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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

高額醫療費用保險之研究 / Major Medical Expense Insurance

陳進旺, Chen,Jinn Wang Unknown Date (has links)
在社會與商業性健保之醫療保障不足的情形下,重大傷病的龐大醫療費用 與醫療費用的上漲仍可能致使社會大眾對於醫療費用有沉重的負擔,故本 文將藉由美國近年來快速成長的高額醫療費用保險以作為我國發展高額醫 療保障保險的參考;本文並將保險人為避免道德危險與控制醫療資源的浪 費的措施作一探討。本文共分為五個章節,第一章旨在說明本文之研究動 機、目的、方法、範圍與限制。第二章在說明美國高額醫療費用保險之起 源、意義、內容與其要點。第三章旨在說明影響高額醫療費用保險費計算 之因素,及其純保費、毛保費與準備金之計算公式。第四章旨在探討現今 我國社會保險與商業健康保險之給付內容,並就現有高額醫療費用保險保 單進行深入的瞭解;此外,並針對未來我國高額醫療費用保險之發展及限 制亦提供論述。第五章旨在就本文各章節研究之心得,作一總結;並對國 內的情況提出建議。

An investigation into the use of construction delay and disruption analysis methodologies

Braimah, Nuhu January 2008 (has links)
Delay and disruption (DD) to contractors’ progress, often resulting in time and cost overruns, are a major source of claims and disputes in the construction industry. At the heart of the matter in dispute is often the question of the extent of each contracting party’s responsibility for the delayed project completion and extra cost incurred. Various methodologies have been developed over the years as aids to answering this question. Whilst much has been written about DD, there is limited information on the extent of use of these methodologies in practice. The research reported in this thesis was initiated to investigate these issues in the UK, towards developing a framework for improving DD analysis. The methodology adopted in undertaking this research was the mixed method approach involving first, a detailed review of the relevant literature, followed by an industry-wide survey on the use of these methodologies and associated problems. Following this, interviews were conducted to investigate the identified problems in more depth. The data collected were analysed, with the aid of SPSS and Excel, using a variety of statistical methods including descriptive statistics analysis, relative index analysis, Kendall’s concordance and factor analysis. The key finding was that DD analysis methodologies reported in the literature as having major weaknesses are the most widely used in practice mainly due to deficiencies in programming and record keeping practice. To facilitate the use of more reliable methodologies, which ensure more successful claims resolution with fewer chances of disputes, a framework has been developed comprising of: (i) best practice recommendations for promoting better record-keeping and programming practice and; (ii) a model for assisting analysts in their selection of appropriate delay analysis methodology for any claims situation. This model was validated by means of experts’ review via a survey and the findings obtained suggest that the model is valuable and suitable for use in practice. Finally, areas for further research were identified.

金融自由化,銀行業市場結構,支出偏好行為與經營績效之研究 / Deregulation, A study the Bank Industry Market Structure, Expense preference Behavior and Performance

張麗娟, Chang, Lee-chuan Unknown Date (has links)
金融自由化,係不可抗拒的時代潮流,是一個無法避免的過程,也是政府多年來追求的政策目標,其主要的動機,是藉著市場機能代替政府的管制,加速改善金融機構之經營體質,提高經營效率,發揮銀行業應有之仲介功能,進而增進資金有效分配與經濟的穩定成長。 銀行部門的風險, 對日後金融檢查構成重要的挑戰。 由 S-C-P的分析中,確實在銀行產業,存著相互的關係。尤其是金融自由化、國際化,銀行主管者有更大的 權衡行為,這種行為可以透過組織中的制度設計,消除經理人的費用偏好與風險規避的誘因,以成立「費用中心」對於各部門的費用進行考核,再利用分紅持股方式,消除經理人支出偏好的行為。其次,本國銀行的利潤明顯受到「利率變動」的影響,本國銀行應設法降低利率的風險,其途徑: (1) 業務多元化:以減輕對中小企業或消費性放款的依賴,應另闢財源, 如:增加證券、金融商品的創新,開發低利資金來源(如 NOW 帳戶,公債存款),以減低成本。 (2) 建立風險檢控制度,成立「利率預測」及「資產負債管理」等專責組織的機構,以掌握未來金融環境的脈動與擬定因應策略。 銀行管理者在決策「市場佔有率」的多寡與分行家數有顯著之關係而與利潤率無明顯相關,本研究重點在於銀行間的差異,而非銀行內的差異,可以推論:急於擴張新分行據點或海外分支機構,其結果與獲利性無關。管理者經營目標非以短期利潤最大為考量。可能因為公營銀行很少關心其競爭者的存在,不太考慮其競爭者究將採取何種相對的行動。有時雖知悉其競爭者所採取的行動與決策,除非是有重大事件,不然公營銀行不會考慮猜測適當的反應行動以採取應付或抵制的方式。 由 於公營銀行 (1): 規模、資產都很大,組織頗為複雜, 參與決策者人員很多,花費相當的時間,因此,除非市場競爭者之行為,確實會嚴重影響到市場,(包括市場佔有率及利率價格),銀行不會有什麼猜測反應。(2): 業務管理上, 已形成一定規程, 都不願因競爭者行動而反應,破壞其管理程序。 (3): 最高決策與管理者,希望過安定而恬適生活,不願多事, 蓋恐風險太大,得不償失。 所以從 S-P (結構-績效假說), 市場結構會影響銀行長期獲利能力,具有獨占力之銀行,會以損失風險最小作代價,有系統降低風險。在承貸放款時,其大多持有風險性資產較小,只針對安全性高,有充足抵押品放款貸放。

