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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Morbiditet, telesni i rani psihomotorni razvoj prevremeno rođene dece začete vantelesnom oplodnjom / Morbidity, physical and early psychomotor development of prematurely born children conceived by assisted reproductive technologies

Pavlović Vesna 01 March 2018 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Infertilitet se defini&scaron;e kao bezuspe&scaron;na koncepcija nakon jedne godine seksualnih odnosa bez upotrebe kontracepcije u fertilnoj fazi menstrualnog ciklusa. Metode asistirane reprodukcije predstavljaju efektivan način lečenja infertiliteta. Ispitivanje i identifikacija kratkoročnih i dugoročnih efekata arteficijalnih reproduktivnih tehnologija je veoma izazovan zadatak. Prvenstveni razlog tome je velika heterogenost u načinu sakupljanja, obrade, klasifikacije i tumačenja, sada već, obilja informacija koje su prikupljene u različitim istraživanjima. Individualni pristup lečenju neplodnosti, brz napredak i stalne promene u metodologiji arteficijalnih reproduktivnih tehnologija, uz ranije navedene pote&scaron;koće u vezi sa prikupljanjem i analizom podataka, značajno otežavaju precizno sagledavanje svih mogućih rizika i posledica arteficijanog začeća. Uprkos brojnim istraživanjima, naučnim publikacijama i akumuliranim dokazima, ostale su mnoge dileme u vezi odgovora na pitanja - da li su arteficijalno začete trudnoće u većoj meri praćene rizicima za neadekvatan razvoj ploda, lo&scaron;ijim perinatalnim ishodom i kakve su dugoročne posledice po decu, kao i da li su ovi rizici podjednako zastupljeni u jednoplodnim i vi&scaron;eplodnim trudnoćama.<br />Cilj rada: Ciljevi rada su bili da se utvrdi struktura morbiditeta kod prevremeno rođene dece začete vantelesnom oplodnjom (iz jednoplodnih i vi&scaron;eplodnih trudnoća) u prve dve godine života, te da se identifikuju perinatalni faktori koji su povezani sa pojavom akutnih i hroničnih komplikacija i oboljenja kod prevremeno rođene dece začete vantelesnom oplodnjom. Takođe, cilj rada je bio da se utvrde karakteristike psihomotornog razvoja kod prevremeno rođene dece začete vantelesnom oplodnjom na kraju dvanestog, osamnaestog i dvadesetčetvrtog meseca života, kao i da se identifikuju specifični faktori rizika za nepovoljan telesni, neurolo&scaron;ki i psiholo&scaron;ki ishod lečenja kod prevremeno rođene dece začete vantelesnom oplodnjom.<br />Materijal i metode: U studiju su uključena prevremeno rođena deca koja su bila hospitalizovana u Službi za neonatologiju i intenzivnu i poluintenzivnu negu i terapiju, i koja su nakon toga, tokom prve dve godine života redovno praćena u neonatolo&scaron;koj ambulanti Instituta za zdravstvenu za&scaron;titu dece i omladine Vojvodine u Novom Sadu. Retrospektivnim delom studije su obuhvaćena deca koja su lečena u Službi i praćena u neonatolo&scaron;koj ambulanti, a koja su rođena počev od 01. 01. 2011. do 31.12.2012. godine i praćena do navr&scaron;ena puna 24 meseca života. Podaci o pacijentima koji su uključeni u retrospektivni deo istraživanja prikupljani su pregledom medicinske dokumentacije. U prospektivni deo studije su uključena deca koja su lečena u Službi i koja su praćena u neonatolo&scaron;koj ambulanti, a koja su rođena između 01.01. 2013.godine i 31.12.2014. godine i potom praćena do navr&scaron;enih 24 meseca života. Iz navedene kohorte, formirane se dve grupe: Ispitivana grupa (Grupa 1) je obuhavatila svu prevremeno rođenu decu začetu vantelesnom oplodnjom koja su bila hospitalizovana i praćena na Institutu u navedenom periodu. Kontrolna grupa (Grupa 2) obuhvatila je prevremeno rođenu decu začetu prirodnim putem. Deca iz kontrolne grupe izabrana su iz kohorte tako da njihov broj bude jednak broju dece iz ispitivane grupe. Ispitanici iz ove grupe su ujednačeni (&#39;&#39;mečovani&#39;&#39;) sa decom iz ispitivane grupe prema gestacijskoj starosti i datumu rođenja. Gestacijska starost ispitanika iz kontrolne grupe se ne razlikuje za vi&scaron;e od &plusmn; 4 dana u odnosu na decu iz ispitivane grupe. Datum rođenja ispitanika koji su uključeni u kontrolnu grupu se ne razlikuje za vi&scaron;e od &plusmn; 3 meseca u odnosu na decu iz ispitivane grupe.<br />U momentu uključivanja u studiju uzimani su sledeći anamezni podaci:<br />Podaci u vezi sa majkom, trudnoći i porođaju: starost majke u momentu koncepcije, broj prethodnih poku&scaron;aja asistirane koncepcije, stručna sprema, mesto stanovanja, hronične bolesti dijagnostikovane pre trudnoće, akutne i hronične bolesti dijagnostikovane tokom trudoće (hipertenzija, pre-eklampsija, eklampsija, o&scaron;tećenje jetre), prevremena ruptura plodovih ovojaka, primena lekova tokom trudnoće, jednoplodna ili vi&scaron;eplodna trudnoća. Podaci o poremećajima posteljice i ovojaka: ablacija, placenta previja, horioamnionitis. Podaci u vezi sa detetom: intrauterina infekcija, intrauterina restrikcija rasta, način porođaja, Apgar skor. Antropometrijski parametri (telesna masa, telesna dužina, obim glave) na rođenju i tokom perioda ambulantnog praćenja deteta. Dužina inicijalne hospitalizacije deteta. Dužina invazivne i/ili neinvazivne respiratorne potpore i oksigenoterapije. Dijagnoze na otpustu iz bolnice: prisustvo te&scaron;kih posledica prematuriteta, &scaron;to podrazumeva: intrakranijalnu hemoragiju 3. i 4. stepena (definisanu u međunarodnoj klasifikaciji bolesti &ndash; deseta revizija (MKB10) pod &scaron;ifrom P52.2), cističnu periventrikularnu leukomalaciju, retinopatiju prematuriteta, bronhopulmonalnu displaziju, nekrotizirajući enterokolitis, sepsu i/ili meningitis (mikrobiolo&scaron;ki ili klinički dijagnostikovanu). Prisustvo urođenih anomalija ili genetskih sindroma i bolesti (definisanih u MKB10 pod &scaron;iframa Q00 do Q99), kao i prisustvo urođenih bolesti metabolizma (definisanih u MKB10 pod &scaron;iframa E00 do E90).<br />U retrospektivnom delu studije, pregledani su specijalistički izve&scaron;taji iz neonatolo&scaron;ke ambulante pri posetama deteta u uzrastu deteta od 12, 18 i 24 meseca, i beleženi su sledeći podaci: sve prethodno postavljene dijagnoze koje su navedene na specijalističkim izve&scaron;tajima iz neonatolo&scaron;ke ambulante, antropometrijski prametri u momentu pregleda (telesna dužina, telesna masa i obim glave), neurolo&scaron;ki nalaz (tonus, trofika, kožni i tetivni refleksi, prisustvo lateralizacije u neurolo&scaron;kom nalazu), nalaz oftalmologa (uredan nalaz/patalo&scaron;ki nalaz), procena fine i grube motorike, govora, kognitivne funkcije i socijalnog kontakta i zbirna procena psihomotornog razvoja. U prospektivnom delu studije, pri kontrolnim pregledima u neonatolo&scaron;koj ambulanti, u uzrastu deteta od 12, 18 i 24 meseca, određivano je i beleženo sledeće: ranije postavljene dijagnoze koje su navedene u medicinskoj dokumentaciji, antropometrijski prametri u momentu pregleda (telesna dužina, telesna masa i obim glave), neurolo&scaron;ki nalaz (tonus, trofika, kožni i tetivni refleksi, prisustvo lateralizacije u neurolo&scaron;kom nalazu), nalaz oftalmologa (uredan nalaz/patalo&scaron;ki nalaz), procena fine i grube motorike, govora, kognitivne funkcije i socijalnog kontakta i zbirna procena psihomotornog razvoja.