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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards an ASEAN Human Rights Framework : Rapid Development in the Kingdom of Cambodia

Camilla Marie, Mårtensson January 2016 (has links)
The Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) has since its origins in the late 1960’s been connected to the emphasis on Economic, Social and Cultural rights and the regional need for economic development. Through the intense years and debates that followed the first ASEAN Declaration the unity has made significant contributions to the Human Rights discourse due to the challenges and possibilities that surfaced. The Kingdom of Cambodia is one of the ASEAN member states poorest countries but through rapid economic development are well on its way towards becoming a middle- income nation. The local experiences of the Khmer people in the Cambodian society will provide indicators of what is needed out of an ASEAN Human Rights mechanism. This Master’s Thesis will critically analyze the evolving ASEAN Human rights mechanism as it has reached so far and what the Khmer Human Rights needs are from such a mechanism.

Perspectives on digital divide : Internet usage and attitudes in Arusha, Tanzania, a minor field study

Carlsson, Isabella, Pettersson, Maria January 2005 (has links)
<p>This paper outlines the current situation of Internet usage and attitudes towards the Internet among ordinary people in Arusha, Tanzania, and examines the views of ordinary citizens on the effects of the arrival of Internet and the possible digital divide.</p><p>Using qualitative interviews with equal groups of ordinary Internet users and ordinary non- Internet users in Arusha, the authors found varying levels of awareness about Internet services and facilities and their availability. There was also a widespread concern about immoral western influences communicated by the Internet and how it may affect the domestic culture. It was clearly shown that Internet usage and the possibility to utilize the information found is dependent on education levels and the economic situation of the users, two closely related factors. To get additional views on the subject interviews were also carried out with representatives for Radio and TV stations as well as newspapers located in Arusha, institutions for higher education in the ICT field, Internet providers, and Arusha Municipal Council. To examine the actual Internet usage we extracted random samples of visited websites in several of the Internet cafés, which most of the Arushans use to access the Internet.</p><p>It was found that government action is necessary that the in order to bridge the digital divide, but as a result of systematic censorship of media government efforts meet a profound distrust among people, neither does the government consider this to be any of their responsibilities.</p>

Atmospheric corrosion and runoff processes on copper and zinc as roofing materials

He, Wenle January 2002 (has links)
An extensive investigation with parallel field andlaboratory exposures has been conducted to elucidateatmospheric corrosion and metal runoff processes on copper andzinc used for roofing applications. Detailed studies have beenperformed to disclose the effect of various parameters on therunoff rate including: surface inclination and orientation,natural patination (age), patina composition, rain duration andvolume, rain pH, and length of dry periods inbetween rainevents. Annual and average corrosion rates and runoff rateshave been determined consecutively during urban field exposuresin Stockholm on naturally patinated copper and zinc of varyingage and patina composition. The corrosion rate was found todecrease with time, amounting to 6.7 g Cu/(m2.y) and 5.0 gZn/(m2.y) after 48 weeks of exposure, whereas the runoff ratewas relatively constant with time on a yearly basis, being 1.3g/(m2.y) and 3.1 g/(m2.y) for copper and zinc, respectively.The annual runoff rate was found to be significantly lower thanthe corresponding corrosion rate for both copper and zinc.Somewhat higher runoff rates of copper were determined fromnaturally green-patinated copper (&gt;40 years old, 2.0g/(m2.y)) compared to brown-patinated copper (1 year old). Themain reasons are specific environmental conditions combinedwith characteristics of the patina layer, which increase themagnitude of dissolved species flushed from the surface duringthe first flush volume of a rain event. No intrinsic effect ofpanel age on the runoff rate was seen for naturally patinatedzinc. However, differences in prevailing environmentalconditions during the initial exposure period and, hence,differences in formation rate and surface coverage of thecorrosion patina, resulted in variations in runoff rate. Thisinitial difference remained also during prolonged exposureperiods and was referred to as a memory effect. Model roof investigations and laboratory studies showedsurface orientation and inclination to have a detrimentaleffect on the runoff rate with high runoff rates from surfacesof low inclination from horizon and surfaces exposed towardsthe wind direction. Based on fieldexposures and literature data, a correlationwas established between the runoff rate and the prevailingSO2-concentration. The runoff rate increases with increasingSO2 level for exposure sites of similar annual precipitationquantities (500-1000 mm/y). A rain device, using artificialrain, was shown to successfully simulate outdoor rain events ofvarying intensity and pH and result in realistic runoff ratesof both copper and zinc. The device was used to monitor changesin metal concentration and quantity of runoff water duringindividual rain events. High metal concentrations are found inthe initial rain volume flushing the surface (first flush),which decreased to rather constant metal concentrations duringthe subsequent rain volume (steady-state). The magnitude offirst flush depends primarily on environmental conditions priorto a rain event and the characteristics of the corrosionpatina. The metal concentration in runoff water increases withrain acidity, decreases with rain intensity and increases withlength of the dry period preceding a rain event. A comparison between instantaneous corrosion rates,monitored by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy using a2-electrode set-up, and runoff rates during a continuous rainevent was performed for naturally patinated copper panels.Corrosion rates were found to be approximately 10 (brownishpatina) and 25 times (greenish patina) lower than correspondinginstantaneous runoff rates. A schematic description of the first flush and steady-stateregion of the runoff process was established. The magnitude ofthe concentration during first flush is primarily affected byprevailing environmental conditions prior to a rain event,while rain pH and intensity primarily affect the concentrationduring steady-state. <b>Key words:</b>atmospheric corrosion, corrosion rate, runoffrate, copper, zinc, field study, laboratory study, roof, firstflush, rain quantity, rain intensity, rain pH, dry and wetdeposition, corrosion and runoff process.

