Spelling suggestions: "subject:"foamglass"" "subject:"foamglas""
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Mateřská škola Horní Heršpice / Kindergarten in Horní HeršpiceGryčová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with the project documentation of the kindergarten in Horní Heršpice. The structure is designed as a detached building with one floor. The ground plan is in the shape of the letter „U“. The kindergarten has two compartments, each of which is intended for 20 children. There is also a kitchen and technical facilities in the building. Solid wood panels (type CLT) from the Novatop company were selected as the structural system. The building is based on foam glass, on which there is a reinforced concrete slab. One part of the building is topped by a flat „green roof“, and the second part with a slanted roof. Access to the building is from the north, where the parking is also situated.
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Entwicklung von Fertigungsverfahren zur Herstellung eines neuartigen SolarkollektorsLüpfert, Marc 26 June 2017 (has links)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Fertigungstechnologien zur kostengünstigen Herstellung eines neuartigen solarthermischen Kollektors entwickelt. Dieser Kollektor soll aus einem profilierten Grundkörper aus Schaumglas bestehen, welcher mit Flachglas abgedeckt ist. Die Herstellung des Schaumkörpers wurde betrachtet von der Auswahl der Rohstoffe, über die Entwicklung geeigneter Verfahrensparameter, bis zur Formgebung. Ein Schaumkörper mit profilierter Oberfläche konnte im Maßstab von 600 x 600 x 130 mm³ hergestellt werden. Zur Kosteneinsparung wurde hierfür ein Reststoff aus der Glas verarbeitenden Industrie verwendet. Um den Kollektor in ein hydraulisches System eingliedern zu können, wurde eine Technologie zur Einbindung von Rohrleitungsanschlüssen entwickelt. Emaillierte Rohrbögen aus Gusseisen konnten im Schäumungsprozess fest in den Schaumkörper integriert werden. Weiterhin wurden zwei Möglichkeiten zur Anbindung der Deckgläser untersucht. Dabei wurden mittels Klebung durch EVA-Folie eine höhere Verbundfestigkeit erreicht als mittels Löten durch Aluminium-Blech.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
Vorwort 1
1 Einleitung 3
2 Solarkollektoren – Stand der Technik 5
2.1 Überblick 5
2.2 Flachkollektor 7
2.3 Zukünftige Entwicklung 16
3 Neuer Lösungsansatz 19
3.1 Konzept 19
3.2 Wirkungsgrad 21
3.3 Herstellkosten 23
4 Angewandte Messverfahren 24
5 Grundkörper des Kollektors 29
5.1 Grundlagen Schaumglas 29
5.1.1 Was ist Schaumglas 29
5.1.2 Schaumglasherstellung 30
5.1.3 Rohstoffe 33
5.1.4 Parameter der Schaumglasherstellung 37
5.2 Vorbetrachtung 42
5.3 Schäumen von Reststoffen 43
5.3.1 Charakterisierung der Rohstoffe 43
5.3.2 Schäumungsversuche 54
5.3.3 Einfluss der Rußart 61
5.3.4 Einfluss der Atmosphäre 63
5.3.5 Schäumungsverstärkung durch Oxidationsmittel 68
5.4 Eigenschaften 73
5.4.1 Schaumfestigkeit 73
5.4.2 Solare Absorption 94
5.4.3 Korrosionsbeständigkeit 104
5.5 Schäumungsform 113
5.5.1 Werkstoffauswahl 113
5.5.2 Charakterisierung von Calciumsilikatwerkstoffen 114
5.5.3 Entformbarkeit 118
5.5.4 Modellschäumung 122
5.6 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 134
6 Anbindung weiterer Bauteile 137
6.1 Grundlagen der Materialverbindung 137
6.1.1 Anorganische Materialverbindung 137
6.1.2 Organische Materialverbindung 141
6.2 Vorbetrachtung 148
6.2.1 Rohrleitungsanschlüsse 148
6.2.2 Verbindung Grundkörper/ Deckglas 150
6.3 Einbindung der Rohrleitungsanschlüsse 155
6.3.1 Stand der Vorarbeiten 155
6.3.2 Emailliertes Gusseisen 157
6.3.3 Dauerbeständigkeit 166
6.4 Verbindung des Grundkörpers mit dem Deckglas 168
6.4.1 Stand der Vorarbeiten 168
6.4.2 Löten 169
6.4.3 Kleben 182
6.5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 185
7 Zusammenfassung 187
8 Ausblick 189
Literaturverzeichnis 191
Abkürzungs- und Symbolverzeichnis 200
Abbildungsverzeichnis 202
Tabellenverzeichnis 207
Anhang 209
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Možnosti využití kameniva na bázi odpadní skleněné moučky v novodobých stavebních materiálech / Possibilities of utilization of aggregate based on glass powder in new building materialsNovák, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the use of waste glass powder as an aggregate in thermal insulation plasters for AAC. In the theoretical part, the problem of thermal protection of buildings is discussed first. The production and properties of foamed glass are described. Then the research of plasters, their composition and properties was made. Thermal-insulating plasters are specified and their use has been proposed for thermal insulation of building structures. In the practical part, suitable formulations have been proposed in the form of dry plaster and mortar mixtures (SOMS). Test samples were prepared from them. The physical and mechanical properties were measured. These were compared with the requirements set by standards and technical regulations. To get closer to the behavior of plasters on real buildings an AAC wall was built. The individual recipes were applied on it. It was monitored working with plaster and how it held on the masonry. During ripening crack development was observed. Optimization calculation inculded these aspects and it determined the optimal recipe. All designed recipes can be used as a thermal-insulating plasters.