<br />Rezultati: Prosečna vednost TM ispitanika iz Grupe 1, u uzrastu od 12 meseci, bila je statistički značajno manja u odnosu na ispitanike iz Grupe 2 (Studentov t test). Prosečne vednosti TD ispitanika iz obe grupe, u uzrastu od 12 meseci, nisu se statistički značajno razlikovale (Studentov t test). Prosečne vednosti OGL ispitanika iz obe grupe, u uzrastu od 12 meseci, nisu se statistički značajno razlikovale (Studentov t test). Udeo ispitanika sa patolo&scaron;kim oftalmolo&scaron;kim nalazom nije se statistički značajno razlikovao između Grupe 1 i Grupe 2 (Fi&scaron;erov test tačne verovatnoće). Udeo ispitanika sa patolo&scaron;kim neurolo&scaron;kim nalazom nije se statistički značajno razlikovao između Grupe 1 i Grupe 2 (Hi kvadrat test). Prosečne vrednosti globalnog koeficijenta razvoja (RQ), kao i prosečne vrednosti skora za pojedine elemente za procenu razvoja (motorika, koordinacija, govor i dru&scaron;tvenost) po Brunet -L&eacute;zine skali, nisu se statistički značajno razlikovale između grupa (Studentov t test). U Grupi 1 bilo je 92 (59,740%) deteta čiji je nekorigovani RQ bio ispod 90, dok je u Grupi 2 bilo 61 (39,610%) dete čiji je nekorigovani RQ bio ispod 90. Ova razlika u broju dece sa RQ koji je ispod proseka za kalendarski uzrast je statistički značajna (Hi kvadrat test, p=0,0004). Relativni rizik za ispodprosečno postignuće na testu za procenu psihomotornog razvoja (RQ&lt;90), za decu iz Grupe 1 bio je vi&scaron;i, u odnosu na decu iz Grupe 2 (RR = 1,495; 95% CI 1,181 &ndash; 1,892). U Grupi 1, bilo je 87 (56,494%) dece koja su postigla ispodprosečne korigovane vrednosti skora na testu za procenu psihomotornog razvoja (korigovani RQ&lt;90). U Grupi 2 bilo je 69 (44,805%) dece koja su postigla ispodprosečne korigovane vrednosti skora na testu za procenu psihomotornog razvoja (korigovani RQ&lt;90). Ova razlika je statistički značajna (Hi kvadrat test, p =0,040). Relativni rizik za ispodprosečno postignuće na testu za procenu psihomotornog razvoja (korigovani RQ&lt;90), za decu iz Grupe 1 bio je vi&scaron;i, u odnosu na decu iz Grupe 2 (RR = 1,261; 95%CI 1,008 &ndash; 1,577). U kategoriji dece, koja su i pored korekcije u odnosu na GS imala ispodprosečno postignuće na testu za procenu psihomotornog razvoja, u Grupi 1 čak 81/87 (93,310%) dece je imalo vrednost korigovanog RQ &ge; 85, a u Grupi 2 ovu vrednost korigovanog RQ imalo je 60/69 (86,956%) dece.<br />Prosečne vednosti TM ispitanika iz obe grupe, u uzrastu od 18 meseci, nisu se statistički značajno razlikovale (Studentov t test). Prosečne vednosti TD ispitanika iz obe grupe, u uzrastu od 18 meseci, nisu se statistički načajno razlikovale (Studentov t test). Prosečne vednosti OGL ispitanika iz obe grupe, u uzrastu od 18 meseci, nisu se statistički značajno razlikovale (Studentov t test). Udeo ispitanika sa patolo&scaron;kim oftalmolo&scaron;kim nalazom nije se statistički značajno razlikovao između Grupe 1 i Grupe 2 (Hi kvadrat test). Udeo ispitanika sa patolo&scaron;kim neurolo&scaron;kim nalazom nije se statistički značajno razlikovao između Grupe 1 i Grupe 2 (Hi kvadrat test). Prosečne vrednosti RQ, kao i prosečne vrednosti skora za pojedine elemente za procenu razvoja (motorika, koordinacija, govor i dru&scaron;tvenost) po Brunet -L&eacute;zine skali su se statistički značajno razlikovale između grupa u uzrastu od 18 meseci (Studentov t test). U Grupi 1 bilo je 57 (37,013%) dece čiji je nekorigovani RQ bio ispod 90, dok je u Grupi 2 bilo 31 (20,130%) dete čiji je nekorigovani RQ bio ispod 90. Udeo dece sa RQ koji je ispod proseka za kalendarski uzrast je statistički značajno različit između grupa (Hi kvadrat test, p = 0,010). Relativni rizik za ispodprosečno postignuće na testu za procenu psihomotornog razvoja (nekorigovani RQ&lt;90), za decu iz Grupe 1 bio je vi&scaron;i, u odnosu na decu iz Grupe 2 (RR = 1,288; 95%CI 1,181 &ndash; 2,730). Statistički značajna razlika postojala je i kada je upoređen broj dece sa vrednostima korigovanog RQ ispod 90 u Grupi 1 i Grupi 2 (36 naspram 19 po redosledu navođenja; Hi kvardat test, p = 0,011). Relativni rizik za ispodprosečno postignuće na testu za procenu psihomotornog razvoja (korigovani RQ&lt;90), za decu iz Grupe 1 bio je vi&scaron;i, u odnosu na decu iz Grupe 2 (RR = 1,895; 95%CI 1,139 &ndash; 3,152).<br />Prosečne vednosti TM ispitanika iz obe grupe, u uzrastu od 24 meseca, nisu se statistički značajno razlikovale (Studentov t test). Prosečne vednosti TD ispitanika iz obe grupe, u uzrastu od 24 meseca, nisu se statistički značajno razlikovale (Studentov t test). Prosečne vednosti OGL ispitanika iz obe grupe, u uzrastu od 24 meseca, nisu se statistički značajno razlikovale (Studentov t test). Udeo ispitanika sa patolo&scaron;kim oftalmolo&scaron;kim nalazom nije se statistički značajno razlikovao između Grupe 1 i Grupe 2 (Hi kvadrat test). Udeo ispitanika sa patolo&scaron;kim neurolo&scaron;kim nalazom nije se statistički značajno razlikovao između Grupe 1 i Grupe 2 (Hi kvadrat test). Prosečne vrednosti RQ, kao i prosečne vrednosti skora za pojedine elemente za procenu razvoja (motorika, koordinacija, govor i dru&scaron;tvenost) po Brunet -L&eacute;zine skali, nisu se statistički značajno razlikovale između grupa, u uzrastu od 24 meseca (Studentov t test). U Grupi 1 bilo je 21 dete (13,636%) čiji je nekorigovani RQ bio ispod 90, dok je u Grupi 2 bilo 17 (11,049%) dece čiji je nekorigovani RQ bio ispod 90. Razlika u broju dece sa RQ koji je ispod proseka za kalendarski uzrast nije statistički značajna (Hi kvadrat test, p= 0,488). Statistički značajna razlika nije postojala ni kada je upoređen broj dece sa vrednostima korigovanog RQ ispod 90 u Grupi 1 i Grupi 2 (12 naspram 9 po redosledu navođenja; Hi kvardat test, p = 0,497).<br />Logističkom regresionom analizom pokazano je da su ve&scaron;tačko začeće, vi&scaron;eplodnost trudnoće i IUGR nezavisni faktori rizika za manju TM u kalendarskom uzrastu od 12 meseci. Logističkom regresionom analizom dobijena je statistički značajna korelacija između vrednosti RQ u uzrastu od 18 meseci i sledećih nezavisnih varijabli: arteficijalno začeta trudnoća i vi&scaron;eplodna trudnoća. Isptanici iz Grupe 1 i Grupe 2 nisu se statistički značajno razlikovali ni po jednom od posmatranih pokazatelja telesnog i psihomotornog razvoja u uzrastu od 24 meseca.<br />Struktura morbiditeta kod dece, tokom dvogodi&scaron;njeg perioda praćenja, nije se značajno razlikovala između grupa. Jedina razlika između grupa, konstatovana je u uzrastu od 12 i 18 meseci, bila je u učestalosti akutnih respiratornih infekcija, čija je pojava, pak, bila direktno povezana sa vi&scaron;eplodnim trudnoćama, odnosno brojem siblinga u domaćinstvu.<br />Zaključak: Prosečna starost majki dece koja su začeta IVF-om je veća od prosečne starosti majki dece koja su spontano začeta. Struktura morbiditeta majki dece koja su začeta IVF-om i majki dece koja su začeta spontanom koncepcijom je ista, ali je stopa morbiditeta veća kod majki dece koja su začeta IVF-om. Vi&scaron;eplodne trudnoće su veoma zastupljene kod začeća IVF-om. Trudnoće začete IVF-om se dominantno i skoro ekskluzivno okončavaju carskim rezom. Prevremena ruptura ovojaka ploda je česta komplikacija trudnoća koje su začete IVF-om. Stopa morbiditeta prevremeno rođene dece začete vantelesnom oplodnjom nije veća u odnosu na prevremeno rođenu decu začetu prirodnim putem. U strukturi morbiditeta kod dece koja su začeta vantelesnom opodnjom, zastupljena su ista oboljenja i komplikacije kao kod prevremeno rođene dece začete prirodnim putem. Incidencija pojedinih oboljenja je ista, sa izuzetkom bronhopulmonalne displazije koja se javlja če&scaron;če kod dece začete vantelesnom oplodnjom i retinopatije prematuriteta koja se javlja če&scaron;če kod dece začete prirodnim putem. Porođajna telesna masa, intrauterina restrikcija rasta, starost majke, stručna sprema majke, prethodna hronična oboljenja majke, bolesti majke dijagnostikovane tokom trudnoće, jednoplodna i vi&scaron;eplodna trudnoća, način porođaja i PROM su potencijalni faktori rizika za lo&scaron;iji postnatalni ishod kod dece iz arteficijalno začetih trudnoća. U uzrastu od 12 meseci, prevremeno rođena deca začeta tehnikama in vitro fetrilizacije, sem po dostignutoj telesnoj masi, ne razlikuju se značajno po drugim telesnim karakteristikama, od prevremeno rođene dece koja su začeta prirodnim putem. Faktori rizika za manju telesnu masu kod prevremeno rođene dece, u uzrastu od 12 meseci su: arteficijalno začeće, vi&scaron;eplodne trudnoće i intrauterina restrikcija rasta. U uzrastu od 12 meseci, prevremeno rođena deca začeta in vitro fertilizacijom, imaju blago lo&scaron;ije (ali ne i značajno niže) postignuće na testovima za procenu psihomotornog razvoja, odnosno imaju vi&scaron;i rizik da postignu ispodprosečne vrednosti skora na testu za procenu psihomotornog razvoja. U uzrastu od 18 meseci, nema razlike u pokazateljima telesnog razvoja između prevremeno rođene dece koja su arteficijalno začeta i dece koja su rođena iz spontano začetih trudnoća. U uzrastu od 18 meseci, prevremeno rođena deca iz arteficijalno začetih trudnoća imaju niže postignuće na testovima za procenu psihomotornog razvoja u odnosu na prevremeno rođenu decu iz spontano začetih trudnoća. Faktori rizika koji su povezani sa lo&scaron;ijim postignućem na testu za procenu psihomotornog razvoja kod prevremeno rođene dece su arteficijalno začeće trudnoće i vi&scaron;eplodnost trudnoće. U uzrastu od 24 meseca nema razlike u telesnim parametrima između prevremeno rođene dece koja su arteficijalno začeta i prevremeno rođene dece koja su začeta prirodnim putem. U uzrastu od 24 meseca nema razlike u postignuću na testu za procenu psihomotornog razvoja kod prevremeno rođene dece su arteficijalno začeće trudnoće i vi&scaron;eplodnost trudnoće. U uzrastu od 24 meseca, prevremeno rođena deca, i iz arteficijalno, i iz spontano začetih trudnoća, na testu za procenu psihomotornog razvoja postižu rezultate koji su u skladu sa njihovim kalendarskim uzrastom.