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Analýza vybraného podnikatelského subjektu pomocí vybraných metod / Analysis of the Selected Company by Using the Selective MethodsKouřil, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá komplexním zhodnocením aktuální situace podniku XXX s.r.o. První část práce teoreticky obsahuje jednotlivé analýzy, které jsou využity v analytické části. Analytická část práce zhodnocuje externí, sektorové a interní okolí firmy. Dále stručně analyzuje finanční zdraví podniku. Na základě provedených analýz s přihlédnutím na specifika podniku jsou formulována doporučení a opatření vedoucí ke zlepšení současné pozice na trhu.
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Návrh na založení malého podniku / Proposal for Establishment of Small CompanyBráblík, Richard January 2018 (has links)
The presented thesis aim is to establishment a competitive business on a basis of a well prepared, viable business plan. A sport center will be designed for its purpose. The sport center wíll offer physical activities, space rental, its own sales and hospitanty. Porter’s Five Force Analysis, SLEPTE Analysis, Market Survey by Questionnaire Survey and SWOT Analysis were used to solve the problem. Privotal chapter is Custom design solutions, which are devided according to the individual subchapter of the business plan. The aim of the thesis is to create a small business.
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Vybudování sítě malých vinařských podniků / Creating of Small Wineries NetworkŠvásta, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis drafts concept of winery based on business network of small wineries using synergetic effect. Critical analysis of macro and micro environment together with explorative research of small wineries was used as a starting point. Based on obtained information, concept of mentioned winery is proposed as an outcome of this thesis.
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台灣文具業的國際競爭策略分析:以P公司為例 / The International Competition and Strategic Analysis of Taiwan's Stationery Industries—with P Company as an Example范清富, Fan, Ching Fu Unknown Date (has links)
文具的歷史源遠流長,許多數百年老店,至今屹立不搖。國際文具市場的規模約六千億美金,以歐、美、亞太為三大市場。目前世界文具市場年成長僅約4%,歐、美、日更低於此數字,可見已有飽和趨勢。而台灣的現代文具產業,起始於二次大戰後。最早的業者有兩種: 一為台籍人士接下日人留下的設備與技術;另一則是從大陸播遷來台的文具商人另起爐灶。隨著70年代台灣出口導向型的經濟成長,文具業者開始進軍國際。挾日系技術、及當時低工資的優勢,搶下一席之地。然自1980年代後期起,大陸、東南亞的製造商,從低價市場搶進,藉由模仿開始做起。近年來更在不斷引進新設備及技術下,開始有足以與台灣文具業抗衡的業者出現。至此,台灣的文具業不得不開始改變策略,一部分開始外移到東南亞或大陸,尋找製造成本更低的生產地;一部分則投入研發,尋求高附加價值;更有業者是兩種策略都採取。顯然,在總體經濟環境改變、內外在競爭優劣勢消長的情形下,台灣文具業者的策略也跟著在因應、變動。然而,文具產品雖消耗數量大,但單價低,產值亦偏低,故多不受政府、學界重視,相關研究付之闕如。 / 自波特於1980年發表競爭策略(Competitive Strategy)一書以來,競爭優劣勢分析,成為現代企業策略訂定時必做之功課。本文對台灣文具產業的發展做一回顧,並詳述並分析目前市場環境,再以波特的競爭策略理論(五力分析、國家競爭優勢—鑽石體系),分析個案P公司的競爭優劣勢,及未來策略的建議。研究結果顯示:(1)資訊流通的容易、技術門檻降低,易吸引文具業新進者,造成產業飽和;(2)現有業者的背景、實力相近,又為成熟產業,又本地文具業者多為家族企業,在情感包袱下無人輕易退出,造成競爭激化。再者,全球文具市場成長趨緩的情形,導致市佔率掠奪戰;(3)大型通路取得議價力量。且文具規格已定型化,網路搜尋又日益便利,買主轉換供應商的難度低。又各國不斷推出的新法規,大幅增加了成本;(4)個人電腦侵入了傳統文具的空間。但傳統文具的易攜帶性與低廉價格、美術顏料技法的多變性,仍非電腦設備所能取代;(5)我國文具上游廠商精密技術不足,關鍵零件掌握先進國家手中。但近年韓、大陸供應商漸成氣候,或許可扭轉此情勢。又,文具業多為中小型企業,採購量低,難取得議價力量。 / 最後,對P公司及文具業者的建議:(1)持續研發,創造新利基,建立難以模仿的核心能耐(core capability);(2) 在低階大量產品市場,如無意繼續投資,則即應選擇退出(或淡出);反之,可考慮製程外包,或考慮使用替代原物料以降低成本,更可努力提升生產自動化程度;(3)於高階市場,品牌行銷有賴耕耘,若中小型企業財力不足,可考慮自小區域做起,另更可考慮以OEM/ODM形式為歐、美品牌代工;(4)為對買主提升其轉移成本,應努力降低道德危機成本與建立共同資產;(5)專注電子產品尚無法取代的功能加以發揮,並進一步與電子產品結合;(6)持續尋求原物料來源分散;(7)善用專業經理人協助管理。又,對政府的建議為:(1)加強總體競爭力;(2)特別加強對中小企業的輔導;(3)協助廠商開拓大陸市場。 / Modern stationery industry of Taiwan sprouted since the end of World War II. Early industry players could be roughly divided into two kinds: (1) those stationery dealers emigrated from mainland China after Chinese Civil War; (2) locals that bought out manufacturing facilities left over by departing Japanese. With the roaring up of Taiwan’s export-oriented economy, stationery players extend their business into the international markets. With their Japan-rooted technologies and low labor costs, Taiwanese stationery makers became major suppliers for the world, elbowing their way through German and Japanese competitors. / With the economic reform and liberalization of mainland China since late 1980’s, however, Taiwan’s stationery industries went over a turning point. Those low-cost mainland Chinese makers, providing products mainly copying advanced counterparts in other countries, first entered low-price markets. After years of imitation, learning, and introduction of new facilities and technologies, they gradually establish capability strong enough to compete with Taiwanese. To cope with this change, Taiwan’s stationers either move to Southeast Asia or China to gain cheaper production cost or stay home and invest more in innovation for upgrading their produce and making more added values. Obviously, the change in macroeconomic environment and competition has forced Taiwanese stationers to adjust themselves accordingly. Studies on this developing progress, however, can hardly found within governmental authorities or academic communities. The absence of research on stationery industries could most likely be attributed to the fact that this business accounts for a truly tiny part of the world’s economic production. / In view of this, it arouses the interest in discussing the competitive advantages and disadvantages—an idea brought about by Michael Porter, with his publication of Competitive Advantages in 1980—of Taiwan’s stationery industries for finding a new way. Thus, this thesis is intended to provide an overview of Taiwan’s stationery industries—their history, development, and analysis of current environment. And then, through Porter’s competitive theories—five forces analysis and diamond of national competitive advantages—it looks into the current competitive advantages and disadvantages of Taiwan’s stationery industries and tries to find strategic suggestions for Taiwan’s stationers as well as government. / The conclusion is:(a) for the industries: (1) keep on investing in innovation and finding new niches in order to establish sustainable core capabilities; (2) as to low-end markets, either fade out or stay but pursue low cost by production outsourcing, using alternative materials, and automation; (3) for high-end markets, branding marketing could cost a great deal, a regional, small-scale trial to begin is a safer way; besides, OEM/ODM for existing foreign brands can be a choice; (4) for enhancing switching cost of buyers, lower their moral hazard risk and build up common assets; (5) focus on functions that electronic alternative products haven’t covered, and further incorporate electronic functions with traditional stationery; (6) diversify sources of materials; (7) make good use of professional managers;(b) for the government: (1) keep on enhancing macroeconomic competitive advantages; (2) render more assistances to small- and middle-sized business like stationery industries; (3) render more assistance to business planning to enter mainland China market.
