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Les maladies fébriles non paludiques à Ouagadougou : prévalence, facteurs associés et évolution du 1er janvier 2015 au 31 décembre 2016Dondbzanga, Benebamba Diane Gwladys 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Alterações transcriptômicas no hipocampo de ratos submetidos a um modelo experimental de epilepsia com insulto precipitante febril / Transcriptome alterations in the hippocampus of rats subjected to experimental febrile seizuresAzevedo, Hátylas Felype Zaneti de 02 March 2017 (has links)
Convulsões febris complexas durante a infância representam um fator de risco importante para o desenvolvimento da epilepsia. Porém, pouco se sabe sobre as alterações moleculares induzidas por crises febris que tornam o cérebro susceptível à atividade epiléptica. Nesse contexto, modelos experimentais de convulsões induzidas por hipertermia (CH) permitem a análise temporal das alterações moleculares no cérebro após CH. Neste projeto, foram investigadas alterações temporais em redes de co-expressão gênica hipocampais durante o desenvolvimento de ratos Wistar submetidos a CH. Amostras de RNA foram obtidas da região CA3 ventral do hipocampo em quatro intervalos de tempo após as CH induzidas no décimo primeiro dia pós-natal (P11). Essas amostras foram utilizadas para a análise da expressão gênica global por meio de técnicas de microarranjos de DNA. Os pontos temporais foram selecionados para investigar as fases aguda (P12), latentes (P30 e P60) e crônica (P120) do modelo experimental. Os dados de expressão gênica foram analisados a partir da construção de redes de co-expressão gênica para investigar módulos de genes co-expressos, dado que esses módulos podem conter genes com funções semelhantes. A análise transcriptômica consistiu na construção de redes de co-expressão gênica, identificação de módulos, análises de correlação entre módulos e grupos experimentais, e avaliação de mudanças de conectividade entre módulos dos grupos experimentais e controles. Os módulos relevantes foram enriquecidos funcionalmente para identificar funções biológicas associadas às CH. Os resultados mostraram que as CH induzem alterações em vias de sinalização envolvidas em processos imunológicos e de desenvolvimento, tais como Wnt, Hippo, Notch, JAK-STAT e MAPK. Módulos associados à diferenciação neuronal e transmissão sináptica foram identificados em todos os intervalos temporais analisados. Estes resultados sugerem que alterações transcricionais desencadeadas por CH podem levar à neurogênese hipocampal, ao remodelamento tecidual e à inflamação crônica, tornando o cérebro susceptível à atividade epiléptica crônica / Complex febrile seizures during infancy constitute an important risk factor for epilepsy development. However, little is known about the alterations induced by febrile seizures that could turn the brain susceptible to epileptic activity. In this context, experimental models of hyperthermic seizures (HS) may allow the temporal analysis of brain molecular changes after HS. Here, we investigated temporal changes in hippocampal gene co-expression networks during the development of rats subjected to HS. Total RNA samples were obtained from the ventral hippocampal CA3 region at four time points after HS at postnatal day 11 (P11) and later used for gene expression profiling. The temporal endpoints were selected to investigate the acute (P12), latent (P30 and P60) and chronic (P120) stages of the HS model. A weighted gene co-expression network analysis was employed to investigate modules of co-expressed genes, as these modules may contain genes with similar biological functions. The transcriptome analysis pipeline consisted in building gene co-expression networks, identifying network modules and hubs, performing gene-trait correlations and examining module connectivity changes. Modules were functionally enriched to identify functions associated to HS. Our data showed that HS induce alterations in developmental and immune pathways, like Wnt, Hippo, Notch, JAK-STAT and MAPK. Interestingly, modules involved in cell adhesion, neuronal differentiation, axonogenesis and synaptic transmission were activated as early as one day after HS. These results suggest that HS trigger transcriptional alterations that may lead to persistent neurogenesis, tissue remodeling and chronic inflammation in the CA3 hippocampus, turning the brain prone to epileptic activity
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Alterações transcriptômicas no hipocampo de ratos submetidos a um modelo experimental de epilepsia com insulto precipitante febril / Transcriptome alterations in the hippocampus of rats subjected to experimental febrile seizuresHátylas Felype Zaneti de Azevedo 02 March 2017 (has links)