</p> / <p>Introduction: Infertility is defined as an unsuccessful conception after one year of sexual intercourse without the use of contraception in the fertilizing phase of the menstrual cycle. Assisted reproduction methods represent an effective way of treating infertility. Examination and identification of short-term and long-term effects of artificial reproductive technologies is a very challenging task. The primary reason for this is the great heterogeneity in the way of collecting, processing, classifying and interpreting, now, the abundance of information that has been gathered in various studies. Individual approach to the treatment of infertility, rapid progress and constant changes in the methodology of the artificial reproductive technologies, in addition to the aforementioned difficulties associated with the collection and analysis of data, significantly hamper accurate assessment of all possible risks and consequences artificial conception. Despite numerous studies, scientific publications and the accumulated evidence, many doubts about the question whether artificially conceived pregnancies are accompanied by the higher risks or inadequate fetal development, poor perinatal and long-term outcomes still remained.<br />The Aim: The objectives of this work were to determine the structure of morbidity in prematurely born children conceived by artificial reproductive technologies (from single and multiple pregnancies) in the first two years of life, and to identify perinatal factors that are associated with the occurrence of acute and chronic complications and diseases in prematurely born children from this pregnancies. In addition, the aim of the study was to determine the characteristics of psychomotor development in prematurely born children conceived by artificial reproductive technologies at the end of the twelfth, eighteenth and twenty-fourth month of life, as well as to identify specific risk factors for the unfavorable physical, neurological and psychological outcome of those children.<br />Materials and Methods: The study included premature born newborns who were hospitalized in the Department for neonatology and intensive and semi-intensive care unit, and are thereafter, during the first two years of life. The retrospective part of the study included children who were hospitalized at the Institute, and who were born from January 1st 2011. to December 31st 2012. and were followed up to 2 years of life. Data on patients included in the retrospective part of the survey were collected through a review of medical records. The prospective part of the study included children who were treated and followed up at the Institute, and who were born between January 1st 2013 and December 31st 2014. and then followed up to 2 years of life. From this cohort two groups were formed: The tested group (Group 1) included all preterm infants who were conceived by ART. The control group (Group 2) included naturally conceived prematurely born children. The children in the control group were selected from the cohort so that their number was equal to the number of children in the study group. The gestational age of the examinees from the control group does not differ for more than &plusmn; 4 days from the children from the study group. The date of birth of subjects included in the control group does not differ for more than &plusmn; 3 months from the children in the study group.<br />At the moment of inclusion in the study, the following individual data were taken:<br />Maternal data, pregnancy and childbirth: the age of the mother at the moment of conception, the number of previous attempts at assisted conception, professional care, place of residence, chronic diseases diagnosed before pregnancy, acute and chronic diseases diagnosed during pregnancy (hypertension, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, liver damage), premature rupture of the fetuses, the use of medication during pregnancy, single or multiple pregnancy. Data on placental disorders and abnormalities: ablation, placenta overdose, horioamnionitis. Child-related data: intrauterine infection, intrauterine growth restriction, delivery method, Apgar score. Anthropometric parameters (body weight, body length, head circumference) at birth and during the period of outpatient monitoring of the child. Length of initial hospitalization of the child. Length of invasive and / or non-invasive respiratory support and oxygen therapy. Diagnosis on discharge from the hospital: the presence of severe consequences of prematurity, which implies intracranial hemorrhage of 3rd and 4th degree (defined in International Classification of Disease - Tenth Revision (MKB10) under code P52.2), cystic periventricular leukomalacia, retinopathy of prematurity, bronchopulmonary dysplasia , necrotizing enterocolitis, sepsis and / or meningitis (microbiologically or clinically diagnosed). Presence of congenital anomalies or genetic syndromes and diseases (defined in MKB10 under codes Q00 to Q99), as well as the presence of congenital metabolic diseases (defined in MKB10 under codes E00 to E90).<br />In the retrospective part of the study, specialist reports from a neonatological clinic were examined for child visits at the age of 12, 18 and 24 months, and the following data were ecorded: all pre-diagnosis reported on specialist reports from a neonatological clinic, anthropometric arms at the moment examination (body length, body weight and head circumference), neurological findings (tone, trophic, skin and tendon reflexes, presence of lateralization in neurological findings), ophthalmologist findings (neat / patial findings), assessment of fine and coarse motoring, speech, cognitive functions and social contact and a collective assessment of psychomotor development. In the prospective part of the study, during control examinations in a neonatological clinic, at the age of 12, 18 and 24 months, the following were determined and recorded: previously set out in the current medical documentation, anthropometric parameters at the moment of examination (body length, body weight and the volume of the head), neurological findings (tone, trophic, skin and tendon reflexes, presence of lateralization in neurological findings), ophthalmologist findings, assessment of fine and grose motor functions, speech, cognitive functions, social contact and psychomotor development.