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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of facial expression and identity information on the processing of own and other race faces

Hirose, Yoriko January 2006 (has links)
The central aim of the current thesis was to examine how facial expression and racial identity information affect face processing involving different races, and this was addressed by studying several types of face processing tasks including face recognition, emotion perception/recognition, face perception and attention to faces. In particular, the effect of facial expression on the differential processing of own and other race faces (the so-called the own-race bias) was examined from two perspectives, examining the effect both at the level of perceptual expertise favouring the processing of own-race faces and in-group bias influencing face processing in terms of a self-enhancing dimension. Results from the face recognition study indicated a possible similarity between familiar/unfamiliar and own-race/other-race face processing. Studies on facial expression perception and memory showed that there was no indication of in-group bias in face perception and memory, although a common finding throughout was that different race faces were often associated with different types of facial expressions. The most consistent finding across all studies was that the effect of the own-race bias was more evident amongst European participants. Finally, results from the face attention study showed that there were no signs of preferential visual attention to own-race faces. The results from the current research provided further evidence to the growing body of knowledge regarding the effects of the own-race bias. Based on this knowledge, for future studies it is suggested that a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the own-race bias would help advance this interesting and ever-evolving area of research further.

Als Chef hat man nichts zu lachen – Eine Studie zur Wirkung von durch Führungspersonen genutzten Emoticons in berufsbezogenen Emails

Eimler, Sabrina C., Ganster, Tina, Krämer, Nicole C. 14 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
1 Theoretische Vorüberlegungen Im face-to-face (ftf) Kontext spielt das nonverbale Verhalten eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Wahrnehmung von Personen und der Interpretation des Gesagten [1,2]. Der Gesichtsausdruck [3], im Besonderen das Lächeln,nimmt in der interpersonalen Kommunikation eine essentielle Bedeutungein. So werden lächelnde Menschen in der Regel positiver, z.B.als glücklicher, höflicher und unbekümmerter, kompetenter und aufrichtiger beurteilt [4], allerdings auch als unterwürfiger [5,6]. Hinsichtlich der Bewertung von Männern und Frauen gibt es zudem stereotypbasierte Erwartungen an das Lächeln, die zu unterschiedlichen Bewertungen von Männern und Frauen bei gleichem Verhalten führen und in der Regel eine negative Bewertung von nicht lächelnden Frauen hervorrufen[7]. In der computervermittelten Kommunikation haben sich Smilies (Grafiken: J) und Emoticons (Zeichenketten wie :-)) mittlerweile als nonverbale, digitale Substitute für das Lächelnverbreitet, so dass auch im Netz sozusagen gelächelt werden kann. Verschiedene Studien untersuchten bisher die Wirkung von Smilies und Emoticons auf die Interpretation von Nachrichten und die Wahrnehmung des Smilienutzers. So kann zum Beispiel die Verwendung eines solchen Cues Zweideutigkeit reduzieren oder erzeugen, die Bedeutung einer Nachricht verstärken [8,9] oder aber die Stimmung des Lesers [10] und dessen Wahrnehmung vom Schreiber einer Nachricht [11] beeinflussen.

Impact of the mode of data collection on the quality of survey questions in social sciences

Revilla, Melanie Audrey 26 September 2012 (has links)
This dissertation studies the impact of the mode of data collection on the quality of answers to survey questions, defined as the product of reliability and validity. Using data from the Netherlands about different topics (media, social and political trust, satisfaction, political orientation, left-right self-placement, attitudes toward immigration), it shows that the quality is similar in a computed assisted face-to-face survey using show cards (the European Social Survey, ESS) and a web survey based on a probability sample (the LISS panel). This is true both at the level of single items and composite scores. It suggests that standardised relationships across variables can be compared across these two modes. On the contrary, telephone interviews lead to some differences in quality. For complex concepts, measurement equivalence also holds, meaning that means and unstandardised relationships can be compared across the faceto- face and web surveys mentioned previously. / Esta tesis estudia el impacto que el método de recolección de datos en encuestas tiene sobre la calidad de las respuestas, definida como el producto de la fiabilidad y la validez. Utilizando datos de Holanda sobre temas diversos (utilización de los medios de comunicación, confianza social y política, satisfacción, orientaciones políticas, autoubicación en la escala izquierda-derecha, actitudes hacia la inmigración), se muestra que la calidad es similar en una encuesta cara-a-cara asistida con ordenador y utilizando tarjetas (la Encuesta Social Europea) y una encuesta online basada en una muestra probabilística (el panel LISS). Esto se cumple tanto para los indicadores simples, como para indicadores complejos. Los resultados sugieren que las relaciones estandardizadas entre variables son comparables entre los dos métodos de recolección. Al contrario, las entrevistas telefónicas producen diferencias de calidad. Para conceptos complejos, la equivalencia de las mediciones también está garantizada: las medias y las relaciones no estandarizadas son comparables en las entrevistas cara-a-cara y online.

