Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gender mainstream""
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Bortom "att göra pojkar till män" : – En diskursiv studie om jämställdhetsarbetet i Försvarsmakten med fokus på kvinnor i det militära / Beyond ”making boys into men” : – A discursive study of the gender equality work in the Swedish armed forces with a focus on women in the militaryBeroun, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Sedan lång tid tillbaka har det ansetts att lumpen är något av det manligaste som kan göras, för det är då ”pojkar blir till män”, och det har funnits en föreställning om att kvinnor inte hör hemma i den militära sfären. Detta med anledning att kvinnor setts som fysiskt svagare och i behov av skydd från män, vilket har medfört ett hinder för kvinnor att positionera sig i det militära. Försvarsmakten är ett av Sveriges sista manliga yrkesmonopol som avsattes först år 1989 och det har ställts många krav på kvinnor för att de skall kunna etablera sig i myndigheten. Historiskt upplevdes Försvarsmakten ha en ”grisig” jargong, kvinnor ansåg sig bli illa behandlade av befäl och sexism var något som tycktes ”sitta i väggarna”. Sverige är ett av de länder i världen som har högst andel kvinnor i arbetslivet. Trots detta har Sverige en av de mest könssegregerade arbetsmarknader i världen. Försvarsmakten arbetar idag med jämställdhet i form av handlingsplaner för jämställdhetsintegrering och mål för att uppnå en jämnare könsfördelning men det är endast 17 procent av de anställda som är kvinnor, vilket gör Försvarsmakten till en av Sveriges mest könssegregerade arbetsplatser. Syfte och metod: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att medvetandegöra samt öka förståelsen för hur socialt konstruerade könsnormer upplevs påverkar kvinnors möjligheter att arbeta i, utveckla sin karriär och stanna kvar i mansdominerade organisationer, i detta fall Försvarsmakten. Nio semistrukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes på Trängregementet där respondenterna bestod av både kvinnor och män som är officerare. Utöver intervjuerna har även flertalet olika dokument granskats som primärt underlag för den diskursanalys som utfördes i studien samt att dokumentationen och empirin verkade som supplement till varandra. De diskursanalytiska metoderna som använts var delar av diskurspsykologi och Bacchias WPR-ansats. Intervjuerna och de granskade dokumenten utgör även studiens triangulering i syfte att erhålla ett bredare perspektiv och därmed gavs möjligheten till en djupare, mer träffsäker och fullständig bild av Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsarbete. Resultat och slutsatser: Utifrån den diskursanalys som gjordes gick det att finna att Försvarsmakten ser på individen som problemet snarare än att det är organisationen som behöver åtgärdas samt att det även är individen som skall utgöra eller skapa lösningen. Kvinnor har formellt sett goda möjligheter till att göra karriär i Försvarsmakten. Karriärutveckling upplevs däremot som allt för snabb så att relevanta kunskaper och erfarenheter inte erhålls i den mån som upplevs behövas. Kvinnor har dessutom utmaningar med sin identitetsutveckling där de slits mellan att inte vara för ”kvinnliga” men inte heller för ”manliga”. Därmed upplever kvinnor att de inte når upp till de förväntningar som sätts på dem eller så väljer de att anta en mer ”maskulin” form för att försöka anpassa sig till normen. Stereotyper och jargong påverkar således kvinnor ur en negativ aspekt i deras arbete. / Background and problem: For a long time, it has been considered that the military service is one of the manliest things that can be done, because that is when "boys become men", and there has been a notion that women do not belong in the military sphere. This is because women were physically weaker and in need of protection from men, which has led to a barrier for women from positioning themselves in the military. The Swedish armed forces are one of Sweden's last male occupational monopolies