<br />Results: The average BW of subjects in Group 1 at the age of 12 months, was statistically significantly lower in relation to respondents from Group 2 (Student&#39;s T test). The average length of subjects from both groups at the age of 12 months did not statistically differ (Student&#39;s T test). The average head circumference between children from both groups, at the age of 12 months, did not statistically differ (Student&#39;s T test). The proportion of subjects with pathological ophthalmological findings did not statistically significantly differ between Group 1 and Group 2 (Fischer&#39;s exact probability test). The proportion of subjects with pathological neurological findings did not statistically significantly differ between Group 1 and Group 2 (Hi square test). The average values of the global development coefficient (RQ), as well as the average score values for individual elements of development evaluation test - Brunet-L&eacute;zine scale (motor function, coordination, speech and sociability) did not differ significantly between groups (Student t test). In Group 1 there were 92 (59.740%) of children whose uncorrected RQ was under 90, while in Group 2 there were 61 (39.610%) children whose uncorrected RQ was below 90. This difference in the number of children with RQ below the average for calendar age is statistically significant (Hi square test, p = 0.0004). The relative risk of under-achievement in the psychomotor evaluation test (RQ &lt;90) for children from Group 1 was higher than in children from Group 2 (RR = 1.495; 95% CI 1.181 - 1.922). In Group 1, there were 87 (56.494%) children who achieved sub-optimal corrected score values for the assessment of psychomotor development (corrected RQ &lt;90). In Group 2, there were 69 (44.805%) children who achieved sub-optimal corrected score values for the assessment of psychomotor development (corrected RQ &lt;90). This difference is statistically significant (Hi square test, p = 0.040). The relative risk for the suboptimal achievement in the psychomotor evaluation test (corrected RQ &lt;90) for children from Group 1 was higher than in Group 2 (RR = 1.261; 95% CI 1.008 - 1.577). In Group 1, as many as 81/87 (93.310%) of children had a corrected RQ value of &ge; 85, while in Group 2 this value of the corrected RQ there were 60/69 (86.956%) children.<br />At the age of 18 months, the average BW of subjects from both groups did not differ significantly (Student&#39;s T test). The average length of subjects from both groups, at the age of 18 months, did not statistically differ (Student&#39;s T test). The average head circumference of children from both groups, at the age of 18 months, did not statistically differ (Student&#39;s T test). The proportion of subjects with pathological ophthalmological findings did not statistically significantly differ between Group 1 and Group 2 (Hi square test). The proportion of subjects with pathological neurological findings did not statistically differ between Group 1 and Group 2 (Hi square test). The average RQ values, as well as the average scores for individual elements of psychomotor development (motor function, coordination, speech and sociability) according to the Brunet-L&eacute;zine scale, have been statistically significantly different between groups, at the age of 18 months (Student&#39;s T test). In Group 1 there were 57 (37.013%) children whose uncorrected RQ was below 90, while in Group 2 there were 31 (20,130%) children whose uncorrected RQ was below 90. The share of children with RQ below the average value for the calendar age is statistically significantly different between groups (Hi square test, p = 0.010). The relative risk for the suboptimal achievement in the Psychomotor Development Assessment (uncorrected RQ &lt;90) for Group 1 children was higher than in Group 2 (RR = 1.288; 95% CI 1.181 - 2.730). A statistically significant difference between Group 1 and Group 2 existed when the number of children with corrected RQ below 90 was compared (36 naspram 19 respectively, Hi quadrate test, p = 0.011). The relative risk for the suboptimal achievement on the Psychomotor Evaluation Test (corrected RQ &lt;90) for the children from Group 1 was higher when compared to children in Group 2 (RR = 1.895; 95% CI 1.139 &ndash; 3.152).<br />At the age of 24 months the average BW, body length and head circumference of subjects in both groups were not significantly different (Student&#39;s T test). The proportion of subjects with pathological ophthalmological findings did not statistically significantly differ between Group 1 and Group 2 (Hi square test). The proportion of subjects with pathological neurological findings did not statistically significantly differ between Group 1 and Group 2 (Hi square test). The average RQ values, as well as the average score values for individual elements for development evaluation (motor function, coordination, speech and sociability) according Brunet-L&eacute;zine scale, did not significantly differ between groups at the age of 24 months (Student&#39;s T test). In Group 1, there were 21 children (13.636%) whose uncorrected RQ was under 90, while in Group 2 there were 17 (11.049%) of children whose uncorrected RQ was below 90. The difference in the number of children with RQ below the average for the calendar age was not statistically significant (Hi square test, p = 0.488). A statistically significant difference did not exist even when the number of children with values of the corrected RQ below 90 in Group 1 and Group 2 (12 naspram 9 respectively, Hi quadrate test, p = 0.497) was compared.<br />Logistic regression analysis has shown that artificial conception, multiple pregnancy and IUGR are independent risk factors for lesser BW in a calendar age of 12 months. By logistic regression analysis, a statistically significant correlation between RQ values at 18 months of age and the following independent variables was obtained: artificially started pregnancy and multiple pregnancy. Group 1 and Group 2 patients did not significantly differ by any of the indicators of physical and psychomotor development at the age of 24 months.<br />The structure of morbidity in children, during the two-year follow-up period, did not differ significantly between groups. The only difference between the groups was found in the rates of acute respiratory infections at the age of 12 and 18 months (rate of infections was higher in Group 1), whose occurrence, however, was directly related to multiple pregnancies, or the number of sibling in the household.<br />Conclusion: The average age of mothers of children conceived by the IVF is higher than the average age of mothers of children who were conceived spontaneously. The structure of the morbidity of mothers of children who were artificially conceived and mothers of children born after spontaneous conception is the same, but the morbidity rate is higher in the mothers of children who were conceived by IVF. Pregnancies concieved by IVF almost exclusively ended by cesarean section. Premature rupture of the membranes is a common complication of IVF pregnancies. The rate of morbidity of prematurely born children conceived by ART is not higher than that of prematurely born children conceived naturally. The structure of morbidity in children from ART pregnancies was the same as in naturally conceived prematurely born children. The incidence of specific illnesses is the same, with the exception of bronchopulmonary dysplasia that occurs more frequently in children born from ART pregnancies, and retinopathy of prematurity that occurs more frequently in spontaneously conceived children. Maternal birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, mother&#39;s age, maternal care, previous mother&#39;s chronic illness, mother&#39;s disease diagnosed during pregnancy, single and multiple pregnancies and PROM are potential risk factors for worse postnatal outcome in children from artificially initiated pregnancies. Risk factors for lower body weight in premature babies, at the age of 12 months, are: artificial conception, multiple pregnancy and intrauterine growth restriction. At the age of 12 months, prematurely born children from IVF pregnancies, have slightly worse (but not significantly lower) psychomotor achievements. At the age of 18 months, there is no difference in the indicators of physical development between prematurely born children who are artificially conceived and children born from spontaneous pregnancies. At the age of 18 months, prematurely born children from ART pregnancies have lower achievement on tests for assessing psychomotor development compared to prematurely born children from spontaneously initiated pregnancies. Risk factors associated with a poor performance on the psychomotor development assessment tests, in preterm infants, are an artificial conception of pregnancy and a multi fertile pregnancy. At the age of 24 months, there is no difference in the physical parameters between prematurely born children from ART and naturally conceived pregnancies. At the age of 24 months, there is no difference in the achievement on the test for the assessment of psychomotor development between children from ART and spontaneous pregnancies. At the age of 24 months, on the psychomotor development assessment, prematurely born children achieve the results consistent with their calendar age.</p>