Intra-metropolitan agglomerations of producer services firms: the case of graphic design firms in metropolitan Melbourne, 1981-2001

Elliott, Peter Vincent Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Graphic Design is one part of the producer services sector of the modern metropolitan region. It is a sector that has experienced considerable development in terms of number of firms through demand created by the expansion of advertising and multi media. To date research has established that producer services, particularly finance related ones, agglomerate in the central city to take advantage of the agglomeration economies available in large metropolitan areas. This thesis argues that one of the key factors for the agglomeration of graphic design is the need for face-to-face communication with clients and other firms. There has been some work undertaken looking at the location of non-finance producer services, such as design, although these have been presented as snapshots at a point in time.This thesis extends this understanding through an analysis of agglomerations of graphic design firms over a twenty year time horizon. Using details of firm location in Melbourne every five years from 1981 to 2001 the thesis uses a geospatial analytical technique to identify agglomerations and explores the change in the size, location and density of agglomerations of firms. This research shows that the initial agglomeration of 1981 was still present by 2001 and had been joined by a number of new agglomerations ringing the Melbourne CBD while at the same time there has also been a dispersal of firms to the middle suburbs. In order to provide some insight in to the agglomeration of graphic design firms this research also examines the geography of two industries allied to graphic design: advertising and printing. This research shows that graphic designers and advertising agencies tend to locate in similar parts of inner Melbourne which may be due to the need for face-to-face contact between fims in these two industries. (For complete abstract open document)

Facial attractiveness and helping behavior attributions attractive and unattractive persons are perceived of as unhelpful /

Sacco, Donald Francis. January 2010 (has links)
Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 22-25).


Berwig, Luana Cristina 28 February 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Many studies mention the morphological changes of the hard palate occurring in the presence of mouth breathing, and the morphological variations of this structure according to the facial typology. However, only a few studies have emphasized this structure, especially through quantitative measures. Objectives: 1) To compare the hard palate dimensions among nasal and mouth breathing children of obstructive and vicious etiology. 2) To compare the hard palate dimensions among nasal and mouth breathing children having different facial typologies. Materials and Methods: Seventy-six children took part in the study, 37 boys and 39 girls, mean age of 9.32 ± 1.16 years old. All the children underwent speech-language evaluation for breathing mode classification; otorhynolaryngologic evaluation for breathing mode and etiology of mouth breathing diagnosis; cephalometric evaluation for determining the facial type; dental evaluation to obtain plaster cast models of the superior dental arch, which allowed the study of hard palate dimensions with a digital caliper. Transverse and vertical measurements of the hard palate were developed in the level of canine, first premolar, second premolar and first molar teeth, as well as the measurement of the anteroposterior hard palate lenght. Hard palate dimensions were compared among the groups, which were constituted according to the breathing mode, mouth breathing etiology and facial type through parametric and nonparametric tests at a significance level of 5%. Results: The results indicated that mouth breathing children presented narrower hard palate in the level of second premolars and first molars, and deeper hard palate in the level of second premolars than the nasal breathing ones. It became evident as well that mouth breathing children of vicious etiology presented higher hard palate depth in the level of canines when compared to obstructive mouth breathing children. No statistically significant difference was found for the comparison among the hard palate measures of brachyfacial, mesofacial and dolichofacial children, except for the second premolars distance in the different facial types of nasal and mouth breathing children. Conclusions: The hard palate dimensions in the study group were influenced by the breathing mode and the different etiologies of mouth breathing. On the other hand, these dimensions didn t show any variation across the different facial types regardless the breathing mode, except for the distance between the second premolars when the facial type was analyzed in nasal and mouth breathers. / Muitos estudos citam as alterações morfológicas do palato duro na presença de respiração oral e variações morfológicas dessa estrutura de acordo com a tipologia facial. No entanto, poucos estudos têm enfatizado essa estrutura, principalmente por meio de medidas quantitativas. Objetivos: 1) Comparar as dimensões do palato duro de crianças respiradoras nasais e orais obstrutivas e viciosas. 2) Comparar as dimensões do palato duro em diferentes tipologias faciais de crianças respiradoras nasais e orais. Materiais e Métodos: Participaram deste estudo 76 crianças, 37 meninos e 39 meninas, com idade média de 9,32±1,16 anos. As crianças foram submetidas à avaliação fonoaudiológica, para classificação do modo respiratório; otorrinolaringológica, para diagnóstico do modo respiratório e da etiologia da respiração oral; cefalométrica, para a determinação do tipo facial; odontológica, para a obtenção dos modelos em gesso do arco dental maxilar, os quais possibilitaram o estudo das dimensões do palato duro com paquímetro digital. Realizaram-se medidas transversais e verticais do palato duro ao nível dos dentes caninos, primeiros pré-molares, segundos pré-molares e primeiros molares, bem como a mensuração do comprimento anteroposterior. As dimensões do palato duro foram comparadas entre os grupos formados a partir do modo respiratório, etiologia da respiração oral e tipo facial através de testes paramétricos e não paramétricos ao nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Os resultados indicaram que as crianças respiradoras orais apresentaram palato duro mais estreito ao nível dos segundos pré-molares e primeiros molares e mais profundo ao nível dos segundos pré-molares do que as respiradoras nasais. Evidenciou-se também que as crianças respiradoras orais de etiologia viciosa apresentam maior profundidade do palato duro ao nível dos caninos quando comparadas às crianças respiradoras orais obstrutivas. Não foi verificada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as medidas do palato duro das crianças braquifaciais, mesofaciais e dolicofaciais. Verificou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa na distância entre os segundos pré-molares nos diferentes tipos faciais das crianças respiradoras nasais e orais. Conclusão: As dimensões do palato duro das crianças estudadas foram influenciadas pelo modo respiratório e pelas diferentes etiologias da respiração oral. Por outro lado, as dimensões do palato duro não variaram em diferentes tipos faciais independente do modo respiratório, apenas na distância entre os segundos pré-molares quando o tipo facial foi analisado nos respiradores nasais e orais.

