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Estudo Fitoquímico de Trichogonia menthaefolia Gardner (Asteraceae-Eupatorieae) / Phytochemistry study of Trichogonia menthaefolia Gardner (Asteraceae- Eupatorieae)Borges, Endler Marcel 18 October 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho estamos apresentando o estudo fitoquímico das partes totais da espécie Trichogonia menthaefolia Gardner (Asteraceae-Eupatorieae). O material vegetal foi coletado em Furnas ? MG e a partir do pó seco foram preparados os extratos em diclorometano e em metanol, em seqüência. Do extrato diclorometânico foram isolados: o sesquiterpeno 6?- angeloiloxi-eudesm-4(15)-eno, o triterpeno 3?-hidroxi-olean-12-eno, os triterpenos lupeol, taraxasterol, pseudotaraxasterol e 3?-hidroxi-olean-12-eno (identificados em mistura), os esteróides ?-sitosterol, estigmasterol, campesterol, estimast-7-en-3?-ol e espinasterol (identificados em mistura) e o flavonóide ramnocitrina. Do extrato metanólico foi isolado o flavonóide ramnocitrina 3-O-?-galactopiranosídeo. Estas substâncias, após isolamento e purificação por métodos cromatográficos, foram identificadas com o auxílio de várias técnicas espectroscópicas como: EM, EM-EM, RMN de 1H, 13C (PND; DEPT 135º) e a técnica bidimensional HMQC. Na identificação das misturas de triterpenos e esteróides a cromatografia de fase gasosa também foi utilizada.Neste trabalho estamos apresentando o estudo fitoquímico das partes totais da espécie Trichogonia menthaefolia Gardner (Asteraceae-Eupatorieae). O material vegetal foi coletado em Furnas ? MG e a partir do pó seco foram preparados os extratos em diclorometano e em metanol, em seqüência. Do extrato diclorometânico foram isolados: o sesquiterpeno 6?- angeloiloxi-eudesm-4(15)-eno, o triterpeno 3?-hidroxi-olean-12-eno, os triterpenos lupeol, taraxasterol, pseudotaraxasterol e 3?-hidroxi-olean-12-eno (identificados em mistura), os esteróides ?-sitosterol, estigmasterol, campesterol, estimast-7-en-3?-ol e espinasterol (identificados em mistura) e o flavonóide ramnocitrina. Do extrato metanólico foi isolado o flavonóide ramnocitrina 3-O-?-galactopiranosídeo. Estas substâncias, após isolamento e purificação por métodos cromatográficos, foram identificadas com o auxílio de várias técnicas espectroscópicas como: EM, EM-EM, RMN de 1H, 13C (PND; DEPT 135º) e a técnica bidimensional HMQC. Na identificação das misturas de triterpenos e esteróides a cromatografia de fase gasosa também foi utilizada. / In this study we are presenting the results of the phytochemical investigation of the Trichogonia menthaefoli Gardner (Asteraceae-Eupatorieae). This specie was collected in Furnas ? MG. Dicholorometanic and methanolic extracts were prepared from the dried powder plant material. These extracts were fractioned through chromatoghraphic methods. The dichloromethanic extract furnished the: sesquiterpene 6?-angeloyloxy-eudesm-4(15)-ene; triterpenes: 3?-hydroxy-olean-12-ene, lupeol, taraxasterol, pseudo-taraxasterol and 3?- hydroxy-olean-12-ene (identified in mixture) and the steroids: sitosterol, stigmasterol, stigmast-7-en-3?-ol, spinasterol and campesterol (identified in mixture) and the flavonóide rhamnocitrin. The methanolic extract afforded the flavonoid rhamnocitrin 3-O-?- galactopyranoside. Compound identification was performed by using a variety of spectroscopic methods, such as: MS, MS-MS, 1H and 13C NMR and HMQC bidimensional technique. The identification of mixtures (triterpenes and steroids) was also performed by gas chromatography in addition to other spectroscopic methods.