"Avaliação dos resultados tardios de megaesôfago chagásico avançado operado pela técnica de esofagectomia com gastroplastia e operação de Serra Dória: estudo clínico, nutricional, endoscópico, anatomopatológico e avaliação da qualidade de vida" / Assessment of the late results of advanced Chagasic megaesophagus after two treatments esophagectomy with an associated gastroplasty and the Serra Dória procedure - clinical, nutritional, endoscopic, and anatomopathological study and assessment of the quality

Nakano, Simone Moraes Stefani 24 November 2005 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar comparativamente os resultados tardios da esofagectomia transdiafragmática com gastroplastia e da operação de Serra Dória para o tratamento do megaesôfago avançado. Foi realizado estudo coorte em 44 pacientes. O seguimento tardio no Grupo EG foi de 77,0 meses, e no Grupo SD de 62,1 meses. Utilizou-se interrogatório para queixas gastrointestinais, escalas de Schechter e de Visick, assim como dois questionários. Incluíram-se dados antropométricos, bioquímicos e endoscópicos. A satisfação com a cirurgia medida pela escala de Visick foi equivalente nas duas operações praticadas, sem diferenças estatísticas. Também nos questionários o perfil foi equilibrado. Houve maior a incidência de esofagite no grupo EG; Não houve diferenças significativas com relação à avaliação clínica, nutricional, histológica e de qualidade de vida / The objective of the paper was to carry out a comparative evaluation of the late results of a transdiaphragmatic esophagectomy with an associated gastroplasty and of the Serra Dória procedure, for the treatment of advanced megaesophagus. A cohort study was done on 44 patients. Late follow up for the EG Group was 77.0 months, and for the SD Group, 62.1 months. Several tools were used, such as a series of questions for gastrointestinal complaints, the Schechter and the Visick scales. Anthropometric data were included, as well as the biochemical and endoscopic parameters. Satisfaction with the surgery, as measured by the Visick scale, was equivalent in the two types of surgery, and no statistical differences were observed. There was a higher incidence of the esophagitis in the SD group; There were no significant differences with regards to clinical and nutritional evaluation, histology and quality of life