Aim For The Stars : Is it worth paying higher fees for funds within the Morningstar RatingTM system

Cherro, Samir, Sadiku, Fadilj January 2011 (has links)
Morningstar is an independent provider of investment research and provide information on approximately 380 000 investment offerings about mutual funds. Morningstar are most known for their “star” rating system, which rates funds from the lowest 1-star to the highest 5-stars. Since investors frequently use fund data provided by Morningstar, we will evaluate whether investing in funds with higher fees and higher ratings would end up with higher returns. Examinations will be made if there is a relationship between mutual fund performance and the management fees within top-rated (5-star) funds and bottom-rated (1-&2-star). The mutual funds which are included in this thesis are United Kingdom (UK) managed and invested in three different markets; Asia-Pacific except-Japan, Europe except UK-Large Cap, and the United States (US) Market. This allows us to compare different markets at different stages of maturity. The results clearly show that the top-rated funds within all three markets outperformed the bottom-rated funds. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that the investor in general will earn a higher return by paying a higher management fee (TER) for the top-rated funds in all regions. The results also show that the TER for the bottom-rated funds in Europe and US market is higher compared to the top-rated funds. This means that the investor will pay higher fees for funds that do not perform well.

The Key Factor of How to Observe the Overdue Loan in Advance from the Financial Statement--YHI as a Study Case

Kuo, Li-Cheng 27 August 2012 (has links)
Credit granting is not only one core business but also the major profit source of banks. Non-Performing Loan Ratio (NPL Ratio) is an important index to evaluate the quality of credit granting and to influence profitability of banks. Recently, NPL ratio, which soared to record level, of local banks does not only hurt their asset quality but also threaten their surviving space due to the changes of internal structure, overbanking, internationalization of local banking industry, economic recession, the subprime crisis in 2007. Theoretically, banks have their own credit granting policy and credit examination system; however, there is soaring NPL ratio to cause huge NPL losses in banks because of the differences of credit grating practices. Nevertheless, there are some local banks which have lower NPL ratio. Therefore, this research is to help us to understand the possible factors of overdue loan that happened in corporate banking, and try to discover the key factors. Also, try to sampling those key factors from the past experiences for future crediting reference. The main profit from a bank is the margin of deposit and credit loan interest. Therefore, the overdue loan is highly related to a bank¡¦s profit. Moreover, it is necessary for banks to pay more cost to make up the losses which are caused by the NPL. Certainly, it is safest way for banks to acquire 100% collaterals for creditors¡¦ right, although 100% collaterals could be acquired, the creditors cannot ignore the impacts (on the creditors¡¦ profitability) of the necessary litigation expenses for disposing the collaterals. As a result, fully recognize the customers¡¦ credit condition before drawing is the only way to avoid the NPL loss and ensure the profit.

Tillämpningen av K-regelverken : En studie om mindre företag och valet mellan K2 och K3 i FoU-intensiva branscher

