Spelling suggestions: "subject:"find"" "subject:"fine""
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SCAPHIRHYNCHUS STURGEON EARLY-LIFE HISTORYPhelps, Quinton Edward 01 August 2011 (has links)
Rehabilitation of sturgeon populations requires an understanding of sturgeon autecology during all life stages, especially during early life when high mortality occurs. To begin to understand sturgeon early-life history I determined river of origin on a multi-basin scale (i.e., potential rivers of origin). I then determined habitat needs and early life demographics on a more localized scale (i.e., specific river). Trace elements differ between river reaches of the central US and may be used to determine origin of age-0 sturgeon. My trace element analyses suggested that age-0 sturgeon captured in the Middle Mississippi River, which extends from the confluence of the Missouri River downstream to the confluence of the Ohio River, drifted from as far upstream as the Gavins Point Dam on the Missouri River (> 1200 km), while other individuals originated locally in the Middle Mississippi River. On a more refined scale of habitats, I used trawling to identify habitat features used. Age-0 Scaphirhynchus sturgeon catch rates were highest around artificial structures (i.e., wing dikes) and island areas while main channel habitat comprised the lowest catch rates. Within these habitats, young sturgeon frequently occupied low velocities (i.e., ~0.1), moderate depths (i.e., 2 to 5 m), and sand substrate. Although determination of river of origin and specific habitats used are imperative for restoration, sturgeon populations are likely regulated by factors within habitats that affect early-life dynamics. Mean sturgeon growth rates ranged from 1.42-1.50 mm/d over the four years but did not differ among years. Individuals hatched over a 25 to 50-d period and peak hatch dates were between 10- 20 May during all years. Hatching coincided with optimum spawning temperatures of 17-20oC and a rise in river stage. Abundance was positively related to river stage, with longer durations of high water related increasing abundance. Mortality of age-0 sturgeon increased with the number of days where water temperature exceeded 28 oC. In the end this study has set benchmarks for understanding factors affecting the early-life ecology of Scaphirhynchus sturgeon.
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Mechanisms of Appendicular Dermal Bone Loss and Endochondral Bone Expansion during the Fin-To-Limb TransitionLalonde, Robert 15 August 2018 (has links)
The evolution of the tetrapod limb from paired fish fins involved drastic changes to the appendicular dermal and endochondral skeleton. Fish fin rays were lost, and the endochondral bone was modified and elaborated to form three distinct segments common to all tetrapod limbs: the stylopod, the zeugopod, and the autopod. Identifying the molecular mechanisms that contributed to these morphological changes presents a unique insight into our own evolutionary history. Chapter II of this thesis focuses on the actinodin gene family and how their disappearance from the tetrapod genome during the fin-to-limb transition may have contributed to the loss of dermal fin rays. The actinodin genes code for structural proteins in the actinotrichia, rigid fibers being the first exoskeletal elements formed during zebrafish fin development. We have identified tisse-specific cis-acting regulatory elements responsible for actinodin1 activation in the fin fold ectoderm and mesenchyme. These elements are only partially functional in transgenic reporter mouse limbs. We therefore propose that changes to actinodin gene regulation contributed to the loss of the actinodin genes during limb evolution. The actinotrichia also serve as a scaffold for the migration of cells from the distal fin mesenchyme, which has been shown to differentiate into fin ray osteoblasts. In fact, both actinotrichia and distal fin mesenchyme migration defects have been proposed as events that may lead to the loss of dermal bone during the fin-to-limb transition. Chapter III of this thesis tests the effects of distal fin mesenchyme ablation on larval and adult zebrafish fin development. Following the chemo/genetic ablation of these cells, zebrafish display actinotrichia, fin fold, and fin ray defects supporting the hypothesis the defects in distal fin mesenchyme may have contributed to the loss of dermal fin rays during tetrapod evolution. Previous research has shown that changes in the regulation of the 5’HoxA/D genes may have had consequences for both actinodin regulation and the migration of distal fin fold mesenchyme.
Chapter IV of this thesis examines the contributions of Hoxa11 regulatory changes to the evolution of the pentadactyl, or five-digit state, in tetrapods. Through a novel tetrapod-specific enhancer, Hoxa11 is repressed from the presumptive limb autopod region in mice. In fish, hoxa11b is expressed distally and ectopic expression of Hoxa11 in the distal limb bud produces mice with polydactyly (extra digits), an ancestral tetrapod character state.