Evaluation of a Mobile Health Intervention to Improve Anti-Retroviral Treatment Retention in South Africa

Jaffer, Ambereen 01 January 2015 (has links)
South Africa has one of the highest HIV prevalence rates globally, with nearly 2.5 million people accessing antiretroviral treatment (ART) at the end of 2013. Retaining patients on ART has become a major problem in this country. When patients no longer show up for ART for unknown reasons, they are considered lost to follow-up (LTF). LTF is the highest contributor to ART attrition. This study, guided by the health belief model, evaluated the effectiveness of a technology-based, mobile health (mHealth) appointment reminder intervention on LTF among patients accessing ART services. The study ascertained differences in 6- and 12-month LTF rates between patients enrolled in the mHealth intervention (n = 832) and those in the standard of care comparison group (n = 918). A quantitative, retrospective cohort approach was used to answer the research questions using binary logistic regression analyses. The mHealth intervention was found to be significantly linked to lower likelihood of 6- and/or 12-month LTF among patients. There were 2 other key findings: a positive correlation between pregnancy and LTF, and a positive correlation between viral load increases and LTF. This study added evidence to the existing literature on the effectiveness of using mHealth-based interventions to improve HIV/AIDS care. Based on these findings, professionals should pay special attention to pregnant women and those clients with increasing viral loads to ensure they are not LTF. Positive social change that may result from this study is better health outcomes for patients on ART due to reduced risk of HIV related complications and other illnesses. This awareness would improve the lives of the patients, and positively impact their families, communities, and ultimately the global community, by reducing the overall impact of HIV disease.

Conception et évaluation d'un dispositif d'imagerie multispectrale de proxidétection embarqué pour caractériser le feuillage de la vigne / "On-the-go" multispectral imaging system embedded on a track laying tractor to characterize the vine foliage

Bourgeon, Marie-Aure 30 October 2015 (has links)
En Viticulture de Précision, l’imagerie multi-spectrale est principalement utilisée pour des dispositifs de télédétection. Ce manuscrit s’intéresse à son utilisation en proxidétection, pour la caractérisation du feuillage. Il présente un dispositif expérimental terrestre mobile composé d’un GPS, d’une caméra multi-spectrale acquérant des images visible et proche infrarouge, et d’un Greenseeker RT-100 mesurant l’indice Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Ce système observe le feuillage de la vigne dans le plan de palissage, en lumière naturelle. La parcelle étudiée comporte trois cépages (Pinot Noir, Chardonnay et Meunier) plantés en carré latin. En 2013, six jeux de données ont été acquis à différents stades phénologiques.Pour accéder aux propriétés spectrales de la végétation, il est nécessaire de calibrer les images en réflectance. Cela requiert l’utilisation d’une mire de MacBeth comme référence radiométrique. Lorsque la mire est cachée par les feuilles, les paramètres de calibration sont estimés par une interpolation linéaire en fonction des images les plus proches sur lesquelles la mire est visible. La cohérence de la méthode d’estimation employée est vérifiée par une validation croisée (LOOCV).La comparaison du NDVI fournie par le Greenseeker avec celui déterminé via les images corrigées permet de valider les données générées par le dispositif. La polyvalence du système est évaluée via les images où plusieurs indices de végétation sont déterminés. Ils permettant des suivis de croissance de la végétation originaux offrant des potentialités de phénotypage ou une caractérisation de l’état sanitaire de la végétation illustrant la polyvalence et le gain en précision de cette technique. / Mutispectral imaging systems are widely used in remote sensing for Precision Viticulture. In this work, this technique was applied in the proximal sensing context to characterize vine foliage. A mobile terrestrial experimental system is presented, composed of a GPS receiver, a multi-spectral camera acquiring visible and near infrared images, and a Greenseeker RT-100 which measures the Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI). This optical system observes vine foliage in the trellis plan, in natural sunlight. The experimental field is planted with Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Meunier cultivars in a latin squared pattern. In 2013, six datasets were acquired at various phenological stages.Spectral properties of the vegetation are accessible on images when they are calibrated in reflectance. This step requires the use of a MacBeth colorchart as a radiometric reference. When the chart is hidden by leaves, the calibration parameters are estimated by simple linear interpolation using the results from resembling images, which have a visible chart. The performance of this method is verified with a cross-validation technique (LOOCV).To validate the data provided by the experimental system, the NDVI given by the Greenseeker was compared to those computed from the calibrated images. The assessment of the versatility of the system is done with the images where several indices were determined. It allows an innovative follow-up of the vegetative growth, and offering phenotyping applications. Moreover, the characterization of the sanitary state of the foliage prove that this technique is versatile and accurate.