Convulsões febris complexas durante a infância representam um fator de risco importante para o desenvolvimento da epilepsia. Porém, pouco se sabe sobre as alterações moleculares induzidas por crises febris que tornam o cérebro susceptível à atividade epiléptica. Nesse contexto, modelos experimentais de convulsões induzidas por hipertermia (CH) permitem a análise temporal das alterações moleculares no cérebro após CH. Neste projeto, foram investigadas alterações temporais em redes de co-expressão gênica hipocampais durante o desenvolvimento de ratos Wistar submetidos a CH. Amostras de RNA foram obtidas da região CA3 ventral do hipocampo em quatro intervalos de tempo após as CH induzidas no décimo primeiro dia pós-natal (P11). Essas amostras foram utilizadas para a análise da expressão gênica global por meio de técnicas de microarranjos de DNA. Os pontos temporais foram selecionados para investigar as fases aguda (P12), latentes (P30 e P60) e crônica (P120) do modelo experimental. Os dados de expressão gênica foram analisados a partir da construção de redes de co-expressão gênica para investigar módulos de genes co-expressos, dado que esses módulos podem conter genes com funções semelhantes. A análise transcriptômica consistiu na construção de redes de co-expressão gênica, identificação de módulos, análises de correlação entre módulos e grupos experimentais, e avaliação de mudanças de conectividade entre módulos dos grupos experimentais e controles. Os módulos relevantes foram enriquecidos funcionalmente para identificar funções biológicas associadas às CH. Os resultados mostraram que as CH induzem alterações em vias de sinalização envolvidas em processos imunológicos e de desenvolvimento, tais como Wnt, Hippo, Notch, JAK-STAT e MAPK. Módulos associados à diferenciação neuronal e transmissão sináptica foram identificados em todos os intervalos temporais analisados. Estes resultados sugerem que alterações transcricionais desencadeadas por CH podem levar à neurogênese hipocampal, ao remodelamento tecidual e à inflamação crônica, tornando o cérebro susceptível à atividade epiléptica crônica / Complex febrile seizures during infancy constitute an important risk factor for epilepsy development. However, little is known about the alterations induced by febrile seizures that could turn the brain susceptible to epileptic activity. In this context, experimental models of hyperthermic seizures (HS) may allow the temporal analysis of brain molecular changes after HS. Here, we investigated temporal changes in hippocampal gene co-expression networks during the development of rats subjected to HS. Total RNA samples were obtained from the ventral hippocampal CA3 region at four time points after HS at postnatal day 11 (P11) and later used for gene expression profiling. The temporal endpoints were selected to investigate the acute (P12), latent (P30 and P60) and chronic (P120) stages of the HS model. A weighted gene co-expression network analysis was employed to investigate modules of co-expressed genes, as these modules may contain genes with similar biological functions. The transcriptome analysis pipeline consisted in building gene co-expression networks, identifying network modules and hubs, performing gene-trait correlations and examining module connectivity changes. Modules were functionally enriched to identify functions associated to HS. Our data showed that HS induce alterations in developmental and immune pathways, like Wnt, Hippo, Notch, JAK-STAT and MAPK. Interestingly, modules involved in cell adhesion, neuronal differentiation, axonogenesis and synaptic transmission were activated as early as one day after HS. These results suggest that HS trigger transcriptional alterations that may lead to persistent neurogenesis, tissue remodeling and chronic inflammation in the CA3 hippocampus, turning the brain prone to epileptic activity
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Incidence of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (vre) Infection in High-Risk Febrile Neutropenic Patients Colonized with VreBossaer, John B., Hall, Philip D., Garrett-Mayer, Eliabeth 01 February 2011 (has links)
Purpose: This study seeks to determine the incidence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) infection in high-risk neutropenic fever patients colonized with VRE and to determine patient characteristics associated with VRE infection.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective, single-center, unmatched case-control study. Fifty-three VRE-colonized, high-risk patients with neutropenic fever were identified between January 2006 and February 2009. The two most common diagnoses/conditions included acute myeloid leukemia and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Data collected included days of neutropenia, days of fever, demographic data, culture results, and antimicrobial therapy.
Results: Twenty of the 53 patients (38%) with VRE colonization developed a VRE infection. The most common VRE infections were bacteremias (26%). The presence of neutropenia lasting longer than 7 days was associated with the development of VRE infection in this high-risk population colonized with VRE. The timeframe to develop VRE infection varied from 1 day to 2 weeks.
