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“..att en blir sittande med ett hjärndött administrativt jobb” : En kvalitativ studie om digitaliseringen och effektiviseringen inom ekonomiskt bistånd / “..To be left with a braindead administrative job” : A qualitative study about digitalization and effectivization within financial assistanceKnutas, Johannes, Bergström, Amalia January 2018 (has links)
This is a study about the social work profession and the changes which now is being implemented, influenced by efficiency and digitalization. How social services works with financial assistance for those who can’t earn their own living is changing. The traditional street-level bureaucracy with face to face-meetings is being replaced by a more digital work method: “Trelleborgsmodellen”, where the bureaucrat doesn't meet the client during the assessment of the need of financial assistance. The data for the study was collected via three focus groups held in Trelleborg, Gotland and Lidköping. The result showed that bureaucrats in Lidköping and on Gotland had a fear that important details could go missing with the removal of the face to face-meeting. That fear was not present in Trelleborg, were they instead talked about all the benefits that they saw with a simplified, fast and effective administration process. That simplified process is a result of deskilling, the need for education in social work doesn't exist anymore in Trelleborg.
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Regulation of Financial Assistance / La Regulación de la Asistencia FinancieraFerrero Alvarez-Calderón, Guillermo, Guarniz izquierdo, Antonio 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article focuses on the study of a corporate rather, that is a controversial topic: the acquisitions of shares counting on leveraged buyouts. t his has led to increased specialized investment funds, as in Peru, they use these operations to develop their activities. However, the current situation has not been overlooked by the regulation, since this has imposed certain restrictions. After analyzing the phenomenon of leveraged buyouts, the article makes an analysis of the actual regulation to finally provide a possible alternative regulation. / El presente artículo se centra en el estudio de un tema societariobastante controvertido: las operaciones de adquisición de acciones contandocompras apalancadas. este ha dado lugar al aumento de fondos de inversiónespecializados que, como en el Perú, se valen de estas operaciones paradesarrollar sus actividades. sin embargo, todo esto no ha sido pasado poralto por la regulación, pues esta le ha impuesto ciertas restricciones. es asíque luego de analizar el fenómeno de las compras apalancadas, el artículohace un análisis de su regulación para finalmente brindar una posible formade regulación alternativa.
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"Vi jobbar inte med själva barnen" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av socialsekreterares beaktande av barnperspektivet i ekonomiskt bistånd / "We do not work with the children themselves" - A qualitative interview study of social workers' consideration of the child perspective in financial assistanceAhola, Malin, Sundell, Annika January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur barnperspektivet beaktas i socialtjänstens handläggning av ekonomiskt bistånd. Metoden som använts är en kvalitativ intervjustudie, där sex socialsekreterare som arbetar med handläggning av ekonomiskt bistånd inom en viss kommun har intervjuats. Studien utgår från handlingsutrymme som teoretisk tolkningsram. Studien är av relevans för socialt arbete då barn som befinner sig i familjer med ekonomiskt bistånd utgör en utsatt grupp som riskerar att hamna i fortsatt social utsatthet även i vuxen ålder. Studien visar att en majoritet av socialsekreterarna uppfattar barnperspektivet som otydligt angivet och att det finns en osäkerhet i hur man ska arbeta utifrån detta. Studien visar även att barn tenderar bli osynliga i handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd, samt att socialsekreterarna uppfattar att de inte har tillräckliga förutsättningar att arbeta utifrån ett barnperspektiv. Studien visar vidare att majoriteten av socialsekreterarna hyser önskemål om att arbeta mer utifrån ett barnperspektiv. / The purpose of the essay is to investigate how the child perspective is taken into consideration in the social services' management of financial assistance. The method used is a qualitative interview study. Six social workers within financial assistance have been interviewed. The study is based on the theory of discretion, and is of relevance to social work since children in families who receive financial assistance constitute a vulnerable group who is at risk of ending socially vulnerable even in adulthood. The results of the study show that most of the social workers perceive the child perspective as unclear. The study also shows that children tend to be invisible in financial assistance, and that the social workers perceive that they do not have sufficient conditions to work from a child perspective. The study further shows that most of the social workers have a request to work more from a child perspective.