Jag vill att mitt barn ska bli accepterat precis som det är : Mammor till barn med autism om känslor och upplevelser kring omgivningens bemötande / I want my child to be accepted just as it is : Mothers of children with autism about feelings and experiences of the reception from the society

Bredesen, Hanna, Höydahl Anderberg, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
Människors olikheter bemöts ofta med fördomar och stereotypa uppfattningar, men detär av största vikt att förstå att ingen människa är en funktionsvariation, utan en unikindivid med en unik personlighet. Denna studies syfte var att få en djupare förståelse förhur mammor till barn med autismdiagnos upplever samt känslomässigt ochbeteendemässigt hanterade hur allmänheten bemötte deras barn. Studiens resultatkopplades an till Goffmans teorier om face samt stigma och motstrategier till stigma.Studien hade en kvalitativ fenomenologisk inriktning och var uppbyggd påsemistrukturerade intervjuer med 10 stycken mammor till barn med autismdiagnos.Resultatet visade att mammor till barn med autismdiagnos upplevde både negativa ochpositiva bemötanden gentemot barnen. Negativa bemötanden ledde till negativa känslorhos mammorna, medan positiva bemötanden ledde till positiva känslor. Dock kundeman se en majoritet av negativa bemötanden. Mammornas hantering av ett negativtbemötande från omgivningen tog sig uttryck i att försvara eller hjälpa sitt barn, eller attlämna, alternativt välja bort den sociala interaktionen. Slutligen kunde konstateras attdet på mikronivå fortfarande fanns mycket att göra för att främja känslan av acceptansför olikheter i samhället. / Human differences are often addressed with prejudices and stereotypical perceptions,but it is important to understand that no one is their disability, but a unique individualwith a unique personality. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understandingof how mothers of children with autism experienced, and emotionally and behaviorallydealt with how the public responded to the children. The results of the study were linkedto Goffman's theories about face, stigma and counter strategies to stigma. The study hada qualitative phenomenological focus and was based on semistructured interviews with10 mothers of children with autism. The result showed that mothers of children withautism experienced both negative and positive responses towards the children. Negativeresponses led to negative emotions, while positive responses led to positive emotions.However, one could see a majority of negative receptions. How the mothers dealt withnegative response from the environment was expressed in defending or helping herchild, alternatively leaving the social interaction. Finally, it was found that at a microlevel there was still a lot to do to promote the sense of acceptance for differences insociety.