Conclusion: For patients colonized with VRE, approximately 38% of high-risk neutropenic patients developed a VRE infection. This is the first study to specifically evaluate the incidence of VRE infections in febrile neutropenic patients colonized with VRE. Future research into the use and efficacy of empiric VRE coverage is needed.
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Desfechos clínicos em neutropenia febrilRosa, Regis Goulart January 2015 (has links)
Neutropenia febril (NF) constitui complicação frequente do tratamento quimioterápico do câncer e está associada a altas taxas de morbimortalidade. O reconhecimento dos principais fatores associados ao desenvolvimento de desfechos clínicos desfavoráveis na NF é fundamental, uma vez que estes podem ser utilizados como marcadores prognósticos ou alvos terapêuticos. Este estudo objetiva determinar os principais fatores associados com mortalidade, tempo de hospitalização, incidência de bacteremia por patógenos multirresistentes e incidência de choque séptico no início da febre em pacientes hospitalizados com NF secundária à quimioterapia citotóxica para o câncer. Na presente coorte prospectiva composta por 305 episódios consecutivos de NF (em 169 pacientes com câncer) realizada em um hospital terciário no período de outubro de 2009 a agosto de 2011, as seguintes questões de pesquisa foram avaliadas: impacto do tempo de início da antibioticoterapia na mortalidade em 28 dias; fatores relacionados com tempo de hospitalização; impacto dos fatores microbiológicos da bacteremia no desenvolvimento de choque séptico no início do episódio de NF; fatores de risco para bacteremia por patógenos multirresistentes; impacto da bacteremia por Staphylococcus coagulase-negativo na mortalidade em 28 dias. Em 5 publicações distintas, os seguintes resultados foram notados: o atraso do início da antibioticoterapia está associado a maiores taxas de mortalidade em 28 dias; neoplasia hematológica, regimes quimioterápicos de altas doses, duração da neutropenia e bacteremia por Gram-negativos multirresistentes estão associados com períodos prolongados de internação por NF; infecção de corrente sanguínea polimicrobiana, bacteremia por Escherichia coli e bacteremia por Streptococcus viridans estão associados a choque séptico no início do episódio de NF; idade avançada, duração da neutropenia e presença de cateter venoso central estão associados com bacteremia por patógenos multirresistentes; bacteremia por Staphylococcus coagulase-negativo está associada a menores taxas de mortalidade em 28 dias quando comparado à bacteremia por outros patógenos. / Febrile neutropenia (FN) is a common complication of cancer chemotherapy and is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. Recognition of the main factors associated with the development of adverse clinical outcomes in FN is crucial, given that these factors can be used as prognostic markers or therapeutic targets. This study aims to determine the main factors associated with mortality, length of hospital stay, incidence of bacteremia by multidrug-resistant pathogens and incidence of septic shock at the onset of fever in hospitalized patients with FN secondary to cancer cytotoxic chemotherapy. In the present prospective cohort of 305 FN episodes (in 169 cancer patients) conducted at a tertiary hospital from October 2009 to August 2011, the following research questions were evaluated: impact of time to antibiotic administration on 28-day mortality; factors associated with length of hospital stay; impact of microbiological factors of bacteremia on the development of septic shock at the onset of FN; risk factors for bacteremia by multidrug-resistant pathogens; impact of coagulasenegative Staphylococcus bacteremia on 28-day mortality. In 5 distinct publications, the following results were noted: delay of antibiotic administration is associated with higher 28-day mortality rates; hematologic malignancy, high-dose chemotherapy regimens, duration of neutropenia and bacteremia by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria are associated with prolonged length of hospital stay; polymicrobial bloodstream infection, bacteremia by Escherichia coli, and bacteremia by viridans sreptococci are associated with septic shock at the onset of FN; advanced age, duration of neutropenia and presence of indwelling central venous catheters are associated with bacteremia by multidrug-resistant pathogens; coagulase-negative Staphylococcus bacteremia is associated with lower 28-day mortality rates compared with bacteremia by other pathogens.