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光電產業競爭優勢之研究--以國內LCD產業為例江雅文, Jiang, Yea-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
光電產業中的「光電顯示元件」在未來高度資訊化的時代中將扮演著重要的人機界面媒介,除了筆記型電腦及LCD監視器的應用之外,在「後PC時代」中,消費性電子產品及多媒體產品的應用範圍將擴大,對顯示元件之需求量將大增。現在的消費大眾對電子產品的要求傾向輕薄、省電、低輻射、環保性。傳統的CRT(Cathode Ray Tube, 陰極射線管)顯示器已無法滿足這方面的訴求,因而各類的平面顯示器正不斷地被研發中。包括液晶顯示器(LCD,Liquid Crystal Display)、電漿顯示器(PDP,Plasma Display Panel)、電激發光顯示器(ELD,Electron Luminescent Display)、真空螢光顯示器(VFD,Vacuum Fluorescent Display)、發光二極體(LED,Light Emitting Diode)、場發射顯示器(FED,Field Emission Display)等。
目 錄
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 4
第三節 研究範圍 5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 競爭優勢的觀念 7
第二節 競爭優勢及其來源 8
第三節 價值鏈模型 22
第四節 鑽石模型 24
第五節 動態競爭理論 26
第三章 研究設計
第一節 研究流程及架構 30
第二節 分析方法及資料來源 31
第三節 研究限制 32
第四章 光電產業概述
第一節 世界光電產業概述 34
第二節 我國光電產業概述 36
第三節 結論 47
第五章 LCD產業之發展概述
第一節 LCD產業概述 50
第二節 整體LCD產業發展趨勢 71
第三節 我國LCD產業發展概況 83
第四節 LCD產業未來發展趨勢 105
第六章 我國LCD產業之競爭優勢分析
第一節 我國LCD產業結構分析 117
第二節 我國LCD產業之競爭優勢分析 121
第三節 LCD產業之鑽石模型分析模式 126
第四節 我國LCD產業未來發展策略建議 130
第七章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 135
第二節 建議 138
參考文獻 141
附錄一 145
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行動通訊之演進暨對金融資訊服務產業之威脅與商機--以E公司為例 / The Business Opportunities of the Financial Information Service Vendors on The Evolution of Mobile Communications --- A Case Study on E-Corp.陳建名, Chen, Jimmy Unknown Date (has links)
近年來因雲端運算(Cloud Computing)、智慧型行動載具(Smart handheld Device)等資訊與通訊技術的整合與匯流,再加上金融證券產業政策開放、國際化與自由化、證劵業在中國大陸發展的限制逐步鬆綁等諸多因素,原本各有自己領域的資訊服務廠商都開始磨拳擦掌,紛紛在手持式裝置上推出各種證券服務商品,這對過往在B2C領域獨佔鰲頭的E公司無異是最大的衝擊。
主要結論為:金融證券資訊服務產業已經是一紅海市場。為解決E公司面臨的產業困境,思考E公司未來發展走向,重新定位E公司的核心競爭力(Core Competence),如何利用現有智慧型行動載具的特性化阻力為助力,在金融證券資訊服務產業這一片紅海中開闢新藍海。本研究將依據波特(Michael E. Porter)的五力分析及競爭論(On Competition)與洪順慶教授之新產品開發流程,提出新舊產品策略及商業模式(Business Model與Go-To-Market Model)的建議:
新產品:善用既有的雲端優勢及智慧型手持式裝置資通訊整合匯流與Web2.0的新技術,開發客製化(Tailor-Made)、主動揭露(Event Push、Calendar Push),推出智慧的(Smart)、簡易的(Simple)、方便的(Convenience)的理財生活管家服務,開闢新藍海。 / During the past few years, the information service industry of the securities market has change hugely and the competition becomes more and more intensely, due to the opening and internationalization of the government industry policy and the rapid development of the ICT technology--includes cloud computing, evolution of mobile communication and smart handheld device, and ICT convergence….
Because of these changes, the information service vendors of the securities market have started penetrating their services into mobile device with low-price or price-free strategy. The impact to the E-Corp, the leading company with the B2C business model, is most fiercely.
First, the study will analysize the change, impact and competition of the information service industry of the securities market, and will apply E-Corp as the case-study-company and probe the current positioning of E-Corp. Finally, the study will try to find out the new business opportunities for vendors, and will make suggestions on marketing repositioning and product development and business strategy to E-Corp.
