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Vliv medzinárodního společenství na etnické konflikty západního Balkánu / Impact of the international community on ethnic conflicts in the Western BalkansHrušík, Michal January 2012 (has links)
The dissertation is aimed at the analysis of various strategies and approaches of the international community in solving conflicts having originated due to the dissolution of former Yugoslavia since 1991. It is divided into two sections - the former being devoted to the historiographical description of events taking place in the particular countries with main focus on various peace plans and other initiatives proposed and suggested by the international community, while the latter emphasizes potential security threats that might be faced by the region. At the same time it is trying to offer lessons from the mistakes and failures made in the past, since these could become relevant for the international community when dealing with potential new conflicts. Current probability of the origin of new security threats in the form of ethnic conflicts was selected as the main criterion for the selection of countries analyzed in the dissertation - this is also why Croatia is excluded; although it was a significant player of ethnic conflict in 1991-95, due to considerable elimination of Serbian minority representation as a result of the Operation Storm this country does not further constitute a relevant melting pot, where ethnically motivated tensions could rise again. Hence, the analysis is targeted at two...
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The Journey from Intergroup Emnity to Peaceful Conflict Handling. Peacebuilding Experiences of local NGOs in the former Yugoslavia: Multiple Approaches for Undermining Intergroup Animosities and Dealing With Differences.Schaefer, Christoph Daniel January 2011 (has links)
Classical approaches to conflict resolution assume that inducing conflict parties to analyse conflict constellations precipitates that the disputants recognise mutually shared needs or interests. Partially in critical reaction towards this assumption, a more recently emerging approach envisages setting up a communicative framework within which the conflict parties are supposed to harmonise their conceptualisations of the conflict. This dissertation, in contrast, argues that work within the frameworks of these classes of approaches is impolitic as long as war-related hostilities stay intact, since conflict parties which see the existence of the adversary as the core of the problem are unlikely to engage in a process of open communication or open analysis, so that trustbuilding is a sine qua non. Practice experiences of local NGOs in the former Yugoslavia suggest that the following activities can be conducive to trustbuilding: 1) supporting exchanges on personalising information, so that the internal heterogeneity of the opponent¿s group is rendered visible; 2) bringing intergroup
commonalities to the foreground, either through cooperation on shared aspirations, or by unearthing interpersonal overlaps e.g. common feelings, values, and war-related experiences; 3) undermining the imagination of the own side¿s moral superiority by fostering the recognition of crimes and suffering inflicted by the own side. For those cultural and religious differences which persist after basic trustbuilding, a contingency approach is proposed: 1) Fostering the exploration of commonalities and differences; 2) If disagreements remain despite a better basic understanding, tolerance of these difference can be based on a better understanding of the values¿ background, and on an acceptance of differing beliefs as equal in valence; 3) Supporting the discovery of joint values to raise awareness for options of cohabitation with differences; disagreements which cannot be solved might be continued within an accepted communicative framework based on these shared values.
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Reconciliation Through Truth? - A Comparison of the Judicial Approach of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the Amnesty Principle of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South AfricaMosler, David January 2011 (has links)
Throughout the past three decades the world has witnessed an increased transition of states from autocratic systems to liberal democracies. During such transitions the reconciliation of societies fractured by previous human atrocities is an integral part for success. This article explores the impacts of principles of truth and justice on reconciliation of fractured societies during the process of transitional justice. Throughout the process it will provide an insight on different aspects and levels of the terminology of reconciliation. To illustrate the difference between a judicial approach and the process of amnesty giving, it will contrast the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa. Furthermore, it will provide an analytical account on the impact of internal actors versus external actors on reconciliation of fractured societies. This analysis will provide an understanding of the factors at work during reconciliation as a process and an outcome.