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Stavebně technologický projekt Aquacentra Kouhoutovice / Construction technological project of Aquacentre KouhoutoviceBartoň, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with construction technological project of Aquacentre Kohoutovice. The thesis handles technological prescription of compact external cladding assembly including supporting structure. The thesis also includes assessment of transport itinerary, itemized budget with bill of quantities, design of site equipment, time and financial plan, construction schedule, machine assembly, control and test plan and safety and health care policy.
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Wellness centrum / Wellness centerVetešník, Štěpán Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of this thesis is a design documentation for construction of a wellness centre. The main goals include creating structural and material solutions or designing a layout. The designed wellness centre is a building of 3 above-ground floors, which also has a basement. It is situated in a mild slope and shaped into a wave. The building will have a role of a local amenity, providing its visitors a wellness, 3 pools and a space for leisure activities.
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The Impact of Insulation Materials on a Climate Declaration : A Study of a Swedish PreschoolHallkvist, Isabelle, Nilsson, Elin January 2021 (has links)
To reach the net-zero carbon goal by 2045, the Swedish government want to push the building and construction sector to lower their greenhouse gas emissions. This push is performed by implementing a law requiring building developers to perform a climate declaration over greenhouse gas emissions, to receive a building’s final clearance. The climate declaration is limited to only include emissions from material extraction until completed building. However, there is a varying knowledge level in the industry regarding how to perform a climate declaration as well as how different materials impact the result. Therefore, this study aims to bring clarity concerning the topic, by investigating where the major and minor climate impacts occur in a building process. Additionally, the impact of different insulations materials and how they influence the result of a climate declaration is studied. To answer the research questions, a climate declaration is performed on a Swedish preschool. The insulation material in the building is altered between glass wool, stone wool, cellulose fibre, foam glass, and polystyrene insulation in different scenarios to see how it impacts the result. The stone wool scenarios use both carbon neutral and non-carbon neutral insulation. Cellulose fibre uses both loose wool with data from an EPD and board insulation with data from Boverket’s climate database in the scenarios. The major climate impact derives from the product stage (A1–A3), meaning material selection have a significant impact on the climate declaration result. The building element with the highest climate impact is the inner walls followed by the foundation, while the floor construction, roof and outer walls have the lowest climate impact. On a material level, plaster board, building plywood and concrete have the highest climate impact in the reference building. The cedar panel have the lowest climate impact and is the only carbon negative material in the reference building. However, this is due to different assumptions made in the climate impact data concerning the binding of carbon in organic materials. The results showed that the insulation material with the highest climate impact is non-carbon neutral stone wool that is 16 % higher than the original construction with glass wool, while loose cellulose wool has the lowest climate impact. The climate impact from the scenario with non-carbon neutral stone wool in the wall and roof construction is 33 % higher compared to the corresponding loose cellulose wool scenario. The scenario with the lowest climate impact, with loose cellulose wool, is approximately 13 % lower than the corresponding glass wool scenario. The carbon neutral stone wool scenario has a similar result to glass wool. Foam glass has a 9.5 % higher climate impact compared to polystyrene insulation in the foundation. Regarding the selection of insulation material, it influences the climate declaration by changing the climate impact. The influence derives from a combination of climate impact per unit and material quantity used in the building. The material quantity is partly dependant on the thermal conductivity (λ-value) of the insulation material. The climate declaration shows a limited view of a building’s environmental impact for a limited part of its lifecycle. Therefore, we would recommend additional lifecycle stages and environmental impacts to be part of the climate declaration in the future, as a means to avoid suboptimization and unintentional problem shifting. / För att nå klimatneutralitetsmålet 2045 vill den svenska regeringen driva bygg- och fastighetssektorn till att sänka sina växthusgasutsläpp. Denna insats utförs genom att införa en lag som kräver att byggherrar utför en klimatdeklaration över växthusgasutsläpp för att få ett slutbesked för byggnaden. Klimatdeklarationen är begränsad till att endast omfatta utsläpp från materialutvinning fram till färdig byggnad. Det finns dock en varierande kunskapsnivå i branschen om hur en klimatdeklaration utförs samt hur olika material påverkar resultatet. Därför syftar denna studie till att ge klarhet angående ämnet genom att undersöka var de större och mindre inflytandena på klimatpåverkan förekommer i en byggprocess. Dessutom studeras effekterna av olika isoleringsmaterial och hur de påverkar resultatet av en klimatdeklaration. För att besvara frågeställningarna utförs en klimatdeklaration på en svensk förskola. Isoleringsmaterialet i byggnaden ändras mellan