Littératie en santé, inégalités d'information et état de santé des personnes atteintes de cancer / Health literacy, information inequities and health status of people with cancer

Ousseine, Youssoufa Mlaraha 21 November 2018 (has links)
La littératie en santé (LS) désigne les connaissances, la motivation et les compétences permettant d’accéder, comprendre, évaluer et appliquer l’information dans le domaine de la santé. C’est un déterminant majeur de santé qui est fréquemment considéré comme un mécanisme des inégalités sociales de santé. Ce travail de thèse a comme objectif fondamental d’évaluer l’association entre la LS, les inégalités d’information et l’état de santé des personnes atteintes de cancers. Toutefois, devant le manque d’instruments de mesure de la LS, nos premiers travaux ont consisté en la validation d’outils de mesure en France. Nos travaux empiriques se sont appuyés sur les analyses de trois enquêtes.Ces analyses ont permis d’obtenir des éléments de validation de plusieurs échelles subjectives en version française évaluant la LS, la numératie et la décision partagée.Un niveau limité de LS a été montré associé à une moindre participation au processus de décision partagée, des comportements de recherche d’information et un état de santé mentale et physique altéré. De plus, les patients avec un niveau limité de LS sollicitent davantage le médecin généraliste et les services sociaux.La prise en compte du niveau de LS des patients pendant tout le parcours de soins nous parait indispensable. Cela pourrait permettre d’adapter l’information au niveau de LS afin de réduire les inégalités d’information et augmenter la participation des patients à la prise de décision. En outre, cela pourrait également permettre aux professionnels de santé de proposer un accompagnement particulier pour les personnes à faible niveau de LS afin d’améliorer leur état de santé et leur qualité de vie. / Health Literacy (HL) refers to the knowledge, motivation, and skills to access, understand, evaluate, and apply information in the health field. It is a major determinant of health that is frequently considered as a mechanism of the social inequities of health. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the association between HL, information inequities and the health status of people with cancer. However, given the lack of HL measuring instruments in France, we started with the psychometric validation of measurement tools.Our empirical work is based on analyzes of three surveys.These analyses allowed having valid French version of subjective scales measuring HL, numeracy and shared decision-making process. Our analyzes have shown that a limited level of HL is associated with less involvement in the shared decision process, more information seeking and impaired mental and physical health status. In addition, patients with limited level of HL consulted more often the general practitioner and the social worker. Considering the patients’ HL level during all the course of their care seems mandatory. This would allow information to be tailored to patients’ HL level, to reduce information inequities and increase patient participation in decision-making. In addition, this would also allow health professionals to propose special care for people with low levels of HL to improve their health and quality of life.

An employee assistance programme as applied in a white-collar environment

Padiachy, Ivan 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study is to determine the nature and utilisation of an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) in a white-collar work environment, and, more specifically, in a South African context. Information about the research topic was obtained from accumulate records of the Standard Bank's Employee Well-being Programme (EWP), structured interviews which were conducted with eleven EWP practitioners and a union representative, and from self-administered questionnaires which were completed by a sample of 153 of the bank's employees. The study includes an in-depth literature review on EAPs in general and issues such as the nature and scope of the bank's EWP, the extent to which the EWP addresses employees' needs, the nature and extent of the marketing of the EWP, and the extent to which the workforce is utilising the programme, were explored and described. The main findings are that the EWP shows evidence of acceptance by employees as well as a degree of utilisation that compares favourably with local and international trends. It also shows an incongruence between marketing and employee orientation and training initiatives and reveals that programme evaluation efforts are insufficient and could be significantly improved. Accordingly, recommendations have been made pertaining to the needs of employees, employee and union involvement, a multi-disciplinary approach to case management, marketing, training and evaluation with regard to the EWP, an EWP database, and a post-treatment follow-up. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Work)

Reproductive and Metabolic Consequences of the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Hudecova, Miriam January 2010 (has links)
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex clinical condition characterized by hyperandrogenism and chronic oligo/anovulation. Infrequent ovulation and metabolic alterations in women with PCOS are associated with subfertility and probably increased miscarriage rates compared with normal fertile women. The overall risk of developing type 2 diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is three- to sevenfold higher in PCOS women, and the onset of glucose intolerance seems to occur at an earlier age than in healthy controls. Women with PCOS also have several risk factors for cardiovascular disease, although it is unclear whether they actually experience more cardiovascular events than other women. Very few studies assessing the long-term reproductive and metabolic consequences in older women with previously confirmed PCOS have been conducted. In this long-term follow-up of women with PCOS, 84 women with a diagnosis of PCOS between 1987 and 1995 and age at the follow-up &gt; 35 years and an age-matched population-based group of control women participated. Data on reproductive outcome, ovarian reserve, endothelial function, insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function were collected. According to our results most women with PCOS had given birth and the rate of spontaneous pregnancies was relatively high. The rate of miscarriages was not increased in PCOS patients and the ultrasound findings together with increased levels of anti-müllerian hormone suggested that their ovarian reserve is superior to women of similar age. PCOS women displayed signs of endothelial dysfunction, but this was largely due to the increased prevalence of independent risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as increased BMI, triglycerides and blood pressures. IGT and type 2 diabetes occurred more often in PCOS women. Free androgen levels and beta-cell function decreased over time whereas insulin sensitivity remained unchanged. Obesity at young age and progressive weight-gain rendered them more prone to be insulin resistant at the follow-up. Beta-cell function was increased in PCOS women in comparison with control subjects but declined over time. Independent of PCOS phenotype at the index assessment and persistence of PCOS symptoms at the follow-up investigation, premenopausal women with PCOS had lower insulin sensitivity and increased beta cell function in comparison with control subjects. Conclusion: The long-term reproductive outcomes of PCOS are similar compared to women with normal ovaries. Although symptoms and androgen levels are normalized over time, women with PCOS continue to display reduced insulin sensitivity and increased beta-cell function and they also have an increased risk of IGT and type 2 diabetes.

A multidisciplinary risk assessment of dental restorative materials.

