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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från direktiv till implementering: Jämställdhetsintegrering som strategi för förvaltningsmyndigheter

Hawkins, Josefine January 2021 (has links)
Jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män är en uttalad målsättning inom internationell samt svensk politik. Under de senaste 20 åren har jämställdhetsintegrering har varit den huvudsakliga strategin för jämställdhetsarbete men långt ifrån alla är överens om hur strategin ska tolkas och praktiskt implementeras inom förvaltningsmyndigheter. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva hur förvaltningsmyndigheterna Arbetsmiljöverket och Ekonomistyrningsverket tolkar begreppet jämställdhetsintegrering för att sedan redogöra vilka likheter och skillnader som fanns i deras arbetssätt gentemot deras respektive externa verksamhet och även se hur deras utfall kan förklaras. Studiens teoretiska ramverk användas för att belysa möjligheter och begränsningar inom jämställdhetshetsintegrering. Genom en kvalitativ tematisk textanalys presenteras resultatet som visar att myndigheternas implementering av jämställdhetsintegrering skiljer sig åt. Slutsatserna visar likheter och skillnader inom implementeringen där utfallas förklaras utifrån myndigheternas resurskapacitet, kunskap om ämnet och tillgång till externt stöd.

Local Content Laws and Gender Equality in Africa’s Oil and Gas Sector

Obani, Pedi January 2027 (has links)
Yes / Historically, the oil and gas sector has played a significant role in the economic development. Beyond being an important source of energy for industrialisation and other development goals, revenue from oi and gas exports have provided much needed funding for critical sectors in resource rich countries. However, the benefits of oil and gas developments have not been equitably distributed. Local content laws were introduced by resource rich countries to maximise the benefits of resource extraction and production processes for the local population and businesses. Recognising that host communities bear an inordinate burden of the negative externalities associated resource exploitation, local content laws offer an opportunity for mitigating adverse impacts and maximising the wider benefits accruing from the energy sector at the local level. Though women are still often disproportionately impacted by the negative externalities from the oil and gas sector and excluded from employment and decision-making, most local content provisions do not sufficiently address the gender issues. This chapter explores the state of gender equality in Africa’s oil and gas sector and makes recommendations for strengthening women’s inclusion in the sector through local content laws provisions. The chapter also considers main legal approaches for mainstreaming gender equality in local content laws vis-à-vis the trends in the energy sector across the continent. / The full-text of this book chapter will be released for public view at the end of the publisher embargo, 18 months after publication.

Mainstreaming women in development? : a gender analysis of the United Nations Development Programme in South Africa.