In conclusion, we have provided evidence that actinotrichia defects (potentially though changes in actinodin regulation) and fin fold mesenchyme defects may have contributed to the loss of fin dermal bone during the fin-to-limb transition. Our data also shows these two events may have been linked as fin fold mesenchyme require actinotrichia to migrate correctly, while actinotrichia maintenance relies on Actinodin secretion from fin fold mesenchyme. Furthermore, we have also contributed to the growing body of evidence that proposes changes in 5’HoxA/D regulation during the fin-to-limb transition underlie changes in appendicular dermal and endochondral bone. Therefore, it is possible that modifications in shared gene regulatory networks underlie both dermal and endochondral bone evolution during the fin-to-limb transition.
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¿Es la exigencia kantiana de universalización un procedimiento suiciente para establecer contenidos morales-éticos? Algunas consideraciones acerca de una respuesta negativa a esta preguntaMarey, Macarena 09 April 2018 (has links)
Is the Kantian Universalization Demand a Suficient Procedure forthe Establishment of Moral-Ethical Contents? Some Considerations Regardinga Negative Answer to this Question”. In this article we analyze the thesis thatclaims the suficiency of the Kantian universalization procedure expressed inthe categorical imperative of the general law (Groundwork of the Metaphysics ofMorals) to determine the content of morality, with the aim of holding that thisthesis contradicts Kant’s inal conception of Ethics as it is expounded in Metaphysicsof Morals, insofar as it is structured upon the normative priority of theend of humanity”. The effective adoption of this end –or practical principle– isa necessary condition for the ascription of morality and for the determination ofthe content” of the moral law”. In order to achieve this aim, we analyze two ofthe most inluential interpretations that are at the base of the aforementionedthesis, v.gr., John R. Silber’s, in Procedural Formalism in Kant’s Ethics”, andHenry E. Allison’s in Morality and Freedom: Kant’s Reciprocity Thesis”. / En este artículo se analiza la tesis acerca de la suiciencia del procedimientode universalización presente en el imperativo categórico de la leygeneral (Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres) para determinarel contenido de la moralidad, con el in de sostener que esta tesis se contradicecon la concepción inal de la ética kantiana en la Metafísica de las costumbres,en la medida en que ella se estructura en base a la prioridad normativa del inde la humanidad”, cuya adopción efectiva por parte de los agentes es condiciónnecesaria para la adscripción de moralidad y para la determinación del contenido”de la ley moral”. Con este propósito, se analizan críticamente dos de laslecturas más inluyentes que están a la base de tal tesis, a saber, la de John R.Silber en Procedural Formalism in Kant’s Ethics”, y la de Henry E. Allison enMorality and Freedom: Kant’s Reciprocity Thesis”.
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L'incertitude fondamentale : les soins palliatifs au regard de la pensée de Vladimir Jankélévitch / The fundamental uncertainty : Palliative care with Vladimir Jankélévitch's thoughtCamier-Lemoine, Élodie 07 May 2018 (has links)
Les soins palliatifs constituent un domaine du soin où la fin de vie des personnes est en question. Ces derniers ont émergé dans un contexte médical marqué par des innovations techniques et scientifiques sans précédent et en cela, ils s’inscrivent dans une ère où les avancées sont caractéristiques d’un système qui performe. Les soins palliatifs sont donc à appréhender en lien avec la clinique de l’extrême qu’ils portent, les ramenant au rang d’une spécialité médicale parmi d’autres. Pourtant, ils sont aussi et surtout à considérer dans toute leur singularité, une clinique de l’incertitude, notamment en raison de la confrontation permanente des soignants avec la mort des patients. L’incertitude fondamentale traversant les soins palliatifs est ainsi à interroger en rapport avec une pensée autour de la mort, nécessairement significative à la croisée des expériences de chacun en soins palliatifs. C’est en direction des écrits du philosophe Vladimir Jankélévitch que nous nous tournons pour approfondir cette pensée de l’incertitude en lien avec la mort. Abordant la thématique de la mort dans sa double dimension de phénomène et de mystère, ses développements permettent de considérer la mort dans sa dimension métaphysique, existentielle mais aussi morale. En raison de ses développements autour de la morale, il ouvre également la voie pour tenter de saisir les implications éthiques, organisationnelles et politiques de l’incertitude fondamentale, au cœur de l’accompagnement mis en œuvre dans la pratique palliative. / Palliative care is a field where end of life is a central subject. They emerged in a medical context caracterised by technical and scientifical innovations. So, they exist in a era where progress represents a powerful system. We can read palliative care as regard to their dimension of « clinical of the extreme of life ». In this, they take part of medical system as « medical speciality ». They also have to be considered in their deep specificity, in relation to their dimension of « clinical of uncertainty » because of the daily confrontation with death. The fundamental uncertainty which is the main caracteristic of palliative care can be analysed in connection with a thought of death. The latter has a deep meaning for the experience of each part of palliative care experience. We can deal with this theory of fundamental uncertainty thanks to the philosopher Vladimir Jankélévitch. He approaches death in its double reality of « event » and « mystery ». His theory allows for considering death in its metaphysical, existential and moral signification. Moreover, his moral considerations open the field for analizing ethics, institutionals and politics consequences of the theory of fundamental uncertainty in connexion with the importance of caring, in palliative medicine.