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Incidência de fatores de risco associados às diferentes formas clínicas da leptospirose: um estudo de vigilância de base populacional em uma comunidade urbana de Salvador-Bahia. / Incidência de fatores de risco associados às diferentes formas clínicas da leptospirose: um estudo de vigilância de base populacional em uma comunidade urbana de Salvador-BahiaLima, Helena Cristina Alves Vieira January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio (fiscina@bahia.fiocruz.br) on 2012-07-19T21:14:03Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Helana Cristina Alves V Lima Incidencia e fatores de risco associados... 2011.pdf: 793768 bytes, checksum: a96bd31b1f3f1ee9dcf815c3bc18e379 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-19T21:14:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Helana Cristina Alves V Lima Incidencia e fatores de risco associados... 2011.pdf: 793768 bytes, checksum: a96bd31b1f3f1ee9dcf815c3bc18e379 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Salvador, Bahia, Brasil / A leptospirose é um problema de saúde pública em comunidades carentes do Brasil. As formas leves são subdiagnosticadas por causa da inespecificidade da apresentação clínica. São necessários estudos para determinar a frequência da leptospirose em comunidades carentes e identificar características que permitam predizer o risco de leptospirose entre pacientes com síndrome febril aguda (SFA). Este trabalho tem como objetivos determinar a prevalência da leptospirose em pacientes atendidos por SFA, determinar a incidência das formas leves e graves e identificar fatores preditores para a doença. Para tanto, de 01 de abril de 2009 a 31 de março de 2010, foi estabelecida uma vigilância de base populacional para atendimentos por SFA na comunidade de Pau da Lima, em Salvador, Bahia. Uma amostragem dos casos de SFA identificados foi investigada para leptospirose com o uso de microaglutinação (MAT) em amostras de sangue pareadas. Formas graves foram identificadas por um sistema de vigilância hospitalar. Os casos de SFA positivos e negativos foram comparados quanto ao perfil sociodemográfico, clínico e epidemiológico para identificar características preditoras da doença. A vigilância identificou 5.712 atendimentos por SFA em moradores com idade≥5 anos, sendo 1.729 (30%) recrutados e 1.479 (85%) avaliados quanto ao diagnóstico. Os recrutados foram semelhantes aos não recrutados quanto às características demográficas e clínicas. Dos pacientes avaliados, 1% foi confirmado como caso de leptospirose, sendo 14 casos leves autolimitados e 1 caso grave. A incidência anual de leptospirose leve estimada para a comunidade foi de 84/100.000 habitantes. No mesmo período foram identificados nove casos de leptospirose grave em residentes da comunidade estudada. A incidência de leptospirose grave foi de 14/100.000 habitantes. As seguintes características sociodemográficas e exposições ambientais nos 30 dias que precederam a doença foram associadas ao diagnóstico de leptospirose nos pacientes com SFA: sexo masculino; receber Bolsa Família; ter contato peridomiciliar com lama, com lixo, com esgoto; residir até 10 metros de esgoto aberto; presença de ratos no peridomicílio; ter contato ocupacional com esgoto; e trabalhar como agente de limpeza. Concluiu-se que carga da leptospirose é maior do que a identificada apenas com base nos casos graves. Características demográficas, clínicas e epidemiológicas devem ser utilizadas para predizer o risco de leptospirose. / Leptospirosis is a public health problem in Brazil's poor communities. The mild forms are underdiagnosed because of nonspecific clinical presentation. Studies are required to determine the incidence of leptospirosis in poor communities and identify characteristics that allow to predict the risk of leptospirosis among patients with acute febrile syndrome (AFS). This work aims to determine the prevalence of leptospirosis in patients served by AFS, determine the incidence of serious and light shapes and identify factors predictors for the disease. To this end, of the March 31, 2010, April 1, 2009 was established a population-based surveillance for attendances by SFA in the community of Pau da Lima, Salvador, Bahia. A sampling of cases identified SFA was investigated for leptospirosis using micro-agglutination test (MAT) in paired blood samples. Severe forms have been identified by a hospital surveillance system. The AFS cases were positive and negative compared to socio-demographic profile, to identify clinical and epidemiological characteristics of predictives of the disease. The surveillance identified 5,712 attendances by AFS in residents aged ≥ 5 years, 1,729 (30) recruited and 1,479 (85) evaluated with diagnosis. The recruited were similar to those not recruited as clinical and demographic characteristics. Of patients evaluated, 1% was confirmed as cases of leptospirosis, of which 14 being mild and 1 severe. The annual incidence of leptospirosis estimated for a community was light of 84/100.000 inhabitants. There is no same period