Difficulties to Read and Write Under Lateral Vibration Exposure : Contextual Studies Of Train Passengers Ride Comfort

Sundström, Jerker January 2006 (has links)
Many people use the train both as a daily means of transport as well as a working place to carry out activities such as reading or writing. There are, however, several important factors in this environment that will hamper good performance of such activities. Some of the main sources of disturbance, apart form other train passengers, are noise and vibrations generated from the train itself. Although there are standards available for evaluation of ride comfort in vehicles none of them consider the effects that vibrations have on particular passengers' activities. To address these issues, three different studies were conducted to investigate how low frequency lateral vibrations influence the passengers' ability to read and write onboard trains. The first study was conducted on three types of Inter-Regional trains during normal service and included both a questionnaire survey and vibration measurements. Two proceeding laboratory studies were conducted in a train mock-up where the perceived difficulty of reading and writing was evaluated for different frequencies and amplitudes. To model and clarify how vibrations influence the processes of reading and writing the fundamentals of Human Activity Theory was used as a framework in this thesis. In the field study about 80% of the passengers were found to be reading at some point during the journey, 25% were writing by hand, and 14% worked with portable computers. The passengers applied a wide range of seated postures for their different activities. According to the standardised measurements, even the trains running on poor tracks showed acceptable levels of vibration. However, when the passengers performed a short written test, over 60 % reported to be disturbed or affected by vibrations and noise in the train. In the laboratory studies it was found that the difficulty in reading and writing is strongly influenced by both vibration frequency and acceleration amplitude. The vibration spectra of real trains were found to correspond well to the frequency characteristics of the rated difficulty. It was also observed that moderate levels of difficulty begin at fairly low vibration levels. Contextual parameters like sitting posture and type of activity also showed strong influence on how vibrations cause difficulty.

Knowledge is the Key : Internet access, utilization and opinions in Grenada, West Indies

