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Weighing in on Wonder Woman: Analyzing Gardner Fox's Writing for Potential SexismDeRoss, Jennifer 06 September 2017 (has links)
Wonder Woman is seen as the embodiment of feminism in the comic world and her placement as the secretary of the Justice Society of America is seen as a crime against her character. Many blame Gardner Fox for this decision, but I argue that accusing him of sexism is an oversimplification. My work seeks to fill in the lack of knowledge regarding his writing of Wonder Woman and restore his name. While scholars are right to be attentive to the use of demeaning stereotypes that have long been used to keep women from access to power, the way in which Gardner Fox wrote Wonder Woman, conveys a sense of respect for women and their contributions to society in general; therefore, assertions that he is a sexist are not only misleading but inappropriately degrading the work of a man who was trying to accurately represent the women he saw around him.
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Building for the Future: Revitalization through ArchitecturePerry, Rebecca N 17 July 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the revitalization of a once thriving manufacturing city, Gardner, Massachusetts. In the past the city of Gardner was rich with furniture manufacturers. Over the years the manufacture of furniture has left Gardner. The goal of this thesis is to reinvigorate the furniture making and craft back into Gardner. The proposed revitalization of the town was furthered through teaching and the design and production of a new product line. The renovation and retrofit of an existing now abandoned, building. Designing to meet the strategies, methods, and processes of furniture production; merged with an architecture meant to signal both respect for the history of Gardner and a new revitalization; designing from the inside – out.
Thoughts about sustainability and environmental design are incorporated into the design. There are a multitude of new building practices and strategies that are explored and will be used to try and form a design that could unite usability, function, aesthetics, and comfort as well as meeting current code and ADA requirements, through retrofitting an existing building. Teaching the former craft of furniture making will ignite revitalization in the downtown area. A new form of universally designed furniture making will be taught and practiced in the facility.
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From page to stage: Isabella Stewart Gardner's photograph albums and the development of her museum, 1874-1924Riley, Casey K. 08 April 2016 (has links)
This dissertation traces the arc of Isabella Stewart Gardner's professional development through her photographic and archival practices in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. While Gardner's museum in Boston is well known, she destroyed evidence pertinent to her curatorial agenda. To recover these methods, this project surveys Gardner's involvement with photography through two of her earliest travel albums, all fifteen of her illustrated guest books, and five albums of the evolving galleries in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. The process of photographic album making supported strategies of research, collection, installation, and preservation that Gardner would use as a patron and institutional leader. Gardner's albums illuminate her actions not only as a collector of travel photography by Antonio Beato, Francis Frith, Pascal Sebah, and others, but also as a snapshot photographer and a commissioner of professional architectural photography in Boston. Her multivalent photographic practices reveal the ways in which she used albums and photography to realize her professional ambitions. Collecting, creating, arranging, and displaying photographs were not sentimental pastimes for Gardner, but processes intrinsic to the formation of her identity as a cosmopolitan innovator and civic leader.
The first chapter analyzes the handwritten narrative, watercolor paintings, and commercial photography of Egyptian antiquities in Gardner's 1874-1875 "Egypt Diary" to discover the earliest origins for her actions as a collector. The second chapter analyzes the photographic assemblages of Gothic architecture in Gardner's 1879 travel albums of England to show how that journey influenced her design of the galleries and garden at Fenway Court. The third chapter reads Gardner's guest books as socially networked photographic objects to demonstrate their role in cultivating institutional supporters and shaping the cultural mission of her museum. The fourth chapter establishes the importance of reproductive technologies in the assembling of Gardner's collection of art and the pivotal role of architectural photography in the preservation of her civic bequest. The case studies within this dissertation form a comprehensive examination of Gardner's photographic engagements and the importance of photography in the formation and preservation of her institutional legacy. / 2023-12-31T00:00:00Z
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Att arbeta med de multipla intelligensrna i praktikenPersson, Malin January 2009 (has links)
Abstract Persson, M (2008). Att arbeta med multipla intelligenserna i praktiken.Malmö: Lärarutbildningen: Malmö högskolaExamensarbetet handlar om barns väg att inhämta kunskap på olika sätt och hur undervisningen i skolan kan påverka detta. Syftet med undersökningen är att studera hur undervisningen i en skola som arbetar utifrån Howard Gardners teori om de multipla intelligenserna kan se ut i praktiken. Genom observationer under tre olika arbetspass samt intervjuer av lika många lärare i skolan söker jag svaret på frågorna som undersökningen utgår ifrån. Hur kan en lektion planerad utifrån de multipla intelligenserna se ut? Hur ser lärarna på undervisningen? Vid observationstillfällena framgår framförallt arbetsmetoden med arbetsschema, vilka utgår ifrån de ursprungliga sju intelligenserna. Här har undersökningen visat att arbetet utifrån MI-teorin ger lektioner där fler intelligenser införlivas, därmed ger undervisningen ett bredare utbud för varje individ att ta in kunskap. Intervjuerna har visat på engagerade lärare som förutom arbetet utifrån arbetsschemat strävar efter variation och mångfald i undervisningens helhet. Den forskning och empiriska undersökning som uppsatsen baserats på visar att teorin om de multipla intelligenserna kan vara användbar i undervisningen och skapa många olika undervisningsmöjligheter.