and was first set aside 1989 and many demands have been made for women to be able to establish themselves in the authority. Historically, the armed forces were perceived to have a "grubby" jargon, women felt they were badly treated by command and sexism was something that seemed to be deeply rooted. Sweden is one of the countries in the world with the highest proportion of women in working life. Despite this, Sweden has one of the most gender-based segregation of the labor market in the world. The Swedish armed forces are currently working on gender equality in the form of action plans for gender mainstreaming and targets for achieving a more balanced gender balance. But only 17 percent of their employees are women, which makes the armed forces one of Sweden's most gender segregated workplaces. Purpose and method: The purpose of this study was to raise awareness and increase understanding of how socially constructed gender norms are perceived affecting women's opportunities to work, develop their careers and remain in male-dominated organizations, in this case the Swedish armed forces. Nine semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted at Trängregementet where the respondents consisted of both women and men who are officers. In addition to the interviews, several different documents have been examined as the primary basis for the discourse analysis that was carried out in the study. The reviewed documentation and the interviews also appeared as a supplement to each other. The discourse analytical methods used were parts of discourse psychology and Bacchias WPR approach. The interviews and the reviewed documents also form the triangulation of the study in order to obtain a broader perspective and thus the possibility of a deeper, more accurate and complete picture of the armed forces gender equality work. Results and conclusions: Based on the discourse analysis that was done, it was to be found that the armed forces see the individual as the problem rather than that the organization needs to be addressed. The individual should also form or create the solution. Women have formally good opportunities to make careers in the armed forces. Career development, however, is perceived as too fast so that relevant knowledge and experiences are not obtained to the extent that is felt needed. In addition, women have challenges with their identity development where they are torn between not being too "feminine" but also not to "masculine". Therefore, they feel absence of achieving the expectations that are put on them or they choose to adopt a more "masculine" forms to adapt to the norm. Stereotypes and jargon thus affect women from a negative aspect of their work.
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玻璃天花板效應:中央行政機關女性公務人員陞遷障礙因素之研究 / Glass Ceiling Effect:An Empirical Research on the Factors of Promotion Barriers of Female Public Officers in Central Government Agencies廖捐惠, LIAO, JYUAN HUEI Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代,人力素質的良窳是組織致勝關鍵因素,隨著社會經濟發展與教育水準的提昇,女性就業能力及意願亦隨之大幅提高,使得職場的性別議題亦愈顯重要。近年來,在兩性平權呼聲高漲的氛圍下,兩性在政治、經濟、社會地位的差距已隨著社會多元開放而日益縮小,女性逐漸能在各個領域嶄露頭角,然而,「玻璃天花板」(glass ceiling)現象卻普遍存在於公、私部門組織,使女性受到各種無形的﹑態度的或組織的偏差所造成的障礙,無法獲得公平機會與男性同儕競爭,而造成「男性職等高、女性職等低」的性別不平等現象。本研究希冀藉由玻璃天花板相關理論的探討及女性管理議題相關文獻的檢閱,了解目前女性公務人員所面臨的陞遷障礙因素及兩性間的差異情形,並依研究結果及發現研提具體可行建議,提供未來人事政策制定及執行的參考,期使女性公務人力資源運用效益極大化。
本研究以文獻探討法探究包含社會心理、系統結構及入性別主流化政策等三大面向,並以性別角色特質、工作與家庭衝突、師徒關係、社會網絡關係、性別主流化政策認知為次變項建立研究架構,以行政院暨所屬中央一級行政機關為研究範圍,針對行政院暨所屬部會處局署等37個機關薦(派)任級以上男、女公務人員進行問卷調查,以各機關人數、官等(薦任、簡任)及性別(男、女)比例作為抽樣分配數之依據,再以行政院人事行政局2009年5月編印之行政院暨所屬各機關職員錄作為抽樣架構,取得有效樣本數411人,包含男性218人及女性193人,再以SPSS for Windows 12.0中文版套裝統計軟體進行描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關分析,經歸納分析及假設驗證,獲得以下結論:
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Mainstream and marginalized the framing of black athletes in Glory road /Gutierrez, Robert Daniel. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Texas at El Paso, 2008. / Title from title screen. Vita. CD-ROM. Includes bibliographical references. Also available online.
