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Genusskillnader inom inre och yttre motivationJohansson, Elisabeth, Klaesson, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Motivation är viktigt för människor, både i arbetslivet och livet generellt. Motivation kan huvudsakligen indelas i inre och yttre motivation, beroende på vilken avsikt individen haft med sina handlingar. En individ som drivs av inre motivation till en handling, utför den eftersom själva aktiviteten upplevs som intressant eller tillfredsställande. Handlingar baserade på yttre motivation har sin grund i något annat än själva aktiviteten, exempelvis ekonomisk belöning. Syftet med studien var att jämföra möjliga skillnader mellan manliga respektive kvinnliga högskolelärare avseende inre och yttre motivation. I studien undersöktes även om typen av motivation som ansågs som viktig samtidigt upplevdes som väl uppfylld eller inte. Studien var kvantitativ och utgick ifrån Deci och Ryans teori om självbestämmande (SDT) vid utformningen av enkätfrågorna. I studien ingick 296 högskolelärare och svarsfrekvensen var på 47 %. Studiens resultat visade att kvinnorna värderade samtliga motivationsfaktorer utom en signifikant högre än männen. Därmed var Ekonomisk belöning den enda motivationsfaktor där skillnaderna inte var signifikanta. Resultatet visade också att de deltagare som värderade en motivationsfaktor som viktig och samtidigt uppfylld i hög grad var i klar majoritet. Väldigt få deltagare värderade en typ av motivationsfaktor som viktig och samtidigt uppfylld i låg grad. / Motivation is important for people, both in work-life and life in general. Motivation can mainly be divided into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, which depends on the intentions behind the individual’s actions. An individual with intrinsic motivation performs an activity because it is based on interest and satisfaction. Actions based on extrinsic motivation are founded on something other than the activity itself for example economic reward. The aim of the study was to compare possible differences between male and female university teachers regarding intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The study also examined whether a type of motivation was valued as important and at the same time fulfilled. The study had a quantative approach and the design of the questions in the questionnaire was based on Deci and Ryan’s theory of self-determination (SDT). The study included 296 university teachers and the response rate was 47 %. The results of the study showed that the women valued all but one of the motivational factors significantly higher than the men. Thereby the motivational factor Economic reward was the only one where the differences were not significant. The results also showed that the participants who valued a motivational factor as important and at the same time were fulfilled to a high extent were in a large majority. Very few of the participants valued a type of motivational factor as important and also were fulfilled to a low extent.
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Drivkraft till arbete : En fallstudie om socialsekreterares arbetsmotivationUdén, Susanna, Sener, Mehtap January 2011 (has links)
Dagens chefer förväntas ofta leda personal anställda av den egna organisationen samtidigt som de ska leda inhyrd personal då användandet av bemanningsföretag har ökat. En stor del av arbetet med att leda anställda innefattar motivationsarbete och för att utföra detta krävs en viss kunskap i ämnet motivation. En väl utformad motivationsstrategi ger inte bara de anställda ett ökat välbefinnande utan gagnar även organisationen genom en effektiviserad produktivitet. För att kunna implementera rätt strategi behöver organisationerna vara medvetna om vilka faktorer som motiverar anställda till arbete. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och förklara arbetsmotivationsfaktorer hos socialsekreterare i en storstadskommun. Vidare diskuteras även eventuella likheter och skillnader i motivationsfaktorer mellan socialsekreterare som är tillsvidareanställda av en kommunal verksamhet och socialsekreterare anställda av ett bemanningsföretag. Studien har utförts genom en kvalitativ forskningsansats där sex personer har intervjuats. Resultatet har därefter analyserats med hjälp av Self-determination theory för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Self-determination theory grundar sig i att individen har tre universella behov, competence, relatedness och autonomy, som bör vara tillfredsställda för att uppnå välmående och skapa intrinsic motivation. De arbetsmotivationsfaktorer som identifierades som mest betydande i studien är feedback, utvecklingsmöjligheter, god relation till chef och kollegor samt inflytande och valfrihet i arbetsuppgifterna. Vidare ansågs lön även vara en arbetsmotivationsfaktor men då endast kortsiktigt. Den tydligaste skillnaden som kan urskiljas är betydelsen av den relation som skapas med organisationens chef och kollegor. De kommunalanställda socialsekreterarna värderar relationen till kollegor högst medan de som är anställda av bemanningsföretaget anser relationen till chefen mer betydande. Sammanfattningsvis ses ett samband mellan de identifierade arbetsmotivationsfaktorerna och de tre behoven. Sambandet talar för att en tillfredsställelse av dessa behov skulle leda till en ökad produktivitet i organisationen.