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“Socialtjänsten har tagit barnperspektivet i beaktning, det är en urusel mening egentligen.” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av barnperspektivet i arbetet inom ekonomiskt biståndEkman, Cecilia, Pastrana, Tania January 2020 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare upplever barnperspektivet i arbetet inom ekonomiskt bistånd innan och efter inkorporeringen av Barnkonventionen. Vi undersökte även vilken position barn har i socialsekreterarnas utredningar. Föreliggande studie avsåg att vara en kvalitativ intervjustudie där empirin grundar sig på sex stycken intervjuer med socialsekreterare som arbetar inom ekonomiskt bistånd i olika kommuner i Sverige. Empirin har analyserats med hjälp av barndomssociologi samt Michael Lipskys teori om gräsrotsbyråkrater. Analysmetoden som användes för att analysera respondenternas utsagor var tematisk innehållsanalys. Studiens resultat visade att flertalet socialsekreterare ansåg att barnperspektivet är tvetydigt och komplext i praktiken på grund av de många lagar och riktlinjer som präglar arbetet med ekonomiskt bistånd. Trots detta ansåg samtliga socialsekreterare att barnperspektivet är viktigt men att deras arbetsplatser har en del utrymme för ytterligare förbättring. Resultatet visade fortsättningsvis även att barn tenderar att bli mindre uppmärksammade än vuxna samt att socialsekreterarna saknade tillräckliga resurser, i form av tid och vidareutbildning, för att kunna arbeta enligt ett barnperspektiv fullt ut. / The main purpose of this study was to investigate how social workers in the social services’ management of financial assistance experience the use of the child perspective before and after the incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. We also examined how children were being positioned in social workers investigations. The method applied is a qualitative interview study and the empirical data lies in six interviews with social workers that work with financial assistance in different municipalities in Sweden. The empirical data has been analyzed through childhood sociology and Michael Lipsky's theory of street-level bureaucrats. The empirical data was evaluated through thematic analysis. The results showed that most of the social workers consider that the meaning of the child perspective appears to be somehow ambiguous and complex due to laws and regulations that characterize the work within financial assistance. Although all informants consider the child perspective to be important, they experience that their workplaces have room for improvement. The results also showed that children seem to be noted less in comparison to adults and that social workers don’t have enough resources, in terms of time and further education, to fully commit to the child perspective.
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Det handlar om rättigheter, inte bara pengar : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares syn på barnperspektiv inom ekonomiskt bistånd / It's about rights, not only money. : A qualitative study of social workers' views on child perspective in financial assistanceAl Rahmoon, Naseem, Jumaa, Nour January 2022 (has links)
In January 2020, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child became Swedish law, whichled to a number of questions about whether the children's rights are affected within socialservices. The purpose of the study was to create an understanding of how social workersconsider the child's perspective in the handling of matters relating to financial assistance. Weused a qualitative method choice, where we collected empirical evidence with the help of sixinterviews with social workers in four different municipalities. An analysis was made using thetheoretical concept of discretion. The result showed that children in financial assistance werepaid attention to through their guardians and the child's perspective was presented only in urgentsituations, for example eviction prevention work. The results also showed that the socialworker's discretion is limited by the company's laws, rules and guidelines. On the other hand,the child's perspective is mentioned in the municipality's guidelines, but in an unclear way. Theconclusion of this study raised further questions about how children's participation and how achild's perspective can be integrated into the practical work within financial assistance. / Januari 2020 blev FN:s barnkonvention svensk lag, vilket föranledde ett antal frågor kringhuruvida barnets rättigheter påverkas inom socialtjänsten. Syftet med studien var att skapa enförståelse om hur socialsekreterare beaktar barnperspektivet i handläggningen av ärenden somrör ekonomiskt bistånd. Vi använde oss utav en kvalitativ metod där samlade vi in empiri medhjälp av sex intervjuer med socialsekreterare i fyra olika kommuner. En analys gjordes medhjälp av det teoretiska begreppet handlingsutrymme. Resultatet visade att barn inomekonomiskt bistånd uppmärksammades genom sina vårdnadshavare och barnperspektivetframfördes endast vid akuta situationer, exempelvis vräkningsförebyggande arbete. Resultatetvisade också att socialsekreterares handlingsutrymme är begränsad av verksamhets lagar, regleroch riktlinjer. Däremot omnämns barnperspektivet i kommunens riktlinjer men på ett otydligtsätt. Slutsatsen av denna studie väckte ytterligare fråga kring hur barns delaktighet och hur ettbarnperspektiv kan integreras i det praktiska arbetet inom ekonomiskt bistånd.