Haagman, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
<p>Knowledge is the Key</p><p>- Internet access, utilization and opinions in Grenada, West Indies</p><p>Information and knowledge contributes to growth and development through empowering individuals and communities, creating opportunities to improve their living conditions. Technology is advancing rapidly and the Information and Communication Technology, ICT, provides new ways to attain information. Especially the Internet is regarded to be a source of information and knowledge. However, there are still many places in the world where Internet access is not yet available to everyone. The consequences are that people in developing countries do not get the opportunity to benefit from the new technology and the possibilities it brings.</p><p>The research for this thesis was carried out in Grenada during November and December 2006. Grenada is a small independent island in the English speaking Caribbean, where only a small percentage of the population has Internet access. The purpose of the study is to examine if a selection of young individuals in Grenada can obtain enhanced knowledge through using the Internet. Furthermore, the study intends to depict what attitudes and opinions can be found among the youths, focusing on the possibilities as well as the negative effects of the Internet.</p><p>This study was conducted trough a qualitative orientated methodological perspective with strategically selected respondents between 11 and 35 years old. Qualitative interviews were being made with nine individuals who were using the Internet regularly.</p><p>The conclusion of this thesis is that organized strategies and projects are required, with the aim to create motives for the young generation of Grenada to obtain enhanced knowledge through Internet usage. The access and availability in itself is not enough, because seeking information and knowledge is not the main purpose when the youths are using the Internet. Nevertheless, the respondents stated that the Internet is considered to be a source of information and knowledge and that they know where and how to find information when using the Internet, if they wanted to. The result also reveals an overall positive attitude towards the Internet and the future among the youths, yet still well aware of the negative consequences. The respondents expressed a desire to be able to keep up with the technology and wished for increased and improved accessibility and connectivity in Grenada.</p><p>Another interesting conclusion this research generated is the confirmation of the digital divide as a matter of global stratification, rather than differences between countries. Regardless of the country of origin, people with Internet access will have advantages in life and benefit from the technology, unlike those who have no access and hence, will fall even further behind.</p>

Atmospheric corrosion and runoff processes on copper and zinc as roofing materials

He, Wenle January 2002 (has links)
<p>An extensive investigation with parallel field andlaboratory exposures has been conducted to elucidateatmospheric corrosion and metal runoff processes on copper andzinc used for roofing applications. Detailed studies have beenperformed to disclose the effect of various parameters on therunoff rate including: surface inclination and orientation,natural patination (age), patina composition, rain duration andvolume, rain pH, and length of dry periods inbetween rainevents. Annual and average corrosion rates and runoff rateshave been determined consecutively during urban field exposuresin Stockholm on naturally patinated copper and zinc of varyingage and patina composition. The corrosion rate was found todecrease with time, amounting to 6.7 g Cu/(m2.y) and 5.0 gZn/(m2.y) after 48 weeks of exposure, whereas the runoff ratewas relatively constant with time on a yearly basis, being 1.3g/(m2.y) and 3.1 g/(m2.y) for copper and zinc, respectively.The annual runoff rate was found to be significantly lower thanthe corresponding corrosion rate for both copper and zinc.Somewhat higher runoff rates of copper were determined fromnaturally green-patinated copper (>40 years old, 2.0g/(m2.y)) compared to brown-patinated copper (1 year old). Themain reasons are specific environmental conditions combinedwith characteristics of the patina layer, which increase themagnitude of dissolved species flushed from the surface duringthe first flush volume of a rain event. No intrinsic effect ofpanel age on the runoff rate was seen for naturally patinatedzinc. However, differences in prevailing environmentalconditions during the initial exposure period and, hence,differences in formation rate and surface coverage of thecorrosion patina, resulted in variations in runoff rate. Thisinitial difference remained also during prolonged exposureperiods and was referred to as a memory effect.</p><p>Model roof investigations and laboratory studies showedsurface orientation and inclination to have a detrimentaleffect on the runoff rate with high runoff rates from surfacesof low inclination from horizon and surfaces exposed towardsthe wind direction.</p><p>Based on fieldexposures and literature data, a correlationwas established between the runoff rate and the prevailingSO2-concentration. The runoff rate increases with increasingSO2 level for exposure sites of similar annual precipitationquantities (500-1000 mm/y). A rain device, using artificialrain, was shown to successfully simulate outdoor rain events ofvarying intensity and pH and result in realistic runoff ratesof both copper and zinc. The device was used to monitor changesin metal concentration and quantity of runoff water duringindividual rain events. High metal concentrations are found inthe initial rain volume flushing the surface (first flush),which decreased to rather constant metal concentrations duringthe subsequent rain volume (steady-state). The magnitude offirst flush depends primarily on environmental conditions priorto a rain event and the characteristics of the corrosionpatina. The metal concentration in runoff water increases withrain acidity, decreases with rain intensity and increases withlength of the dry period preceding a rain event.</p><p>A comparison between instantaneous corrosion rates,monitored by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy using a2-electrode set-up, and runoff rates during a continuous rainevent was performed for naturally patinated copper panels.Corrosion rates were found to be approximately 10 (brownishpatina) and 25 times (greenish patina) lower than correspondinginstantaneous runoff rates.</p><p>A schematic description of the first flush and steady-stateregion of the runoff process was established. The magnitude ofthe concentration during first flush is primarily affected byprevailing environmental conditions prior to a rain event,while rain pH and intensity primarily affect the concentrationduring steady-state.</p><p><b>Key words:</b>atmospheric corrosion, corrosion rate, runoffrate, copper, zinc, field study, laboratory study, roof, firstflush, rain quantity, rain intensity, rain pH, dry and wetdeposition, corrosion and runoff process.</p>

