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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fluctuations hors équilibre dans l'effet Hall quantique et dans les circuits hybrides

Chevallier, Denis 30 September 2011 (has links)
Un conducteur est bien caractérisé par sa conductance donnée par la formule de Landauer. Toutefois, le bruit contient davantage d'informations. Il mesure les fluctuations temporelles du courant autour de sa valeur moyenne. De plus, le signe des corrélations croisées est lié à la statistique des porteurs de charge. Cette thèse aborde deux principaux thèmes à savoir le transport dans les liquides de Luttinger et dans les structures hybrides. Dans la première partie, nous commençons par donner une vision détaillée des liquides de Luttinger et des systèmes qu'ils modélisent. Nous parlons également du formalisme de Keldysh permettant de traiter des problèmes hors équilibre. Puis, nous rentrons dans le vif du sujet en étudiant l'effet de la largeur d'un contact ponctuel quantique sur le courant de rétrodiffusion entre les deux états de bords de l'effet Hall quantique. L'augmentation de la largeur du contact ponctuel quantique entraîne une forte diminution du courant de rétrodiffusion. Dans un autre chapitre, nous développons une technique permettant l'utilisation d'un circuit RLC couplé inductivement au circuit mésoscopique pour détecter les corrélations de courant en régime photo-assisté. La mesure de ces corrélations s'effectue à travers la charge aux bornes du condensateur. Dans une deuxième partie, nous consacrons notre étude au transport non-local dans les structures hybrides supraconductrices. L'étude de la réflexion d'Andreev croisée y est détaillée. Finalement, nous étudions une structure en double point quantique reliée à deux électrodes en métal normal et une supraconductrice. Nous mettons en avant la séparation des paires de Cooper en mesurant simultanément les courants de branchement et les corrélations croisées. Nous démontrons que dans le régime antisymétrique, c'est-à-dire lorsque les deux points quantiques ont des niveaux d'énergie opposés par rapport au potentiel chimique du supraconducteur, la réflexion d'Andreev croisée est optimisée. / The conductance is the most natural quantity to characterize a quantum conductor. It is given by the Landauer Formula. However, noise contains more information. It measures the current fluctuations around its average value. Moreover, the sign of the crossed correlations is related to the statistics of carriers. This thesis broaches two main topics which are the transport in the quantum Hall effect and in hybrid circuits.First, we start by introducing the Luttinger liquid and the systems which are modelized by them. Also, we discuss the Keldysh formalism in order to treat nonequilibrium problems. Then, we study the effect of the width of a quantum point contact on the backscattering current between two edge states of the quantum Hall effect. By increasing the width of the quantum point contact, we show that the backscattering current is strongly reduced. In another chapter, we develop a technique to use a RLC circuit inductively coupled to a mesoscopic circuit in order to measure the current correlations in the photo-assisted regime. The measurement of these correlations is performed through the charge on the capacitor plates.Secondly, we present the non-local transport in hybrid structures. The mechanism of Crossed Andreev Reflection is explained. Finally, we study a double quantum dot connected to two normal leads and a superconducting lead. We introduce the separation of the Cooper pair by measuring together the branching currents and the crossed correlations. We demonstrate that in the anti-symmetric regime (the energy level of the two quantum dots have opposite values with respect to the chemical potential of the superconducting lead), crossed Andreev reflection is optimized.

