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Einfluss der intestinalen Mikrobiota nach Roux-en-Y Magenbypass-Chirurgie auf das Körpergewicht und den Stoffwechsel im KleintiermodellHaase, Nadine 24 November 2021 (has links)
Angesichts des besorgniserregenden Anstiegs der weltweiten Inzidenz von Übergewicht und Adipositas sowie der damit assoziierten Komorbiditäten, bedarf es neben weitreichenden präventiven Maßnahmen vor allem der Entwicklung neuer, nachhaltig effizienter Strategien zum langfristigen Gewichts- und Stoffwechselmanagement. Als wichtiger Ausgangspunkt für solch non-invasive Behandlungsalternativen, könnte das Verständnis der zugrundeliegenden Wirkmechanismen der „bariatrisch-metabolischen Chirurgie“, mit dem Roux-en-Y Magenbypass (Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, RYGB) als eines der am häufigsten angewandten Verfahren, genutzt werden. Zumal der langfristige Erfolg der RYGB-Operation nicht nur auf die restriktiv-malabsorptiven Modifikationen zurückzuführen ist, sondern auch mit zahlreichen vom Gewichtsverlust unabhängigen Faktoren, wie einer erheblichen Umgestaltung der mikrobiellen Darmbesiedlung, in Verbindung gebracht wird. Inwieweit es sich hierbei um eine kausale Verbindung zwischen der RYGB-modulierten intestinalen Mikrobiota und den durch den chirurgischen Eingriff induzierten Gesundheitsvorteilen handelt, blieb bislang jedoch ungeklärt.
Ziel der Untersuchung
Die vorliegende Arbeit dient der Darstellung der funktionellen Beziehung zwischen der RYGB-spezifischen Darm-Mikrobiota und den positiven therapeutischen Effekten der Roux-en-Y Magenbypass-Operation bei diätetisch-induzierter Adipositas. Hierbei ist vor allem die Rolle der postoperativen „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ beim Erreichen der nachhaltigen Gewichtsreduktion und verbesserten Stoffwechselfunktion von besonderem Interesse. Im Weiteren wird die Mikrobiota-basierte Übertragbarkeit jener vorteilhaften Auswirkungen des bariatrischen Eingriffs auf ein konventionelles Adipositasmodell untersucht.
Mithilfe der gezielten Dezimierung der mikrobiellen Darmflora von RYGB-operierten Tieren, ließ sich die grundlegende Bedeutung derselben für die postoperativen Verbesserungen der Gewichts-, Stoffwechsel- und Energiekontrolle des Wirtes verdeutlichen. So führte die kontinuierliche Antibiotikagabe zu einer signifikanten Minderung der positiven klinischen Effekte des Eingriffes, was als Beweis für die essenzielle Bedeutung der intestinalen „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ zum Erreichen des vollen Ausmaßes der therapeutischen Wirksamkeit der Operation bewertet werden kann. Basierend auf Versuchen, die die Übertragbarkeit bariatrischer Therapieeffekte auf keimfreie, metabolisch unbelastete Versuchstiere belegen, gelang es uns zudem nachzuweisen, dass der fäkale Mikrobiota-Transfer der post-RYGB veränderten mikrobiellen Darmbesiedlung auch bei konventionell aufgezogenen, nicht-operierten Kleinnagern mit diätetisch-induzierter Adipositas ausreicht, um die positiven Auswirkungen der Operation auf die Stoffwechselgesundheit des Empfängers nachzuahmen.
So unterstreichen die Ergebnisse unseres konventionellen Adipositas-Krankheitsmodells zum einen die entscheidende Rolle der intestinalen Mikrobiota als Schlüsselfaktor für den Operationserfolg des Roux-en-Y Magenbypasses und veranschaulichen zum anderen eine innovative Möglichkeit zur Behandlung von Adipositas und den damit verbundenen Stoffwechselerkrankungen auf der Grundlage von Mikrobiota-Modulation.:INHALTSVERZEICHNIS
2.1 Adipositas in unserer Gesellschaft
2.2 Therapiemöglichkeiten von Adipositas
2.2.1 konservative Behandlungsansätze
2.2.2 bariatrische Chirurgie
2.3 Auswirkungen der Roux-en-Y Magenbypass-Operation auf das Körpergewicht,
den Stoffwechsel und die intestinale Mikrobiota bei Adipositas
2.4 Rolle der intestinalen Mikrobiota bei physiologischen und pathologischen
Stoffwechselprozessen im Wirtsorganismus
2.5 Behandlung von Darmerkrankungen und extraintestinalen Krankheiten durch
fäkalen Mikrobiota-Transfer
2.6 Evidenz für die Übertragung des metabolischen Phänotyps durch fäkalen
2.7 Bisherige Evidenz zur Wirkung der nach RYGB-Operation modulierten
intestinalen Mikrobiota auf den Wirtsstoffwechsel
2.8 Fragestellungen und Hypothesen
3.1 Versuchstiere
3.2 Materialien
3.2.1 Materialien des allgemeinen Versuchsablaufs und der In-vivo-Tests
3.2.2 Materialien der Roux-en-Y Magenbypass-Operation
3.2.3 Materialien der Ex-vivo-Analysen
3.3 Methoden
3.3.1 Allgemeiner Versuchsablauf
3.3.2 Roux-en-Y Magenbypass-Operation in der Ratte Präoperative Versorgung OP-Ablauf Postoperative Versorgung
3.3.3 In-vivo-Tests Glukosetoleranztest Insulintoleranztest Kälteexposition und Wärmebildaufnahme Echo MRI
3.3.4 Ex-vivo-Analysen Gewebeentnahme und -konservierung Histologische Gewebeaufarbeitung Generierung histologischer Gewebeschnitte Immunhistochemische/Histologische Färbeverfahren Mikroskopische Gewebsanalyse Absorptionsphotometrie Statistische Auswertung
