implications in practiceHavičová, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
The submitted thesis focuses on the Economic and Monetary Union and its stability or instability with respect to theory of optimal currency areas. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate whether the current euro area is the optimal currency area, what possible ways of reducing the costs of the common currency exist and what are the economic consequences of a potential breakdown of the Economic and Monetary Union. The analysis of the theory of optimal currency areas is the subject of the first part of this thesis and its criteria are evaluated in the second part. The second part then deals with the economic implications of this theory in practice.
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La fabrique savante de l'Europe : une archéologie du discours de l'Europe communautaire (1870-1973) / The scientific making of Europe : an Archeology of the European Communities discourse (1870-1973)Canihac, Hugo 19 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse prend pour objet la construction d’un discours politique et social nouveau - celuide l’Europe communautaire. Ce processus est appréhendé comme le résultat du travail demultiples collectifs d’acteurs politiques et savants. Ces collectifs ont contribué à l’invention duvocabulaire communautaire, d’une part, et à la normalisation de certains savoirs etinterprétations des Communautés, d’autre part. Il s’agit alors de mettre en lumière lesconditions historiques de ce travail collectif dans deux Etats fondateurs de la constructioneuropéenne – la France et l’Allemagne. L’enjeu est d’explorer tout à la fois les conditions depossibilité de l’innovation politique et les conditions de légitimation d’un objet politiquenouveau.En mobilisant des sources historiques variées, ce travail retrace les carrières dans les débatscommunautaires de deux des définitions largement utilisées pour définir l’Europecommunautaire jusqu’à aujourd’hui - la « supranationalité » et « l’économie sociale demarché ». L’étude croisée de leurs usages permet d’examiner les controverses politicoacadémiquesdans lesquelles l’Europe communautaire a été définie comme type institutionneldistinct (de l’Etat-nation) et comme mode de gouvernement spécifique (du marché). A reboursde l’hypothèse d’une « révolution communautaire », la thèse invite à réinscrire l’inventioncommunautaire dans le temps plus long de la construction des Etats nationaux et de leurssavoirs. A l’opposé d’une lecture génétique de la construction communautaire commedéploiement d’un sens défini depuis les années 1950, elle donne à voir la diversité desinterprétations et des savoirs qui ont été produits et se sont affrontés dans les premières, etidentifie les conditions de leurs succès différenciés. / This dissertation aims to understand the construction of a new type of political and socialdiscourse: that of the European Economic Community (EEC). This process is taken, on theone hand, to be the invention on the part of political actors and scholars of a vocabulary andconceptual apparatus which made the EEC thinkable. On the other hand, the process isunderstood as the constitution of specialized disciplines which, by more or less successfullyasserting their legitimacy to produce discourse on the EEC as an object, have contributed torendering certain interpretations obligatory. The dissertation highlights the historical conditionsin which actors have contributed to the emergence, circulation and stabilization of suchknowledge in two founding member states of the EEC - France and Germany – up to the firstenlargement of the EEC in 1973. Beyond the specific case of European integration, thechallenge is to explore the conditions both for political innovation and for the legitimization ofa new political object.Making use of several types of historical source, the thesis retraces the careers of two of thedefinitions widely used to define the EEC up to the present - "supranationality" and the "socialmarket economy". Examination of the uses of these terms makes it possible to identify andinvestigate politico-academic controversies in which the EEC has been defined as a distinctinstitutional type (of the nation-state) and as specific mode of government (of the market).In contrast to the hypothesis of a "revolution" in the EEC, the thesis calls for the reinsertion ofthe invention of the EEC into the longer history of construction of national states andgovernment sciences. Contrary to a genetic interpretation of European integration as a definiteproject from the 1950s, it reveals the diversity of interpretations and knowledges which wereproduced and which competed with one another in the early years of the EEC, and identifiesthe conditions for their unequal success. Finally, the dissertation leads us to qualify thehypothesis of the formation of "common sense" about the EEC, emphasizing the national anddisciplinary differences which persist in their interpretations.