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''Om det bara fanns mer tid...'' : Gymnasielärares förhållningssätt till historieundervisning om krigen i forna Jugoslavien, med hänsyn till elever med koppling till forna Jugoslavien. / ''If there were more time...'' : Upper secondary teachers' approach towards the war in former Yugoslavia in history teaching, with regard to students with connections to the former Yugoslavia.Smajli, Trendelina January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate history teachers’ various approaches towards the wars in former Yugoslavia during the 90s, in their history teaching in upper secondary school. Furthermore, another aspect to the study is to investigate how the history teachers approach potential students that might have roots from the former Yugoslavia. Since the Swedish society is multicultural with immigrants from former Yugoslavia, the topic could be viewed as sensitive. However, previous studies show that students with a multicultural background such as former Yugoslavia want to take part of their history in the history classroom. This leads to the next question, whether teachers fulfill their students’ needs when it comes to history. Furthermore, another aim of the study is to also investigate what possibilities and difficulties the teachers might experience with teaching about the wars in former Yugoslavia. Five history teachers with experience from history teaching in upper secondary school were interviewed. The result is thenceforth analyzed with the following theoretical framework: Kitson’s and McCully’s (2005) model of sensitive topics in the history classroom, multicultural classroom, and historical empathy. The findings of the study are that only two out of five history teachers included the wars in former Yugoslavia continuously in their history teaching. The third teacher included the topic if the students were interested, and the fourth teacher taught the students about some events occasionally in relation to other topics, such as use of history. The last teacher did not include the wars in former Yugoslavia at all. Four out of five teachers wanted the students to contribute with their own history culture and family history. The possibilities and the difficulties were intertwined, according to the teachers. The students could contribute and thusly offer perspective on the topic. However, it could also mean that the teachers had to be careful with their words since they could not fully know what experiences the students have. The teachers’ answers were analyzed in accordance with Kitsons and McCullys model, together with the concepts ‘multicultural classroom’ and historical empathy. The conclusion of the research is that the majority of the history teachers used historical empathy in connection with the wars in former Yugoslavia. The teachers tried doing so by bringing the teaching to life with the help from, for instance, life stories and interviews. The teachers’ attitudes towards a multicultural classroom, which is enriched by students with different history cultures, were mostly positive.
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Freed by the Court: The Role of Images Between Remembrance and Oblivion of War CrimesRistić, Katarina 21 June 2024 (has links)
This paper explores the role of images in facilitating debates on the
responsibility of convicted war criminals. Previous research on the mediation of
war crime trials in Serbia has mainly focused on political and media discourses
or everyday practices as verbal or textual modes of communication, showing the
dominant nationalism and widespread denial, with convicted war criminals
appearing as heroes and celebrities. This article argues that the normalization
of convicts was partially realized through the avoidance of atrocity images and
the prevalence of iconic images of convicts, who are described as persons “freed
by the court.” The paper explores two instances when iconic images of convicts
served as catalysts in debates on their criminal responsibility, pointing out that
images might limit the scope of the debate, and condition the type of questions
posed. Archival atrocity images, on the other hand, might provide much-needed
context and evidence about crimes. Considering the powerful role of images, the
article urges a more systematic analysis of images in the transitional justice
field, as some of the images turn into symbolic presentations of the past for
future generations.
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Fontes do direito internacional: um estudo da jurisprudência sobre crimes contra a humanidade do Tribunal Penal Internacional para a ex-Iugoslávia / Sources of international law: a study of the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former YugoslavValle, Janaina Rodrigues 24 February 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo debater a contribuição e o papel que a jurisprudência do Tribunal Penal Internacional para a ex-Iugoslávia desempenhou no processo de produção e desenvolvimento do direito internacional penal costumeiro sobre crimes contra a humanidade e sua influência na formação do conteúdo normativo atual do art. 7o(1),(2)(a), do Estatuto de Roma, que trata do crime contra a humanidade. Para isso, analisa-se como a Corte determinou o costume válido sobre as elementares do crime contra a humanidade nos casos Duko Tadie Draen Erdemovi, julgados antes da conferência de Roma. Em seguida, examina-se a teoria das fontes, mais especificamente, o costume internacional, seu fundamento, seus dois elementos (combinação de prática e opinio iuris), bem como seus sujeitos criadores e veículos de exteriorização, em especial a jurisprudência internacional. Nesse percurso, apontam-se as práticas destoantes do costume e a dificuldade de sua determinação, para então indicar o binômio valor e poder como elementos que influenciam sua manifestação. Depois, procura-se verificar o contexto político e jurídico de criação do Tribunal Penal Internacional para a ex-Iugoslávia, associando-o à proteção do valor paz mundial e às alterações das estruturas de poder da ordem internacional. Então, faz-se uma avaliação da contribuição dos julgados analisados como veículos para exteriorização do costume ou de seus elementos. Por fim, com a análise da coincidência de resultados no que tange à estrutura de algumas das elementares decididas pelo Tribunal Penal Internacional para a ex-Iugoslávia e o conteúdo normativo atual do art. 7o(1),(2)(a) do Estatuto de Roma, pode-se concluir que a jurisprudência estudada veiculou parte da opinio iuris do direito costumeiro sobre crimes contra a humanidade, contribuindo, assim, com o desenvolvimento do direito internacional penal sobre o tema. / This work aims to discuss the contribution and the role that the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia played in the production and development of international criminal customary law on crimes against humanity and its influence in shaping the article 7o(1),(2)(a), of the Rome Statute, about crime against humanity. In order to accomplish this task, it analyses how the Court defined valid custom on the chapeau elements of crime against humanity in the Duko Tadi and Draen Erdemovi cases. Next, it considers the theory of sources, more specifically, international custom, its basis, its two elements (combination of state practice and opinion juris), as well as its subjects and forms of externalization, including international decisions. About this, it points out the dissonant ways custom emerges and the difficulty of its determination, then indicating values and power as elements that influence its manifestation. After, it analyses the political and juridical contexts in which the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia was established, relating it with the protection of world peace, as a value, and the changes in the power structures of international order. Then, it unpacks the contribution of the above decisions (Duko Tadi and Draen Erdemovi cases) as vehicles of externalization of custom or, at least, one of its elements. Finally, with the analyse of the coincidence between the chapeau elements of crimes against humanity as decided by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the current normative content of article 7o(1),(2)(a),of the Rome Statute, it can be concluded that the jurisprudence studied ran part of the opinion jurisabout crimes against humanity as an element of custom, thus, contributing to the development of international criminal law on that issue.