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Fenomén úzkosti v Beckettově Konci hry / Phenomenon of Anxiety in Beckett's EndgameHorčicová, Zdeňka January 2016 (has links)
My master thesis inspects the phenomenon of anxiety in Samuel Beckett's Endgame. In this thesis, anxiety is seen from the phenomenological perspective . However, the explanation of anxiety by psychology and psychiatry is offered as well, so that more complex understanding is enabled. An analysis of Beckett's play is highly influenced by phenomenology, especially by Martin Heidegger, and also by the daseinsanalysis. In these connotations, we inspect Endgame, especially the situation of characters on the stage and the world of the play itself as a mirroring of the real world. We show that human existence is one of the most significant sources of anxiety, that it is innate to almost every human being from time to time, and that it has a remarkable dramatic potential. Although there is no final explication of Beckett's play, my thesis attempts to get closer to its understanding through the phenomenon of anxiety.
As a part of this thesis, the translation of one part of Stanley Cavell's essay called Ending the Waiting Game is included, which tries to explain the meaning of Endgame in a different way.
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Constructal design de aleta retangular inserida em cavidade com superfície superior deslizante sob efeito de convecção mista / Constructal design of rectangular fin intruded into mixed convection lid-driven cavity flowsMachado, Bruno de Souza January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo numérico do escoamento laminar em cavidade quadrada aletada sob o efeito de convecção mista. O escoamento proposto é assumido bidimensional, laminar e permanente. Objetiva-se através do “Constructal Design” a obtenção de geometria ótima da aleta de forma a maximizar a transferência de calor entre o fluido que escoa no interior da cavidade e a aleta aquecida cuja base está localizada no centro da base da cavidade. Para isto é fixada a relação das dimensões externas da cavidade (H/L) = 1 e variada a relação entre altura e comprimento da aleta (H1/L1) para otimização da troca térmica. A área da aleta apresenta 5% da área total da cavidade e este valor é mantido fixo. O fluido que escoa no inteiror da cavidade possui as propriedades termofísicas do ar para Pr = 0,7. A variação das forças de empuxo no escoamento é realizada através do uso de diferentes números de Rayleigh no intervalo Ra= 10³ a 106. As diferentes magnitudes das forças inerciais serão aplicadas ao escoamento através da variação do número de Reynolds variando entre ReL = 10 e 1000. Para solução numérica das equações de conservação de massa, quantidade de movimento e energia é utilizado o método de volumes finitos (VFM), programa comercial Fluent®, sendo o acoplamento entre velocidade e pressão realizado através do algoritmo SIMPLEC e a discretização espacial pelo método upwind de primeira ordem. Os resultados apresentam um acréscimo significativo na transferência de calor entre a aleta e o fluido a medida que o número de Rayleigh aumenta. Considerando o caso de maior influência do mecanismo de transferência de calor por convecção mista houve um aumento de 779% em comparação com o mesmo caso considerando apenas convecção forçada, o que comprova a importância da convecção natural na maximização da transferência de calor entre cavidade e fluido para os casos analisados. / The present work shows a numerical study of laminar flow inside C-shaped lid-driven square cavity under mixed convection effect. The flow is assumed to be two-dimensional, laminar and permanent. The main objective of this work is by means of Constructal Design to maximize the heat transfer between the fluid and the heated central fin intruded in the bottom of the cavity. The aspect ratio of the cavity is fixed and the fin aspect ratio (H1/L1) varies from 0.1 to 10 ranges in order to maximize heat transfer. The ratio area between fin and cavity (H/L) = 1 is kept fixed at 5%. The thermophysical properties of fluid the air are set at Pr = 0,71. To vary the magnitude of buoyancy forces the Rayleigh number is ranged between Ra=10³ and 106.The inertial forces of flow are ranged by the use of different Reynolds numbers between ReL=10 and 1000. In order to solve the proposed problem, the commercial software Fluent® based on finite volume method was used to solve mass, momentum and energy equations, making the pressure-velocity couple using SIMPLEC method and the spatial discretization using first order upwind scheme. The results showed a significant increase of heat transfer between fin and fluid as consequence of Rayleigh number increase. Considering the mixed convection most influenced case, an increase of 779% was sense in comparison with the same case with forced convection mechanism only, which makes evident the importance of natural convection in the maximization of heat transfer inside cavity in the analized cases.