Betydelsen av återskapade våtmarkers ålder, area och fiskförekomst för simfåglar : En biologistudie ur ett lärarperspektiv / The significance of restored wetlands age, area and fish abundance for waterfowls : A biological study from a teacher's perspective

Ekholm, Sebastian January 2015 (has links)
Återskapade våtmarker är av stor vikt för den biologiska mångfalden och särskilt viktiga för hotade simfåglar. För att öka kunskapen kring hur faktorer som våtmarkers area, ålder och fiskförekomst påverkar simfåglar i återskapade våtmarker studerades fyra våtmarker i Tinnerö naturreservat, Linköpings kommun. Av speciellt intresse var svarthakedoppingen (Podiceps auritus). Antalet svarthakedoppingar i de studerade våtmarkerna hade en positiv utveckling under våtmarkernas första år. Dock minskade antalet svarthakedoppingar i området mellan år 2009 och 2011. År 2011, efter anläggandet av Ekängsdalsgångens våtmarker, stabiliserades antalet igen. Slutsatsen är att nyskapade, fiskfria våtmarker ger goda förutsättningar för hotade arter såsom svarthakedoppingen. Utöver detta undersöktes även de didaktiska möjligheter, utifrån Skolverkets ämnes- och kursplaner för biologi, som exkursioner erbjuder. / Restored wetlands are of great importance for biodiversity, and especially important for endangered waterfowl. In order to increase knowledge about how factors such as wetlands area, age, and fish occurrence affect waterfowl in restored wetlands four wetlands in Tinnerö nature reserve, Linköping municipality, were studied. Of special interest was the horned grebe (Podiceps auritus). The number of horned grebes in the studied wetlands had seen a positive development during the wetlands first years. Between 2009 and 2011, the number of horned grebes in the area declined. The numbers were stabilized in 2011, after the establishment of Ekängsdalsgångens wetlands. The conclusion is that newly created, fish-free wetlands provide good conditions for endangered species such as the horned grebe. In addition to this the study also examined the didactic opportunities, based on the curriculum for biology, which excursions offers.

Lärande genom estetiska lärprocesser : Konstnärlighet som metod i Waldorfskolan - en etnografisk fältstudie

Rehn, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
In this essay we study the practice of teaching and learning through aesthetic learning processes in a Waldorf School. Through an ethnographic field study three Waldorf teachers have been interviewed about their views regarding in what ways aesthetic learning processes are present in their teaching and how learning through these processes is being carried out practically. For the study a specific class has been observed during three days in a Waldorf School in Stockholm to examine how the aesthetic learning processes are being performed in practice. Through the study we have reached the conclusion that in this particular Waldorf School teaching is being performed artistically and through aesthetic approaches and perspectives. This way of teaching is being carried out not only in the aesthetic subjects but also in the theoretic. The results of the study show that aesthetic learning processes are present in almost all of the subjects in this Waldorf School.

A Minor Field Study on development of recycling service for used PET bottles at hotels in Uganda / En Minor Field Study kring skapandet av en tjänst för återvinning av förbrukade PET-flaskor på hotell i Uganda