Rippenaar-Joseph, Trunette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Political Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Gender Mainstreaming (GM) was popularised as an approach to advance gender equality at the United Nations (UN) World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. Since then it has been adopted by the UN and international development organisations as the approach to integrate women and gender issues into development. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), a major international development organisation, claims a strong policy commitment to GM. As such, it is an important organisation to study for its GM implementation to establish what lessons can be learnt from its practice. Because it is an international organisation, the study has implications for global GM as well as for SA. This thesis examines mainstreaming women and gender in development in the UNDP Country Office in South Africa (UNDP/SA). It explores the gap between Gender Mainstreaming policy and practice, through discursive analysis of UNDP policy documents and reports, as well as an analysis of qualitative interview data and participatory approaches. The study focuses on the organisational challenges facing institutions trying to mainstream gender, particularly in the South African context. It puts forward a proposal for improving GM by combining organisational development and feminist theory. Through the proposal, which focuses on a broad transformation process within which to frame GM implementation, the thesis aims to contribute towards advancing gender equality through GM in South Africa and elsewhere. Development was initially gender-blind until the early 1970s. Since then, development organisations have moved women and gender onto the development agenda through various approaches. The major approaches have been Women in Development (WID), Gender and Development (GAD) and Empowerment. The current approach, Gender Mainstreaming (GM), is about moving women and gender issues from the margin to the centre of development organisations and their practice. While being an improvement on the earlier approaches, GM still faces a number of challenges for successful implementation in development organisations such as the UNDP. This qualitative study interrogates the GM policy discourse of the UNDP/SA, and finds a serious gap between its policy discourse and practice. This gap is evident not only in the UNDP/SA, but also in one of its funded projects, the Capacity Building Project for the Office on the Status of Women. GM fails to make an impact because of factors such as lack of training, absence of political will from senior managers in development organisations (and in government), and lack of resources. It is also clear that GM cannot occur in the absence of a broad organisational transformation process. To address the challenges facing GM, I propose a model for implementation with a special focus on the deep structure of organisations that exposes the masculinist roots of gender inequality. What is essential for this model to succeed is that GM implementation should be framed within a broader organisational transformation process, based on organisational development and feminist theory. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geslagshoofstroming het gewildheid verwerf as ‘n benadering om geslagsgelykheid te bevorder by die Verenigde Nasies (VN) se Wêreld Konferensie oor Vroue in Beijing in 1995. Daarna is dit deur die VN en internasionale ontwikkelingsorganisasies aanvaar as die benadering om vroue en geslagskwessies te integreer in ontwikkeling. Die Verenigde Nasies Ontwikkelings Program (VNOP), ‘n vername internasionale ontwikkelingsorganisasie, maak aanspraak op ‘n sterk toewyding aan Geslagshoofstroming as beleid. Die VNOP is dus ‘n belangrike organisasie om te bestudeer vir sy Geslagshoofstroming implementering om vas te stel watter lesse ons kan leer. Die studie het implikasies nie net vir Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook globaal omdat die VNOP ‘n internasionale organisasie is. Die tesis ondersoek die hoofstroming van vroue en geslag in ontwikkeling in die VNOP Kantoor in Suid-Afrika (VNOP/SA). Dit verken die gaping tussen Geslagshoofstroming beleid en praktyk deur middel van ‘n diskoers analise van VNOP beleids-dokumente en verslae, en ‘n analise van data verkry deur kwalitatiewe onderhoude. Die studie fokus op die organisatoriese uitdagings vir die instellings wat Geslagshoofstroming probeer implementeer, veral in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Dit stel ‘n kombinasie van organisatoriese ontwikkeling en feministiese teorie voor om Geslagshoofstroming te bevorder. Die tesis streef daarna, deur die voorstel wat fokus op Geslagshoofstroming as deel van ‘n breë transformasie proses, om by te dra tot die bevordering van geslagsgelykheid in Suid-Afrika en elders. Ontwikkeling was aanvanklik geslagsblind tot met die vroeë 1970s. Sedertdien het ontwikkelingsorganisasies vroue en geslagskwessies op die agenda geplaas deur verskeie benaderings. Die vernaamste benaderings was Vroue in Ontwikkeling (WID), Geslag en Ontwikkeling (GAD), en Bemagtiging (Empowerment). Die huidige benadering, Geslagshoofstroming, het ten doel om vroue en geslagskwessies vanaf die kantlyn te beweeg tot in die kernpunt van ontwikkelings-organisasies en hulle praktyke. Alhoewel dit ‘n verbetering op die vorige benaderings is, staar Geslagshoofstroming implementering nog ‘n aantal uitdagings in die gesig in ontwikkelingsorganisasies soos die VNOP. Die kwalitatiewe studie interrogeer die Geslagshoofstromings diskoers van die VNOP/SA en vind ‘n ernstige gaping tussen sy beleidsdiskoers en praktyk. Hierdie gaping is sigbaar nie net in die VNOP/SA nie, maar ook in een van sy befondsde projekte, die Kapasiteitsbou Projek vir die Kantoor vir die Status van Vroue. Geslagshoofstroming maak nie impak nie as gevolg van faktore soos ‘n gebrek aan opleiding, die afwesigheid van politieke wilskrag by senior bestuurders in ontwikkelingsorganisasies (en in die regering), en ‘n gebrek aan hulpbronne. Dit is ook duidelik dat Geslagshoofstroming nie kan plaasvind in die afwesigheid van ‘n breë organisatoriese transformasie proses nie. Om die uitdagings vir Geslagshoofstroming aan te spreek, stel ek ‘n implementeringsmodel voor met ‘n spesiale fokus op die diep struktuur van organisasies wat die maskulinistiese oorsprong van geslagsongelykheid blootlê. Noodsaaklik vir die sukses van die model, is die kontekstualisering van Geslagshoofstroming in breë organisatoriese transformasie, gebaseer op ‘n kombinasie van feministiese en organisatoriese ontwikkelingsteorie.

