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以社會網路分析方法探測多元性別族群意識傳遞之研究 / A research into the dissemination of the LGBTIQ community awareness by social network analysis陳怡茹, Chen, Yi Ru Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路資訊技術的進步,同時也建構了人與人之間知識傳遞與情感維繫的各種不同社會網路形式與空間,透過瞭解人際之間的社會網路運作,不僅關係個人是否能成功實現目標,亦可協助組織解決問題與意識傳遞及運行。加上近年來「性別主流化」(Gender mainstreaming)政策影響,從過往兩性到現今多元性別的轉變,希望建立尊重多元性別的態度及平等相處的互動。本研究試圖將多元性別族群意識傳遞與社會網路分析技術做結合,以社會網路分析方法,來描述網路上多元性別族群意識傳遞之社會活動的特徵與其意義,對多元性別族群網路使用者的網上集體行為進行剖析,以社會網路分析方法呈現,從人與人的互動分析中,探討多元性別族群意識如何傳遞。並延續看見尊重多元性別做努力,不僅瞭解性別的多樣差異,更重要的是結合資訊管理方式,營造一個資訊管理融合社會多元性別族群友善的環境與資源連結。 / With the advancement of Internet and information technology, various online social platforms have been constructed for interpersonal affiliation and knowledge dissemination. Understanding how the interpersonal social network works helps not only a person fulfill goals but an organization resolve problems and spread its ideas. In recent years, under the influences of the gender mainstreaming policy, the idea of two genders has shifted to the idea of various genders with the hope to encourage a tolerant attitude toward LGBTIQ community and promote equal interaction among all people. The study intends to combine the dissemination of LGBTIQ community awareness and social network analysis. The intention is to depict online dissemination of LBGT community awareness and to dissect the collective behaviors of LGBTIQ community with social network analysis. The analysis of interpersonal interaction is employed to see how the LGBTIQ community awareness has been disseminated. The result not only helps understand differences among genders but also gives insights to know that the most important is to combine LGBTIQ community awareness with information management with the purpose to create a friendlier environment for LBGTIQ community combined with information management.
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Kvinnligt, manligt eller macho? : En undersökning av två branscher i samma organisation som upp-visar kvinnodominans respektive mansdominansBlidberg, Camilla, Hansson, Jeanette January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie grundar sig i en forskning gällande arbetet kring genus och jämställdhet i två olika yrkesbranscher inom samma organisation. Den svenska arbetsmarknaden är könssegregerad och granskas arbetsmarknaden närmare framträder den interna könssegregeringen. Det betyder att kvinnor och män med samma yrke och ibland samma arbetsgivare utför olika arbetsuppgifter. Enligt tidigare forskning har kvinnors andel av arbetskraften ökat kraftigt sedan 1960 och detta har medfört att ett stort steg tagits mot ökad jämställdhet. Kvinnor och män har valt olika yrkesinriktningar som resulterat i en könssegregerad arbetsmarknad. En bidragande orsak till att den svenska arbetsmarknaden fortfarande är starkt könssegregerad är beskrivningen av yrken och branscher såsom "typiskt kvinnliga" och "typiskt manliga". Utgångspunkten för denna studie är att ta fram mer forskning kring genus och jämställdhet. Syftet med studien är således att undersöka två olika yrkesbranscher som uppvisar kvinnodominans respektive mansdominans inom en och samma organisation. Tidigare forskning påvisar att olikheter i traditioner, förhållningssätt samt värderingar som är relaterade till genusmönstret bidrar till att kvinnor dominerar i hemtjänsten och män i de tekniska verksamheterna. Dessa genusmönster har stor betydelse för arbetsmiljöförhållandena eftersom det påverkar alla delar av vårt samhälle. Studien har genomförts med kvalitativa intervjuer sett ur ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Intervjuer har genomförts med personer med olika befattningar från räddningstjänsten, vård och omsorg (hemtjänst) samt personalchef. Resultaten från intervjuerna har analyserats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen. I denna studie har vi kommit fram till att den mansdominerade yrkesbranschen har kommit längre i arbetet för jämställdhet genom exempelvis lön och ombyggnationer till kvinnliga omklädningsrum. Samt att vissa av brandmännens partners är emot kvinnliga brandmän. / This study is based on research into the work of gender and equality in two different professions within the same organization. The Swedish labor market is gender segregated and is the labor market to be examined closer stands the internal gender segregation. This means that women and men with the same occupation and sometimes the same employer perform different