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Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation on Individuals Knowledge-Sharing Behavior in Virtual CommunitiesLiu, Chih-Chung 18 August 2010 (has links)
The rapid growth of network access and the development of Web 2.0 have resulted in the popularity of virtual communities (VCs), such as Wikipedia, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Although these online communities provide no monetary incentive for sharing knowledge, as most businesses will do, they still become a popular platform for knowledge sharing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the motivation for people to contribute in virtual communities, whether their motivations differ in different types of virtual communities, and whether their behavior and motivations will be affected by monetary reward. Social exchange theory and self determination theory were adopted to explore the relationships between behavior and motivations of virtual community members. Motivation crowding theory was used to examine the effect of monetary reward on knowledge sharing. The research framework includes two types of motivators (intrinsic and extrinsic), two different virtual community types (common identity vs. common bond), and one treatment (monetary reward). An online survey and an experiment with monetary incentive were conducted on two virtual communities: ITToolbox and LinkedIn. The results showed that there were significant moderating effects between these two types of virtual communities. A strong positive relationship was found between intrinsic motivation and knowledge sharing for the professional community (common identity). In contrast, the relationship between extrinsic motivation and knowledge sharing was stronger in the social networking community (common bond). The results also confirmed the existence of the crowding effect that the intrinsic motivation was significantly declined when an extrinsic monetary reward was provided.
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Intention to Recommend Information in Virtual CommunityHsieh, Yi-cheng 01 August 2011 (has links)
With the rapid innovation of online services, people come to social communities not only to connect with their friends but also to share their feelings, ideas and information. Hence, these social communities have become a powerful platform for information sharing and product marketing.
The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that affect the intention of information sharing in social communities. This study investigates the influence of user motivation and the attributes of message. An online survey was conducted. The result indicates: (1) In social communities, the quality of the message (i.e., the degree of credibility and level of irritation) was the major concern for them to decide whether to share the message with their friends. We find that intrinsic motivation has no significant effect on the intention to share. This is different from some previous literature. (2) Different attribute were having effects when the nature of the message differs. Content enjoyment was the most influential factor in recommending entertainment messages. Source creditability was the major factor for knowledge-type messages. When they share economic-type messages, the effect of message-related attributes were similar to that of the knowledge-type message, except that the competence of the intrinsic motivation became significant. This indicates that the subject must feel competent in evaluating the economic message in order for them to share with peers.