Gender Mainstreaming in Kisumu County High Schools : A Study of Gender Mainstreaming Policy Implementation on the Local Level in Kenya

Younis Forssman, Joulin, Jacobsson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Barreras del crecimiento profesional en las mujeres trabajadoras de 20 a 45 años en la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana, que ocupan puestos gerenciales y de mandos medios. Un caso de estudio basado en tres empresas del Grupo Romero: Corporación de Servicios GR S.A., Corporación Primax S.A. y Ransa Comercial S.A.

Barrientos Valdivieso, Jimmy Steven, Rojas Valderrama, Liz Palmer 19 July 2018 (has links)
La presente investigación realiza un análisis sobre las barreras del crecimiento profesional en las mujeres trabajadoras de entre 20 y 45 años en la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana, que ocupan puestos gerenciales y de mandos medios, basados en un caso de estudio en tres empresas del Grupo Romero: Corporación de Servicios GR S.A., Corporación Primax S.A. y Ransa Comercial S.A. Asimismo, se cuenta con la posición de expertos en temas sobre la igualdad de género y la participación del Estado. Los tres factores mencionados, las tres empresas de estudio, la posición de los expertos y el Estado, fueron analizados y comparados para evaluar si existen similitudes o diferencias para identificar las barreras que la mujer tiene que afrontar para desarrollarse profesionalmente. En el primer capítulo se define el tema, el problema, la hipótesis, el objetivo general y los objetivos específicos y se describe la situación problemática inicial de la investigación. El segundo capítulo desarrolla el marco teórico y la relevancia del estudio sobre el impacto económico y social que se obtendría en una sociedad donde la brecha de género no existiera. En el tercer capítulo se define la metodología que se utilizó para el desarrollo de la tesis. En el cuarto capítulo se menciona los hallazgos encontrados en el proceso de la investigación. Por último, se presentan las conclusiones que responde al objetivo general y los objetivos específicos realizados, así como las recomendaciones que se hacen para reducir la brecha de género. / This research analyzes the barriers to professional growth in working women between 20 and 45 years of age, in the city of Lima - Peru, which performs is managerial and middle management positions, this Study cases is based on three enterprise of Romero Group: Corporación de Servicios GR S.A., Corporación Primax S.A. y Ransa Comercial S.A Likewise, this is a perception of experts on issues of gender equality and participation of competent government authorities. The three mentioned factors, the three study companies, the position of the experts and the government, were analyzed and compared to assess if there are similarities or differences to identify the barriers that the woman has to face in order to develop professionally. In the first chapter the subject, the problem, the hypothesis, the general objective and the specific objectives are defined and the initial problematic situation of the investigation is described. The second chapter develops the theoretical framework and the relevance of the study on the economic and social impact that would be obtained in a society where the gender gap did not exist. In the third chapter the methodology that was used for the development of the thesis is defined. In the fourth chapter, the findings found in the research process are mentioned. Finally, conclusions are presented that respond to the general objective and the specific objectives, as well as the recommendations made to reduce the gender gap. / Tesis

Urodnjavanje javnih politika u Srbiji 2000‒2014: politike podrške porodici u kontekstu evropskih integracija / Gender Mainstreaming of Public Policies in Serbia 2000‒2014: Family Policies in the Context of Europeanisation