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Fin död veds påverkan på evertebratsamhället i små vattendrag : En undersökning av taxonomisk sammansättning, abundans, biomassa och biodiversitet i det driftande evertebratsamhället, i relation till bottensubstratLindh, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Död ved är av stor betydelse för evertebratsamhället i rinnande vatten. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur fin död ved påverkar biomassa, abundans och diversitet hos det driftande evertebratsamhället i rinnande vatten, samt att relatera detta till fint och grovt bottensubstrat. Hypoteserna var att (1) en ökning av fin död ved ökar abundans, biomassa och biodiversitet samt förändrar taxonomisk sammansättning hos det driftande evertebratsamhället (2) en ökning av fin död ved har en större effekt, på abundans och biomassa i evertebratsamhället i vattendrag med fint bottensubstrat än i vattendrag med grovt bottensubstrat. Studien utfördes på sex lokaler i Ölmans avrinningsområde i Karlstad kommun, tre med fint och tre med grovt bottensubstrat. Driftprover togs på samtliga lokaler, uppströms och nedströms en utplacerad bunt fin ved, under fem tillfällen juni-oktober 2017. Ingen signifikant skillnad i biomassa, abundans eller biodiversitet visades uppströms och nedströms veden, varken på lokaler med fint eller grovt bottensubstrat. Det fanns däremot en tydlig signifikant skillnad i taxonomisk sammansättning uppströms och nedströms veden på lokaler med fint bottensubstrat, då andelen Trichoptera var högre nedström veden än uppströms veden (tre av fem provtagningstillfällen). Det fanns även en signifikant skillnad i taxonomisk sammansättning mellan lokaler med grovt och fint bottensubstrat, med en högre andel Diptera i lokaler med fint bottensubstrat (samtliga provtagningstillfällen) och en högre andel Plecoptera i lokaler med grovt bottensubstrat (tre av fem provtagningstillfällen).
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Dynamique des matériaux en suspension (MES) le long de rivières aménagées de montagne : exemple de l'Arc en Maurienne de l'Isère / Suspended sediment dynamics along harnessed rivers : Arc River and Isère RiverAntoine, Germain 23 September 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la dynamique des matériaux en suspension (MES) dans des rivières aménagées de montagne, l'Arc en Maurienne et l'Isère. Un des modes de gestion de l'envasement des différents ouvrages hydro-électriques de l'Arc consiste à réaliser des chasses de barrage annuellement. Lors de ces chasses hydrauliques, les sédiments remobilisés du fond des retenues sont transportés à l'aval des ouvrages sur plusieurs dizaines de kilomètres. L'enjeu est alors de quantifier la propagation en aval de ces MES, afin de comprendre l'impact des chasses de barrage sur le lit de la rivière. Dans une première partie, des données de concentration en MES et de débit, mesurées pendant les chasses de barrage de l'Arc entre 2006 et 2012, sont analysées, critiquées et complétées. A partir de ce jeu de données, des cartes spatiales de flux de MES générés par les chasses de barrage sont dressées, et mettent en évidence des répartitions de zones de dépôt et d'érosion. L'incertitude liée au calcul de ces bilans de masse est quantifiée, et les dynamiques de reprise et de dépôt sont discutées. A titre de comparaison, cette méthode a été appliquée à d'autres événements de crues naturelles et de laves torrentielles, pré-échantillonnées à partir de chroniques de mesures en continu. Enfin, pour mieux caractériser les MES transportées pendant ces épisodes de chasse, des mesures complémentaires de granulométrie et de vitesse de chute ont été réalisées quasiment in situ pendant les chasses de 2011 et 2012. Les dynamiques spatiale et temporelle des ces grandeurs permettent d'établir une stratégie de paramétrisation de modèle numérique. La modélisation numérique hydrosédimentaire 1D fait l'objet de la seconde partie de ce travail de thèse. Le code de calcul d'hydraulique à surface libre MASCARET a été utilisé pour modéliser les écoulements générés par les chasses de barrage entre 2006 et 2012. Cette modélisation hydraulique met en évidence le rôle joué par la présence de bancs alternés de rugosités différentes dans le lit de la rivière. Le code de calcul COURLIS, couplé à MASCARET, a été modifié pour modéliser le transport sédimentaire en suspension. Pour prendre en compte la modélisation du transport de MES en lit composé, une méthode d'estimation d'une concentration moyenne par lit est proposée à partir de données issues de la littérature. Le nouveau modèle ainsi obtenu est comparé avec le modèle homogène dans la section sur des cas réels de crue (mai 2010) et de chasses de barrage (2010, 2011 et 2012). Les résultats de modélisation montrent la capacité du nouveau modèle à reproduire les flux mesurés dans les plages d'incertitude calculées, sans avoir recours à une calibration non physique des paramètres. / This phd thesis