4.1 Dezimierung der intestinalen Mikrobiota post-RYGB beeinflusst die
therapeutischen Effekte der operativen Intervention auf den Wirtsorganismus
4.1.1 Dezimierung der „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ verändert den Einfluss der Operation
auf die Futterpräferenz, Energiezufuhr und das Körpergewicht
4.1.2 Dezimierung der „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ modifiziert die Auswirkungen der
chirurgischen Intervention auf die Glukose-Homöostase
4.1.3 Dezimierung der „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ beeinflusst die Folgen des
bariatrischen Eingriffs auf den Lipidmetabolismus
4.1.4 Auswirkung der Dezimierung der „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ auf die postoperativ
auftretenden Veränderungen des Energiehaushaltes (Thermogenese)
4.1.5 Dezimierung der „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ verändert die Effekte der Operation
auf die Morphologie des Darms
4.2 Übertragung der post-RYGB veränderten intestinalen Mikrobiota auf ein
konventionelles Adipositasmodell imitiert die therapeutischen Effekte der
operativen Intervention
4.2.1 Einfluss des Transfers der fäkalen „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ auf die
Futterpräferenz, Energiezufuhr und das Körpergewicht im konventionellen
4.2.2 Auswirkung des Transfers der fäkalen „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ auf die Glukose-
Homöostase im konventionellen Adipositasmodell
4.2.3 Beeinflussung des Lipidmetabolismus durch den Transfer der fäkalen
„RYGB-Mikrobiota“ im konventionellen Adipositasmodell
4.2.4 Veränderung des Energiehaushaltes (Thermogenese) durch den Transfer
der fäkalen „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ im konventionellen Adipositasmodell
4.2.5 Transfer der fäkalen „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ modifiziert die Morphologie des
Darms im konventionellen Adipositasmodell
5.1 Kausale Rolle der postoperativ veränderten intestinalen „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ für
den Therapieerfolg der Operation
5.2 Therapeutische Bedeutung der RYGB-spezifischen intestinalen Mikrobiota auf
Gewicht und Stoffwechsel bei konventioneller Adipositas
5.3 Fazit und Ausblick
In view of the alarming increase in the global incidence of overweight and obesity and the associated comorbidities, there is a particular need for the development of new, sustainably efficient strategies for long-term weight and metabolic management, in addition to far-reaching preventive measures. As an important starting point for such noninvasive treatment alternatives, the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of action of 'bariatric metabolic surgery', with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) as one of the most commonly used procedures, could be used. Especially since the long-term success of RYGB surgery is not only due to the restrictive malabsorptive modifications, but also associated with numerous factors independent of weight loss, such as significant transformation of the intestinal microbial colonization. However, the extent to which this constitutes a causal link between the RYGB-modulated intestinal microbiota and the health benefits induced by the surgical intervention has so far remained unclear.
Aims of the Study
The aim of this investigation is to present the functional relationship between the RYGB-specific gut microbiota and the beneficial therapeutic effects of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery for diet-induced obesity. Here, the role of the postoperative 'RYGB-microbiota' in achieving sustained weight loss and improved metabolic function is of particular interest. Furthermore, the microbiota-based transferability of those beneficial effects of bariatric surgery to a conventional obesity model is investigated.
Using deliberate depletion of the intestinal microbial flora of RYGB-operated animals, our experiments in the RYGB small animal model allowed us to elucidate the fundamental importance of surgery-induced modulation of the intestinal microbiota for the postoperative improvements in the host's weight as well as metabolic, and energy control. In fact, continuous administration of antibiotics significantly attenuated the beneficial clinical effects of the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, which can be interpreted as evidence of the essential importance of the intestinal 'RYGB-microbiota' for the full extent of the therapeutic efficacy of surgery. Based on experiments demonstrating the transferability of the effects of bariatric therapy to germ-free, metabolically unaffected experimental animals, we were also able to demonstrate that fecal microbiota transfer of the altered post-RYGB intestinal microbial colonization was sufficient to mimic the beneficial effects of surgery on the metabolic health of the recipient, even in non-operated, conventionally reared small rodents with diet-induced obesity.