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Att utvecklas med dansen i skolanJohannisson, Max, Zurawski, Louise January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur elever påverkas mentalt, fysiskt och socialt av dans. Härigenom förväntar vi oss även få svar på vilka fördelar dans har att erbjuda den enskilda individen i dess personliga utveckling under de obligatoriska skolåren. Vi kommer även att undersöka vilka fördelar dans skulle kunna erbjuda som komplement till den traditionella undervisningen i skolan. Alltså vad kan dans erbjuda som pedagogiskt redskap? Vi tycker även det är intressant att undersöka om det förkommer några skillnader mellan könen i deras inställning till dans. För att veta om det finns möjligheter att lägga in mer dans på schemat kommer vi även att undersöka vad styrdokumenten säger om dansens plats i skolan. Vi vill alltså försäkra oss om att det vi undersöker är förenligt med styrdokumenten. Arbetet avgränsades av tre frågeställningar: - Hur påverkas eleverna socialt, fysiskt och mentalt av dans? - Vilka fördelar erbjuder dans som pedagogiskt redskap? - Hur uppfattar lärarna att elevernas attityd gentemot dansen skiljer sig mellan pojkar och flickor? Arbetet ger en översikt av tidigare forskning om hur dans påverkar barn och ungdomar. Med hjälp av intervjuer får man en bild av hur pedagoger uppfattar dansens roll i skolan och dess påverkan på barn och ungdomar. Sammanfattningsvis pekar resultatet på att dansens roll i skolan borde bli i större än vad den är nu, då det är på många vis givande och utvecklande för barn och ungdomar att dansa. Det blir en utveckling som håller, livet ut. / The purpose of this essay is to examine how students are influenced mentally, physically and socially through dance. We hereby expect to find out what advantages dancing can offer the individual in his or her personal development during the obligatory school years. We will also examine what advantages dancing can offer as a complement to the traditional teaching in schools. So, what does dancing have to offer as a pedagogical tool? We also think it is interesting to examine whether there are any differences between the sexes in their attitudes to dance. In order to see if there is a possibility of inserting more dancing into the schedule, we will also examine what the curriculum has to say about more dance in schools. We also want to make sure that what we examine is compatible with the curricular guidelines. The Essay is delimited by three questions: - How are pupils affected socially, physically and mentally by dancing? - What advantages does dancing have as a pedagogical tool? - How do teachers consider the pupils' attitude towards dancing to be different between boys and girls? The essay is a summary of earlier research on how dancing affects children and young people. With the help of interviews you will get a picture of how pedagogues understand the role of dance in schools and its effect on children and young people. To sum up, the results suggest that the role of dance in schools should be larger then it is today, because dance benefits and helps children and young people to develop. It provides life-long development.
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"Ja, det blir en liten klick varje dag!" - Om estetiska uttrycksformer i skolanJönsson, Cecilia, Nagel, Linda January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med vår kvalitativa undersökning är att kartlägga estetiska uttrycksformer i undervisningssammanhang. Vi formulerade följande problemställningar; hur definierar verksamma pedagoger begreppet estetiska uttrycksformer, hur använder verksamma pedagoger estetiska uttrycksformer i sin undervisning samt hur uppmärksammar verksamma pedagoger de estetiska lärprocesserna? Genom våra semistrukturerade intervjuer fann vi att begreppet estetiska uttrycksformer definieras som praktiska moment där motorik och sinne samspelar. Vi fann även att fritidspedagogerna lägger vikt vid elevernas sociala utveckling medan lärarna fokuserar på kunskapsutvecklingen hos eleverna. En gemensam uppfattning hos de verksamma pedagogerna är att de estetiska uttrycksformerna fördelaktigt kan användas för att främja de olika lärstilarna.
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Spel som repetitionsmoment i gymnasieskolans biologiundervisningSvensson, Cecilia January 2016 (has links)
Författaren utvecklade ett frågespel i Biologi 1 för att undersöka om det kan vara ett alternativ som repetitionsmoment inför ett eventuellt slutprov i biologi 1. Vad anser eleverna om biologispelet som repetitionsmoment i undervisningen? Vill eleverna ha mer spelanvändning i sin undervisning? För att besvara dessa frågor testades biologispelet på gymnasieelever som läser Biologi 2 och därpå utvärderade eleverna spelet genom att besvara en enkät. Metodvalet baserades på Pinder (2013), Cheong, Cheong & Filippou (2014) samt Sadler et al (2015) metoder då deras studier hade liknande frågeställningar jämfört med denna studie. Studiens resultat visade att 60% av deltagande elever ansåg att biologispelet var bra som repetitionsmoment samt att de ville ha mer spel i sin undervisning. När studiens empiri och teori om kunskapsinlärning jämfördes drogs slutsatsen att en varierad undervisning med både spel och lärarledda genomgångar borde gynna elevernas kunskapsutveckling bäst.