Antonijević Zorana 16 September 2018 (has links)
<p>U poslednjih tridesetak godina do&scaron;lo je do<br />značajnog napretka u ostvarivanju rodne<br />ravnopravnosti i prava žena na svetskom<br />nivou. Međutim, rodni jaz u oblasti<br />ekonomske i političke ravnopravnosti jo&scaron;<br />predstavlja poseban izazov za globalni<br />razvoj, ravnopravnu raspodelu resursa, kao i<br />sprečavanje rodno zasnovanog nasilja i<br />diskriminacije. Položaj žena u Srbiji prati<br />pokazatelje na svetskom nivou i bez obzira<br />na socijalističko nasleđe, uče&scaron;će žena u javnoj<br />sferi rada i politike jo&scaron; uvek je veliki izazov<br />za razvoj i modernizaciju dru&scaron;tva, kao i za<br />feminističku teoriju i praksu.<br />U teorijskom smislu teza se oslanja na<br />feminističku kritiku koncepta liberalnog<br />građanstva i rodne podele rada na javnu<br />sferu koja pripada mu&scaron;karcima, i privatnu<br />koja pripada ženama. Praktične posledice<br />ove podele utiču na položaj žena u javnoj, ali i<br />privatnoj sferi, uživanje prava na<br />ravnopravnost, život bez nasilja i<br />diskriminacije. Upravo zato je tranformacija<br />rodnog režima u sferi privatnosti i porodice<br />poseban izazov za sve aktere koji učestvuju u<br />kreiranju javnih politika, jer mogu da utiču<br />na menjanje patrijahalnih rodnih uloga i<br />obrazaca, ali i na njihovo jačanje. Stoga<br />politike podr&scaron;ke porodici predstavljaju važan<br />predmet proučavanja rodnih teorija i<br />feminističke prakse, posebno u kontekstu<br />slabljenja države blagostanja i redefinisanja<br />koncepta nege u globalnoj ekonomiji.<br />U radu ispitujem načine na koji javne politike<br />i zakonodavstvo u Srbiji od 2000. do 2014.<br />reguli&scaron;u rodne odnose u domenu porodičnog<br />života i na koji način te intervencije</p><p>doprinose rodnoj ravnopravnosti, odnosno<br />smanjenju rodne diskriminacije. Promene u<br />diskursu i praksi politika podr&scaron;ke porodici<br />posmatram u periodu od četrnaest godina<br />(2000‒2014), koji predstavlja početni period<br />dru&scaron;tvene, političke i ekonomske tranzicije u<br />Srbiji koja je diskurzivno neodvojiva od<br />evropskih integracija.<br />Politike podr&scaron;ke porodici predstavljaju<br />strate&scaron;ke i zakonske mere kojima se reguli&scaron;e<br />i olak&scaron;ava roditeljstvo i briga o zavisnim<br />članovima porodice (finansijske olak&scaron;ice za<br />porodice sa decom, ostvarivanje prava i<br />pristup različitim servisima brige i nege), kao<br />i mere koje reguli&scaron;u trži&scaron;te rada kako bi se<br />povećala zaposlenost i za&scaron;titile porodice sa<br />decom od nezaposlenosti i siroma&scaron;tva<br />(posebna za&scaron;tita trudnica, porodilja i majki<br />sa decom, usklađivanje porodičnog i<br />poslovnog života, roditeljsko odsustvo zbog<br />brige o detetu, fleksibilni oblici rada, ali i<br />mere zapo&scaron;ljavanja te&scaron;ko zapo&scaron;ljivih<br />kategorija stanovni&scaron;tva u oblasti nege).<br />U radu zastupam tezu da se proces<br />formulisanja pravnog i strate&scaron;kog okvira<br />politika podr&scaron;ke porodici nalazi pod uticajem<br />nekoliko faktora. Ti faktori su, pre svega,<br />globalna neoliberalna ekonomska, dru&scaron;tvena<br />i politička tranzicija od države blagostanja ka<br />državi rada, kao i odgovora regionalnih<br />(Evropska unija), odnosno<br />lokalnih/poluperiferijskih (Srbija) rodnih<br />režima na ove procese. Stoga je fokus rodne<br />analize politika podr&scaron;ke porodici na<br />potencijalnom &bdquo;iskrivljavanju i pro&scaron;irivanju&rdquo;<br />značenja rodne ravnopravnosti (Lombardo<br />et al., 2009), kao i u mehanizmima<br />uključenosti i isključenosti &bdquo;glasa&ldquo; pojedinih<br />aktera u proces odlučivanja o specifičnim<br />okvirima ovih politika.<br />Takođe, kreiranje javnih politika u privatnoj<br />sferi posmatram i u okviru primene koncepta<br />interesekcionalnosti (Crenshaw 1989) i<br />kritičkih studija maskuliniteta (Hearn 2004).<br />U istraživanju posebnu pažnju posvećujem<br />preduslovima i kriterijumima primene<br />strategije urodnjavanja u kreiranju javnih<br />politika (Verloo 2001). Kritički se osvrćem na<br />recepciju i primenu strategije urodnjavanja u</p><p>Srbiji, imajući u vidu njen transformativni<br />potencijal s jedne strane, a sa druge<br />tehnokratsko-birokratski pristup kreatora<br />politika i donosilaca odluka.<br />U disertaciji posebno analiziram ko-optiranje<br />urodnjavanja sa drugim ciljevima javnih<br />politika koje često ne moraju imati za cilj<br />rodnu ravnopravnost, već na primer,<br />konkurentnost na trži&scaron;tu rada ili povećanje<br />stope nataliteta. Primenu urodnjavanja<br />analizirala sam u okviru koncepta državnog<br />feminizma (MacBride and Mazur 2010) i<br />procesa evropeizacije, a u kontekstu postkonfliktnog,<br />post-socijalističkog dru&scaron;tva<br />poluperiferije u Srbiji (Blagojević 2009).<br />Disertacija nudi uvid u procese, institucije i<br />kriterijume koje je potrebno ispuniti kako bi<br />se tranformisali rodni režimi i otklonila<br />rodna diskriminacija i u privatnoj i javnoj<br />sferi. Rezultati istraživanja mogu biti od<br />koristi donosiocima odluka i kreatorima<br />politika u primeni informisanih odluka<br />prilikom uobličavanja politika podr&scaron;ke<br />porodici u Srbiji.</p> / <p>Over the past thirty years there has been<br />significant progress in achieving gender<br />equality and women&#39;s rights world-wide.