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L’Union européenne une entité supranationale fonctionnelle / The European union as supranational functional entityAltalib, Ibaa 12 May 2016 (has links)
La qualification de l’Union Européenne d’entité juridique supranationale fonctionnelle, nécessite l’application d’une méthodologie fondée sur deux idées principales: la première idée est celle de la supranationalité européenne; caractéristique qui met l’intégration européenne actuelle dans une phase supérieure des formes de la coopération internationale sans pour autant aboutir à l’intégration totale et la fusion complète, telle que cette forme est représentait par l’Etat fédéral, ceci nous oblige à comparer cette entité aux principales personnes internationales tels que l’Etat fédéral et les organisations internationales. La deuxième idée de notre recherche est la notion de la fonctionnalité et son application dans le cadre de la l’Union Européenne , cette idée sera rapprochée selon les théories de l’intégration européenne, tout en privilégiant la théorie néo fonctionnelle qui selon nous est la plus pertinente dans l’explication du processus d’intégration européen, après nous traitons les aspects d’application de cette idée dans le cadre de l’Union et ses différentes formes dans les fonctions et attributions qui lui sont reconnues. Ainsi que les principes et les notions qui régissent les fonctions de l’Union qui ont donné une spécificité et une originalité à cette entité. / This study analyses the qualification of the European Union as a supranational and functional entity. In order to prove the validity of this hypothesis, I applied a methodology founded on two principal ideas: the first idea is that of the European supranationality which characteristically puts current European integration in a position that is superior to other forms of international cooperation without actually achieving total integration and complete fusion, such as this form is represented by the federal State. This requires us to compare this entity to primary international players such as the federal State and international organizations. The second idea of our research is the notion of functionality and its application in the framework of the European Union. This idea will be approached according to theories of European integration, privileging the neo-functional theory, which is, in our opinion, the most relevant in explaining the process of European integration. Afterwards, we consider the factors to applying this idea to the Union framework and its different forms within the functions and allocations that are recognized by it. We also look at the principles and concepts that preside over the Union’s functions, giving it a specificity and originality.
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Toward the European Army: Theory, Practice and Development of a European Defence Identity, 1945-2004Garrett, Jeremy P. January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation traces military integration in Europe from the 1940s to the early 2000s in order to reveal the growth of a common European defence identity. Four factors characterize its approach. First, European defence identity is analyzed in relation to the broader path of European integration and its historical context, showing connections with key turning points in European integration, with the evolution of Franco-German relations and European-American relations, with the Cold War and subsequent Collapse of Communism, etc. Second, the dissertation applies theories of identity formation to guide the historical analysis. This approach draws attention, for example, to the important roles that borders and symbols played in European defence identity formation. Third, the thesis adopts a hybrid “top-down” and “bottom-up” approach; one side considers formal programs, policies, and institutions that promoted a European defence identity, while the other takes stock of public perceptions, actions by “rank and file” soldiers, etc. This dual approach helps to reveal more fully the complex, negotiated character of European defence identity formation. Finally, this thesis traces the growth of a European defence identity as a path of ideological and emotional change, growing commitment, and trust-building that spanned decades.
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Ekonomika Španělska a jeho postavení v EU / The economy of Spain and its position in the European UnionHlávková, Eva January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to assess the economy of Spain and its position in the European Union. The European integration processes significantly influenced the development of democracy in Spain as a member state of EU. The period after Franco regime would last undoubtedly much longer and it would grow less dynamically without these processes. The influence of EU affected not only the Spanish economy, but also the current position of Spanish monarchy in Europe and in the whole world. The thesis is structured in three main parts. To be able to assess the Spanish economy during its membership in the EU, it is essential to study the procedures of negotiations between the candidate country and the Community. That is the reason why the first part is engaged in the pre-entry phase. The second part examines in detail the development of the economy after the reintroduction of democracy in the country. It deals mainly with the macroeconomic tendencies, their causes together with consequences. The progress concerns the economic situation in Spain before the entry to the Community, in the second half of eighties, as well as during the nineties. The thesis does not forget to be engaged in the current situation in the new millennium and it also outlines the possible development in the following years. The last part is devoted to the position and the influence of Spain on the main integration directions in the European Union. The coherence and the extent of evaluation can be considered one of the benefits of this work. The thesis introduces the complex view of the Spanish economy since the entry to the EU. It also deals with possible following tendencies. The understanding of the development is facilitated by a large number of graphs and tables, which help to outline the essence of the topic.
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