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20–40 metų amžiaus žmonių, lankančių sporto klubą, motyvacijos raiška / Motivation expression of 20-40 age old people who are going to sports clubBuinickas, Martynas 13 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – 20 – 40 m. amžiaus žmonių, lankančių sporto klubą, motyvacijos raiška. Hipotezė: 20 – 40 m. vyrų ir moterų, lankančių sporto klubą, motyvacijos ypatumai priklauso nuo lyties. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti 20 – 40 m. vyrų ir moterų, lankančių sporto klubą, motyvacijos ypatumus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti 20 – 40 m. moterų ir vyrų sportavimo motyvus. 2. Nustatyti ir palyginti 20 – 40 m. moterų ir vyrų laimėjimų motyvacijos ypatumus (motyvaciją išvengti nesėkmės ir motyvaciją siekti sėkmės). Tyrimo išvados: 1. Atskleista, kad lankantys sporto klubą vyrai ir moterys patikimai skyrėsi (p < 0,05) pagal vidinę motyvaciją VM – siekti tobulumo, pagal išorinę motyvaciją IM – identifikuotis, pagal išorinę motyvaciją IM – tiesioginį išorinį reguliavimą. 2. Nustatyta, kad vyrams, lankantiems sporto klubą, būdingas aukštas motyvacijos lygis siekti sėkmės, o moterims, lankančioms sporto klubą, būdingas vidutinis motyvacijos lygis siekti sėkmės (p<0,05). Atskleista, kad tiek vyrai, tiek moterys patikimai nesiskyrė pagal motyvaciją išvengti nesėkmės (p>0,05). / Object of the research: Motivation expression of 20-40 age old people who are going to sports club. Hypothesis: The motivation of the 20-40 age old men and women who are going to sports club depends from the gender. Aim of the research: To identify 20-40 age old men and women who are going to sports club motivation expression. The tasks of research: 1. To identify 20-40 age old men and women motivation for doing sport. 2. To identify and compare the 20-40 age old men and women winning motivation pecularities (motivation to avoid failure and motivation to pursue success). Summarizing the investigation results, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The results show that women and men who goes to the gym differs (p < 0,05) according inside motivation VM- to reach for perfection, according outside motivation IM- to identify themselves, according to outside motivation IM- the direct outside regulation. 2. It was identified, that for the men who goes to sport club, is natural the high motivation level to seek for success, and women who are going to sports club, has the middle motivation level to seek for success (p<0,05). It was identified that according to the motivation to avoid failure men and women did not differ ( (p>0,05).
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Crowdfunding - En svensk kontext : En studie av inre och yttre motivationsfaktorers inverkan på svenska individers vilja att finansiellt stödja svenska tillväxtföretag genom crowdfunding / Crowdfunding – A swedish context : A study of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors effect onswedish individuals willingness to financially support growthcompanies through crowdfundingAshouri, Vesam, Ohlén, Hampus January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrunden till studien bygger på nuvarande finansieringssvårigheter svenska tillväxtföretag möter i tidiga skeden, något som påverkar Sverige negativt eftersom dessa företag kan vara en länk till svensk tillväxt och fler arbetstillfällen. Därför studeras i studien det nyligen framvuxna finansieringsalternativet “Crowdfunding” som en eventuell lösning på problemet. Vidare existerar ett akademiskt gap inom förståelsen av vad som motiverar en individ att engagera sig i crowdfunding vilket är intressant att studera givet kontexten. / Background: The background of this study is based on current funding difficulties Swedish growth companies face in early stages, something that affects Sweden negatively as these companies is a link to Swedish growth, welfare and more jobs. Therefore, the relatively recently developed funding option "Crowdfunding" is being studied, as a possible solution of the problem. Furthermore, there exists a gap within the academic understanding of what motivates an individual to engage in crowdfunding, which is interesting to study the given the context of this study. The crowdfunding platform Framtidslyftet is used as a case company. Aim: This study aims to clarify motivational factors behind Swedish individuals' willingness to financially assist growth companies through crowdfunding. Method: The study combines both the qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative work among other things as a pilot study in which interviews were conducted with the purpose of strengthening the main quantitative survey. The methods are furthermore combined in order to triangulate the phenomenon. Using the theoretical frame of reference motivation is studied based on intrinsic an extrinsic motivational factors. Results: The results show that the respondents of this study's survey are primarily motivated by extrinsic motivational factors such as monetary incentives and that material and nonmaterial incentives depend on the situation. They see crowdfunding of growth companies as an investment where the internal factors are important but of secondary importance, plus they want to be engaged passively in growth companies.
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<原著>総合人間科の実践による学習動機づけの変化速水, 敏彦, HAYAMIZU, Toshihiko, 田畑, 治, TABATA, Osamu, 吉田, 俊和, YOSHIDA, Toshikazu 12 1900 (has links)
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Refining self-determination theory one construct at a time the self-determined motivation inventory (SDMI) /DeCaro, Daniel Anthony. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Miami University, Dept. of Psychology, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 17-18).