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Transversalidade e políticas públicas para mulheres no Brasil: percursos de uma pré-políticaPapa, Fernanda de Carvalho 18 May 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Fernanda Papa (fepapa@gmail.com) on 2012-06-18T01:29:01Z
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Previous issue date: 2012-05-18 / This dissertation discusses gender mainstreaming as a strategic tool for the management of public policies for women in Brazil. We start from a historical reconstruction, which takes into account the emergence of policies for women with the democratization of the country, and the paths taken to develop them in local and national governments. The research highlights the role of specific government bodies of policies for women, as well as the influence of international actors, that try to mainstream the strategy to promote gender equality policies in governmental and nongovernmental organizations. The conceptual discussion is followed by the analysis of the factors that influence the practice of gender mainstreaming, which is a gap in the scarce literature on this subject. The factors were identified from chat-interviews with policy managers involved with the National Pact to Combat Violence against Women, established in 2007. It is possible to conclude that, in spite of constraints and considered the opportunities that arise from everyday intersections among policy makers from different areas, gender mainstreaming may contribute to the advancement of policies for women in Brazil, but is far from what is proposed normatively about it. / Esta dissertação discute a transversalidade como instrumento estratégico para a gestão de políticas públicas para as mulheres no Brasil. Parte de uma reconstituição histórica, que leva em conta o surgimento das políticas para as mulheres com a redemocratização do país, e os caminhos percorridos para desenvolvê-las em governos locais e no nacional. Destaca o papel de organismos governamentais específicos de políticas para as mulheres, bem como de atores internacionais, que pautam a transversalidade como estratégia para a promoção da igualdade de gênero nas políticas de instituições governamentais e não governamentais. A discussão conceitual sobre transversalidade é seguida de análise sobre os fatores que a influenciam na prática, uma lacuna da literatura ainda incipiente sobre o tema. Os fatores foram identificados a partir de entrevistas-conversas com gestoras e gestores envolvidos com o Pacto Nacional pelo Enfrentamento à Violência contra as Mulheres, criado em 2007. Conclui-se que, entre constrangimentos e oportunidades trabalhadas a partir do cotidiano entre gestores de diferentes políticas setoriais, a transversalidade pode contribuir para o avanço das políticas para as mulheres no Brasil, mas está distante do que se propõe normativamente a seu respeito.
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The Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport : a management audit of process qualityKluka, Darlene Ann 26 May 2009 (has links)
The development of gender mainstreaming programs and proactive work aimed at addressing the historical imbalances of women in all sectors of society have become the staple of most international meetings with a concern for human rights. From a sport perspective, a number of organizations are keeping this critical issue alive at global, regional, international and national levels through policy documents, declarations and calls for action since 1948 to 2008 with the Dead Sea call for action. The Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport signed in 1994 by 250 signatories is universally regarded as the ground-breaking work on Women and Sport. Yet, despite years of campaigning and numerous policy documents, legislation and world conferences on women and sport, a marked gender imbalance in sport still persists. Little or no qualitative evidence could be found of clear process strategies to be followed by signatories of the Brighton Declaration on how to translate strategic intent into quality management processes to attain the envisioned result of the Declaration. Successful implementation of the principles of the Brighton Declaration depends on quality internal organizational processes and standards. The research question for the study was hence formulated as: “Do signatories of the Brighton Declaration have appropriate management processes and standards in place to translate the principles of the Declaration into sustainable practice?” The study was approached from a qualitative perspective as the perceptions of signatories relative to the quality of management processes have been evaluated. A questionnaire (Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient ∞=0.978) based on ISO 9001-2000 management standards was used as a research instrument and administered to 246 currently existing signatories of the Brighton Declaration. A response rate of 51% (n=125) was attained. Several international and regional organizations emerged as role players in women and sport. The United Nations provided leadership through conventions on human rights, Millennium Development Goals and declaring 2005 as International Year of Sport and Physical Education. The International Olympic Committee took initiative through quadrennial world conferences on women and sport since 1994. From the seminal “Women, Sport and the Challenge of Change” conference in Brighton, England in 1994, flowed three culminating results: the Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport, the International