<br />However, the gender gap in the area of<br />economic and political equality still poses a<br />special challenge to global development, the<br />equal distribution of resources, and the<br />prevention of gender-based violence and<br />discrimination. The position of women in<br />Serbia is part of this global trend and<br />regardless of socialist history, women&#39;s<br />participation in the public sphere of work and<br />politics is still a major challenge for the<br />development and modernization of society, as<br />well as for feminist theory and practice.<br />Theoretically, the thesis relies on a feminist<br />critique of the concept of liberal citizenship<br />and the gender division of labor, where the<br />public sphere is belonging to men, and private<br />to women. The practical consequences of this<br />division affect the position of women in the<br />public as well as the private sphere, the<br />enjoyment of the right to equality, life without<br />violence and discrimination. That is precisely<br />why the transformation of the gender regime<br />in the sphere of privacy and family is a<br />particular challenge for all actors involved in<br />the creation of public policies, as they can<br />influence the changing or strengthening of<br />patriarchal gender roles and patterns.<br />Therefore, family support policies are an<br />important subject of the study of gender<br />theories and feminist practice, especially in<br />the context of the weakening of the welfare<br />state and the redefinition of the concept of<br />care in the global economy.<br />In the thesis, I am examining the ways in</p><p>which public policies and legislation in Serbia<br />regulate gender relations in the domain of<br />family life from 2000 to 2014 and how these<br />interventions contribute to gender equality<br />and to the reduction of gender discrimination.<br />I study changes in discourse and practice of<br />family policies for a period of fourteen years<br />(2000-2014), which represents the beginning<br />of social, political and economic transition in<br />Serbia that is discursively inseparable from<br />European integration.<br />Family policies are strategic and legal<br />measures that regulate and facilitate<br />parenting and care for dependent family<br />members (financial relief for families with<br />children, exercising rights and access to<br />various care and care services), as well as<br />measures regulating the labor market to<br />increase employment and protection of<br />families with children from unemployment<br />and poverty (special protection of pregnant<br />women, maternity and mothers with children,<br />reconciliation of family and work life, parental<br />leave due to child care, flexible working<br />practices, as well as employment measures of<br />hard-to-employ categories of population in<br />the field of care).<br />In the dissertation, I argue that the process of<br />formulating the legal and strategic framework<br />of family policies in Serbia is under the<br />influence of several factors. These factors are,<br />above all, a global neoliberal economic, social<br />and political transition from the welfare state<br />to the workfare state, as well as the responses<br />of regional (European Union) and local /<br />semi-peripherial (Serbia) gender regimes to<br />these processes. Therefore, the focus of<br />gender analysis in the dissertation is the<br />family policy of supporting the family in the<br />potential &quot;stretching and bending&quot; of the<br />meaning of gender equality (Lombardo et al.,<br />2009), as well as in the mechanisms of<br />inclusion and exclusion of the &quot;voice&quot; of<br />individual actors in the decision-making<br />process on the specific frameworks of these<br />policies. Also, the creation of public policies in<br />the private sphere is also seen within the<br />theoretical framework and practical<br />application of the concept of intersectionality</p><p>(Crenshaw, 1989) and critical studies of men<br />and masculinity (Hearn, 2004).<br />In the dissertation, special attention is paid to<br />the preconditions and criteria of successful<br />implementation of the gender mainstreaming<br />in the creation of public policies (Verloo,<br />2001). It reflects critically on the reception<br />and implementation of the gender<br />mainstreaming in Serbia, bearing in mind its<br />transformative potential on the one hand, and<br />on the other, the technocratic-bureaucratic<br />approach of policymakers and decisionmakers.<br />In particular, the dissertation analyzes the cooption<br />of gender mainstreaming with other<br />policy outcomes that often do not have to<br />have as a goal gender equality, but for<br />example, labor market competitiveness or an<br />increase in the birth rate. Successful<br />application of the gender mainstraming was<br />specifically analyzed within the concept of<br />state feminism (MacBride and Mazur, 2010),<br />the process of EU accession, and in the context<br />of the post-conflict, post-socialist semiperiphery<br />society in Serbia (Blagojević, 2009).<br />The ultimate goal of the research is to support<br />decision-makers and policy makers in<br />implementing informed decisions when<br />shaping family policies in Serbia. At the same<br />time, the disertation offers a useful insight<br />into the processes, institutions and criteria<br />that need to be met in order to transform the<br />gender regimes and eliminate gender<br />discrimination in the private and public<br />sphere.</p>