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Stressade socialsekreterare inom ekonomiskt bistånd : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare upplever sin arbetssituation kopplat till stress på ett socialkontor i Malmö / Stressed social secretaries in financial assistance : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare upplever sin arbetssituation kopplat till stress på ett socialkontor i MalmöKadenic, Sanita January 2023 (has links)
Author: Kadenic, Sanita. Stressed social secretaries in financial assistance. A qualitative study on how social secretaries experience their working situation linked to stress at a social office in Malmo. Degree project in social work, 15/30 högskolepoäng. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of Social Work, 2022. The purpose of this study is to investigate how social secretaries who work in financial assistance experience their work situation in relation to stress. The empirical data was collected through nine semi-structured interviews with social secretaries working in financial assistance. Furthermore, coping and Karasek and Theorell’s demand-control model have been used as theoretical starting points. The Collected empirical evidence has been analyzed based on the selected theories and the state of knowledge. One of the central points of departure in this study was that social secretaries explained which factors contributed to stress in the workplace and which measures exist in the workplace to prevent stress, among other things. / Författare: Kadenic, Sanita. Stressade socialsekreterare i ekonomiskt bistånd. En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare upplever sin arbetssituation kopplad till stress på ett socialkontor i Malmö. Examensarbete i socialt arbete, 15/30 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, Institutionen för socialt arbete, 2022. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur socialsekreterare som arbetar inom ekonomiskt bistånd upplever sin arbetssituation i relation till stress. Empirin samlades in genom nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare som arbetar inom ekonomiskt bistånd. Vidare har coping och Karasek och Theorells efterfrågestyrningsmodell använts som teoretiska utgångspunkter. Den insamlade empirin har analyserats utifrån de utvalda teorierna och kunskapsläget. En av de centrala utgångspunkterna i denna studie var att socialsekreterare förklarade vilka faktorer som bidrog till stress på arbetsplatsen och vilka åtgärder som finns på arbetsplatsen för att bland annat förebygga stress.
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La flexibilización de la prohibición de la asistencia financiera: Un análisis del artículo 106 de la Ley General de SociedadesChavesta Cornejo, Ausby Stewart January 2024 (has links)
Hoy en día, el Perú es un país que se influencia mucho de países internacionales, generando así necesidades de adaptación principalmente en el derecho societario, sin embargo, a la luz de la actualidad, se siguen verificando trabas respecto a las normas prohibitivas que, de alguna forma u otra, traban operaciones que en otros países se han podido flexibilizar. Una de las normas que da lugar al presente estudio de investigación es la figura denominada asistencia financiera prohibida, regulada en el artículo 106 de la Ley General de Sociedades, figura que en toda su trayectoria se ha restringido de una manera poco razonable. El propósito de este estudio es evaluar los fundamentos legales que permitan la flexibilización de las disposiciones sobre la asistencia financiera contenidas en el artículo 106 de la Ley General de Sociedades, en atención al Leveraged Buyout. Para lograr los resultados de nuestra investigación, se trazó dos objetivos: analizar el marco jurídico nacional de la asistencia financiera regulado en el art 106 de la Ley General de Sociedades y su tratamiento en el derecho comparado y analizar los fundamentos legales vinculada a la asistencia financiera, en atención al Leveraged buyout. En relación al primer punto, se