Thus, the results of our conventional obesity disease model both highlight the critical role of intestinal microbiota as a key factor in the surgical success of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and illustrate an innovative way to treat obesity and associated metabolic diseases through microbiota modulation.:INHALTSVERZEICHNIS
2.1 Adipositas in unserer Gesellschaft
2.2 Therapiemöglichkeiten von Adipositas
2.2.1 konservative Behandlungsansätze
2.2.2 bariatrische Chirurgie
2.3 Auswirkungen der Roux-en-Y Magenbypass-Operation auf das Körpergewicht,
den Stoffwechsel und die intestinale Mikrobiota bei Adipositas
2.4 Rolle der intestinalen Mikrobiota bei physiologischen und pathologischen
Stoffwechselprozessen im Wirtsorganismus
2.5 Behandlung von Darmerkrankungen und extraintestinalen Krankheiten durch
fäkalen Mikrobiota-Transfer
2.6 Evidenz für die Übertragung des metabolischen Phänotyps durch fäkalen
2.7 Bisherige Evidenz zur Wirkung der nach RYGB-Operation modulierten
intestinalen Mikrobiota auf den Wirtsstoffwechsel
2.8 Fragestellungen und Hypothesen
3.1 Versuchstiere
3.2 Materialien
3.2.1 Materialien des allgemeinen Versuchsablaufs und der In-vivo-Tests
3.2.2 Materialien der Roux-en-Y Magenbypass-Operation
3.2.3 Materialien der Ex-vivo-Analysen
3.3 Methoden
3.3.1 Allgemeiner Versuchsablauf
3.3.2 Roux-en-Y Magenbypass-Operation in der Ratte Präoperative Versorgung OP-Ablauf Postoperative Versorgung
3.3.3 In-vivo-Tests Glukosetoleranztest Insulintoleranztest Kälteexposition und Wärmebildaufnahme Echo MRI
3.3.4 Ex-vivo-Analysen Gewebeentnahme und -konservierung Histologische Gewebeaufarbeitung Generierung histologischer Gewebeschnitte Immunhistochemische/Histologische Färbeverfahren Mikroskopische Gewebsanalyse Absorptionsphotometrie Statistische Auswertung
4.1 Dezimierung der intestinalen Mikrobiota post-RYGB beeinflusst die
therapeutischen Effekte der operativen Intervention auf den Wirtsorganismus
4.1.1 Dezimierung der „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ verändert den Einfluss der Operation
auf die Futterpräferenz, Energiezufuhr und das Körpergewicht
4.1.2 Dezimierung der „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ modifiziert die Auswirkungen der
chirurgischen Intervention auf die Glukose-Homöostase
4.1.3 Dezimierung der „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ beeinflusst die Folgen des
bariatrischen Eingriffs auf den Lipidmetabolismus
4.1.4 Auswirkung der Dezimierung der „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ auf die postoperativ
auftretenden Veränderungen des Energiehaushaltes (Thermogenese)
4.1.5 Dezimierung der „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ verändert die Effekte der Operation
auf die Morphologie des Darms
4.2 Übertragung der post-RYGB veränderten intestinalen Mikrobiota auf ein
konventionelles Adipositasmodell imitiert die therapeutischen Effekte der
operativen Intervention
4.2.1 Einfluss des Transfers der fäkalen „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ auf die
Futterpräferenz, Energiezufuhr und das Körpergewicht im konventionellen
4.2.2 Auswirkung des Transfers der fäkalen „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ auf die Glukose-
Homöostase im konventionellen Adipositasmodell
4.2.3 Beeinflussung des Lipidmetabolismus durch den Transfer der fäkalen
„RYGB-Mikrobiota“ im konventionellen Adipositasmodell
4.2.4 Veränderung des Energiehaushaltes (Thermogenese) durch den Transfer
der fäkalen „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ im konventionellen Adipositasmodell
4.2.5 Transfer der fäkalen „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ modifiziert die Morphologie des
Darms im konventionellen Adipositasmodell
5.1 Kausale Rolle der postoperativ veränderten intestinalen „RYGB-Mikrobiota“ für
den Therapieerfolg der Operation
5.2 Therapeutische Bedeutung der RYGB-spezifischen intestinalen Mikrobiota auf
Gewicht und Stoffwechsel bei konventioneller Adipositas
5.3 Fazit und Ausblick
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The multifactorial regulation of the immune checkpoint PD-L1 in the course of H. pylori infectionSigulla, Janine 18 March 2021 (has links)
Eines der prävalentesten humanen Pathogene ist das Magenbakterium Helicobacter pylori, welches ca. die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung infiziert. Die Persistenz geht mit einer chronischen Gastritis einher, welche bis zu Magenkrebs fortschreiten kann. H.pylori bedient sich diverser Mechanismen um sich der Erkennung des Immunsystems zu entziehen und somit eine chronische Infektion zu ermöglichen. Erhöhte Expression des Immunzellinhibitors PD-L1 wurde in Magenepithelzellen gefunden, welche mit diesem Gram-negativen Erreger infiziert wurden. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Regulation auf in vitro Ebene untersucht, wobei zwei unterschiedliche Mechanismen identifiziert wurden. Ursächlich für die frühe PD-L1-Induktion ist die ADP-heptose/ALPK1 Signalkaskade. Der bakterielle Metabolit ADP-heptose, welcher für die Bildung von LPS benötigt wird, wurde als PAMP identifiziert, welcher durch das Sekretionssystems cagT4SS in die infizierte transportiert und anschließend von der Host Kinase ALPK1 erkannt wird. Gegensätzlich hierzu, wurde festgestellt, dass die zweite PD-L1-Hochregulation auf der metabolischen Reprogrammierung des Wirts beruht. Ein Merkmal von H. pylori ist dessen Bedarf an Cholesterin, welches es aus dem Medium oder aus membranösen Lipidregionen des Wirts extrahiert wird. Es konnte bewiesen werden, dass dieser Sterol-Abbauprozess zu einer erhöhten Stoffwechselaktivität führt, die spezifisch mit einer Zunahme der Glykolyse verbunden ist und mit einer Expressionsverschiebung des ersten Glykolyseenzyms Hexokinase von der Isoform 1 zu 2 einhergeht. Knockdown und Knockout- Experimente wiesen auf einen Zusammenhang mit der Regulation des Immunzellinhibitoren PD-L1 hin. / One of the most prevalent bacteria is the gastric bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which infects half of the world’s population. Persistence is accompanied with chronic gastritis which can progress towards gastric cancer. Several strategies are used by H.pylori to evade the immune system, enabling chronic infection. Heightened expression of the immune cell inhibitor PD-L1 was found in gastric epithelial cells, infected with this Gram-negative pathogen. Within this thesis, upregulation was studied in in vitro models, revealing two distinct mechanism. Causative for early PD-L1 induction is the ADP heptose/ALPK1 signaling axis. The bacterial metabolite ADP heptose, which is needed for LPS synthesis, was identified as PAMP, which is transported through the secretion system cagT4SS into the infected cell and is recognized by the host kinase ALPK1. In contrast, late upregulation of PD-L1 was found to be linked to metabolic reprogramming upon infection. Characteristic to H.pylori is its need of cholesterol, which it has to extract from the surrounding medium or lipid-rich regions within the host membrane. It could be shown that this sterol extraction process is accompanied with an increased metabolic activity which is linked with enhanced glycolysis and an expression shift of the glycolytic enzyme hexokinase isoform 1 to 2. Knockdown and knockout experiments showed a link between HK2 and regulation of the immune checkpoint PD-L1.