were identified nine serious cases of leptospirosis in residents of the community studied. A severe leptospirosis incidence was of 14/100.000 inhabitants. As the following socio-demographic characteristics and environmental exposures. The following socio-demographic characteristics and environmental exposures during the 30 days preceding the disease were associated with the diagnosis of leptospirosis in patients with AFS: male, receiving Bolsa Familia, peridomestic have contact with mud, garbage, sewage, living within 10 meters of open sewage, presence of rats in animal sheds have contact with sewage occupational and work as a cleaning agent. In conclusions, the burden of leptospirosis is higher than identified based only in severe cases. Demographic, clinical and epidemiological research should be used to predict the risk of leptospirosis
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Desfechos clínicos em neutropenia febrilRosa, Regis Goulart January 2015 (has links)
Neutropenia febril (NF) constitui complicação frequente do tratamento quimioterápico do câncer e está associada a altas taxas de morbimortalidade. O reconhecimento dos principais fatores associados ao desenvolvimento de desfechos clínicos desfavoráveis na NF é fundamental, uma vez que estes podem ser utilizados como marcadores prognósticos ou alvos terapêuticos. Este estudo objetiva determinar os principais fatores associados com mortalidade, tempo de hospitalização, incidência de bacteremia por patógenos multirresistentes e incidência de choque séptico no início da febre em pacientes hospitalizados com NF secundária à quimioterapia citotóxica para o câncer. Na presente coorte prospectiva composta por 305 episódios consecutivos de NF (em 169 pacientes com câncer) realizada em um hospital terciário no período de outubro de 2009 a agosto de 2011, as seguintes questões de pesquisa foram avaliadas: impacto do tempo de início da antibioticoterapia na mortalidade em 28 dias; fatores relacionados com tempo de hospitalização; impacto dos fatores microbiológicos da bacteremia no desenvolvimento de choque séptico no início do episódio de NF; fatores de risco para bacteremia por patógenos multirresistentes; impacto da bacteremia por Staphylococcus coagulase-negativo na mortalidade em 28 dias. Em 5 publicações distintas, os seguintes resultados foram notados: o atraso do início da antibioticoterapia está associado a maiores taxas de mortalidade em 28 dias; neoplasia hematológica, regimes quimioterápicos de altas doses, duração da neutropenia e bacteremia por Gram-negativos multirresistentes estão associados com períodos prolongados de internação por NF; infecção de corrente sanguínea polimicrobiana, bacteremia por Escherichia coli e bacteremia por Streptococcus viridans estão associados a choque séptico no início do episódio de NF; idade avançada, duração da neutropenia e presença de cateter venoso central estão associados com bacteremia por patógenos multirresistentes; bacteremia por Staphylococcus coagulase-negativo está associada a menores taxas de mortalidade em 28 dias quando comparado à bacteremia por outros patógenos. / Febrile neutropenia (FN) is a common complication of cancer chemotherapy and is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. Recognition of the main factors associated with the development of adverse clinical outcomes in FN is crucial, given that these factors can be used as prognostic markers or therapeutic targets. This study aims to determine the main factors associated with mortality, length of hospital stay, incidence of bacteremia by multidrug-resistant pathogens and incidence of septic shock at the onset of fever in hospitalized patients with FN secondary to cancer cytotoxic chemotherapy. In the present prospective cohort of 305 FN episodes (in 169 cancer patients) conducted at a tertiary hospital from October 2009 to August 2011, the following research questions were evaluated: impact of time to antibiotic administration on 28-day mortality; factors associated with length of hospital stay; impact of microbiological factors of bacteremia on the development of septic shock at the onset of FN; risk factors for bacteremia by multidrug-resistant pathogens; impact of coagulasenegative Staphylococcus bacteremia on 28-day mortality. In 5 distinct publications, the following results were noted: delay of antibiotic administration is associated with higher 28-day mortality rates; hematologic malignancy, high-dose chemotherapy regimens, duration of neutropenia and bacteremia by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria are associated with prolonged length of hospital stay; polymicrobial bloodstream infection, bacteremia by Escherichia coli, and bacteremia by viridans sreptococci are associated with septic shock at the onset of FN; advanced age, duration of neutropenia and presence of indwelling central venous catheters are associated with bacteremia by multidrug-resistant pathogens; coagulase-negative Staphylococcus bacteremia is associated with lower 28-day mortality rates compared with bacteremia by other pathogens.