tasks. According to previous research, women's share of labor has increased significantly since 1960, and this has led to a major step towards increased gender equality. Women and men have chosen different professions that resulted in a gender segregated labor market. A contributory reason why the Swedish labor market is still highly gender segregated is the description of professions and industries such as "typically female" and "typically male". The starting point for this study is to develop more research on the importance of the Swedish gender-based labor market. The purpose of the study is thus to investigate two different professions that exhibit women dominance and men dominance within one and the same organization. Previous research shows that differences in traditions, attitudes and values are related to gender patterns. This makes women dominate the home care services and men in the technical activities. These gender patterns are of great importance to the working environment, as it affects all parts of our society. The study has been conducted with qualitative interviews from a hermeneutic perspective. Interviews have been conducted with people with different positions from the emergency services, health and social care (home care service), and the staff manager. The study has been analyzed with qualitative interviews from a hermeneutic perspective. Interviews have been conducted with people with different positions from the emergency services, healthcare and home care services and the responsible human resource manager. The results from the interviews have been analyzed based on the theoretical reference frame-work. In this study we have come to the conclusion that the male-dominated occupational field has gone further in the work of gender equality, for example, new dressing rooms for women. And some of the firemen's partners are against female firefighters.
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Gender responsive budgeting in a large metropolitan area in South AfricaMaseko, Maxwel Makhangala 11 1900 (has links)
South Africa started the Women’s Budget Initiative in 1995 as part of its
commitment to meeting its gender equality objectives and gender
mainstreaming. However, in later years, research has found that government
Gender Responsive Budgeting or GRB initiatives in South Africa are either
dormant or dead. There is a range of reasons for this and some of them are
not directly related to gender budgets or even gender. Research has shown
that perhaps the greatest weakness is the lack of advocacy.
From the review of existing literature, it is clear that there is a need for strong
alliances between key stakeholders, which are Parliament, non-governmental
organisations, academics, United Nations and the media to sustain the
momentum of the gender budget process. Capacity building and training are
also important for budget officers, civil society, national and local
parliamentarians, given the low level of skilled financial personnel in
municipalities. The availability of adequate sex-disaggregated data is an
important success factor for municipalities so that they can deliver services
equitably to their communities.
This research is exploratory in nature and focuses on assessing GRB in one
of South Africa’s largest urban municipalities. It also reviewed the 2012/13
Integrated Development Plan through a focus on health, housing
infrastructure, safety and security and education. These are some of the wellknown
variables to ease the plight of the poor and are good quality of life
indicators for men, women, boys and girls.
The research method that has been used in this research is both qualitative
and quantitative. This study has found that there is no clear co-coordinated
plan for the implementation of GRB in this metropolitan municipality. The lack
of resources is also seen as the main challenge to GRB in this metropolitan
municipality. / Public Administration / M.P.A.
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Genderová stereotypizace u budoucích manažerů / Gender stereotyping among future managersFIŠEROVÁ, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
The aim was to find out about the gender stereotypes and prejudices among future managers. In this particular case, I dealt with female and male students of Enterprise Management and Economics. The opinions and stereotypical ideas of students in individual classes were compared. During field data collection, the semantic differential technique was used.