Spinfoams : simplicity constraints ans correlation functions

Ding, You 30 September 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions l’implémentation des contraintes de simplicité dans le nouveau modèle de mousses de spin d’Engle-Pereira-Rovelli-Livine, ainsi que les fonctions de corrélation à deux points de ce modèle. Nous définissons d’une manière simple l’espace de Hilbert limite de la théorie, puis montrons directement que toutes les contraintes s’annulent faiblement sur cet espace. Nous observons que la solution générale a cette contrainte (imposée faiblement) dépend d’un nombre quantique, en plus de ceux de la gravitation quantique a boucles. Nous généralisons également cette construction pour la version de Kaminski-Kisielowski-Lewandowski, ou la mousse n’est pas duale à une triangulation. Nous montrons que cette théorie peut aussi être obtenue comme une théorie BF satisfaisant la contrainte de simplicité, cette fois discrétisée sur un 2-complexe cellulaire oriente. Enfin, nous calculons la fonction de corrélation a deux points du modèle de mousses de spin Engle-Pereira-Rovelli-Livine avec la signature lorentzienne, et nous montrons que la fonction a deux points que nous obtenons correspond dans une certaine limite a celle obtenue a partir du calcul de Regge lorentzien. / In this thesis we study the implementation of simplicity constraints that defines the recent Engle-Pereira-Rovelli-Livine spinfoam model and two-point correlation functions of this model. We define in a simple way the boundary Hilbert space of the theory; then show directly that all constraints vanish on this space in a weak sense. We point out that the general solution to this constraint (imposed weakly) depends on a quantum number in addition to those of loop quantum gravity. We also generalize this construction to Kami´nski-Kisielowski-Lewandowski version where the foam is not dual to a triangulation. We show that this theory can still be obtained as a constrained BF theory satisfying the simplicity constraint, now discretized on a general oriented 2-cell complex. Finally, we calculate the twopoint correlation function of the Engle-Pereira-Rovelli-Livine spinfoam model in the Lorentzian signature, and show the two-point function we obtain exactly matches the one obtained from Lorentzian Regge calculus in some limit.

Thermodynamics of Margulis Space Time / Thermodynamiques des espaces-temps de Margulis

Ghosh, Sourav 10 July 2015 (has links)
Dans ma thèse, je décris les feuilles stables et instables pour le flot géodésique sur l’espace des géodésiques non-errant de type espace d’un espace-temps de Margulis et je démontre des propriétés de contraction des feuilles sous le flot. Je montre aussi que la monodromie d’un espace-temps de Margulis est une représentation Anosov dans un groupe de Lie non semisimple. En outre, je montre que les applications limites et reparamétrisation varient analytiquement. Enfin, à l’aide de la propriété métrique Anosov, nous définissons la métrique de pression sur l’espace modulaire des espaces-temps de Margulis sans pointes et je démontre qu’elle est définie positive sur les sections d’entropie constante. / In my thesis I describe the stable and unstable leaves for the geodesic flow on the space of non-wandering spacelike geodesics of a Margulis Space Time and prove contraction properties of the leaves under the flow. I also show that monodromy of Margulis Space Times are “Anosov representations in non semi-simple Lie groups”. Moreover, I show that the limit maps and reparametrizations vary analytically. Finally using the metric Ansosov property we define the Pressure metric on the Moduli Space of Margulis Space Times without “cusps” and show that it is positive definite on the constant entropy sections.

Au-delà du formalisme : la critique des écrivains en France et en Italie pendant la seconde moitié du XXe siècle / Beyond formalism : writers as critics in France and Italy during the second half of the twentieth century