Hansson, Ida, Elfstrand, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om mindre onoterade aktiebolag som arbetar med forskning och utveckling valt att tillämpa K2- eller K3-regelverket. Delsyftet är att undersöka vilka faktorer som kan inverka på valet. En förhoppning med studien är att denna kan vara till hjälp för de företag som står inför valet mellan K2 och K3. I studien har en kvantitativ metod tillämpats. Empiriskt material har samlats in genom årsredovisningar, via databasen Retriever samt via kontakt med ansvarig person på företagen i urvalet. Insamlad data har sedan analyserats med hjälp statistiska analyser. Variabler som kan tänkas påverka valet av regelverk har tagits fram utifrån redan erkända teorier samt ur tidigare forskning. Variablerna presenterats i en a priori-modell. En undersökningsmodell har sedan utformats då alla tänkbara variabler ur den teoretiska referensramen inte är möjliga att undersöka på grund av metodval. Resultatet i denna studie visar på att övervägande del av företagen valt att tillämpa K3-regelverket trots att det är K2-regelverket som är det regelverk som rekommenderas för denna kategori av företag. Dessutom gjorde studiens tidsram det omöjligt att samla in fler årsredovisningar än de som inkom, detta gav ett stort bortfall som troligtvis påverkat studiens resultat. En liknande studie i höst skulle ge ett bättre empiriskt material och därmed förhoppningsvis ett generaliserbart resultat. / The main objective of this study is to find out the reasons why small and limited companies working with R&D would decide to apply K2 or K3 regulations and to investigate what factors may influence that choice. One hope of the study, if completed successfully and thoroughly, is that it may serve as a guide in order to help companies faced with this choice. The study is based on a quantitative method. Empirical data was collected through annual reports, through the database, Retriever, and by having contact with the CFO. Further, the empiric data was analyzed using statistical analysis and the variables that could affect the choice of framework were found in acknowledged theories as well as previous research regarding accounting choices. The variables are presented in a “A priori-model”. A research model was formed since all possible variables from the theories could not be investigated due to methodological choices. The empirical data has been presented in the form of tables, charts and then discussed regarding previous research. The results of this study show that the majority of the companies decided to apply the K3 regulations, even though the K2 regulation were recommended for that category of company. In addition, the study's timeframe made it impossible to collect any more annual reports than what was received, this may affect the results of this study. A similar study in the fall would give better empirical data.

Urbanité et sentiment de nature: ethnographies comparées de la randonnée pédestre Corse – Chapada Diamantina (Brésil)

Bragard, Romain January 2009 (has links)
BRAGARD, Romain. Urbanité et sentiment de nature: ethnographies comparées de la randonnée pédestre Corse – Chapada Diamantina (Brésil). 2009. 253f. Tese (Doutorado) - Curso de Sciences Sociales, Centre de Recherche Et D’Études Anthropologiques, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, 2009. / Submitted by Hanna Sandy (nannybells@gmail.com) on 2016-12-16T12:15:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_tese_rbragard.pdf: 13361393 bytes, checksum: f16abc1f970dd4045a2b10f0995be600 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-12-20T16:43:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_tese_rbragard.pdf: 13361393 bytes, checksum: f16abc1f970dd4045a2b10f0995be600 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-20T16:43:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_tese_rbragard.pdf: 13361393 bytes, checksum: f16abc1f970dd4045a2b10f0995be600 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / This research is articulated around a founding hypothesis: the feeling of nature that motivates the hikers is an urban feeling. Loving the nature, searching for a physical contact with it, spending energy and money to go through it and experience extraordinary feelings are all elements of the modern cultural weft. Tourists at the GR20 (Corsica) and at the Chapada Diamantina (Bahia, Brazil) inherited from the history of the idea of nature, from the history of the individual and from the history of free time in western civilization. They are moved by the desire of nature, which is worked out in the urban routine, and which emergence conditions are similar in both countries. However, the features of the « hiking ritual » in each of these places change according to their social structures and their « national myths ». In one hand, we can see how French tourists in Corsica experience and act the « myth of the individual » (Miguel Benasayag), fulfilled by equality and autonomy values. On the other hand, Brazilian tourists perform a hierarchical social scene, which places them between the guide who serves them and the natural divinity that overwhelms them. In both cases, a political question can be asked: does the feeling of nature hide and legitimate a « selective democracy » (Jessé Souza) that is connected to a depoliticization of nature as raw material ? / Cette recherche s’articule autour d’une hypothèse structurante : le sentiment de nature qui motive les randonneurs est un sentiment urbain. Aimer la nature, rechercher un contact physique avec elle, dépenser énergie et argent pour la parcourir et éprouver des sentiments extra-ordinaires, sont des actes qui s’inscrivent dans une trame culturelle moderne. Les excursionnistes du GR20 (Corse) et de la Chapada Diamantina (Bahia, Brésil) sont héritiers d’une histoire de l’idée de nature, d’une histoire de l’individu et d’une histoire du temps libre. Ils sont mus par un désir de nature, qui s’élabore dans le quotidien urbain, et dont les conditions pratiques d’émergence sont comparables. Mais la forme que prend le « rituel excursif » dans chacune des deux localités varie en fonction de structures sociales et de « mythes nationaux » distincts. On observe ainsi que les randonneurs français vivent avec force le « mythe de l’individu » (Miguel Benasayag), égalitariste et autonomiste, et que les randonneurs brésiliens performent une scène sociale hiérarchisée, qui les situe entre le guide qui les sert et la nature divinisée qui les dépasse. Dans les deux cas, une question politique peut être posée : le sentiment de nature n’a-t-il pas pour fonction impensée de masquer et de légitimer une « démocratie sélective » (Jessé Souza), qui s’articule à une dépolitisation du rapport à la nature-matière première ?