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Estudo Fitoquímico de Trichogonia menthaefolia Gardner (Asteraceae-Eupatorieae) / Phytochemistry study of Trichogonia menthaefolia Gardner (Asteraceae- Eupatorieae)Endler Marcel Borges 18 October 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho estamos apresentando o estudo fitoquímico das partes totais da espécie Trichogonia menthaefolia Gardner (Asteraceae-Eupatorieae). O material vegetal foi coletado em Furnas ? MG e a partir do pó seco foram preparados os extratos em diclorometano e em metanol, em seqüência. Do extrato diclorometânico foram isolados: o sesquiterpeno 6?- angeloiloxi-eudesm-4(15)-eno, o triterpeno 3?-hidroxi-olean-12-eno, os triterpenos lupeol, taraxasterol, pseudotaraxasterol e 3?-hidroxi-olean-12-eno (identificados em mistura), os esteróides ?-sitosterol, estigmasterol, campesterol, estimast-7-en-3?-ol e espinasterol (identificados em mistura) e o flavonóide ramnocitrina. Do extrato metanólico foi isolado o flavonóide ramnocitrina 3-O-?-galactopiranosídeo. Estas substâncias, após isolamento e purificação por métodos cromatográficos, foram identificadas com o auxílio de várias técnicas espectroscópicas como: EM, EM-EM, RMN de 1H, 13C (PND; DEPT 135º) e a técnica bidimensional HMQC. Na identificação das misturas de triterpenos e esteróides a cromatografia de fase gasosa também foi utilizada.Neste trabalho estamos apresentando o estudo fitoquímico das partes totais da espécie Trichogonia menthaefolia Gardner (Asteraceae-Eupatorieae). O material vegetal foi coletado em Furnas ? MG e a partir do pó seco foram preparados os extratos em diclorometano e em metanol, em seqüência. Do extrato diclorometânico foram isolados: o sesquiterpeno 6?- angeloiloxi-eudesm-4(15)-eno, o triterpeno 3?-hidroxi-olean-12-eno, os triterpenos lupeol, taraxasterol, pseudotaraxasterol e 3?-hidroxi-olean-12-eno (identificados em mistura), os esteróides ?-sitosterol, estigmasterol, campesterol, estimast-7-en-3?-ol e espinasterol (identificados em mistura) e o flavonóide ramnocitrina. Do extrato metanólico foi isolado o flavonóide ramnocitrina 3-O-?-galactopiranosídeo. Estas substâncias, após isolamento e purificação por métodos cromatográficos, foram identificadas com o auxílio de várias técnicas espectroscópicas como: EM, EM-EM, RMN de 1H, 13C (PND; DEPT 135º) e a técnica bidimensional HMQC. Na identificação das misturas de triterpenos e esteróides a cromatografia de fase gasosa também foi utilizada. / In this study we are presenting the results of the phytochemical investigation of the Trichogonia menthaefoli Gardner (Asteraceae-Eupatorieae). This specie was collected in Furnas ? MG. Dicholorometanic and methanolic extracts were prepared from the dried powder plant material. These extracts were fractioned through chromatoghraphic methods. The dichloromethanic extract furnished the: sesquiterpene 6?-angeloyloxy-eudesm-4(15)-ene; triterpenes: 3?-hydroxy-olean-12-ene, lupeol, taraxasterol, pseudo-taraxasterol and 3?- hydroxy-olean-12-ene (identified in mixture) and the steroids: sitosterol, stigmasterol, stigmast-7-en-3?-ol, spinasterol and campesterol (identified in mixture) and the flavonóide rhamnocitrin. The methanolic extract afforded the flavonoid rhamnocitrin 3-O-?- galactopyranoside. Compound identification was performed by using a variety of spectroscopic methods, such as: MS, MS-MS, 1H and 13C NMR and HMQC bidimensional technique. The identification of mixtures (triterpenes and steroids) was also performed by gas chromatography in addition to other spectroscopic methods.