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Desfechos clínicos em neutropenia febrilRosa, Regis Goulart January 2015 (has links)
Neutropenia febril (NF) constitui complicação frequente do tratamento quimioterápico do câncer e está associada a altas taxas de morbimortalidade. O reconhecimento dos principais fatores associados ao desenvolvimento de desfechos clínicos desfavoráveis na NF é fundamental, uma vez que estes podem ser utilizados como marcadores prognósticos ou alvos terapêuticos. Este estudo objetiva determinar os principais fatores associados com mortalidade, tempo de hospitalização, incidência de bacteremia por patógenos multirresistentes e incidência de choque séptico no início da febre em pacientes hospitalizados com NF secundária à quimioterapia citotóxica para o câncer. Na presente coorte prospectiva composta por 305 episódios consecutivos de NF (em 169 pacientes com câncer) realizada em um hospital terciário no período de outubro de 2009 a agosto de 2011, as seguintes questões de pesquisa foram avaliadas: impacto do tempo de início da antibioticoterapia na mortalidade em 28 dias; fatores relacionados com tempo de hospitalização; impacto dos fatores microbiológicos da bacteremia no desenvolvimento de choque séptico no início do episódio de NF; fatores de risco para bacteremia por patógenos multirresistentes; impacto da bacteremia por Staphylococcus coagulase-negativo na mortalidade em 28 dias. Em 5 publicações distintas, os seguintes resultados foram notados: o atraso do início da antibioticoterapia está associado a maiores taxas de mortalidade em 28 dias; neoplasia hematológica, regimes quimioterápicos de altas doses, duração da neutropenia e bacteremia por Gram-negativos multirresistentes estão associados com períodos prolongados de internação por NF; infecção de corrente sanguínea polimicrobiana, bacteremia por Escherichia coli e bacteremia por Streptococcus viridans estão associados a choque séptico no início do episódio de NF; idade avançada, duração da neutropenia e presença de cateter venoso central estão associados com bacteremia por patógenos multirresistentes; bacteremia por Staphylococcus coagulase-negativo está associada a menores taxas de mortalidade em 28 dias quando comparado à bacteremia por outros patógenos. / Febrile neutropenia (FN) is a common complication of cancer chemotherapy and is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. Recognition of the main factors associated with the development of adverse clinical outcomes in FN is crucial, given that these factors can be used as prognostic markers or therapeutic targets. This study aims to determine the main factors associated with mortality, length of hospital stay, incidence of bacteremia by multidrug-resistant pathogens and incidence of septic shock at the onset of fever in hospitalized patients with FN secondary to cancer cytotoxic chemotherapy. In the present prospective cohort of 305 FN episodes (in 169 cancer patients) conducted at a tertiary hospital from October 2009 to August 2011, the following research questions were evaluated: impact of time to antibiotic administration on 28-day mortality; factors associated with length of hospital stay; impact of microbiological factors of bacteremia on the development of septic shock at the onset of FN; risk factors for bacteremia by multidrug-resistant pathogens; impact of coagulasenegative Staphylococcus bacteremia on 28-day mortality. In 5 distinct publications, the following results were noted: delay of antibiotic administration is associated with higher 28-day mortality rates; hematologic malignancy, high-dose chemotherapy regimens, duration of neutropenia and bacteremia by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria are associated with prolonged length of hospital stay; polymicrobial bloodstream infection, bacteremia by Escherichia coli, and bacteremia by viridans sreptococci are associated with septic shock at the onset of FN; advanced age, duration of neutropenia and presence of indwelling central venous catheters are associated with bacteremia by multidrug-resistant pathogens; coagulase-negative Staphylococcus bacteremia is associated with lower 28-day mortality rates compared with bacteremia by other pathogens.