Lorandini, Francesca 29 May 2014 (has links)
Ce travail arpente le domaine de ce qu’Albert Thibaudet nommait « la critique des artistes » pour montrer que, au cours de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, ce genre de critique a constitué un véritable laboratoire permettant de sortir des impasses auxquelles avait conduit la vision autotélique de l’œuvre proposée par la critique formaliste et par la néo-avant-garde. Dans la première partie de l’étude on s’interroge sur l’évolution de la critique formaliste, en envisageant le tournant linguistique des années 1960 comme l’aboutissement naturel d’une révolution culturelle qui a eu lieu à la fin du XIXe siècle. En menant une analyse comparée entre la France et l’Italie, on observe les deux critiques formalistes en-dehors de leur rapport de filiation, et on brosse un modèle transnational qui montre qu’elles partagent la même conception de la littérature postulée par la néo-avant-garde. La deuxième partie du travail est consacrée à l’analyse d’une tendance relevable dans la critique des écrivains à partir de l’après-guerre, où une étude purement intrinsèque de l’œuvre d’art est mise en discussion. On propose une analyse comparée de la critique littéraire de Georges Perec, Michel Tournier, Philippe Muray, Tommaso Landolfi, Pier Paolo Pasolini et Pier Vittorio Tondelli, afin de souligner que leur pratique critique ne s’est pas limitée à une déclaration personnelle de poétique, mais elle a ouvert une voie alternative à l’exaspération des positions théoriques formalistes, en anticipant ou en prônant le dépassement d’une vision autoréférentielle de l’œuvre qui a caractérisé la littérature de la fin du XXe siècle aussi bien en France qu’en Italie. / My dissertation covers the field of what Albert Thibaudet called “the critique of artists” in order to show that, throughout the second half of the twentieth century, this form of criticism has given readers a different perspective on literature in comparison to that of the formalists and the neo-avant-garde. In the first part of my study, I examine the evolution of formalist criticism in the twentieth century, considering the linguistic turn of the 1960s as the natural outcome of a cultural revolution which took place at the end of the nineteenth century. By conducting a comparative study between France and Italy, I attempt to outline a transnational model which shows that the two formalist critiques share the same understanding of the literature postulated by the neo-avant-garde. The second part of my thesis is devoted to the study of one of the main tendencies in the critique of the writers since the Second World War, a tendency that called into question a purely intrinsic study of the work of art. Here, I propose a comparative study of the literary critique of Georges Perec, Michel Tournier, Philippe Muray, Tommaso Landolfi, Pier Paolo Pasolini and Pier Vittorio Tondelli, in order to underline that their critical practice has not limited itself to a personal declaration of their poetic views, but it has truly opened up an alternative approach to formalist theoretical positions. They refused to speak of literature as a secluded world, and by doing so they anticipated one of the most important features of the literature of the end of the twentieth century, both in France and in Italy.

Autonomia e campo ampliado: Peter Eisenman, Rosalind Krauss e The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (1964-1984) / Autonomy and extended field: Peter Eisenman, Rosalind Krauss and The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (1964-1984)

Schiavo, Bruno 24 June 2016 (has links)
A atualidade é marcada pela descoberta contínua dos interstícios disciplinares como catalisadores de toda sorte de práticas; expressões como \"Campo ampliado\" e \"Complexo artearquitetura\" são chamadas para refletir como tais arranjos acontecem especialmente na confluência entre a arquitetura e as artes. A pesquisa busca localizar, na passagem dos anos 1960 aos 1980, um debate que solicitou desses campos a reconfiguração de seus instrumentos de análise, de crítica, de abordagem à forma, e mesmo uma nova inscrição de seus significados e abrangências: o cruzamento das trajetórias intelectuais da teórica e crítica de arte Rosalind Krauss e do arquiteto e teórico Peter Eisenman no The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies - IAUS, sediado em Nova York de 1967 a 1985. O instituto colocou-se como núcleo da pesquisa interdisciplinar de seu tempo ao promover cursos, conferências, mostras, publicações, e ao legar dois periódicos especializados que encaminhariam as agendas da arquitetura e das artes nas décadas seguintes, respectivamente, Oppositions: A Jornal for Ideas and Criticism in Architecture (1973-1984) e October (1976 até o presente). O estudo passa pelas proposições questionadoras da primazia do suporte artístico no minimalismo até a cristalização dessas dinâmicas no ensaio \"A escultura no campo ampliado\", de Krauss; e pela verificação, no início dos anos 1960, da necessidade pela reelaboração das questões de relevância para a arquitetura e para o urbanismo, que levariam ao sentido autocrítico investido na noção de autonomia disciplinar, e ao sentido autorreferencial da autonomia da forma arquitetônica, como engendrado por Eisenman. As experiências que assumiriam o espaço físico como constitutivo do trabalho artístico contrastam em diversos níveis com a modalidade conceitual perscrutada por essa arquitetura. Alguns dos pontos de apoio compartilhados pelos movimentos teóricos em questão são as noções de objeto, ambiente, formalismo, linguagem, modernismo e pós-modernismo. Mantendo entre si relações de complementaridade, de reciprocidade, de contradição, o empréstimo a tais categorias entre disciplinas é compreendido em vista de um segundo plano institucional. / The current situation is marked by the continuous discovery of the disciplinary interstices as Catalysts of all kinds of practices; Expressions such as \"Expanded Field\" and \"Complexo artearquitetura\" Are called to reflect how such arrangements Confluence between architecture and the arts. The research seeks to locate, over the years 1960 to the 1980s, a debate that called for these areas to reconfigure their Instruments of analysis, criticism, approach to form, and even a new inscription of Their meanings and scope: the crossing of the intellectual trajectories of the theoretical and critical Rosalind Krauss and the architect and theorist Peter Eisenman at The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies - IAUS, headquartered in New York from 1967 to 1985. The Has placed himself as the core of interdisciplinary research of his time while promoting courses, Conferences, exhibitions, publications, and by bequeathing two specialized journals Would move the agendas of architecture and the arts in the following decades, Respectively, Oppositions: The Journal for Ideas and Criticism in Architecture (1973-1984) and October (1976 to present). The study goes through the questioning propositions of primacy Of artistic support in minimalism until the crystallization of these dynamics in the essay \"The sculpture In the extended field \", by Krauss; And the verification, in the early 1960s, of the need By the re-elaboration of issues of relevance to architecture and urbanism, which Would lead to the self-critical sense invested in the notion of disciplinary autonomy, and to the sense Self-referential autonomy of the architectural form, as engendered by Eisenman. At Experiences that would take physical space as constitutive of artistic work contrast In several levels with the conceptual modality examined by this architecture. Some of Points of support shared by the theoretical movements in question are the notions of Object, environment, formalism, language, modernism and postmodernism. Keeping each other Relations of complementarity, of reciprocity, of contradiction, the loan to such Between disciplines is understood in view of a second institutional plan.