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Is eXplainable AI suitable as a hypotheses generating tool for medical research? Comparing basic pathology annotation with heat maps to find outAdlersson, Albert January 2023 (has links)
Hypothesis testing has long been a formal and standardized process. Hypothesis generation, on the other hand, remains largely informal. This thesis assess whether eXplainable AI (XAI) can aid in the standardization of hypothesis generation through its utilization as a hypothesis generating tool for medical research. We produce XAI heat maps for a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained to classify Microsatellite Instability (MSI) in colon and gastric cancer with four different XAI methods: Guided Backpropagation, VarGrad, Grad-CAM and Sobol Attribution. We then compare these heat maps with pathology annotations in order to look for differences to turn into new hypotheses. Our CNN successfully generates non-random XAI heat maps whilst achieving a validation accuracy of 85% and a validation AUC of 93% – as compared to others who achieve a AUC of 87%. Our results conclude that Guided Backpropagation and VarGrad are better at explaining high-level image features whereas Grad-CAM and Sobol Attribution are better at explaining low-level ones. This makes the two groups of XAI methods good complements to each other. Images of Microsatellite Insta- bility (MSI) with high differentiation are more difficult to analyse regardless of which XAI is used, probably due to exhibiting less regularity. Regardless of this drawback, our assessment is that XAI can be used as a useful hypotheses generating tool for research in medicine. Our results indicate that our CNN utilizes the same features as our basic pathology annotations when classifying MSI – with some additional features of basic pathology missing – features which we successfully are able to generate new hypotheses with.
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Využití nových biomarkerů pro zefektivnění diagnostiky a optimalizace léčby nádorů trávicího traktu / Utilisation of New Biomarkers for the Optimalization of Diagnostics and Therapy of Tumors of the Gastrointestinal TractŠafanda, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Utilisation of New Biomarkers for the Optimalization of Diagnostics and Therapy of Tumors of the Gastrointestinal Tract Introduction: Tumor markers are standard diagnostic tools. They are mainly used to monitor the course of the disease and to check the efficacy of the treatment. It is important to observe dynamics. Changing the level of the biomarker can prevent clinical manifestation and lead to early diagnosis of relapse, which in turn means improving the quality of life, including prolonging survival. Recently, we have encountered a number of diagnostic algorithms that suggest algorithms for estimating the risk of tumor presence or the risk of progression of cancer, using statistical methods. Objectives: The aim of this work is to verify new biomarkers for the diagnosis of gastric cancer and to develop an optimal algorithm for their use. Further, to evaluate the importance of cytokeratin markers - Tissue Polypeptide Antigen (TPA) and Tissue Polypeptide Specific Antigen (TPS) for the diagnosis of metastatic colorectal carcinoma in the liver. To carry out a pilot study of FGF23 levels in people with colorectal carcinoma and other gastrointestinal tumors. Methods and patients: Patient samples were analyzed using immunoradiometric, chemiluminescence and fluorescence assays. For each solved problem,...
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Evaluation of Two String Tests for Obtaining Gastric Juice for Culture, Nested-PCR Detection, and Combined Single- and Double-Stranded Conformational Polymorphism Discrimination of Helicobacter PyloriFerguson, David A., Jiang, C., Chi, D. S., Laffan, J. J., Li, C., Thomas, E. 01 October 1999 (has links)
We have compared two gastric string tests for obtaining gastric juice for culture of Helicobacter pylori and for nested-PCR detection and PCR-based combined single- and double-stranded conformational polymorphism (SDSCP) discrimination of infecting strains. String test specimens were obtained from one seropositive volunteer for 13 consecutive weeks. The distal 10 cm of each string was suspended in 1 ml saline and quantitatively cultured. An additional nine volunteers with histories of upper-gastrointestinal complaints were given a string test for culture and nested-PCR assay. H. pylori isolates and/or gastric juice from each volunteer were extracted for DNA and analyzed by PCR-based SDSCP. Quantitative culture showed that the Entero-test was four times as sensitive as the Gastro-test but was more prone to contamination by oral flora. However, the two string tests are equally sensitive by PCR assays. Thus, the Gastro-test is more suitable for culture detection of H. pylori, since it is less prone to oral contamination and its shorter length is better tolerated. SDSCP analysis of H. pylori DNA from four PCR-positive volunteers without requiring culture showed four distinct profiles, indicating different infecting strains. SDSCP analysis of strains isolated before and after treatment of one volunteer had the same SDSCP profile, suggesting endogenous reinfection by the same strain.