glasull, stenull, cellulosafiber, skumglas och cellplast i olika scenarier för att se hur det påverkar resultatet. I stenullscenarierna används både koldioxidneutral och icke-koldioxidneutral isolering. Cellulosafibrer använder både lösull med data från en EPD och skivisolering med data från Boverkets klimatdatabas i scenarierna. Den största klimatpåverkan kommer från produktstadiet (A1–A3), vilket innebär att materialvalet har en betydande inverkan på klimatdeklarationsresultatet. Byggnadselementet med störst klimatpåverkan är innerväggarna följt av grunden, medan bjälklaget, taket och ytterväggarna har lägst klimatpåverkan. På materialnivå har gipsskivor, plywood och betong den högsta klimatpåverkan i referensbyggnaden. Cederpanelen har lägst klimatpåverkan och är det enda koldioxidnegativa materialet i referensbyggnaden. Detta beror dock på olika antaganden i klimatpåverkan angående bindningen av kol i organiska material. Resultaten visade att isoleringsmaterialet med den högsta klimatpåverkan är icke-koldioxidneutral stenull, som är 16 % högre än originalkonstruktionen med glasull, medan lös cellulosaull har lägst klimatpåverkan. Klimatpåverkan från scenariot med icke koldioxidneutral stenull i vägg- och takkonstruktion är 33 % högre jämfört med motsvarande scenario med lös cellulosaull. Scenariot med lägst klimatpåverkan, med lös cellulosaull, är cirka 13 % lägre än motsvarande glasullscenario. Det koldioxidneutrala stenullscenariot har ett liknande resultat som glasull. Skumglas har 9,5 % högre klimatpåverkan jämfört med cellplasten i grunden. När det gäller valet av isoleringsmaterial påverkar det klimatdeklarationen genom att förändra klimatpåverkan. Påverkan härstammar från en kombination av klimatpåverkan per enhet och mängden material som används i byggnaden. Mängden material beror delvis på isoleringsmaterialets värmekonduktivitet (λ-värde). Klimatdeklarationen visar en begränsad bild av en byggnads miljöpåverkan under en begränsad del av dess livscykel. Därför rekommenderar vi att ytterligare livscykelstadier och miljöindikatorer ingår i klimatdeklarationen i framtiden, för att undvika suboptimeringar och oavsiktliga problembyten.
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Možnosti využití vláken na bázi druhotných a snadnoobnovitelných surovin při výrobě pokročilých stavebních materiálů / Possibilities of utilization fiber-based and secondary easy-renewable raw sources in the production of lightweight building materialsHoráková, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis dealt with the possibilities of of utilization fiber-based and secondary easy-renewable raw sources in the production of lightweight building materials. The theoretical part includes literature search of the researches, which dealt with this issue. Appropriate sources of fibers were selected within the theoretical part and the findings were used in the practical part of the thesis. Within the practical part laboratory measurements and subsequent selection of the most suitable fibers were performed. Laboratory measurements and subsequent selection of the most suitable fibers were performed in the practical part. Subsequently, designs of thermal insulating plasters (with the possibility of using as repairing plasters) were made on the basis of lightweight glass aggregate, to which the production of test specimens was connected. Laboratory tests were performed on fresh and hardened mortars and subsequently evaluated. In conclusion, an economic evaluation and assessment of the competitiveness of the proposed plasters was carried out.
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Vývoj pokročilých tepelně izolačních omítek s možností uplatnění jako sanační omítky dle WTA / Development of advanced thermal insulating plasters with utilization as sanitation plasters according to WTA standardVaněk, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to the issue thermal insulation plasters which can be applied in the remediation of buildings. The practical part deals with optimizing the composition of thermal insulation plaster-based lightweight aggregate of the foam glass and with possible substitution of cement for other binders with latent hydraulic properties. The resultant plaster should meet the best ratio of mechanical and thermal insulating properties.
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Porovnání technických vlastností a technologií pokládky lehkých stavebních hmot pro podlahové konstrukce / Comparison of technical characteristics and technology of laying light building materials for floor constructionMikulica, Karel January 2015 (has links)
This graduation thesis is aimed to presentation heat isolation materials for the floor constructions. The experimental part is devoted physical - mechanical properties suggested very light concretes with the cement. The main part of the thesis is devoted to form of the transit and putting of the individual heat isolation materials. In the end are suggested structures of the floor constructions with the respect to their properties and price.
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Realizace bytového domu pro sociální bydlení ve Starči - stavebně technologický projekt / Implementation of Apartment House for Social Housing in Starec - Building Contruction ProjectBobek, Vojtěch Unknown Date (has links)
Master thesis focuses on complex conducting of the technological project with accented earthwork, laying foundations and ceiling construction. Apartment building consists of two floors and is based in complicated geotechnical conditions which require changing subsoil and laying a foundation slab. The main aim of this thesis is a proposal of technological notes, time and financial management, selection of machinery, transport to the building site, work safety regulations, quality check of the conducted work and construction organisation.
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