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Motivation hos studenter : En kvantitativ undersökning om inre och yttre motivation hos studenter vid Uppsala universitetFundeborg Hellquist, Pia, Nilsson, Frida January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka förekomsten av olika typer av motivation till studier hos studenter vid Uppsala universitet, vilket mynnade ut i två frågeställningar som är följande: Vad motiverar studenter till sina studier och framkommer det någon skillnad i motivationen gällande yttre och inre faktorer? och Förekommer det en skillnad på motivationen beroende på bakgrundsfaktorerna kön och ålder? För att angripa detta problemområde använde vi oss av en kvantitativ metodansats i form av en enkätinsamling. Vi tillämpade ett bekvämlighetsurval genom att dela ut enkäten på offentliga utrymmen vid Uppsala universitet, vilket resulterade i 70 stycken enkätsvar. Vår teoretiska referensram grundar sig i Deci & Ryans samt Ahls definitioner kring inre och yttre motivation. Vidare utgår studien även ifrån tidigare forskning kring studiemotivation som handlar om hur studenter på olika sätt skapar och formar motivation till sina studier. Vi har även tillämpat tidigare forskning med fokus på motivation i relation till kön samt motivation i relation till ålder. På grund av att studien baseras på ett bekvämlighetsurval samt att respondenternas antal endast uppgår till 70 individer är generalisering ej möjligt. Studien redovisar endast tendenser, vilket kan väcka intresse för vidare forskning. Resultatet visade att det framförallt är den yttre motivationsfaktorn “Framtida karriärmöjligheter och yrkesliv” som starkast motiverar urvalsgruppen till sina studier, men även att den inre motivationen i form av “Intresset för ämnet” motiverar urvalsgruppen starkt. Avslutningsvis påvisas även en indikation över att ålder och kön påverkar hur studenten motiveras till sina studier. Detta då exempelvis yngre studenter visar tendenser till att motiveras av sina klasskamrater än de äldre samt att män i större utsträckning än kvinnor motiveras av gruppstudier. / The purpose of this study is aimed at investigating the prevalence of various study motivation types used by students at Uppsala University. This study culminated into two questions. Firstly, What is it that motivates students to study and does there appear to be any difference regarding intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors? And secondly, Are there any differences in the creation of motivation due to the background factors gender and age? To approach the problem we used a quantitative research method, in the form of a survey. We distributed questionnaires in public areas at Uppsala university, which resulted in seventy responses. The theoretical framework used to interpret the collected data was Deci & Ryan's and Ahls definitions regarding intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. This research study also builds upon earlier studies on motivation, which address a number of theories explaining how students create and form motivation for their studies. Owing to the fact that the study and the questionaire were made from a convenience sampling which resulted in a selection with limited numbers, the study will therefore not make any generalizations, however it will highlight tendencies which may raise interest for further research. The results of the study show that the greatest motivational factor is an Extrinct Motivation factor in the form of "Future professional and career opportunities". Additionally the results also show that an intrinsic motivation factor in the form of “Interest in the subject itself” also strongly motivate students. Furthermore, the study indicates that age and gender effect how students are motivated during their studies. The results also display that younger students for instance, are more motivated by their classmates, while from a gender point of wiew men are more motivated by group studies.
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Motivace žáků ve věku 11 - 15 let ve výuce jazyků / The Motivation of the Students between the 11 - 15 Years in Foreign Langure TeachingMÁLKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a second language learners´ motivation at primary schools, particularly its effects on English lessons. At the very beginning it describes the term motivation, all kinds of motivation we can meet with and features which it is composed from. The aim of thesis is to evaluate which types of motivation students find the most stimulating for studying second language, whether intrinsic or extrinsic motivation and its relation with the attitude which learners take towards the second language.
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