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Suzukimetoden : Några elevröster / The Suzuki Method : Selected Views From PupilsGustavsson, Ida January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om Suzukimetoden. Syftet med arbetet är att beskriva metoden med dess styrkor och svagheter samt att få förståelse för hur tidigare suzukielever ser på sin tid som suzukielev. Den teoretiska bakgrunden utgörs av Lev Vygotskijs och Howard Gardners teorier. Utöver litteraturstudier har jag genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med sex ungdomar/vuxna som tidigare varit suzukielever. De valde alla att sluta spela när de kom upp i tonåren. Det är deras berättelser som är studiens empiri. Resultatet visar att personerna anser att suzukitiden betytt mycket positivt för dem. Framför allt lyfter de fram gemenskapen som de upplevde som suzukielever. Läger, kompisar och grupplektioner är roliga minnen som de bär med sig och som de anser har påverkat dem positivt. De positiva omdömena av undervisningen dominerar. I studien framkommer dock några områden som lärare och föräldrar behöver reflektera över. Det berör notinlärning, överdrivet föräldraengagemang och konkurrens. / This essay is about the Suzuki method. The purpose of this work is to describe the method and its strengths and weaknesses and to gain an understanding of how former Suzuki students view their studies in the Suzuki method. The theoretical background consists of Lev Vygotsky and Howard Gardner’s theories. In addition to literature studies, I conducted interviews with six young adults who were Suzuki students and who chose to quit playing when becoming teenagers. It is their stories that are the study’s empirical evidence. The results indicate that the Suzuki studies were very positive for them. Above all, they refer to the sense of community they felt as Suzuki students. Camp, friends and group lessons are fun memories that they share and which have been a positive influence. The positive reviews of teaching predominate. However, the study shows certain areas that teachers and parents need to reflect on. It affects note learning, excessive parental involvement and competition
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Education for All: Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory / Educación para todos: La Teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples de GardnerEmst-Slavit, Gisela 25 September 2017 (has links)
In the last years the Theory of the Multiple Intelligences developed by Howard Gardner has had a tremendous impact in elementary and secondary classrooms in the United States. Gardner(1983) defines intelligence as the ability to solve a problem or fashion a product that is valued in one or more cultural settings. His definition expands our understanding of "intelligence" beyond the familiar linguistic and Logical-mathematical intelligences, to include the spatial, musical,bodily-kinesthetic, naturalist. interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences. This new wayof conceptualizing human intelligence has profound implications for educators whose task needs to include the identification and nourishment of the different talents brought by al students. / En los últimos años la Teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples formulada por Howard Gardner ha tenido un impacto tremendo en los salones de clase de escuelas primarias y secundarias en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Gardner (1983) define inteligencia como una habilidad para resolver un problema o manufacturar un producto valorado por lo menos en un contexto cultural. Esta definición extiende nuestra comprensión de inteligencia más allá de las reconocidas inteligencias lingüística y lógico-matemática, para incluir otras inteligencias como es el caso de la espacial, musical, física-cinestética, naturalista, interpersonal, e intrapersonal. Esta nuevamanera de conceptualizar la inteligencia humana tiene profundas implicaciones para los educadores cuya labor deberá involucrar la identificación y nutrición de los diferentes talentos que traen consigo todos los estudiantes.
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Text A: Teasing Out the Influences on Early Gardnerian Witchcraft as Evidenced in the Personal Writings of Gerald Brosseau GardnerCrandall, Lisa 21 November 2013 (has links)
This thesis is an intensive, multi-layered analysis of an unpublished, English language, handwritten, mid-20th century manuscript. Originally undated, untitled and unsigned, it has now been positively identified as “Text A”, a Wiccan proto-Book of Shadows compiled by Gerald Brosseau Gardner (1884-1964) in the last half of the 1940’s. Different methodologies were applied to the document: transcription using Leiden conventions, handwriting analysis to identify the author, archival research to uncover photographs of the manuscript in use, historical and bibliographical research to situate the manuscript and its author, and finally, an in-depth and exhaustive source analysis to uncover literary and documentary influences on the text. Subsequently, the manuscript was identified as handwritten by Gerald Gardner, from 1940 to 1949, and contains almost no original material other than a handful of pages for a speech or oral presentation. The rest of the document is comprised of extracts from published sources available to Gardner. These include books on Free Masonry, Templars, British Folklore, Kabbalah, Magic – ancient and ceremonial, and books by Aleister Crowley. The document also includes ritual passages and ceremonies, most of which also appear in Gardner’s published novel, High Magic’s Aid. Two theme-lines, “Magic – ancient and ceremonial” and “the writings of Aleiser Crowley”, comprising almost 40% of the total page count, were chosen for thorough analysis. Based on the information revealed by the various methodologies applied to this document, one can assert that Gardner’s claims to have been initiated into an ancient indigenous tradition, Wicca, and to be making available its long secret rituals are not supported by this document.