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The impact of early traumatic experiences on bariatric patients: a qualitative exploration of their "voices"Liebenberg, Hermanus Bernardus 07 1900 (has links)
This study aimed at exploring the impact of early traumatic experiences on bariatric patients with
the intent to give "voice" to their experiences. The impact of morbid obesity and the lack of
quality of life among those suffering from this form of chronic illness can be devastating.
Meaningful support systems and bariatric surgery are therefore considered as forced behavioural
interventions to remediate the impact of childhood trauma and subsequent development of
morbid obesity among this group of bariatric patients.
Through a process of social constructivism and dialogue between the researcher and the five
participants, the co-construction according to themes was supported by a qualitative research
approach and the case study method. For the analysis of the themes according to the
participants' "voices", the thematic content analysis method was used to analyse the data and
was finally linked to supportive literature.
It is hoped that the results from this study will contribute to the development of a unique
assessment and support programme to those who have to endure the burden of morbid obesity
associated with early childhood trauma; and that the process prior to and post bariatric surgery
will be an important contribution to finding quality of life and giving new meaning to patients after
suffering through their bodies and traumatised minds. / Psychology / D.Litt. et. Phil (Psychology)
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Próteses metálicas ou gastrojejunoanastomose no tratamento paliativo da obstrução gastroduodenal: revisão sistemática e metanálise / Stents or gastrojejunostomy in the palliation of gastric outlet obstruction: systematic review and meta-analysisMinata, Mauricio Kazuyoshi 26 June 2018 (has links)
Introdução: obstrução gastroduodenal maligna é uma condição frequente em neoplasias gástricas e pancreáticas em estágio avançado. O tratamento paliativo visa a melhora dos sintomas e da qualidade de vida, sendo realizado pelas técnicas cirúrgicas ou endoscópicas. Embora a terapêutica cirúrgica seja consagrada, as complicações relacionadas ao procedimento e as condições clínicas desfavoráveis dos pacientes devem ser consideradas. Apesar dos avanços do tratamento endoscópico e da possibilidade de oferecer um tratamento menos invasivo, deve-se considerar as complicações e a taxa de reintervenção desta modalidade terapêutica. Novas tecnologias foram desenvolvidas para minimizar as complicações relacionadas ao uso de próteses e demandam uma análise pormenorizada. O objetivo desta revisão sistemática é comparar o tratamento endoscópico com próteses cobertas e não cobertas e o cirúrgico com gastrojejunoanastomose para obstrução gastroduodenal. Métodos: ensaios clínicos randomizados foram identificados nas bases de dados do MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane, LILACS, SCOPUS e CINAHL. A comparação entre as próteses metálicas cobertas e não cobertas incluiu o sucesso técnico, sucesso clínico, complicações, obstrução, migração, sangramento, perfuração, fratura das próteses e reintervenção. Os desfechos usados na comparação da terapêutica cirúrgica com gastrojejunoanastomose e endoscópica com próteses foram o sucesso técnico, complicações e reintervenção. A avaliação da patência não pode ser incluída devido à falta de uniformidade dos dados extraídos. Resultados: oito artigos foram selecionados, três comparando gastrojejunostomia e próteses e cinco comparando próteses cobertas e não cobertas. A metanálise dos estudos sobre gastroenteroanastomose e próteses não demonstrou diferença significativa no sucesso técnico e número absoluto de complicações. O tratamento com próteses apresentou uma maior taxa de reintervenção que a terapêutica cirúrgica (DR = 0,26, IC 95% = 0,05 a 0,47, NNH = 4). A metanálise que comparou próteses metálicas cobertas e não cobertas não demonstrou diferença estatística significativa considerando o sucesso técnico, sucesso clínico, complicações, fratura das próteses, perfuração, sangramento e necessidade de reintervenção. Uma maior taxa de migração foi atribuída à terapêutica com próteses cobertas (DR = 0,09, IC 95% = 0,04 a 0,14, NNH = 11). Entretanto, o tratamento com próteses cobertas apresenta menor taxa de obstrução em relação às não cobertas (DR = -0,21, IC 95% = -0,27 a -0,15, NNT = 5). Uma análise de subgrupo de estudos com próteses metálicas que incluíram apenas pacientes com câncer gástrico demonstrou resultado semelhante à metanálise com todos os artigos. Conclusões: o tratamento endoscópico paliativo da obstrução gastroduodenal maligna com próteses cobertas apresenta maior taxa de migração e menor número de obstruções quando comparado com o uso de próteses não cobertas. A terapêutica cirúrgica com gastrojejunoanastomose associa-se a uma menor taxa de reintervenção em relação ao uso de próteses / Introduction: malignant gastric outlet obstruction is a frequent condition in advanced gastric and pancreatic neoplasms. Palliative treatment can be performed by endoscopic or surgical techniques. Palliation aims to relief symptoms and increase quality of life. Although surgical therapy is the established treatment, the complication rate of the procedure and the unfavorable clinical conditions must be considered. Despite the advances in the endoscopic treatment and the possibility to offer a minimally invasive therapy, complication rate and need of reintervention must be reminded. New technologies have been developed to minimize the