Exectuctive summary:The information service industry of securities market is a red ocean market. The study will utilzie the theories of Five-Force-Analysis (Michael E. Porter), Product Life Cycle (SC Horng, NCCU Taiwan), Core Competence (Gary Hamel & C.K. Parhalad), and will also think how to apply new technologies, such as cloud computing, smart handheld device, Web2.0,…to solve E-Corp dilemma and to help E-Corp to creat new blue ocean business and market. The suggestions are:
For current product: To extend the product life cycle. First, to apply the strength of the leading position in industry, channel strength and procedure management core competence to develop community network service to increase customers’ loyalty and to low down the rate of loss. Second, to seize the competitors’ customers.
For new product:Apply the strength of cloud computing the E-Corp has, and utilize ICT convergence and smart handheld devices, Web2.0 technologies to extend the service from securities to financial/wealth management service with the functional characters of event push/calendar driven, and smart/simple/convenience.
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專利聚集之運作模式分析 / Operating Models of Patent Aggregators陳香羽, Chen, Hsiang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
專利交易平台與專利聚集不同之處在於其不直接取得專利或專利授權,僅以專利供給方與需求方之交易中介者自居,然從廣義概念上,其亦為專利聚集之一種形態,有助於專利買賣雙方取得資訊,降低搜尋、談判或執行等交易成本,並透過其他業務互補專利交易平台業務可能之不足,惟其仍舊有所缺失,亦即價格決定機制之困難、服務範疇過大導致成本控管之不經濟與交易公開之接受程度等問題。從本文各章節之分析中,可比較各市場參與者之不同,亦得觀察彼此間之互動與缺失,從而提出未來可能之研究方向,並針對專利市場之管制與開放給予建議。 / The propertization of patents which intrinsically show the traits of public goods including non-excludable and non-rival was established to encourage inventors and therefore leads to positive and negative influence to the society indirectly. The privatization of patents protects the exclusive rights of the owners, whereas what we called the accumulated innovation set up the patent thickets that enhance the risks of infringement and promote the strategic litigations raised by new patent aggregators.
The methods of acquiring patents could systematically divided into internalization which includes R&D and M&A, and externalization which includes licensing and so on. While the motivations of acquiring patents transform from industrial applications to strategic considerations, and the patents gradually become commercialized and even express its monetization.
This paper classifies different players in the patent market, such as patent aggregators, patent transaction platforms, patent information providers and operating companies, while with the focus on patent aggregators and patent transaction platform. Besides, the patent aggregators could be categorized into “offensive patent aggregators”, “defensive patent aggregators”, “running by licensing patent aggregators” and “hybrid patent aggregators”. Moreover, the findings of this paper stand on what each patent aggregator and patent transaction platform has its scheduled activities of the value chain, the five forces model to the analysis of its industry and the strategic activities system for supporting its core competence, and even the demerits of its operating model.
The offensive patent aggregators provide licensing services, while its services apparently contain compulsive licensing model by raising claims against the operating companies. Instead, defensive patent aggregators help the downstream buyers in need to fight against the offensive patent aggregators by licensing or selling patent portfolios which cover broad technological areas and benefit risk management. Next, the running by licensing patent aggregators package their patents by standards of technologies or products and provide “one-stop-shop licensing solutions” to the downstream buyers to save the transaction costs. Furthermore, the hybrid patent aggregators embrace the advantages of three kinds of patent aggregators mentioned above and try to create the IP capital market leading to the transformation of the industry structure.
On the other hand, the patent transaction platforms are different from the patent aggregators in the ownerships of patents. The patent transaction platforms will never become the owner of the patents or acquire the rights of patent licensing, it just named themselves intermediaries of transaction that reduce the transaction cost and enhance the transparency of information. Nevertheless, the diversified operating models of different patent aggregators and patent transaction platforms exist its improvable or inevitable drawbacks. The analysis of each chapter in this paper could help to compare the players in patent market and contribute to observe the shortages and interactions between the ones. What’s more, this paper gives some suggestions for further researches in the future as the conclusion.
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