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Text A: Teasing Out the Influences on Early Gardnerian Witchcraft as Evidenced in the Personal Writings of Gerald Brosseau GardnerCrandall, Lisa January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is an intensive, multi-layered analysis of an unpublished, English language, handwritten, mid-20th century manuscript. Originally undated, untitled and unsigned, it has now been positively identified as “Text A”, a Wiccan proto-Book of Shadows compiled by Gerald Brosseau Gardner (1884-1964) in the last half of the 1940’s. Different methodologies were applied to the document: transcription using Leiden conventions, handwriting analysis to identify the author, archival research to uncover photographs of the manuscript in use, historical and bibliographical research to situate the manuscript and its author, and finally, an in-depth and exhaustive source analysis to uncover literary and documentary influences on the text. Subsequently, the manuscript was identified as handwritten by Gerald Gardner, from 1940 to 1949, and contains almost no original material other than a handful of pages for a speech or oral presentation. The rest of the document is comprised of extracts from published sources available to Gardner. These include books on Free Masonry, Templars, British Folklore, Kabbalah, Magic – ancient and ceremonial, and books by Aleister Crowley. The document also includes ritual passages and ceremonies, most of which also appear in Gardner’s published novel, High Magic’s Aid. Two theme-lines, “Magic – ancient and ceremonial” and “the writings of Aleiser Crowley”, comprising almost 40% of the total page count, were chosen for thorough analysis. Based on the information revealed by the various methodologies applied to this document, one can assert that Gardner’s claims to have been initiated into an ancient indigenous tradition, Wicca, and to be making available its long secret rituals are not supported by this document.
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Conditions of Dance in Morocco : Interviews and observations of Adults and Children involved in Dance activities in MarrakechKarlsson, Linda January 2009 (has links)
<p>The overall purpose of this study was to deepen our knowledge about dance in general and about</p><p>dance activities for children in particular, in Morocco. Consequently, we attempted to gain insight and</p><p>understanding of the social and political premises to dance in this context. We further intended to</p><p>study how children were involved in dance activities. A qualitative study was carried out during a stay</p><p>of eight weeks in Marrakech. Data was mainly collected through participant observations in the field</p><p>of dance and children and adults were interviewed. In addition, a quantitative based opinion survey</p><p>was carried out among seven dance teachers.</p><p>The results showed that in spite of the fact that traditional folk dancing is frequently practiced in the</p><p>Moroccan culture, there was a difficulty for the art of dance to gain ground. The access to dance</p><p>activities was limited due to insufficient political and economical support and also because of the</p><p>social conceptions prevailing in the Moroccan society. However, dance was highly valued by children</p><p>that took part in dance education. Both children and dance teachers expressed that dancing enhanced</p><p>the children's self esteem, emotional communication and aesthetic experiences. In the light of the</p><p>theory of multiple intelligences the respondents foremost referred to the personal intelligence as being</p><p>promoted by dancing. The perspective of the child did not receive much attention in governmental</p><p>policies. The access to dance activities for children was much relying on the cultural and economic</p><p>capital of the family. Among people involved in the general field of dance, the knowledge on dance</p><p>showed broad and despite the obvious challenges they were eager to continue their work for the art of</p><p>dance.</p><p> </p>
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Elevers attityder och uppfattningar kring olika arbetssätt i matematikundervisningen : Vad är sambandet mellan attityder/uppfattningar och inlärningsstilar? / Pupils’ attitudes and beliefs about different ways of working in mathematics education : What is the relation between attitudes/beliefs and learning styles?Forsberg, Lisa January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med arbetet var att ta reda på vad elever i grundskolans senare år tycker om olika arbetssätt i matematik, men också att se vilka inlärningsstilar de använder sig av i matematikundervisningen. Jag tittade även efter om det fanns något samband mellan vad eleverna tycker om arbetssätt och hur de lär sig. Inlärningsstilen jag baserade min undersökning på var Howard Gardners begrepp intelligens. Gardners teori går ut på att alla personer innehar