(Des)aparições do rosto em Os olhos sem rosto / (Dis)appearances of the face in Eyes without a face

Carmo, Isabel Paz Sales Ximenes January 2017 (has links)
CARMO, Isabel Paz Sales Ximenes. (Des)aparições do rosto em Os olhos sem rosto. 2017. 115f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação Social, Fortaleza (CE), 2017. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-05-03T12:07:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_dis_ipsxcarmo.pdf: 4511031 bytes, checksum: f579bd3aa9cf226a636107f759f8ba48 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-05-03T14:35:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_dis_ipsxcarmo.pdf: 4511031 bytes, checksum: f579bd3aa9cf226a636107f759f8ba48 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-03T14:35:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_dis_ipsxcarmo.pdf: 4511031 bytes, checksum: f579bd3aa9cf226a636107f759f8ba48 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Eyes without a face (George Franju, 1960) tells the tale of Christiane, whose face was gravely disfigured by a car accident caused by her father, the professor and medical doctor Génessier. In an attempt to recover his daughter’s visage, Génessier and Louise, his assistant and former patient, start kidnapping young women who resemble Christiane in order to transplant their skin onto the girl’s face and reestablish her normal life. Our present study begins with the analysis of the film and its thematic as a way of reflecting on the figurative emergencies of the face in artistic form and its relevance in contemporary society. We then attempted to establish a dialogue with various authors from the fields of anthropology, philosophy, sociology and literature (AGAMBEN, 2015; BAKHTIN, 1987; BAQUÉ, 2007; BRETON, 1992, 1998, 2013; COURTINE; HAROCHE, 1988; TUCHERMAN, 2012) in order to outline a trajectory of the face in figurative forms. Our concern was particularly in two crucial historical axis, which at certain points overlap: the transition from the medieval depictions to the modern aesthetics; and the turn from the XIX to the XX century. In the third chapter, our goal was to trace the development of the close-up shot and other forms of framing the face throughout movie history, with the aid of theorists, film critics and moviemakers who approached the theme (AUMONT, 1992; BALÁZS, 2010; DELEUZE, 1983; EISENSTEIN, 2002; EPSTEIN, 1974). Finally, the final chapter conducts the analysis of the three main characters of Eyes without a face, with focus in their (dis)appearances in the reel. Our purpose was to construct a net of interpretations around the materialization of these countenances, their links with the general assembly of the movie and their relationships with categories such as mask, gaze, touch and disfiguration. / Os olhos sem rosto (Georges Franju, 1960) narra a história de Christiane, cujo rosto foi gravemente desfigurado em um acidente de carro provocado pelo próprio pai, o médico e professor Génessier. Na tentativa de recuperar o rosto da filha, Génessier e Louise – sua assistente e também antiga paciente – sequestram moças fisicamente semelhantes a Christiane para, em operações ilegais, transplantar a pele do rosto das vítimas na jovem e, assim, reestabelecer sua vida. Nosso estudo, em sua segunda parte, parte do filme e de sua temática para discutir a figuração do rosto em algumas formas artísticas (principalmente no cinema) e a importância dessas figurações em nossa sociedade. Em seguida, convocamos autores da antropologia, filosofia, sociologia e literatura (AGAMBEN, 2015; BAKHTIN, 1987; BAQUÉ, 2007; BRETON, 1992, 1998, 2013; COURTINE; HAROCHE, 1988; TUCHERMAN, 2012) para esboçarmos uma breve trajetória antropológica do rosto em dois momentos históricos cruciais: a transição entre a Idade Média e a Moderna; e a virada do século XIX para o século XX. Na terceira parte, nosso objetivo foi traçar o desenvolvimento do grande plano e das demais formas de enquadrar e figurar o rosto ao longo da história do cinema. Esse percurso foi embasado por teóricos, críticos e cineastas que abordaram o tema (AUMONT, 1992; BALÁZS, 2010; DELEUZE, 1983; EISENSTEIN, 2002; EPSTEIN, 1974). Por fim, é realizada a análise de três personagens do filme-objeto a partir de suas (des)aparições, no intuito de construir uma rede de interpretações em torno da materialização desses rostos, de suas ligações no nível da montagem e de suas relações com categorias como a máscara, o olhar, o toque e a desfiguração.