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Le tourisme en croatie : de la création d'une image touristique à son instrumentalisation / Tourism in Croatia : from the creation of a tourism image to its instrumentalisationPinteau, Fabrice Mathieu 30 September 2011 (has links)
Le tourisme fait l’objet de multiples recherches en géographie. Dans ce contexte général, notre thèse envisage et propose de réaliser une relecture de ce phénomène en investissant le champ des représentations issues du tourisme, en analysant et décryptant l’image touristique de la destination croate (image fantasmée et stéréotypée du touriste ou encore image promue par les organismes officiels croates). La destination croate retrouve, en effet, un certain renom depuis la fin de la guerre qui a sévi en ex-Yougoslavie (1991-1998) : elle est le théâtre d’un développement important depuis une décennie. Il s’agit ici d’examiner à la fois le phénomène de crise touristique, en en cernant tant les facteurs la justifiant que ceux qui ont permis au tourisme d’être redynamisé et, en particulier, en montrant l’impact de la promotion touristique après en avoir défini les acteurs et cherché à connaître sa (ou ses) finalité(s).Pour ce faire, un cadre méthodologique a été déterminé (première partie) : grâce à une démarche hypothético-déductive classique et en s’appuyant sur la comparaison entre les faits touristiques (étudiés par le biais des statistiques, des observations de terrain ou des enquêtes auprès des touristes) et les images de la promotion touristique croate (vue au travers de documents promotionnels de l’Office du Tourisme Croate mais également du discours de nombreux guides et articles consacrés à la Croatie). Nous avons donc construit notre étude en partant d’observations empiriques et en cherchant à confirmer ou infirmer nos hypothèses de travail, notamment celle basée sur le dévoiement de l’image marketing en une image instrumentalisée. La problématique a, en effet, été orientée vers la notion d’ « image » touristique. Notre recherche tendra, avant tout, à comprendre les mécanismes de la construction de l’image de la Croatie liée au tourisme. Se pose donc, inévitablement, la problématique de l’adéquation entre la réalité et les discours qui sont tenus sur elle. Notre posture de thèse pose le principe que la dialectique entre représentation et réalité - touristique et territoriale croate - n’est pas du seul ressort commercial : d’autres logiques, que nous considérons comme du domaine de la construction identitaire, peuvent intervenir nous amenant à penser que l’image promue est, consciemment ou non, instrumentalisée.Pour mener à bien cette analyse de l’image, une connaissance approfondie du tourisme (ou des faits constatés et scientifiquement énoncés) nous a paru une approche préliminaire indispensable. Ce moment incontournable de l’analyse permet une prise de distance, autrement dit une véritable objectivisation par rapport à l’analyse des représentations. Une première étape (deuxième partie) s’intéresse, grâce à l’exploitation de faits statistiques, au phénomène touristique en termes de flux mais également aux formes de tourisme. Nous montrons ainsi que la crise touristique, plus structurelle que conjoncturelle (c’est-à-dire plus liée à la transition du régime socialiste à une économie de marché qu’à la guerre de la fin de la Yougoslavie) a vite été dépassée grâce à une clientèle essentiellement européenne et à un tourisme quasi uniquement balnéaire. Ce rapide rattrapage peut être expliqué par de multiples facteurs (troisième partie) : les plus classiques sont mis en avant (climat méditerranéen, forte capacité d’hébergement sur le littoral, proximité des foyers classiquement émetteurs en Europe, voire certains a priori favorables concernant la Croatie). Mais, contrairement à l’idée préconçue et souvent relayée par les médias, nous insistons sur la place et sur le rôle de l’histoire du développement touristique de la région en soulignant que le tourisme actuel, tant en termes d’infrastructures que de clientèles, est le résultat de nombreux héritages issus de périodes précédentes (fin du XIXème siècle et époque yougoslave) [...] / Tourism is the subject of many researches in geography. In this general context, our thesis deals with this phenomenon by investing the field of representations created by tourism, analyzing and interpreting the image of the Croatian tourist destination (dreamed image, stereotypical tourist image or promoted image – this last one created by the official Croatian organizations). The Croatian destination is, indeed, well known since the end of the war that raged in the former Yugoslavia (1991-1998): for a decade, it is actually the scene of an important tourism development. We want to examine the phenomenon of tourism crisis, identifying the factors that justify this crisis and those that have allowed tourism to be reactivated and, in particular, showing the impacts of tourism promotion after having defined its actors and its purposes.For this purpose, a methodological framework