focuses on the dynamics of suspended sediments in hardness mountain rivers, specifically along the Arc and Isere River. Due to the silting in the Arc reservoirs, dam flushing are conducted annually. During these flushing events, the sediments eroded from the reservoirs are transported downstream over several tens of kilometers. The challenge is then to quantify the downstream propagation of the suspended sediments to understand the impact of dam flushing on the river bed. In the first part, data of suspended sediment concentration and flow discharges, measured during the dam flushing between 2006 and 2012, are analyzed, criticized and completed. From this dataset, spatial distributions of suspended sediment fluxes are presented, as well as specific locations of deposition or erosion areas. To better characterize the suspended sediments during these dam flushing, additional measurement of particle sizing and settling velocity have been made in situ. The spatial and temporal dynamics of these measured values forms the basis for a parameterization strategy of a numerical model. This is the topic of the second part of this phd thesis. A one dimensional hydraulic model, MASCARET, developed over 20 years by EDF R & D, has been used to model discharges during dam flushing between 2006 and 2012. COURLIS, a one dimensional numerical code for suspended sediment transport, also developed by EDF R & D , has been chosen to model the sediment transport dynamic, coupled with MASCARET . To take into account the sediment transport modeling in compound channel, a new method of estimating the average concentration in both main channel and floodplain is proposed, based on data from the literature. The new model thus obtained is compared with the previous one on real case of natural flood and three dam flushing events.
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Análise morfológica da nadadeira do tubarão-azul, Prionace glauca, Linnaeus, 1758 (Carcharhiniformes: Elasmobranchii) / Morphologicalanalysisofthefin in blue-shark, Prionace Glauca, Linnaeus, 1758 (Carcharhiniformes: Elasmobranchii)Carlos Eduardo Malavasi Bruno 20 December 2012 (has links)
Tubarões e Raias pertencem à classe dos Chondrichthyes, por serem animais que possuem esqueleto cartilaginoso. O Tubarão-azul (Prionace glauca), popularmente conhecido como \"cação-azul\" dentre todas as espécies de tubarão é a mais abundante no ambiente marinho, podendo ser encontrado em toda a parte do mundo. O estudo teve como objetivo estudar a morfologia das nadadeiras do tubarão-azul (Prionace glauca) e os efeitos sobre células tumorais \"in vitro . Os resultados foram obtidos através da microscopia de luz e Citometria de fluxo. Com os caracteres encontrados na analise macroscópica foi possível identificar as nadadeiras obtidas como sendo do Tubarão-azul (Prionace glauca). A histologia da cartilagem da nadadeira do Tubarãoazul, demonstrou que é formada de cartilagem hialina, apresentando três regiões distintas, sendo no seu interior formado por condrócitos, na periferia de cartilagem calcificada e nas bordas formada por pericôndrio com a presença de colágeno tipo I,II e III. Os resultados obtidos das amostras do Elemento Radial não evidenciam alterações funcionais, quanto ao armazenamento, transporte e obtenção do suprimento celular, estes são viáveis e satisfatórios. O composto da cartilagem de tubarão para o tratamento de tumor \"in vitro\" neste estudo sugeriu que o mesmo apresenta uma atividade anti-tumoral significativa. Mostrou efeito tóxico sobre os tumores de mama murina (TAE) e tumor de mama canino (TMC) em baixas concentrações, não apresentando efeito tóxico nas células de fibroblasto nas mesmas concentrações. / Sharks and rays belong to the Chondrichthyes Class, once they have cartilaginous skeleton. The blue shark (Prionaceglauca), popularly known as \"blue-cation\", among all shark species is the most abundant in the marine environment and can be found everywhere in the world. This study aimed to study the fin morphology in the blue shark (Prionaceglauca) and its effects on \"in vitro\" tumor cells. The results were obtained using light microscopy and flow cytometry. Using the gross morphology we confirm that the fins belonged to the blue shark (Prionaceglauca). The fin cartilage of the blue shark was formed of hyaline cartilage. It showed three distinct regions with chondrocytes inside, calcified cartilage in the periphery, and perichondrium with collagen type I, II and III in the margins. The results obtained from the Radial Element not showed functional changes as storage, transport and cellular supplies obtaining, they were feasible and satisfactory. The use of shark cartilage compound for the treatment of \"in vitro\" tumor cells suggested that it showed a significant anti-tumor activity. It showed a toxic effect on murine breast tumors (MBT) and canine breast tumor (CBT) at low concentrations, with no significant toxic effect on fibroblast cells using the same concentrations.