Annebäck, Jenny January 2013 (has links)
Through interviews, research, observations and the use of service design methods the author of this report, Jenny Annebäck, executed a Minor Field Study within the field of recycling of PET bottles in Uganda. The project work resulted in thorough studies of service design thinking and methodology, sustainable development, the market and situation in Uganda as well as the consumer group concerned about sustainable development. The result was a pre-study of a future development of a recycling service, visualized through two stakeholder maps, personas and a customer journey map. These three tools constitutes a beginning and a solid ground for further work with developing the service. A service that can contribute to a more sustainable development in the country of Uganda. In the report, examples are stated how to continue with the project as well as how it can be applied in other developing countries. The project work of this Minor Field Study(MFS) lasted from November 2011 until June 2012, as a degree project of 22,5 ECTS credits for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design Engineering at Karlstad University. The MFS program is organized by the Swedish International Programme Office for Education and Training and financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, enabling graduating students to perform a thesis in a developing country. Jenny Annebäck spent the first two months of the project time in Jinja, Uganda, together with her project partner Olga Sabirova Höjerström, both students at Karlstad University. The two project group members performed this Minor Field Study together with Sarah Keller, industrial designer and general manager at Uganda Innovation Factory(UIF). UIF is a product and graphic design company situated in Jinja, working with local designers to encourage Ugandan design and production for the global market. The supervising teacher of this project has been Monica Jakobsson and the examiner professor Fredrik Thuvander, both belonging to the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University. / Genom intervjuer, undersökningar, observationer och användning av tjänstedesignmetoder utförde författaren av denna rapport, Jenny Annebäck, en Minor Field Study inom återvinning av PET-flaskor i Uganda. Projektarbetet resulterade i noggranna studier av tjänstedesignmetodik, hållbar utveckling, situationen och marknaden i Uganda samt konsumentgruppen upptagna av just hållbar utveckling. Slutresultatet blev i form av en förstudie för en framtida utveckling av en återvinningstjänst för PET-flaskor. Detta visualiserades med hjälp av två intressentkartor (stakeholder maps), personas och en kundresekartläggning (customer journey map). Dessa tre verktyg utgör en början och en solid grund för framtida arbete med utveckling av tjänsten. En tjänst som kan bidra till en hållbar utveckling i landet. I rapporten ges exempel på hur man kan gå vidare med projektet samt hur man kan applicera det i andra utvecklingsländer. Projektarbetet inom denna Minor Field Study(MFS) varade från november 2011 till juni 2012 och utgjorde författarens examensarbete på 22,5 hp på Högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i Innovationsteknik och Design vid Karlstads universitet. MFS organiseras av Internationella programkontoret och finansieras av Sida, Styrelsen för Internationellt utvecklingssamarbete, och möjliggör för kandidatstudenter vid svenska universitet och högskolor att göra ett examensarbete genom en fältstudie i ett utvecklingsland. Jenny Annebäck spenderade de först två månaderna av projektet i Jinja, Uganda, tillsammans med Olga Sabirova Höjerström, studiekamrat på Karlstads universitet. De två projektmedlemmarna utförde MFS projektet tillsammans med Sarah Keller, verksamhetschef på Uganda Innovation Factory (UIF). UIF är en produkt och grafisk designbyrå i Jinja, som arbetar med lokala designers för att främja ugandisk design och produktion för en global marknad. Handledare för Jenny Annebäck har varit Monica Jakobsson och examinator har varit professor Fredrik Thuvander, båda tillhörande Fakulteten för teknik- och naturvetenskap vid Karlstads universitet.

Forms of Resistance : A study of understandings regarding intimate partner violence among women in Ethiopia

Hägglund, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Of all the countries studied in the large-scale WHO Multi-country Study on Women´s Health and Domestic Violence against Women (2005), Ethiopian women had the highest numbers of acceptance of intimate partner violence. And according to previous research on the subject, Ethiopian women have a high tolerance for and acceptance of the violence they endure. Yet when I interviewed women in Ethiopia (all of whom had been victims of violence) I discovered multiple forms of resistance to - rather than acceptance of - violence. Rather than confirming how women come to accept violence, my study uncovers many ways in which women resist violence, even in contexts where the available means of resistance are extremely limited.The aim of my inductive study is to begin to do justice to these forms of resistance, which are easily overlooked. First, as I argue in the analyses of my interviews with the women, our ability to discern forms of resistance in situations of intimate partner violence requires a more capacious notion of resistance than the one usually employed. Second, as I argue through my engagement with the previous research and the analyses of my interviews with women’s organizations in Ethiopia, the inability to discern multiple and varied forms of resistance leads one to underestimate the degree of non-acceptance and active resistance in situations of intimate partner violence. Thus, while my limited study does not permit general conclusions about violence against women in Ethiopia, I conclude by suggesting that my findings have two important implications for social work, one theoretical and one practical.

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