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Le stress chez les enfants avec convulsions fébriles : mécanismes et contribution au pronosticThébault-Dagher, Fanny 12 1900 (has links)
Le stress est continuellement associé à la genèse, la fréquence et la sévérité des convulsions en épilepsie. De nombreux modèles animaux suggèrent qu’une relation entre le stress et les convulsions soit mise en place en début de vie, voire dès la période prénatale. Or, il existe peu de preuves de cette hypothèse chez l’humain. Ainsi, l’objectif général de cette thèse était d’examiner le lien entre le stress en début de vie, dès la conception, et les convulsions chez les humains. Pour ce faire, cette thèse avait comme intérêt principal les convulsions fébriles (CF). Il s’agit de convulsions pédiatriques communes et somme toute bénignes, bien qu’elles soient associées à de légères particularités neurologiques et cognitives. En ce sens, les CF représentent un syndrome de choix pour notre étude, considérant leur incidence fréquente en très bas âge et l’absence de conséquences majeures à long terme. Ainsi, elles permettent l’étude de la relation entre le stress en début de vie et les convulsions par l’entremise d’un relativement grand bassin populationnel, en réduisant l’impact de potentiels facteurs confondants.
Dans ce contexte, notre objectif général a été étudié par l’entremise de cinq objectifs secondaires. D’abord, le premier objectif secondaire de cette thèse était de faire le point sur la littérature expliquant le lien entre les convulsions, le stress, ainsi que l’impact que pourrait avoir le stress sur le pronostic cognitif des syndromes convulsifs (article 1).
Le second était d’examiner la relation entre les symptômes maternels auto-rapportés de stress, d’anxiété spécifique à la grossesse ou de dépression durant la grossesse et la période postpartum et les CF. Par le biais d’un devis longitudinal, les résultats de cette thèse suggèrent qu’une plus forte anxiété spécifique à la grossesse ainsi qu’une plus grande présence de symptômes dépressifs en période postnatale sont associées à une diminution du seuil convulsif des CF, caractérisée par un plus jeune âge lors du premier épisode convulsif (article 2).
Étudié à travers ce même devis longitudinal, le troisième objectif secondaire de cette thèse était d’évaluer le lien entre des changements biologiques associés à l’exposition au stress prénatal et les CF. Or, nos résultats mettent plutôt en lumière des différences sur le plan du système sérotoninergique placentaire, sous-tendant une exposition ou une propension au stress. D’une part, ces changements seraient associés à une hausse de l’incidence des CF et, d’autre part, à une baisse du seuil convulsif (article 3).
Par ailleurs, le quatrième sous-objectif couvert par cette thèse était d’étudier la réponse biologique de stress chez des enfants avec antécédents de CF afin de voir si elle se distingue de celle d’enfants sans antécédents convulsifs. Notre étude appariée suggère une plus forte sensibilité au stress chez les enfants avec antécédents de CF « simple » (article 4). Ainsi, ces résultats ne démontrent pas de changements systématiques à l’ensemble des enfants sur le plan de la réactivité au stress. Toutefois, des changements chez les enfants avec CF simples pourraient sous-tendre des anomalies prémorbides.
Accessoirement, durant l’étude du quatrième sous-objectif, nous n’avons pas été en mesure d’identifier des anomalies cognitives dans les mois suivants un épisode de CF, ni d’associer le pronostic cognitif au profil de réactivité au stress. Dans ce contexte, le cinquième et dernier objectif secondaire visait à investiguer le pronostic électrophysiologique des CF et à en étudier l’association avec la réactivité au stress. Les résultats suggèrent la présence de particularités électrophysiologiques chez les enfants avec antécédents de CF « complexes », lesquelles pourraient être associées aux altérations cognitives vues chez cette population à long terme (article 5). Par-dessus tout, notons que ces particularités diffèrent en fonction du sous-type de CF complexes. Toutefois, les résultats obtenus dans le cadre de notre devis expérimental n’ont pas été en mesure d’identifier un rôle du stress sur ces atypies (addenda).