complications related to the use of stents and require a detailed analysis. This systematic review aims to compare surgery and covered and uncovered stent treatments for gastric outlet obstruction. Methods: randomized clinical trials were identified in MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane, LILACs, BVS, SCOPUS and CINAHL databases. Comparison of covered and uncovered stents included: technical success, clinical success, complications, obstruction, migration, bleeding, perforation, stent fracture and reintervention. The outcomes used to compare Gastrojejunostomy and stents were technical success, complications and reintervention. Patency rate could not be included because of lack of uniformity of the extracted data. Results: eight studies were selected, three comparing gastrojejunostomy and stents and five comparing covered and uncovered stents. The meta-analysis of surgical and endoscopic stent treatment showed no difference in the technical success and overall number of complications. Stents had higher reintervention rates than surgery (RD: 0.26, 95% CI [0.05, 0.47], NNH: 4). There is no significant difference in technical success, clinical success, complications, stent fractures, perforation, bleeding and the need for reintervention in the analyses of covered and uncovered stents. There is a higher migration rate in the covered stent therapy compared to uncovered self-expanding metallic stents in the palliation of malignant gastric outlet obstruction (RD: 0.09, 95% CI [0.04, 0.14], NNH: 11). Nevertheless, covered stents had lower obstruction rates (RD: -0.21, 95% CI [-0.27, - 0.15], NNT: 5). A subgroup analysis with studies that included only patients with gastric cancer showed similar results when compared with the analysis with all trials. Conclusions: in the palliation of malignant gastric outlet obstruction, covered stents had higher migration and lower obstruction rates when compared with uncovered stents. Gastrojejunostomy is associated with lower reintervention rates than stents
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Perfil de secreção de hormônio de crescimento e ghrelina antes e após cirurgia bariátrica / Secretory profile of growth hormone and ghrelin before and after bariatric surgeryMancini, Márcio Corrêa 16 August 2005 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A secreção do hormônio de crescimento (GH) está diminuída em obesos. Existem controvérsias se esta diminuição é conseqüência ou um dos fatores causais da obesidade. Perda de peso leva a alguma recuperação da secreção de GH. Não há estudos publicados sobre o efeito da derivação gástrica (gastrojejunal) com anastomose em Y-de-Roux (BPG) sobre o perfil de secreção de 24 h de GH. Por outro lado, a ghrelina é um peptídeo secretagogo de GH produzido no estômago, orexigênico, lipogênico e adipogênico, cujos níveis oscilam ao longo do dia e estão diminuídos na obesidade. As variações circadianas de ghrelina têm papel no controle da homeostase energética e secreção de GH. O nível de ghrelina eleva-se com perda de peso induzida por dieta, mas os dados são controversos sobre mudanças desses níveis após cirurgias bariátricas. Este estudo tem por objetivo caracterizar os perfis de secreção de GH e ghrelina em mulheres com obesidade grau III antes e após BPG e suas correlações com variáveis metabólicas. MÉTODOS: Coletas de sangue a cada 20 minutos por 24 horas foram realizadas em obesas mórbidas não diabéticas na pré-menopausa antes e seis meses após BPG. O procedimento foi realizado em balanço calórico neutro por quatro dias. Foram dosados glicose e insulina; GH em todas as amostras e ghrelina às 08:00h, 10:00h, 12:00h, 19:00h e 02:00h. A taxa metabólica de repouso (TMR) foi avaliada por calorimetria indireta e as massas adiposa (MA) e magra (MM) foram medidas por DEXA. RESULTADOS: Houve uma redução de 27% do peso corporal e IMC (de 55,9 ± 6,2 kg/m2 para 40,7 ± 5,8 kg/m2, p<0,001) com elevação de vários parâmetros de secreção de GH (GH basal, GH médio, p<0,05; área, amplitude e número de picos, p<0,001); redução de glicemia (p = 0,03), insulinemia de jejum (p = 0,005) e HOMA (p = 0,004). Não houve diferença nos níveis de ghrelina basal, pós-prandial e médio. O GH médio apresentou correlação negativa com as mudanças no peso (p = 0,003; r = -0,631), IMC (p <0,001; r = -0,731), MA (p = 0,003; r = -0,635), MM (p = 0,02; r = -0,507), circunferência abdominal (p = 0,01; r = -0,555), TMR (p = 0,01; p = -0,539), insulina de jejum (p = 0,014, r = -0,538) e HOMA (p = 0,01; r = -0,560), mas não com a glicemia de jejum (p = 0,13; r = -0,354) e a ghrelina (p = 0,6; r = 0,118). O melhor determinante da secreção de GH foi o IMC sendo responsável por 54% da variação do GH médio (r2 = 0,54). CONCLUSÕES: Há uma recuperação parcial da secreção de GH, reduzida no pré-operatório em obesas mórbidas, após perda de peso induzida seis meses após a cirurgia, indicando que a secreção reduzida não é um fator primário ou causal da obesidade, mas sim uma conseqüência da obesidade e essa recuperação é independente do perfil de secreção de ghrelina / INTRODUCTION: Growth hormone (GH) concentration is decreased in obesity. It is not clear if reduced GH secretion is consequence or cause of the obese state. GH secretion is partially restored by weight loss. There are no published studies about the effect of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) on GH secretory profile. Ghrelin is a GH releasing peptide produced by stomach, with orexigenic, lipogenic and adipogenic actions. Ghrelin levels oscillate throughout the day and are low in obesity. Circadian changes in ghrelin levels have a role both in energy homeostasis control and GH secretion. Ghrelin levels rise after diet-induced weight loss, but results are controverse in relation to changes in ghrelin levels after bariatric surgeries. In this study, we analyzed GH and ghrelin concentrations in morbidly obese women before and after RYGBP and its relationships with metabolic parameters. METHODS: Blood was sampled at 20-minute intervals during 24 hours in non diabetic pre-menopausal morbid obese women before and six months after RYGBP. The study was done after four days in neutral caloric balance. Fasting glucose and insulin were determined in basal samples. GH concentrations were measured in all samples and ghrelin in serum collected at 08:00h, 10:00h, 12:00h, 19:00h e 02:00h. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) was evaluated by indirect calorimetry and fat mass (FM) and free-fat mass (FFM) were measured by DEXA. RESULTS: A 27% drop in body weight and BMI (55.9 ± 6.2 kg/m2 to 40.7 ± 5.8 kg/m2, p<0.001), augmentation of spontaneous GH secretory episodes (basal and mean levels, p <0.05; area, amplitude and peak frequency, p <0.001); and reduction of fasting glucose (p = 0.03), insulinemia (p = 0.005) and HOMA (p = 0.004) were observed. Neither basal, post-prandial or mean ghrelin were changed. A negative correlation was found between mean GH levels and weight changes (p = 0.003, r = -0.631), BMI (p <0.001, r = -0.731), FM (p = 0.003, r = -0.635), FFM (p = 0.02, r = -0.507), waist (p = 0.01, r = -0.555), RMR (p = 0.01, p = -0.539), fasting insulin (p = 0.014, r = -0.538), as well as HOMA (p = 0.01, r = -0.560), but not between mean GH levels and glucose (p = 0.13, r = -0.354) or ghrelin (p = 0.6, r = 0.118). BMI accounted for 54% of the mean GH variation (r2 = 0.54). CONCLUSIONS: There is a partial recovery of GH secretion after weight loss induced by RYGBP, suggesting that a blunted secretion is not a primary or causal factor of obesity, but a consequence of the obese state. This recovery is independent of ghrelin secretory profile
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Die Entwicklung von Immunoproteomics-Methoden am Beispiel der Identifizierung Magenkarzinom-assoziierter Helicobacter pylori AntigeneKrah, Alexander 20 December 2004 (has links)
Das magenbesiedelnde Bakterium Helicobacter pylori gehört zu den am weitesten verbreiteten Infektionserregern. Obwohl die Infektion meist lebenslang symptomlos verläuft, kann H. pylori bei einigen Menschen schwere Erkrankungen bis hin zum Magenkarzinom verursachen. Ziele dieser Arbeit waren Magenkarzinom-assoziierte Antigene für einen diagnostischen Test zu finden und Methoden zur Untersuchung von Spotkompositionen mittels MALDI-TOF/TOF Massenspektrometrie zu entwickeln. Im ersten Teil der Promotion wurden die Antigenerkennungsmuster von 30 Magenadenokarzinom- mit 30 Ulkus duodeni-Patienten mithilfe hochauflösender zweidimensionaler Immunoblots von H. pylori Lysat verglichen. Diese fokussierte Gegenüberstellung eignet sich gut für diese Fragestellung, da beide Erkrankungen von diesem Bakterium verursacht werden, aber nur sehr selten gemeinsam auftreten. Durch univariate statistische Analysen wurden 14 Magenkarzinom korrelierte Spots gefunden (p / The stomach-colonizing bacterium Helicobacter pylori is one of the most widespread infectious agents. Although infection mostly persists unnoticed, it may cause serious diseases like gastric carcinoma. Aims of this project were to find gastric carcinoma-associated antigens for a diagnostic test and to develop methods to analyze spot compositions using MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry. In the first part of this project antigen recognition patterns of 30 gastric carcinoma- and 30 duodenal ulcer- patients were compared using high-resolution two-dimensional immunoblots of H. pylori lysate. This focused comparison lent itself to this question because both diseases are caused by the bacterium but rarely occur conjointly. Utilizing univariate statistical tests 14 gastric carcinoma-associated spots were found (p
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Estudo da expressão dos receptores do peptídeo insulinotrópico dependente de glicose (GIPR) e do hormônio luteinizante (LHCGR) em tumores e hiperplasias do córtex adrenal / Expression Study of Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide receptor (GIPR) and luteinizing hormone receptor (LHCGR) in adrenocortical tumors and hyperplasiaCosta, Marcia Helena Soares 16 July 2007 (has links)
Introdução: Os receptores do peptídeo insulinotrópico dependente de glicose (GIPR) e do hormônio luteinizante (LHCGR) são receptores acoplados à proteína G com amplo padrão de expressão tecidual. A expressão anômala destes receptores tem sido descrita em casos de hiperplasia adrenal macronodular independente de ACTH (AIMAH) e em alguns adenomas, resultando em aumento da secreção hormonal (cortisol, andrógenos e aldosterona) pelo cortex adrenal. O papel destes receptores em outras formas de hiperplasia, como a doença adrenocortical nodular pigmentosa primária (PPNAD), aumento da adrenal associado à neoplasia endócrina múltipla tipo 1 (MEN1), e em carcinoma do córtex adrenal tem sido pouco investigado; sendo assim, considera-se relevante estudar a expressão destes receptores nos pacientes com tumores adrenocorticais esporádicos, nos pacientes com AIMAH, PPNAD e aumento adrenal associado à MEN1. Objetivos: 1) Caracterização molecular dos casos de neoplasia endócrina múltipla tipo 1 e PPNAD: pesquisa de mutações dos genes MEN1 e PRKAR1A e análise da perda de heterozigose (LOH) destes genes no tecido adrenal destes pacientes. 