Alcances del principio de causalidad en el impuesto a la renta empresarial / Implications about the causality principle in the business income tax

Durán Rojo, Luis Alberto 10 April 2018 (has links)
The following article presents the implications about the practice of the causality principle for the determination of the income set with intention to apply the business income tax.We start considering the fact that this tax can be imposed to acquire goods known as a deductible expense of the practice, but not from those that are going to be part of the compatible cost to expropriate. Then, we make an extensive analysis about the way the Peruvian income tax law has configured the approaches of this principle and the understanding emerged from important jurisprudence cases from the members that solve problems, specially the Tax Court, when adopting a fast principle of expenses without causes.At the same time, this article describes the achievements of the rational and normality cost principles, so important for the evaluation of the performance of the principle of causality.Finally, we present some ideas about the accreditation of the cost facing and its relation to the causality principle. / El artículo analiza los alcances de la aplicación del principio de causalidad para la determinación de la renta neta imponible a efectos de aplicar el impuesto a la renta empresarial.Se parte de establecer que dicho principio es aplicable a erogaciones que sean consideradas como gasto deducible del ejercicio, mas no de aquellas que han de formar parte del costo computable de los bienes a enajenar. Luego, se realiza un extenso análisis de la manera como la ley del impuesto a la renta peruana ha configurado los alcances de este principio y el entendimiento que ha surgido en la casuística jurisprudencial de los órganos que resuelven conflictos, especialmente del Tribunal Fiscal, al acoger en la esfera del principio precitado gastos no causales.A su vez, el artículo aborda los alcances de los principios de razonabilidad y normalidad del gasto, tan necesarios para la evaluación del cumplimiento del principio de causalidad.Finalmente, se plasman unas reflexiones respecto a la acreditación de la fehaciencia del gasto y su vinculación con el principio de causalidad.

Urbanité et sentiment de nature : ethnographies comparées de la randonnée pédestre Corse – Chapada Diamantina (Brésil) / Urbanity and feeling of nature : comparative ethnography of hiking : Corsica (France) – Chapada Diamantina (Brazil)

Bragard, Romain 20 October 2009 (has links)
Cette recherche s’articule autour d’une hypothèse structurante : le sentiment de nature qui motive les randonneurs est un sentiment urbain. Aimer la nature, rechercher un contact physique avec elle, dépenser énergie et argent pour la parcourir et éprouver des sentiments extra-ordinaires, sont des actes qui s’inscrivent dans une trame culturelle moderne. Les excursionnistes du GR20 (Corse) et de la Chapada Diamantina (Bahia, Brésil) sont héritiers d’une histoire de l’idée de nature, d’une histoire de l’individu et d’une histoire du temps libre. Ils sont mus par un désir de nature, qui s’élabore dans le quotidien urbain, et dont les conditions pratiques d’émergence sont comparables. Mais la forme que prend le « rituel excursif » dans chacune des deux localités varie en fonction de structures sociales et de « mythes nationaux » distincts. On observe ainsi que les randonneurs français vivent avec force le « mythe de l’individu » (Miguel Benasayag), égalitariste et autonomiste, et que les randonneurs brésiliens performent une scène sociale hiérarchisée, qui les situe entre le guide qui les sert et la nature divinisée qui les dépasse. Dans les deux cas, une question politique peut être posée : le sentiment de nature n’a-t-il pas pour fonction impensée de masquer et de légitimer une « démocratie sélective » (Jessé Souza), qui s’articule à une dépolitisation du rapport à la nature- matière première ? / This research is articulated around a founding hypothesis: the feeling of nature that motivates the hikers is an urban feeling. Loving the nature, searching for a physical contact with it, spending energy and money to go through it and experience extraordinary feelings are all elements of the modern cultural weft. Tourists at the GR20 (Corsica) and at the Chapada Diamantina (Bahia, Brazil) inherited from the history of the idea of nature, from the history of the individual and from the history of free time in western civilization. They are moved by the desire of nature, which is worked out in the urban routine, and which emergence conditions are similar in both countries. However, the features of the « hiking ritual » in each of these places change according to their social structures and their « national myths ». In one hand, we can see how French tourists in Corsica experience and act the « myth of the individual » (Miguel Benasayag), fulfilled by equality and autonomy values. On the other hand, Brazilian tourists perform a hierarchical social scene, which places them between the guide who serves them and the natural divinity that overwhelms them. In both cases, a political question can be asked: does the feeling of nature hide and legitimate a « selective democracy » (Jessé Souza) that is connected to a depoliticization of nature as raw material ?

Zjišťování výsledku hospodaření / The determinagion of the profit or loss

Nakládalová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the way to identify profit or loss in accordance with Czech accounting legislation and in accordance with IAS/IFRS. It defines the basic elements of the income statement, the criteria for their recognition, basic principles and rules applied in detection income. It focuses on the processes and activities to determine results and the form of the profit and loss account. It quantifies the main differences between Czech accounting legislation and IAS/IFRS.

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