Estimation et diagnostic de systèmes non linéaires décrits par un modèle de Takagi-Sugeno / Estimation and diagnosis of non linear systems described by Takagi-Sugeno models

Ichalal, Dalil 24 November 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse traite le problème de l'estimation d'état, du diagnostic et de commande tolérante aux défauts des systèmes non linéaires représentés par un modèle de Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) à variables de prémisse non mesurables. De nombreux algorithmes pour la synthèse d'observateurs robustes vis-à-vis des perturbations, des imperfections de modélisation et des entrées inconnues sont présentés en se basant sur quatre types d'observateurs : les observateursproportionnels, les observateurs à entrées inconnues, les observateurs proportionnel intégral (PI) et multi-intégral (PMI). Par la suite, ces derniers sont utilisés pour le diagnostic de fautes affectant des systèmes non linéaires. Ceci est réalisé au moyen de trois stratégies. La première utilise l'observateur à entrée inconnue par découplage afin de rendre l'observateur insensible à certains défauts et permettre de détecter et d'isoler les défauts en construisant des bancs d'observateurs. En raison des conditions structurelles souvent insatisfaites, le découplage total des défauts de l'erreur d'estimation d'état n'est pas réalisable. Afin de s'affranchir de ces contraintes, la seconde stratégie utilise les observateurs PI et PMI pour estimer simultanément l'état et les défauts du système. La troisième stratégie qui utilise le formalisme H8 vise à concevoir un générateur de résidus minimisant l'influence des perturbations et maximisant l'influence des défauts. Un choix adéquat des paramètres du générateur de résidus permet la détection, la localisation et l'estimation des défauts. Enfin, une loi de commande tolérante aux défauts par poursuite de trajectoire d'un modèle de référence estproposée en exploitant les observateurs PI et PMI / This thesis deals with state estimation, fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control of nonlinear systems represented by a Takagi-Sugeno model with unmeasurable premise variables. The problem of state estimation of nonlinear systems with T-S model with unmeasurable premise variable is explored. Algorithms for robust observers synthesis with respect to perturbations, modeling uncertainties and unknown inputs are afterward presented. These algorithms are based on four kinds of observers called proportional, unknown input observers (UIOs), proportional-integral (PI) and multiple-integral (PMI) . The application on model-based diagnosis is studied based on three strategies. The first one uses unknown input observer to decouple some faults and makes the observers insensitive to certain faults. This allows to detect and isolate faults by constructing observers banks. Due to strong structural conditions on designing UIOs decoupling the faults on the state estimation error is not possible. To avoid this problem, the second strategy uses PI and PMI observers in order to estimate simultaneously the state and the faults of the system. The third strategy uses the H8 formalism. This aims to minimize the influence of perturbations and to maximize the effects of faults on the residual signal. An adequate choice of the residual generator parameters allows to detect, to isolate and to estimate the faults affecting the system. Lastly, a fault tolerant control law is proposed by reference trajectory tracking based on the use of PI and PMI observers