has been determined (first part): with a classic hypothetical-deductive reasoning, we have compared the tourism facts (analyzed with statistics, observations or surveys) with the images created by the Croatian tourism promotion (especially with the promotional materials of the Croatian Tourist Board but also with many guides and articles about Croatia). So we built our study on the basis of empirical observations, trying to prove or disprove our ideas, including the idea that the marketing image is a manipulated one. The main point of our research is to understand how the tourism image of Croatia is created. This raises inevitably the question of the adequacy between the reality and what is said about it. We want to explain that the principle of the dialectic between representation and reality - Croatian tourism - is not only dependent on business or marketing case: other logics appear, especially using the field of identity construction. With such a way of thinking, we can demonstrate that the promoted image is, consciously or not, exploited.To analyze the image, a perfect knowledge of tourism (or of scientifically established facts) is a preliminary and essential approach. This unavoidable time of the analysis must allow to know the facts and not only the representations. So the second part of our analysis is dedicated to the exploitation of statistical facts, to the tourism phenomenon in terms of flows but also of forms of tourism. We show that the tourism crisis, more structural than cyclical (that is to say, more related to the transition from a socialist to a market economy at the end of the war in Yugoslavia) was quickly overwhelmed because of the customers (mainly Europeans) and because of well-known sea resorts. This quick tourism development may be explained by many factors (Part three): the most traditional arguments are highlighted (a Mediterranean climate, high accommodation capacities on the coast, the proximity of the European customers). But, contrary to a preconceived idea that is often relayed by the media, we insist on the place and on the role of the history of tourism development in the region: according to us, the tourism in Croatia (in terms of infrastructure or of customers) is nowadays, the result of previous periods (late nineteenth century and Yugoslav period) [...]
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Schoolyard Politics: Ethics and Language at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former YugoslaviaHatcher, Robert 12 1900 (has links)
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has been both contentious and successful. By examining the ICTY from a Levinasian ethical standpoint, we might be able to understand how the court uses language to enforce ethical and moral standards upon post-war societies. Using linguistic methods of analysis combined with traditional data about the ICTY, I empirically examine the court using ordinary least squares (OLS) in order to show the impact that language has upon the court's decision making process. I hypothesize that the court is an ethical entity, and therefore we should not see any evidence of bias against Serbs and that language will provide a robust view of the court as an ethical mechanism.
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Redressing female victims of sexual violence: possibilities for gender-specific reparations at the International Criminal CourtPia, Christina Kalus January 2011 (has links)
<p>This paper is about the reparations regime of the International Criminal Court and reparations possibilities for victims of sexual violence. It will contain a legal analysis of the reparations system of  / the Court, including the Trust Fund for Victims of the International Criminal Court. In a second step, the needs of women who experienced conflict related violence will be examined. The central  /   / question, which this paper will try to answer, is whether the ICC reparations regime has the ability to provide gender-sensitive reparations and thus make a contribution to the improvement of  / women&rsquo / s lives in post-conflict societies.</p>
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Redressing female victims of sexual violence: possibilities for gender-specific reparations at the International Criminal CourtPia, Christina Kalus January 2011 (has links)
<p>This paper is about the reparations regime of the International Criminal Court and reparations possibilities for victims of sexual violence. It will contain a legal analysis of the reparations system of  / the Court, including the Trust Fund for Victims of the International Criminal Court. In a second step, the needs of women who experienced conflict related violence will be examined. The central  /   / question, which this paper will try to answer, is whether the ICC reparations regime has the ability to provide gender-sensitive reparations and thus make a contribution to the improvement of  / women&rsquo / s lives in post-conflict societies.</p>
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