2) Quantificar a expressão do GIPR e do LHCGR em tecido adrenocortical normal, tumoral, hiperplásico e correlacionar a expressão destes com a classificação histológica dos tumores adrenocorticais. Pacientes: 55 pacientes (30 adultos) com tumores adrenocorticais (37 adenomas e 18 carcinomas); 7 pacientes com AIMAH, 4 com MEN1, 1 com PPNAD e tecidos controles (adrenal; testículo e pâncreas). Métodos: extração de DNA genômico, RNA e síntese de DNA complementar (cDNA); amplificação por PCR das regiões codificadoras dos genes MEN1 e PRKAR1A seguida por seqüenciamento automático. Pesquisa de LOH pela amplificação de microssatélites por PCR e análise pelo programa GeneScan. Quantificação da expressão do GIPR e do LHCGR por PCR em tempo real pelo método TaqMan e estudo de imunohistoquímica para GIPR nos tumores adrenocorticais. Resultados: identificação de 3 mutações (893+ 1G>A, W183X e A68fsX118) e dois polimorfirmos (S145S e D418D) no gene MEN1 e uma mutação (Y21X) no PRKAR1A. Ausência de LOH nos tecidos adrenais estudados. A expressão do GIPR e do LHCGR foi identificada em tecidos adrenais normais, tumorais e hiperplásicos. O nível de expressão do GIPR foi mais elevado nos tumores adrenocorticais malignos que nos benignos tanto no grupo pediátrico (mediana= 18,1 e 4,6, respectivamente; p <0,05), quanto no grupo adulto (mediana = 4,8 e 1,3 respectivamente; p <0,001). O nível de expressão do LHCGR, no grupo pediátrico, foi elevado tanto nos tumores benignos quanto nos malignos (mediana= 6,4 e 4,3, respectivamente). No grupo adulto os níveis de expressão deste receptor foram extremamente baixos nos tumores malignos em relação aos benignos (mediana= 0,06 e 2,3, respectivamente; p <0,001). A imunohistoquímica para o GIPR foi variável e não correlacionada à expressão do gene GIPR. Não houve diferença nos níveis de expressão do GIPR e do LHCGR nas hiperplasias do córtex adrenal. Conclusões: a presença de LOH e mutação em heterozigose composta do gene MEN1 e do PRKAR1A foram afastadas como mecanismos responsáveis pelo aumento adrenal tanto nos pacientes com MEN1 como no paciente com PPNAD. A hiperexpressão de GIPR está associada a malignidade nos tumores adrenocorticais nos grupos adulto e pediátrico e a baixa expressão de LHCGR está associada a malignidade nos tumores adrenocorticais somente no grupo adulto. / Introduction: The glucose- dependent insulinotropic peptide receptor (GIPR) and luteinizing hormone receptor (LHCGR) are G-protein coupled receptors with a wide tissue expression pattern. The aberrant expression of these receptors has been described in cases of ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (AIMAH) and in some adenomas, resulting in the increase of adrenal cortex hormonal secretion (cortisol, androgens and aldosterone). The role of these receptors in other forms of adrenocortical hyperplasia, such as primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD), adrenal enlargement associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1), and adrenocortical carcinoma has been scarcely investigated. Thus, the study of the expression of these receptors in patients with sporadical adrenocortical tumors, AIMAH, PPNAD and adrenal enlargement associated to MEN1 was considered important. Objectives: 1) Molecular study in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 and PPNAD: mutation screening of MEN1 and PRKAR1A genes and analysis of the loss of heterozygosis (LOH) of these genes in the adrenal lesions of these patients. 2) To quantify the GIPR and LHCGR expression, in normal, tumor and hyperplasic tissue and to correlate the expression of these receptors with the adrenocortical tumor histology. Patients: 55 patients (30 adults) with adrenocortical tumors (37 adenomas and 18 carcinomas); 7 patients with AIMAH, 4 with MEN1, 1 with PPNAD and control tissue (adrenal, testis and pancreas). Methods: Extraction of genomic DNA, RNA and synthesis of complementary DNA (cDNA); PCR-amplification of the coding regions of MEN1 and PRKAR1A, followed by direct sequencing. LOH study using polymorphic marker amplification by PCR and GeneScan software analysis. Quantification of GIPR and LHCGR expression using realtime PCR -TaqMan method and GIPR immunohistochemistry study in adrenocortical tumors. Results: Identification of 3 mutations (893+ 1G>A, W183X and A68fsX118) and two polymorphic alterations (S145S and D418D) in MEN1 and a mutation (Y21X) in the PRKAR1A gene; LOH was not identified in adrenal tissue. The GIPR and LHCGR expression was identified in normal, tumor and hyperplasic adrenal tissues; the GIPR expression level was more elevated in malignant tumors compared to benign tumors in pediatric (median = 18.1 and 4.6, respectively; p <0.05) and adult patients (median = 4.8 and 1.3 respectively; p <0.001). The LHCGR expression in pediatric patients was elevated in benign as well as in malignant tumors (median = 6.4 and 4.3, respectively). In the adult group, the expression level of these receptors was extremely low in malignant tumors in relation to benign ones (median = 0.06 and 2.3, respectively; p <0.001). The GIPR immunohistochemistry was variable and did not correlate with GIPR gene expression. No difference between GIPR and LHCGR expression levels was observed in the different forms of hyperplasia. Conclusions: The presence of LOH and mutations in compound heterozygosis of MEN1 and PRKAR1A genes were ruled out as the mechanisms responsible for the adrenal enlargement in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. GIPR overexpression is associated with malignant adrenocortical tumors in the adult and pediatric patients and low LHCGR expression is associated with malignant adrenocortical tumors only in the adult patients.
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