llega a una probabilidad alta de certeza que su presencia carece de justificación, ya que se orienta hacia propósitos innecesarios o, en caso de atender a necesidades legítimas, lo hace de forma poco lógica. Respecto al segundo punto, tenemos una certeza absoluta que lamentable la regulación actual es restrictiva limitando numerosas estructuras de adquisición de acciones más de lo que una amplia gama de doctrinarios en la materia y juristas desearían reconocer. / Today, Peru is a country highly influenced by international nations, thereby generating adaptation needs primarily in corporate law. However, in light of the present situation, obstacles persist regarding prohibitive regulations that, in one way or another, hinder operations that have been able to be streamlined in other countries. One of the regulations that gives rise to this research study is the so-called prohibited financial assistance, regulated in Article 106 of the General Law of Companies, a provision that throughout its history has been unreasonably restricted. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the legal foundations that allow for the flexibility of the provisions on financial assistance contained in Article 106 of the General Companies Law, in relation to Leveraged Buyouts. To achieve the results of our research, two objectives were outlined: to analyze the national legal framework of financial assistance regulated in Article 106 of the General Law of Companies and its treatment in comparative law, and to examine the legal foundations related to financial assistance, in relation to Leveraged Buyouts. In relation to the first point, it is highly likely that its presence lacks justification, as it is geared towards unnecessary purposes or, if it addresses legitimate needs, it does so in a somewhat illogical manner. Regarding the second point, we have absolute certainty that the current regulation is regrettably restrictive, limiting numerous structures for share acquisition more than what a wide range of scholars in the field and legal practitioners would wish to acknowledge.
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Men barnen då? : Ekonomiskt bistånd och det sociala arvet mellan föräldrar och barn / "What about the children?" - An expanded children’s perspective in economic assistanceHallin, Malin, Lindgren, Åsa January 2016 (has links)
I denna kvalitativa studie har vi valt att undersöka hur man på enheten för ekonomiskt bistånd arbetar förebyggande för att motverka att det långvariga biståndstagandet går i socialt arv mellan föräldrar och barn. För att ta reda på detta har vi intervjuat socialsekreterare med erfarenhet och kompetens inom området. Det insamlade materialet har analyserats utifrån den sociala inlärningsteorin som ett försök till att förstå hur det sociala arvet kan föras vidare mellan generationer. Som ett komplement till teorin används även barnperspektivet i analysen då barnen har stor del i studien. Denna studie visar och bekräftar att långvarigt ekonomiskt biståndstagande kan komma att gå i socialt arv mellan föräldrar och barn. Studien visar även på vilket sätt förebyggande arbete för dessa familjer sker på enheten för ekonomiskt bistånd. / In this qualitative study, we have chosen to examine how the Financial Assistance Unit works with preventive measures as to avoid that financial assistance is permitted to become a social heritage that runs in generations. The context of this study is based on interviews with social workers who have experience in the field. The collected materials have been analyzed based on the social learning theory as an attempt to understand how social legacy can be passed between generations. As a complement to the theory, we have also adressed the children's perspective in the analysis since the children are a big part of the study. This study demonstrates and confirms that long-term financial assistance may pass between generations. Further this study also shows how the preventive efforts for these families take place inside the Financial Assistance Unit.