Ensemble, ces résultats suggèrent l’existence d’un lien entre le stress en début de vie, dès la période prénatale, et les CF. Ils appuient l’importance d’investiguer le stress prénatal, postnatal et actuel en contexte de syndromes convulsifs en général, dont les CF. En raison de l’impact considérable du stress sur la qualité de vie des personnes vivant avec un syndrome convulsif, une meilleure caractérisation de la relation entre le stress précoce et les convulsions pourrait à long terme mener au développement d’interventions précoces et non invasives. Par ailleurs, même si ces résultats n’ont pas été en mesure d’identifier une relation entre la réactivité au stress et le pronostic cognitif ou électrophysiologique des CF, l’étude de ce lien est néanmoins suggérée par les études animales et devrait faire l’objet d’études futures. / Stress is a phenomenon frequently associated with epileptogenesis and increased seizure frequency and severity. Animal studies suggest the relationship between stress and seizures may begin early in life, maybe even prenatally. Evidence showing a link between early programming through stress and seizure disorders has yet to be found in humans. Hence, the general objective of this thesis was to examine the relationship between early-life stress, including the prenatal period, and seizures in humans. For this purpose, the prime focus of this research was on febrile seizures (FS). FS are common and benign pediatric seizures, associated only with mild neurological and cognitive peculiarities. Due to their frequent incidence in early childhood and lack of severe consequences, they allow for the investigation of the relationship between early-life stress and seizures through a relatively large sample, while reducing the impact of potential confounding variables.In this context, our general objective was investigated through five sub-objectives. First, we aimed toreview the current knowledge on the link between seizures and stress, as well as the impact stress could have on the cognitive prognosis of seizure disorders (1starticle).The second sub-objective was to study the relationship between self-reported maternal emotion distress during both the pregnancy and postpartum period, on FS. Through a longitudinal cohort, this research supports increased prenatal pregnancy-specific anxiety and postpartum depressive symptoms are associated with a lowered FS threshold, as shown through a younger age at first FS occurrence (2ndarticle). Moreover, the third sub-objective, which was studied through the same longitudinal research, was to evaluate how biological changes associated with prenatal exposure to stress may be linked to FS. This study showed changes in the placental serotoninergic system are found in children with FS history. More precisely, these changes are associated with increased FS incidence, and lowered FS threshold (3rdarticle). On the other hand, the fourth sub-objective of this thesis was to study the biological stress response of children with past FS, compared to that of children without personal history of seizures. Our case-control study suggested only children with “simple” FS showed increased sensibility to stress (4tharticle). Hence, these results do not show systematic changes in the
ivbiological stress reaction of all children with FS. Still, they do show changes in some children, which could be premorbid to the first FS episode.Incidentally, while studying the fourth sub-objective, we were unable to show changes in the developmental skills of children with FS, nor did we show an interaction with stress reactivity. Hence, the fifth and final subjective of this thesis was to investigate the electrophysiological prognosis of children with past FS, and its association with stress reactivity. Our results show differences in the electrophysiological profile of children with “complex” FS only, which could be linked to cognitive alterations in the long-term (5tharticle). Moreover, we showed these abnormalities differ depending on the type of complex FS. Still, we were unable to identify an additive or interactive link with stress reactivity (addendum). Taken together, these results highlight the existence of a link between stress, starting in the prenatal period, and FS. Hence, they highlight the importance of investigating prenatal, postnatal and current stress in the context of seizure disorders at large, including FS. Given the significant impact of stress on the quality of life of people living with epilepsy, increased knowledge on the link between early stress and seizures could lead to the development of early and non-invasive treatments targeting stress in the future. Moreover, although these results do not show stress to be associated with altered cognitive or electrophysiological prognosis in the context of FS, this link is nevertheless supported by animal research and should be the subject of future studies
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Ovlivní zvýšení tělesné teploty v průběhu epileptického statu u mláďat laboratorního potkana rozsah či charakter poškození hipokampu? / Will an increase in body temperature during status epilepticus in rat pups affect the extent and nature of damage to the hippocampus?Chott, Robert January 2012 (has links)
Febrile seizures are epileptic seizures, arising in connection with febrile conditions in children of prechool age. In adults with epilepsy is often present a history of febrile status epilepticus, seizure whose duration is longer than 20 minutes. To study the role of febrile status epilepticus (FSE) in the development of epilepsy and neuronal damage, it is necessary to have a relevant animal models. This work is focused on the morphological analysis of the new created model of febrile status epilepticus, using a combination of short-term hyperthermia and chemical induced status epilepticus at 10 days old rats. In adulthood, the animals were examined by video/EEG monitoring, and then morphometric analysis. The aim of this study was to determine the importance of short-term hyperthermia during SE for neuropathological changes using stereological measurements of hippocampal volume.
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