Försvarsmaktens arbete mot en jämnare könsfördelning bland officerare / The Swedish Armed Forces work towards a gender balance among officers

Johagen, David January 2010 (has links)
<p>The number of female officers employed in the Armed Forces is low. Of the total proportion officers, female stand for 4.8 %. The Armed Forces are currently working actively to level out the distribution. This paper is intended to create a better understanding of the slow increase in female officers in the Swedish Armed Forces. The study is qualitative and the results from the data collection have been based partly on a text analysis, partly on a theme-based group interview in which three themes have been discussed. The results are then analyzed through theories with the related areas: Organizations, genderand leadership. The study shows that there are no formal regulations that prevent women in the Armed Forces. However, it is possible to identify a number of factors that may affect efforts to achieve genderbalance in the organization negatively. The experience of gender equality is not permeated throughout the organization suggests a lack of commitment of managers at different levels. Furthermore is the conscription system, which only affected men, a major contributing factor, where a broad basis for recruitment of female officers has been lost. Finally may be mentioned that the fact that the Armed Forces currently is engaged in a variety of organizational changes can lead to a marginalization of the gender mainstreaming in favour of the other changes.</p>

Enhancing the capacity of policy-makers to mainstream gender in trade policy and make trade responsive to women’s needs : A South African perspective

Nkuepo, Henri J. January 2010 (has links)
<p>The impact of trade policies on the pursuit of gender equality is often ignored. Recognising the link between trade and gender, this dissertation aims to enhance the capacity of policy-makers to mainstream gender in trade policy and to help identify ways for using trade to respond to women&rsquo / s needs in South Africa. In order to meet this objective, it analyses the impacts that trade liberalisation has had on the economy and on gender in general and in South Africa in particular. In addition, it evaluates the impacts on men and women in order to see if trade has contributed to reducing, accentuating or perpetuating gender inequality in South Africa. Findings have confirmed that Trade liberalisation has had both positive and negative impacts on women and men. But, they have also demonstrated that trade liberalisation has affected women and men differently having negative influences on the pursuit of gender equality. The research has, however, concluded that the impact of trade liberalisation on the pursuit of gender equality is influenced by other key factors. As strategy to mainstream gender in trade policies, the research suggests that policy-makers should analyse the implications for women and men of any trade policy before adopting such policy. This analysis would help him/her to see the possible imbalances of the new policy and implement policies and programmes to eradicate them. Also, it will help him/her to identify possible ways for using trade to empower women. The research is based on the idea that the elimination of the existing inequalities will put women at the same stage with men and will, therefore, contribute to women&rsquo / s empowerment in South Africa.</p>