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“Jag är inte en kvinnlig kadett. Jag är en kadett på Karlberg.” : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga kadetters upplevelse av sin situation på Militärhögskolan Karlberg under studierna vid Officersprogrammet och i Försvarsmakten. / “I am not a female cadet. I am a cadet at Karlberg.” : A qualitative study focusing on the experiences of female cadets at Karlberg Military Academy whilst studying at the Officers’ programme and within the Swedish Armed Forces.Björklund, Stéphanie, Malmio, Irja January 2017 (has links)
Enligt Försvarsmaktens handlingsplan för jämställdhetsintegrering från år 2015 finns målsättningar om att öka antalet kvinnor i organisationen samt på högre befattningar (Försvarsmakten, 2015). Ett sätt att nå målen är bland annat att rekrytera fler kvinnor till Officersprogrammet men även arbeta för att de kvinnor som söker sig till officersyrket stannar kvar (Österberg, Jonsson, Brandow, Klockare & Eriksson, 2017). För att ta reda på hur kvinnliga kadetter upplever sin studiesituation och sin situation i Försvarsmakten genomfördes därför en kvalitativ undersökning där sex kvinnliga kadetter intervjuades. Resultatet analyserades enligt tematisk analys där tre faktorer framträdde; ambition, kultur och synlighet. Ambition avser förväntningarna på och under utbildningen, personligt driv, upplevda krav och familjebildning. Kultur inbegriper traditioner, bemötande och jargong, det maskulina idealet samt anpassningsstrategier. Den sista faktorn, synlighet, rör hur kvinnor synliggörs utifrån en minoritetssituation där bland annat identiteten av att vara kvinna förstärks genom Försvarsmaktens rekryterings- och marknadsföringskampanjer som ofta framhåller kvinnor. Kvinnor synliggörs för att de är kvinnor medan deras prestationer osynliggörs. Förslag på förbättringar utifrån studiens resultat är bland annat att Försvarsmakten bör se över det fokus kvinnor har i sin externa och interna kommunikation samt marknadsföring, involvera anställda på lägre hierarkinivåer i organisationen i arbetet med värdegrunden, se till att värdegrunden praktiskt tillämpas under utbildningen på Officersprogrammet samt införa ett mentorskap för kvinnliga kadetter. / Drawing on the content from the Swedish Armed Forces plan from 2015 for implementing gender mainstreaming, there are aspirations to increase the number of women in the organisation and in higher ranks (Försvarsmakten, 2015). One solution is to recruit more women to the Officers’ programme, but also ensuring that women who have already enrolled as officers will remain in their occupation (Österberg, Jonsson, Brandow, Klockare & Eriksson, 2017). In order to elucidate how female cadets experience their situation during their training and their situation within the Swedish Armed Forces a qualitative study was performed where six female cadets were interviewed. A thematic analysis was used to analyze the results and three factors emerged; ambition, culture and visibility. Ambition relates to expectations before and during the education, personal grit, perceived demands and family planning. Culture embodies traditions, personal treatment and jargon, idealizing of masculinity, as well as strategies for adaption. The last factor, visibility, derives from the way women are made visible from belonging to a minority where the identity of being a woman is further enhanced through the recruitment and marketing campaigns of the Swedish Armed Forces, who often focus on women. Women are made visible because of their sex, not for their achievements. Suggestions for improvement according to this study is that the Swedish Armed Forces should reconsider their focus on women in their internal and external communication. Further suggestions include involving employees at lower levels of the organisation in the work related to implementing the value system, where practical accomplishment of the value system is an integrated part of the education at the Officers’ programme and to introduce mentors for the female cadets.
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När kön gick från särskild till likställd diskrimineringsgrund i "världens mest feministiska samhälle" : En diskursanalys om hur könsdiskriminering framställs i riksdagsdebatten kring förslaget om en sammanhållen diskrimineringslagstiftningPolhage, Daniela January 2009 (has links)
Sweden is seen as one of the world’s most feminist societies. In January 2009 all grounds of discrimination were merged into a common law; Diskrimineringslagen. This paper examines representations of gender discrimination, linked to feminist perspectives, in the Parliamentary debate on Sweden’s new discrimination legislation through a discourse analysis. The aim is to find out how the perception of gender discrimination may be linked to attitudes towards the proposal of the new discrimination legislation. The findings are that two competing constructions of gender discrimination can be found in the empirical material; it’s either seen as a ground of discrimination as more fundamental or equivalent to other grounds of discrimination. The conclusions are that the perception of gender discrimination affects whether the proposal of the new discrimination legislation is seen as a good solution or a problematic solution. The representations of gender discrimination are linked to feminist perspectives in a clearer way in the discourse where the proposal of the new discrimination legislation is seen as a problematic solution; in this discourse gender discrimination is rather associated with taking structural gender relations in consideration than a problem associated with the formal regulation.