Tillberg, Anders January 2008 (has links)
Amalgam has been used as a dental restorative material for centuries, but its potential health effects and biopersistance has lead to a decreased use especially in the Nordic countries. New materials have been introduced, partly to replace the mercury containing amalgam and partly because of esthetical reasons. The possible health effects of amalgam have been studied extensively and the material has been replaced with other less well-examined materials during the last few decades. The prevalence of side effects of dental materials is considered to be low in relation to the vast number of dental treatments undertaken. With the introduction of new and more complex materials, side effects related to dental treatment may increase. Epidemiological data suggest that the side effects of dental resins that have almost completely replaced amalgam fillings in Scandinavia, possess a risk for adverse reactions; however, the causal relation has not been fully established. Therefore, the type and extent of side effects caused by resin-based materials are of great interest. The aims of the study were: - to describe the change in health over time for patients with problems related to their dental materials. The hypothesis was that the patients could be divided into subgroups based on their symptoms and that the ability to recover differs between these groups [Paper I]. Furthermore, to determine whether factors such as the replacement of dental restorative materials and follow-up time had any impact on the perceived health. - to assess the long-term development of symptoms and their social consequences among patients referred for diagnosis and treatment of symptoms related to dental materials [Paper II] - to investigate the possible risks with dental restorative materials other than amalgam [Paper III]. - to describe side effects assessed to be caused by resin-based materials that occurred in a group of patients as well as treatment and long-term consequences of the reactions [Paper IV]. A questionnaire was sent to 614 patients [Paper I and II] that had been referred to the School of Dentistry, Umeå, Sweden, with symptoms allegedly caused by dental materials. The questionnaire contained questions on, among others; civil status, present health, medical and dental treatment and other measures and precautions taken because of psychosocial problems related to current employment situation, feelings, self-image and coping behavior. Moreover, information was collected [Paper III] from the Swedish Dental Materials Register 2003 (DentMr), a compilation of MSDS for 487 materials, and information from the user guide of the materials. The Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) included in the DentMR were examined regarding the given composition of the products, the occurrence of CAS-numbers and the risk- and safety phrases of the substances. Information was collected [Paper IV] on 36 patients with reactions to resin-based restorative materials from the Swedish National Register of Side-Effects of Dental Materials. Patients with complex symptoms had a more unfavorable long-term prognosis concerning persistent complaints than those with local symptoms only. Furthermore, the results indicate that the patients might experience health improvements after removal of their dental restorative materials. However, the reason for this improvement was unclear. Replacement of dental restorative materials had no significant impact on the ability to recover completely. Our results also indicate a relationship between patients’ self-related health and social consequences in daily life. Those with remaining complex symptoms had more often stopped working or had decreased their work hours because of their symptoms The information about hazards with dental materials seems insufficiently described in MSDS and there might be materials with side effects unknown to both patients and dental professionals. A literature search indicated that some of the listed substances had possible hazards, e.g. substances with embryotoxic and neurotoxic potential. The patients were very heterogeneous; a few with only local symptom free reactions while other had more complex symptoms. The latter group would gain from a multidisciplinary approach, i.e. dental, medical, as well as social and psychological factors have to be considered when developing care management programs for this group of patients. Furthermore, there is a need for stronger regulations of dental materials, such as those applied to pharmaceutical drugs. Finally, it was found that the majority of symptoms suspected to be caused by resin-based materials were local or a combination of local and extra-oral symptoms that appeared within the first 24 hours after treatment. The most frequent adverse effect reported was skin problems/dermatitis. It appears as though immediate reactions to resin based materials are not uncommon and more prevalent than allergic reactions. Still, we have had, difficulties in verifying associations between the dental restorative materials and adverse reactions and also to identify the offending component.

Impairment of intra-oral sensation, discrimination ability, and swallowing function following radiotherapy and surgery for oral and pharyngeal cancer

Bodin, Ingrid January 2004 (has links)
Oral and pharyngeal cancer is commonly treated with a combination of radiotherapy and surgery. It is a clinical knowledge that patients often experience severe swallowing disorders following treatment. Since surgical sequelae are instantaneous and obvious, little attention has been paid to other concurrent effects of the treatment. To shed light on this subject, the aim of this thesis was twofold (i) to make a retrospective inventory of the sequelae following treatment and (ii) to perform a prospective, inceptive examination at diagnosis, and to follow-up after radiotherapy, six months and 12 months after surgery. The files of ninety-nine patients revealed that following treatment one-third had to use gastric fistulas and more than nine of ten patients had restricted swallowing capacity. Every second patient could only swallow puréed or liquid food. Adequate intra-oral sensation and discrimination ability is essential for bolus preparation and bolus control, for appropriate elicitation of the swallowing reflex and, hence, for the oral phase of swallowing. At the inceptive examination, the prospective part of the study demonstrated intra-oral discrimination ability in patients was equal to that in healthy controls but was impaired six months after treatment and there was no significant improvement after 12 months. It had been expected that the patient’s healthy, non-tumor side would compensate but it did not. An explanation was found when it was revealed that radiotherapy induced a delayed decline in intra-oral sensation. Sensory decline was not demonstrated within a month after radiotherapy but was manifest six months later. Since the radiotherapy field includes the neck, because of the risk for metastasis, it is highly plausible that pharyngeal sensation declines in a manner corresponding to that found intra-orally when the healthy side is irradiated. In accord with this presumption, pharyngeal swallowing function deteriorated in patents with oral tumors. Cineradiographic evaluation of oral and pharyngeal swallowing function disclosed a significant association between the degree of swallowing dysfunction and the degree of sensory decline and with the degree of impairment of shape recognition. Conclusions: Delayed intra-oral sensory decline, found to be induced by radiotherapy, can be expected to appear in the entire radiation field, including the oral cavity and the pharynx, with adverse effect on swallowing. Testing intra-oral sensation close to the last radiotherapy session is not advisable, because sensory decline does not develop immediately after radiotherapy but manifests after six months. Spontaneous sensory rehabilitation cannot be expected after six months. The significant association between degree of swallowing dysfunction and degree of intra-oral sensory decline and impaired discrimination ability must be considered in the quest for functional rehabilitation of patients treated for oral or pharyngeal cancer.

Maternal-infant Predictors of Attendance at Neonatal Follow-up Programs

Ballantyne, Marilyn 04 August 2010 (has links)
Attendance at Neonatal Follow-up (NFU) programs is crucial for parents to gain access to timely diagnostic expertise, psychosocial support, and referral to needed services for their infants. Although NFU programs are considered beneficial, up to 50% of parents do not attend these programs with their infants. Non-attending infants have poorer outcomes (e.g., higher rates of disabilities and less access to required services) as compared to attenders. The purpose was to determine factors that predicted attendance at NFU. Naturally occurring attendance was monitored and maternal-infant factors including predisposing, enabling, and needs factors were investigated, guided by the Socio-Behavioral Model of Health Services Use. A prospective two-phase multi-site descriptive cohort study was conducted in 3 Canadian Neonatal Intensive Care Units that refer to 2 NFU programs. In Phase 1, standardized questionnaires were completed by 357 mothers (66% response rate) prior to their infant’s (N= 400 infants) NICU discharge. In Phase 2, attendance patterns at NFU were followed for 12 months. Higher maternal stress at the time of the infant’s NICU hospitalization was predictive of attendance at NFU. Parenting alone, more worry about maternal alcohol or drug use, and greater distance to NFU were predictive of non-attendance at NFU. Attendance at NFU decreased over time from 84% at the first appointment to 74% by 12 months. Two distinct attendance patterns emerged: no or minimal attendance (18.5%) and attendance at all or the majority of scheduled appointments (81.5%). The most frequent point of withdrawal from NFU occurred between NICU discharge and the first scheduled appointment; followed by drop-out following the first NFU appointment. These results provide new insight into patterns of attendance and the maternal-infant factors that characterize attenders/non-attenders at NFU and serve as the critical first step in developing interventions targeted at improving attendance, infant outcomes, and reporting of developmental sequelae.

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