Interakční dominance / Interactional dominance

Pařízek, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
The thesis describes a biosocial model of status stratification in face to face groups. The model is based on the belief that human status behavior is evolutionary extension of animal status behavior (especially primates). Each person of a group is equipped with a signaling mechanism that signals the status of domination or submision (or the status he ought to have). Status communication is among humans very subtle and primarily occurs at a nonverbal level. Status stratification often takes place automatically without the knowledge of the subjects. The biosocial model criticizes classical authors of social stratification, who explain the mechanism primarily at the cognitive level. In the practical part, the thesis attempts to use new methodology to verify the main assumption of an implicit stratification mechanism that is able to function without the involvement of cognition. The research works with a group of people with 6 probands. To indicate status in a group, playing cards were used. In each group, individuals were artificially assigned positions by playing cards. Subsequently, it was recorded how these artificial positions were reflected in the real position of member of the group. In the second part, the influence of personality trait on the position was measured. The main assumption could...

Avaliação tridimensional da alteração e estabilidade do tecido mole decorrentes da cirurgia de avanço mandibular / Tridimensional evaluation of the soft tissue changes and stability after mandible advancement surgery

Rhita Cristina Cunha Almeida 12 August 2009 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A queixa mais freqüente dos pacientes que se submetem à cirurgia ortognática é em relação à estética facial. Apesar da cirurgia de avanço mandibular ser considerada um procedimento com alta estabilidade, ainda não é possível prever de forma fidedigna a resposta do tecido mole em relação a esta. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar se existe correlação entre o avanço do mento mole e do lábio inferior com o avanço do mento duro e dos incisivos inferiores respectivamente, e avaliar a estabilidade dos resultados obtidos com a cirurgia após um ano. A amostra constituiu-se de 25 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de avanço de mandíbula isolada que realizaram tomografias computadorizadas de feixe-cônico imediatamente antes da cirurgia, seis semanas após a cirurgia quando ocorria a remoção do splint cirúrgico e um ano após a cirurgia. Com a utilização do software InsightSnap, desenvolvido pela Universidade da Carolina do Norte, foram feitas segmentações do pogônio mole, pogônio duro, lábio inferior e incisivos inferiores nas tomografias dos três tempos. As tomografias foram superpostas utilizando a segmentação da base do crânio e através do software CMF Application foram medidas as maiores distâncias entre as superfícies para avaliar o quanto de deslocamento ocorreu em cada região. Para cada superposição foi utilizado o coeficiente de Pearson e um modelo de regressão linear para testar se as mudanças no tecido duro estavam associadas com o tecido mole. Foi avaliado também se havia diferença significativa entre a superposição dos tempos seis semanas pós-cirúrgico com pré-cirúrgico e a superposição dos tempos um ano pós-cirúrgico com pré-cirúrgico. Foi feito estatística descritiva com valores médios de deslocamento para ambas as superposições, e para a superposição entre um ano pós-cirúrgico e seis semanas pós-cirúrgico os valores foram analisados separadamente, já que nesta superposição havia valores positivos, que significavam um deslocamento anterior, e valores negativos, que significavam deslocamento posterior. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença significativa entre os tempos seis semanas pós-cirúrgico e um ano pós-cirúrgico, o pogônio mole acompanhou o movimento do pogônio duro com uma proporção de 1:1 e o lábio inferior não apresentou uma correlação alta com o movimento dos incisivos inferiores. / The main complain of orthognathic surgery patients is their facial esthetics. Although the mandible advancement surgery is considered a highly stable procedure, there isnt an established method to preview how the soft tissue will react toward this. This study evaluated if there is a correlation between the soft chin and lower lip change and the hard chin and lower incisors movement respectively, and the stability of those results one year after surgery. The sample consisted in 25 patients submitted to mandible advancement surgery that had CT scans right before surgery, six weeks after surgery and one year after surgery. The software InsightSnap, developed by the University of North Carolina, was used to segment the soft chin, hard chin, lower lip and lower incisors at the three periods evaluated. The CT scans were superimposed in the cranium base and the changes in each region were measured using the software CMF Application. The Pearson correlation and a linear regression model were calculated to test if the changes in the hard tissue were associated to the soft tissue. It was also evaluated if there was any statistical significant change between the superimpositions of six weeks after surgery with pre-surgery and one year after surgery with pre-surgery. Descriptive statistics were done to both superimpositions and for the superimposition of one year and six weeks after surgery the values were analyzed separately, as this superimposition had positive and negative values that meant forward or backward movements. Only the lower lip had statistical significant changes between six weeks and one year after surgery, the soft chin had a high correlation with the hard chins movement and the lower lip didnt show a good correlation toward the lower incisors.

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