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Following the mainstream? : A case study on the women's organisation Kvinna till Kvinna and its potential shift in ideologySjöstrand, Jennie January 2014 (has links)
Abstract In the 1970s women started to be taken specifically into consideration when talking about development. Over time several approaches appeared where the focus varied from integrating women into existing structures in society (Women In Development (WID)) to changing the socially constructed gender roles (Gender And Development (GAD)). The latter was accepted by the international community in 1995. In 1993 a Swedish organisation who called themselves Kvinna till Kvinna (KtK) was founded with the goal to help and support women in conflicted countries to become equal to the male population. An organisation that was founded almost simultaneously as the gender approach was accepted into the international community - which approach would they go for? Which approach seemed to be the best in order to achieve equality? According to an ideology analysis of KtK's activity reports from 1994 to 2012, which was performed in this thesis, KtK seemed to have started out closer to the WID approach for a short time span, while rather quickly moving towards the GAD approach with which they have held on to date.
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Assessing the impact of integrated development planning (IDP) on gender equality and women's empowerment in South Africa: a case study of the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro MunicipalityMpofu, Sibongile January 2011 (has links)
The South African local government is expected to conform to all national policy directives including the principle of gender equality. Local government provides an immense opportunity for redressing imbalances and empowerment of women as they are the most negatively affected by poverty as a result of inequality. The South African Government has developed a wide range of legislation that ensures that women are empowered and participate in their own development. With all the legislation in place, women‟s empowerment as envisaged in the South African Constitution has, however, not yet been yielded the desired results as evidenced by the fact that women continue to remain disadvantaged in relation to men. This study therefore seeks to investigate whether and how the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality (NMBMM) has mainstreamed gender in support to the principles of gender equality and women‟s empowerment in the implementation of Integrated Development Planning (IDP) with particular reference to wards 15 and 17. The researcher used a mixed methods research approach, this means that the study followed both the qualitative and quantitative approaches for in-depth understanding followed in the design and implementation of the IDP process. Data was collected from women participants by conducting surveys, making use of questionnaires. Structured interviews were conducted with municipality officials in order to give more insight more insight into how the IDP process is initiated in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro Municipality. The findings of the study revealed that there is a lack of a strategic understanding of gender mainstreaming particularly by the leadership of the municipality. This as a result, has made operationalisation and engendering the IDP difficult. Due to this strategic vacuum, gender is generally not taken seriously when compared to other developmental challenges such as infrastructure provision. Moreover, the municipality does not have a coordination mechanism nor does it have a proper consultation mechanism to ensure that the nature of development projects is appropriate, effective and actually targets women‟s developmental needs. The leadership of the municipality must commit to the process of gender mainstreaming if the IDP is to be an effective tool in addressing the gender imbalances.
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Twenty years of the UNSCR 1325 - progress for whom? : Emxamining the impact at grassroot levels in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.Roos, Ebba, Holmgren, Elsa January 2020 (has links)
Twenty years has passed since the adopted of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, which aims to strengthen the gender perspective in conflict settings as well as address inequalities related to sexually gender-based violence. Still, the concrete impact it has had on sexual violence in armed conflict, is questioned. Additionally, it is questioned if it reaches the grassroot level in armed conflict settings. Thus, this study has examined what factors that may have hindered a successful implementation on a grassroot level in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. Furthermore, it has examined the concrete impact on the efforts against sexual violence in these areas. This was done by firstly, conducting a policy analysis using the “What’s the Problem Represented to be?” approach to identify underlying problematics within the resolution. Additionally, semi-structed interviews were conducted with respondents having experience in working with the resolution and/or sexual violence in armed conflict. The results showed, among other things, that the complex construction of the resolution have been a hindering factor for a successful implementation. Additionally, the concrete change for the efforts against sexual violence in conflict settings is lacking. However, the empowerment that the resolution has provided to those working with these issues, is still an important impact.
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Gender mainstreaming as a strategy for poverty reduction in small-scale community fisheries: a case study of Nandoni Dam, Limpopo Province, South AfricaInyang, Bassey Augustine 03 November 2014 (has links)
MGS / Institute for Gender and Youth Studies
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