Working Group on Women and Sport and the International Strategy on Women and Sport. The Brighton Declaration signed by 250 signatories, enlarged and coordinated the global debate on women and sport as the first declaration to provide a worldwide ethical frame of reference and paradigm shift in social change for the construct of women in sport and women and sport. The issue of women and sport continuously remains on the agenda of global social change. The convening power of sport makes it a compelling tool for social change provided its potential is harnessed through sustainable management and processes. Social change necessitates an understanding of social change theories, stages of change management, the role of change agents as well as change management models. The major challenge facing women and sport groups is to translate strategic intent into measurable and replicable business process standards. Designing and institutionalizing processes and standards can be the mechanism to realize strategic intent and progress signatories through the stages of change management. Dawson’s (1994) processual model is used as a theoretical framework to conceptualize process management and to build a case for mapping business processes, managing quality of the processes, and continuously auditing processes through replicable standards. ISO 9001-2000 standards were selected as the instrument to audit quality management processes of signatories. Overall results obtained from the research questionnaire indicated an alarming ignorance of the Brighton Declaration as a benchmark of efforts to improve the position of women in sport and second an absence of management processes and standards to guide the process within signatories of the declaration. Only 2.8% of respondents indicated a process management system. Signatories have not institutionalized gender mainstreaming in a sport context. Results confirmed unequivocally H1 set for the study: the quality of management processes followed by signatories of the Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport (1994) to achieve the principles of the stated declaration is unsatisfactory. It was concluded that, in essence, the Brighton Declaration is an initiative to affect social change in the context of sport. Efforts to achieve the desired social change have to be managed and benchmarked according to change management models and processes to retain credibility and attain replicable and repeatable results. The ISO 9001-2000 is deemed a reliable instrument and framework to guide management process design, mapping, documenting, implementing, supporting, monitoring and controlling management processes. The alarming lack of management processes resulted in a significant gap between strategic intent and reality and suggests that the notion of gender mainstreaming feeds on emotion rather than replicable management processes. The Brighton Declaration as a seminal document will not impact substantially on achieving gender mainstreaming in sport as signatories have not succeeded in creating a critical mass necessary to tip the scale. Results also indicated that signatories are locked into the introductory stages of change management because of the lack of organized change. Low levels of competent leadership responsible for managing the change process results in loss of corporate memory regarding the Brighton Declaration. The study is concluded with recommendations and managerial guidelines focusing on building a critical mass, revisiting the significance of the seminal Brighton Declaration. A universal declaration on women and sport is recommended to serve as the nexus for global efforts to improve the position of women in sport. Signatories should adopt a managerial approach to the implementation of the Brighton Declaration rather than a social philanthropic awareness approach to move forward. Implications for further study center around investigating possible performance management systems in order to refine or supplement the recommended ISO 9001-2000 standards for quality management processes, longitudinally audit quality management processes at international and regional levels, and probing the possibility of formulating a universal declaration on women and sport to accelerate critical mass building in the context of women and sport. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted
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Underlying practices in gender discrimination :a case study of the department of education in the Thulamela Municipality, Limpopo ProvinceRamufhufhi, Ndwamato Silas 05 August 2015 (has links)
MGS / Institute for Gender and Youth Studies
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An exploration of gender mainstreaming in institutions of Higher learning: The case of rural university in Limpopo Province, South AfricaOkere, Barnabas Chemachukwu 22 September 2018 (has links)
MGS / Institute for Gender and Youth Studies / Gender mainstreaming has been adopted as a strategy for promoting gender equality in
institutions of higher learning worldwide, and not least in Africa. There are perceptions that most
strategic higher positions in institutions of Higher learning are dominated by men while women are
marginalized. This study therefore explored Gender Mainstreaming in institutions of higher
learning. In particular, the study was based at a rural university in Limpopo, South Africa. The
study was based on a Feminist Theoretical Framework, where a mixed method approach was
embarked upon. The study involved a population of 840 participants who were sampled to 84.