sju intelligenser – förmågor – men att vissa är starkare än andra. De arbetssätt jag valde att fokusera på var lärarens genomgångar, enskilt arbete i boken, samarbete med en kamrat, gemensamma diskussioner, forskning och redovisning, grupparbete, och laborationer. Resultatet visade att enskilt arbete i boken, samarbete med en kamrat samt lärarens genomgångar var de arbetssätt som eleverna var positiva till. Orsaken var bland annat att det var positivt att få diskutera och höra andras åsikter, att få saker och ting förklarade för sig, liksom självständighet, så som att få tänka själv och bestämma i vilken takt man vill arbeta. Eleverna var negativa till gemensamma diskussioner, forskning och redovisning, grupparbete samt laborationer. Orsaken var bland annat att eleverna upplevde att det var långtråkigt och segt, att det var svåra uppgifter som de inte förstod, eller att det var ojämn arbetsfördelning, som att alla inte arbetade eller sade vad de tyckte. Undersökningen visade även att de arbetssätt som inte var så populära också var de arbetssätt som inte förekom så ofta. Den intelligens som var vanligast förekommande i undersökningsgruppen var den intrapersonella intelligensen, det vill säga den intelligens som visar på att en person har god självkännedom. Undersökningen visade dock inget samband mellan vilka attityder/uppfattningar eleverna hade och hur de lärde sig bäst.</p>
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Elevers attityder och uppfattningar kring olika arbetssätt i matematikundervisningen : Vad är sambandet mellan attityder/uppfattningar och inlärningsstilar? / Pupils’ attitudes and beliefs about different ways of working in mathematics education : What is the relation between attitudes/beliefs and learning styles?Forsberg, Lisa January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet var att ta reda på vad elever i grundskolans senare år tycker om olika arbetssätt i matematik, men också att se vilka inlärningsstilar de använder sig av i matematikundervisningen. Jag tittade även efter om det fanns något samband mellan vad eleverna tycker om arbetssätt och hur de lär sig. Inlärningsstilen jag baserade min undersökning på var Howard Gardners begrepp intelligens. Gardners teori går ut på att alla personer innehar sju intelligenser – förmågor – men att vissa är starkare än andra. De arbetssätt jag valde att fokusera på var lärarens genomgångar, enskilt arbete i boken, samarbete med en kamrat, gemensamma diskussioner, forskning och redovisning, grupparbete, och laborationer. Resultatet visade att enskilt arbete i boken, samarbete med en kamrat samt lärarens genomgångar var de arbetssätt som eleverna var positiva till. Orsaken var bland annat att det var positivt att få diskutera och höra andras åsikter, att få saker och ting förklarade för sig, liksom självständighet, så som att få tänka själv och bestämma i vilken takt man vill arbeta. Eleverna var negativa till gemensamma diskussioner, forskning och redovisning, grupparbete samt laborationer. Orsaken var bland annat att eleverna upplevde att det var långtråkigt och segt, att det var svåra uppgifter som de inte förstod, eller att det var ojämn arbetsfördelning, som att alla inte arbetade eller sade vad de tyckte. Undersökningen visade även att de arbetssätt som inte var så populära också var de arbetssätt som inte förekom så ofta. Den intelligens som var vanligast förekommande i undersökningsgruppen var den intrapersonella intelligensen, det vill säga den intelligens som visar på att en person har god självkännedom. Undersökningen visade dock inget samband mellan vilka attityder/uppfattningar eleverna hade och hur de lärde sig bäst.
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Multipla intelligenser. Tillämpningar av Howard Gardners teorier i matematikundervisning. / Multiple intelligences. The theories of Howard Gardner applied in mathematic education.Vesterlund, Jessica January 2002 (has links)
Arbetet behandlar Howard Gardners teorier om de sju intelligenserna, tillämpningar av dessa i matematikundervisning, kopplingar till läroplanen samt en undersökning om dessa används i praktiken. De pedagoger som beskriver praktisk tillämpning av Gardners teorier menar att det till stor del handlar om ett nytt förhållningssätt till undervisning. En förutsättning att anpassa undervisningen till dessa teorier är att den fysiska miljön möjliggör gruppindelning. Läroplanen ger stöd för arbetssätt som kan kopplas till Gardners teorier. Det går att läsa att undervisningen ska anpassas till elevernas förutsättningar och behov. I undersökningens intervjuer framkommer att lärare i varierad utsträckning undervisar enligt metoder som går att knyta till Gardners teorier. Förutom de språkliga och matematiska intelligenserna, som dominerar både undervisning och läroböcker, används också ofta den spatiala intelligensen. Lärarna upplever att lokalbrist begränsar möjligheter till variation.
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