Environnement multi-agent pour la multi-modélisation et simulation des systèmes complexes / Multi-agent Environment for Multi-Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems

Camus, Benjamin 27 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'étude des systèmes complexes par une démarche de modélisation et simulation (M&S). La plupart des questionnements sur ces systèmes nécessitent de prendre en compte plusieurs points de vue simultanément. Il faut alors considérer des phénomènes évoluant à des échelles (temporelles et spatiales) et des niveaux de résolutions (de microscopique à macroscopique) différents. De plus, l'expertise nécessaire pour décrire le système vient en général de plusieurs domaines scientifiques. Les défis sont alors de concilier ces points de vues hétérogènes, et d'intégrer l'existant de chaque domaine (formalismes et logiciels de simulation) tout en restant dans le cadre rigoureux de la démarche de M&S. Pour répondre à ces défis, nous mobilisons à la fois des notions de modélisation multi-niveau (intégration de représentations micro/macro), de modélisation hybride (intégration de formalismes discrets/continus), de simulation parallèle, et d'ingénierie logicielle (interopérabilité logiciel, et ingénierie dirigée par les modèles). Nous nous inscrivons dans la continuité des travaux de M&S existants autour de l'approche AA4MM et du formalisme DEVS. Nous étudions en effet dans cette thèse en quoi ces approches sont complémentaires et permettent, une fois combinées dans une démarche d'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM), de répondre aux défis de la M&S des systèmes complexes. Notre contribution est double. Nous proposons d'une part les spécifications opérationnelles de l'intergiciel de co-simulation MECSYCO permettant de simuler en parallèle un modèle de manière rigoureuse et complètement décentralisée. D'autre part, nous proposons une approche d'IDM permettant de décrire de manière non-ambiguë des modèles, puis de systématiser leur implémentation dans MECSYCO. Nous évaluons les propriétés de notre approche à travers plusieurs preuves de concept portant sur la M&S du trafic autoroutier et sur la résolution numérique d'un système d'équations différentielles / This thesis is focused on the study of complex systems through a modeling and simulation (M&S) process. Most questions about such systems requiere to take simultaneously account of several points of view. Phenomena evolving at different (temporal and spatial) scales and at different levels of resolution (from micro to macro) have to be considered. Moreover, several expert skills belonging to different scientific fields are needed. The challenges are then to reconcile these heterogeneous points of view, and to integrate each domain tools (formalisms and simulation software) within the rigorous framework of the M&S process. In order to solve these issues, we mobilise notions from multi-level modeling, hybrid modeling, parallel simulation and software engineering. Regarding these fields, we study the complementarity of the AA4MM approach and the DEVS formalism into the scope of the model-driven engineering (MDE) approach. Our contribution is twofold. We propose the operational specifications of the MECSYCO co-simulation middleware enabling the parallel simulation of complex systems models in a rigorous and decentralized way. We also define an MDE approach enabling the non-ambiguous description of complex systems models and their automatic implementation in MECSYCO. We show the properties of our approach with several proofs of concept

Manufacturing selves : the poetics of self-representation and identity in the poetry of three 'factory-girls', 1840-1882