Purposive sampling was used to select 9 participants who were interviewed and stratified
sampling was used to select a sample of 75 participants who were given questionnaires. The
findings of the study are as follows: Males at the University of Venda continue to occupy higher
echelons of power. Women continue to be under-represented in the positions of Deans, HODs,
School Administrators and Directors. The university has strategies in place for female staff to
acquire equal representation in senior management positions. Factors hindering the
implementation of the 50/50 parity on gender stem from the lack of commitment from top
management, and the stereotyping of women’s roles. Some respondents indicated that they do
not know of the gender policy at the University of Venda. The university uses the Employment
Equity Act of 1998, but, it is not clear whether line managers are aware how it should be
implemented. Gender mainstreaming policy is feasible. The study recommends that there should
be more gender awareness activities such as workshops, conferences, and symposia for workers
and staff members in order to sensitize them about gender mainstreaming.
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Zohlednění genderu v českých bilaterálních rozvojových projektech / Gender Mainstreaming in Bilateral Projects of the Czech Development CooperationLacinová, Radka January 2015 (has links)
This work is based on the analysis of documents and conducted interviews with the aim to evaluate how and to what extent the Czech bilateral development projects reflect gender. It is crucial for an assessment how gender is reflected at the various stages of the project cycle. The research is framed by the twin-track approach according to which gender is mainstreamed and also projects focused on women's empowerment are carried out. To evaluate the research question the methodology proposed by Caroline Moser (2005) is used, which also evaluates the conceptual setting and institutional settings, making comprehensive analysis of gender issue possible. The paper examines two cases, namely projects under the auspices of the Czech Development Agency implemented in the period from 2010 to 2014 in the sector of water and sanitation in Ethiopia and in the health sector in Georgia. It was found through the research that gender is reflected formally in development projects. Formal consideration is a manifestation of the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic to reflect gender issues in the context of international development cooperation. However, there is still a lack of a systematic approach, under which there would be designed sufficient capacities, standardized procedures, clear...
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Ženy v manažerských pozicích / Women in managerial positionsHolušová, Petra January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse in detail the issue of the position of women in top management positions in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of the thesis focus mainly on the legislation and mapping of the current situation of the issue. The thesis also examines gender, gender identity and gender mainstreaming, all of those terms are defined in detail in the text. The first part of the theses builds an important theoretical base and explains terms such as glass ceiling and the mentioned gender mainstreaming. The work also investigates the issue of equal pay and employment of women. The practical part of the thesis contains its own qualitative research that was done with specific top managers in the selected company. The aim of the practical part is to compare the theoretical concepts of the position of women on the Czech labour market with the situation in a particular Czech company. During the research are investigated both opinions of top managers on the nationwide situation as well as the situation within the company. Based on the research results, the research questions are answered and recommendations for improving the current position of women on the Czech labour market are formulated.
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Banking the unbanked: Financial inclusion and economic sustainable development for women? : Decolonial perspectives on the gendered migration-remittances-development nexusKälloff, Heidi January 2020 (has links)
Over the last decade, a new trend of Global Remittances has emerged within the international development community, especially a growing interest in women’s migration and remittances, and their potential for poverty reduction and economic growth. Due to the staggering amount of transnational money transfers, migrant remittances have become a central component in multilateral discussions on alternative development financing, and has been included in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The present study thus explores the multiple ways in which this gendered migration-remittance-development nexus has come to play out the recent years, seeking to understand how the “banking the unbanked” logic along with microfinance profit-making agendas serves neoliberal governmental and infrastructural discursive formations of transnational migration and its development impact. By using a decolonial approach, the study uses critical discourse analysis to scrutinize selected multilateral actors’ policy documents to explore in what ways migrant women’s “financial inclusion, independence and economic empowerment” have been included in the goals and targets within the 2030 Agenda. The main finding is that the rights-based approach towards migrants in the sustainability discourse rather tends to dismantle migrant agency into monetary practices which have come to be an important means for the financialization of migrant and non-migrant communities as well as for the transmittance of western knowledge doctrines, and in turn, are to prolong regimes of “modern slavery.”
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