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A Best-Evidence Synthesis of the Relationship of Multiple Intelligence Instructional Approaches and Student Achievement Indicators in Secondary School ClassroomsHodge, Ethan E. 27 September 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Creating a Multiple Intelligences LandscapeDorminey, Sarah J. 17 December 2003 (has links)
The built environment should facilitate a meaningful experience for a user by intellectually engaging their perceptual and cognitive abilities. In 1983, Howard Gardner published his cognitive theory of multiple intelligences. Gardner theorizes that human intelligence is not one single capacity, but is comprised of multiple capacities. Many teachers use the multiple intelligences theory as a tool to reach a larger number of students by engaging their unique learning styles. The theory of multiple intelligences is one way to interpret how an individual might understand, perceive or experience their surroundings. I used Gardner's theory as a framework to develop design criteria that can be used by designers to create landscapes or environments that engage people in an intellectual and meaningful way. By designing a site that will engage different individuals' unique methods of understanding, a landscape architect can create landscapes that will capture attention and promote a unique personal experience through the creation of sense of place. I believe that this in turn can also be used as a tool for articulating design ideas and analyzing current landscapes.
My research begins with a review of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's theory of flow and what is needed to achieve this playful state. The answer is to engage a user with a challenge. This led me to Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. After a review of his work, I used his theory to analyze several case study landscapes. Based on this research, I developed a set of preliminary design criteria that can be used as an outline or a starting point for designers.
I chose the Joe L. Evins Appalachian Center for Crafts (ACC) in Smithville, Tennessee as my site for beginning my understanding of the range of uses that the multiple intelligences possess within a landscape. The ACC is a visual arts school whose mission is to preserve and educate people about the culture and techniques of Appalachian crafts. The mediums that are taught are clay, glass, metal, fibers, and wood. My design exploration lead me to concluded that the outcome of a multiple intelligences landscape will be shaped by several factors: the personal strengths and weaknesses within the multiple intelligences of the designer, the sites will determine which intelligences should be designed for, and that the design process should be a collaborative effort. Therefore, the design solution produced is not the strength of this research project, but rather the development, process, and conclusions that reveal a strong case for the inclusion of engaging users' intellectually. / Master of Landscape Architecture
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[pt] Um dos desafios diários para professores é encontrar meios para motivar seus alunos a aprender Matemática. A fim de obter sucesso nesse processo, ler sobre experiências que tiveram resultados positivos sempre leva os professores a pensar que existe um caminho melhor a ser seguido. Este trabalho traz dois projetos que tiveram como objetivo principal despertar um maior interesse dos alunos em Matemática e foram aplicados em algumas salas de aula dos Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental: a Olimpíada Interna de Matemática e a criação de uma nova disciplina, chamada Fundamentos, que busca fazer com que o aluno consiga perceber melhor as diferentes inteligências através de aulas elaboradas por uma equipe pedagógica e professores de Matemática em um colégio particular do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Além disso, traz uma pesquisa realizada com alunos do nono ano do Ensino Fundamental que tiveram contato com um desses projetos em 2015 e 2016. Esta pesquisa mostra a percepção dos alunos sobre o trabalho realizado na disciplina criada, que tem como norteador do planejamento de conteúdos o desenvolvimento das inteligências múltiplas. Nesta nova disciplina, os alunos são apresentados a diferentes tipos de problemas que envolvem raciocínio lógico, interpretação de texto, percepção espacial e outras habilidades que são agregadas ao currículo dos Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental para desenvolver melhor o desempenho dos alunos na vida escolar. / [en] One of the daily challenges for teachers is to find ways to motivate their students to learn math. In order to succeed in this process, reading about experiences that have had positive results always leads teachers to think that there is a better way to be followed. This work presents two projects that had as main objective to arouse a greater interest of the students in Mathematics and were applied in some classrooms of the Final Years of the Elementary School: the Internal Olympiad of Mathematics and the creation of a new discipline, called Essentials, that Seeks to make the student better understand the different intelligences through classes developed by a pedagogical team and teachers of mathematics at a private school in the State of Rio de Janeiro. In addition, it brings a survey conducted with students of the ninth grade of Elementary School who had contact with one of these projects in 2015 and 2016. This research shows the students perception about the work done in the discipline created, which has as guiding content planning The development of multiple intelligences. In this new discipline, students are introduced to different types of problems involving logical reasoning, text interpretation, spatial perception, and other skills that are added to the curriculum of the Final Years of Elementary School to better develop students performance in school life.
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