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International financial negotiations and political actors: the breakdown in IMF-Brazilian negotiations during the administration of Juscelino Kubitschek (1957-1959) / Negociações financeiras internacionais e atores políticos: a suspensão das negociações entre Brasil e FMI na administração Juscelino Kubitschek (1957-1959)Oliveira, Fernanda Conforto de 11 March 2019 (has links)
This Master\'s thesis analyzes the relationship between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Brazilian government during the administration of Juscelino Kubitschek (1956-1961). It focuses on the years of 1957-1959, at the time when the Brazilian government was negotiating the country\'s first and second standby agreements with the Fund. The objective is to identify the conditions that led the Kubitschek administration to break down negotiations with the IMF in June 1959. Relying on IMF, Brazilian and North-American official documents, Brazilian newspapers and interviews with Brazilian officials, this study reveals that the Brazilian government only opened negotiations with the Fund in 1958 after Washington\'s intense pressure. The American government conditioned U.S. loans to Brazil to the signature of a standby agreement between Brazil and the Fund, instead of negotiating financial assistance directly with Rio de Janeiro as it had been doing until then. Washington employed the IMF as a way to advance its foreign economic policy agenda in Brazil. This harsh U.S. position remained consistent despite increasing Soviet overtures to Latin America. Given the Fund\'s stabilization demands and Brazil\'s poor stabilization performance, disagreements between the IMF and the Brazilian government built up, leading to the breakdown in the negotiations in June 1959. As a consequence, U.S.-Brazilian relations seriously deteriorated, encouraging President Kubitschek to embrace a more globalist foreign policy. These conclusions are relevant because they brought to light aspects that usually have been neglected by the literature: the crucial role played by the U.S. as to why Kubitschek\'s Brazil sought IMF financial assistance; the insufficiency of a narrow Cold War framework to explain why Washington took a hard stance on Brazil; and the link between the IMF-Brazilian breakdown and the roots of President Jânio Quadros\' Independent Foreign Policy in the early 1960s. / Esta dissertação analisa as relações entre o Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) e o Brasil durante a administração de Juscelino Kubitschek (1956-1961). A análise foca nos anos de 1957 a 1959, momento em que o governo brasileiro estava negociando o primeiro e o segundo acordo standby do país com o FMI. O objetivo é identificar as condições que encorajaram a administração Kubitschek a suspender negociações com o FMI em junho de 1959. Com base em documentos oficiais brasileiros, norte-americanos e do FMI, bem como em jornais brasileiros e em entrevista com oficiais brasileiros, esta pesquisa revela que o governo Brasileiro somente iniciou negociações com o Fundo em 1958 após intensa pressão de Washington. O governo dos Estados Unidos condicionou empréstimos ao Brasil à assinatura de um acordo standby entre Brasil e Fundo, ao invés de negociar ajuda financeira diretamente com o Rio de Janeiro como até então fazia. Washington utilizou o FMI para avançar sua agenda de política econômica externa no Brasil. Essa posição dura dos EUA se manteve consistente mesmo diante das crescentes ofensivas soviéticas na América Latina. Tendo em vista as demandas por estabilização do Fundo e o precário desempenho anti-inflacionário do Brasil, os desacordos entre FMI e o governo Brasileiro aumentaram, culminando na suspensão das negociações em junho de 1959. Consequentemente, as relações entre EUA e Brasil se deterioraram seriamente, encorajando o Presidente Kubitschek a adotar uma política externa mais globalista. Essas conclusões são relevantes porque lançam luz em aspectos normalmente negligenciados pela literatura: no papel crucial dos EUA na busca por ajuda financeira do FMI pelo Brasil de Kubitschek; na insuficiência de uma simples análise baseada no contexto da Guerra Fria para explicar a razão pela qual Washington assumiu uma posição dura em relação ao Brasil; e na relação entre a suspensão das negociações entre Brasil e FMI e as raízes da Política Externa Independente do Presidente Jânio Quadros no início da década de 1960.
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Kön och arbete med ekonomiskt bistånd : sex socialsekreterares erfarenheter av arbetet med ungdomar som ansöker om och uppbär ekonomiskt biståndEklund, Fanny January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of the study is to explore how social workers work with youths that seek financial assistance and what importance gender plays in this process. The participants were six female social workers that work with financial assistance. They were interviewed and had to reflect over a case, where the client where either male or female. The results was analyzed and compared in relation to social constructive theory and gender theory. The study shows that social workers work in two parallel processes, when they decide about financial assistance and other help benefits, the formal and the intuitive. In the formal process the social workers don’t give gender any importance in how they reflect about their work and the clients. In the same time way they think differently about male or female clients in a more intuitive manner. The differences that are done can be related to gender stereotypes. The male client is thought of being responsible and active and the female client is viewed as a passive victim. These ideas creates different practices against men and women, where the female would be given psychological aid and the male would be given work related support. These practices reproduces traditional conceptions of both sexes and can therefore create different possibilities for young men and women that contact the social welfare system for financial assistance.</p>
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