Garrard, Suz January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is a transatlantic examination of self-representational strategies in factory women's poetry from circa 1848-1882, highlighting in particular how the medium of the working-class periodical enabled these socially marginal poets to subjectively engage with and reconfigure dominant typologies of class and gender within nineteenth-century poetics. The first chapter explores how working-class women were depicted in middle-class social-reform literature and working-class men's poetry. It argues that factory women were circumscribed into roles of social villainy or victimage in popular bourgeois reform texts by authors such as Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Caroline Norton, and were cast as idealized domestic figures in working-class men's poetry in the mid-nineteenth century. The remaining three chapters examine the poetry of Manchester dye-worker Fanny Forrester, Scottish weaver Ellen Johnston, and Lowell mill-girl Lucy Larcom as case-studies of factory women's poetics in mid-nineteenth century writing. Chapter Two discusses the life and work of Fanny Forrester in Ben Brierley's Journal, and considers how Forrester's invocation of the pastoral genre opens new opportunities for urban, factory women to engage with ideologies of domestic femininity within a destabilized urban cityscape. Chapter Three considers the work of Ellen Johnston, “The Factory Girl” whose numerous poems in The People's Journal and the Penny Post cross genres, dialects, and themes. This chapter claims that Johnston's poetry divides class and gender identity depending on her intended audience—a division exemplified, respectively, by her nationalistic poetry and her sentimental correspondence poetry. Chapter Four explores the work of Lucy Larcom, whose contributions to The Lowell Offering and her novel-poem An Idyl of Work harness the language and philosophy of Evangelical Christianity to validate women's wage-labor as socially and religiously appropriate. Ultimately, this thesis contends that nineteenth-century factory women's poetry from Britain and America embodies the tensions surrounding the “factory girl” identity, and offers unique aesthetic and representational strategies of negotiating women's factory labor.

Catálogo de modelos de computação para o desenvolvimento de linguagens específicas de modelagem de domínio. / Catalog of models of computation for the development of domain-specific modeling languages.

Fernandes, Sergio Martins 13 June 2013 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta um processo para a criação de um catálogo de modelos de computação para apoiar o design de DSMLs, e a primeira versão do catálogo, com atributos que ajudam a selecionar os modelos de computação mais adequados para cada desenvolvimento de DSML, e as características dos sistemas de software para os quais esses modelos de computação são mais adequados. O contexto de aplicação desse catálogo é o Model-Driven Development (MDD desenvolvimento dirigido por modelos) a abordagem em que o desenvolvimento de software é baseado em modelos gráficos que são posteriormente traduzidos (transformados) em modelos de nível mais baixo e, no final, em código de linguagens de programação, tais como Java ou C#. A aplicação do processo gerou uma versão inicial do catálogo com os seguintes modelos de computação: diagramas BPMN, diagramas de classe da UML e regras de negócio. Visa-se contribuir para popularizar a abordagem de MDD com base em DSMLs e, em particular, a elaboração do design das DSMLs a partir de modelos de domínio, para o que o uso do catálogo efetivamente contribui. / This thesis presents a process for the creation of a catalog of models of computation to support the design of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs), and the first version of the catalog, which comprises attributes that aim to help the selection of the most suitable models of computation for each DSML development, and characteristics of software systems for which these models of computation are more appropriate. The context for the use of the catalog is the Model-Driven Development (MDD) - the approach where software development is based on graphical models that are subsequently translated (transformed) into lower-level models and, in the end, in source code in programming languages, such as Java or C #. The process was applied to generate an initial version of the catalog with the following models of computation: BPMN diagrams, UML class diagrams and business rules. It aims to contribute to popularize the MDD approach based in DSMLs, and in particular, the development of the DSMLs design from domain models, for which the use of the catalog effectively contributes.

Considerações sobre a demonstração original do teorema da completude de Kurt Gödel

Sanctos, Cassia Sampaio 11 May 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:27:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cassia Sampaio Sanctos.pdf: 875084 bytes, checksum: 3baa23ce43e41c748fa70bf983f30e20 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The thesis constitutes a critical review of Gödel´s doctoral dissertation which presents a proof for the completeness of first order logic. The introduction addresses the concepts of formalism, axiomatic method and completeness, thus the proof can be contextualized. The language for the restricted functional calculus is defined, with the corresponding syntax and semantics, and the original Gödel´s demonstration is updated. The appendix contains a translation of the referred dissertation, which is unprecedented in Portuguese / O trabalho constitui um comentário crítico da dissertação de doutorado de Gödel que apresenta uma prova de completude da lógica de primeira ordem. A introdução trata dos conceitos de formalismo, método axiomático e completude, para que seja possível contextualizar a prova. A linguagem para o cálculo funcional restrito é definida, com sua sintaxe e semântica, e a demonstração original de Gödel é atualizada. O apêndice contém a tradução da referida dissertação, que é inédita em língua portuguesa

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