Försvarsmaktens arbete mot en jämnare könsfördelning bland officerare / The Swedish Armed Forces work towards a gender balance among officers

Johagen, David January 2010 (has links)
The number of female officers employed in the Armed Forces is low. Of the total proportion officers, female stand for 4.8 %. The Armed Forces are currently working actively to level out the distribution. This paper is intended to create a better understanding of the slow increase in female officers in the Swedish Armed Forces. The study is qualitative and the results from the data collection have been based partly on a text analysis, partly on a theme-based group interview in which three themes have been discussed. The results are then analyzed through theories with the related areas: Organizations, genderand leadership. The study shows that there are no formal regulations that prevent women in the Armed Forces. However, it is possible to identify a number of factors that may affect efforts to achieve genderbalance in the organization negatively. The experience of gender equality is not permeated throughout the organization suggests a lack of commitment of managers at different levels. Furthermore is the conscription system, which only affected men, a major contributing factor, where a broad basis for recruitment of female officers has been lost. Finally may be mentioned that the fact that the Armed Forces currently is engaged in a variety of organizational changes can lead to a marginalization of the gender mainstreaming in favour of the other changes.

Jämställdhetsarbete i Barn- och ungdomsförvaltning : Från politiskt beslut till aktiv praktik / Gender mainstreaming in Child- and Youth Management : From political decisions to active practice

Westman, Hanna, Ljungquist, Lena January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att få en bild av hur jämställdhetsarbete implementeras i en offentlig förvaltning, från politiskt beslut i nämnd och ut i verksamheten. Undersökningen är utförd i en medelstor kommun och den valda förvaltningen är Barn- och Ungdomsförvaltningen. Denna förvaltning valdes för att vi anser att det är med barnens hjälp vi kan ändra rådande normer kring jämställdhet. Genom att utföra kvalitativa intervjuer i ett led från nämnd ner till verksamheten på förskolan, har vi fått en bild av vilka aktörer och vilket synsätt som krävs för att jämställdhet ska vara en prioriterad fråga hela vägen från nämnd till verksamheten i förskolan. Våra frågeställningar har varit: Arbetar organisationen aktivt med jämställdhet och i så fall hur? Vilka styrdokument och policys reglerar jämställdhetsarbetet? Vem har vilket ansvar i organisationens jämställdhetsarbete? Vilka resurser finns att tillgå och hur används dem? och sist men inte minst Är jämställdhet en prioriterad fråga? Resultatet visar att kommunen har svårt att implementera ett aktivt jämställdhetsarbete då det finns en avsaknad av en bred dialog, kunskap och att jämställdhetsbegreppet blandas ihop med jämlikhet. Viljan att implementera alla barns lika möjligheter är stark men kunskap om jämställdhetsområdet och tid att använda sig av befintliga resurser saknas. / This paper aims to gain a picture of how gender equality is implemented in a public administration, from political decision of the board to the practical work in preschool. The survey is conducted in a medium-sized municipality and the selected management is Children- and Youth Administration. This administration was chosen because we believe that it is with help of our children we can change the prevailing norms of equality. By conducting qualitative interviews with people of different hierarchical levels in the organisation, we gained a picture of which operators and which approach is required for gender equality to be a priority all over the organisation. Our questions have been: Does the organization actively work with gender equality and, if so, how? What are the governing documents and policies regulating gender equality? Who has the responsibility in the organization's work with gender equality? What resources are available and how do they use them? and last but not least Is gender equality a priority? The result shows that the municipality have difficulties to implement an active gender equality work. There is an absence of a important dialogue and the gender equality concept is confused with idea of equality. The desire to implement all childrens equal opportunities is strong but knowledge about gender equality and the time to use existing resources are lacking.

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