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Constructal design de aleta retangular inserida em cavidade com superfície superior deslizante sob efeito de convecção mista / Constructal design of rectangular fin intruded into mixed convection lid-driven cavity flowsMachado, Bruno de Souza January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo numérico do escoamento laminar em cavidade quadrada aletada sob o efeito de convecção mista. O escoamento proposto é assumido bidimensional, laminar e permanente. Objetiva-se através do “Constructal Design” a obtenção de geometria ótima da aleta de forma a maximizar a transferência de calor entre o fluido que escoa no interior da cavidade e a aleta aquecida cuja base está localizada no centro da base da cavidade. Para isto é fixada a relação das dimensões externas da cavidade (H/L) = 1 e variada a relação entre altura e comprimento da aleta (H1/L1) para otimização da troca térmica. A área da aleta apresenta 5% da área total da cavidade e este valor é mantido fixo. O fluido que escoa no inteiror da cavidade possui as propriedades termofísicas do ar para Pr = 0,7. A variação das forças de empuxo no escoamento é realizada através do uso de diferentes números de Rayleigh no intervalo Ra= 10³ a 106. As diferentes magnitudes das forças inerciais serão aplicadas ao escoamento através da variação do número de Reynolds variando entre ReL = 10 e 1000. Para solução numérica das equações de conservação de massa, quantidade de movimento e energia é utilizado o método de volumes finitos (VFM), programa comercial Fluent®, sendo o acoplamento entre velocidade e pressão realizado através do algoritmo SIMPLEC e a discretização espacial pelo método upwind de primeira ordem. Os resultados apresentam um acréscimo significativo na transferência de calor entre a aleta e o fluido a medida que o número de Rayleigh aumenta. Considerando o caso de maior influência do mecanismo de transferência de calor por convecção mista houve um aumento de 779% em comparação com o mesmo caso considerando apenas convecção forçada, o que comprova a importância da convecção natural na maximização da transferência de calor entre cavidade e fluido para os casos analisados. / The present work shows a numerical study of laminar flow inside C-shaped lid-driven square cavity under mixed convection effect. The flow is assumed to be two-dimensional, laminar and permanent. The main objective of this work is by means of Constructal Design to maximize the heat transfer between the fluid and the heated central fin intruded in the bottom of the cavity. The aspect ratio of the cavity is fixed and the fin aspect ratio (H1/L1) varies from 0.1 to 10 ranges in order to maximize heat transfer. The ratio area between fin and cavity (H/L) = 1 is kept fixed at 5%. The thermophysical properties of fluid the air are set at Pr = 0,71. To vary the magnitude of buoyancy forces the Rayleigh number is ranged between Ra=10³ and 106.The inertial forces of flow are ranged by the use of different Reynolds numbers between ReL=10 and 1000. In order to solve the proposed problem, the commercial software Fluent® based on finite volume method was used to solve mass, momentum and energy equations, making the pressure-velocity couple using SIMPLEC method and the spatial discretization using first order upwind scheme. The results showed a significant increase of heat transfer between fin and fluid as consequence of Rayleigh number increase. Considering the mixed convection most influenced case, an increase of 779% was sense in comparison with the same case with forced convection mechanism only, which makes evident the importance of natural convection in the maximization of heat transfer inside cavity in the analized cases.
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